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Master Form

Master Form (マスターフォーム Masutā Fōmu?) is a Drive Form which appears in Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. It uses both of the player's party members, and consumes four of Sora's Drive Bars. It represents the fusion of Valor Form and Wisdom Form,[1] and is obtained when Sora reunites with King Mickey at Hollow Bastion.


Master Form is unlocked just prior to the Battle of the 1000 Heartless. It is the third Drive Form to be obtained, after Valor and Wisdom (or the fourth Form obtained in KH2FM due to the presence of Limit Form). Subsequently, it acts like somewhat of a hybrid between the Valor and Wisdom, with a focus on both magic and strength. When in this form, Sora wields two Keyblades and his magic skills are strengthened: the use of magic becomes endless, allowing the player to add magical attacks into combos without reducing the amount of physical attacks the player can do, more than doubling the amount of attacks that can be input before the ending combo. Both his physical and magical attacks have a basis on crowd control, with a wider attack range.

Master Form is very good for aerial combat, supported by its higher-than-average jump, the Aerial Dodge ability, and movements that keep Sora in the air, making all of his attacks aerial based. In Master Form, Sora's running and jumping speed are 25% higher than normal, his jump height is 150% and a second jump is possible while in the air, and his maximum midair combo length increases by 2.

  • Form Level Master Form gains 1 experience point for every small Drive Orb obtained, and gains 3 experience points for every big Drive Orb obtained. While leveling up Master Form, having the Jackpot ability and the Wishing Lamp Keyblade equipped will help.
Form Level Experience Bonus Master Form Bonus Sora
1 0 Aerial Dodge Level 1 N/A
2 60 Form Gauge +1 Auto Master
3 240 Form Gauge +1, Aerial Dodge Level 2 Aerial Dodge Level 1
4 456 Form Gauge +1 Air Combo Plus
5 726 Form Gauge +1, Aerial Dodge Level 3 Aerial Dodge Level 2
6 1,050 Form Gauge +1 Air Combo Plus
7 1,500 Form Gauge +1, Aerial Dodge MAX Aerial Dodge Level 3
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Master Form bears a yellow and black color scheme. It is the last Drive Form that Sora gains through the story, apart from Final Form, which is obtained through gameplay. The symbols on his pants are three black crosses arranged in a fancy overlapping pattern. When in Master Form on any world, pale yellow sparkles constantly fall off Sora and create somewhat of a streak behind him when running. Also, the floating Keyblade is held in place by a yellow aura surrounding Sora's hand and the Keyblade he is physically holding seems to have deep yellow electricity flowing through it.

  • Halloween Town: Sora's mask changes into half of the Valor Form mask and half of the Wisdom Form mask, sewn together with a large, crude stitch.
  • Christmas Town: A golden cross appears on Sora's santa hat, while more golden crosses appear on the back of his shirt.
  • Space Paranoids: Sora's circuit lines turn yellow.
  • Timeless River: Sora's health icon gets a yellow tint.


Ability Description
Master Strike A powerful combo finish where Sora performs a flurry of blows and ends in a giant "X" slash.
Disaster A powerful combo finish in which Sora spins through the air, gathering a ball of wind around him. Sora can move around during the combo period to entrap enemies around him, dealing grinding damage until Sora releases the wind in a powerful blast.
Master Magic Increases the overall capabilities of Magic attacks.
Aerial Dodge A double jump where Sora does another leap in mid-air, accessible via pressing Circle.
Synch Blade Allows Sora to wield two Keyblades at once.
Endless Magic Magic combos can continue endlessly.
Air Combo Plus 1 added attack to prolong air combos.
Draw Attract nearby orbs.
MP Hastera MP recharge time is 1.5 times faster than normal.

Magic Mechanics[]

Sharing similarities with Wisdom Form, Sora magic spells are powered up while in Master Form. Each individual cast is greatly enhanced, and Sora moves quickly while casting. Of note is that magic spells no longer have finishers, meaning Sora can cast constantly as well as consistently.

