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Kingdom Hearts Wiki

This is a list of accessories found in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.

Name Description Availability
Adamant Belt Activates the "No Defense Cut" ability, which prevents enemies from cutting your defense Can be bought for 200 SP in a system sector at the Cave: Entrance
Armor Bangle Activates the "Round Block" ability, which powers up your block Can be bought for 10000 SP in a system sector at the Tree House
Blizzard Charm Acitvates the "No Freeze" ability, which prevents enemies from freezing you Can be bought for 300 SP in a system sector at the Hotel Entrance
CMOS Armlet Activates the "Clock Boost" ability, which charges up the clock gauge faster when you are down to 25% HP Can be bought for 2100 SP in a system sector at the Cave: Hall of Beginnings
CMOS Necklace Activates the "Clock Saver" ability, which stops the clock gauge from draining while you take damage Can be bought for 2300 SP in the Destiny Islands System Sector at Hollow Bastion pt II
Command Ring Activates the "Command Counter" ability, which lets you counter with a command right after you block Can be bought for 900 SP in a system sector at the High Tower
Compass Activates the "No Flip-Foot" ability, which prevents enemies from flip-footing you Can be bought for 1200 SP in a system sector at the Hedge Maze
Counter Ring Activates the "Block-Counter" ability, which lets you counterattack right after you block Can be bought for 62000 SP in a system sector at the Palace Gates
Energy Earring Activates the "Block Charger" ability, which lets you charge up the clock gauge by blocking Can be bought for 600 SP in a system sector at the Cave: Gauntlet
Eternity Charm Activates "Second Chance", which lets you survive attacks that would otherwise finish you off. Purchase for 50000 munny from the Shop.
Feather Chain Activates the "No Shoe-Glue" ability, which prevents enemies from shoe-glueing you Can be obtained by completing Selphie's second quest
Fire Charm Activates the "No Ignite" ability, which prevents enemies from igniting you Can be bought for 300 SP in a system sector at the Second District
Half-moon Armlet Activates the "Half Damage" ability, which halves the damage you take when down to 25% HP Can be bought for 13900 SP in a system sector at the Lotus Forest
Heat Sink Belt Activates the "No Clock Rewind" ability, which prevents enemies from rewinding your clock gauge Obtain all the Ending Cards
Heavy Chain Activates the "No Air-Toss" ability, which prevents enemies from air-tossing you Can be obtained by completing Alice's second quest
Immortal Charm Activates the Once More ability, which lets you survive combos that would otherwise finish you off Can be bought for 5100 SP in the Agrabah System Sector at Hollow Bastion pt II
Liberty Crown Activates the "No Command Lock" ability, which prevents enemies from locking your commands Can be obtained by completing Philoctetes third quest
Night Lenses Activates the "No Blind" ability, which prevents enemies from blinding you Can be obtained by completing Aladdin's second quest
Payback Ring Activates the "Command Payback" ability, which lets you counter with a command in midair Can be bought for 1900 SP in the Wonderland System Sector at Hollow Bastion pt II
Power Armlet Activates the "Attack Boost" ability, whoch boosts your Strength when you are down to 25% HP Can be bought for 90 SP in a system sector on the Shack Door
Safeguard Armlet Activates the "Defense Boost" ability, which boosts your Defense when you are down to 25% HP Can be bought for 700 SP in a system sector at the Bizarre Room
Strike Armlet Activates the "Critical Plus" ability, which lets you deal more critical hits when you are down to 25% HP Can be bought for 7000 SP in a system sector at the Vestibule
Thunder Charm Activates the "No Jolt" ability, which prevents enemies from jolting you Can be obtained by completing Cid's first quest
Wizard's Armlet Activates the "Magic Boost" ability, which boosts your Magic when you are down to 25% HP Can be bought for 280 SP in a system sector on the Accessory Shop door
Zip Watch Activates the "No Slow" ability, which prevents enemies from using Slow on you Can be bought for 7000 SP in a system sector at the Third District

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