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Status Matrix

The full Stat Matrix, with no chips installed

The Stat Matrix (ステータスマトリックス Sutētasu Matorikkusu?, lit. "Status Matrix") handles Data-Sora's stat growth and abilities in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. Similar to Final Fantasy X's Sphere Grid, you progress on a line of circuitry within the matrix, which is segmented into slots.

Throughout Data-Sora's quest, he'll receive Stat Chips (ステータスチップ Sutētasu Chippu?, lit. "Status Chips") that can be placed in these slots, raising the appropriate stats and progressing further through the matrix. When Data-Sora levels up, he receives Level Up chips, that will grant him a boost to all of his basic stats.

Stat Matrix - CPU

One of the CPUs

Chips are powered by CPUs that appear throughout of the matrix. Chips must be installed first next to a CPU and then building outwards from it. If two CPUs are linked by a path of chips, it activates Dual-processing (デュアルプロセッサにしよう Dyuaru Purosessa?, lit. "Dual Processor"), which doubles the effects of the chips in the connecting path. While chips cannot be uninstalled, they can be replaced with other available chips.

The Stat Matrix begins with only a small area available, but each chapter that is completed in the story unlocks a new area, with its own CPU.

Scattered throughout the matrix are a number of features that unlock new capabilities for Sora. These include Bonus Boosters (ボーナスブースター Bōnasu Būsutā?), Command Expansions and Accessory Expansions, and Cheat Tuners (チートチューナー Chīto Chūnā?).

Bonus Boosters[]

Stat Matrix - Bonus Booster
Stat Matrix - Scan

Bonus Boosters unlock abilities when linked to a CPU through chips. Most of them can be switched on or off once they have been activated, with the exception of Scan. There are a total of twenty-seven Bonus Boosters in the Stat Matrix, but some abilities are activated through multiple boosters. If more than one booster for an ability is switched on, the ability will be leveled up.

Command Expansions and Accessory Expansions[]

Stat Matrix - Command Expansion
Stat Matrix - Accessory Expansion

Command Expansions are blue and marked with a key symbol, and they increase the number of commands that can be equipped in the Command Matrix. Accessory Expansions are green and marked with the image of an armlet, and they increase the number of accessories that can be equipped in the Gear Matrix. Each expansion activates after chips have been linked to both of its connectors.

There are a total of five Command Expansions and three Accessory Expansions in the Stat Matrix.

Cheat Tuners[]

Five different tuners appear in the Stat Matrix. Once they have been linked to a CPU through a path of chips, they can be activated to affect different aspects of gameplay. Using cheats generally has both positive and negative effects.

Some trophies can be obtained by setting the Cheat Tuners to their more difficult settings.

Cheat Name Description Matrix Section
Stat Matrix - Difficulty Cheat
CheatIconRCO Difficulty Cheat (難易度チート
Nan'ido Chīto
Changes the difficulty of the game. Raising the difficulty makes enemies more powerful and changes what items they drop. Initially available
Stat Matrix - Loot Cheat
CheatIconRCO Loot Cheat (ドロップチート
Doroppu Chīto
?, lit. Drop Cheat)
Tampers with how often enemies drop items. Raising the drop rate reduces Sora's HP. Available after clearing Traverse Town
Stat Matrix - Prize Cheat
CheatIconRCO Prize Cheat (プライズチート
Puraizu Chīto
Tampers with how often prizes appear. Raising the prize rate makes enemies stronger. Available after clearing Wonderland
Stat Matrix - CP Cheat
CheatIconRCO CP Cheat (CPチート
CP Chīto
Scales the amount of CP you receive. Raising your CP intake reduces the EXP you receive. Available after clearing Agrabah
Stat Matrix - HP Cheat
CheatIconRCO HP Cheat (HPチート
HP Chīto
Tampers with Sora's and enemies' maximum HP. Setting this to 0% reduces everyone's HP to 1. Available after clearing Castle Oblivion

Bug Chips[]

Stat Matrix - Bug R
Stat Matrix - Bug Y

Bug Chips (バグチップ Bagu Chippu?) are obstacles that block your progress through the Stat Matrix. They have a similar design to Bug Blox, and they appear in two forms, Bug Chip: R and Bug Chip: Y, which are colored red and yellow, respectively. They can be removed from the Stat Matrix by using Debug Devices.

