Re:Chain of Memories script comprises the full transcript of Re:Chain of Memories.
- Notes
- Due to the game's non-linear order the worlds are visited in the same order as close to the original Kingdom Hearts as possible.
- The section titles are identical to that of the unlockable Theater Mode.
For other information regarding the format and layout of this article, see the transcript guideline.
Sora's Story[]
Promise of a Reunion[]
Marluxia: Along the road ahead lies something you need.
Marluxia: However—in order to claim it you must lose something that is dear to you.
1st Floor: Traverse Town[]
To Lose and Claim Anew[]
Goofy: Hey, ya think it's okay to barge in?
Donald: But we gotta do it, if we're gonna find the king...
Goofy: The king?! King Mickey's here?
Donald: Something just told me he'd be here, okay?
Goofy: Really? 'Cause now that ya mention it, I was kinda thinkin' the same thing.
Sora: Seriously? Me too! One look at this castle, and I just knew: Our very best friends—they're here.
Goofy: A-hyuck! Guess great minds think alike.
Jiminy Cricket: Wait, hey, hold on! It can't be just a coincidence!
Donald: Oh, no, Jiminy. Ya don't mean that—
Jiminy Cricket: Yep, I had it too, mm-hmm! I had the exact same feeling.
Goofy: Gawrsh, maybe it's contagious.
Donald: No, no. Something's screwy. We gotta go take a look.
Sora: All right.
Donald: Wak! Where are you going?!
Sora: That way. To the door. Are ya scared?
Donald: Aw, don't be ridiculous! Come on, let's go, Goofy!
Goofy: Hey, fellahs, shouldn't we shut the door behind us before we go? Sora!
Sora: That's it! Who are you?
Donald: Wak! Heartless! Oh yeah? I'll try some magic! Thunder!
Donald: Come on. Thunder! Thunder!!
Donald: Come on... Blizzard? Fire!
Donald: Why isn't it working?
Marluxia: I should think it's obvious. The moment you set foot in this castle, you forgot every spell and every ability you ever knew. In this place, to find is to lose, and to lose is to find. That is the way in Castle Oblivion.
Sora: Castle Oblivion?
Marluxia: Here you will meet people that you have known in the past. And you will meet people you miss.
Sora: I miss? Riku! You mean Riku's here?!
Marluxia: If what you to find him...
Sora: Huh?
Sora: What'd you do?!
Marluxia: I merely sampled your memories. And from them, I made this.
Marluxia: To reunite with those you hold dear—
Sora: What's this, a card?
Marluxia: It is a promise for the reunion you seek. Hold the card to open the door. And beyond it, a new world. Proceed, Sora. To lose and claim anew, or to claim anew only to lose...
Sora: C'mon—let's go.
1st Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon approaching the door.)
- [button prompt]: Select card
- You currently have only one world card.
- [button prompt]: Confirm
Friends Disappearing[]
Sora (on-screen): This can't be right... We're in Traverse Town!
Marluxia (on-screen): What you see isn't real.
Marluxia (on-screen): This town is an illusion created by your memories ingrained in that card.
Sora (on-screen): My memories?
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Forget about that, Sora! We lost Donald and Goofy!
Sora (on-screen): Donald? Goofy? Guys, where are you? What did you do with them?!
Marluxia (on-screen): They are at the mercy of the cards now. Master the cards, and their strength will be yours again.
Traverse Town (gameplay 1)[]
Marluxia (on-screen): The laws of this castle require that your friends be transformed into cards. If you value your friends, you won't fail to pick them up.
Marluxia (on-screen): Cards you pick up are added to the top of your stack. Use them, and your friends will come to your aid.
Marluxia (on-screen): The cards you use vanish, but they will reappear to aid you time and again. Cards are the hearts of your friends. Everything in this castle is ruled by cards. Whether an enemy or a door confronts you, cards are the only way to proceed. But you mustn't forget your own strength.
- [button prompt]: Jump
- [button prompt]: Dodge Roll
(After performing the new actions.)
Marluxia (on-screen): First think for yourself. Move, then use the cards.
On-screen: [button prompt]: Use card
(After performing the new action.)
Marluxia (on-screen): You now know how to use your strength. But it would be of no use if you lose sight of your opponent. I wonder if you can catch me.
On-screen: [button prompt]: Target Lock (Toggle)
(After performing the new action.)
Marluxia (on-screen): Good. Every move you make causes a card to disappear. If you use up all your cards, you will be unable to act. But there is a solution. Keep using cards until you run out, and I will show you.
Marluxia (on-screen): You have no more cards, and without them, no power. If you want that power back, you must focus. Bid the cards return to you, and they will.
On-screen: Reloading Cards
- [button prompt]: Quickly select reload card
- Hold [button prompt]: Reload cards
(After performing the new actions.)
Marluxia (on-screen): The strength of your heart brought back the lost cards. You can recall spent cards at any time. You need only wish it. But each time you do, the cards will take longer to return. The cards are by no means unlimited. Use them wisely. Anticipate the flow of battle— And choose the most effective cards. You may use any card in your deck.
- [button prompt]: Cycle cards left
- [button prompt]: Cycle cards right
Marluxia (on-screen): The four card types you use in battle are grouped into two wider categories. The first category includes attack cards, magic cards, and item cards. The second category consists entirely of enemy cards. To use cards from a different category—
On-screen: [button prompt]: Change Categories
Marluxia (on-screen): Cards will empower you whether you are attacking or defending. But it is up to you to decide when to attack and when to defend. Do not forget that.
Ruled by Cards[]
Sora (on-screen): Are you two all right? Where have you been?
Donald (on-screen): You tell us! When you opened the door, we saw a strange light— ...and the rest is just...blank.
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Gee, that doesn't help. Try to remember what happened. I have to keep my journal up to date.
Goofy (on-screen): Hey, Donald, where'd I get the new clothes?
Donald (on-screen): Wak?! Me too, Goofy! Somebody's been messing with our clothes!
Sora (on-screen): Could it be the cards again?
Marluxia (on-screen): That is for you to ponder. Master the cards and make your way through the castle. But from here, you walk alone.
Goofy (on-screen): Alone?! We can't let Sora go alone!
Donald (on-screen): Yeah! Sora can't do anything without our help!
Sora (on-screen): Thanks a lot, Donald.
Goofy (on-screen): You sure you'll be okay?
Sora (on-screen): Of course! You want me to go alone? Fine. I can take care of myself.
Marluxia (on-screen): Hmph, the hero speaks boldly. Go, then. The rest of Castle Oblivion awaits. Walk the avenues of latent memory, and you shall meet someone dear to you.
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): I've got a bad feeling about this...
Sora (on-screen): Relax, Jiminy. I'm ready for any tricks he's got up his sleeve. How hard can it be to figure out these cards? All I have to do is use one in front of that door over there.
Traverse Town (gameplay 2)[]
(After the cutscene.)
On-screen: You can perform the following actions in the field:
- [button prompt]: Move
- [button prompt]: Look around
- [button prompt]: Swing Keyblade
- [button prompt]: Jump
- [button prompt]: Dodge Roll
On-screen: Striking objects in the field with your Keyblade yields various results. Try striking the barrel.
(Upon trying to leave.)
On-screen: here is something you must do in this room.
(Upon striking the barrel.)
On-screen: Marked objects can be lifted and thrown. Approach and press [button prompt]: lift
(Upon lifting the crate.)
On-screen: Touching a Heartless on the field starts a battle—but you can strike the Heartless first to gain the upper hand. [button prompt]/[button prompt]: Throw
(After defeating the Heartless.)
On-screen: To open doors in the field, press [button prompt] in front of the door.
(Upon interacting with the door.)
On-screen: To proceed to the next room, you need a map card. Map cards are used to synthesize new, unexplored rooms. First, select the map card you want to use.
- [button prompt]: Confirm
- [button prompt]: Cancel
- [button prompt]/[button prompt]: Switch card types
(Upon selecting the only available card.)
On-screen: The number you see in the middle of the screen is the criterion for opening the door. The criterion displayed now means that the door will open with a value of 1 or greater. You need to pick a card that meets this criterion. Cards have marked values from 0 to 9. Zero cards (marked 0) are special cards which meet most criteria. The card without a marked value is a Keycard. Keycards are only used at special doors.
(After going through the door.)
On-screen: The swirling crystal in front of Sora is called a save point. Stand near it and press [button prompt] to open the save menu.
Leon and Yuffie[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Sora (on-screen): Hmm, fighting alone isn't as easy as I thought...
Sora (on-screen): Aah! Don't pop out of nowhere like that!
Donald (on-screen): Hey, it's not our fault! We don't know what's going on!
Goofy (on-screen): A-hyuck?!
Sora (on-screen): Pluto?!
Donald (on-screen): Things keep getting stranger. What's Pluto doing here?!
Goofy (on-screen): There's nothing strange about that. We came to Traverse Town with Pluto, didn't we?
Donald (on-screen): Did we?
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): No, wait! According to my journal, it was before you met Sora that you came to town with Pluto!
Donald (on-screen): Wak! He's right! We were chasing after Pluto, and that's how we ended up in Castle Oblivion!
Goofy (on-screen): But aren't we in Traverse Town?
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Well, it's not really Traverse Town. I think the card created this Traverse Town inside Castle Oblivion!
Sora (on-screen): Aaghh! Who cares about all that? It's too confusing! I don't know where we are, but let's just keep moving forward defeating Heartless! We'll get somewhere!
Leon (on-screen): You'd better be careful, or it's the Heartless that are going to defeat you.
Sora (on-screen): Leon, it's you! What are you doing in Castle Oblivion?
Leon (on-screen): Castle Oblivion? What are you talking about? This is Traverse Town. And how do you know my name? Who are you?
Sora (on-screen): !
Leon (on-screen): I've never met the likes of you before.
Sora (on-screen): Quit playing, Leon! We all fought the Heartless together! You know that!
Leon (on-screen): Look, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even know your names.
Goofy (on-screen): You don't?
Leon (on-screen): ...Sorry.
Sora (on-screen): I can't believe it. How can you have forgotten about us?
Leon (on-screen): I feel for you, but you've got the wrong guy. Happens all the time. Don't take it so personally, Sora.
Donald (on-screen): !
Goofy (on-screen): ?
Donald (on-screen): You DO know his name!
Leon (on-screen): Now, now hold on! Why do I know your name?
Goofy (on-screen): You think Leon's just kidding around?
Donald (on-screen): If he is, it's not funny. Sora's really upset.
Leon (on-screen): Who's kidding around, Goofy? You and Donald are the ones who—
Donald (on-screen): Hey!
Leon (on-screen): I don't get it... Something's wrong with my memory. What's happening here?
Yuffie (on-screen): I dunno, Leon. Maybe Aerith was onto something after all.
Yuffie (on-screen): She said she sensed some uncanny kind of power. And asked us to look into it. Well, this is as uncanny as it gets. Maybe you should take Sora to see Aerith.
Sora (on-screen): Yuffie, you know my name!
Yuffie (on-screen): Yep! Looks like you know mine, too.
Leon (on-screen): You know him?
Yuffie (on-screen): Nope! Total stranger. But I definitely know his name. Strange, yes, but convenient! We can skip the introductions.
Leon (on-screen): How is it that you can accept this situation so easily? I don't get you...
Yuffie (on-screen): Well, I'm gonna run ahead and fill Aerith in. Leon, you give them the grand tour. See ya later!
Leon (on-screen): ... I guess it's no use pondering over it. Come on, follow me. But there are Heartless wandering around town. I'd better teach you how to protect yourself in battle.
Traverse Town (gameplay 3)[]
Leon (on-screen): See the numbers printed on your cards? They range from 0 to 9. Higher numbers mean stronger cards. If you and your enemy both play a card at the same time, the higher card wins. Go on, try it out.
(After attacking Leon a few times.)
Leon (on-screen): See how it works? Playing a card higher than your opponent's and breaking through their defenses is called a "card break." Playing a lower card results in your attack being deflected. Even powerful cards can be deflected if the enemy's card is higher. Whoever is on the losing side of a break is left wide open to attacks. Don't let that person be you. Cards with 0 as their value are special. No matter what card the enemy plays, you can break it with a zero card. But if you play the zero card too soon, the enemy can break it with any card they play. In other words, it's the most powerful card if it comes last, and useless if it comes first. Try to make the most of it. Card values also affect the cost of assembling a deck. Keep that in mind. Now it's time to teach you how to stock cards. You don't have to use battle cards one at a time. You can also assemble three cards and use them all at once. This is called "stocking" cards. Stocking cards and using them in threes is much stronger than using cards individually. Go on, give it a try. Stock any three cards in your deck.
- [button prompt]: Stock one card
- [button prompt]: Cancel stocked cards
(Upon stocking three cards.)
Leon (on-screen): The sum of your three stocked cards becomes the value you play. The value is usually high and hard to break, and the combo attack deals a lot of damage. Don't hold back. Show me what you can do.
- [button prompt]: Use the three stocked cards.
- [button prompt]+[button prompt]: Use one to three stocked cards.
(After using a stock.)
Leon (on-screen): Combo attacks aren't the only benefit of stocking cards. Choose your cards carefully and you can unleash special abilities called "sleights." Sleights come in all varieties, and each has its own unique card combination. You should try it out once you've collected more cards and learned a sleight or two. But keep one thing in mind. Every time you use stocked cards, you lose the first card you picked. You can't reload it. The lost card won't return until the end of the battle. Relying only on sleights will cause your cards to run out. That means trouble.
A Gift from Leon[]
Leon (on-screen): Think you've got the hang of it, Sora?
Sora (on-screen): Yeah, more or less. I'll pick up the rest when I fight some real battles.
Leon (on-screen): Here, I found this lying around. You take it. Remember what I told you and make good use of it.
A Town Made of Memories[]
(Upon entering the Key of Guidance room.)
Sora (on-screen): Aerith, have you forgotten me, too?
Aerith (on-screen): I don't know whether to say "nice to meet you" or "good to see you again." I don't think I know you, but I still feel like you belong here.
Yuffie (on-screen): Yeah, exactly! Like we've never met, but it still doesn't feel weird knowing your name.
Sora (on-screen): But I'm telling you, we HAVE met. We took on the Heartless together. We were a team!
Leon (on-screen): It feels like you're right... But I can't remember.
Sora (on-screen): Then I guess you won't remember what you told me. In Hollow Bastion, when I sealed the Keyhole: "We may never meet again..."
Leon (on-screen): ...but we'll never forget each other.
Sora (on-screen): See, you do remember!
Yuffie (on-screen): He's right, Leon! I remember you saying that, too.
Leon (on-screen): I guess I can't write it off as a coincidence, then.
Aerith (on-screen): I don't have any memory of it, but somehow I still remember. I think your heart is doing the remembering for us.
Sora (on-screen): My...heart?
Aerith (on-screen): We don't know you, Sora, but your heart is full of memories of us together. Those memories must resonate in our hearts, too. Maybe they tell us things we couldn't otherwise know.
Leon (on-screen): So you're saying that Sora's memories are affecting ours?
Aerith (on-screen): His memories do seem to have a certain power.
Sora (on-screen): Maybe it's like that guy said, then. This town is just an illusion. Something my memories created.
Aerith (on-screen): And...there's someone special to you in this town?
Sora (on-screen): How did you— Ah, I get it. My memories are resonating with yours, telling you what happened. Yeah. A friend of mine is somewhere in this town—I mean, Castle Oblivion.
Yuffie (on-screen): Castle Oblivion? What's that? There aren't any castles in here.
Sora (on-screen): That's not quite what I mean.
Aerith (on-screen): You're still not sure what's going on yourself. Right?
Sora (on-screen): Right. We just got here, after all. I want to take a better look around.
Leon (on-screen): Then go have a walk around town. There are Heartless, but that's no problem for you.
Sora (on-screen): So you know I can fight?
Leon (on-screen): I can't say I know, but I feel like believing you. Let's leave it at that.
When the Bell Tolls[]
(Upon entering the Key to Truth room.)
Cid (on-screen): Well, whaddaya know. It's Sora! Wait, what am I saying? I don't know you. But you do LOOK like a Sora, what with the spiky hair and baggy pants...
Sora (on-screen): It's okay, Cid. That's my name.
Cid (on-screen): So! You've heard of me, eh? Well, I can't say as I'm surprised.
Sora (on-screen): Anyway, maybe you can help me out. A friend of mine's supposed to be somewhere in this castle—er, town. Got any ideas?
Cid (on-screen): Your friend, huh? Lately all this town sees is Heartless. Can't even take two steps without gettin' attacked. In fact, this plaza's the worst. Word is, a jumbo-sized Heartless shows up when that bell rings. If you value your hide, you'll get outta here while the gettin's good.
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh, maybe we should leave.
Sora (on-screen): Don't you want to see the Heartless?
Donald (on-screen): NO, we DON'T!
Donald (on-screen): The bell!
Goofy (on-screen): Be careful, Sora!
Beware of Your Memories[]
Yuffie (on-screen): So your friend wasn't here?
Sora (on-screen): No, I don't think I'll find him in this town. But he's somewhere in this castle. I just know it.
Cid (on-screen): Castle? Like this whole town's inside some humongous castle? Hoo, that's rich!
Leon (on-screen): He's probably right, Cid. We may not understand what's going on, but Sora does. He can see that reality is bigger than just this world.
Sora (on-screen): I wish I was that sure.
Leon (on-screen): You'll be okay, Sora. No matter what shape reality takes, you can handle it. I may not remember you, but I know you in my heart.
Sora (on-screen): Leon...
Yuffie (on-screen): Take care, Sora.
Cid (on-screen): I'm a little lost...but best of luck anyway.
Sora (on-screen): What's up?
Aerith (on-screen): I don't have all the answers, but I had to tell you something. Your memories created this town, right?
Sora (on-screen): That's what the guy who gave me the card said.
Aerith (on-screen): If that's true, then this town is just a figment of your mind...and so are we.
Sora (on-screen): can't be a figment! You're standing right here. The town is here, too!
Aerith (on-screen): But I'm not really me. I don't remember the things I should. And I sense things I shouldn't. Sora, beware your memories. In the journey to come, you'll be faced with more illusions. Sometimes the shadows of your memory will deceive you, try to lead you astray.
Sora (on-screen): So, uh...what exactly does that mean?
Aerith (on-screen): I'm sorry. I'm just another illusion. The truth is out of my reach.
Sora (on-screen): Don't say stuff like that. It's depressing...
Aerith (on-screen): Stay strong, Sora. Don't let the illusions distract you from what's truly important.
Sora (on-screen): ...Okay.
Donald (on-screen): Sora!
Goofy (on-screen): Are you ready to go?
Sora (on-screen): Yeah, be right there. Well, I'd better be going.
Sora (on-screen): Aerith? Aerith!
Donald (on-screen): What about Aerith?
Sora (on-screen): Where did she go? I was just talking to her!
Goofy (on-screen): Aerith left with Leon and the others, remember?
Sora (on-screen): Huh?!
Donald (on-screen): You worried us. Just standing there by yourself.
Sora (on-screen): Is this what she meant...?
Got it Memorized?[]
Marluxia: Well, Sora? Did you enjoy meeting your memories?
Sora: Yeah, it was good to see everyone. But what do you really want from me?
Marluxia: What do you have to give?
Axel: Hello!
Marluxia: What do you want?
Axel: No hogging the hero.
Marluxia: Then perhaps you'd like to test him.
Axel: Perhaps I would.
Axel: My show now, Keyblade master. Who am I? Oh, my name's Axel. Got it memorized?
Sora: Uh...sure.
Axel: Good, you're a quick learner. So Sora, now that we're getting to know each other better...
Axel: ...don't you go off and die on me now!
When Sleeping Memories Awaken[]
Goofy: Another one. What's it do?
Jiminy Cricket: Hmm. Kinda looks like the card you used when you made Traverse Town.
Sora: Then I guess we're gonna need it to keep going...
Axel: That's right.
Donald: Axel!
Axel: Did you really think after that introduction, I would give up oh so easily?
Sora: You were testing us.
Axel: And you passed. Congratulations, Sora! You're ready now—ready to take on Castle Oblivion. You will need to follow your memories. Trust what you remember and seek what you forget. Then you will find someone very special.
Goofy: You mean King Mickey and Riku?
Axel: You will just have to give some more thought to who it is that's—most important to you. Our most precious memories lie so deep within our hearts that they're out of reach. But I'm sure that you can find yours, Sora.
Sora: Why me?
Axel: You have lost sight of the light within the darkness. And it seems that you've forgotten that you forgot.
Sora: The light within darkness...
Axel: Would you like me to give you a hint?
Goofy: Sora—do ya need it?
Sora: I'm gonna figure it out for myself. If you're in my way—
Donald: Don't worry, Sora! We'll protect you!
Axel: Good answer. Just what I'd expect from the Keyblade master. But be forewarned... When your sleeping memories awaken, you may no longer be who you are now.
1st Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh, you think there are more like Axel and that other guy?
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): If we meet Axel again, you can leave him to me!
(Upon attempting to enter the next floor.)
On-screen: Moving to another floor erases all the rooms you've created. If you return to this floor later, you'll need to make new rooms using map cards.
2nd Floor: Wonderland[]
An Adventure Forgotten[]
Jiminy Cricket: Hmm...
Sora: What's wrong, Jiminy?
Jiminy Cricket: Well, ya see, what Axel said back there worries me. What could he have meant by, "You may no longer be who you are"?
Sora: I may no longer be me? How can I be anyone else?
Jiminy Cricket: Of course. Still, you can't be too careful.
Goofy: Yep. Feels like just about anything could happen here in Castle... Oblivi... Oblivi... Obliv—
Donald: Castle Oblivion!
Goofy: Oh, yeah! Now I remember!
Sora: We'll be okay. Whatever it is they're cooking up, we'll be able to handle it together.
Goofy: 'Course we will, like at that creepy castle we explored together, the one with all those weird contraptions.
Sora: Hmm... When was that?
Donald: Uhh... I can't remember. What was it called?
Goofy: Gawrsh, oh it was, uh... Holla... Holly... Holler... Sorry. I can't remember.
Donald: Wak! Stop goofing around.
Sora: Goofy, sure you didn't make it up?
Goofy: I don't think so...
2nd Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon approaching the warp point.)
On-screen: The swirling sphere in front of Sora is called a warp point. You can freely move to and from floors that you've already completed. Stand near it and press [button prompt] to open the World Warp menu.
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Harrow... Halo... Hmm... That's funny. Why can't I remember?
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): We'll be here all week if we wait for Goofy to remember!
Chasing the White Rabbit[]
Goofy (on-screen): Hey, somebody's comin'.
White Rabbit (on-screen): I'm late! I'm late! I'm dreadfully, awfully late! The queen will roast me for dinner! If I'm late for the trial, it'll be off with MY head next!
Sora (on-screen): What do you mean, "off with your head"!?
White Rabbit (on-screen): Oh my fur and whiskers! I'll never make it!
Sora (on-screen): Off with his HEAD?
Donald (on-screen): For such a peaceful-looking place, it sounds pretty dangerous!
Alice on Trial[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh, looks like some kind of get-together. What's the occasion?
Donald (on-screen): Hey, this must be that trial the White Rabbit was talking about!
White Rabbit (on-screen): Alice! Do you understand the charges against you?
Alice (on-screen): Of course not! I've done nothing wrong!
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Feigning ignorance, dear? You are charged with aiding the creatures called Heartless who threaten my kingdom!
Alice (on-screen): Fiddlesticks! Where's the evidence?
