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Mission 42 in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is a mission that sends Roxas to a town of Halloween.

Mission goal[]

Regular mission[]

Collect hearts.

Optional mission[]

Collect more hearts.

Story summary[]

Roxas arrives at his new destination as Jack Skellington is still attempting to improve upon Halloween. Roxas also runs across the demented trio of Lock, Shock, and Barrel. Roxas's departure in turn inspires Jack's next Halloween spectacular!

Afterward, Axel returns from his second Castle Oblivion mission and meets up with Roxas. While speculating on Xion's whereabouts, she sits in her room, upset over an encounter on her latest mission.

Mission walkthrough[]

Halloween Town should, as usual, look extremely familiar to those who played the original Kingdom Hearts, down to the world layout. You'll enter the appropriately named Halloween Town Entrance and fight off some minor Heartless on your way to the Square. Upon arriving, more Heartless are hidden around the square, most notably near the entrance of the Graveyard, the southwestern corner, the northwestern corner, and on the stairs to Jack's House in the northern alcove.

Once you have found these Heartless, go into the Graveyard, where you will be greeted by five Hover Ghosts. Destroying three of them will fulfill the regular mission, while taking out all of them completes the optional goal as well. Whatever your choice, the ability to RTC will be opened, so take out as many as you like, and then head back to the Entrance to RTC. Mission complete!

Challenge Mission[]

Challenge Mission 42
Finish in record time
Deal 20% less damage
3 1:45:00 or less
2 1:45:01-2:15:00
1 2:15:01-3:00:00




Type Items found Locations Notes
Synthesis Blizzard Recipe Square North wall, in the alcove.
Cure Recipe Entrance East wall.
Gust Shard Graveyard East wall.
Badges Unity Badge Graveyard Near the south exit. Air Slide or Glide required.
Ordeal Badge Entrance East wall.

