Kingdom Hearts Wiki

Kingdom Hearts script comprises the full verbal transcript of both Kingdom Hearts and its Final Mix version.

  • Cutscenes are ordered according to the Theater Mode.
  • Not all cutscenes were included in the Theater Mode, therefore ascertaining the names of those scenes is impossible. In these cases, the respective location name is used with the '(cutscene)' suffix, or, if the cutscene is nonverbal or otherwise minor enough, they will either be included in their respective gameplay section or omitted altogether.
  • Some in-game dialogue is not included in their respective sections if they are not unique to said section, as well as all combat dialogue. These lines will be placed together in a single section in the § Miscellaneous section.

For other information regarding the format and layout of this article, see the transcript guideline.

Dive to the Heart[]


(The following text also appears on-screen, partially disappearing showing only specific words.)
Sora: I've been having these weird thoughts lately. Like, is any of this for real, or not?

King Mickey (on-screen): So much to do, so little time... Take your time. Don't be afraid. The door is still shut.

Dive to the Heart (gameplay)[]

(After the cutscene ends.)
King Mickey (on-screen): Now, step forward. Can you do it?

(On the console version.)
On-screen: Use the left stick to move. Tilt it slightly to walk, and all the way to run.

(On the PC version, without using a controller.)
On-screen: Use [button prompt] to move and to run.

(Upon moving to the center of the platform, a short cutscene plays.)

King Mickey (on-screen): Power sleeps within you...

King Mickey (on-screen): If you give it form...

King Mickey (on-screen): It will give you strength.

King Mickey (on-screen): Choose well.

(After regaining control.)
On-screen: Press [button prompt] to jump.

(Upon selecting the sword.)
King Mickey (on-screen): The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. Is this the power you seek?

(Upon selecting the shield.)
King Mickey (on-screen): The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all. Is this the power you seek?

(Upon selecting the staff.)
King Mickey (on-screen): The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin. Is this the power you seek?

(If you reply with "No.", jump down to the floor.)
(If you reply with "Yes.")
King Mickey (on-screen): Your path is set.

King Mickey (on-screen): Now, what will you give up in exchange?

(Upon selecting the sword.)
King Mickey (on-screen): The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. You give up this power?

(Upon selecting the shield.)
King Mickey (on-screen): The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all. You give up this power?

(Upon selecting the staff.)
King Mickey (on-screen): The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin. You give up this power?

(If you reply with "No.", jump down to the floor.)
(If you reply with "Yes.", note that the power of the [profession] is dependent on the chosen and sacrificed weapon.)
King Mickey (on-screen): You've chosen the power of the [profession]. You've given up the power of the [profession]. Is this the form you choose?
(If you reply with "Maybe not.", return to the start.)
King Mickey (on-screen): Choose carefully. What form will your power take?
(If you reply with "Yes.")
King Mickey (on-screen): Your path is set.

(After arriving in a new area.)
King Mickey (on-screen): You've gained the power to fight.

On-screen: Press [button prompt] to attack.

(After attacking.)
King Mickey (on-screen): All right! You've got it. Use this power to protect yourself and others.

On-screen: The green gauge displays your Hit Points (HP), or Health.

On-screen: If you run out of HP you'll be taken to the Continue screen.

On-screen: The blue gauge shows your Magic Points (MP). Magic is still a mystery to you.

(After dismissing the messages.)
King Mickey (on-screen): There will be times you have to fight. Keep your light burning strong.

(After defeating an enemy.)
On-screen: You gain Experience (EXP) by defeating enemies.

On-screen: With enough Experience (EXP) you gain a level.

On-screen: Furthermore, defeated enemies sometimes leave items behind.

On-screen: You can take these items by walking up to them.

On-screen: Different items can do different things, like restore HP or MP.

(After dismissing the messages.)
King Mickey (on-screen): Behind you!

On-screen: Generally, you'll automatically target the nearest enemy.

On-screen: But you can lock onto a specific target by pressing [button prompt].

On-screen: LOCK ON! will appear in the upper left corner of the screen while you're locked onto a target.

On-screen: Locking onto a target limits the actions available to you, especially against other targets.

On-screen: Press [button prompt] again to release a target lock.

(After approaching the door on the new platform.)
On-screen: This is a field icon. It pops up whenever a special command is available.

On-screen: When [button prompt] Examine pops up, you can press [button prompt] to examine the object in front of you.

(Upon examining the door.)
Sora (on-screen): I can't open it...

(Upon approaching the new treasure chest.)
On-screen: The [button prompt] in the command menu turns into various commands.

(After opening the treasure chest.)
On-screen: You can push large crates.

(After pushing the crate.)
On-screen: You can also smash them.

(After destroying the crate.)
On-screen: Sometimes destroying objects yields items.

On-screen: You can take these items by walking up to them.

(After picking up the dropped item.)
On-screen: Use them with the Items command.

(After the barrel spawns.)
On-screen: You can lock on to objects as well as enemies.

On-screen: While locked on, press [button prompt] to switch your focus between available targets.

(After examining the door when it is fully solidified.)
King Mickey (on-screen): Hold on. The door won't open just yet. First, tell me more about yourself.

On-screen: Press the [button prompt] for first-person view. You can use [button prompts] to look around.

On-screen: Press the [button prompt] again to return to standard view.

(Upon approaching any of the nearby people.)
On-screen: The [button prompt] Talk command is available.

On-screen: Press [button prompt] to talk to people nearby.

(Note that they give the same reply if you talk to them again.)
(Upon talking to Selphie.)
Selphie (on-screen): What's most important to you?

(If you reply with "Being number one.")
Selphie (on-screen): Is being number one such a big deal?
(If you reply with "Friendship.")
Selphie (on-screen): Is friendship such a big deal?
(If you reply with "My prize possessions.")
Selphie (on-screen): Are possessions such a big deal?

(Upon talking to Wakka.)
Wakka (on-screen): What do you want outta life?

(If you reply with "To see rare sights.")
Wakka (on-screen): To see rare sights, huh?
(If you reply with "To broaden my horizons.")
Wakka (on-screen): To broaden your horizons, huh?
(If you reply with "To be strong.")
Wakka (on-screen): To be strong, huh?

(Upon talking to Tidus.)
Tidus (on-screen): What are you so afraid of?

(If you reply with "Getting old.")
Tidus (on-screen): Gettin' old? Is that really so scary?
(If you reply with "Being different.")
Tidus (on-screen): Being different? Is that really so scary?
(If you reply with "Being indecisive.")
Tidus (on-screen): Being indecisive? Is that really so scary?

(Depending on your choices earlier, one of the following three lines per choice appears on-screen, depending on the order of who you spoke to.)

(For Selphie's question.)

King Mickey (on-screen)
  • You want to be number one.
  • You want friendship
  • You like to collect neat things.

(For Wakka's question.)

King Mickey (on-screen)
  • You want to see rare sights.
  • You want to broaden your horizons.
  • You want to be strong.

(For Tidus' question.)

King Mickey (on-screen)
  • You're afraid of getting old.
  • You're afraid of being different.
  • You're afraid of being indecisive.

(Depending on your choices the following texts can appear. If you picked the first answer two or more times you receive the first text, if you picked the third answer two or more times you receive the third text. Any other combination results in the second.)

King Mickey (on-screen)
  • Your adventure begins at dawn, as long as the sun keeps shining your journey should be a pleasant one.
  • Your adventure begins at midday. Keep a steady pace and you'll come through fine.
  • Your adventure begins in the dead of night. Your road won't be easy, but a rising sun awaits your journey's end.
(If you reply with "On second thought...")
King Mickey (on-screen): Okay, tell me again about the real you.
(If you reply with "Sounds good".)
King Mickey (on-screen): The day you will open the door is both far off and very near.

(Upon moving to the center of the platform.)
On-screen: Press [button prompt] to open the menu screen.

On-screen: In the main menu, you can do things like view your inventory and status, or configure your game settings.

On-screen: However you can't open the menu during battle.

(Upon entering the save point.)
On-screen: This is a save point. Touch save points to recover HP and MP.

On-screen: Press [button prompt] to open the save menu when [button prompt] save appears. Be sure to save your progress before quitting the game.

On-screen: It's a good idea to save often. If anything goes wrong, you can then load your saved data and resume from there.

Station of Awakening[]

King Mickey (on-screen): The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.

King Mickey (on-screen): But don't be afraid.

King Mickey (on-screen): And don't forget...

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

King Mickey (on-screen): —But don't be afraid.

King Mickey (on-screen): You hold the mightiest weapon of all.

King Mickey (on-screen): So don't forget:

King Mickey (on-screen): You are the one who will open the door.

Destiny Islands[]

Was It a Dream?[]

Sora: (yawns) Whoa!

Sora: Gimme a break, Kairi.

Kairi: Sora, you lazy bum. I knew that I'd find you snoozing down here.

Sora: No! This huge, black thing swallowed me up! I couldn't breathe! I couldn't—Ow!

Kairi: Are you still dreaming?

Sora: It wasn't a dream! Or was it? I don't know.

Sora: What was that place? So bizarre...

Kairi: Yeah, sure.

Sora: Say, Kairi, what was your hometown like? You know, where you grew up.

Kairi: I've told you before, I don't remember.

Sora: Nothing at all?

Kairi: Nothing.

Sora: You ever want to go back?

Kairi: Hmm. Well, I'm happy here.

Sora: Really...

Kairi: But you know... I wouldn't mind going to see it.

Sora: I'd like to see it too. Along with any other worlds out there. I wanna see 'em all!

Kairi: So what're we waiting for?

Riku: Hey!

Riku: Aren't you guys forgetting about me? So, I guess I'm the only one working on the raft.

Riku: And you're just as lazy as he is!

Kairi: (giggles) So you noticed. Okay, we'll finish it together. I'll race you!

Sora: Huh?

Riku: What, are you kidding?

Kairi: Ready? Go!

Kairi: (laughs)

Destiny Islands (gameplay 1)[]

(Upon talking to Kairi.)
Kairi (on-screen): So, can you gather the rest of the supplies? Sora, are you listening to me?

(If you reply with "Yeah, I heard you.")
Kairi (on-screen): Okay, here's what you need to go find: Two Logs. One Cloth. One Rope. Bring everything back here. If you need help, just ask. I'm counting on you!
(If you reply with "What was that, again?")
Kairi (on-screen): Geez. We can't build a raft without materials, right? Here's what we need: Two Logs. One Cloth. One Rope. Bring everything back here. If you need help, just ask. No more slacking, okay?

(Upon talking to her again.)
Kairi (on-screen): How'd it go? Did you find everything?

(If you reply with "It's all under control.", the following replies cycle in order.)
Kairi (on-screen)
  • It took forever, but the raft is almost finished!
  • Hey, what should we name our raft? We have to name it something! After all, we made it ourselves, with our own hands.
  • Sure is a pretty day! Good thing we finished before hurricane season.
(If you reply with "I'm a little lost.", the following replies cycle in order (The message about Logs has two different ending lines).)
Kairi (on-screen)
  • Hmm... Okay, here's a hint. Hmm... Have you covered the whole island? You'll find Logs scattered on the ground. I'm counting on you!
  • Hmm... Okay, here's a hint. Hmm... Have you covered the whole island? You'll find Logs scattered on the ground. No more slacking, okay?
  • Hmm... Okay, here's a hint. I think I saw some Cloth hanging somewhere. No more slacking, okay?
  • Hmm... Okay, here's a hint. I remember seeing some Rope somewhere beyond the dock. No more slacking, okay?
(If you reply with "I'm totally clueless.", the following replies cycle in order.)
Kairi (on-screen)
  • You're hopeless! Okay, let me break it down for you. You'll probably find a Log washed up along the shore. There might be some on the little island, too. I'm counting on you!
  • You're hopeless! Okay, let me break it down for you. You know the room at the top of the great tree? There's a big Cloth hanging on the wall in there. No more slacking, okay?
  • You're hopeless! Okay, let me break it down for you. See the lookout platform beyond the dock? I think I saw some Rope there, left over from when it was build.