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): The evidence is...I forgot! That's the evidence! Because you, Alice, are the one who stole my memory!
White Rabbit (on-screen): We can't rid the kingdom of Heartless until we get Her Majesty's memory back. This is a serious crime!
Alice (on-screen): This is so unfair! So what if you're a queen! Don't blame me just because you can't remember things!
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Such insolence! You're talking to the Queen of Hearts! And to think I might have let you go, had you apologized straightaway! What a brazen thief!
Sora (on-screen): Who's the brazen one?
Goofy (on-screen): Uh, Sora?
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): The court has reached a verdict! OFF WITH HER HEAD!
Sora (on-screen): Hold it! This trial is a farce! You should investigate before you arrest innocent people!
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): What is the meaning of this? How dare you suggest Alice didn't steal my memory. I suppose you know who the real culprit is, then!
Sora (on-screen): Huh? I, er...
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Speak! Or it's off with all of your heads! Now, out with it! Who's the thief?
Sora (on-screen): Um...uh... ... I'm the thief!
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Say that again?
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh, really?
Sora (on-screen): Of course not! But what else am I supposed to say?
Donald (on-screen): This is really screwy, Sora!
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Cards! Seize them all!
Cards in Pursuit[]
Sora (on-screen): Whew...
Donald (on-screen): Wak! Where's Alice?
Goofy (on-screen): Looks like she escaped.
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Perhaps she did. But YOU won't!
Donald (on-screen): I think we've been trumped!
Sora (on-screen): Run!
The Cheshire Cat[]
(Upon entering the Key of Guidance room.)
Sora (on-screen): Things got a little crazy back there, but at least you're okay.
Alice (on-screen): I don't mean to be ungrateful, but...was that true, what you said? Are you the thief?
Sora (on-screen): What? Of course not! Why would I steal the queen's memory?
Goofy (on-screen): Yep, Sora only said that 'cause he wanted to save—
Donald (on-screen): —to show off!
Alice (on-screen): Is that right? Well, you saved me all the same. Thank you.
Alice (on-screen): It's the Cheshire Cat!
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): Feeling better after that mad dash, are we? Oh, but you're not out of the woods yet!
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): The queen's a stickler for justice! She won't forget you till she remembers! She won't stop hounding you till you get her memory back! Did she forget because she remembers? Does she remember that she forgot? Doesn't matter, I suppose.
Sora (on-screen): I don't know—I think we oughta just stay away from her.
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): But Sora, what about Alice? If the queen catches her again, it's off with—well, you know.
Sora (on-screen): Then I guess we'd better do something about the queen.
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): You should do something. But you don't have to do anything.
Sora (on-screen): Huh?
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): If you can't remember something, it's like it never happened. Likewise, if something never happened, you can't remember it. Try too hard to remember, and your memory might lie to you.
Sora (on-screen): Lie?
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): That's all I'll say. The rest is for you to figure out.
The Queen's Ambush[]
(Upon entering the Key to Truth room.)
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh, what's with the sudden change of scenery?
Alice (on-screen): Let's look around!
Alice (on-screen): Oh, dear!
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Thought you'd seen the last of me, did you?
Sora (on-screen): Uh-oh!
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Game's up, scoundrels! For stealing my memory, I sentence you to... I sentence you to...
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): ... I...sentence... ... Oh? What's going on? Where am I?
Donald (on-screen): Huh?
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): What in the world am I doing? Confound it, I can't remember!
Sora (on-screen): What's wrong with her?
Goofy (on-screen): Maybe somebody swiped her memory again?
Alice (on-screen): Sora, watch out! Something's coming!
Sora (on-screen): So this is what stole the queen's memory!
What's Really Real[]
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): You there! All of you! What is the meaning of this? Where did that creature come from?
Sora (on-screen): How would WE know?
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): So, you refuse to answer? You're hiding something! They're plotting against me! Seize them immediately!
Alice (on-screen): Please, Your Majesty, wait! It was you who commanded us to destroy those creatures.
Sora (on-screen): Huh?
Alice (on-screen): Your Majesty, in her prudence, didn't completely trust us at first. And so, at Your Majesty's command, we fought them to prove ourselves. Isn't that right, Sora?
Sora (on-screen): We did? I mean, we did! Your, uh, Majesty.
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): I...told do that?
Alice (on-screen): But Your Majesty, don't you remember?
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Don't be ridiculous! I never forget anything! Of course I gave the command. You did splendidly.
Alice (on-screen): Well, that was close.
Sora (on-screen): Way to improvise! I never would've thought of that.
Alice (on-screen): But the Cheshire Cat said as much. "Try too hard to remember, and your memory might lie to you." The queen would never admit she forgot. So instead, she remembered something... ...that didn't happen! She ended up fooling herself.
Sora (on-screen): ...
Alice (on-screen): What is it, Sora?
Sora (on-screen): Hm? Nothing. Well, I guess you'll be safe now.
Goofy (on-screen): And the queen won't give us any more trouble! After all, we got rid of the Heartless, just like she commanded!
Donald (on-screen): Don't tell me you've been fooled, too!
Journal Pages Vanishing[]
Goofy: Hmm...
Donald: Huh? What's the matter?
Goofy: It's that creepy castle that I was talking about earlier... I know I didn't imagine it.
Goofy: 'Cause that was the castle where Sora had to use the Keyblade to free Kairi's heart.
Goofy: Then he just disappeared! And I was so worried. How could I ever forget that?
Sora: Oh! It was when I turned into a Heartless! Wait. That a castle?
Donald: Aww... You forgot that? 'Cause I remember perfectly.
Sora: Then what's it called?
Donald: That's easy! It was...
Donald: Jiminy, help me... Is it in your journal?
Jiminy Cricket: Every word! I finished the first volume right before we got to this castle.
Jiminy Cricket: Now then, if I can just find it... Oh, here we go!
Jiminy Cricket: Let's have a look... Oh! How could it be?!
Goofy: What's the matter?
Jiminy Cricket: All my entries— They're gone! Every page is blank!
Donald: What'll we do?!
Jiminy Cricket: How could this have happened? I'm so careful with the journals! All that hard work is gone...
Sora: The journal's blank... What's going on?
2nd Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Once we get out of the castle, let's help Jiminy rewrite the journal!
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): I don't think Jiminy would erase his own journal.
Girl in a White Room[]
(This cutscene contains no dialogue.)
3rd Floor: Olympus Coliseum[]
Are We Losing Our Memories?[]
Donald: Something's screwy. Journal pages don't just vanish!
Sora: What's more things?
Donald: Huh?
Sora: Goofy was telling us about another castle we'd been to... But none of us really remembers it. Do ya think... Could it be that we don't remember because we're losing our memories?
Donald: Losing? Our memories?
Jiminy Cricket: Hold on! Remember what that mystery fella said? "In this place to find is to lose, and to lose is to find." It musta been our memories he was talking about losing!
Sora: So if we keep going, we'll lose more... Guess it really is Castle Oblivion.
Donald: So the higher we go, the more we'll forget? Does that mean everything and everybody will be forgotten?
Sora: Riku and Kairi too...
Donald: Do you want to go back?
Goofy: Don't worry, fellahs! We might forget about where we've been or what things we've seen, but we won't forget who are friends are.
Donald: I don't know...
Goofy: C'mon, Sora, when you turned into a Heartless, did you forget about me and Donald?
Sora: Of course I didn't!
Goofy: There ya go! No matter what happens, you won't forget your friends.
Sora: Huh...
Sora: You're right. Thank you, Goofy.
Donald: So, if there's nothing here that can make you forget about your friends...then we have nothing to be scared of! Let's go!
Sora: But when I turned into a Heartless...who was the one who took forever to notice and kept clobbering me?
Donald: How come you didn't forget about that?!
3rd Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): There's no way we could ever forget our friends!
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): If you're still remembering the silly stuff, we'll be okay.
Survival Cup[]
Donald (on-screen): Look, an announcement!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Hmmm... It's for some sort of contest. They're calling it the "Olympus Coliseum Survival Cup." Contenders have to run an obstacle course, battling each other along the way. And listen to this: "The great hero Hercules will also compete for the Cup." It says here he's never been beaten.
Sora (on-screen): Sounds like fun. Why don't we enter, too?
Goofy (on-screen): I thought you'd say that. Whenever there's a contest, you're rarin' to join up.
Donald (on-screen): You're going to compete even if we don't, right?
Sora (on-screen): Uh-huh.
Donald (on-screen): Guess we'd better tag along, then.
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Hold it, everyone. There's more... "Only contenders who finish the preliminary course may enter the main competition." It says the preliminary course is just ahead.
Sora (on-screen): Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!
Hades (on-screen): "Hercules is a model of true strength and gallantry—the perfect hero"?!
Hades (on-screen): Oh, he's perfect, all right. PERFECTLY INFURIATING!! Just thinking about that little sunspot makes me boil! HOO, I'd like to drag him into the Underworld!
Cloud (on-screen): Which is why you hired me.
Hades (on-screen): That's right. You're my man... Cloud, is it? Your job is to beat Hercules in the games. And once you've got him cornered... ...finish the job. Do that for me, and—
Cloud (on-screen): You restore my lost memories. As we agreed.
Hades (on-screen): You have my word.
Two Words[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Huh? Where did you come from? Don't tell me you guys finished the prelims!
Sora (on-screen): We sure did. And now we want to go for the Cup!
Philoctetes (on-screen): Well, you came to the right place. Not that you stand a chance against Herc.
Donald (on-screen): Why not?
Philoctetes (on-screen): Two words. You ain't heroes!
Sora (on-screen): You're wrong!
Goofy (on-screen): Yeah, he said three words.
Sora (on-screen): Exactly...but that's not the point! How can we prove we're heroes unless you give us a chance?
Hercules (on-screen): He's right, Phil. They cleared the prelims. I think they deserve a shot.
Philoctetes (on-screen): got a point there, Herc. But still—
Hercules (on-screen): Of course, we could always cancel the games.
Sora (on-screen): Cancel them? What for?
Hercules (on-screen): Old Phil's prelim course was so hard, no one else could finish it.
Sora (on-screen): Is that right? Well, if you let us compete, you won't have to cancel the games! How about it, Phil?
Philoctetes (on-screen): ... Okay, you got me over a barrel, so fine. Here's how it works, kid—
Sora (on-screen): It's Sora—not "kid."
Philoctetes (on-screen): Sure, sure, kid. Since your team and Hercules are the only contenders—
Cloud (on-screen): No, they're not.
Cloud (on-screen): The games have a new challenger. Name's Cloud.
Philoctetes (on-screen): The more the merrier! Now the games will really be something to see!
Hercules (on-screen): I'm looking forward to this. Don't expect me to pull any punches!
Sora (on-screen): Hey, as long as you don't expect me to take them! Let's give it our best.
Cloud (on-screen): Hmph.
Philoctetes (on-screen): Okay, let's get this show going! But first I gotta explain a few rules. Rule #1! First one through the obstacle course wins! Rule #2! In the event of a tie, a battle will determine the winner! Rule #3! You can interfere with your opponents on the course! And finally... Rule #4! All challengers have to give it everything they got!
Philoctetes (on-screen): All right, enough with the spiel. On your marks... Get set... GO!!
Cloud's Job[]
(Upon entering the Key of Guidance room.)
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh, that was nice of him to wait for us to catch up!
Donald (on-screen): He's not waiting! Remember Rule #3? "You can interfere with your opponents on the course"!
Sora (on-screen): He's looking to narrow the field!
Cloud (on-screen): You can put that away. I'm not looking for a fight with you, so keep moving.
Sora (on-screen): ?
Goofy (on-screen): See? He was waitin' for us to catch up.
Donald (on-screen): Well, we've caught up. Let's take him up on his offer and keep going!
Sora (on-screen): I don't see a downside...
Sora (on-screen): Listen, are you sure?
Cloud (on-screen): I'm not here for the Cup. Just Hercules. Today he loses more than the competition.
Sora (on-screen): You don't mean... But why?!
Cloud (on-screen): This is business. Stay out of it. Go win your Cup.
Cloud (on-screen): Do you realize what you're doing?
Sora (on-screen): Rule #3! You can interfere with your opponents. Right? You're not the only one who wants to fight Hercules.
Cloud (on-screen): Big mistake.
Stopping Cloud[]
Sora (on-screen): Cloud! Where'd you go?
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): He headed for the finish line! We'd better go after him!
Sora (on-screen): Right!
(Upon entering the Key to Truth room.)
Hercules (on-screen): You lost! Give it up, Cloud!
Cloud (on-screen): We're not done yet...
Hercules (on-screen): I can't guarantee your safety if we keep going like this!
Cloud (on-screen): Better worry about yourself. Looks to me like you're slowing down a bit.
Hercules (on-screen): Ungh...
Sora (on-screen): Don't worry! I'll back you up!
Hercules (on-screen): Sora?
Cloud (on-screen): Get all the backup you want. I'm going to finish you and get back my memories!
Sora (on-screen): ! Your memories?
Hades (on-screen): Now, now, Cloud, we don't want to spill the beans.
Hercules (on-screen): Hades! You!
Hades (on-screen): Looks like you oversold yourself. All you did was wear him down. This doesn't look good for your performance rating... Let me put it this way: You, my spiky-haired friend, are fired.
Cloud (on-screen): ! memories! We had a deal!
Hades (on-screen): Did you really think you could get back your lost memories just like that? Get a grip!
Cloud (on-screen): Why, you—
Hades (on-screen): Out of the way! I'll take care of Irk-ules myself!
Sora (on-screen): Hey!
Hades (on-screen): Rule #5! It's never too late to enter the games.
Hercules (on-screen): Hades, you were behind this from the start!
Hades (on-screen): Cloud may have failed to take you out, but he did break you down. Time for Plan B. Pack your pita, Herc, 'cause you've just won a free trip to the Underworld—paid by me!
Sora (on-screen): Hold it!
Hercules (on-screen): Sora, no!
Sora (on-screen): Come on, Herc—how can we go one-on-one if you're in the Underworld?
Hades (on-screen): Good point, kid. I guess you'll just have to go with him! Rule #6! There are no rules! Ha ha!
Not Interested[]
Sora (on-screen): What?! The games are cancelled? How come?
Philoctetes (on-screen): Two words! Everyone is pooped!
Goofy (on-screen): Wait, that was more than two—
Sora (on-screen): You gotta be kidding! What about my match with Hercules?
Hercules (on-screen): I'm sorry, Sora. But you wouldn't want me to compete in this condition. Let's have a match when I've rested up a bit. Can you wait?
Sora (on-screen): Okay. I'll hold you to that.
Hercules (on-screen): Then it's settled!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Sora, over here! He's coming around.
Sora (on-screen): You okay?
Cloud (on-screen): Yeah. Sorry I messed up your games.
Sora (on-screen): Hey! Hope you get your memories back! Forget about what Hades said. Sometimes the tiniest thing can make you remember stuff you forgot years ago. If it's an important memory, there's no way it could ever be gone forever. That's what I think, anyway.
Cloud (on-screen): That's for you. For helping me out.
Sora (on-screen): Sure you don't want to just come with us instead?
Cloud (on-screen): Not interested.
What's Important[]
Donald: Aw... I hope the king is gonna be okay...
Sora: Why bring that up?
Donald: I had to be sure that I hadn't forgotten him.
Goofy: How'd that go for ya?
Donald: Good! I remembered—we're on a quest to find the king.
Goofy: I remember that too. The king helped save everything by staying on the other side of the door to darkness. I think...
Donald: You got it, Goofy!
Sora: And me— I'm looking for Riku. He was with the king when the door closed. Hm. I guess there's no way we'll forget the most important memories.
Donald: That's good. 'Cause I don't want to forget...
3rd Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): I bet Riku and the king are still together.
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): We've got to find the king soon! I know I'll never forget that!
The Smiling Siren[]
Larxene: You seem pretty intrigued by this Sora kid.
Axel: Are you telling me you're not, Larxene?
Larxene: Haven't decided yet... I think what intrigues me more is what you see in him.
Axel: There was a time he became a Heartless. And if one becomes a Heartless—
Larxene: They lose their minds and their feelings... They're consumed by the darkness.
Axel: Right. But not Sora. He held on to his feelings, even as a Heartless. And there's only one other man who's been able to do just that.
Larxene: It's the strength of his heart... That's what interests you. Why the Keyblade chose Sora's heart.
Axel: To unlock the mysteries of the heart. Isn't that the Organization's mission?
4th Floor: Agrabah[]
The Good Luck Charm[]
Donald: Hey, I wonder if there's anything we've forgotten...
Goofy: Hmm... If we did, what would it have been?
Goofy: I can't think of anything, so maybe that means that I really am losing my memories.
Goofy: But whatever they were, they couldn't have been very important memories, right?
Sora: Right, or else I don't think you would have forgotten it.
Sora: Look.
Donald: What is it?
Sora: A good luck charm Kairi gave me. It's special to her, so I promised that I would return it. I'll never forget making that promise. It's why I could never forget Kairi.
Sora: Am I right, Kairi?
Sora: Huh?!
Sora: Oh... Do I know...that girl?
Donald: Hey, Sora. Where did you go?
Sora: Sorry. Never mind.
Goofy: We better keep goin'.
4th Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Kairi will be real happy if you find Riku and bring him home.
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): Don't you lose the good luck charm Kairi gave you!
Saving Aladdin[]
Goofy (on-screen): Look, Sora! Someone's in trouble!
Donald (on-screen): We'd better do something!
Sora (on-screen): Mind if we help?
Genie and the Magic Lamp[]
Aladdin (on-screen): Thanks! I thought I was done for!
Donald (on-screen): They just keep coming!
Aladdin (on-screen): Guess we'd better see if the legends are true. Magic lamp, my first wish! Get rid of these Heartless!
Genie (on-screen): Stand back, kids! Genie of the lamp coming through! Ain't nothin' I can't make right as rain—well, if we HAD rain in the desert.
Genie (on-screen): But enough dry jokes! One Heartless disappearing act, coming right up!
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh!
Donald (on-screen): Why didn't you call him in the first place?
Aladdin (on-screen): It's not that simple. You see—
Genie (on-screen): I couldn't have said it better myself. But I will anyway! I'm strictly limited to three wishes per master. And ixnay on the wishing for more wishes!
Sora (on-screen): So you've got two wishes left? Better use them carefully.
Aladdin (on-screen): I've got to get back to the palace somehow. But with all these Heartless...
Goofy (on-screen): Hey, Sora. We're headed that way too, so why don't we go with Aladdin?
Sora (on-screen): Sounds like a plan.
Aladdin (on-screen): That would be great! Thanks a lot!
Aladdin's Wish[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Goofy (on-screen): So, uh, why are you going to the palace,Aladdin?
Aladdin (on-screen): That no good royal vizier, Jafar. He tricked me into getting this magic lamp from the Cave of Wonders. The cave was crawling with Heartless. I'm lucky I made it back to Agrabah in one piece!
Sora (on-screen): Wasn't there anyone else there to help you out? This Jafar guy's got some nerve giving such dangerous orders.
Genie (on-screen): I know how you feel, Master. People have been ordering me around for 10,000 years. And what help do I get? I keep wishin' someone will wish me outta this gig. But go figure the odds on that.
Aladdin (on-screen): Well, how 'bout I use my third wish to set you free?
Genie (on-screen): Doth my pointy ears deceive me? Master, you'd do that for me? You're not just pullin' my topknot now, are you?
Aladdin (on-screen): I promise, Genie. Anyway, there's only one thing I really want.
Genie (on-screen): Then we'll just have to DO something about that, Al! Can I call you Al? So, what'll it be? Fame? Fortune? A herd of luxury camels to call your very own?
Aladdin (on-screen): Well, there's this girl. Her name is Jasmine. She's princess of Agrabah. And...that's the problem. It's hard for a "street rat" like me to get a chance to see her. That's how this all started. I thought if I went to the Cave of Wonders, I could get the treasure, and maybe then Jasmine would want to meet me.
Sora (on-screen): Sounds like your wish should be that you can see Jasmine anytime you want, huh?
Genie (on-screen): Well, I've got just the package for you! You'll not only meet the lady, you'll go in style... PRINCE ALI! How d'ya like the sound of that, Al?
Aladdin (on-screen): Me, a prince! Can you really do that?
Genie (on-screen): In an Agrabah minute!
Aladdin (on-screen): I guess the legends were true after all. C'mon, let's get to the palace!
Jasmine in Danger[]
(Upon entering the Key of Guidance room.)
Donald (on-screen): Wak! Look at that!
Aladdin (on-screen): Who is that...?
Aladdin (on-screen): It's Jasmine!
Goofy (on-screen): She needs our help!
Sora (on-screen): We'll never make it in time!
Aladdin (on-screen): Then I've no choice. Genie, I wish for you to save Jasmine!
Genie (on-screen): Can do! CHAAARGE!
Aladdin (on-screen): Jasmine!
Goofy (on-screen): We're lucky! She fainted, but it looks like she's okay.
Sora (on-screen): But now you've only got one wish left.
Aladdin (on-screen): Not again! Sorry, Genie. But you're the only one who can—
Sora (on-screen): Wait! This is your last wish! Don't waste it. This time, let US handle the wish-granting!
Jafar's Ambitions[]
Sora (on-screen): See? We didn't need Genie this time.
Aladdin (on-screen): Thanks, Sora. But I'm still down to my last wish...
Sora (on-screen): What—
Donald (on-screen): Wak! What's happening?
Aladdin (on-screen): Oh, no! The lamp! It's gone!
Jafar (on-screen): Hmm, it seems my plans have gone amiss. I was certain you'd waste your last wish... ...what with poor Jasmine in distress and these delightful creatures to deal with. But no matter. At last the lamp and its genie are mine to command!
Aladdin (on-screen): Why are you doing this, Jafar? You've got the lamp! What more do you want?
Jafar (on-screen): Such an interesting question. You see, I knew you were going to use the lamp to try and win Jasmine's heart. But we can't have that, now, can we? Because I am the one Jasmine will marry!
Sora (on-screen): You?!
Jafar (on-screen): Certainly you realize that if I marry the Princess, then nothing can stop me from becoming Sultan! You're nothing more than a pawn in my game, street rat! Genie! My first wish! Deliver Jasmine to me!
Aladdin (on-screen): Genie! What are you doing?!
Genie (on-screen): Sorry, Al. My hands are tied on this one. I gotta obey whoever has his mitts on the lamp.
Jafar (on-screen): Precisely. Farewell, fool!
Aladdin (on-screen): Great. Now I've lost Jasmine AND the lamp.
Sora (on-screen): You can feel bad about it some other time! If you don't pull yourself together, you'll never see Jasmine again! You lost the lamp. So what? You can still save her on your own! Losing someone you care about is bad, but not as bad as never getting them back!
Aladdin (on-screen): Sora... You're right. I can't give up now! I've gotta save Jasmine!
Donald (on-screen): But Jafar's got the lamp. We can't just walk up to him and expect to win...
Aladdin (on-screen): Maybe we can. I've got an idea. Listen up!
(Upon entering the Key to Truth room.)
Jafar (on-screen): What's this? Has Aladdin given up on his precious Jasmine already? Well, I'm not going to waste a wish on the likes of you three. I'll deal with you myself!
Sora (on-screen): Aladdin! Now!
Jafar (on-screen): What? You! Genie, seize him!
Genie (on-screen): Al, forgive me!
Aladdin (on-screen): Gr...
Aladdin (on-screen): You fell for it, Jafar!
