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This is the walkthrough for Monstro as it is featured in Kingdom Hearts, as well as its Final Mix version. On the way to either Atlantica or Halloween Town, Sora and his friends' gummi ship gets swallowed whole by Monstro the whale, leaving them stranded inside.

Monstro is technically optional and can be skipped entirely by leaving immediately through the save point, although finishing it is recommended regardless.

Completing the world by escaping from Monstro also grants you the bronze trophy and achievement Honest Soul in the 1.5 ReMIX version.


Upon gaining control move to the back of the Mouth area, and then enter Chamber 1 after the cutscene, where you will encounter new Search Ghost Heartless. These only attack you if you enter their searchlight, can absorb HP after attacking, and also vanish, only to reappear elsewhere later. They also drop large MP and HP orbs, making fighting them worthwhile when it comes to regaining health and magic. Other than the Search Ghosts you will also encounter Shadows, Large Bodies (blocking passages), Air Soldiers, Yellow Operas, and Green Requiems.

Monstro's layout is a maze, and rooms are simply called Chambers, followed by a number. They all share the exact same wall and floor design, which can add to the confusion. Passages connecting to other areas often make no sense either, or will drop you from a height, meaning you cannot return that way. Several of them are also blocked off or out of reach at first. Lastly, the correct passages to get deeper into Monstro always glow green. A lone Green Requiem will also spawn above them to make it easier.

Chamber 3 is a dead end with only a Mega-Ether, so pick it up and then enter Chamber 2. This exit will drop you from above, meaning you cannot return, and instead have to use the only available exit, which leads to the upper area in Chamber 3. From here, use the only other passage to Chamber 2's upper area. You will encounter Barrel Spiders here, which are simply the barrel version of the Pot Spiders, although they explode if hit with Fire. From here you can enter Chamber 5, which leads to Chamber 6. In here the lowest passage is another dead end with two items and a blue Trinity Mark. Return to 6 and use the other passage to re-enter Chamber 5, exiting onto a higher ledge, from where you can use another passage to Chamber 4. In here you can save after another cutscene, and then enter the Bowels for a short bossfight.

Riku will fight alongside you here, but is likely of no real use in the fight. Parasite Cage only has two attacks, and both are wide-ranging sweeping moves with its tentacle arms. Either step back or use Aero and Cure to mitigate and restore any damage taken until it goes down. Goofy will learn Cheer afterwards. Follow after Riku, only to end up in the Mouth area, where the water will have drained somewhat. Immediately pick up the High Jump ability from the treasure chest next to Geppetto, which is a shared ability, and does not cost Ability Points, and lets everyone in your party jump higher.

With High Jump you can re-explore the Mouth and Chambers, picking up several items otherwise out of reach. Make especially sure to grab the Torn Page on-top of a platform in Chamber 6. Once done exploring, return to the Mouth and make grab everything there too, notably the Watergleam item inside of the chest that Pinocchio was initially searching through. Then make your way to the passage above the entrance to Chamber 1, which leads to the Throat. You might encounter the Rare Truffle here, a friendly Heartless that rewards you based on how long you can keep them in the air through juggling, if not you simply fight many of the usual Heartless. Use the platforms here to reach the top, where you automatically get sucked into the Stomach.

Parasite Cage bossfight[]

Monstro from KH1 gameplay 2

The second Parasite Cage bossfight.

Riku will leave immediately, and the boss will also have more HP than before. The lower floor is also acidic, forcing you to use the unevenly spaced platforms if you want to dodge Parasite Cage. It also has a new poison spit attack which it will use after sucking up the acid in the room, and can be difficult to avoid up close. Lastly it also has a new melee attack where it swings itself forwards, knocking you backwards if hit. If it takes enough damage it will be temporarily stunned, leaving you to freely attack the dark sphere within its stomach cage.

The fight is otherwise largely the same, and it is best to rely on Aero to halve any damage taken, and Cure to deal with the stronger attacks. Goofy can probably hold out quite a while, but it is likely Donald will quickly perish. Afterwards you learn the Stop magic, which will freeze affected targets, and nearby foes, for a short period of time. Any damage taken is dealt all at once after Stop wears off. Stop is largely ineffective against bosses, but can prove helpful against quick and elusive Heartless.

With Monstro cleared you can continue straight to either Atlantica or Halloween Town, but it is recommended to clear a few side objectives first. You can return to Traverse Town to pick up the Wishing Star Keyblade at Geppetto's House, which is stronger than the Three Wishes as long as you rely on Combo Finishers (which get guaranteed critical bonus damage). Geppetto also gives out free gummi ship blueprints after killing a certain amount of Heartless. You can also find the last Postcard inside his house, which give several valuable items, notably two attribute Ups for the final two.

You can also use High Jump to acquire a few items you previously could not reach, and will by then have enough puppies (51) to receive another Torn Page and other items from Pongo and Perdita, giving you access to two new minigames in 100 Acre Wood. You should meanwhile also visit Merlin per Goofy's instructions to receive the Spellbinder Keyblade, which has less attack damage, but will grant you more Magic Points and thus magic damage. The Watergleam on the other hand grants you the Dumbo Summon, which lets you fly around (at a low altitude) and spout water at enemies from Dumbo's trunk, you will also be invulnerable for the duration of the Summon.

Now that you have all magics you can also acquire all spell arts items from the White Mushrooms, which if shown to Merlin rewards you with the Dream Shield for Goofy. Lastly the Pegasus Cup becomes available at the Olympus Coliseum (walkthrough) after clearing Monstro, after which you should finally head to either Atlantica (walkthrough) or Halloween Town (walkthrough).


  1. Alongside the standard enemies Monstro also randomly contains one of three additional sets upon visiting.