(Upon bringing back at least one of the items.)

Kairi (on-screen)
  • Hey, that was quick! Thanks, Sora. Let's see, what's still missing? [missing items are listed] I'm counting on you!
  • Hey, that was quick! Thanks, Sora. Let's see, what's still missing? [missing items are listed] No more slacking, okay?

(Upon moving too far from the fight area against any of the following characters, Selphie excepted.)
On-screen: Over here!

(Upon talking to Wakka.)
Wakka: Hey, what's happening man?

(Upon talking to him again.)
Wakka (on-screen): Yo! You up for a round?

(If you reply with "Sure let's play.")
Wakka (on-screen): Play is for kids. This is serious!

(At the start of the fight.)
Wakka: Show me your stuff!

(Sometimes when you hit him with a deflected blitzball.)
Wakka: Hey!

(Sometimes when he taunts you after a hit.)
Wakka: I'm good!

(When he uses his strongest attack.)
Wakka: Take this!

(After winning the fight.)
Wakka: Aw man, that really hurt.

(After losing the fight.)
Wakka: I win!

(If you reply with "Hey! What's up?")
Wakka (on-screen)
  • Selphie thinks she's in charge around here. It's a drag.
  • Riku's good at pretty much everything. Even you're no match for him.
  • It's so great, just hanging out around here. No parents to bug us...
  • What're you guys up to anyway? Whatever it is, be careful. Of course, having Riku along should be a big help.
  • Take it easy. I get tired watching you run around! Then again, Tidus is just as bad, ya? Leave everything to Riku. He'll take care of things.

(Upon talking to Selphie.)
Selphie: Aah, the breeze feels great!

(Upon talking to her again.)
Selphie (on-screen): What're you up to these days? We never see you.

(If you reply with "Wanna duel?")
Selphie (on-screen): All right! Now you're talking.

(At the start of the fight.)
Selphie: Okay, don't hold back!

(When she uses her spinning rope move.)
Selphie: You ready?

(Upon moving too far from the fight area.)
Selphie (on-screen): Over here!

(After winning the fight.)
Selphie: Aww, I can't believe I lost!

(After losing the fight.)
Selphie: Better luck next time!

(If you reply with "We've been busy.")
Selphie (on-screen)
  • Riku and Kairi sure are busy these days... I should send Tidus and Wakka to check up on you guys.
  • We can come here on our own now. I'm all grown up.
  • Come on, tell me what you're planning. Actually, never mind. I'll find out on my own.
  • Tidus hasn't noticed anything. He's clueless!

(Upon talking to Tidus.)
Tidus: Hey, Sora! You feel lucky today?

(Upon talking to him again.)
Tidus (on-screen): Hey, Sora. Feelin' up to a little competition?

(If you reply with "You asked for it!")
Tidus (on-screen): Alright, let's go!

(At the start of the fight.)
Tidus: You're going down!

(Sometimes when you keep avoiding him.)

  • Bring it on!
  • Stop running away!

(After winning the fight.)
Tidus: Aw man, I'm really off today.

(After losing the fight.)
Tidus: You really think you can beat me?

(If you reply with "Sorry, not now.")
Tidus (on-screen)
  • You serious? Come on, be a man!
  • Why would you want to cross the ocean? Sword fights beat that any day!
  • Wakka and I are working on a new game. Everyone fights for the ball underwater. Let's all try it sometime.
  • 'Course, you and Riku will never be star players like me.

(Upon talking to him after beating all three, the conversation options change entirely.)
Tidus (on-screen): Another round, Sora! Let's go!

(If you reply with "You three against me!")
Tidus (on-screen): Okay, you asked for it!

(At the start of the fight.)
Tidus: You're going down!

(After winning the three-on-one fight.)
Tidus: I can't believe we lost.

(After losing the three-on-one fight.)
Tidus: Hey you guys, I think we overdid it.

(If you reply with "Let's go on-on-one!")
Tidus (on-screen): Hey, no problem. I can take you down myself.
(If you reply with "I'm kinda busy now.")
Tidus (on-screen): So what's the score now? Ah, who cares.

(Upon talking to Riku, talking again afterwards skips the first two lines.)
Riku (on-screen): Did you get everything we need for the raft? I gave my stuff to Kairi. Hey, Sora, how about a quick round? Grab your sword.

(If you reply with "Okay, you're on!")
Riku (on-screen): This one decides the champion!

(Prior to starting the fight.)
Riku (on-screen): Ready or not!

(When he taunts you.)

  • What are you afraid of?
  • Heh, you still don't got it.
  • Don't tell me you're giving up already!

(When he flips back on his feet.)
Riku: Come on!

(Upon triggering his counter-attack.)
Riku: My turn!

(Upon winning.)
Riku: It's not over, not yet...

(After winning, with # corresponding to your total wins and losses.)
Sora (on-screen): Now the score's # to #!

(After losing, with # corresponding to your total wins and losses.)
Sora (on-screen): Man, now the score's # to #!

(If you reply with "Sorry, no time now.")
Riku (on-screen): Okay. Some other time.

(Upon talking to Kairi with all items collected without talking to her prior to that.)
Kairi (on-screen): Wow, you've found everything already? Thanks, Sora! I found something today, too. Here, it's yours.

(Upon returning to Kairi with all items collected without saying you're clueless.)
Kairi (on-screen): Thanks, Sora! I found something today, too. Here, it's yours.

(Upon returning to Kairi with all items collected after asking for help.)
Kairi (on-screen): Well, that's everything. Great job, Sora!

Kairi (on-screen): Tired? Want to call it a day?

(If you reply with "Yeah, let's go home.")
Kairi (on-screen): Okay. It is getting late. We'll finish up tomorrow.
(If you reply with "Not yet!")
Kairi (on-screen): Okay, just let me know when you're ready to go back.

The Outside World[]

Sora: So, Kairi's home is out there somewhere, right?

Riku: Could be. We'll never know by staying here.

Sora: But how far could a raft take us?

Riku: Who knows? If we have to, we'll think of something else.

Kairi: So, suppose you get to another world. (giggles) What would you do there?

Riku: Hm. Well, I haven't really thought about it.

Riku: It's just... I've always wondered why we're here on this island. If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one? And suppose there are other worlds... Then ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could have just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?

Sora: I don't know.

Riku: Exactly. That's why we need to go out there and find out. Just sitting here won't change a thing. It's the same old stuff. So let's go.

Kairi: You've been thinking a lot lately, haven't you?

Riku: Thanks to you. If you hadn't come here, I probably would've never thought of any of this. Kairi, thanks.

Kairi: Heh, you're welcome.

Riku: Sora.

Riku: You wanted one, didn't you?

Sora: A paopu fruit...

Riku: If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what.

Riku: C'mon, I know you want to try it.

Sora: What are you talking—

Riku: (laughs)

Disney Castle[]

Donald: Good morning, Your Majesty.

Donald: It's nice to see you this morn—

Donald: What!

Donald: (shouts)

Donald: Wake up, Goofy, wake up! This is serious!

Donald: (yells)

Goofy: Wow!

Goofy: Hey there, Donald. Good morning.

Donald: We've got a problem, Goofy! But don't tell anyone...

Goofy: Queen Minnie?

Donald: Not even the queen.

Goofy: Daisy?

Donald: No, it's top secret!

Goofy: G'morning, ladies.

Donald: What?

Minnie: Ahem.

Destiny Islands (gameplay 2)[]

(Upon talking to Selphie.)
Selphie: Hey, Sora. Have you heard about the legendary power of the paopu fruit? They say if you share it with someone you really care for, it binds you together forever and ever, through eternity! (sighs) It's so romantic. I gotta try it sometime.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Selphie (on-screen): What's the matter, Sora? Something on your mind?

(If you reply with "Let's go a round.")
Selphie (on-screen): Okay, but no whining when I beat you!

(At the start of the fight.)
Selphie: Okay, don't hold back!

(After winning the fight.)
Selphie: You got lucky!

(After losing the fight.)
Selphie: What, that's all you got?

(If you reply with "It's nothing.")
  • Paopu fruit is precious, so don't pick it unless you're gonna share it!
  • I wonder who I shouls share my paopu with...
  • Riku's always staring out to sea these days. Sometimes even shouting won't get his attention.
  • You're helping Kairi with something right? What are you guys up to?
  • If you don't share a paopu with Kairi soon, Riku might beat you to it.
  • Have you heard about the power of the paopu fruit?
(If you reply with "Yeah.")
Selphie (on-screen): Me? Well, I think I can do better than Tidus or Wakka!
(If you reply with "What's that?")
Selphie (on-screen): If two people share the fruit... their destinies become intertwined. Isn't that romantic?

(The following line only gets added if you have raced Riku and talked to Kairi, without yet finding the required Seagull Egg.)

  • Bird nests? They're easy to find if you look around carefully. Press [button prompt] to scan the sky. Birds flying by probably means nests nearby.

(Upon talking to Wakka.)
Wakka: Me and Tidus, we are gonna do a little explorin' today. You know, to the secret place at the base of that tree. There's gotta be something there, ya?

(Upon talking to him again.)
Wakka (on-screen): Hey, Sora! You could use some coaching, ya?

(If you reply with "Want to go a round?")
Wakka (on-screen): Nah, I can't... Can't resist, that is!

(At the start of the fight.)
Wakka: Show me your stuff!

(After winning the fight.)
Wakka: Woohoo, yeah!

(After losing the fight.)
Wakka: You've been training a lot, ya?

(If you reply with "That would be great!")
  • Now, want to learn a special technique? To a hit a moving target, you gotta lock on. Lock on and you won't lose track of it.
  • You can move boulders if you push 'em hard enough.
  • You know about the secret place, right? At the base of that tree? Who found that place anyway?
  • Tidus and I swam out really far last time... There was nothing in sight but water, water everywhere.
  • Whatever you guys are up to, don't do anything stupid, ya?
  • Man, I'm hungry! Let's go home and get something to eat, ya?

(The following line only gets added if you have raced Riku and talked to Kairi, without yet finding the mushroom in the Secret Place.)

  • Mushrooms? Have you checked the secret place?

(Upon talking to Tidus.)
Tidus: I think you've gotten stronger, but odds are you're still no match for Riku. We took him on three-to-one last time, and he whipped us all. Well, I guess Kairi can always count on him.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Tidus (on-screen): Sora, you wanna go a few rounds?

(If you reply with "You bet!")
Tidus (on-screen): All right! Let's get started!

(At the start of the fight.)
Tidus: You're going down!

(After winning the fight.)
Tidus: No contest.

(After losing the fight.)
Tidus: Aw man, what's up?

(If you reply with "Sorry, I'm in a hurry.")
  • Aw, don't be a chicken!
  • This island is paradise without any adults to order us around.
  • Say, are you and Riku really pals? It's hard to tell sometimes.

(Upon talking to him after beating all three, the conversation options change entirely.)
Tidus (on-screen): Another round, Sora! Let's go!

(If you reply with "You three against me!")
Tidus (on-screen): Okay, you asked for it!

(At the start of the fight.)
Tidus: Let's get him!

(After winning the three-on-one fight.)
Tidus: Man, you're unreal.

(After losing the three-on-one fight.)
Tidus: Not your day, I guess.

(If you reply with "Let's go on-on-one!")
Tidus (on-screen): Hey, no problem. I can take you down myself.
(If you reply with "I'm kinda busy now.")
Tidus (on-screen): So what's the score now? Ah, who cares.

(Upon talking to Kairi prior to racing Riku.)
Kairi (on-screen): The raft's almost ready! All we have to do now is load it with food. Hey, have you seen Riku?

(Upon talking to Riku.)
Riku (on-screen): Hey, Sora. Our raft still needs a name. Let's see... How about Highwind? What would you call it?

Sora (on-screen): Me? Well...hmm... Excalibur!