  • Fire - Sora lunges towards his target surrounded by a large shield of fire with multiple revolving rings, potentially hitting many enemies.
  • Blizzard - Sora leaps forward, delivers a slash spinning vertically, and fires a large number of small ice chunks that spread outward in a cone, dealing massive damage at point-blank range. The recoil of the shot causes Sora to land back to where the spell was cast.
  • Thunder - Sora flies while calling down a rapid barrage of six lightning bolts. If locked-on, he will instead fly around his target.
  • Reflect - The shield radius is increased to that of a finisher, and Sora spins his other Keyblade in front of him to rapidly damage any enemy inside the shield.
  • Magnet - The orb lasts for a very long time. It will also now inflict extra damage to enemies and periodically launch them upward before sucking them in again, allowing Sora to catch them with his aerial combos. Due to the properties of the spell, Master Form's combos do more damage to enemies while the orb is active.


Master Form earns points for every drive orb collected, with large orbs granting three times as many points. To level this form quickly, both Oathkeeper and Follow the Wind are recommended, for the Draw and Form Boost abilities. It is also a good idea to make sure the player has as many Draw abilities equipped as possible. In KHIIFM, Sweet Memories becomes a choice Keyblade to equip when leveling Master Form due to its Drive Converter that converts Munny drops into Drive Orbs. This, combined with Sora's own Drive Converter that he gains via leveling up, potentially changes good sources of Munny to good sources of Drive Orbs.

One of the best worlds for leveling Master Form is The Land of Dragons. Begin by traveling to the Checkpoint and clearing the area of Heartless. Change into Master Form and use fire to destroy the three destructible wagons around the area. Alternatively, the Air Pirate Heartless' "Air Twister" Reaction Command draws in all entities towards Sora, including the wagons. Collect the orbs and exit the area. Return immediately to the Checkpoint to find the wagons have respawned, while the Heartless have not. Destroy the items again, travel one zone away, and repeat the process as needed. This same process can also be applied to the Ridge area, where repeatedly destroying the two item clusters there can have the Form lasting for as long as the player needs it to. This strategy, however, does not work in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, where the items clusters only respawn under the same circumstances that the Heartless do.

For a different approach in The Land of Dragons, the Emperor's Throne Room leads directly to the Antechamber, where several Assault Rider Heartless appear. Finish off the Heartless, which appear in three waves. Return to the Emperor's room, leave the world, and return immediately for a MAX gauge. This strategy can be one of the quickest ways to level Master Form.

Beast's Castle as a whole contains a number of Heartless that drop Drive Orbs, including Hammer Frames and Gargoyle Knight/Warriors. The real targets, however, are the Crimson Jazzes and Morning Stars. The West Wing outside Beast's Room contains a handful of Hammer Frames, two of each Gargoyle type, and three Crimson Jazzes. Magnet in combination with Thunder even normal combos will make quick work of all Heartless. At higher levels, the player may exit into the West Hall and continue farming the Heartless before needing to return to the Save Point in the Beast's Room, or even the one in the Dungeon.

For Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, the Cavern of Remembrance is a great place to quickly level. Head into the Mineshaft and change into Master Form next to the two balloons. Hit the balloons to gain drive orbs. Then head out into the Depths and head straight for the door, hitting the balloon next to the ladder. Exit Hallow Bastion through the save and return to do it again. This strategy can earn the player 126 experience per loop.

Another strategy are the windows in the starting area of Timeless River, run in and clear out the Heartless while in Master Form. Mickey's House is the best place to farm due to the number of typically low health Heartless such as Soldiers. After slaying them, exit the world back into Disney Castle, which due to being a world transition, has the effect of refilling the Drive Gauge to MAX if you're still in Master Form.

A final, optimal strategy for Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix requires the aforementioned Drive Converter abilities. Travel to the Mysterious Tower and head for the Moon Chamber; Four Gambler Nobodies will appear. Simply beat one of their games to acquire a staggering amount of large Drive Orbs, keeping them all alive for maximum reward, and leave for a Save Point when needed.

Notes and References[]

  1. Yen Sid's mirror: "An image of you possessing all abilities flows into your mind".