Jafar (on-screen): What do you mean?!
Sora (on-screen): He means that you just blew your second wish! Only one left!
Aladdin (on-screen): Go ahead, use it to win Jasmine's heart. You'll still have us to deal with!
Genie (on-screen): Oh, NOW I get it. Al, you are so clever!
Jafar (on-screen): Well, well. The cunning of a rat. But unfortunately, you can't see beyond the bait. Your little ploy changes nothing! I can crush you once and for all AND make Jasmine my own! Genie! My last wish! Transform me into an all- powerful genie!
Sora (on-screen): It's so hot! Jafar must be doing this...
The Last Wish[]
Donald (on-screen): We rescued Jasmine AND we got the lamp back!
Goofy (on-screen): You still have one wish left, Aladdin.
Genie (on-screen): He sure does. Time for me to make a prince outta this guy! Course, I'd like to be free, but like they always say, genies can't be choosers. You're probably miffed about that whole puppet-of-Jafar thing, anyway. Go on, Al. Wish for what's really in your heart. Be a prince. Get the girl.
Aladdin (on-screen): Okay, here goes. Genie, I wish for your freedom!
Genie (on-screen): But Al...!
Aladdin (on-screen): Now no one like Jafar can use you for evil again. Genie, you're free!
Genie (on-screen): Al, I'll never forget this. But what about Jasmine? What are you gonna do?
Aladdin (on-screen): I was wrong, Genie. If I used your help to win Jasmine... ...I'd be no better than Jafar. Jasmine means the world to me. I want to show her the real me.
Sora (on-screen): That's the spirit!
Aladdin (on-screen): Thanks, and good luck to you, too.
Sora (on-screen): What for?
Aladdin (on-screen): I was ready to give up back there, but what you said really kept me going. That's when it hit me. You must be looking for someone you care about, too.
Sora (on-screen): Yeah...
Aladdin (on-screen): Listen, Genie...
Genie (on-screen): Say no more, little pal! I know JUST what you're thinking. Here you go, Sora!
Genie (on-screen): Whenever you need me, just call. That okay with you, Al?
Aladdin (on-screen): Of course!
Sora (on-screen): Are you sure?
Genie (on-screen): Anytime at all. Hey, without you guys, I might never have been able to ditch that lamp! And I thinkAladdinwill be fine without me for at least a little while.
Sora (on-screen): I see. Thanks!
Aladdin (on-screen): Let's hope both our wishes come true, then. Take care, Sora!
Memories Come Awake[]
Sora: Who could that have been before in my memory? It wasn't Kairi... But another...girl? Maybe... I think her name was...
Donald: Sora!
Sora: Aah!
Donald: Let's go! You want to find Riku and the king, don't you?
Sora: Um, sure. Man. It was right on the tip of my tongue...
4th Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): What's on your mind, Sora? Seems like you're in another world.
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): Snap out of it! We've gotta find the king and Riku!
Girl Drawing Memories[]
(This cutscene contains no dialogue.)
5th Floor: Monstro[]
Memory of Another[]
Sora: I remember!
Donald & Goofy: Huh?
Sora: There was another girl!
Goofy: What? A girl? Where?
Sora: No, no, I mean on the islands where I used to live. Besides Kairi and Riku, there was one other girl I was friends with. The four of us played together all the time.
Jiminy Cricket: Sora... Seems to me that's the first time you've mentioned her.
Sora: Yeah...I guess I forgot all about her. I think...she just suddenly went away when I was still really little.
Donald: What do you think made you remember that now?
Sora: I'm not sure. But it's been coming back in pieces as we go through the castle.
Goofy: Gawrsh, do ya remember her name?
Sora: I don't remember. I feel kinda dumb. We said we weren't gonna forget our friends, and well now... I can't even remember her name.
Donald: Sora...
Goofy: Aww, you shouldn't be worryin', none! If it's been coming back to you in pieces... You're sure to remember her name just like everything else!
5th Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Something or another is bound to make you remember your friend's name.
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): Another friend, huh? Why didn't you mention her before?
Pinocchio and Jiminy[]
Sora (on-screen): What a weird place! Everything's kinda springy and soft.
Goofy (on-screen): Nice and warm, too. I'm startin' to feel like a nap.
Pinocchio (on-screen): I think you should be a little more worried.
Donald (on-screen): Who's there?
Pinocchio (on-screen): You're inside the belly of Monstro the Whale.
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Why, I know that voice... Pinocchio? Pinoke, it's you! Come on out!
Pinocchio (on-screen): Is that you, Jiminy? Gosh, I thought I'd never see you again!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Gee, there's no way you wouldn't find me again. I'm your conscience. And your conscience will always be your guide. Remember?
Pinocchio (on-screen): Sure, Jiminy. And I've been a good boy, promise. I didn't tell a single lie.
Pinocchio (on-screen): Uh-oh!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Well, for Pete's sake!
Pinocchio (on-screen): Oops! did YOU end up inside Monstro, anyway?
Sora (on-screen): We, uh, sort of used a special way...
Goofy (on-screen): It's so special, we don't know how we did it!
Pinocchio (on-screen): That's too bad... I was hoping you could help me and Father get out of here.
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Well, I'll be! Geppetto's here, too?
Pinocchio (on-screen): Sure he is. Follow me!
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Geppetto!
Geppetto (on-screen): Bless my soul, it's Jiminy Cricket. How in the world did you get here?
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): You tell me! How does a clockmaker wind up in the belly of a whale?
Geppetto (on-screen): Well, it's a long story...
Donald (on-screen): So you sailed out to look for Pinocchio...
Goofy (on-screen): ...and Monstro swallowed you!
Geppetto (on-screen): Yes, but I found my son. I would do anything for my Pinocchio.
Sora (on-screen): But now you can't get out, can you? Being stuck in the belly of a whale is awful.
Geppetto (on-screen): Not if Pinocchio and I are together. That makes everything a little bit better. There's nothing better than being reunited with someone you care about.
Sora (on-screen): Yeah... I know what you mean.
Geppetto (on-screen): I don't care if I'm trapped here, so long as I have Pinocchio. He's such a good boy.
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Well, he still tells fibs. But with a little help from me...
Geppetto (on-screen): Oh, Jiminy, you worry too much.
Sora (on-screen): Speaking of Pinocchio... Where is he?
Donald (on-screen): He was here a minute ago. Where's he gone this time?
Geppetto (on-screen): I expect he's off exploring. That boy has been poking around just about everywhere inside this monster. He won't tell me why it's so important. I tell him it's dangerous, but he won't listen.
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): That boy's a handful! Sora, if you don't mind...
Sora (on-screen): I know, I know. You want us to help you find him, right? C'mon, guys, let's get going!
Why He Lied[]
(Upon entering the Key of Guidance room.)
Pinocchio (on-screen): Oh!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Pinocchio! What are you thinking?! You know Geppetto worries when you wander off by yourself.
Donald (on-screen): Jiminy was worried, too!
Pinocchio (on-screen): I'm sorry...
Sora (on-screen): What are you doing, anyway? Looking for something?
Pinocchio (on-screen): Um...yeah, I'm looking for treasure!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Here we go again!
Pinocchio (on-screen): But, Jiminy...
Goofy (on-screen): Now, don't be so hard on the little fella, Jiminy. We promise not to get mad, Pinocchio. Is that why you're afraid to tell? No need to fret. Tell us the truth—we'll understand. Put yer trust in Goofy!
Pinocchio (on-screen): ... I was looking for a way out. Father says he's happy, but it's my fault we're stuck here. I shouldn't have run away from home. I want to help Father get home to the workshop. But he'll worry if I tell him what I'm doing.
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): So that's why you thought you had to tell a lie.
Goofy (on-screen): You did it 'cause you love your dad!
Donald (on-screen): All you need now is courage!
Pinocchio (on-screen): What?
Donald (on-screen): Tell Geppetto the truth. With a little courage, you can do it! If you tell him how you really feel, I bet he'll help you find a way out.
Sora (on-screen): And we'll give you a hand!
Pinocchio (on-screen): Really? You'll help us? Okay, I'll give it a try! Wish me luck, Jiminy!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): No more keeping secrets, then. Have we got a deal?
Pinocchio (on-screen): Sure! I'll be brave and tell Father how I really feel. No lies this time!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Great! Then your nose won't—
Sora (on-screen): What's happening?!
Donald (on-screen): I got a bad feeling about this!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Pinocchio, run for it!
Pinocchio's Courage[]
Sora (on-screen): Pinocchio!
Pinocchio (on-screen): Help! I'm trapped!
Sora (on-screen): What?!
Pinocchio (on-screen): Help me! I'm scared!
Sora (on-screen): Pinocchio, be brave!
Pinocchio (on-screen): How?
Sora (on-screen): Don't give up! Try fighting your way out!
Pinocchio (on-screen): Be brave... Okay, I'll try!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Pinocchio, are you all right?
Pinocchio (on-screen): Don't worry, I'm okay. Just a little sticky...
Pinocchio (on-screen): But I have a great idea! That thing spit me out when I started fighting back. Why don't we try the same thing with Monstro?
Sora (on-screen): Of course! If we're lucky, Monstro might cough us up!
Donald (on-screen): Great idea! Let's go deeper inside and try it!
Pinocchio (on-screen): I'm going, too!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): No, it's too dangerous.
Pinocchio (on-screen): Aww, c'mon...
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): You should be with Geppetto. No use escaping from Monstro if you two get separated again!
Sora (on-screen): Leave this to us.
Pinocchio (on-screen): I guess you're right. Be careful, everybody!
Belly Brawl[]
(Upon entering the Key to Truth room.)
Goofy (on-screen): Looks like this is as far as we go.
Sora (on-screen): Ready, then? Let's shake things up!
Donald (on-screen): It would be easier if we had someone to fight...
Sora (on-screen): Perfect timing. Looks like we've got company!
Monstro (gameplay)[]
- Monstro's Belly Brawl
- Defeat the Heartless to fill the gauge!
- Fill the gauge within the time limit!
- Careful! The gauge will decrease with time!
(Upon failing to fill the bar within the time limit.)
Donald: All right, Monstro! Cough us up this instant!
On-screen: (...)
Goofy: It didn't work...
Sora: I wonder why??
Jiminy Cricket: We'll just have to put up a better fight. It might work if we defeat the Heartless, one right after another.
Goofy: Wanna give it another go?
- Let's wait a while.
- Let's do it again!
(Upon returning after selecting 'Let's wait a while.'.)
Sora: You guys ready? This time we'll get it right!
Monstro's Sneeze[]
Sora (on-screen): Whew...
Goofy (on-screen): A-hyuck?
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): It's working! Monstro's gonna sneeze!
Till We Meet Again[]
Sora (on-screen): Oww... Now I know what getting shot out of a cannon feels like.
Goofy (on-screen): Where's Pinocchio and his dad?
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): They're gone. They must've gotten out safely.
Sora (on-screen): Without you, Jiminy? I thought there was no escaping your conscience!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): I don't mind being left behind, as long as they're both safe. Maybe Pinocchio doesn't need me after all.
Sora (on-screen): What do you mean?
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): That little puppet used to have trouble telling right from wrong. But he's come a long way. Maybe he doesn't need Jiminy Cricket anymore. Seems like he's got a conscience of his very own.
Sora (on-screen): Don't you remember what Geppetto said? "There's nothing better than being reunited with someone you care about." I bet Pinocchio's counting the days till he can see you again.
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Well, what do you know... You might be right.
Girl on the Islands[]
Donald: Sora, is there anything else you remember about that other girl?
Sora: Hmmm...just bits and pieces.
Goofy: Maybe you could try tellin' us some more stuff about her. Who knows? It might even help ya remember other things.
Sora: Well, uhh...
Sora: She was quiet...and always drawing. When we'd go to the beach, she'd draw a picture instead of swimming. Sometimes she'd draw us, too! She was really good. I remember Riku and I fighting over who she'd draw next. But one day, she was gone, just like that. I think the grown-ups knew the reason. They might even have tried to explain some of it to me. But I was little. I probably didn't understand what was happening. I remember crying after she was gone.
Sora: But...that's all. I still don't remember her name.
Donald: Oh, I bet you'll remember it in no time!
Jiminy Cricket: I must point out. Sora keeps remembering things instead of forgetting them. It seems to me forgetting things may be the only way—to reach the memories buried deeper down inside each of us.
Goofy: So we should forget in order to remember?
Sora: Like those guys said... "Our most precious memories lie so deep in our hearts, that they're out of reach." All that stuff about finding being losing and losing being finding... I didn't get it at first, but maybe this is what they meant.
Goofy: Gawrsh, Sora, I think I'm a little jealous of ya. How come me and Donald and Jiminy aren't rememberin' more of the stuff from our memories?
Donald: Come on, Goofy! Let's get going. We've got to forget things faster.
5th Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): See how much you remembered! It won't be long before her name comes back to you, too.
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): Aww, I wish I had lots of buried memories to remember.
The Key to the Plot[]
Larxene: Just as we intended.
Axel: We'll continue with our plan. Let's see how far this group will go.
Larxene: You had your fun on the first floor. So this time, it's my turn.
Larxene: I'm not going to just give it to him.
Axel: Don't break him.
Larxene: Well... Do I detect a soft spot? I'm not going to break the toy. I'm not dumb.
Axel: Don't forget. Sora is the key. We need him if we're going to take over the Organization.
Larxene: I know that you're in on it, too... But keep it under your hood at least until the time is right.
Axel: You would have been wise to have done the same, Larxene.
6th Floor: Halloween Town[]
What Was Her Name?[]
Goofy: So, Sora, did anything back there help ya remember your friend's name?
Sora: Uhhh... Her name's the only thing I can't seem to remember.
Donald: You gotta try! Hurry up and remember it!
Sora: Hehe...
6th Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Don't you just hate it when something's on the tip of your tongue?
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): If you ask me, you're THIS close to remembering your friend's name.
Jack, the King of Nightmares[]
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh! Don't like the looks of this place. I bet it's crawlin' with ghosts!
Donald (on-screen): Aw, phooey! There's nothin' to worry about. You won't be spooked if you already know what's coming! Not even real ghosts can frighten us anymore. If they take one look at us, THEY'd be the ones to run away!
Goofy (on-screen): You really think so?
Donald (on-screen): Trust me!
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Welcome to Halloween Town!
Donald (on-screen): Waaak! A ghost!
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Wow, that was the best shriek I've heard in ages! If you're THAT easy to scare, we're gonna have a great time! Sorry, I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Jack Skellington! And this is Halloween Town. People around here call me the Pumpkin King! So if you're lookin' for a ghoulishly good time, you've come to the right place.
Donald (on-screen): Well, we aren't!
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Too bad, because at the moment, we've got a bit of a problem in Halloween Town.
Sora (on-screen): What kind of problem?
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Well...
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Like this!
Sora (on-screen): Gyaaa!
Pesky Heartless[]
Donald (on-screen): What's the big idea! Why'd you go and call the Heartless?
Jack Skellington (on-screen): I didn't call them. I just knew when they were going to show up. In fact, I'd love to get rid of them. They actually go around attacking people, instead of just scaring them.
Sora (on-screen): Why are they here?
Jack Skellington (on-screen): I was just going to go ask Dr. Finkelstein the same question. I'm heading to his laboratory right now. Follow me!
Donald (on-screen): Sora, what should we do?
Sora (on-screen): I guess we'd better go.
Donald (on-screen): I don't like this. What if he's leading us right to the Heartless?
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Bingo! You saw right through me!
Donald (on-screen): Waaak!
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Ha ha ha, I'm just kidding! Now let's get going.
Dr. Finkelstein's Invention[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Allow me to introduce Dr. Finkelstein! He's a world-famous genius!
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen): Yes! Maybe I'm TOO smart. I'm afraid I've created something horrible!
Donald (on-screen): What's that?
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen): Well... Have you ever stopped to think about the power of "true memories"?
Sora (on-screen): True memories?!
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen): You see me boy, our hearts are full of memories—but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember.
Sora (on-screen): Could that be happening to me?
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen): It happens to everyone. Some memories grow ugly, and some become more beautiful. If we could recover our true memories, the world would seem completely different. So, I devised a potion from forget-me-nots that brings our true memories back.
Sora (on-screen): Did it work?
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen): Well, that's the problem...
Jack Skellington (on-screen): As soon as the doctor got a whiff of the potion, Heartless started popping up!
Donald (on-screen): Sounds like a failed experiment to me.
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen): No! My research is flawless! I just need another look at the potion to find out what went wrong!
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen):'s vanished.
Sora (on-screen): Maybe someone swiped it?
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen): It must've been Sally! Jack, you've got to find her and get my potion back.
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Leave it to me!
Sora (on-screen): Can I tag along?
Jack Skellington (on-screen): What for?
Sora (on-screen): I want to know more about these "true memories" the doctor keeps talking about.
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Excellent! Then let's go find Sally!
Sally's Worries[]
(Upon entering the Key of Guidance room.)
Jack Skellington (on-screen): There you are, Sally. I thought I'd find you here.
Sally (on-screen): Who are your friends?
Jack Skellington (on-screen): They're interested in true memories. You have the potion, don't you?
Sally (on-screen): Well...yes.
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Could you give it back?
Sally (on-screen): I guess so, if you insist. But...I'm afraid. All the Doctor did was smell it, and the Heartless appeared. What if someone drinks it?
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Are you kidding? What could be more exciting?
Sally (on-screen): I'm worried, Jack. Isn't there another option?
Sora (on-screen): Any ideas, Jack?
Jack Skellington (on-screen): I can't think of a thing.
Oogie Boogie (on-screen): I can! Give it here!
Sally (on-screen): Oh, no! The potion!
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Oogie! You again!
Oogie Boogie (on-screen): Jack, where are your manners? I'm just helping you put the potion to good use! You should thank me! Well, well. Just one sniff, and the Heartless appeared. What would happen if I chugged the whole thing? THAT would be scary! Poor Jack! You can't hold a candle to Oogie Boogie. Time for Halloween Town to taste pain and despair beyond any nightmare!
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Pain and despair? Oogie, you monster!
Sora (on-screen): C'mon, Jack! We've gotta go after him!
Oogie's Nightmare[]
(Upon entering the Key to Truth room.)
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Oogie! Hand over the potion!
Oogie Boogie (on-screen): You fools don't know when to quit! Say...all this running around is making me thirsty!
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Oogie! No!
Oogie Boogie (on-screen): Yes!
Sora (on-screen): Oh, no...
Oogie Boogie (on-screen): Ahh! Lip-smacking good! Agh! What's this? What... Something's wrong! Something deep inside me. Something...scary!
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Oogie! What's going on?
Oogie Boogie (on-screen): No! Get back! Stay away from me!
True Memories[]
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen): Confound that Oogie Boogie! He drank nearly all of my precious potion! There are only a few drops left!
Goofy (on-screen): Sora, why don't you ask the doc if you can drink the rest?
Sora (on-screen): No. I'd better not.
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen): What, don't you want it? Too bad. It would've been a great experiment.
Sally (on-screen): Now, Doctor...
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Don't you want to find out about your true memories?
Sora (on-screen): Of course—now more than ever. But there's this guy—Axel. I promised him I'd find the truth on my own.
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen): I just don't understand. When I inhaled the potion, Heartless appeared— ...and when Oogie drank it, he was overcome with fear. What could it mean?
Sally (on-screen): It means the potion was a failure.
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen): No! I can't be wrong! Oogie MUST have found his true memories! Hmm... True memories must unbalance the heart— ...and cause unpredictable changes within!
Sora (on-screen): Then...what about me? What happens when my true memories awaken?
Dr. Finkelstein (on-screen): Perhaps something even more terrifying... But this is all just a hypothesis. I can't be sure without further research.
Jack Skellington (on-screen): What's wrong, Sora? Does the doctor's theory scare you?
Sora (on-screen): Well, yeah—a little.
Jack Skellington (on-screen): That's good to hear! Fear and doubt are signs of a strong heart. They push your heart, strike out in new directions, take chances! Without them, your zest for life might fade... would your taste for fear. And believe me, that would really ruin my fun.
Sora (on-screen): Thanks, Jack. I'll remember that.
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Then good luck, gentlemen! May you always enjoy being frightened!
Larxene the Ruthless[]
Donald: I bet you work with Axel!
Larxene: Too clever. I'm Larxene. So...are you enjoying your stay at the castle? I bet it's nice to peel away all the worthless memories and awaken the true memories... that lie deep in your heart.
Sora: True memories?
Larxene: seems that you're still forgetting the most important thing here. When that poor girl hears that you've forgotten her name, why... it'll'll break her heart.
Sora: Poor girl? Do you know her?!
Sora: Is
Larxene: Yes, she is. You see, the bad guys are holding her captive somewhere deep inside the castle. And you obviously are the hero, so you have to go save her. Although...
Larxene: I'M a bad guy, so you have to go through me!
A Card for the Baby[]
Goofy: Sora!
Sora: What's that? Is that thing mine?
Larxene: What a shame... You've been wearing it all this time and forgot? No... That's not possible. The memory has to be engraved somewhere deep inside your heart. Sora—you think carefully, now. What oh what could it be? And who gave it to you?
Sora: Na... Na...mi...?
Larxene: Sora... Sora... You're getting it now! Release the memory from within your heart!
Sora: Nami... Naminé.
Larxene: Well, it's about time. That's right...Naminé. Yes, she's the one that gave you that tacky little good luck charm.
Larxene: Not that you even bothered to remember. No surprise, seeing as you also couldn't remember her NAME. Talk about heartless! I can't believe you! It'd serve you right if I decided to smash this piece of junk!
Sora: Let it go!
Sora: Naminé gave me this. It's very important to me!
Larxene: Oh, it's important to you?
Larxene: Ten seconds ago, you didn't even know what it was!
Larxene: Hmph. You're not as bad as I thought. You really are a hero. A heartless hero.
Sora: Who asked you?!
Larxene: Oh, does it hurt because it's the truth? You are just a baby. And if you're gonna be a baby, then here ya go.
Larxene: I created another card from your memories, you know. Be a good boy and say "thanks." Ta-ta!
Sora: Wait, Larxene!
Sora: Where are you? Don't you dare hide from me! Show yourself!
Jiminy Cricket: Sora, calm down! She's not coming back.
Goofy: Sora?
Sora: I hate this... Why'd I need someone like that to bring back...Naminé's memory?
6th Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Naminé... So that's her name. Aren't you glad you finally remembered?
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): Who cares what the bad guys say, anyway? Wak!
Vexen the Scientist[]
Larxene: Whew... Throwing that battle wore me out.
Axel: Really? It looked to me like you just plain lost.
Larxene: How dare you! You don't appreciate the nuances of—
Vexen: An ungainly effort.
Larxene: Huh?
Larxene: Vexen!
Vexen: How could you be humbled by someone of such limited significance? You shame the Organization.
Larxene: Grr...
Axel: How can we help you, Vexen? It's not very often we see you topside.
Vexen: I came to lend you a hand. You obviously believe this Sora has much potential, but I remain unconvinced he is truly worth such coddling. I think an experiment would show if he really is of any value to us.
Larxene: Hmph. Well, here we go again. It's just an excuse so you can carry out your little experiments. That's all.
Vexen: I'm a scientist. Experiments are what I do, yes.
Axel: Whatever. You can do what you want. But you know, I think testing Sora is just a cover for testing your valet.
Vexen: Valet? He's the product of pure research.
Larxene: What he actually is is a toy.
Vexen: Hmph. You should just learn to be quiet.