Riku (on-screen): Hey, how 'bout...

Sora (on-screen): The usual?

Riku (on-screen): Let's do it!

Kairi (on-screen): You guys at it again? All right, I'll be the judge. The usual rules apply. Take any route you want... First one to tag that tree and make it back here wins.

Sora: If I win, I'm captain! And if you win...

Riku: I get to share the paopu with Kairi.

Sora: Huh?

Riku: Deal? The winner gets to share a paopu with Kairi.

Sora: Wha... Wait a minute...

Kairi: Okay! On my count:

Kairi (on-screen): Three! Two! One! GO!!

(Upon winning.)
Sora (on-screen): Now the score's # to #!

Riku (on-screen): Man, lighten up. It's just a name, after all.

(Upon losing.)
Sora (on-screen): Man, now the score # to #!

Riku (on-screen): All right, we're naming the raft Highwind.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Riku (on-screen): What's that? Oh the paopu thing? It was just a joke. You should have seen your face. How 'bout another lap round the course?

(If you reply with "Okay, it's a race!")
Riku (on-screen): I'm gonna leave you in the dust.
(If you reply with "I'll pass.")
Riku (on-screen): Are you upset or something? It was only a joke.

(Upon talking to Kairi.)
Kairi (on-screen): Today we collect provisions for our trip! Let's see. Sora, you're looking for... One Seagull Egg. Three Mushrooms. Two Coconuts. Three Fish. And fill this up with Drinking Water. But not from the ocean!

Kairi (on-screen): Bring everything back here. If you need help, just ask.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Kairi (on-screen): Well, did you find everything?

(If you reply with "It's all under control." after having won the first race, the following replies cycle in order.)
Kairi (on-screen)
  • Excalibur... That sounds familiar, where have I heard it before?
  • Since you named the raft, are you the captain? Then from now on, I'll say "Aye, aye, Captain Sora!"
  • Excalibur... That's a cool name. Sounds good to me!
(If you reply with "It's all under control." after having lost the first race, the following replies cycle in order.)
Kairi (on-screen)
  • Highwind... That's a cool name.
  • Since Riku named the raft, is he the captain?
(If you reply with "I'm a little lost.", the following replies cycle in order, the fourth hint only gets added when any of the items related to the first three are found, the fifth hint gets added when only two items remains.)
Kairi (on-screen)
  • Hmm... Okay, here's a hint. Coconuts are growing on trees all over the island. Ever tried coconut milk? It's tasty. Remember, only the yellow ones are any good. I'm counting on you!
  • Hmm... Okay, here's a hint. Seagulls lay their Eggs in coco palms. I'm counting on you!
  • Hmm... Okay, here's a hint. Mushrooms grow in shady spots, right? To be honest, I don't even like them. I'm counting on you!
  • Hmm... Okay, here's a hint. We can't drink seawater! Look for running water. I'm counting on you!
  • Hmm... Okay, here's a hint. You're good at catching fish, right? I'm counting on you!
(If you reply with "I'm totally clueless.", the following replies cycle in order, the fourth hint only gets added when any of the items related to the first three are found, the fifth hint gets added when only two items remain.)
Kairi (on-screen)
  • You're hopeless! Okay, let me break it down for you. Pound on the fat coco palms to shake Coconuts loose. Only the yellow ones are edible. If you keep pounding and don't get any yellow ones, you should probably try a different tree. I'm counting on you!
  • You're hopeless! Okay, let me break it down for you. Mushrooms grow in the shade. Check dark areas. If there are any rocks in the way, just move them. Try looking around the base of the watchtower, too. Hmmm... They might also be growing in the secret place. I'm counting on you!
  • You're hopeless! Okay, let me break it down for you. On the bridge's near side are three trees, one thinner than the rest. Gulls seem to flock there, so check the area for a Seagull Egg. To get to the top of the fatter trees, climb the thin one and then jump! I'm counting on you!
  • You're hopeless! Okay, let me break it down for you. I don't see any Fish here. Try searching along the shore. They're usually around the pier, remember? I'm counting on you!
  • You're hopeless! Okay, let me break it down for you. We can't drink seawater! Look for running water. You can find freshwater sources both in the cove and near the main beach. I'm counting on you!

(Upon examining the door in the Secret Place.)
Sora (on-screen): I wonder where this door leads...

(Upon examining it again.)
Sora (on-screen): No doorknob, no keyhole. What kind of door is this anyway?

This World Has Been Connected[]

Sora: Wh-who's there?

Ansem: I've come to see the door to this world.

Sora: Huh?

Ansem: This world has been connected.

Sora: Wh-What are you talking about?

Ansem: Tied to the darkness... Soon to be completely eclipsed.

Sora: Well, whoever you are, stop freaking me out like this. Huh? Wh-Where did you come from?

Ansem: You do not yet know what lies beyond the door.

Sora: So, you're from another world!

Ansem: There is so very much to learn. You understand so little.

Sora: Oh, yeah? Well, you'll see. I'm gonna get out and learn what's out there!

Ansem: A meaningless effort. One who knows nothing can understand nothing.

Destiny Island (gameplay 2, cont.)[]

(Upon examining the door again.)
Sora (on-screen): Nothing really out of the ordinary... How did he get here?

(Upon bringing back at least one of the items.)
Kairi (on-screen): Wow, you didn't slack off this time! Just kidding. Let's see, what's still missing? [list of items] Fresh Drinking Water, not salt water, okay? (if missing) I'm counting on you!

(Upon talking to Kairi after going back to the other side of the island, and then back again to her.)
Kairi (on-screen): This? I'm making a necklace of thalassa shells. In the old days, sailors always wore thalassa shells. They were supposed to ensure a safe voyage. See this? It's a charm to help us find each other if we ever get separated. The three of us will always be together.

(Upon returning to Kairi with all items collected without saying you're clueless.)
Kairi (on-screen): Thanks, Sora! I found something today, too. Here, it's yours.

(Upon returning to Kairi with all items collected after asking for help.)
Kairi (on-screen): Yep, this should do! Thanks, Sora.

Kairi (on-screen): Tired? Want to call it a day?

(If you reply with "Yeah, let's go home.")
Kairi (on-screen): Okay, tomorrow's the big day. We should rest up!
(If you reply with "Not yet!.")
Kairi (on-screen): Still restless? I hope you'll be able to wake up tomorrow.

A Lucky Charm[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Kairi shows Sora the thalassa shell necklace she's making.

Kairi (on-screen): Its a charm to help us find each other if we ever get separated. The three of us will always be together.

Across the Ocean[]

Kairi: You know, Riku has changed.

Sora: What do you mean?

Kairi: Well...

Sora: You okay?

Kairi: Sora, let's take the raft and go—just the two of us!

Sora: Huh?

Kairi: (giggles) Just kidding.

Sora: What's gotten into you? You're the one that's changed, Kairi.

Kairi: Maybe... You know, I was a little afraid at first, but now I'm ready. No matter where I go or what I see, I know I can always come back here.

Kairi: Right?

Sora: Yeah, of course!

Kairi: That's good.

Kairi: Sora, don't ever change.

Sora: Huh?

Kairi: I just can't wait. Once we set sail, it'll be great.

The Letter[]

Mickey (on-screen letter): Donald, Sorry to rush off without sayin' goodbye, but there's big trouble brewin'. Not sure why, but the stars have been blinkin' out, one by one. And that means disaster can't be far behind. I hate to leave you all but I've gotta go check into it. There's someone with a "key"—the key to our survival. So I need you and Goofy to find him, and stick with him. Got it? We need that key or we're doomed! So go to Traverse Town and find Leon. He'll point you in the right direction.

P.S. Would ya apologize to Minnie for me? Thanks, pal.

Daisy: Oh, dear! What could this mean?

Minnie: It means we'll just have to trust the king.

Goofy: Gawrsh, I sure hope he's all right.

Donald: Your Highness. Don't worry. We'll find the king and this "key."

Minnie: Thank you, both of you.

Donald: Daisy, can you take care of the—

Daisy: Of course. You be careful, now, both of you.

Minnie: Oh, and to chronicle your travels, he will accompany you.

Jiminy Cricket: Over here!

Jiminy Cricket: Cricket's the name. Jiminy Cricket, at your service.

Minnie: We hope for your safe return. Please help the king.

Donald: You're coming, too!

Goofy: Gawrsh, Jiminy, your world disappeared, too?

Jiminy Cricket: It was terrible. We were scattered. And as far as I can see, I'm the only one who made it to this castle.

Donald: Goofy?

Goofy: Oh, right... I gotcha. Ya mean, while we're in other worlds, we can't let on where we're from. We've gotta protect the world border.

Donald: "Order."

Goofy: Right. World order.

Goofy: I guess we'll need new duds when we get there.

Donald: Hello up there? Donald Duck to launch crew! Anytime you're ready.

Donald: Blast off!

Donald: (screams)

Goofy: (yells)

The Keyblade[]

Kairi: I just can't wait. Once we set sail, it'll be great.

Sora: A storm?

Sora: Oh no, the raft!

Sora's mom: Sora, dinner's ready. Come on down. Sora?

Sora: What's that?

Sora: Riku's boat. And Kairi's!

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

Sora: Where's Kairi? I thought she was with you!

Riku: The door has opened...

Sora: What?

Riku: The door has opened, Sora! Now we can go to the outside world!

Sora: What are you talking about? We've gotta find Kairi!

Riku: Kairi's coming with us!

Riku: Once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There's no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!

Sora: Riku...

King Mickey (on-screen): Keyblade... Keyblade...

Swallowed by Darkness[]

Sora: Kairi!

Kairi: Sora...

Sora: Whoa!

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)
Sora: Ah!

Traverse Town (first visit)[]

Where Am I?[]

Goofy: Look, a star's goin' out!

Donald: Come on. Let's hurry.

Donald: Where's that key...

Goofy: Hey, ya know, maybe we ought to go find Leon.

Goofy: Uh, Donald. Ya know, I betcha that uh...

Donald: Aw, what do you know, you big palooka?

Goofy: What do I know? Hmm... Come on, Pluto!

Sora: What a dream...

Sora: (yells) This isn't a dream!

Sora: Where am I? Oh, boy.

Sora: Do you know where we are? Hey...

(The cutscene continues with the scene of the man dying upon entering the Second District.)

Traverse Town (gameplay 1)[]

(Upon exiting the alley.)
Sora (on-screen): This is totally weird... I'm in another world!

(Upon talking to each person in the First District.)

Boy (on-screen)
  • I keep seeing new faces today. An odd pair walked by just a little while ago.
  • You looking for someone? It's a big town, so check everywhere.
Woman (on-screen)
  • People with nowhere else to turn to come to this town. Where am I from? None of your business. Don't ask that question here, everyone's got an unhappy past.
  • Those candles over there were specially created by moogles. Even if you snuff one out, it flickers back to life in no time. You'd probably need magic to put them all out.
Moogle 1 (on-screen)
  • The First District is the only safe place, kupo.
  • Shadows destroyed my world. I've got nowhere to go, kupo.
  • Seeing all of this town will take some time, kupo, especially for newcomers. Even if you can't go to certain areas now, you'll be able to go later.
Man (on-screen)
  • This town is divided into three districts. This is the First District.
  • This town has grown as people have lost their home worlds and come here. It's easy to get lost in such a big, sprawling place. Be careful.
  • Beyond this door is a shortcut to the Third District—but the key is missing.
Moogle 2 (on-screen)
  • This is the item workshop, kupo. We're researching item synthesis and super-weapon forging!
  • Something's blocking the door, kupo.

Fat man (on-screen): That door leads to the Second District. Beyond that lies the Third District.

(If you approach any of the locked doors.)
On-screen: < Currently closed off >

(Upon examining the mailbox.)
On-screen: - MAILBOX -

Send 10 postcards to win something! Good luck!

(Upon examining the chest in the cafe.)
On-screen: It will not open. There must be some secret to opening it.