List of Chips[]

Chip Description Obtained
Blank Chip Blank Chip (ブランクチップ
Buranku Chippu
Has no effect when installed. Gotten through Rare Prize Boxes/Avatar Sector
Level Up Chip Level Up (レベルアップ
Reberu Appu
Increases your level by 1. Gain enough amount of experience
Trophy Chip Trophy Chip (トロフィーチップ
Torofī Chippu
Increases your maximum HP by 2 and your Strength, Defense and Magic by 1. Gain a Trophy
HP Chip HP +2 Increases your maximum HP by 2. N/A
HP Chip HP +4 Increases your maximum HP by 4. N/A
HP Chip HP +6 Increases your maximum HP by 6. N/A
HP Chip HP +8 Increases your maximum HP by 8. N/A
Strength Chip Strength +1 (アタック+1
Atakku +1
?, lit. "Attack +1")
Increases your Strength by 1. N/A
Strength Chip Strength +2 (アタック+2
Atakku +2
?, lit. "Attack +2")
Increases your Strength by 2. N/A
Strength Chip Strength +3 (アタック+3
Atakku +3
?, lit. "Attack +3")
Increases your Strength by 3. N/A
Strength Chip Strength +4 (アタック+4
Atakku +4
?, lit. "Attack +4")
Increases your Strength by 4. N/A
Magic Chip Magic +1 (マジック+1
Majikku +1
Increases your Magic by 1. N/A
Magic Chip Magic +2 (マジック+2
Majikku +2
Increases your Magic by 2. N/A
Magic Chip Magic +3 (マジック+3
Majikku +3
Increases your Magic by 3. N/A
Magic Chip Magic +4 (マジック+4
Majikku +4
Increases your Magic by 4. N/A
Defense Chip Defense +1 (ガード+1
Gādo +1
?, lit. "Guard +1")
Increases your Defense by 1. N/A
Defense Chip Defense +2 (ガード+2
Gādo +2
?, lit. "Guard +2")
Increases your Defense by 2. N/A
Defense Chip Defense +3 (ガード+3
Gādo +3
?, lit. "Guard +3")
Increases your Defense by 3. N/A
Defense Chip Defense +4 (ガード+4
Gādo +4
?, lit. "Guard +4")
Increases your Defense by 4. N/A
Luck Chip Lucky Strike (ラックアップ
Rakku Appu
?, lit. "Luck Up")
Increases your Luck by 1. N/A
Fire Chip Fire +1 (ファイア+1
Faia +1
Increases the power of your Fire attacks by 1%. N/A
Fire Chip Fire +2 (ファイア+2
Faia +2
Increases the power of your Fire attacks by 2%. N/A
Fire Chip Fire +3 (ファイア+3
Faia +3
Increases the power of your Fire attacks by 3%. N/A
Fire Chip Fire +4 (ファイア+4
Faia +4
Increases the power of your Fire attacks by 4%. N/A
Blizzard Chip Blizzard +1 (ブリザド+1
Burizado +1
Increases the power of your Blizzard attacks by 1%. N/A
Blizzard Chip Blizzard +2 (ブリザド+2
Burizado +2
Increases the power of your Blizzard attacks by 2%. N/A
Blizzard Chip Blizzard +3 (ブリザド+3
Burizado +3
Increases the power of your Blizzard attacks by 3%. N/A
Blizzard Chip Blizzard +4 (ブリザド+4
Burizado +4
Increases the power of your Blizzard attacks by 4%. N/A
Thunder Chip Thunder +1 (サンダー+1
Sandā +1
Increases the power of your Thunder attacks by 1%. N/A
Thunder Chip Thunder +2 (サンダー+2
Sandā +2
Increases the power of your Thunder attacks by 2%. N/A
Thunder Chip Thunder +3 (サンダー+3
Sandā +3
Increases the power of your Thunder attacks by 3%. N/A
Thunder Chip Thunder +4 (サンダー+4
Sandā +4
Increases the power of your Thunder attacks by 4%. N/A
Aero Chip Aero +1 (エアロ+1
Earo +1
Increases the power of your Aero attacks by 1%. N/A
Aero Chip Aero +2 (エアロ+2
Earo +2
Increases the power of your Aero attacks by 2%. N/A
Aero Chip Aero +3 (エアロ+3
Earo +3
Increases the power of your Aero attacks by 3%. N/A
Aero Chip Aero +4 (エアロ+4
Earo +4
Increases the power of your Aero attacks by 4%. N/A
Cure Chip Cure +1 (ケアル+1
Kearu +1
Increases the amount of HP you recover with Cure commands and Esuna by 1%. N/A
Cure Chip Cure +2 (ケアル+2
Kearu +2
Increases the amount of HP you recover with Cure commands and Esuna by 2%. N/A
Cure Chip Cure +3 (ケアル+3
Kearu +3