Axel: Anyway... Since you came all this way, you're gonna need this.
Axel: A humble gift to my elder. I hope you use it to put on a very good show for us.
7th Floor: 100th Acre Wood[]
To Rescue Naminé[]
Donald: Sora, not so fast!
Sora: We don't have time! They've got Naminé. We gotta rescue her!
Goofy: Phew, Sora sure does seem like he's upset.
Donald: You'd be too. He just remembered a friend but found out she's in trouble!
Goofy: Good point. I guess if we heard that the king was in danger, we would be pretty upset about that, too.
7th Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Any friend of yours is a friend of ours. Let's go help Naminé!
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): Come on, Sora! We gotta rescue Naminé from the bad guys!
Looking for Nobody[]
Sora (on-screen): What's wrong, little fella?
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): I'm looking for my friends.
Sora (on-screen): Are they around here? It looks like nobody's here.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Oh. Then perhaps I'm looking for nobody.
Sora (on-screen): You're looking for nobody?
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): I suppose I must be. But, they don't seem to be anywhere. And all this searching is making my tummy rumble. Hmm...I wonder if there's any honey about. Oh, but if I stop to eat, I shall first have to stop searching.
Sora (on-screen): Why don't we look for your friends together?
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): For nobody, you mean?
Sora (on-screen): No, for your friends. They might be around here. Let's find them together.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Oh, are you looking for my friends, too?
Sora (on-screen): No, but I'm looking for some friends of my own.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): And are they friends who know my friends?
Sora (on-screen): I'm not sure, Pooh. But I know what it's like to miss your friends. So why don't we look for them together?
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): I'd like that, Sora.
Who's There?[]
Sora (on-screen): Huh?
Hello, Piglet[]
Piglet (on-screen): Ooooh! Oh no! Oh, dear! Don't mind me.
Sora (on-screen): You're not Pooh's friend?
Piglet (on-screen): Well, I... Um... I mean, I'm not NOT Pooh's friend... I'm...
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Why, hello there, Piglet.
Piglet (on-screen): Oh! It's you, Pooh! I'm so relieved... I finally found someone! I got separated from the others. And I was so worried, I didn't know what to do.
Sora (on-screen): That explains why you were so fidgety.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Piglet, why don't you come with us to look for the rest of our friends?
Piglet (on-screen): What? Oh my, I don't know... Ohh... What should I do...
Sora (on-screen): Guess he doesn't want to come.
Piglet (on-screen): Wait! Please!
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Have you decided to join us, Piglet?
Piglet (on-screen): Well, no. I'm... I'm still thinking. But before you got here, I found something strange in the shrubs... I thought it might help you to find everyone else...
Rabbit's Veggies[]
Sora (on-screen): Watch out!
Sora (on-screen): That was close! Are you okay, Pooh?
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Yes...I seem to be.
Sora (on-screen): Where did that pumpkin come from?
Rabbit (on-screen): Yoo-hoo!
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Hello, Rabbit.
Rabbit (on-screen): Oh, I'm glad you're here! Would you help me sort the vegetables from my garden?
Sora (on-screen): So the pumpkin was yours...
A Token of Appreciation[]
Rabbit (on-screen): Thank you for the help. Please take this, won't you?
Sora (on-screen): I wonder what these balloons are for?
Owl's Advice[]
Owl (on-screen): Are you all right, Pooh?
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Oh yes, Owl. I found it rather fun.
Sora (on-screen): Maybe you could use a balloon to look for your friends.
Owl (on-screen): Hoo! Hoo! You might think so, young man. But serious problems arise when you arrive at your destination.
Sora (on-screen): ?
Owl (on-screen): Once you find your friends, how do you get down to them? You see, a balloon goes only where the wind blows. Which is usually up! What if you saw your friends, but the wind kept them just out of reach? I'd rather have to keep looking for my friends, than find them and not be able to reach them.
Sora (on-screen): You've got a point.
Owl (on-screen): If you want to find someone, you'd best do it on foot. It can be quite exciting to stumble across a friend where you least expect them!
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Well, that is how I feel—when I stumble across some honey!
Owl (on-screen): That's the spirit, Pooh! Keep moving and keep looking.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Thank you, Owl. That's what I'll do. My tummy is anxious for me to find that honey.
Sora (on-screen): Don't worry, I'll help Pooh find his friends.
Owl (on-screen): Splendid! Here's something to speed you on your way.
I'm Tigger![]
Tigger (on-screen): Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Say, how would you like to bounce with me?
Bouncing Your Way[]
Tigger (on-screen): Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Not bad at all!
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): We were just trying to bounce like you, Tigger.
Tigger (on-screen): I'm surprised you could keep up with me.
Sora (on-screen): Well, I can bounce with the best of them, now!
Tigger (on-screen): Is that so? Then let's see you do this!
Sora (on-screen): Whoa!
Tigger (on-screen): What do you think of that?
Sora (on-screen): I could never...
Tigger (on-screen): Awww, you don't have to do it like me! Bouncing is best when you do it your own way! 'Cause I'm Tigger, and you're Sora! Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Tigger, I think you dropped something.
Tigger (on-screen): Oh, that? I found it on top of a tree when I was bouncing. You can have it, Sora. Kind of weighs me down when I'm bouncing!
The Well of Winds[]
Sora (on-screen): That's an awfully blustery hole...
Roo's Game[]
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Hello there, Roo. What were you doing here?
Roo (on-screen): I was so busy looking for Tigger, that I was blown away by the wind, and fell down here!
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): And you got stuck?
Roo (on-screen): No. I was waiting for Tigger... we can ride the blustery wind together! So, if Tigger rides the wind here, this is where I'll be! It sure will surprise Tigger. Don't you think?
Sora (on-screen): But what if he doesn't fall here?
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Hmm...yes, if Tigger rides the wind, his bounces might bounce him even further away.
Roo (on-screen): Well, I was getting a little lonely and tired of waiting for him.
Sora (on-screen): Instead of waiting, why don't you see if you can find him?
Roo (on-screen): You're right! That's a great idea!
Roo (on-screen): By the way, I found this in the shrubs. Why don't you take it?
Eeyore's Tail[]
Eeyore (on-screen): Lost my tail again. It figures...
Sora (on-screen): Do you know where you lost it?
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Oh yum! I found it.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): I knew if I just listened to my tummy it would find some honey.
Eeyore (on-screen): Probably upset the bees, though. Taking their honey, that is.
An Accidental Thank You[]
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Oh, bother... My head...
Eeyore (on-screen): Well, much obliged, Pooh.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): I'm sure I'm obliged to you too, Eeyore. what?
Eeyore (on-screen): For running into that tree and getting my tail back for me.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Oh but, I was just trying to get away from those bees. And keep up with Sora.
Eeyore (on-screen): Well anyhow, you helped me. Thanks.
Sora (on-screen): And I was just trying to get rid of the bees. It was an accident that we found your tail.
Eeyore (on-screen): An accident. It figures. Nobody would help me on purpose. But I'm still obliged. Thank you, Pooh and Sora.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): You're welcome, Eeyore.
Eeyore (on-screen): Here's something for you.
Sora (on-screen): Hey, it's okay, Eeyore. It was just an accident.
Eeyore (on-screen): I know, but this fell down along with my tail. It's the accidental part of my thank you.
Friends Forever[]
Sora (on-screen): I guess we can't go any farther. So Pooh, wasn't it more fun looking for friends together?
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Oh yes, Sora. It was. And I'd like you to have this. Thank you for helping me.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Whew... I've walked so far, I think I need a little rest. If only I had a honey pot to keep me company...
Sora (on-screen): ... Well, I'd better be going.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Where to?
Sora (on-screen): To look for my friends.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Then I shall help you look for them, too.
Sora (on-screen): That's okay, Pooh. You should stay here.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): You mean...this is goodbye?
Sora (on-screen): No way! I'll always know where to find you. ! If I don't forget...
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Don't worry, Sora. You can count on me. Even if you forget Winnie the Pooh, I won't forget you.
Sora (on-screen): Thanks, Pooh.====100th Acre Wood (gameplay)====
100 Acre Wood (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Piglet.)
Piglet (on-screen): I just can't seem to make up my mind. Whatever should I do?
(Upon talking to Rabbit.)
Rabbit (on-screen): Do you want to help sort the vegetables?
- Maybe another time.
- Sure, I'll help!
On-screen: Veggie Panic
- Sort a total of 30 cabbages and pumpkins!
- When you see [button prompt], sort the veggie by throwing the Keyblade!
- Sort cabbages to the left with [button prompt], and pumpkins to the right with [button prompt]!
- The mistake countdown starts at six. Once it reaches zero, it's game over.
(If Pooh spots a butterfly.)
Winnie the Pooh : Oh yes!
On-screen: Do you want to fly with the balloons?
- Sounds dangerous.
- Sounds like fun!
On-screen: Balloon Glider
- Reach the treetop while collecting prizes!
- When you have two or less balloons, you can take a new balloon.
- Press [button prompt] to float up!
- A balloon will pop if you hit a branch or bees! If you pop all your balloons, it's game over.
(Sometimes upon losing a balloon.)
Winnie the Pooh : Is this the way I want to go?
(Upon reaching 300 points.)
Winnie the Pooh : What a lot of honey!
(Upon reaching 500 points.)
Winnie the Pooh : Oh yummy!
(Upon reaching the top.)
Owl (on-screen): Hoo! Look who made it all the way up here!
(Upon talking to Tigger.)
Tigger (on-screen): Do you want to bounce with Tigger?
- Not now.
- Definitely!
On-screen: Tigger's Jump-A-Thon
- Jump on the same tree stumps as Tigger. Jump 25 times to clear!
- Use [button prompts] to choose the next stump!
- If you miss just one stump, it's game over.
On-screen: Whirlwind Plunge
- Collect the prizes while plunging from the sky!
- you hit an obstacle, press [button prompt] to pick up Pooh, or you won't be able to pick up the prizes.
- Roll by holding down [button prompts] and pressing [button prompt] to dodge obstacles and reach prizes quicker!
(Upon talking to Roo.)
Roo: You can't just bounce around. You gotta watch how Tigger bounces.
(Upon talking to Eeyore.)
Eeyore (on-screen): I can't do without my tail...
On-screen: Do you want to get some honey?
- The bees frighten me.
- I would like some honey.
On-screen: Bumble Rumble
- Exterminate 50 of the bees that swarm on Pooh!
- You can use powerful sleights!
- Attack the bees with Keyblade cards, blow them away with Wind cards, and recover Pooh's honey gauge with Honey cards!
- When Pooh's honey gauge reaches zero, it's game over.
(Upon talking to Eeyore, after helping him.)
Eeyore (on-screen): Thanks for accidentally helping me, Pooh. You too, Sora.
(Upon trying to exit.)
On-screen: Do you want to leave this world?
- I'll stay a little longer.
- I'd better get going.
(Upon reaching the end with Pooh after returning to the world from another floor.)
Sora (on-screen): I guess we can't go any farther. So Pooh, wasn't it more fun looking for friends together?
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Yes. Thank you.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Whew... I've walked so far, I think I need a little rest. If only I had a honey pot to keep me company...
Sora (on-screen): ... Well, I'd better be going.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Where to?
Sora (on-screen): To look for my friends.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): Are you sure you don't need my help?
Sora (on-screen): Yeah. You should stay close to home.
Winnie the Pooh (on-screen): All right, Sora. I'll be sure to do the remembering for both of us.
Reunion with Riku[]
Sora: You're... Riku?! What are YOU doing here?
Riku Replica: Not happy to see me? Lemme know if I'm getting in the way—ya know, of something that's more important.
Sora: Huh? I didn't mean that...
Riku Replica: Hmph. Spare the excuses. I bet that you had all but forgotten about me.
Sora: Are you crazy? C'mon. I came all this way looking for YOU!
Riku Replica: But you're not anymore, right? Now it's only Naminé that you're looking for. You don't care about me. Just like you never cared... all about her feelings.
Sora: Naminé's...?
Riku Replica: Hmph. I knew it. Never even gave it a thought, did you? Just cuz you want to see Naminé—sorry—doesn't go both ways. Tell ya the truth, Naminé doesn't even want to look at your face.
Sora: Why not?!
Riku Replica: You should ask your memories...why Naminé disappeared from the islands. Remember that, and you'd know.
Sora: Did I... Did I do something? Is it my fault? Riku...
Riku Replica: Go home, Sora. I'll care for Naminé. Anyone who goes near her...
Riku Replica: ...goes through me!
Sora: What's—What's wrong with you?! We're supposed to be friends!
Riku Replica: Please, Sora. Since when have you ever cared about me? Naminé's not the only one who's sick of looking at you. So am I!
Sora: Riku, stop it!
The Wordless Friend[]
Sora: Riku! Please wait!
7th Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh, what coulda happened to make Riku talk like that?
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): We'd better go after Riku!
8th Floor: Atlantica[]
Always Smile![]
Sora: Riku! Where are you?
Goofy: Sora, are you okay?
Sora: Don't worry about me. Riku...what happened?
Jiminy Cricket: Hmmm... Sure was strange. Almost like Ansem was back controlling Riku again.
Sora: But we got rid of Ansem for good.
Goofy: Then I wonder what is wrong with Riku...
Donald: Hold on... The king! If he's with Riku, he might be in danger!
Donald: Sora...
Jiminy Cricket: I know... You're thinking Riku isn't your friend... But that's just not true.
Sora: Ya sure?
Jiminy Cricket: Well, I know he said some awful things to you back there... But you gotta remember—we are in Castle Oblivion. Why, folks lose their memory here a little bit at a time. Riku's probably just forgotten that the two of you were such close friends. That's all.
Sora: So he just forgot?
Jiminy Cricket: My guess is that's so. But Sora...instead of being sad, we have to figure out a way to help Riku get his memory back. If we all work together, why, we're sure to get you through this. No need to mope.
Goofy: Jiminy's right. You shouldn't push your friends away.
Sora: Yeah. Okay.
Donald: Sora, do you remember our very first promise?
Sora: Huh?
Donald & Goofy: Always smile!
Goofy: That was the promise we made to each other the first time we met!
Goofy: We promised to never forget to keep smiling!
Sora: You're right.
8th Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): It sure is nice to have the happy Sora back.
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): Try not to get TOO excited, Sora!
Ariel in a Rush[]
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh! This looks like the bottom of the sea.
Sora (on-screen): It sure does. So how come we can breathe?
Goofy (on-screen): Hmm... Beats me! Maybe someone cast a spell on us?
Sora (on-screen): It's just like breathing air!
Donald (on-screen): But it's not air. See? Someone's swimming this way!
Ariel (on-screen): If anyone asks, you didn't see me!
Donald (on-screen): What?
Ariel (on-screen): Sorry, I don't have time to explain. Just promise you won't tell!
Goofy (on-screen): Hey, what's that sparkling thingy you got there?
Ariel (on-screen): Oh, nothing—nothing at all! Remember, you didn't see me!
Donald (on-screen): Well. Looked like she was in a hurry.
Sora (on-screen): She was hiding something.
Donald (on-screen): I wonder what it was?
The Stolen Trident[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Sebastian (on-screen): Oh, woe is me...
Sora (on-screen): Is something wrong?
Sebastian (on-screen): Someone stole the king's magic trident. Atlantica is defenseless! And to top it off, Princess Ariel has disappeared! King Triton's worried sick. He won't leave his chambers.
Sora (on-screen): Ariel? She disappeared?
Sebastian (on-screen): Ariel's friend Flounder would know where she is, but now he's gone, too.
Sora (on-screen): Wait a sec... Didn't we just see Ariel?
Goofy (on-screen): Yep. But she didn't look real happy to see US! Hey, wasn't she carrying something when we saw her?
Sora (on-screen): You don't think that was the trident?
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): You know, maybe it was.
Donald (on-screen): Wak? But that means Ariel stole it!
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): There must be some explanation.
Sebastian (on-screen): Ariel! Where did you swim off to this time? If anything happens to you... The king will think it's all my fault! He told me to keep an eye on her, and now this! What if she ran away because of something I said?! King Triton will banish me forever!
Sora (on-screen): He'll pop his shell if we tell him Ariel took the trident.
Goofy (on-screen): Guess we'll have to get to the bottom of this ourselves!
Ursula's Evil[]
(Upon entering the Key of Guidance room.)
Sora (on-screen): There she is!
Ariel (on-screen): This is all my fault. I wish I'd never taken Daddy's trident. I should've known things would turn out this way.
Donald (on-screen): She DID take it!
Goofy (on-screen): Pipe down! Somebody's comin'!
Ursula (on-screen): No need to worry, child. You did the right thing.
Ursula (on-screen): Why, I'm sure you'd do anything in the world to help your little friend. Poor Flounder has been swept away to the human world. No place for a little fish. Why, if we don't hurry, you might not have a friend to save—
Ariel (on-screen): No!
Ursula (on-screen): Besides, you're not GIVING me the trident, dear—just letting me borrow it for a bit. You can save Flounder! Lend me the trident, and I'll help you!
Ariel (on-screen): I know. But Daddy needs the trident to defend Atlantica. I need time to think.
Ursula (on-screen): Well, it's all the same to me. Just remember, your little friend is dodging fishhooks while you twiddle your fins. Well, you can come see me once you've made up your mind.
Ariel (on-screen): What am I going to do?
Sora (on-screen): Don't trust HER, that's for sure.
Ariel (on-screen): How long have you been listening?
Sora (on-screen): Oh, long enough.
Donald (on-screen): It doesn't matter. Sora's right! Don't trust that sea witch! She's up to no good. You can see it in her face!
Ariel (on-screen): Then we all agree! The problem is, I don't have any idea where Flounder is. And she's the only one who can help.
Sora (on-screen): What about us? C'mon. Let's go talk to her. You shouldn't have to do this by yourself.
Ariel (on-screen): Really? You'll come with me?
Sora (on-screen): You bet! I know how it feels to have friends in trouble. Let's get going!
Something Fishy[]
(Upon entering the Key to Truth room.)
Ursula (on-screen): My, so many guests! Have you made up your mind, my dear?
Ariel (on-screen): I'll do anything for Flounder. But I need proof I can trust you. You said we could save Flounder if I gave you the trident. Well, prove it!
Ursula (on-screen): But of course! See?
Flounder (on-screen): Ariel!
Donald (on-screen): I knew something was fishy!
Ursula (on-screen): There you have it. If you want your precious Flounder back, give me the trident!
Ariel (on-screen): ...
Ursula (on-screen): Ha ha! Mine at last! Now I'm ruler of all the seas!
Ariel (on-screen): Let Flounder go!
Ursula (on-screen): But of course! I'm feeling generous.
Ursula (on-screen): Which reminds me... You always wanted to see other worlds, didn't you? Well, dear, I know just the world to send you to! Unfortunately, this will be a one-way trip!
Ursula (on-screen): The sea and all its denizens shall grovel before me!
Telling the Truth[]
Flounder (on-screen): Please don't be mad, Ariel. That ol' witch tricked me.
Ariel (on-screen): Flounder, as long as you're safe, nothing else matters. Now all we have to do is return the trident and everything will be okay.
Sora (on-screen): But what if the king finds out you're the one who took it in the first place?
Ariel (on-screen): I'll be grounded forever...
Sebastian (on-screen): Ariel! Ariel! Where are you, girl? If you can hear me, please answer!
Ariel (on-screen): It's Sebastian! He came all this way just to find me.
Goofy (on-screen): Yep, and when he does, you're gonna get it!
Sora (on-screen): Hey, I know! Why don't you just say the sea witch stole the trident? And you got it back all by yourself! Then there's no way you'll get in trouble!
Ariel (on-screen): I just had the same idea! But...I can't do that. I don't want to get in trouble, but I can't lie. Not about this. I know I haven't made the best decisions lately. It was a mistake to take the trident. But I made that mistake because I wanted to help you, Flounder. I'm proud of that. Blaming someone else would mean giving those feelings up. So, I'm going to tell the truth.
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): She's right, Sora! Honesty is the best policy.
Sora (on-screen): Hey, I was just kidding! Great, now I'M the one in hot water!
Fighting Friends[]
Riku Replica: Take the hint... I told you to go home.
Sora: Not until I rescue you 'n Naminé.
Riku Replica: I don't remember ever asking you to rescue me.
Sora: Did you forget? Kairi's there—waiting for us both to come home.
Riku Replica: You're the one who forgot. I told you at Kingdom Hearts when we closed the door... "Take care of Kairi."
Riku Replica: Give it up. I'm not going back to the islands—for anything.
Sora: It's not just for Kairi! What about the rest?
Riku Replica: You can have those losers. Already forgot 'em.
Sora: That's enough!
Riku Replica: What about you, Sora? Do you actually remember what they all look like?
Sora: Of course I rememb—
Riku Replica: (chuckles) Don't feel bad. That's what this castle does to you—after a while. It's good. You forget all the useless stuff and remember for the first time what really matters. I remembered it, Sora. I now know the one thing that is most important to me. Protecting Naminé. Nothing else matters—not a thing.
Sora: Hey... Riku... I think I'll jog your memory.
Riku Replica: Go ahead and try.
Out of Reach[]
Riku Replica: Hmph. Too bad, Sora. You can fight me all you want, but I still won't remember a thing.
Sora: C'mon, Riku... Let's quit fighting—let's go help Naminé.
Riku Replica: Together—right. So like you... ...Sora—you're always trying to worm your way into my heart!
Sora: Hold on! When did I ever do that?
Riku Replica: Hmph, you forgot that, too? You never cared. It never mattered to you!
Sora: You won't push me away.
8th Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Once you help Riku get his memories back, you'll be friends again in no time.
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): Riku is so stubborn! Has he always been like that?
We Nobodies[]
Axel: Does it hurt, Naminé? Watching your two childhood friends fight all because of you? You have my sympathies. From the heart.
Axel: But don't waste your time. We Nobodies can never hope to be somebodies.
9th Floor: Neverland[]
Sora, Riku and Naminé[]
Sora: I don't get it. Riku and I—we both want the same thing. Both of us want to help Naminé out. How come we're fighting each other? I mean, Riku and I have argued about stuff in the past, but...
Goofy: Could be 'cause ya care what happens to each other.
Sora: Hm... I really thought so, too, but...maybe Riku doesn't...
Donald: You can't give up. You're friends—tied together. Sora, Riku, and... and... What was her name?
Jiminy Cricket: Hm. It seems our memories are fading mighty fast. Sora, we gotta hurry. I bet Riku will come around if you just talk to him.
Sora: You're right. We three were never apart. Me 'n Riku... ...and Naminé.
9th Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): It'll be real nice when you, Riku, and Naminé can laugh together again.
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): Kai... Kai... Wak?! That's weird. I can't think of her name.
On a Ship[]
Sora (on-screen): Where are we now?
Goofy (on-screen): The floor is kinda unsteady. I can hear the ocean, too...
Donald (on-screen): I know! We must be inside a ship!
Sora (on-screen): Well, we'd better find a way out. But which way do we go?
Donald (on-screen): Wak!
Sora (on-screen): Who are you?
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Maybe she's trying to help us.
Goofy (on-screen): Looks like you're right!
Peter Pan to the Rescue[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Sora (on-screen): Is it just me, or are all the rooms starting to look the same?
Goofy (on-screen): Maybe we're just goin' in circles?
Donald (on-screen): Some help SHE was.
Goofy (on-screen): I think you mighta ruffled her feathers, Donald.
Peter Pan (on-screen): Tink, what are you doing?! You weren't supposed to bring the pirates WITH you!