(Upon examining the blue safe.)
On-screen: Looks like it's locked.

(Upon trying to go through the door to the Second District prior to talking to Cid, afterwards you can still go through.)
Sora (on-screen): There's gotta be more to see around here... What now?

(The nephews inside the Item Shop all randomly switch positions whenever you enter the shop. They each have different lines depending on where they stand, and if they're the shopkeeper or not.)
(Upon talking to Huey.)

Huey (on-screen)
  • Louie does an okay job as long as we keep an eye on him.
  • We're gonna earn enough munny here to go on an adventure.

(Upon talking to Dewey.)

Dewey (on-screen)
  • Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business.
  • I did all of the cleaning today. I dare you to find one speck of dust.

(Upon talking to Louie.)

Louie (on-screen)
  • I'm in charge of keepin' the shop clean. It's easier than our bedroom!
  • I'm in charge of keeping the shop clean. Now, my bedroom? That's tougher!

(Upon talking to Huey when is he the shopkeeper.)
Huey (on-screen): Welcome! Wanna buy somethin'? Or sell somethin'?

(Upon talking to Dewey when is he the shopkeeper.)
Dewey (on-screen): Welcome! Are you looking to buy? Or maybe you have something to sell?

(Upon talking to Louie when is he the shopkeeper.)
Louie (on-screen): Hey there! Um... What do you want? Um, what am I supposed to ask? Oh, yeah. Do you wanna buy, or sell?

(If you reply with "I'm here to shop.")
All three (on-screen): What do you wanna do?
(If you reply with "I want to buy.")
All three (on-screen): All right!
(If you buy anything.)
All three (on-screen): Thanks!
(If you try to buy an item without having enough funds.)
All three (on-screen): You don't have enough munny!
(If you try to buy an item with a maxed out inventory.)
All three (on-screen): You can't hold anymore!
(If you reply with "I want to sell.")
All three (on-screen): Sure!
(If you sell anything.)
All three (on-screen): Thanks!
(Upon entering any of your inventories.)
All three (on-screen): What do you want to sell?
(If you try to sell anything in an empty inventory.)
All three (on-screen): You don't have any items!
(If you reply with "Never mind.")
All three (on-screen): Okay.
(If you reply with "Let's chat.")
Huey (on-screen): Our shop has all sorts of stuff for sale.
(If you reply with "Let's chat.")
Dewey (on-screen): I hand-picked everything on these shelves. We carry only the best!
(If you reply with "Let's chat.")
Louie (on-screen): I usually clean, so I'm not used to dealin' with customers.
(If you reply with "Oh, nothing.", end the conversation.)

(Upon entering the Accessory Shop.)
Cid (on-screen): Hey there, how can I... Aw, it's only a kid.

Sora (on-screen): I'm not a kid! And the name's Sora!

Cid (on-screen): Okay, okay, simmer down. So why the long face, Sora? You lost or somethin'?

Sora (on-screen): No! Well, maybe. Where are we?

Cid (on-screen): Huh?

Sora (on-screen): Traverse Town... So, gramps, is this really another world?

Cid (on-screen): Don't call me gramps! The name's Cid!

Cid (on-screen): Anyway... Not sure what you're talkin' about, but this sure ain't your island.

Sora (on-screen): Hmm... Guess I'd better start looking for Riku and Kairi.

Cid (on-screen): Well, good luck with whatever it is you're doing. If you ever run into trouble, you come to me. I'll look out for you.

(Upon talking to Cid.)
Cid (on-screen): What do you need?

(If you reply with "I'm here to shop.")
Cid (on-screen): So, what'll it be?
(If you reply with "I want to buy.")
Cid (on-screen): All right!
(If you buy anything.)
Cid (on-screen): Thanks!
(If you try to buy an item without having enough funds.)
Cid (on-screen): You don't have enough munny!
(If you try to buy an item with a maxed out inventory.)
Cid (on-screen): You can't hold anymore!
(If you reply with "I want to sell.")
Cid (on-screen): You got it!
(If you sell anything.)
Cid (on-screen): Thanks!
(Upon entering any of your inventories.)
Cid (on-screen): What do you want to sell?
(If you try to sell anything in an empty inventory.)
Cid (on-screen): You don't have any items!
(If you reply with "Never mind.")
Cid (on-screen): All right. Come again!
(If you reply with "Let's chat.")
Cid (on-screen): If you can't find your buddies, I'll take care of you.
(If you reply with "Oh, nothing.", end the conversation.)

(Upon examining the empty fireplace.)
On-screen: There are traces of fire.

(Upon examining the synthesis material showcase.)
On-screen: -Attention, customers!-

You can synthesize items like this one on our second floor, kupo!

Sora (on-screen): Wow, a crystal!

(Shortly after entering the Second District.)
Sora (on-screen): It's those creatures from the island!

(Upon examining the bell carving.)
On-screen: It's a carving of a bell. There should be a bell on the gizmo shop's roof.

(Upon entering the Hotel's first entrance.)
Goofy (on-screen): Doesn't look like he's here.

Donald (on-screen): Keep looking!

(Upon entering the Gizmo Shop.)
Donald (on-screen): Hmph. Where is he?

Goofy (on-screen): Leeeooon!

(Upon examining the ladder behind the Gizmo Shop.)
On-screen: Kinda wobbly... Guess I can't climb it now.

(Upon entering the Alleyway.)
Donald (on-screen): Leeeon! Mister Leon?

Goofy (on-screen): Where are you?

(Upon entering the Dalmatian's house.)
Donald (on-screen): Not here, either.

Goofy (on-screen): This could take a while...

On-screen: The 99 puppies were lost amid the chaos of their world's destruction. Find them in various worlds.

(Upon examining the exposed wiring in the Third District.)
On-screen: There are cords sticking out of the pipe.

(Upon examining the lock next to the door to the First District.)
On-screen: Looks like it's locked.

(Upon examining the door with the fire sign in the Third District.)
On-screen: It's emblazoned with a stylistic flame.

(Upon talking to Cid after defeating at least five Heartless, as well if you reply with "Let's chat.")
Cid (on-screen): Still haven't found 'em? Keep your chin up. Take another look around town.


Leon: They'll come at you out of nowhere.

Sora: Who are you?

Leon: And they'll keep on coming at you, as long as you continue to wield the Keyblade.

Leon: But why? Why would it choose a kid like you?

Sora: Hey, What's that supposed to mean?

Leon: Never mind. Now, let's see that Keyblade.

Sora: What? There's no way you're getting this!

Leon: All right, then have it your way.

(After the fight, if you won.)
Sora: Now... you're... gonna... you're gonna...

Yuffie: Aw, you're slipping, Leon.

Leon: I went easy on him.

Leon: It looks like things are worse than we thought. A lot worse.

(After the fight, if you lost. Only this scene is shown in Theater Mode.)

Yuffie: Hey, you found it. Nice going, Leon.

Leon: Still... It looks like things are worse than we thought. A lot worse.

The Chosen One[]

Riku: I?

Riku: Sora! Kairi!

Goofy: Gawrsh, there's nobody here. Sure is spooky!

Donald: Aw, phooey. I'm not scared. (screams)

Aerith: Excuse me. Did the king send you?

Yuffie: Come on, lazy bum. Wake up.

Yuffie: You okay?

Sora: I guess...

Yuffie: Those creatures that attacked you are after the Keyblade. But it's your heart they really want, because you wield the Keyblade.

Sora: I'm so glad that you're okay, Kairi.

Yuffie: Kairi? Who are you talking about?

Yuffie: I'm the great ninja Yuffie.

Sora: Huh?

Yuffie: I think you might've overdone it, Squall.

Leon: That's Leon.

Sora: The Keyblade...

Yuffie: Yeah, we had to get it away from you to shake off those creatures. It turns out that's how they were tracking you.

Leon: It was the only way to conceal your heart from them. But it won't work for long. Still hard to believe that you of all people are the chosen one.

Sora: Woah.

Leon: Well, I suppose beggars can't be choosers.

Sora: Why don't you start making sense! What's going on here?

Aerith: Okay, you know there are many other worlds out there besides your castle and this town, right?

Donald: Yeah.

Goofy: But they're supposed to be a secret.

Aerith: They've been secret because they've never been connected. Until now. When the Heartless came, everything changed.

Sora: The Heartless?

Yuffie: The ones who attacked you, you remember?

Leon: Those without hearts.

Yuffie: The darkness in people's hearts—that's what attracts them.

Leon: And there is darkness within every heart.

Yuffie: Hey, have you heard of someone named Ansem?

Goofy: Ansem?

Aerith: He was studying the Heartless. He recorded all of his findings in a very detailed report.

Goofy: Gawrsh, uh, can we see it?

Aerith: Its pages are scattered everywhere.

Donald: Scattered?

Aerith: To many worlds.

Goofy: Oh, then maybe the king went to find 'em.

Aerith: Yes, those were my thoughts exactly.

Goofy: We've gotta find him quick!

Donald: Wait!

Donald: First, we need that "key"!

Aerith: That's right. The Keyblade.

Sora: So... this is the key?

Yuffie: Exactly!

Leon: The Heartless have great fear of the Keyblade.

Leon: That's why they'll keep coming after you no matter what.

Sora: Well, I didn't ask for this.

Yuffie: The Keyblade chooses its master. And it chose you.

Leon: So tough luck.

Sora: How did all this happen? I remember being in my room...

Sora: Wait a minute! What happened to my home? My island? Riku! Kairi!

Leon: You know what? I really don't know.

Traverse Town (gameplay 2)[]

(Upon examining the chest on the table.)
On-screen: Looks like it's locked.

(Upon talking to Leon, this line won't occur if you talked to Yuffie first..)
Leon (on-screen): The Keyblade can supposedly unlock almost anything. You're bound to run across treasure chests and other locks. Try it out.

(Upon talking to Yuffie.)

  • I've heard that the Keyblade can open all sorts of locks. Give it a try the next time you find a treasure chest or door lock!
  • Hey, cheer up!
  • Think of this as an adventure!

(Upon attempting to leave.)
Leon (on-screen): It's dangerous out there. Don't wander off.

(Upon attempting to leave again.)
Leon (on-screen): Just can't sit still can you?

(Upon examining the left-most painting.)
On-screen: Bald Mountain

- 7:00 am -

(Upon examining the middle painting.)
On-screen: Midday Jungle

(Upon examining the right-most painting.)
On-screen: 18:00 in the Past

- Time Flies -

(Upon talking to leon.)
Leon (on-screen): Sooner or later, the Heartless will find you. You'd best prepare yourself.

Sora (on-screen): Prepare myself?

Leon (on-screen): To fight for your life. Are you ready?

(If you reply with "I'm ready.")
Leon (on-screen): Yuffie, let's go join Aerith. She should be there now with the other visitors.

Yuffie (on-screen): Leon!

(If you reply with "Not yet.")
Leon (on-screen): We need to move quickly. It's dangerous here.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy[]

Yuffie: Leon!

Leon: Yuffie, go!

Aerith: Yuffie?

Leon: Sora, let's go!

Traverse Town (gameplay 3)[]

(After the cutscene.)
Leon (on-screen): Don't bother with the small fry. Find the leader! Let's go!

(If you examine the brochures at the front desk.)
On-screen: - Announcement -

Our hotel is holding a multicultural art exhibit. We hope you enjoy the exhibit.

(If you hit the front desk's bell three times.)
Manager: No vacancy.

(If you return to the Hotel and examine the painting near the entrance.)
On-screen: Midsummer Dawn

(If you return to the Hotel and examine the painting near the front desk.)
On-screen: The Autumn Dusk

(After examining both paintings.)
Manager (on-screen): Paintings are great... If you ever stay the night... Try hitting the clock...

(If you hit the front desk's bell three times after examining both paintings.)
Manager (on-screen): Paintings are great... If you ever stay the night... Try hitting the clock...

(Upon talking to each person in the First District.)

