Kingdom Hearts Wiki

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, The Dimension Links, also known as D-Links, have a variety of different abilities, with each one having two abilities disponible. Ventus, Aqua and Terra can only use these abilities while in their respective D-Links, and they can only unlock them once they level up it.


The first time you get a D-Link, It will be at level 0, and therefore has no special abilities yet. One should note that, until it levels up, there will be two black circles in the lower left of the D-Link's Character's Avatar, symbolizing the abilities that still need to be unlocked.

Once the D-Link levels up to level 1, The first ability is unlocked, and new commands to the deck as well. The ability differs from summon to summon, since increasing damage to decrease the falling speed, but they aren't as effective as the second level ones.

When the D-Link levels up once more, reaching the last level, a new ability, new commands and even a new finisher is obtained. This ability is generally better and more effective than the first one, giving resistance to specific attacks, and even doubling the experience gained.


D-Link Level 1 Ability Level 2 Ability
DL Terra DL TerraOverdriveOverdrive
When HP is less than 25%, attack power increases.
DL TerraFrontAutoGuardAuto-Block
Automatically guard against enemies from the front.
DL Aqua DL AquaMagicFlickMagic Deflector
Guards against magic-based attacks automatically.
DL AquaReraiseAuto-Life
Automatically revive once in battle at 25% health.
DL Ventus DL VentusHasteHaste
Increases attack speed.
DL VentusAutoCounterAuto-Counter
Automatically use a counter attack when knocked away by enemies.
DL Mickey DL MickeyDamageAutoTeleportAuto-Teleport
Just before taking damage, teleport to the side of an enemy.
DL MickeyEXPDoubleUpDouble EXP
Doubles the experience obtained.
DL Donald DL DonaldMagicUpMagic Boost
Increases magic power.
DL DonaldShellShell
Slightly reduces damage received from magical attacks.
DL Goofy DL GoofyProtectProtect
Decreases the damage taken from an opponent's physical attacks.
DL GoofyStunUpStun Boost
Increases the chance of stunning enemies with attacks.
DL Snow White DL SnowWhiteCommandBoostGauge Boost
Increases the Command Gauge reload speed
DL SnowWhiteQuickReloadQuick Reload
Increases Command reload speed.
DL Cinderella DL CinderellaAutoRecoveryAuto-Remedy
Decreases duration of negative status effects.
DL CinderellaRegenaRegen
Restores HP gradually over time.
DL Maleficent DL MaleficentHalfFocusFocus Saver
Decreases Focus Gauge consuming rate.
DL MaleficentDrainDrain
Drains HP when performing any attack against enemies.
DL Zack DL ZackBerserkBerserk
Increases Critical Hit rate but decreases defense greatly.
DL ZackAttackFlickAttack Deflector
When hit by enemies, activates a protective barrier.
DL Stitch DL StitchAttackUpAttack Boost
Increases Attack Type Commands' power.
DL StitchCPDoubleUpDouble CP
Doubles the CP obtained.
DL Peter Pan DL PeterPanLevitateFloat
Decreases the falling speed.
DL PeterPanDoubleHitDouble Strike
Every normal attack hits twice instead of once.
DL Pete DL PeteMunnyPlusMunny Plus
Increase the drop rate and amount of munny.
DL PeteStealSteal
Increase the item drop rate.