Peter Pan (on-screen): Stay back, pirates! Or this will be the last fight you pick!
Donald (on-screen): What's the big idea! We're not pirates! We're only here because... ... Umm... Why are we here, Sora?
Sora (on-screen): Huh? How am I supposed to know, Donald? Goofy, what do you think?
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh, beats me.
Peter Pan (on-screen): Okay, okay, I understand. Sora, Donald, and Goofy, right? I guess if you were real pirates— wouldn't get lost on your own ship. Plus, you're dressed funny.
Donald (on-screen): There you go again!
Sora (on-screen): Wait, so if you thought we were pirates... This must be a pirate ship!
Peter Pan (on-screen): That's right. You're trapped inside the Jolly Roger—ship of the ol' codfish, Captain Hook.
Donald (on-screen): Well, if we're trapped, that means you are, too!
Peter Pan (on-screen): Me? Don't be silly. No one can capture Peter Pan! I'm just laying low until it's time to spring my plan.
Goofy (on-screen): What plan is that?
Peter Pan (on-screen): The pirates kidnapped my friend Wendy. She's got to be somewhere on this ship.
Peter Pan (on-screen): I didn't expect there to be so many pirates on watch, though. I sent Tink to look for a way around... ...but all she found was you.
Sora (on-screen): I bet I know what Tink had in mind! If we all make a big enough racket— we can distract the pirates!
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh, you musta read her mind!
Sora (on-screen): So how 'bout it? Let's work together, at least until we get above deck.
Peter Pan (on-screen): Well, why not? Of course, I could save Wendy myself, if I wanted to. But you guys look like you'd be stuck without me.
Donald (on-screen): Don't you have ANY manners?
Wendy's Heart[]
(Upon entering the Key of Guidance room.)
Peter Pan (on-screen): There she is!
Wendy (on-screen): Peter? Peter Pan!
Peter Pan (on-screen): Wendy, are you all right? I've come to rescue you with my three new Lost Boys! C'mon, let's get off this leaky ol' tub and do some exploring! Ha ha! We'll never grow up!
Wendy (on-screen): Listen, Peter. I've got something to tell you... I want to go home to London.
Peter Pan (on-screen): What are you talking about? Why would you want to do that? You'd have to turn into a grown-up. Besides, goin' on adventures is a lot more fun! If you go back to London, you'll have to leave the nursery. You'll grow up and we'll never see each other again!
Wendy (on-screen): I know, Peter. But... I still want to go home.
Peter Pan (on-screen): I came to rescue you! And you don't care if you ever see me again!
Wendy (on-screen): No, you don't understand!
Peter Pan (on-screen): Suit yourself! And while you're at it, rescue yourself! I'm leaving.
Sora (on-screen): Hey, wait a minute—
Donald (on-screen): There he goes.
Wendy (on-screen): Peter...
Sora (on-screen): Not very thoughtful, is he? What do we do now?
Goofy (on-screen): Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't we think of something once we get up on deck?
Donald (on-screen): That doesn't make any sense... I think.
Sora (on-screen): Well, there's still trouble waiting outside. Wendy, you stay here. We'll try to create a distraction.
Wendy (on-screen): All right. Be careful.
Goofy (on-screen): Maybe if you stay here, Peter will change his mind and come back.
Hook's Wrath[]
(Upon entering the Key to Truth room.)
Donald (on-screen): Whew! We finally made it out!
Captain Hook (on-screen): There you are, you rascals!
Captain Hook (on-screen): I'll teach you to play stow away on my ship! Friends of Peter Pan, I'll wager!
Donald (on-screen): Are we his friends?
Goofy (on-screen): He sure didn't seem to think so.
Sora (on-screen): Yeah, the way he took off like that. He even ditched Wendy.
Captain Hook (on-screen): I'm not finished talking yet! How dare you ignore me and plot behind my back! Uncivilized brats! You're in cahoots with Peter Pan, no mistake!
Sora (on-screen): If you say so. Either way, you're gonna let us off this ship.
Goofy (on-screen): And Wendy's coming with us.
Captain Hook (on-screen): Think again, you scallywags! Hook's one step ahead of you!
Sora (on-screen): Wendy!
Captain Hook (on-screen): Any trouble, and Wendy takes a long walk off the plank!
Donald (on-screen): You wouldn't!
Captain Hook (on-screen): Believe me, I'd rather not. After all, I need Wendy to bait that blasted Peter Pan!
Peter Pan (on-screen): Then I'll just have to take the bait, you old codfish!
Captain Hook (on-screen): !
Wendy (on-screen): Peter!
Peter Pan (on-screen): Here I am, Hook! Miss me?
Captain Hook (on-screen): Insolent BRAT! Today is the day you pay for taking my hand!
Peter Pan (on-screen): Uh-oh!
Captain Hook (on-screen): Agh? Wa-wa-wa-wa-whoa!
Captain Hook (on-screen): You've made a fool of me for the last time, Pan! I'll cleave you to the brisket!
Even After We Grow Up[]
Sora (on-screen): Thanks, Peter, we owe you one.
Peter Pan (on-screen): Well, at first I thought I'd let you handle it, but it really looked like you needed help. But hey, you three did pretty good, though. Wendy, about London... Are you sure you won't change your mind?
Wendy (on-screen): Peter, I'm sorry. But I really want to go home.
Peter Pan (on-screen): I was afraid of that... Everyone grows up—and grown-ups always forget. First you'll forget what it feels like to be young, and then you'll forget about me.
Wendy (on-screen): How can you say such a thing, Peter? I'll never, ever forget you.
Peter Pan (on-screen): Sure, that's what you think now. But when you try to remember me, the memories will be gone. You'll forget—little by little, one memory at a time. Once you're grown up, there won't be a single memory left.
Sora (on-screen): Don't say that. Memories—even important ones—don't come back to us whenever we want them to. But that doesn't mean the memories are gone. It's more they're sleeping. So when the right thing comes along and wakes the memory up, we can remember it. The memories engraved in our hearts never go away. I'm sure of it.
Wendy (on-screen): He's right, Peter.
Peter Pan (on-screen): Never, huh? It's funny. I thought everybody who left Neverland forgot all about it. But I have a feeling you guys just might be different. Okay, Sora! If you say we'll meet again, then I believe you!
Wendy (on-screen): Oh, Peter!
Peter Pan (on-screen): Let's go, Wendy. London is waiting.
Peter Pan (on-screen): Goodbye, Sora. I'll be waiting to see what you look like all grown up!
Sora (on-screen): What's the matter, Tink?
Sora (on-screen): This must be a gift from Peter.
Donald (on-screen): Maybe he's not such a thoughtless guy after all.
Donald (on-screen): Oww!
Goofy (on-screen): Another gift from Peter?
Donald (on-screen): What's the big idea!
Where is Riku?[]
Donald: Where'd Riku go?
Goofy: Guess he must've finally got tired of fightin' with ya.
Sora: I sure hope so.
9th Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Maybe Riku doesn't want to fight with you anymore.
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): Careful! You never know where Riku might be hiding!
Marluxia's Graceful Blade[]
Larxene: So what's going on, Vexen? Your Riku was supposed to counter Sora. What's he waiting for? Where is he?
Axel: He's hiding somewhere to lure Sora deeper into the castle, right? I suppose we should just leave it at that, you know.
Larxene: A-ha! Oh, I see now! I would have never guessed that. So sorry, Vexen.
Vexen: Silence!
Larxene: Predictable response. Forget it. Men without hearts are so boring.
Vexen: You're one to talk. As if you have such a heart to speak of yourself.
Marluxia: That's enough.
Vexen: Marluxia!
Marluxia: Vexen, the simple fact is that your project was a failure. You'd best not disappoint us again.
Vexen: Disappoint YOU? You go too far! In this Organization, you're No. 11! I'm No. 4 and I will not have you—
Marluxia: I've been entrusted this castle and Naminé by our leader. Defying me will be seen as treason against the Organization.
Axel: "Traitors are eliminated." I believe that's what the rules say.
Larxene: Who needs a half-baked good-for-nothing, anyway?
Vexen: Ng...
Marluxia: Vexen, you cannot win against Sora.
Vexen: Pity to be so ignorant. As you're only able to see the surface of things, I should not expect you to appreciate my true might.
Marluxia: Oh?
Marluxia: Then let us watch as you prove it.
Vexen: What?
Marluxia: None of us wish to be suspicious of a comrade.
Vexen: Your insincerity is comforting.
Axel: You give a challenge like that to Vexen and he'll seriously want to eliminate Sora.
Marluxia: That would be an unfortunate denouement.
Marluxia: What to do? Your hero is soon to be wiped from existence. But I believe there is a certain promise that he made you. Isn't that right, Naminé?
Naminé: ...Yes.
10th Floor: Hollow Bastion[]
A Promise with Naminé[]
Donald: Wow! The tenth floor... We've gotten up pretty high.
Jiminy Cricket: And that must mean we've lost ten whole floors' worth of our memories. Sora, it's still not too late. Don't you think we should turn back?
Sora: Can't do it...because...that would break an old promise that I made.
Jiminy Cricket: An old promise? What would that be?
Sora: On the islands, I promised Naminé—that I'd keep her safe, no matter what. But I forgot it... I didn't remember until I started forgetting everything else! A promise between the two of us... That's why I can't leave. Now that I remember the promise, I have to keep it.
Jiminy Cricket: Of course. We understand, Sora.
10th Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): If you remember your promise to Naminé, then you still must have your important memories.
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): Special promises like yours are meant to be kept.
Belle Refuses the Beast[]
Goofy (on-screen): I'm hearin' voices! I wonder who it is.
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Shhh! I think something's wrong!
Beast (on-screen): But Belle, I don't understand! I came here to rescue you!
Belle (on-screen): Beast... I did not ask you to come. And it doesn't matter anyway. I'm not going back with you, so you're wasting your time.
Beast (on-screen): Belle? Do you know what you're saying? How can you stay here with that witch?
Belle (on-screen): I've nothing more to say. Now leave, before she finds you.
Beast (on-screen): Belle...why?
Sora (on-screen): I'm not sure what's going on, everything okay?
Donald (on-screen): Don't feel bad. There must be a reason she said those things.
Beast (on-screen): Keep your sympathy. No one could ever care for a beast like me.
Goofy (on-screen): Poor guy. Sure wish there was somethin' we could do for him.
Belle's Wavering Heart[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Belle (on-screen): Who are you? Were you kidnapped, too?
Sora (on-screen): Uh...not exactly. It's a long story. Wait! So you've been kidnapped? You don't want to be here?
Belle (on-screen): Yes... ...No, I don't really want to be here. That witch forced me to come here. I have no one to talk to. Books are all I have to ease my loneliness. And then there's him... Oh, I've missed him so much.
Goofy (on-screen): You mean the Beast? Then why were you so mean to him before?
Sora (on-screen): Yeah. You really hurt his feelings.
Belle (on-screen): You don't understand. I can't let him see how I really feel.
Sora (on-screen): Why not?
Belle (on-screen): It's just that—
Belle (on-screen): ! Oh no, she's coming! Hide, quickly!
Sora, Donald & Goofy (on-screen): ?
Belle (on-screen): There's no time to explain. Quick. Hide!
Belle (on-screen): Oh... Hello. To what do I owe this visit?
Maleficent (on-screen): He was here—yes? He risked his life to come and save you. Why do you reject him?
Belle (on-screen): I won't ask for his help.
Maleficent (on-screen): Oh, and why is that?
Belle (on-screen): You know very well why. I'm not going to fall into your trap!
Maleficent (on-screen): Then I have no choice but to make you BEG for his help!
Sora (on-screen): No! She got away!
Goofy (on-screen): What should we do?
Sora (on-screen): Help her, of course! What else?
A Heart Stolen[]
(Upon entering the Key of Guidance room.)
Maleficent (on-screen): What are you waiting for? Call to him!
Belle (on-screen): No! I won't let you hurt him!
Maleficent (on-screen): Then I shall make you scream! The fool will come running the moment he hears your cries.
Sora (on-screen): Enough!
Sora (on-screen): The Beast isn't the only one you have to deal with.
Maleficent (on-screen): Begone, boy. You have no business here. Unless, of course, you wish to join in the screaming! This is perfect. When that brute hears your shrieks of terror, he'll come right to me!
Beast (on-screen): Don't trouble yourself.
Belle (on-screen): You're here! No! You mustn't! I told you to leave this place! Leave me alone! I never want to see your face again!
Beast (on-screen): Belle...
Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): What an awful thing to say!
Beast (on-screen): All right. If that's how you feel, I understand. My hideousness is punishment for being selfish and unable to love. I was made into a monster, loved by no one...and I only became more selfish. That is... Until I met you, Belle. You're the only person who accepted me. Little by little, you warmed my cold, selfish heart. The memories of our days together are my most precious. I won't cast them aside. So I'm sorry, but I can't leave you here...even if you hate me for it. Consider it my final selfish act.
Belle (on-screen): Oh, Beast...
Maleficent (on-screen): Well, well. I never dreamed such ugliness could hide so beautiful a heart. This calls for a change of plan. Beast, I shall claim your heart instead of Belle's!
Belle (on-screen): No! Please!
Maleficent (on-screen): Well, so much for the change of plan. Belle's heart it is, after all. It seems her cold words spoke little of her true feelings. Ha ha ha, she loves you, Beast! I can feel it shining in her heart!
Beast (on-screen): You fiend! Release Belle's heart at once!
Beast (on-screen): Where are you?!
Sora (on-screen): She went that way! That's the way the shadows fled.
Beast (on-screen): What are you doing here?
Donald (on-screen): No time to talk! We gotta go after them right away!
Beast (on-screen): You'd help me?
Goofy (on-screen): You bet! After what you just said, we GOTTA help you!
Sora (on-screen): Let's go get Belle's heart back!
Beast (on-screen): Right!
(Upon entering the Key to Truth room.)
Maleficent (on-screen): You've done well to make it this far, Beast. As your reward, I'll tell you why Belle rejected you. My dark magic requires hearts of utmost beauty. Belle was perfect. Deep in her heart, her love for you shone with uncommon radiance. But she guessed my plans. By denying her love for you, she put her heart beyond my reach.
Beast (on-screen): But she saved me! She protected me!
Sora (on-screen): She couldn't hide how she really felt...
Beast (on-screen): I've heard enough! Release her heart! NOW! If you don't...
Maleficent (on-screen): Hm hm hm...
Beast (on-screen): Do not try my patience!
Maleficent (on-screen): Don't you realize why I am telling you all this? Did you think it was out of kindness? I did it to erase your doubts. Now your heart is beginning to shine with love for Belle. I shall have your heart, too, monster!
Sora (on-screen): Not if we stop you!
Maleficent (on-screen): You dare to challenge me? Pitiful fools!
Together Again[]
Beast (on-screen): Belle!
Beast (on-screen): Thank goodness...
Belle (on-screen): Please forgive me. I had to be cruel to you. But no matter how I tried, I couldn't hide my true feelings...
Beast (on-screen): I'm the one who should apologize...for doubting you. I never want to remember feeling that angry, so alone.
Belle (on-screen): Then don't. Let's replace the sad memories with happier ones—starting now.
Beast (on-screen): Belle...
Goofy (on-screen): There they go with the mushy stuff, a-hyuck!
Sora (on-screen): Yeah, I think it's time we got on our way.
Donald (on-screen): Good idea! Let's keep moving.
I am Vexen.[]
Sora: Who are you?!
Vexen: I am Vexen. I have come to collect your debt, Sora.
Goofy: A debt? Sora, do you owe somethin' to this guy?
Sora: Come on, of course not.
Vexen: Oh, but you do. You owe me for reuniting you with your former friend.
Sora: You don't mean—
Vexen: Indeed, I do. I'm the one who brought Riku to you.
Sora:'re the one... You're the one who's been controlling him! What have you done with him?
Vexen: I see no need to give you information about where Riku is. After all—
Vexen: Why trouble you in your final hour?
A Forbidden Memory[]
Vexen: As I expected, you weren't one to die very easily.
Sora: As if I'd ever lose to you!
Vexen: I wouldn't be so sure. Did you even notice? I was delving deep into your memory as we fought. And here... Look what I found.
Vexen: A card crafted from all the memories that are locked in the other side of your heart.
Sora: Wait!
Sora: Memories... in the other side?
10th Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): I got a bad feeling about all this. We should be careful.
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): The other side of your heart? Is that where the stuff you forget goes?
Eliminate the Traitor[]
Axel: If Sora disappears, that would mess up the Organization's plans.
Marluxia: I trust that you know what you need to do.
Axel: Haven't a clue, really. Maybe you could spell it out for me.
Marluxia: Vexen has clearly committed a treasonous act against the Organization. You must eliminate the traitor.
Axel: No taking that back later.
11th Floor: Twilight Town[]
The Card of Mystery[]
Jiminy Cricket: A card made outta memories from "The other side of your heart"? Hmm, I wonder what it does.
Sora: We'll find out soon enough. It's the only one we have left. No other way to move forward.
11th Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): You think there are memories on the other side of MY heart? Kinda scary...
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): If you ask me, Vexen's waiting to trap us!
A Town Unremembered[]
Goofy: Gawrsh... Where are we, Sora?
Sora: Hmm... I dunno... I've never been here.
Donald: Me neither.
Jiminy Cricket: That can't be right! Up 'til now, the only places we've been are from Sora's memory.
Sora: Maybe so, but I definitely don't remember this.
Donald: You might have forgotten this town just like the other stuff.
Jiminy Cricket: This is terrible. Our memories are practically gone.
Sora: We'll be okay. See, look at this...
Goofy: Naminé's good luck charm!
Sora: There's a special memory that goes with this. One night, when Naminé and I were little, there was this meteor shower. Naminé started crying. She said, "What if a shooting star hits the islands?" So I said, "If a shooting star comes this way, I'll hit it right back into outer space!" I was swinging this toy sword around the whole time. Naminé just smiled and said, "Thanks." And then she gave me this.
Naminé: Sora, I'm so sorry. All this, because of me...
Sora: Naminé said she had it ever since she was a baby.
Donald: And she gave it to you? Aww...
Sora: Yeah. So I promised her... From now on, I'll bring you good luck. I'll keep you safe. But then one day, Naminé left the islands...and I forgot about her all this time. I really let her down...
Memories That Bind[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Goofy: What's wrong?
Sora: Something...feels really strange. I'm sure I don't know this place, but it's starting to feel like it's familiar to me...
Donald: You must have come here sometime before.
Sora: No, and that's what's strange...
Goofy: It could be like with Naminé. You forgot lots of other stuff—and that's why you remember this place now.
Sora: No... It's different. With Naminé—my memories...sort of came drifting back to me, a little piece at a time. But not now. It's not memories—just this idea that I must have been here before.
Vexen: So, feeling nostalgic?
Vexen: Sora...a question, then, for you... Your memories of Naminé or your feelings here—which of the two of these is more real, I wonder.
Sora: Naminé, of course! Whatever it is that I'm feeling, I bet it's just another one of your mean little tricks!
Vexen: The memory's wiles can be cruel. In its silence, we forget. In its obsession, it binds our hearts.
Sora: Cut the riddles!
Vexen: I told you— This place was created solely from another side of your memory. It is on the other side of your heart that the memory of this place exists. It is your heart that remembers.
Sora: You're wrong! I don't know this place!
Vexen: If you remain bound by the chain of memories and refuse to believe what is truly found inside your heart... ...then throw it away. You are not a Keyblade master—just a slave to twisted memories. Yes... Exactly like my Riku.
Vexen: Your existence is worth nothing!
Sora: Like YOUR Riku? Worth nothing?
Sora: That's enough! YOU'RE the one who changed Riku! Every word you've said is a lie! I'd never throw away my heart!
Sora: I'm gonna take you down and save Riku and Naminé. THAT'S what's in my heart!
Vexen's End[]
Vexen: Urrgh... You have such strength, even at the mercy of your memory—
Sora: None of that matters! Just put Riku back!
Vexen: Just put him back?
Vexen: The Riku you speak of...has but one fate, to sink into the darkness— and you will share that fate, Sora! If you continue to seek the girl, Naminé, the shackles will tighten, you'll lose your heart...and end up becoming Marluxia's pawn!
Sora: Marluxia? What does Naminé have to do with—
Sora: Axel!
Axel: Yo, Sora. Did I catch you at a bad time?
Vexen: Axel, why...?
Axel: I came to stop you from talking too eliminating your existence.
Vexen: No... Don't do it!
Axel: We are just Nobodies who have no one to be, yet we still "are." But now you can be nothing instead of just being a Nobody. You're off the hook.
Vexen: No... Please don't!
Vexen: I don't want to—
Axel: Goodbye.
Sora: What are you— What ARE you people?!
Axel: Hm... Don't know. I wonder about that myself.
Conspiracy of Rebellion[]
Larxene: Nice work. I say good riddance to that blabbermouth.
Axel: Marluxia... You used Vexen to test Sora's strength, didn't you?
Larxene: Not just Sora's. It was yours, too. We weren't sure if you actually had it in your bones to take out a fellow member.
Larxene: Well, I guess that you did. It's time to join up. Taking over the Organization will be like child's play with the three of us.
Axel: So that's where Sora comes in.
Larxene: Of course. He wants to see Naminé, so why don't we just give him what he wants?
Marluxia: Rejoice, Naminé. The time is near for you to meet the hero that you've been longing for.
Naminé: I'm...glad.
Larxene: But I'm warning you. You'd better not do anything to betray Sora's feelings. Do you understand me, little one?
Naminé: I understand.
Marluxia: All you need do is layer Sora's memories, and bring his heart closer to you.
Naminé: Sora... Even if you come for me—what then?
Matching Memories[]
Sora: Riku!
Riku Replica: You'll hurt Naminé if you go further.
Sora: You still want to fight? But Vexen's gone, so now you're free!
Riku Replica: It doesn't matter what happens to him. I'm protecting Naminé from you. That's what's in my heart. Sora, I made a promise to Naminé. I promised to... keep her safe.
Sora: You did?
Riku Replica: There was a meteor shower...this one night when she and I were little... Naminé got scared and said, "What if a shooting star hits the islands?" So I told her: "If a shooting star comes this way, I will protect you!"
Sora: You made a promise! With a toy sword!
Riku Replica: What... How do you know about that?
Sora: Because...that was the promise I made to her that night! I would protect her! I said it!
Riku Replica: Don't lie! You weren't the one there that night!
Sora: YOU're the one who wasn't there! That was when she gave her good luck charm to ME!
Riku Replica: Her what?!
Sora: See?
Riku Replica: Tell me... Where did you get that?
Riku Replica: Sora...good try.
Sora: Huh?
Riku Replica: That must be a fake. I've got the real one right here!
Sora: Wha— TWO of them?!
Riku Replica: Fakes should be destroyed!
The Fake Charm[]
Sora: Riku...
Sora: Huh?
Donald: Isn't that Naminé's good luck charm?
Sora: It's just like mine.
Sora: How'd he get this?
Sora, Donald, & Goofy: Whoa!
Goofy: It turned into a card!
11th Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Riku's good luck charm turned into...a card?!
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): So you and Riku had the same memory? Hmm...
A Falling Out[]
Donald: Aww...I don't understand what's going on...
Sora: Let's just keep moving, okay? It doesn't matter.
Donald: It DOES matter. How can two of you have the same memory? You can't both be right.
Sora: I'm wrong? Fine, then don't believe me!
Goofy: That's not what he meant. We're just kinda worried.