Leon (on-screen)
  • The First District is secure. If you run into trouble, come back here.
  • We'll guard the First District. Go check out the Second and Third Districts. Show us the power of the Keyblade.

Aerith (on-screen): So you're the Keyblade master... Please be careful.

Yuffie (on-screen)
  • The First District is all clear, but I don't know about the Third District...
  • Can't get through here. We'll have to cut across the Second District to reach the Third.

(While talking to Cid, if you reply with "Let's chat.")
Cid (on-screen): Not much to talk about at the moment.

(Upon examining the blue safe after opening it once to collect the Postcard.)
On-screen: Empty.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy (cont.)[]

(The cutscene continues upon reaching the Third District.)
Goofy: Gawrsh, are these the Heartless guys?

Donald: Let's go get 'em, Goofy!

Donald & Goofy: (screams)

Sora: (shouts)

Donald & Goofy: The key!

Donald: (shouts)

(The cutscene continues and also contains the scenes with the appearance and death of the Guard Armor.)

The Start of an Adventure[]

Sora: So, you were looking for me?

Donald & Goofy: Uh-huh!

Leon: They, too, have been seeking the wielder of the Keyblade.

Goofy: Hey, why don't you come with us? We can go to other worlds on our vessel.

Sora: I wonder if I could find Riku and Kairi...

Donald: Of course.

Goofy: Are you sure?

Donald: Who knows? But we need him to come with us to help us find the king.

Leon: Sora, go with them. Especially if you want to find your friends.

Sora: Yeah, I guess.

Donald: But you can't come along looking like that. Understand?

Donald: No frowning. No sad face. Okay?

Goofy: Yeah, ya gotta look funny, like us!

Donald: This boat runs on happy faces.

Sora: Happy?

Sora: Cheeeese...?

Donald & Goofy: (laughs)

Goofy: That's one funny face!

Sora: Okay, why not? I'll go with you guys.

Donald: Donald Duck.

Goofy: Name's Goofy.

Sora: I'm Sora.

Goofy: All for one, one for all.

Assembly of Darkness[]

Hades: That little squirt took down that Heartless! Who'd have thought it?

Jafar: Such is the power of the Keyblade. The child's strength is not his own.

Ursula: Why don't we turn him into a Heartless? (laughs) That'll settle things quick enough.

Hook: And the brat's friends are the king's lackeys. Swoggle me eyes, they're all bilge rats by the look of them.

Oogie Boogie: You're no prize yourself.

Hook: Shut up!

Maleficent: Enough. The Keyblade has chosen him. Will it be he who conquers the darkness? Or will the darkness swallow him? Either way, he could be quite useful.

Traverse Town (gameplay 4)[]

Leon (on-screen): Make sure you're prepared for the journey ahead of you. We don't know how far the Heartless have spread.

Yuffie (on-screen): Check out the shops here. They've got some pretty neat stuff!

Aerith (on-screen): This is from all of us.

Aerith (on-screen): Spend it as you see fit.

(This line only occurs if you managed to defeat Leon earlier.)
Aerith (on-screen): And this is from Leon.

Yuffie (on-screen): Good luck!

Aerith (on-screen): I hope you find your friends.

Leon (on-screen): Look out for each other. Keep your spirits up.

Donald (on-screen): The gummi ship is outside that gate.

On-screen: You can teleport to the gummi ship from save points.

On-screen: Open the save menu and select the gummi ship.

On-screen: Not all save points let you board the gummi ship.

Sora (on-screen): The what?

Donald (on-screen): That's our ship.

Goofy (on-screen): Wait 'til you see it!

Donald (on-screen): Hold on. Sora, this is for you.

On-screen: Select Magic to cast spells. To cast quickly, assign spells to shortcut buttons in the Customize menu.

On-screen: Casting spells consumes MP. Using Ethers or striking enemies replenishes MP.

Donald (on-screen): Now you can use magic, too. Goofy, give him that other thing.

Goofy (on-screen): What?

Donald (on-screen): You know!

Goofy (on-screen): Oh, yeah.

On-screen: Activate abilities by equipping them.

On-screen: Some abilities are used by pressing [button prompt]. Others work automatically.

On-screen: Equip them in the Abilities menu. Activating them requires AP.

Goofy (on-screen): Abilities allow you to do all sorts of things. Guess we should look for 'em along the way, huh?

Sora (on-screen): Okay, is that it? Let's get going!

Donald (on-screen): Not 'til we're ready!

Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Well, I see big adventures coming their way! Looks like it's up to me to keep track of it all in my journal!

(Upon approaching any Trinity Mark, such as near the save point or exit.)
Goofy (on-screen): Hey, look at this mark. I wonder what it is.

On-screen: This is a Trinity Mark. They appear in many places. Only the blue ones react in the begnning.

On-screen: Sora, Donald, and Goofy can perform various Trinity Moves beside these marks.

(Upon talking to Aerith.)
Aerith (on-screen): I hope you find your friends.

(Upon talking to Yuffie.)
Yuffie (on-screen): How's it going, guys?

(Upon talking to Leon.)
Leon (on-screen): There are Dalmatians named Pongo and Perdita living in the Second District...

Sora (on-screen): What's wrong?

Leon (on-screen): They're quite upset, these Dalmatians. They've lost their puppies.

Yuffie (on-screen): Squall can't stop worrying about them.

Leon (on-screen): Call me Leon.

Aerith (on-screen): Sora, would you look for the puppies?

Leon (on-screen): Help them out.

(Upon talking to Leon again.)
Leon (on-screen): ...

(Upon talking to Aerith after talking to Leon.)
Aerith (on-screen): Please, find the puppies for him.

(Upon talking to Yuffie after talking to Leon.)
Yuffie (on-screen): Squa—I mean, Leon—is really cute sometimes.

(After exiting and returning to the First District, all three members will be gone and the standard people will be back.)
(Upon talking to each person in the First District. Later on they may lose some of these lines, but only new additions will be listed.)

Boy (on-screen)
  • I wonder what happened to Mom and Dad...
  • My world was attacked by shadows. I got separated from Mom and Dad, and finally came here.
  • Say, are you the one that beat that giant armor thing? No kidding? That's so cool.
Woman (on-screen)
  • Seeing those shadows reminds me of the day my world was destroyed... Maybe shadows will eventually swallow this world, too.
  • People with nowhere else to turn to come to this town. Where am I from? None of your business. Don't ask that question here, everyone's got an unhappy past.
  • Those candles over there were specially created by moogles. Even if you snuff one out, it flickers back to life in no time. You'd probably need magic to put them all out.
Moogle 1 (on-screen)
  • There's a ladder outside the Second District's gizmo shop, kupo. Ah, the view! It's so beautiful, kupo!
  • The First District is the only safe place, kupo.
  • Seeing all of this town will take some time, kupo, especially for newcomers. Even if you can't go to certain areas now, you'll be able to go later.
  • Kupo. My friends live on the accessory shop's upper floor. They know how to create some rare items, kupo!
Man (on-screen)
  • This town is divided into three districts. This is the First District.
  • This town has grown as people have lost their home worlds and come here. It's easy to get lost in such a big, sprawling place. Be careful.
Moogle 2 (on-screen)
  • This is the item workshop, kupo. We're researching item synthesis and super-weapon forging!
  • Something's blocking the door, kupo.
Fat man (on-screen)
  • I heard the Dalmatian puppies got separated and scattered everywhere. Poor things.
  • You can find whatever items you need at the nephews' shop.
  • You'll need munny if you want to buy items. No matter where you go, munny talks.

(While talking to Cid, if you reply with "Let's chat.")
Cid (on-screen): Things have disappeared from the shop recently. And these weird noises I keep hearing... Man!

(Upon examining the fireplace after lighting it on fire.)
On-screen: Burning brightly.

(After Donald joins the party the nephews sometimes have an extra line added to their standard dialogue..)
(Upon talking to Huey.)

Huey (on-screen)
  • Louie does an okay job as long as we keep an eye on him.
  • We're gonna earn enough munny here to go on an adventure. Sorry, Unca Donald! No family discounts!

(Upon talking to Dewey.)

Dewey (on-screen)
  • Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business. Sure is good to see you, Unca Donald! Buy a bunch from us!
  • I did all of the cleaning today. I dare you to find one speck of dust. Unca Donald, how about helpin' us clean the shop? Aw, c'mon!

(Upon talking to Leon in the Second District, next to the Dalmatians' house. This conversation only occurs prior to leaving the world.)
Leon (on-screen): This is the puppies' home. When their world disappeared, they were torn away from their family and scattered to other worlds. I bet the little guys are terrified.

Sora (on-screen): They must be.

Leon (on-screen): Sora. I'm countin' on you.

(Upon talking to Leon again.)
Leon (on-screen): This is the puppies' home. Sora. I'm countin' on you.

Interspace (gameplay 1)[]

(After exiting Traverse Town.)
Dale (on-screen): The green cursor shows your position. Select your next destination with the cursor.

Chip (on-screen): Observe the battle LV when selecting destinations. More ? means stronger Heartless in that world.

(Upon selecting a world.)
Donald (on-screen): We travel to different worlds on the gummi ship.

Goofy (on-screen): The Heartless ships often give us a hard time.

Donald (on-screen): Always be on the lookout during flight.

(This and the following line only occur on the Final Mix version.)
Goofy (on-screen): Your journey will be documented until you reach your destination.

Donald (on-screen): Seek out the missions each world has to offer!

(This line only occurs if you are using a controller on the original version.)
Goofy (on-screen): Control the gummi ship with the left analog stick. Tilt it up to descend, and tilt down to ascend.

(This line only occurs if you are using a controller on the Final Mix version.)
Goofy (on-screen): Control the gummi ship with the left stick. Tilt it up to descend, and tilt it down to ascend.

(This line only occurs if you are using a keyboard.)
Goofy (on-screen): Control the gummi ship with [button prompts]. Use [button prompt] to descend, and [button prompt] to ascend.

Donald (on-screen): The blue gauge shows the power level. Firing lasers, among other things, consumes power. The green gauge shows the strength of the armor. If it reaches zero, it's back to the departing point.


The White Rabbit[]

White Rabbit: Oh, my fur and whiskers! (pants) I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I'm here, I should be there. (pants) I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! The queen, she'll have my head for sure!

(The cutscene continues after going through the passage up ahead, and then once more after approaching Doorknob.)

Sora: How did he get so small?

Doorknob: No, you're simply too big.

Donald: (yells) It talks!

Doorknob: (yawns) Must you be so loud? You woke me up.

Goofy: Good morning.

Doorknob: Good night! I need a bit more sleep.

Sora: Wait, what do we have to do to grow small?

Doorknob: Why don't you try the bottle... over there?

A Curious Concoction[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: As soon as Sora drinks from the bottle with the blue label, the three friends grow small enough to fit through the door. However, the Doorknob has gone back to sleep. As they look around for another way out, they find an opening in the wall.

A Curious Trial[]

White Rabbit: (trumpets) (pants) Court is now in session!

Alice: I'm on trial? But why?

White Rabbit: Her Majesty, the Queen of Hearts, presiding!

Queen of Hearts: This girl is the culprit. There's no doubt about it. And the reason is... because, I say so, that's why!

Alice: That is so unfair!

Queen of Hearts: Well, have you anything to say in your defense?

Alice: Of course! I've done absolutely nothing wrong!

Alice: You may be queen, but I'm afraid that doesn't give you the right to be so... so mean!

Queen of Hearts: Silence! You dare defy me?

Sora: Hey guys, we should help her out.

Donald: Yeah, but the—

Goofy: We're outsiders, so wouldn't that be muddling?

Donald: Meddling!

Goofy: Oh, yeah. And that's against the rules.

Queen of Hearts: The court finds the defendant... Guilty as charged! For the crimes of assault and attempted theft of my heart... Off with her head!

Alice: No! No! Oh, please!

Sora: Hold it right there!