Increases the amount of HP you recover with Cure commands and Esuna by 3%. N/A
Cure Chip Cure +4 (ケアル+4
Kearu +4
Increases the amount of HP you recover with Cure commands and Esuna by 4%. N/A
FireResist Chip Fire Resistance +1 (レジストファイア+1
Rejisuto Faia +1
?, lit. "Resist Fire +1")
Reduces the damage you take from Fire attacks by 1%. N/A
FireResist Chip Fire Resistance +2 (レジストファイア+2
Rejisuto Faia +2
?, lit. "Resist Fire +2")
Reduces the damage you take from Fire attacks by 2%. N/A
FireResist Chip Fire Resistance +3 (レジストファイア+3
Rejisuto Faia +3
?, lit. "Resist Fire +3")
Reduces the damage you take from Fire attacks by 3%. N/A
FireResist Chip Fire Resistance +4 (レジストファイア+4
Rejisuto Faia +4
?, lit. "Resist Fire +4")
Reduces the damage you take from Fire attacks by 4%. N/A
BlizzardResist Chip Blizzard Resistance +1 (レジストブリザド+1
Rejisuto Burizado +1
?, lit. "Resist Blizzard +1")
Reduces the damage you take from Blizzard attacks by 1%. N/A
BlizzardResist Chip Blizzard Resistance +2 (レジストブリザド+2
Rejisuto Burizado +2
?, lit. "Resist Blizzard +2")
Reduces the damage you take from Blizzard attacks by 2%. N/A
BlizzardResist Chip Blizzard Resistance +3 (レジストブリザド+3
Rejisuto Burizado +3
?, lit. "Resist Blizzard +3")
Reduces the damage you take from Blizzard attacks by 3%. N/A
BlizzardResist Chip Blizzard Resistance +4 (レジストブリザド+4
Rejisuto Burizado +4
?, lit. "Resist Blizzard +4")
Reduces the damage you take from Blizzard attacks by 4%. N/A
ThunderResist Chip Thunder Resistance +1 (レジストサンダ+1
Rejisuto Sanda +1
?, lit. "Resist Thunder +1")
Reduces the damage you take from Thunder attacks by 1%. N/A
ThunderResist Chip Thunder Resistance +2 (レジストサンダ+2
Rejisuto Sanda +2
?, lit. "Resist Thunder +2")
Reduces the damage you take from Thunder attacks by 2%. N/A
ThunderResist Chip Thunder Resistance +3 (レジストサンダ+3
Rejisuto Sanda +3
?, lit. "Resist Thunder +3")
Reduces the damage you take from Thunder attacks by 3%. N/A
ThunderResist Chip Thunder Resistance +4 (レジストサンダ+4
Rejisuto Sanda +4
?, lit. "Resist Thunder +4")
Reduces the damage you take from Thunder attacks by 4%. N/A
AeroResist Chip Aero Resistance +1 (レジストエアロ+1
Rejisuto Earo +1
?, lit. "Resist Aero +1")
Reduces the damage you take from Aero attacks by 1%. N/A
AeroResist Chip Aero Resistance +2 (レジストエアロ+2
Rejisuto Earo +2
?, lit. "Resist Aero +2")
Reduces the damage you take from Aero attacks by 2%. N/A
AeroResist Chip Aero Resistance +3 (レジストエアロ+3
Rejisuto Earo +3
?, lit. "Resist Aero +3")
Reduces the damage you take from Aero attacks by 3%. N/A
AeroResist Chip Aero Resistance +4 (レジストエアロ+4
Rejisuto Earo +4
?, lit. "Resist Aero +4")
Reduces the damage you take from Aero attacks by 4%. N/A

Debug Device[]

A Debug Device (デバッグコード Debaggu Kōdo?, lit. "Debug Code") is an item type that removes Bug Chips that block progress in the Stat Matrix. There are two variations of Debug Device, Debug Device: R and Debug Device: Y. A Debug Device: R removes a red-colored Bug Chip: R, and a Debug Device: Y removes a yellow-colored Bug Chip: Y. While a Debug Device: R seem more common to find, a Debug Device: Y is much harder to obtain. There are only four Yellow Bug Chips on the Stat Matrix. The area of the Stat Matrix containing Yellow Bug Chips are found during the events of Castle Oblivion.

Related trophies[]

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded[]

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See also[]

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