Sora: Then let's ask Naminé! That should clear it up. Look, we don't have time to sit around. So let's GO.
Goofy: Sora, what happened to ya?
Sora: What's THAT mean?
Goofy: Well, ya always get real touchy when it comes to stuff about Naminé... But before we came to this castle, you didn't even remember what her name was.
Donald: Now Naminé is the only thing you talk about.
Goofy: It doesn't make sense. Maybe you should just slow down and think ahead about some of these things.
Sora: Think ahead? What is the matter with you guys? Do you want me to abandon her?!
Donald: No, that's not it—
Sora: Then do whatever you want! You can lay back and take a nap for all I care! I'M going to find Naminé!
Donald & Goofy: Sora!
The Only One Who Can Save Him[]
Axel: You're all that he's got left. So then, if you don't stop this, no one will.
Naminé: But I... It's too late.
Axel: You shouldn't give up just yet. Say, Naminé. Have you noticed? Marluxia doesn't seem to be around.
Naminé: What are you...saying?
Axel: Just that there's no one here who would want to get in your way.
Axel: Just make it count. Now THIS should be interesting. Try and make it enjoyable, Sora. It's the least you can do for me, you know.
Axel: Hey, wait. I'm enjoying this. You guys ARE something else!
12th Floor: Destiny Islands[]
Sora on His Own[]
Jiminy Cricket: Sora, that was no way to—
Sora: Keep it to yourself!
Friends on the Islands[]
Sora (on-screen): I'm not going crazy, am I? I know exactly where this is... Yeah! This is our island! Where Naminé and I used to play together!
Tidus, Wakka, & Selphie (on-screen): Heeeey!
Wakka (on-screen): Whassup, Sora!
Selphie (on-screen): So, whatcha wanna do today?
Sora (on-screen): Hey, guys! Am I glad to see you, uh...
Tidus (on-screen): "Uh" what?
Wakka (on-screen): We got food on our faces?
Selphie (on-screen): Please, Wakka. Only you could be dumb enough to not notice food stuck to your face.
Wakka (on-screen): Hey, whoa! That's a low blow, ya?
Tidus (on-screen): I dunno, Wakka. I think Selphie's on the mark.
Wakka (on-screen): Aw, not you too, Tidus!
Sora (on-screen): Oh, yeah. You're Selphie, Wakka, and Tidus, that's who you are!
Wakka (on-screen): You hit your head?
Sora (on-screen): No, uh...just thinking aloud.
Selphie (on-screen): I know... You're thinking about HER again!
Tidus (on-screen): Ohhh, I get it. Yeah, he's a total zombie when she's on his mind.
Wakka (on-screen): That would explain why he's actin' all funny towards us.
Selphie (on-screen): I bet you want us to take a hike so you two can be ALONE, huh?
Sora (on-screen): Ummm...I guess.
Selphie (on-screen): All right, all right. We'll disappear for awhile. Go find her, cowboy.
Tidus (on-screen): We'll try to be quiet while we SPY on you!
Wakka (on-screen): Hey, Sora's serious. Give the guy some room.
Tidus (on-screen): I'm only kidding!
Selphie (on-screen): See you later, Sora!
Riku in My Memories[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Riku (on-screen): Hey, Sora. What's the big rush?
Sora (on-screen): I know you...
Sora (on-screen): You're Riku!
Riku (on-screen): Gee, thanks for remembering me. It's been, what, a couple of hours?
Sora (on-screen): Er... Never mind. Are you okay? Are you still under his control?
Riku (on-screen): What are you TALKING about?
Sora (on-screen): I get it... You must be the Riku from my memories.
Riku (on-screen): "The Riku from my memories"? Sounds like you're stuck in the land of make-believe.
Sora (on-screen): I guess I kind of am.
Riku (on-screen): Ha ha, you're such a kid. How are you gonna take care of HER if you act like that?
Sora (on-screen): Hey, speaking of her—
Sora (on-screen): What's happening?!
Riku (on-screen): How should I know! Whatever it is, it can't be good! I'm gonna go warn the others!
Sora (on-screen): Then I should go—
Riku (on-screen): I know, I know! It's your job to look after her. Go, Sora!
Sora (on-screen): Okay!
The Islands Falling Apart[]
(Upon entering the Key of Guidance room.)
Sora: The island!
The Girl That Never Was[]
Sora: Okay...I have to keep her safe... Naminé! Can you hear me?
Sora: Naminé...
Naminé: Sora... You really came for me.
Sora: It's you... It's really you. I've been through so much just to see you.
Naminé: Yes. I wanted to see you, too. But this isn't right. I messed up. I wanted to see you... But this isn't the right way.
Sora: Naminé?
Naminé: I was lonely for so long. I just couldn't bear it anymore. So I called out to your heart and had you come all the way out to this place. You came for me and I'm happy, but...but to your heart I had to—
Sora: Don't worry. I'm here because I promised that I would protect you.
Naminé: Sora... Thank you. And I'm sorry.
Naminé: I'm not supposed to be in this picture.
Naminé: That's true.
Sora: Huh? Naminé?!
Naminé: That isn't me. I'm not there.
Naminé: I don't really exist inside your heart.
Naminé: I don't exist in anyone's heart.
Naminé: I never have existed anywhere.
Sora: What... What are you saying? What's gotten into you? Weren't we inseparable, always together? But then you had to go away... I came here so I'd never lose you again!
Naminé: Was it really me you wanted to see?
Sora: Of course it was! I know I've forgotten a lot of things in this castle, but never anything about you!
Sora: Look! You gave this to me, didn't you?
Naminé: You have it! My good luck charm.
Naminé: No, Sora! You can't believe me!
Sora: What am I supposed to do...
Naminé: Think, Sora. Think just one more time. About who's most special to you. Call out to that piece of memory that glimmers faintly deep inside your heart. No matter how far away the light gets, your heart's voice will always reach it.
A Forgotten Remnant[]
Sora: Who's most special to me? That's an easy one. It's you, Nami—
Sora: Who... Who was that? I can't remember her, but she feels so... familiar. Naminé? Naminé!
The Person Most Special[]
Sora: Naminé! It isn't you. The person most special to me— It's not you... Right?
Naminé: No. The girl you really care about... The one who was always with you... It's not me. It's her.
Sora: But then who... who is she? Cuz I can't... think of her name. If she's so special to me, then why can't I remember?
Naminé: Because I went into your memories and—
Riku Replica: Let me explain this.
Riku: Plain and simple. Your memory is a train wreck. You're not the one who's meant to protect Naminé. It's supposed to be me! But you and your messed-up memories are always in the way, Sora!
Larxene's Sneer[]
Sora: Riku!
Riku Replica: Want some more?
Sora: Aah!
Naminé: Sora!
Sora: Riku...
Riku Replica: Looks like I win.
Naminé: Riku, stop!
Riku Replica: You are through!
Naminé: I said STOP!
Sora: Riku...? Riku! RIKU! What did you do? What did you do to him?
Larxene: Broke his heart. I'd say more like she smashed it, really.
Sora: Smashed...his heart?! Then...what's gonna... What's gonna happen to Riku?
Larxene: Oh, you're so much fun to watch. If it's Riku you're worried about, then don't. Because Riku was never really here.
Sora: What do you mean?
Larxene: Do you really think I'm just gonna say it? That's too easy! Oh, what to do?
Sora: Quit the games!
Larxene: All right, have it your way, then. I know it'll kill you to hear this, but I think I can live with that. That thing lying there is just a puppet that Vexen made as an experiment. No more than a toy. It's laughable, really. It called you a fake, but IT was a fabrication all along.
Sora: Not Riku? A fake?!
Larxene: Fake in every possible way. It was only finished recently. How could it remember anything?
Larxene: You get it? Its memories with Naminé were just planted, not real.
Larxene: Yup. That means, all this time, it's been picking fights with you over memories—that were counterfeit, trumped up, and completely bogus. Isn't that the truth, Naminé?
Larxene: Oh, so cute...but behind this little face, you do awful things.
Sora: Naminé...
Larxene: You're so stupid. Don't you get it now? That's what Naminé's powers are about! She can enter, rearrange, and even create new memories—of anything, even things that never happened. The girl you've been trying to protect all this time—is really a manipulative witch who shackles people's hearts!
Sora: memories...are all...
Larxene: Oh, you do get it! Lies, lies, all lies! Just Naminé's illusions, nothing more. Binding you in the chains of your own memory was central to our trap. It makes me tingle to think how easily you were duped. So close to it— we were almost there. This was our only chance to turn the Keyblade master into our puppet, but— That jerk Axel—he used Naminé to betray us!
Larxene: So now, I'm left with no choice but to eliminate you!
Sora: You'll pay...
Naminé: Don't!
Larxene: Huh? It's a little late for the witch to grow a conscience. Last time I checked—YOU'RE the one who fooled around with his memories creating this mess.
Naminé: I know, but—
Larxene: I should tell you that I'm in an EXTREMELY foul mood. Thanks to you, all our plans are ruined!
Sora: Naminé!
Larxene: What's this? Are you upset? And you don't even actually know her!
Sora: Maybe not. But still...I made...a promise.
Larxene: What?
Sora: A promise I made to Naminé to keep her safe. Maybe my memories are fake. But the promise is real to me. That's why—I'll keep it.
Larxene: Hmph. You're such an idiot. There is no promise and there never was! You're just delusional. Must you insist on playing the hero? Whatever. If that's the way you want it... You're going down alone!
Donald: Not if we can stop you!
Sora: Huh?
Sora: Donald! Goofy! You found me!
Goofy: Of course we did. We were worried about you!
Donald: And we promised! We promised that we would protect you!
Goofy: You won't ever be alone. It's always been the three of us and we stick together...
Donald: And that is how it's going to stay!
Larxene: Okay... Have it your way. More pain for you means more fun for me!
False Memories and Real Feelings[]
Larxene: No... No! I refuse to lose to such a bunch of losers!
Larxene: I think I'm...I'm fading?! No, this isn't...the way I... I won't... ALLOW...
Goofy: You must be Naminé! It's good to meet ya. We're friends of Sora's and my name is—
Naminé: You're Goofy, and you're Donald.
Donald: Yeah, but how did you know that?
Goofy: Congratulations, Sora! You finally found your friend. I'm so happy for ya!
Jiminy Cricket: Gee, there sure are a lot of questions... Naminé, I know this probably won't be easy for ya...but could ya tell us what happened?
Naminé: Of course. It's my fault, after all. I took the people and memories that were inside Sora's heart...and little by little, I replaced them with false memories.
Donald: Hey... What about Sora's promise?
Naminé: Made up. It was fake. Sora never really promised me anything. Me being with him on the islands—that was a lie, just like everything else. We never met. I was never Sora's friend—
Sora: And you were never anything more—either...
Naminé: No. You see, in all of your true memories, I was never really there.
Jiminy Cricket: Gee, then that must mean it was your magic that made the rest of us lose our memories, too. Is there any way for us to ever get 'em back?
Naminé: I can fix everything if we go to the thirteenth floor. But Marluxia, he—
Jiminy Cricket: Bet I know who that is. Was he the fellah who made you tamper with all of our memories?
Naminé: If I didn't obey, he said I'd be locked in this castle forever. I've been alone for so long...
Goofy: So ya did what he told ya to do because you were lonely?
Naminé: I'm so sorry...
Sora: Don't be. Please don't cry...
Naminé: Oh... Of course. I know I really don't have the right to.
Sora: That's not what I meant!
Naminé: What?
Sora: It's like this... I'm really not happy about you messing with my memories. know—I can't really get mad at you for it, either. These memories you gave me... In my head, I know they're lies—but they still feel right. Like the promise I made. I said I would protect you and that I wouldn't make you cry...not ever. Naminé...if you cry now—I'll feel guilty, like I let you down. So don't cry...please. Until I get my memories back, smile and try to be happy. It's easier on me that way.
Naminé: Sora...
Donald: Oh, brother! That's a bit much.
Goofy: It's okay. Sora always gets like this every time he's around a girl!
Sora: Aw, cut it out! I thought you both lost your memories, too!
Donald: Too bad. Good friends don't forget the good stuff!
Sora: Come on...
Sora: There! That's it! That's the Naminé I remember. Yeah...I really liked it when you used to smile. Of course, that was really only in my fake memories. But what I'm feeling now definitely isn't fake. It's real.
Naminé: Thank you.
Sora: Well, then, let's go.
Donald: Oh boy! I can't wait to get my memory back!
Goofy: Naminé, Marluxia is gonna be up there, so maybe you'd better stay down here.
Sora: Yeah. Maybe you could look after Riku? We'll come get you when it's over.
Naminé: Okay.
Naminé: Please be careful, Sora.
Sora: I'll be okay... I promise!
12th Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Naminé after defeating Riku.)
Naminé (on-screen): Everything is my fault...
(Upon trying to move to the next floor without talking to Riku.)
Sora (on-screen): I really gotta talk to Riku...
(Upon talking to Naminé after defeating Larxene.)
Naminé (on-screen): I wish I could help Riku. I'm the one who caused his suffering...
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): You're a nice guy, Sora. Why? It's a secret, a-hyuck!
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): What if we have to face Axel AND Marluxia?
13th Floor: Castle Oblivion[]
13th Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): Promises never fade, even if all our memories do.
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): Let's deal with Marluxia and get our memories back!
A New Promise[]
Sora: Who was it? Who's most important to me?
Sora: Nothing...
Donald: Can't you remember?
Sora: No. I only remember Naminé. C'mon, do you guys remember anything at all?
Donald: No. Sorry, Sora. It's important, but I just can't remember... I don't want to be, but I'm getting scared.
Goofy: Then we should really make a promise!
Sora & Donald: Huh?
Goofy: What you said back there kinda got my brain a-thinkin'. Whenever you make a promise that's super-duper big— Maybe it gives you the courage to face the scary stuff!
Sora: Courage...
Donald: Yeah! Let's do it!
Donald: Even if we get scared, or in trouble—or even if we get separated—
Goofy: or even if we sorta forget each other—
Sora: Whatever happens—we're friends.
Donald: All for one, and one for all!
Seeking Shadow[]
(Upon entering the 4th room.)
(This cutscene contains no dialogue.)
Axel vs. Marluxia[]
(Upon entering the 11th room.)
Marluxia: You have some nerve to show your treasonous face around here... some nerve indeed—
Axel: Treasonous? I don't know what you could possibly be talking about.
Marluxia: Why let Naminé go? If it weren't for your needless meddling— We could have turned the Keyblade master to come and serve us.
Axel: Ohh, right, your big plan. You use Naminé to rewrite Sora's memory piece by little piece. And he turns into her total puppet. Then, using Naminé and Sora together, you and Larxene overthrow the Organization. Am I right? I would say that YOU are the traitor, Marluxia.
Marluxia: Since when were you suspicious of us?
Axel: Do either one of us have the heart to believe anyone?
Marluxia: So you only eliminated Vexen to obtain proof of our plan?
Axel: That, I didn't want to do, but it was your order.
Marluxia: Oh...
Axel: Remember the order: "You must eliminate the traitor." I always follow orders, Marluxia.
Axel's Dancing Flames[]
Axel: Larxene paid the price for disloyalty when she disappeared... You must do the same!
Axel: The Organization's betrayed. In that name, I will annihilate you.
Marluxia: That line's not you.
Axel: Well, had to try it once, you know.
Axel: Is that your shield? Won't do you any good, I'm afraid.
Marluxia: I wonder. Are you listening, Sora?
Axel: Oh?
Marluxia: Axel says he's willing to harm Naminé to get me. You won't let that happen, will you?
Axel: Oh, come now. You're Marluxia's puppet already?
Sora: After I finish you, he's next!
Marluxia: Hmph.
Axel: Hmph. Now, Sora. We've got more in common than you might think. I'd really rather not fight you... But I can't dishonor the Organization, now, can I?
Axel Vanishes[]
Axel: You're better than I thought you'd be. It was worth saving you after all.
Sora: Saving me? What d'ya mean?
Axel: Sorry, I would hate to kill the suspense.
Sora: Axel!
Phantom Promise or Not—[]
Marluxia: You've defeated Axel.
Marluxia: The Keyblade's power—how I've longed to make it my own.
Sora: Let Naminé go!
Marluxia: You've no chance of winning. Naminé... Erase Sora's memory.
Naminé: But if I do that...
Marluxia: That's right. Sora's heart will be destroyed.
Goofy: His heart, destroyed?
Donald: You can do that?
Marluxia: I'd rather have preferred him unmarred, but he can be rebuilt—more to my liking with time. Naminé, do it.
Naminé: No. Sora forgave me even when I deceived him. So how could I destroy his heart? There's no way! I don't care what happens to me. I won't hurt Sora! I won't do it!
Marluxia: Then you will—
Sora: Do it, Naminé!
Sora: I don't care! You can erase my memory!
Goofy: Sora, why'd you say that?!
Sora: Because who will I look after if I don't have Naminé? So just do it! Erase my memories. Destroy my heart. I promised! I'll always protect you! You have to believe me!
Naminé: Sora...
Sora: I don't need any memories to take on someone like Marluxia!
Donald: You bet! Even if Sora forgets it all, Goofy and I won't forget!
Goofy: Donald's right. He and I can remember everything for Sora!
Sora: See, I'll have all my friends' memories, so I can piece my own together again!
Marluxia: You ignorant fool. If Naminé uses her powers to erase your memory, you'll be nothing but an empty shell. Your heart will no longer be able to feel or to care. Just like—Vexen's pathetic imitation of your Riku.
Riku Replica: Take another guess.
Marluxia: It can't be!
Sora: Riku!
Riku Replica: No. Just an imitation.
Marluxia: You're a shell—a shell who has had everything taken! Everything!
Riku Replica: What can you possibly think I ever had? Both my body and my heart are fake. But...there is one memory I'll keep...even if it's just a lie! Whether it was a phantom promise or not... I will protect Naminé!
Marluxia: Imbeciles...
Marluxia: You would knowingly shackle your heart with a chain of memories born of lies?
Marluxia: You would be one who has a heart, yet cast aside your heart's freedom?
Marluxia: You turn from the truth because your heart is weak— You will never defeat me!
To The Last Battle[]
Donald: Is he gone?
Marluxia: You could say that.
Marluxia: However, what you destroyed was merely an illusion of me.
Riku Replica: So what!
Riku Replica: Another imitation.
Sora: He's there?
Naminé: Yes.
Sora: I knew it. I can feel his power. It's trying to destroy my heart.
Goofy: Gawrsh, we'll just take care of him together!
Donald: Sora! C'mon!
Sora: Riku... Protect Naminé.
Riku Replica: You don't...mind?
Sora: Should I?
Riku Replica: All right.
Unknown Room (gameplay)[]
(Upon talking to Naminé.)
Naminé: Your heart can withstand even Marluxia's power. I know it!
(Upon talking to Donald.)
Donald (on-screen): You ready? 'Cause whatever's behind that door seems really powerful...
(Upon talking to Goofy.)
Goofy (on-screen): As long as we remember our promise, there's nothing we can't face!
(Upon talking to Riku Replica.)
Riku Replica (on-screen): I'll take care of Naminé. I promise.
(Upon approaching the door.)
Donald (on-screen): Oh boy, Sora! This is the final battle!
Goofy (on-screen): Are you ready?
Sora (on-screen):
- I'm not quite ready....
- It's our last battle!
The Heart-Lorn World[]
Marluxia: Soon the emptiness will shatter your heart—here in this world of nothingness!
Marluxia: As lightless oblivion devours you—drown in the ever-blooming darkness!
Into Oblivion[]
(This cutscene contains no dialogue.)
Your Own Heart[]
Sora: You okay, Riku?
Riku Replica: Not Riku. I'm a fake. I can't remember why I was created or where or when... All that's inside of me—is time with you and Naminé. But I know those memories are not real.
Goofy: Gee, Naminé, can't you use your magic to put Riku's memory back to normal?
Naminé: Well, I—
Riku Replica: It's all right. I'll deal.
Sora: Wait! Who cares if someone created you? You are you and nobody else. You have your own heart inside you. Those feelings and memories are yours and yours alone. They're special!
Riku Replica: Sora, you're a good guy. I don't have to be real to see how real your feelings are. That's good enough.
Sora: Riku! Riku...
Donald: Can you put our memories back?
Naminé: Yes. Not remembering something doesn't really mean that it's gone.
Goofy: What d'ya mean?
Naminé: When you remember one thing, that leads to remembering another—and then another and then another. Our memories are connected. Many pieces are linked together like they're in a chain—that makes up each of us. I don't actually erase any memories—just take apart the links and rearrange them. You still have all your memories.
Jiminy Cricket: So you can put 'em back together?
Naminé: Yes, but first, I have to undo the chains of the memories I made on my own. After I've done that, I have to gather up the memories scattered across each of your hearts and then reconnect them. It might take some time. But I think it might work. No—it will work. I'm sure. It's my turn to look after you.
Sora: All right. We all really trust you.
Jiminy Cricket: Oh... Wait a second! You said you had to undo the links of the memories you made. But that means—
Naminé: Yes. You won't be able to remember anything about what happened here.
Sora: Not even you?
Naminé: I'm sorry. It's the only way, I'm afraid. Sora, you have a choice. You can lose your memories of this castle and reclaim your old ones...or keep your memories here and give up the memories that you've lost.
Sora: Do I have choose?
Naminé: Yes.
Sora: Make me like I was.
Naminé: Oh, okay. Nobody needs to keep a bunch of memories that aren't real, right? You want to remember all of the people who are really important to you. Anybody would choose that.
Promise in the Light[]
Donald: To remember again, we have to sleep in that?
Naminé: Yes. It's going to take a little time, but I'll take care of you.
Goofy: Gawrsh, when we wake up, we won't remember who you are anymore...
Donald: But how are we gonna thank you?
Jiminy Cricket: Don't worry about that! I'll just make a big note in my journal. And it will say, "Thank Naminé."
Donald: Oh, good. That makes me feel better.
Goofy: Well, good night, then, Naminé.
Naminé: Good night, Goofy.
Naminé: You too, Sora.
Sora: Okay.
Naminé: All of this may have started with a lie...but I really am glad that I can meet you, Sora.
Sora: Yeah, me too. When I finally found you, and even when I remembered your name, I was happy. The way I felt then— That was no lie.
Naminé: Goodbye.
Sora: No, not goodbye! When I wake up, I'll find you. And then there will be no lies. We're gonna be friends for real. Promise me, Naminé.
Naminé: You're going to forget making that promise.
Sora: If the chain of memories comes apart, the links will still be there, right? So the memory of our promise will always be inside me somewhere. I'm sure of it.
Naminé: Yeah, you're right. Okay, it's a promise.
Sora: Good. Until later.
Naminé: A promise... Huh... Sora, some of your memories' links are deep in the shadows of your heart and I won't be able to find them. But don't worry— You made another promise to someone who you could never replace. She is your light. The light within the darkness. Remember her, and all the memories lost in the shadows of your heart will come into the light.
Sora: Another promise...
Naminé: Look at the good luck charm. I changed its shape when I changed your memory— But when you thought of her just once, it went back to the way it was.
Sora: Kairi! My friends... Naminé?
Naminé: Don't worry. You might forget about me... but with our promise, I can come back.
Sora: A promise is a promise.
Naminé: Yes. One day the light—it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then—I'll be in your heart.
Sora: Right. Forgotten—but not lost.
(After the credits.)
- There is always sleep between part and meet with our usual words on the usual street.
- So let us part like we always do... And in a world without you I'll dream of you.