Queen of Hearts: Who are you? How dare you interfere with my court?

Sora: Excuse me. But we know who the real culprit is!

Goofy: Uh-huh. It's the Heartle—

Sora: Anyway, she's not the one you're looking for.

Queen of Hearts: That's nonsense. Have you any proof?

Sora: Eh...

Gathering Evidence[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Sora, Donald, and Goofy get mixed up in Alice's trial.

On-screen: They find out she's also from another world, and they set out to gather evidence to prove her innocence.

Wonderland (gameplay 1)[]

(After the cutscene.)
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Bring me evidence of Alice's innocence! Fail, and it's off with all of your heads! Gather as much or little evidence as you please. Report back here once you're ready.

(Upon talking to Alice.)
Alice (on-screen): Who are you?

Sora (on-screen): I'm Sora.

Goofy (on-screen): I'm Goofy, and that there's Donald.

Alice (on-screen): Pleased to meet you, though I do wish it were under better circumstances. I'm sorry you got mixed up in this nonsense.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Sora (on-screen): Why are you on trial in the first place?

Alice (on-screen): I should like to know the very same thing! Apparently I was guilty from the moment I took the stand!

Sora (on-screen): That's crazy!

(Upon talking to her again.)
Sora (on-screen): So, where are you from?

Alice (on-screen): Hmm, curious. I can't quite remember. You see, I found this mysterious rabbit hole. When I tried to peek inside, I tumbled in head over heels... And I found myself here.

Sora (on-screen): So you're from another world!

Goofy (on-screen): That's funny. Maybe you don't need a ship, then.

Donald (on-screen): I don't get it.

Alice (on-screen): What do you mean "another world"?

Card Soldier (on-screen): Enough! The defendant will be silent!

(Upon talking to her again..)

Alice (on-screen)
  • I asked this Chesire Cat how to get home. And he told me to ask the queen. So I came here to see her, and I was arrested.
  • She simply refuses to listen to me. It's so unfair... I haven't done anything wrong.
  • What shall I do? I should like to keep my head. Why, if my head and body become separated, nothing I eat will reach my stomach!
  • Oh, if only I hadn't peeked inside that rabbit hole... I guess I'm a bit too curious for my own good.

(Upon talking to the Queen of Hearts.)

Queen of Hearts
  • You'd better bring your evidence soon.
  • How dare you stand there!
  • Well, what are you staring?

(Upon talking to the White Rabbit

White Rabbit
  • Before you sits Her Royal Majesty, the Noble Queen of Hearts.
  • The queen is always right.
  • No one has ever questioned her judgment at a trial.
  • The queen's word is law here.

(Upon talking to the Ace of Spades Card Soldier next to Alice.)

Card Soldier
  • Do not speak to the defendant!
  • Don't even think about it.
  • The girl's not going anywhere.
  • Quit loitering! Do you want to be arrested, too?

(Upon talking to either the Ace or Two of Hearts Card Soldiers.)

Card Soldier
  • Go and find proof of her innocence.
  • Don't keep the queen waiting.
  • There's no use stalling.

(Upon talking to the Two of Spades Card Soldier next to the Lotus Forest doorway.)
I did see someone suspicious. You.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Card Soldier (on-screen): Hmph, why should I help you?

(Upon talking to him again.)
Card Soldier (on-screen): You shouldn't have gotten involved.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Card Soldier (on-screen): You're wasting your time.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Card Soldier (on-screen): The trial can resume if you bring in at least one piece of evidence.

(Upon talking to the Ten of Spades Card Soldier next to the Bizarre Room doorway.)
Card Soldier (on-screen): No one defies the queen and keeps his head.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Card Soldier (on-screen): I just want this whole thing to end.

(Upon talking to him again.)

Card Soldier (on-screen):
  • We can't resume the trial without evidence.
  • Your best bet might me to find as much proof as you can.

The Cheshire Cat[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue.)

Wonderland (gameplay 2)[]

(Upon entering the Lotus Forest.)
Donald (on-screen): Who are you?

Cheshire Cat (on-screen): Who, indeed? Poor Alice. Soon to lose her head, and she's not guilty of a thing!

Sora (on-screen): Hey, if you know who the culprit is, tell us!

Cheshire Cat (on-screen): The Cheshire Cat has all the answers—but doesn't always tell. The answer, the culprit, the cat all lie in darkness.

Sora (on-screen): Wait!

Cheshire Cat (on-screen): They've already left the forest. I won't tell which exit. There are four pieces of evidence in all. Three are a cinch to find. The fourth is tricky. Big reward if you find them all.

Donald (on-screen): Should we trust him?

Cheshire Cat (on-screen): To trust, or not to trust? I trust you'll decide!

(Upon examining the yellow flower on the left side.)
Flower (on-screen): Give me a Potion and I'll make you bigger.

(Upon examining the tree stump.)
On-screen: Why don't you get on?

(Upon jumping on-top of it.)
On-screen: See ya.

(Upon examining the hazelnut while small.)
On-screen: It's too big to eat.

(Upon examining the hazelnut while big.)
On-screen: I'm ripe enough to be eaten.

(Upon examining the tree while big.)

- Unknown Voice -
Strike to spin!

(Upon hitting the tree.)

  • Oh, my head!
  • Wheee!

(Upon examining any of the other three flowers, where X is the requested item.)
Flower (on-screen): Give me a/an X.

(After giving the requested item.)
Flower (on-screen): Thanks.

(Upon examining a flower after giving it the item requested.)
Flower (on-screen): Thanks.

(Upon finding the 'Claw Marks' evidence.)
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): Well, look what you've found. Nice going.

Sora (on-screen): Now we can save Alice.

Cheshire Cat (on-screen): Don't be so sure! She may be innocent, but what about you?

Sora (on-screen): What do you mean?

Cheshire Cat (on-screen): I won't tell. But I'll give you something.

The Culprit[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: With some hints from the Cheshire Cat, the friends gather enough evidence to resume the trial. As they present their evidence, a Heartless emerges from one of the boxes, proving Alice's innocence.

On-screen: However, the Queen of Hearts throws a tantrum and declares them all guilty. She orders the Card Soldiers to capture the friends, but they manage to escape.

Where's Alice?[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue.)

Wonderland (gameplay 3)[]

(Upon talking to either the Two or Ace of Hearts Card Soldiers to present the evidence.)
Card Soldier (on-screen): Are you ready to present evidence before the queen?

(If you reply with "Not yet.")
Card Soldier (on-screen): Keep the queen waiting at your own peril.
(If you reply with "Yes.")
Card Soldier (on-screen): Very well. Counsel, step up to the podium.

Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Now, show me what you have found.

(If you found only one evidence box.)
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): That's it? I expected more than that! Cards! Bring forth my evidence!

(If you found only two or three evidence boxes.)
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Cards! Bring forth my evidence!

(If you found all four evidence boxes.)
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Well, that's certainly a lot of evidence, but I'm still not impressed. Cards! Bring forth my evidence!

Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Hmm, checking all five would only be a waste of time. All right, then. Choose the one you wish to present. I'll decide who's guilty based on that evidence.

Sora (on-screen): What? After all the trouble of collecting it?

Queen of Hearts (on-screen): You dare object? Then you will lose your head! Now, choose! One box!

(The following dialogues only take place during the box picking process.)
(Upon talking to the Queen of Hearts.)
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Get on with it!

(Upon talking to Alice.)
Alice (on-screen): It's in your hands now.

(Upon talking to the White Rabbit.)
White Rabbit (on-screen): You can only pick one. Choose carefully.

(Upon talking to Donald while a box has to be chosen.)
Donald (on-screen): You'd better pick the right one!

(Upon talking to Goofy while a box has to be chosen.)
Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh, your guess is as good as mine.

(Upon talking to the Ace of Spades Card Soldier.)
Card Soldier (on-screen): No use stalling. Hurry up and choose.

(Upon talking to either the Ace or Two of Hearts Card Soldiers.)
Card Soldier (on-screen): Make your choice! You're doomed anyway.

(Upon talking the Two of Spades Card Soldier.)
Card Soldier (on-screen): Just make up your mind already!

(Upon talking to the Ten of Spades Card Soldier.)
Card Soldier (on-screen): Why not just choose the one you found?

(Upon choosing a box.)
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Are you certain? No second chances!

(If you reply with "Let me think it over.")
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Hurry up!
(If you reply with "I'm sure.")
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Now we shall see who the real culprit is.

(After the box opens, revealing a Heartless.)
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): What in the world was that?

Sora (on-screen): There's your evidence. Alice is innocent.

Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Rrrrrrrgh... Silence! I'm the law here! Article 29: Anyone who defies the queen is guilty!

Donald (on-screen): That's crazy!

Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Seize them at once!

(After the box opens, reveal either Donald, Goofy, or both.)
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): What! So you're the culprits!

Sora (on-screen): Wait! This can't be right.

Queen of Hearts (on-screen): You're all guilty! Seize them!

Donald (on-screen): Sora! Do something!

Sora (on-screen): We have no choice! Let's take 'em!

(After the fighting starts.)
Queen of Hearts (on-screen): Cards! If they touch the tower, you lose your heads!

(At the start and randomly during the fight.)
Queen of Hearts: Get them, you fools!

(Sometimes during the fight.)
Queen of Hearts: Quit joking around!

(Sometimes when she recovers after being knocked down.)
Queen of Hearts: Why, you!

(After the fight is over.)
Donald (on-screen): She must've gotten kidnapped while we were fighting.

Queen of Hearts (on-screen): You fools! Find the one who's behind this! I don't care how!

(Upon talking to the Queen of Hearts.)

Queen of Hearts (on-screen)
  • Quit dawdling!
  • You're not hiding anything from me, are you?
  • Find Alice, or else!

(Upon talking to the White Rabbit.)

White Rabbit (on-screen)
  • The queen has spoken. Find Alice at once.
  • Court is in recess until the girl is found.
  • The queen demands immediate satisfaction.

(Upon talking to the Ace of Spades Card Soldier.)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • I just looked away for a moment, and...
  • The queen is furious. We must find Alice quickly.
  • If we don't find her, it'll mean all our heads.
  • I might be the next one to stand trial

(Upon talking to either the Ace or Two of Hearts Card Soldiers.)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • Without a defendant, there's no trial.
  • Find Alice and bring her here!
  • Failure will not be tolerated.

(Upon talking the Two of Spades Card Soldier.)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • Where did that girl disappear to?
  • Keep looking. She can't have gone far.
  • Hurry, or you, too, will incur the queen's wrath.
  • This is no time for idle chatter. Find her!

(Upon talking to the Ten of Spades Card Soldier.)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • Oww. Why did you hit me so hard?
  • I hate fighting, but I have my orders.
  • What happened? She just vanished into thin air!
  • I have no idea where she might be.

(Upon entering the Lotus Forest.)
Sora (on-screen): Have you seen Alice?

Cheshire Cat (on-screen): Alice, no. Shadows, yes!

Goofy (on-screen): Where did they go?

Cheshire Cat (on-screen): This way? That way? Does it matter? Left, right, up, down! All mixed up thanks to the shadows! Step deeper into the forest to the deserted garden. You might find shadows in the upside-down room!

(Upon examining the sign in the Tea Party Garden.)

  • A very merry unbirthday.
  • Sit down to get your present.

(Upon examining the sign in the Tea Party Garden after finding all the presents.)
On-screen: That's all the presents.

(Upon examining any of the other three newly accessible flowers, where X is the requested item.)
Flower (on-screen): Give me a/an X.

(After giving the requested item.)
Flower (on-screen): Thanks.

(Upon examining the flower in the small glade after giving it the item requested.)
Flower (on-screen): One of our friends has a mysterious power.

(Upon examining the left flower through the painting after giving it the item requested.)
Flower (on-screen): The room at the center of this world has a secret.

(Upon examining the right flower through the painting after giving it the item requested.)
Flower (on-screen): This forest has all kinds of paths.

(Upon examining the book in the Bizarre Room, after knocking down the teddy bear.)
On-screen: Something is stuck inside.

(Upon examining the book again.)
On-screen: Nothing of importance is written.

(Upon entering the ceiling area of the Bizarre Room.)
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): They're hiding somewhere. And the momeraths outgrabe. Want to find the shadows? Try turning on the light.

(After ligthing one of the lamps.)
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): It's too dim. Make it brighter.

Sora (on-screen): What next?

Cheshire Cat (on-screen): One more lamp that you need to light.

(After lighting the other lamp.)
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): All the lights are on. You'll see the shadows soon. They'll arise in this room, but somewhere else. The shadows might go after that doorknob, too.

(Upon entering the Bizarre Room on the ground floor.)
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): You'll have a better view from higher up.

(Upon talking to the Cheshire Cat.)
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): The shadows should be here soon. Are you prepared for the worst? If not, too bad!


(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: As Sora and his friends search for Alice, the Cheshire Cat appears before them. When asked if he's seen Alice, he quizzically states that he's seen shadows, but not Alice.

On-screen: They decide to follow his directions, and there they find the so-called shadows.

Sealing the Keyhole: Wonderland[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue at first, and continues after Trickmaster's defeat.)

Doorknob: What a racket. How's a doorknob to get any sleep? (yawns)

Wonderland (gameplay 4)[]

(After the cutscene.)
Donald (on-screen): What was that?

Sora (on-screen): You hear that? Sounded like something closed.

(This dialogue only occurs if this is the first gummi piece you find.)
Goofy (on-screen): This gummi ain't like the others. No, sir.

Donald (on-screen): Okay, I'll hold on to it.

(This dialogue only takes place if this is the second gummi piece you find and have not yet talked to Cid.)
Donald (on-screen): Another gummi...

Sora (on-screen): It looks like the one from the jungle.

Goofy (on-screen): Let's get it checked out in Traverse Town.

(This dialogue only occurs if this is the second gummi piece you find and have already learned about navigation gummis from Cid.)
Donald (on-screen): Another navigation gummi. That makes two.

Sora (on-screen): Let's go show Cid what we've found.

(This dialogue only occurs if you received Blizzard already.)
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): Splendid. You're quite the hero. If you're looking for Alice, she's not here. She's gone! Off with the shadows, into darkness.

Sora (on-screen): No...

Donald (on-screen): Let's go back to our gummi ship. We might find her in another world.

Goofy (on-screen): We've gotta go to a save point to return to our ship.

(The following dialogue only occurs if you have not received Blizzard yet.)
Cheshire Cat (on-screen): Splendid. You're quite the hero. But there's something you're missing.

Sora (on-screen): What?

Cheshire Cat (on-screen): I won't tell, but I'll give you something.

Cheshire Cat (on-screen): If you're looking for Alice, she's not here. She's gone! Off with the shadows, into darkness.

Sora (on-screen): No...

Donald (on-screen): Let's go back to our gummi ship. We might find her in another world.

Goofy (on-screen): We've gotta go to a save point to return to our ship.

(Upon talking to the Queen of Hearts.)

Queen of Hearts (on-screen)
  • You still haven't found a new suspect? Slowpoke.
  • Can't we continue the trial, already?

(Upon talking to the White Rabbit.)

White Rabbit (on-screen)
  • We will resume the trial once you capture the guilty party.
  • The queen is tired of waiting.

(Upon talking to the Ace of Spades Card Soldier.)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • Who could've abducted Alice?
  • We've reinforced the bars. No one will ever escape this cage again.

(Upon talking to the Ace of Hearts Card Soldiers)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • Still can't find her?
  • We can't help you. Our duty is to guard the queen.

(Upon talking to the Two of Hearts Card Soldier.)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • Report to us immediately when you find Alice.
  • We cannot hold a trial without a suspect.

(Upon talking the Two of Spades Card Soldier.)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • I'll bet you're all behind this.
  • Who'll be the next to stand trial?

(Upon talking to the Ten of Spades Card Soldier.)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • Ah, I've had enough of trials.
  • Oops! Don't tell anyone I said that.

Off to another world[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: The Cheshire Cat appears in front of the three friends to inform them that Alice is no longer in Wonderland.

Cheshire Cat (on-screen): She's gone! Off with the shadows, into darkness.

On-screen: With that, the Cheshire Cat disappears. Disappointed, the three head off to another world.

Olympus Coliseum[]

Olympus Coliseum (cutscene)[]

(The cutscene starts upon entering the world, then continues upon talking to Phil.)
Sora: Um...

Philoctetes: Good timing. Give me a hand, will ya? Move that pedestal over there for me. I gotta spruce this place up for the games.

Olympus Coliseum (gameplay 1)[]

(Upon talking to Phil again.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Clean things up pronto. I've got my hands full preparing for the games. That should be a snap for you.

(Upon examining the sign blocking the arena entry.)
On-screen: DO NOT ENTER!

(Upon attempting to push the pedestal.)
Sora (on-screen): It weighs a ton!

Olympus Coliseum (cutscene, cont.)[]

(Th cutscene continues upon talking to Phil after attempting to push the pedestal.)
Sora: It's way too heavy!

Philoctetes: What? Too heavy? Since when have you been such a little—

Philoctetes: Oh. Wrong guy. What're you doing here?

Philoctetes: This here's the world-famous Coliseum—heroes only! And I got my hands full preparing for the games. So run along, pip-squeaks.

Philoctetes: Look, it's like this. Heroes are coming from all over to fight ferocious monsters right here in the Coliseum.

Donald: You've got heroes standing right in front of you.

Goofy: Yup. He's a real hero chosen by the Keyblade!

Donald: And we're heroes, too.

Philoctetes: Hero? That runt? (laughs)

Sora: What's so funny? I've fought a bunch of monsters!

Philoctetes: (laughs) Hey, if you can't even move this...

Philoctetes: You can't call yourself...

Philoctetes: A hero! (groans)

Philoctetes: (huffs) Okay, so it takes more than brawn.

Philoctetes: Well, well, let's see what you can do.

Olympus Coliseum (gameplay 2)[]

(Upon examining the ruleboard.)
On-screen: 1. In the games, the only thing you can hurt is your pride. Fight hard!

2. You can forfeit at any time. Fight as much as you like!

(Upon talking to Phil.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): This trial is tough. You got what it takes? You ready?

(If you reply with "I need more time.", end the conversation.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Lost your nerve, kid?
(If you reply with "I'm ready!")
Philoctetes (on-screen): Okay, kid. Let's see what you've got.

(At the start of both challenges.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): The rules are simple: Bust all the barrels within the time limit. Ready? Go!

(Upon failing either challenges.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): That's it! Sorry, time's up. You'd better give up.

(If you reply with "I'm not quitting.")
Philoctetes (on-screen): That's the spirit! All right, here we go!
(If you reply with "I give up.", or if you quit manually.)

Philoctetes (on-screen): Well, it just ain't your time yet. Keep at it and you'll get there!

(After completing the first challenge on time.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Not bad! For a beginner, that is.

(After completing the second challenge on time.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Hey, you're better than I thought!

Olympus Coliseum (cutscene, cont.)[]

(The cutscene continues after successfully completing Phil's Training.)
Philoctetes: You know, you ain't bad, kid.

Sora: Looks like I'm headed for the games.

Philoctetes: Afraid not.

Sora: Why not?

Philoctetes: Two words: You guys ain't heroes.

Sora: Come on!

Olympus Coliseum (gameplay 2, cont.)[]

(After the cutscene.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Wanna become a real hero? Start by mastering this spell.

(Upon talking to Phil.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Sorry, can't let ya into the games just yet, but I can train ya for 'em!

(If you reply with "Let's start training!", select a training level.)
(If you reply with either "Easy." or "Advanced.")
Philoctetes (on-screen): You got it. Remember, ya gotta train to win.
(If you reply with "Forget it.")
Philoctetes (on-screen): Lost your nerve kid?
(If you reply with "I'm ready for the games!)
Philoctetes (on-screen): You don't get it, do ya? No entry pass for you.

Olympus Coliseum (cutscene, cont.)[]

(The cutscene continues once more after exiting the lobby.)
Hades: Rather a stubborn old goat, wouldn't you say?

Donald: Who are you?

Hades: Whoa, hold on there, fuzz boy. Wait, let me guess. You want to enter the games, right?

Hades: Well, then, hey, get a load of this.

Sora: A pass?

Hades: It's all yours.

Hades: Good luck, kid. I'm pulling for you, little shorty.

The First Match[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Sora, Donald, and Goofy use the entry pass from Hades to enter the games.

On-screen: They win the first match of the preliminaries.

Olympus Coliseum (gameplay 3)[]

(Upon talking to Phil.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Hey, how'd you get this?

Sora (on-screen): Can we enter the games now?

Philoctetes (on-screen): Well... I guess so. We start with the preliminaries! Ready for the preliminaries?

(If you reply with "Yeah, let's go!", start the preliminaries.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Some real weirdos signed up for the games. Better watch yourself.
(if you reply with "Give me a second.", end the conversation.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Good call. Preparation is key! Rule 8: Be ready for anything

(Upon talking to him again, as well as after losing.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Some real weirdos signed up for the games. Things are gonna heat up, so you'd better be ready. The prelims start soon. You gonna compete?

(If you reply with "Yeah, let's go!", start the preliminaries.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Remember. Rule 95: Concentrate.
(if you reply with "Give me a second.", end the conversation.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Good call. Preparation is key!

On-screen: Olympus Coliseum Preliminaries

(Upon losing in any of the first six rounds.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Look, kid, I'll level with ya. You just ain't ready yet. Ya need more practice first. A hero has to train to succeed. Got it?

(After winning the first round.)
Philoctetes: You're no heroes yet, but you ain't doing bad. Lucky you came to me for coaching.

A mysterious contender[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue.)

Olympus Coliseum (gameplay 3, cont.)[]

Philoctetes (on-screen): Something tells me he'll be a tough one to beat. Who knows, maybe you'll end up facing him.

(After winning the third round.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Say, you're better than I thought, kid! Wish he was here to see this.

Sora (on-screen): Who?

Philoctetes (on-screen): Hercules. He's a hero if ever there was one. Too bad he's off visiting his father.

The Third Match[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
As Phil watches the friends win match after match, he mutters that he wishes Hercules was here to see them fight.

The Contract[]

(After winning the fifth match.)
Hades: That little punk is your next opponent, okay?

Hades: Now, don't blow it. Just take him out.

Cloud: The great god of the Underworld is afraid of a kid? Sorry, but my contract says—

Hades: I know! You think I don't know? I wrote the contract! I know it says you're only required to kill Hercules in this tournament. But you've gotta fight that kid to get to him. Come on.

Hades: Hey, it's like that old goat says: Rule number 11: It's all just a game, so let loose and have fun with it! I mean, a casualty along the way is no big deal, right? (chuckles)

Hades: Geez. Stiffer than the stiffs back home. Still, suckers like him are hard to come by...

Cerberus: (growls)

The Final Match[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: The three friends make it to the final match where they face Cloud.

Accidents Happen[]

(The start of this cutscene differs depending on if you won from or lost to Cloud, although the dialogue remains unchanged.)

Hades: Oh, right, there was one other rule I forgot: Accidents happen.

Philoctetes: Herc!

Hercules: Phil, get them out of here!

Olympus Coliseum (gameplay 4)[]

(After the cutscene.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Whew, that was close! That was Cerberus, the guardian of the Underworld. Herc should be able to handle him. But then again, maybe not... This doesn't look good.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): I hope Herc's okay. Wish I could go in!

(Upon trying to enter the arena.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): Kid, you're not entering the arena, are ya? This ain't just some match. This is for real!

(If you reply with "Maybe I'll wait.")
Sora (on-screen): That's right, stay out of it. You're not ready to face Cerberus.
(If you reply with "I'm not afraid.")
Sora (on-screen): You can decide if I'm hero material or not.
Philoctetes (on-screen): Careful, kid!