- When I come to, let us meet with our usual words on the usual street.
Basement 12: Hollow Bastion[]
The Slumber's End[]
Riku: Where am I...
Ansem (DiZ): Stay asleep.
Riku: Who's there?!
Ansem (DiZ): You should remain asleep. Here, between light and dark.
Riku: Between... what?
Riku: The king! Where's the king?! Together we closed the door to darkness. After that—
Ansem (DiZ): You came drifting here by yourself. You did not have the strength to overcome the darkness. Or...maybe you were close to it.
Riku: Hmph. As if I'm some kind of demon.
Ansem (DiZ): Hmm. Turn from the light. Shut your eyes. Here blanketed by the darkness, sleep is safety. Sleep is eternal. But...
Riku: What's this?
Ansem (DiZ): It is a door to the truth. Take it and your sleep ends, as you take the first step toward the truth. But know this: the truth will bring you pain. Will you still go? There is no return to the security of sleep.
Riku: This seemed like a boring place to take a nap anyway.
Ansem (DiZ): That was very well said, Riku.
Riku: A door to the truth, huh...
Hollow Bastion[]
Riku (on-screen): This is Hollow Bastion!
Ansem (DiZ) (on-screen): What you see is not real. It's the world of your memory.
Riku (on-screen): My memory?
Ansem (DiZ) (on-screen): The things you remember from your time at Maleficent's castle became a card, and that card made this world. You've seen everything here before, haven't you?
Riku (on-screen): Yeah... So what now? Am I going to learn something? Maybe meet someone?
Ansem (DiZ) (on-screen): You would meet the people in your memories. Ordinarily.
Riku (on-screen): What does that mean?
Riku (on-screen): Hey! I'm asking you a question!
Riku (on-screen): Fine. But it had better be you I run across next, Voice.
A Tiny Room[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Riku (on-screen): Everything IS just how I remember it. Even this room...
Ansem (DiZ) (on-screen): It must be nice being back in your old bedroom. Think of all the memories...
Riku (on-screen): You again. Sorry, but these memories I could do without. Maleficent gave me this room.
Ansem (DiZ) (on-screen): So she did. And you lived here, tempted by the darkness she offered. You cast away your home, your friends, everything... But at least they gave you a nice room.
Riku (on-screen): Stop talking!
Empty Heart[]
(Upon entering the Key of Guidance room.)
Riku (on-screen): No one here, either... There's nothing but Heartless in this castle.
Riku (on-screen): Voice! I know you're watching—so explain this! Where are the people from my memories?
Ansem (DiZ) (on-screen): Do you want to see them?
Riku (on-screen): Of course I do.
Ansem (DiZ) (on-screen): But you cast them aside.
Riku (on-screen): What?
Ansem (DiZ) (on-screen): You dreamt of the outside world, and you passed through the door to darkness. Behind you, you left family, friends, home—everything—all in pursuit of darkness.
Riku (on-screen): But I cast that aside, too!
Ansem (DiZ) (on-screen): And what do you have to show for it? First your home, then the dark. Your heart only knows how to cast away. It's empty—like that room. Like your memories. That's why you don't meet anyone. Your heart is hollow—except for the residual darkness.
Riku (on-screen): You're wrong! I rejected the darkness!
Ansem (DiZ) (on-screen): Ha ha ha... Did you really, now?
Maleficent Returns[]
(Upon entering the Key to Truth room.)
Maleficent (on-screen): I knew you would return, Riku.
Riku (on-screen): Maleficent! You're alive?!
Maleficent (on-screen): You haven't been paying attention. I am but a figment of your memory.
Riku (on-screen): Of all the people I could run into, it had to be you.
Maleficent (on-screen): But of course. After all, your heart is steeped in darkness. You can only see those who exist in that same darkness...
Riku (on-screen): No...
Maleficent (on-screen): Be grateful you have someone to keep you company. Your heart is empty. Were it not for the darkness it contains, you would be completely alone.
Riku (on-screen): That's sounding pretty good right about now.
Maleficent (on-screen): Come, now. You once turned to me to sate your hunger for darkness. You want me here. Who but I can grant you the darkness you long for?
Riku (on-screen): There was a time I did want you around. I surrendered my heart to the dark. But never again. You and your darkness have nothing to offer. All I did was lose myself... Empty myself! I'm finished with all that. If I'm stuck seeing people like you, people of the dark... I'll take you out one by one.
Maleficent (on-screen): Then you mustn't forget to destroy yourself last. For, like me, you are one of the dark.
Riku (on-screen): That's fine with me. I turned to darkness because my heart was weak. I hate that weakness. It's like I'm my own enemy. And seeing people like you embrace the darkness just makes it worse! Enough talk, Maleficent.
Maleficent (on-screen): So you hate the darkness enough to fight it. Oh, the agony you must feel! Then let me end your pain, Riku—end it forever...with the wondrous power of darkness!
Ansem of the Dark[]
Ansem (DiZ): Why do you shun the darkness?
Riku: Hmph. Come on, I know you heard me—every word I said to Maleficent.
Ansem (DiZ): Darkness is your weapon. It is time you learned you must accept it.
Riku: What do you mean?
Ansem (DiZ): Stop resisting. Accept the darkness. You have no choice...
Ansem: ...if you are to serve me again!
Riku: I thought it was you... Ansem.
Ansem: Oh. You don't seem surprised.
Riku: All you have been talking about is the darkness. I can only assume you wanna pull me back you can play puppet master.
Ansem: Clever boy. I knew you'd be the one to most appropriately serve me. And now, surrender to me again—
Riku: You're crazy! Not a chance!
Ansem: Did you really think you could do me harm? A weakling like you couldn't even defeat Sora—and you had darkness on your side.
Riku: Excuse me...for being weak...
Ansem: You are weak. You need darkness. Surrender. Bow to darkness. Bow to me.
Riku: Grr... That's not gonna happen!
Ansem: Only the darkness can offer to you all of the strength that you will need.
Mickey: You're wrong!
Riku: That voice...! Your Majesty?!
Mickey: That's right! Remember Riku, you're not alone.
Mickey: Listen close. The light'll never give up on you. You'll always find it, even in the deepest darkness!
Riku: I got it.
Riku: I won't lost to darkness. Not today.
Ansem: You think that feeble little light can save you from the darkness that I command? You shall feel my dark powers—in your bones!
Basement 12 Exit Hall (gameplay 1)[]
(At the start of the fight.)
Ansem (DiZ) (on-screen): You shall feel the darkness everywhere!
Riku (on-screen): Give me all you've got. I'll give it right back!
On-screen: When Ansem shows his card, break it right away!
(Upon breaking a card quickly enough.)
On-screen: "Rapid Break"
- Quickly Break the opponent's card for a boost in attack.
Ansem (DiZ) (on-screen): Not giving up yet? I wonder how much of this you can take.
Riku (on-screen): I'm just going along until YOU give up.
On-screen: Show the same valued card as the opponent's and press [button prompt]!
(Upon properly executing the duel command.)
On-screen: Break all the opponent's cards!
(Upon breaking all three of Ansem's cards.)
On-screen: "Duel System"
- Show the same valued card as the opponent's and press [button prompt] to start. Break the enemy's cards to execute a sleight. But you will need more than 8 cards.
Ansem's Offer[]
Riku: What, that all you got?
Ansem: It seems to me that you are intent on resisting the darkness. All right. Then see it for yourself.
Riku: Huh?
Ansem: This is a card crafted from your memory. Advance through the world it creates and soon, you will understand... Chasing after light is not the way. It will not give you distance from the darkness. There is no running from the darkness.
Riku: Don't worry, I'm not running. Give it. I'll enter the world and in the end, if I haven't given in to the darkness... Then I win.
Ansem: I have one more gift for you.
Riku: What'd you do?!
Ansem: I simply tempered the darkness that yet remains in your heart.
Riku: You still think that I'd rely on darkness?
Ansem: To use it or not is your choice. I'll be waiting, Riku... for you to sense it and yield to the darkness in your heart!
Basement 12 Exit Hall (gameplay 2)[]
(After the cutscene.)
On-screen: Riku learns D Mode.
On-screen: Activating Dark Mode
- Dark Mode can be activated when you have accumulated maximum dark points (DP) through card breaks. In Dark Mode, your skills are powered up, and you have more sleights to choose from. DP is lost when your card is broken or you receive damage. Riku returns to normal when your DP reaches zero
On-screen: To increase dark points during Dark Mode
- Choose Darkness Boost when leveling up.
The Organization[]
Zexion: Don't I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?
Vexen: What is going on here, Zexion? I want an explanation.
Zexion: Nice to see you too, Vexen. It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together.
Vexen: You're only number 6! How dare you—
Lexaeus: Let it go, Vexen.
Lexaeus: Zexion, tell us. What did you detect?
Zexion: Visitors. I picked up two scents in the castle's lowest basement. One of them was Maleficent—
Vexen: Don't be absurd. The witch is gone. She cannot return from the realm of darkness of her own volition.
Zexion: If you would let me finish... The scent belonged not to the real Maleficent but to a very convincing double. But I truly cannot say much beyond that since the double is no more. Our other visitor saw to that.
Lexaeus: And who is it?
Zexion: I do not know for sure... But the scent was very similar to that of the Superior.
Vexen: And yet, not exactly the same, was it?
Vexen: This truly piques my curiosity.
Zexion: Now—what to do?
Lexaeus: We wait—see what develops.
Basement 11[]
The Smell of Darkness and the King's Light[]
Riku: Something smells... funny... What's that scent? It's so familiar...
Riku: Darkness. It's the smell of darkness. I can't believe this is happening. The darkness even seeped into my skin...
Mickey: Don't worry, Riku.
Riku: Your Majesty!
Riku: What happened? I can see... right through you.
Mickey: Funny, huh? I can only send a bit of my power to this place. That's why I've got a request for ya.
Riku: Request?
Mickey: Listen, Riku. Just because darkness holds you, don't let go of who you are. You've got to fight the darkness inside you! It won't be easy to do, I know. But please don't forget. Even in the darkest darkness, there's always a little bit of light.
Riku: Light within darkness...
Mickey: You and I have seen it. The far welcoming light inside the door to darkness... The light of Kingdom Hearts—it will show you the way. Please don't give up. Believe in the light. That's a request from my heart.
Riku: Okay... I'll do my best.
Mickey: Trust me. I'll try to find a way to reach you. I'll get there, I promise.
Riku: You're an illusion...
Mickey: Don't worry. We shook hands in our hearts, remember? We're connected, you and me.
Riku: Guess we are.
The Other Hero[]
Zexion: I have identified the scent. It is Riku.
Vexen: Riku, you say? Has he emerged from the realm of darkness?
Zexion: His existence—it was once doubled in the darkness.
Vexen: Fascinating... That's why you mistook him for the Superior. The dark power given to Riku facilitated his escape from its realm.
Zexion: What I want to know is why he appeared here in Castle Oblivion.
Vexen: That's really quite simple. His existence resonates with that of another hero.
Zexion: Sora is in the castle?
Vexen: He arrived earlier. Marluxia is already using Naminé's unique powers to meddle with Sora's heart.
Zexion: Without even bothering to consult us.
Vexen: It seems he desperately wants the Keyblade master for himself— What a foolish plan, indeed. Sora's is not such an interesting existence. The entity that holds true value—is Riku, the hero of darkness.
Basement 10[]
One Who Walks in the Twilight[]
Riku: Huh?
Vexen: I take it you're Riku.
Riku: Are you with Ansem?
Vexen: You are half correct. Let us say that he is not the Ansem with which you are familiar. He is Ansem and he is not Ansem. Perhaps a "Nobody" best conveys the idea.
Riku: Riddles were never my thing. Try again.
Vexen: He belongs to neither the light nor the dark but walks the twilight between.
Vexen: Catching on now? Oh yes, you also stand in between the light and the darkness. It appears we have much in common.
Riku: Maybe... Like you said, there really is darkness left inside of me. But so what? Darkness is my enemy!
Riku: And so are you for reeking of that awful smell!
Vexen: Oh ho! So it's a fight you want. Very good—I shall take you on!
Stolen Data[]
Vexen: I find, coursing through you, there is a darkness of formidable power growing! Well worth the trouble of aggravating you. All this excitement has provided me with invaluable data.
Riku: What?!
Vexen: Many thanks, Riku!
Riku: Tch... It was a trick all along.
Basement 9[]
Zexion the Tactician[]
Lexaeus: What's happening to Sora?
Zexion: Naminé's powers are being used to shuffle his memories as we speak. Marluxia may well succeed in getting his puppet. Sora would be a valuable asset to the Organization...but Marluxia and Larxene's actions, they—leave me quite uneasy.
Lexaeus: And then there is Axel. Who knows what that one is thinking...
Zexion: Vexen should take care of this. His replica is soon to be completed.
Lexaeus: But Vexen despises Marluxia. Think of the mess it would make.
Zexion: So we must tell him. Isn't it better that Vexen clean up the mess than leave it to us?
Basement 8[]
Riku vs. Riku[]
Riku: Huh?! What are you supposed to be?
Riku Replica: Surprised? I guess you should be. After all, I look just like you. I'll tell you what I am. I'm an exact replica of you that Vexen made from your data.
Riku: So you're a fake me.
Riku Replica: Not a "fake"! I don't care if you're "real"! You're not better! We share the same body and the same talents. But there is one easy way to tell us apart, though!
Riku Replica: Unlike you, I fear nothing.
Riku: Are you calling me a coward?
Riku Replica: You're afraid of the dark! The darkness inside you still frightens you, no matter what you say.
Riku: Grr...
Riku Replica: But I'M different. I embrace the darkness. I can make it do whatever I want.
Riku Replica: So... I can wipe the floor with you!
A Replica's Pride[]
Riku: Hey, Fake. I thought I heard you say you were gonna wipe the floor with me.
Riku Replica: Hmph. Don't forget, I'm still new. I'll get stronger and stronger. The next time we fight, you're finished!
Riku: Then let's fight now!
Riku Replica: It's nice having darkness on my side. You are SO missing out. How could you be scared of something that can be so thrilling?
Riku: Enough!
Riku Replica: Hmph. So now the coward is playing tough. So long, Real Thing. Hope you don't miss me.
Riku: Come back!
Riku: No way. I'm not a coward...
Vexen and His Replica[]
Vexen: So, how was the real thing?
Riku Replica: He's spineless. In no time at all, I'll be better than him.
Vexen: In the meantime, would you be interested in meeting another who's considered a hero?
Riku Replica: You mean Sora. I hear he's somewhere in the castle. You want me to take care of him?
Vexen: We'll see... Yes... I intend to make good use of you.
Riku Replica: No worries. The real Riku was nothing. Sora won't be, either. They're no match for me.
Basement 7[]
What You Should Be[]
Riku: Come out! Show yourself, Fake!
Ansem (DiZ): Fake? Oh, no... That's not exactly the right word.
Riku: What are you saying? Isn't he just a copy of me?
Ansem (DiZ): More like a model. He is an example of what you should try to be. He accepts the darkness...just like you once couldn't help but accept me. But now you are afraid. Perhaps YOU are the one who is being fake. Fake when you pretend to have no fear.
Riku: When have I been afraid of the dark?
Ansem (DiZ): Inside of the grappled desperately with the darkness. Desperation is fear. You fight the darkness because it is what frightens you.
Riku: I... Be quiet!
Ansem (DiZ): Stubborn boy.
Ansem (DiZ): Then continue your fight, if you must. Eventually, you will learn. You cannot resist the darkness.
Memories of Lies[]
Axel: How can we help you, Vexen? It's not very often we see you topside.
Vexen: I came to lend you a hand. You obviously believe this Sora has much potential, but I remain unconvinced he is truly worth such coddling. I think an experiment would show if he really is of any value to us.
Larxene: Hmph. Well, here we go again. It's just an excuse so you can carry out your little experiments. That's all.
Vexen: I'm a scientist. Experiments are what I do, yes.
Axel: Whatever. You can do what you want. But you know, I think testing Sora is just a cover for testing your valet.
Vexen: Valet? He's the product of pure research.
Larxene: What he actually is is a toy.
Vexen: Hmph. You should just learn to be quiet.
Axel: Anyway... Since you came all this way, you're gonna need this.
Axel: A humble gift to my elder. I hope you use it to put on a very good show for us.
Axel: That card holds the memories of Sora and Riku's home.
Riku Replica: It's just a card. What good is that?
Larxene: With a little help from Naminé, you'll have all the real Riku's memories. Maybe we can get her to make you forget you're nothing but a fake. In other words, we'll remake your heart so you can be—exactly the same as the real Riku, 'kay?
Riku Replica: You want to remake my heart?! The real Riku is a wimp who's afraid of the dark! What do I want with the heart of a loser?!
Larxene: Any objections, Vexen? After all, you do want to test Sora, don't you?
Vexen: It must be done.
Riku Replica: How can you? Are you betraying me?!
Vexen: I told you I would make good use of you, didn't I?
Riku Replica: No—
Larxene: Relax, kiddo. I don't think it's going to hurt that much!
Riku Replica: I'll hurt YOU!
Larxene: Stupid little toy! Think you could defeat me? Where would you ever get a thought like that?
Larxene: But—look on the bright side. Along with everything else in your head, Naminé will erase the memory of me knocking you flat. Instead, she will implant the loveliest little memories you could ever hope for! It's no big deal if they're all lies.
Riku Replica: No...
Riku Replica: NOOO!!!
Basement 6[]
Kairi's Shadow[]
Larxene: Why so glum, Naminé? Is there something that's been troubling you? Are you feeling awful about tinkering with Sora's memory? Or maybe you—
Riku Replica: Cut it out, Larxene.
Riku Replica: Naminé—she doesn't want to remember Sora.
Larxene: Is that so?
Riku Replica: Don't worry. Whatever's hurting you, I'll make it go away.
Riku Replica: I swear it on this—the good luck charm you gave me. See ya.
Larxene: That's just amazing. It's almost like you completely made his heart from scratch. Nice touch with the good luck charm. I didn't know you could use memories to transform objects like cards into keepsakes. You used the same trick on Sora, right? You changed Kairi's good luck charm with your magic, didn't you? It won't be long before Sora forgets about Kairi completely! And then he'll be all yours to—
Naminé: He won't forget.
Larxene: Huh?
Naminé: No matter how much I change his memory, Sora will never forget Kairi. Memories of me— More false memories of me will just make his feelings for Kairi even stronger than before. Because... I'm the shadow of Kairi.
Larxene: What's your problem with that? That should be your incentive not to screw anything up. Just do a good job rewriting Sora's heart. Then you can actually be somebody—and no longer just Kairi's shadow. You'll be real in Sora's heart.
Basement 5[]
Obtaining Riku[]
Lexaeus: Vexen is no more.
Zexion: Yes, his scent is gone. Axel struck him down...something I find deplorable— Agents of the Organization striking each other down.
Lexaeus: Our problem is Sora. Vexen proved to be no match for him, yet he's still under Naminé's control.
Zexion: But we cannot eliminate Sora, can we?
Lexaeus: Correct. For our Superior—he is in dire need of the hero of light. When light loses sight of its path—we may find use for the dark. What we must do—is obtain the darkness.
Zexion: Riku... Of course.
Basement 4[]
Ridding Myself of the Dark[]
Riku: Just one card left. If I get through this, will I be free of the darkness?
Lexaeus the Taciturn[]
Riku: That scent... You're another one of those "Nobodies."
Lexaeus: You've done well thus far. But to possess your powers, and yet fear darkness... What a waste.
Riku: I do not...fear it!
Lexaeus: I sense that you do. You're also capable of controlling the darkness. Cast away your useless fear. Open your heart. Embrace the darkness.
Riku: And if I say no?
Lexaeus: Then you lose both light and darkness—and disappear!
Lexaeus: I, Lexaeus, will not yield to the frail heart—of an infantile coward! Now, stop resisting—and let the darkness in!
In a Flash of Darkness[]
Riku: (pants) You're finished!
Lexaeus: Don't mock me!
Lexaeus: You were too much trouble.
Riku: Too slow.
Lexaeus: You are the Superior's—
Lexaeus: Forgive me, Zexion. This was a fight I should not have started.
Riku: Heh...
The World of Darkness[]
Ansem: I see you now...clearly.
Riku: Huh? Lexaeus?!
Ansem: Riku... I can see your heart...
Riku:'s not. Darkness this foul could only...only be—
Ansem: That's it, remember me... Let me drift into your heart...
Riku: Ansem!
Ansem: You called out my name. You have been thinking about me... You're afraid of the darkness I command. Good... The more you think of me, the closer my return draws. And when I have awoken, I will take hold...
Ansem: Your heart will be mine!
Mickey: Riku, fight! Don't let him win!
Riku: Your Majesty!
Ansem: You meddlesome king!
The King's Heart[]
Riku: The king... He protected me... Your Majesty, where are you? Please answer!
Riku: You're with me, aren't you...
The Tactician's Move[]
Zexion: Lexaeus is gone as well...
Axel: Vexen, Larxene, Lexaeus... I wonder who will be next in line.
Zexion: I thought perhaps it might be you.
Axel: Me? No way. I already took my pounding from Sora. He thinks I'm done for good. Nope, I think it'll be Marluxia next. For defying the Organization and targeting Sora. I hope he moves exactly as his heart commands him to. So, what about you? I thought you guys had plans for Riku.
Zexion: Yes, we were going to set him off against the traitors... But with Marluxia gone, there is no more need. He is nothing but a nuisance now.
Axel: And he's dangerous, as well. After all, he took down Lexaeus.
Zexion: You know that is not how I do things. Tell me, did you obtain the data on Riku's home?
Basement 3: Destiny Islands[]
A Card of Home[]
Riku: What? One of the scents has died—a really strong one. Huh?
Zexion: The keeper of this castle, Marluxia, has just been felled by the Keyblade master.
Riku: Keyblade... You mean Sora! Sora is here?!
Zexion: Yes. Want to see him? But...can you face him?
Riku: What's that mean?
Zexion: The world of darkness, and Ansem's shadow, still nest within your heart. Do you plan to face Sora like that? Are you not ashamed?
Zexion: Sora's fate is to battle the darkness. He must oppose anyone who hosts the dark—in other words, it's you. If you don't believe the words I say...
Zexion: then you had best see the truth with your own eyes.
Riku: This card! This is our—
Zexion: Yes, it is your home.
Lost Friends[]
Riku (on-screen): I never thought I'd miss the island winds so much... Hmph. There was a time I couldn't wait to get off this rock. And now I'm acting all relieved.
Riku (on-screen): Is that...? Hey!
Riku (on-screen): What's with you guys? I don't think I've ever seen the three of you so quiet.
Riku (on-screen): What, is there something on my face?
Riku (on-screen): Guys?!
Lost Memories[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Riku (on-screen): Kairi... Hey, Kairi. Are you— Ah... No!
Zexion (on-screen): Surely you knew this would happen.
Riku (on-screen): !
Zexion (on-screen): You've been to a number of worlds in your memory before this one. And in those worlds, you met only dark beings. That's all that's left in your heart: dark memories. Your memories of home are gone—each and every one.
Riku (on-screen): That's a lie! I remember everyone from the islands! Tidus and Selphie and Wakka! Kairi and Sora, too! They're my closest friends...
Zexion (on-screen): And who threw away those friends? Maybe it's your own actions that you've forgotten. You destroyed your home!
One Who Destroyed Home[]
Riku: This is...that night!
Zexion: All of the islands you grew up on were sundered, scattered. Many hearts were forever lost to the darkness. Because of what YOU did!
Zexion: You hated being an islander, so you opened the door to darkness and destroyed the islands. It was YOU! You were pulled into the darkness then, and now you belong to the darkness.
Zexion: You should look—look at what you truly are!
Riku (on-screen): This... this can't be who I really am!
A Friend's Back[]
Riku: Sora?! Sora!
Yours Alone[]
Riku: Sora, it's me—
Riku: What?!
Riku: Stop it, Sora! Don't you recognize me?
Sora: Yeah, I recognize you. I can see exactly what you've become!
Sora: How can the light hurt you? Riku... Have you really become a creature of the dark? You're not Riku anymore... You're just a pawn of the darkness. So be it. It's time for you to face the light!
Riku: I'm...fading... Fading away... into the light.
Kairi: You won't fade.
Kairi: You can't fade. There's no power that can defeat you—not the light, not the dark. So don't run from the light—and don't fear the darkness. Because both will make you stronger.
Riku: Make me stronger? Darkness too?
Kairi: Yeah. Strength that's yours. The darkness inside your heart—it's vast and it's deep...but if you can truly stare into it and never try to look away, you won't be afraid of anything again.
Riku: All this time I've tried to push the darkness away—
Kairi: You've gotta just remember to be brave. Know that the darkness is there and don't give in. If you do that, you will gain strength—the kind that's unlike any other. You'll be able to escape the deepest darkness—
Riku: —and I'll be able to see through the brightest light—
Kairi: Follow the darkness. It'll show you the way to your friends.
Riku: Can I face them?
Kairi & Naminé: You don't want to?
Riku: You know I do. Of course.
Riku: And I will! With my strength— My dark strength!
Riku: Darkness!
Zexion: Impossible!
Zexion: How is it that you found me when you were there in the light?
Riku: You reek of darkness. Even the light can't block the smell.
Riku: I guess I followed the darkness right to you.
Zexion: This is absurd... Then I shall make you see... That your hopes are nothing—nothing but a mere illusion!
Accepting the Darkness[]
Zexion: After all your protests, you're still like us, on the side of darkness.
Riku: I know who I am.
Zexion: When did that happen? You were always terrified of the dark before—
Riku: Not anymore!
The Tactician's End[]
Zexion: What IS he?! No one's ever worn the darkness the way that he does! It's impossible!
Zexion: Oh... Oh, yes. The replica, of course. We can use this Riku to defeat the real one. Axel?
Axel: Wouldn't you like to be real?
Axel: All you need is the kind of power that the real Riku doesn't have. If you can get that, you can be a new person—not Riku, nor anybody else. You won't just be a copy of someone. You will be unique, your OWN self.
Zexion: Axel! What are you saying to him?!
Axel: You know, he's as good a place to start as any.
Zexion: You can't do this!
Axel: So sorry, Zexion. Hm... You just found out way too much.
Basement 2: Twilight Town[]
Basement 2nd Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
Mickey (on-screen): The power of light should keep Ansem locked up for a while.
Reunion with the King[]
Ansem: Riku... Riku...
Riku: Who's there?
Ansem: I know you can feel it... The grip that I have on your heart.
Ansem: You have let in the darkness, Riku. That means very soon your heart shall become an all-consuming darkness.
Riku: I'm not like that now!
Ansem: Yes, you are.
Riku: Can't move!
Ansem: The deeper the darkness runs inside you, the stronger I become. Controlling you is effortless.
Ansem: Ugh... Must you interfere again?!
Mickey: Phew! Sure glad I made it in time! Heh! That oughta keep Ansem busy for a while.
Riku: Huh?
Mickey: Sorry I couldn't come here sooner, Riku.
Riku: Your Majesty, is it you?
Mickey: Uh-huh!
Mickey: Whoa! That tickles!
Riku: This time, you're not an illusion. I'm so glad that you could make it here.
Mickey: I made a promise to you that I would find a way, didn't I? Oh!
Riku: Ahh..I'm okay. Don't worry. Guess I'm just relieved. I've—I've been alone so long that having someone else around a little...overwhelming. But...uh, how did you make it here? I thought it was too far.
Mickey: I found a card to help me.
Mickey: I needed a way outta the realm of darkness, and then suddenly, this card appeared right in front of me. When I picked it up, I could see your heart beyond the darkness. That's what let me find you. I guess the card thought its place was to be with you.
Riku: Maybe you are right.
Riku: Where am I? What is this place? Oh! Your Majesty?
Ansem: You must battle me all alone. Against my dark powers!
Ansem: What's this? Are you giving up? Finally ready to surrender to your fate?
Riku: You're not the true Ansem.
Riku: Your scent is different. The Ansem in my heart smells darker. The odor is more foul. But your scent just isn't that. It's not darkness. It's something else. I finally understand. You're the one who guided me when it started. You came to me pretending to be Ansem. You gave me the card— To make me face the darkness.
Ansem: Hm. That is correct.
DiZ: DiZ, or so I am known. You—I've watched you all along.
Riku: Really. Who are you? And what do you want from me?
DiZ: For you to choose.
Riku: Choose?
DiZ: You are a special entity. You exist between light and dark. You stand in the twilight. You are to meet Naminé, then choose.
Riku: Naminé? Who's that?
DiZ: You will know soon.
The Last One-on-One[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Riku: Maybe Naminé is here...
Riku Replica: Hold it.
Riku: Huh?
Riku Replica: Hmph. You've changed. Your own darkness—it doesn't frighten you anymore.
Riku: How can you tell?
Riku Replica: Because I'm you.
Riku: No, I'M me.
Riku Replica: "I'm me," he says. Must be nice being real. A fake like me could never get away with saying that. That's right, I'm a phony, a fake! The way I look, the way I feel, everything I remember! And even this newfound power!
Riku: Huh?!
Riku Replica: I thought by finding some new strength, I could finally be someone—someone who is not at all you! But...nothing changes... I'm still just empty! Everything about me is borrowed. As long as you're around, I'll never be more than a shadow!
The Same Place as Mine[]
Riku Replica:'s over. Hmph. Death doesn't frighten me. Good riddance to a phony life. My heart was never real. I'm sure even what I'm feeling now is probably all fake.
Riku: What are you feeling?
Riku Replica: What happens when a fake dies—one like me? Where will my heart go? Does it disappear?
Riku: It'll go somewhere. Maybe to the same place as mine.
Riku Replica: Tsk. A faithful replica until the very end. That's...okay.
Riku's Choice[]
(Upon entering the Key of Guidance room.)
Riku: Are you Naminé?
Naminé: Yes.
Riku: I see... That was you...
Naminé: Huh?
Riku: Forget it. Nothing.
Naminé: Please... Come this way.
Riku: Sora! What have you done to Sora?
Naminé: Nothing. He's just asleep. To get his memory back.
Riku: So Sora chose to forget about this castle...and get his old memories back?
Naminé: You have a choice to make, too.
Riku: Why me, too? No one's messed with my memories.
Naminé: It's not your memories. It's your darkness. In your heart there is darkness, and in that darkness is Ansem. He may be at bay for now—but eventually he'll wake, and he will take over you just like he did before. But I have powers you can use. With my powers, I can put a tight lock on your heart. That way, Ansem could never come out from inside you.
Riku: What happens to me if I let you do that? Will I forget everything like Sora?
Riku: I'll have to.
Naminé: The darkness in you will be sealed tight just like your memory. You'll stop remembering the darkness. You'll go back to how you were. Riku, please choose.
Riku: He doesn't even look worried. Will I sleep like that, too?
Naminé: Yes.
Riku: Figures. Sora always did as he pleased. Whatever we'd be doing together, he'd find a way to slack off. Even trying to leave the islands—I did all the work on the raft by myself. That's it. When this slacker wakes up, I'll tell him off. I told him to take care of Kairi and here he is just taking a nap! But I can't chew him out like he deserves—if I've been asleep.
Riku: I don't need my heart locked. I'm ready—I'm gonna fight Ansem.
Naminé: But what if his darkness overtakes you?
Riku: If that happens, then the darkness will show me the way.
Naminé: Yes... That's true.
Riku: Why do I get the feeling that you knew I would say that?
Naminé: I didn't know. I hoped. I wanted you to face the darkness, because you're the one who can.
Riku: So that's the reason—that's why you came to my rescue inside that light... the form of Kairi.
Naminé: When'd you know?
Riku: I knew when I met you. You and Kairi smell the same.
Riku: Look after Sora.
DiZ's Guidance[]
Mickey: Gosh, I guess you decided not to go to sleep.
Riku: How'd you know that?
Mickey: I heard it from DiZ.
Riku: Do you know him?
Mickey: Well, I'm not sure. Gotta feelin' that I've met him...somewhere...
Riku: Hey. Who are you?
DiZ: I could be nobody or anybody. It is up to you whether you choose to believe in me or not.
Riku: Boy, you really like pushing decisions on other people.
DiZ: And you have pushed away slumber making the choice to face Ansem.
Riku: Do you think I'm reckless?
DiZ: You have chosen your own path.
Riku: Are you supporting me? Or are you abandoning me?
DiZ: That will be your choice as well.
Riku: What's this?
DiZ: The Organization will pursue you. Like a pack of hunting dogs, they will sneak up on you if they sense your presence. However—this cloak that is worn by Nobodies will render their eyes and noses useless. The ears, not so... They wear this to give themselves protection from being devoured by darkness. Is it clear? Even the Organization cannot rule the darkness.
Riku: Doesn't matter. I won't run from the darkness.
DiZ: Hmm.
DiZ: The card will draw out your heart's darkness. Finish your business with Ansem.
Riku: Come on. Let's go.
Basement 2nd Floor Exit Hall (gameplay)[]
Mickey (on-screen): Gosh, it sure feels like I've met DiZ somewhere before.
Basement 1: Castle Oblivion[]
Basement 1st Floor Entrance Hall (gameplay)[]
Mickey (on-screen): You'd never let the darkness get the best of you. I'm sure of that.
Riku's Resolve and the King's Determination[]
Riku: He said this card will draw Ansem out...
Mickey: Don't worry! We can defeat him together!
Riku: Sorry... I've gotta face him alone.
Mickey: But why?!
Riku: There's no point in doing this if I can't do it on my own. But I do need a favor. If Ansem is the victor, he's going to enslave me. If that happens, use your powers to destr—
Mickey: O'course! I'll be right there to save ya!
Riku: Huh? No that's not it. I want you to destr—
Mickey: No way! No matter what happens, I'm gonna be right there to help ya. I promise ya that. don't believe I'll come through for ya...
Riku: I choose to believe in you—always, Your Majesty.
Mickey: And I in you. You're not gonna lose, I know it.
Riku: Thanks.
Riku: Ansem! Where are you? Show yourself!
Riku: Huh?
Ansem: Why in such a hurry? I'll be here at the very heart of darkness... Watching you plunge into the same darkness—inside of you.
To the Heart of Darkness[]
(Upon entering the Key of Beginnings room.)
Riku: I smell you, Ansem. Show yourself.
Ansem: I have watched you fight. I know your strength. Your skill with darkness has grown. It has become more mature. And yet, why... Why do you accept the darkness—but still refuse me? You know you and I are similar. We both follow where the darkness leads. Indeed, we are the same, so why? Does some part of your heart still have a fear of the dark?
Riku: That's not it. The truth is...
Riku: I just can't stand your foul stench.
Ansem: You are a fool. You should know my powers well by now.
Riku: Yeah, I know. Or did you forget? I used all the power you had to give— and Sora still beat me. I'm not at all impressed with your powers!
Ansem: Very well. In that case—
Ansem: You shall sink into the abyss!
The Foul Stench[]
Riku: Huh?
Ansem: Hm!
Darkness Released[]
Ansem: Insolent brat!
Riku: Ansem!
Ansem: Huh?
Riku: This is the end!
Ansem: hardly...the end... Your darkness—I gave it...all to you... My dark shadow... lingers... Someday... Someday... I will return!
Riku: Sora... Kairi...
Mickey: Gosh, Riku, I know you wanted to do this alone...but ya don't mind gettin' a LITTLE help, do ya?
After the Battle[]
Mickey: So, Riku... what happens next? Are you goin' home?
Riku: I can't go home—not yet. It's still here. It's really faint, but I can sense him. So I think his darkness may still have a hold on me.
Mickey: Your darkness belongs to you. Just the same way your light does. Up till now, I thought darkness was something that should never exist. Then I spent time with you and changed my mind. The road you chose—I didn't know. Light and dark, back to back. With you, I think they might meet in a way nobody's seen before. Wonder where that road leads. I'd like to see myself.
Riku: Hm?
Mickey: I'd like to walk the road with ya.
Riku: Your Majesty, I'm really flattered... I don't know what to say.
Mickey: Gosh, Riku, you know you don't have to call me that now. We're pals.
Riku: Fair enough, Mickey.
Where the Road Leads[]
Riku: What are you making me choose now?
DiZ: Between the road to light—and the road to darkness.
Riku: Neither suits me.
Riku: I'm taking the middle road.
DiZ: Do you mean the twilight road to nightfall?
Riku: No. It's the road to dawn.
(After the credits.)
- Beyond the path without you is a forgotten promise to keep.
- We may have walked side by side, but now we go on back to back.
- And though our paths may not cross, all paths are connected somewhere.
- When I arrive at where you are, we may not appear to be as we were...
- But we'll make another promise to keep.
(Whenever you acquire a new card.)
On-screen: Card obtained!
(Upon acquiring 99 map cards.)
On-screen: You've reached the limit on the map cards you can carry. You must delete some cards in order to obtain more.
(Upon visiting a Moogle Shop for the first time.)
On-screen: The Moogle Shop is a moogle establishment where you can trade in cards. Exchange cards you don't need anymore for Moogle Points. Save up enough points and you can trade them in for a new card pack. You can get a free card pack the first time you visit the Moogle Shop.
Moogle: Here's a card pack for you, kupo!
(Upon selecting the Shop on the left.)
Moogle: Hiya, kupo! Buy some card packs before you go, kupo!
(On the shop screen.)
Moogle: Which one do you want to buy, kupo?
(Upon selecting the Card Trade-In on the right.)
Moogle: Got any old cards, kupo? Trade them in for points!
(Upon selecting 'Review deck' while playing as Riku.)
On-screen: Riku cannot customize his card deck. He must fight with the provided deck. The cards in the deck will change as Riku advances through the game.
Bossses (gameplay)[]
(When he finishes a melee combo.)
- Axel
- Got it memorized?
- What's the problem?
(When he uses the Fire Wall sleight.)
- Axel
- Burn!
- Let the flames burn you!
(When he uses the Fire Tooth sleight.)
- Axel
- Burn, baby!
- Not over yet.
- Don't make me mad.
- You won't forget this!
(Sometimes when he reloads.)
Axel: Come here, I'll make it all stop!
(When he is defeated for the first time.)
Axel: Give me a break.
(When he is defeated for the second time.)
Axel: So this is it...
(At the start of the fight.)
Cloud: Come on, gimme your best shot.
(When he uses the Omni-Slash sleight.)
Cloud: Farewell.
(Sometimes when he reloads.)
Cloud: Now.
(When he is defeated.)
Cloud: Gotta keep going...
(When he uses his claw attack.)
Hades: Take that!
(When he uses the Temper Flare sleight.)
Hades: Feel the heat.
(When he uses the Firagaball sleight, with each throw.)
Hades: That's it!
(When he is defeated.)
Hades: This... isn't... happening!
Oogie Boogie[]
(Sometimes when he throws dice.)
Oogie Boogie: C'mon, baby!
(When he knocks you off of the platform.)
- Oogie Boogie
- Party crashers!
- You won't make a dope out of me!
(When she hits you with her melee attack.)
- Larxene
- No escape!
- You have a heart!
(When she hits you with her ranged attack.)
Larxene: Vanish!
(When she uses her blue card attack.)
Larxene: Lightning!
(Sometimes upon being hit by a Thunder spell.)
Larxene: I'm healed...
(When she uses the Mega Volt sleight.)
Larxene: You're done!
(When she uses the Teleport Rush sleight.)
- Larxene
- I will break you.
- You're getting on my nerves!
(When she uses the Blade Storm sleight.)
Larxene: How do you like this?!
(Sometimes when she reloads.)
- Larxene
- This is fun!
- I feel so bad.
(When she is defeated for the first time.)
Larxene: You're just a toy!
(When she is defeated for the second time.)
Larxene: This can't be happening!
(When her tentacles are removed.)
Ursula: Hmph... Slippery little morsel.
(When her tentacles return.)
Ursula: Insolent little fool!
(When she uses her bubble attack.)
Ursula: Get ready for this!
(When she uses her laser attack.)
Ursula: This won't be pretty!
Riku Replica[]
(When he uses the Dark Firaga sleight.)
Riku Replica: Drop!
(When he uses the Dark Aura sleight.)
Riku Replica: Get ready!
(When he finishes the Dark Aura sleight.)
Riku Replica: You're finished!
(Sometimes when he reloads.)
Riku Replica: Get ready!
(Upon losing half his health.)
Riku Replica: You gotta be kidding me.
(When he is defeated by Sora, with each successive fight.)
- Riku Replica
- Me? Lose?
- You gotta be kidding me.
- You're the fake.
- This isn't... the end.
(When he is defeated by Sora, with each successive fight.)
- Riku Replica
- How can I lose to you?
- You're strong, real thing...
Captain Hook[]
(When he uses his stab attack.)
Captain Hook: Take that!
(When he uses the Barrel Blast sleight, and also when he throws presents.)
Captain Hook: Fire!
(Sometimes when he reloads.)
Captain Hook: Come and get me!
(When he is defeated.)
Captain Hook: Ooh, blast!
(Sometimes when he uses his melee attack.)
Vexen: Taste this!
(Sometimes when he uses his ranged attack.)
- Vexen
- No good!
- Here you go!
(Sometimes when he blocks an attack.)
Vexen: No good!
(Sometimes when he uses an item card.)
- Vexen
- You're pushing it!
- You are too much trouble!
(At some point during combat.)
Vexen: You are just an experiment!
(When he uses the Freeze sleight.)
- Vexen
- I shall freeze you!
- I've had enough of this!
(When he attacks you after a successful Freeze.)
- Vexen
- Shatter!
- Taste this!
(When he uses the Ice Needles sleight.)
- Vexen
- You imbecile!
- You're pushing it!
(When he uses the Slide Break sleight.)
Vexen: Come to me, ice blade!
(When he attacks with the Slide Break sleight.)
Vexen: Here you go!
(When he finishes the Slide Break sleight.)
- Vexen
- Shatter!
- Away you go!
(When he uses the Diamond Dust sleight.)
- Vexen
- How do you like this?
- Now, feel the piercing chill!
(When he finishes the Diamond Dust sleight.)
Vexen: he final touch.
(When he is defeated by Sora, for the first time.)
Vexen: You don't know a thing.
(When he is defeated by Riku.)
Vexen: Gloat while you still can!
Marluxia, 1st fight[]
(Sometimes when he hits you with a combo.)
Marluxia: No good!
(When he uses the Blossom Shower sleight.)
Marluxia: Prepare!
(When he finishes the Blossom Shower sleight.)
Marluxia: Your heart will be scattered!
(When he uses the Deathscythe sleight, as well as when he attacks with his scythes in his second phase.)
Marluxia: Your heart shall be judged!
(Sometimes when he suffers a card break.)
Marluxia: What?!
(When he is defeated.)
Marluxia: Hm, so you are a hero.
Marluxia, 2nd fight[]
(Sometimes when he attacks with his scythes.)
- Marluxia
- Away!
- Your heart shall be judged!
(Sometimes when he suffers a card break.)
Marluxia: What?!
(After destroying his scythes in his second phase.)
Marluxia: You'll now know real fear.
(Sometimes when he uses his charge attack.)
- Marluxia
- Behold!
- No good!
(When he uses his flower bomb attack.)
Marluxia: Your heart will be scattered!
(When he summons his flowers to attack you.)
Marluxia: Do you want to scream?
(When he orders them to attack you.)
Marluxia: No good!
(When he moves away for his dive attack.)
Marluxia: Prepare!
(When he uses his dark orb attack.)
- Marluxia
- Sink into the darkness!
- To the world without light!
(When he is defeated.
Marluxia: Your hopes are doomed to the darkness!
Marluxia, 3rd fight[]
(When attacking with his scythe.)
- Marluxia
- Away!
- Prepare!
- Your heart shall be judged!
(When he summons his flowers to attack you.)
Marluxia: Do you want to scream?
(When he uses his flower bomb attack.)
Marluxia: Your heart will be scattered!
(When he uses his Whirlwind to the Void sleight.)
- Marluxia
- Lose everything!
- Sulk in despair!
- Scatter into oblivion!
(When he uses his Circle Reject sleight.)
- Marluxia
- Away!
- Prepare!
(When he uses his Omni Laser sleight.)
- Marluxia
- Behold!
- No good!
- The beginning of the end!
(When he uses his Doom sleight.)
- Marluxia
- Behold!
- No good!
- Your heart is now in shackles!
- Break the curse with your cards!
- The cards will determine your fate!
(When you fail to avoid Doom.)
Marluxia: You could still hope.
(When he is defeated.
Marluxia: So this... This is the heart of a hero!
(When he uses his ranged attack.)
- Lexaeus
- Can't run!
- Just give up!
(When he uses his Impact Quake sleight.)
Lexaeus: Return to the Earth!
(When he uses his Ground Impact sleight.)
Lexaeus: I'll ease your pain!
(When he powers up to orange.)
- Lexaeus
- Try your best!
- I'll show you true power!
(Sometimes when he attacks in his orange mode.)
Lexaeus: I'll break you!
(When he powers up to red.)
- Lexaeus
- My power has no limits!
- Darkness give me power!
(Sometimes when he attacks in his red mode.)
Lexaeus: I'll crush you!
(Sometimes when he is attacked in his red mode.)
Lexaeus: Nothing.
(Sometimes when he is damaged in his red mode.)
Lexaeus: Not bad!
(When he is defeated.
Lexaeus: I misjudged you.
(Sometimes when he uses an item card.)
Zexion: * I may have been careless.
(When he uses his Magnet Snatch attack.)
- Zexion
- Go!
- There!
(When he uses his Cyclone Snatch sleight.)
- Zexion
- Your memories shall be mine!
- You should share your powers!
(Sometimes after successfully stealing cards.)
Zexion: Why, thank you!
(When he summons his clones.)
Zexion: Looks like I have enough.
(When he uses his Dark Punisher sleight.)
Zexion: Your end is near!
(When he uses his Catastrophe sleight.)
Zexion: See my illusions!
(When he finishes his Catastrophe sleight.)
Zexion: Take this!
(Sometimes upon losing a power source.)
- Zexion
- Curse you!
- What is this?
(Sometimes when you use a Dummy Card.)
- Zexion
- I feel so bad.
- I may have been careless.
- You brought it upon yourself!
(When he is defeated.
Zexion: Have I been defeated?
(When he shields himself with his guardian.)
Ansem: Come, guardian!
(When he loses half his health.)
Ansem: Come, open your heart.
(When he has only one health bar left.)
Ansem: Do not deny your fear!
(When he uses his Dark Rush sleight.)
Ansem: Take this!
(When he uses his Dark Shadow sleight.)
Ansem: The final darkness is nigh.
(When he finishes his Dark Shadow sleight.)
Ansem: Submit!
(When he is defeated.
Ansem: Why do you refuse the darkness?