Philoctetes: Kid, I got two words of advice for you: Attack!

(After the fight the cutscene continues, but contains no dialogue.)

Junior Heroes[]

Philoctetes: Thus, I do hereby dub thee junior heroes, and confer upon thee full rights and privileges to participate in the games. Further—

Donald: Hey! What do you mean "junior heroes"?

Philoctetes: You rookies still don't understand what it takes to be a true hero.

Goofy: So, what does it take?

Hercules: Well, that's just something you'll have to find out for yourselves. Just the way that I did.

Sora: No problem. We'll start by proving ourselves in the games.

Philoctetes: There ain't gonna be any games for a while. Gotta clean up the mess from that last battle first.

Sora: Okay, we'll be back.

Philoctetes: I still can't believe that squirt actually beat Cerberus.

Hercules: Just between us, I'd already worn Cerberus down by the time the little guy jumped in.

Philoctetes: My lips are sealed.

Cloud's Darkness[]

Sora: Hey, are you all right?

Cloud: Yeah.

Sora: So why did you go along with him, anyway?

Cloud: I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired.

Cloud: I fell into darkness, and I couldn't find the light.

Sora: You'll find it. I'm searching, too.

Cloud: For your light?

Cloud: Don't lose sight of it.

Sora: How about a rematch sometime? Fair and square, no dark powers involved.

Cloud: I think I'll pass.

Hades' Plan[]

Hades: He's strong, he's kind. He's always there for you, and he's handsome to boot. He's perfect. Perfect. Perfectly infuriating! He makes me crazy.

Hades: (huffs) Wait a minute. What are you worried about? All the pieces are in place. Relax. Here's what you do. Let Hercules train the kid. In the next games, I'll take care of them both.

(The cutscene cuts off here if you visit the Coliseum after defeating Maleficent at Hollow Bastion.)
Hades: Who invited you to the party? Stay out of this. This is my show.

Maleficent: As you wish. Fight to your heart's content.

Olympus Coliseum (gameplay 5)[]

(Upon talking to Phil.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): You want to compete? Come back later, would ya? We're not ready yet. You can train with the barrels if you want.

(If you reply with either "Easy." or "Advanced.")
Philoctetes (on-screen): You got it. Remember, ya gotta train to win.
(If you reply with "Forget it.")
Philoctetes (on-screen): Lost your nerve kid?

(Upon examining the chest in the Lobby.)
On-screen: Will not open.

(Upon talking to Hercules.)
Hercules (on-screen): Phil's busy getting ready for the games. Better not disturb him.

(Upon talking again.)
Hercules (on-screen): The games start soon. Now's the time to train.

Deep Jungle[]

Interspace (gameplay 2)[]

Goofy (on-screen): Hey, Donald, maybe King Mickey's down there.

Donald (on-screen): In a backwater place like that? No way! Let's move on.

Sora (on-screen): Hold on. Riku and Kairi might be down there. Let's just check it out.

Donald (on-screen): Forget it! We're on an important mission!

Sora (on-screen): Just land!

Donald (on-screen): No!

Sora (on-screen): Come on!

Donald (on-screen): Aw, phooey!

Sora (on-screen): We're landing!

Donald (on-screen): Don't touch that! Nooo!

Tarzan (cutscene)[]

Sora: (yells) Oww... my head...

Sora: Donald? Goofy?

Sabor: (growls)

Sora: Ah.

Sabor: (roars)

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

Tarzan: Sabor, danger.

Sora: Um...thank you.

Tarzan: Thank you.

Sora: Huh? Uh, what is this place?

Tarzan: This place, this place.

Sora: Okaaay... Where did the others go?

Sora: Look, I got separated from my friends. Have you seen them?

Sora: Friends...

Tarzan: Friends!

Sora: Right, my friends! There's two of 'em. The loud one is Dona—

Sora: You know what? Never mind. I'm looking for my friends, Riku and Kairi.

Tarzan: Look for Riku, friends?

Sora: Right!

Tarzan: Kairi, friends?

Sora: Uhh...right...

Tarzan: Friends here.

Sora: Really!?

Tarzan: Hee-hoo hoo-hoo-hah.

Sora: Huh?

Tarzan: Hee-hoo hoo-hoo-hah. Friends here.

Sora: Not sure I understand, but show me! Take me to Riku and Kairi!

Tarzan: Tarzan. Tarzan go.

Sora: And I'm... Sora. Tarzan go, Sora go go!


Goofy: Gawrsh, where are we?

Goofy: I sure hope Sora's okay.

Donald: Aw, who needs him? We can find the king without him.

Donald: Huh?

Donald: (screams)

Terk: (screams)

Donald & Goofy: Huh?

Friends reunited[]

Tarzan: Jane!

Jane: Tarzan!

Jane: Oh, and who is this?

Sora: Uh, hi there. I'm—

Jane: Oh, you speak English! So, then, obviously, you're not related to Tarzan...

Jane: Are you here to study the gorillas?

Clayton: Highly doubtful.

Goofy: Sora!

Sora: Goofy! Donald!

Clayton: A circus of clowns. Not much use for hunting gorillas.

Jane: Mr. Clayton, we're studying them, not hunting them. This is research.

Jane: Well, the more the merrier. Do make yourselves at home.

Sora: Well, anyway...

Donald & Sora: I'm staying.

Sora: Huh?

Goofy: Sora, look what we found. Look at this. (laughs)

Deep Jungle (gameplay 1)[]

(After the cutscene.)
Sora (on-screen): What's that?

Goofy (on-screen): A gummi block. It's the same stuff used to build our ship.

Sora (on-screen): So that means...

Donald (on-screen): The king could be here. So, we've gotta work together to look for him. For now.

Sora (on-screen): Fine. I'll let you tag along. For now.

(Upon talking to Jane.)
Jane (on-screen): Apparently Tarzan was raised in the jungle by the gorillas. Communicating with him still isn't easy, but he's learning.

Sora (on-screen): So he was speaking in "gorilla" back there...

Jane (on-screen): Ah, that's right. You're looking for your friends?

Sora (on-screen): He said Riku and Kairi are here. And one word I couldn't understand...

Jane (on-screen): Why don't we try this? We'll show Tarzan some slides and see if any of them match that word. Oh, what happened to the slides?

(Upon talking to Jane again. X indicates the number of slides remaining to be found.)

Jane (on-screen)
  • Did you find the slides? They must be lying around camp somewhere...
  • You can view the slides with the projector. I think there may be X more.
  • Gorillas are quite cautious, we can't find their nest anywhere.
  • Don't mind Mr. Clayton. He's not a bad person—just a bit impetuous.

(Upon talking to Clayton.)
Clayton (on-screen): Clayton's the name. I'm a hunter, not a researcher.

Clayton (on-screen)
  • What? No, I am not trying to hunt the gorillas. But they're so rare! I'd just like to get a look at them.
  • I've no doubt Tarzan knows where the nesting grounds are. He just won't tell us where, for some reason.

(Upon examining the lab instruments.)
On-screen: Lab instruments. Find the 2 research notes.

(Upon examining the clothesline.)
On-screen: Research Note 1

(Recipe for Ether)
Ingredients: Potion

(Upon examining the globe.)
On-screen: Research Note 2

(Recipe for Ether)
Ice the ingredient

(Upon examining the lab instruments with note 1 found, but not note 2.)
On-screen: Need more information. Find Research Note 2.

(Upon examining the lab instruments with note 2 found, but not note 1.)
On-screen: Need more information. Find Research Note 1.

(Upon examining the lab instruments again with all notes found.)
On-screen: Required notes found. Let's begin. Starting the experiment. The Potion was put in. After putting in the ingredient, ice it.

(Upon examining the instruments again.)
On-screen: Now, it just needs to be cooled.

(Upon icing the instruments, this step is skipped if you already found Note 3.)
On-screen: A reaction has started. The item is changing. Experiment successful! Obtained Ether.

(Upon examining the instruments again.)
On-screen: Completed experiment.

(Upon examining the gramophone.)
On-screen: Research Note 3

(Replication experiment)
Replicating items.

(Upon examining the instruments again, now with Note 3 included, the steps and results are the same until after icing the experiment.)
On-screen: Conducting the replication experiment using note 3. Experiment successful! Obtained Ether.

(Upon examining the instruments again.)
On-screen: Completed experiment.

(Upon examining the stove.)
On-screen: Cooking pot. Find the 2 recipe cards.

(Upon examining the clock.)
On-screen: Recipe Card 1

Light the stove. Be careful.

(Upon examining the flagpole.)
On-screen: Recipe Card 2 Put the Potion in the pot quickly.

(Upon examining the stove with card 1 found, but not card 2.)
On-screen: Need more information. Find Recipe Card 2.

(Upon examining the stove with card 2 found, but not card 1.)
On-screen: Need more information. Find Recipe Card 1.

(Upon examining the stove again with all notes found.)
On-screen: Required cards found. Let's begin. Potion is in the pot. It's ready to be heated. Light it.

(Upon examining the stove again.)
On-screen: Light the stove.

(Upon lighting the stove.)
On-screen: The stove has been lit. Cooking... Ready! Obtained Hi-Potion.

(Upon examining the stove again.)
On-screen: Done.

(Upon viewing the slide with the castle.)
Sora (on-screen): .....

Goofy (on-screen): What's wrong, Sora?

Sora (on-screen): What? Um... nothing. (This place... It just looks so familiar. But how? I've never been off my island.)

Gathering Slides[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Sora, Donald, and Goofy search for slides in hopes to get clues from Tarzan regarding the whereabouts of Riku and Kairi..

On-screen: One of the slides is of a castle. it gives Sora a familiar feeling, but he doesn't know why.

Clayton's Scheme[]

Jane: Well, Tarzan?

Sora: Where are my friends, Riku and Kairi?

Sora: Hey, I thought—

Clayton: That leaves just one place. Young man, we've been in this jungle for some time now. But we have yet to encounter these friends of yours. I'd wager they're with the gorillas. But Tarzan refuses to take us to them.

Jane: Really, Mr. Clayton. Tarzan wouldn't hide—

Clayton: Then take us there! Take us to the gorillas.

Clayton: Go-ril-las.

Tarzan: (nods)

Jane: Tarzan... are you sure?

Tarzan: Tarzan go see Kerchak.

Jane: Kerchak?

Clayton: He must be the leader. Perfect. I'll go along as an escort. After all, the jungle is a dangerous place.

Deep Jungle (gameplay 2)[]

(Upon talking to Jane.)

Jane (on-screen)
  • I wish I could go too. But gorillas are wary of strangers, so the smaller the group, the better.
  • Swinging on a vine is the only way through the treetops. Perhaps you'll find the lead of the gorillas up in the treetops.

(Upon examining the climbable ivy.)
On-screen: This ivy looks climbable.

(Upon entering the Vines area,)
On-screen: Swing through the treetops on the vines!

On-screen: Select Jump On to grab a vine, then swing to the next one by selecting Jump Next. Vines will break if you hang on them too long.

(Upon examining the flower for the Vine Jumping minigame.)
On-screen: Go see Kerchak first.

Kerchak (cutscene)[]

Tarzan: Kerchak, please listen to me. I know the nesting ground is secret, but I trust them. You see, I want to help them because... because... well, they need us.

Goofy: Uh... Did you get that?

Donald: No.

Tarzan: Kerchak.

Tarzan: Kerchak...

Deep Jungle (gameplay 3)[]

(After the cutscene.)
Goofy (on-screen): He seemed sorta distracted by something.

Donald (on-screen): Was he looking toward the tree house?

(Upon examine the flower for the Vine Jumping minigame.)
On-screen: Try Time Trial?

(If you select "No.", exit the message.)
(If you select "Yes.")
On-screen: Select a course.
Jump Course
Trap Course
Acrobat Course
Expert Course

(Upon examining the flower again.)
On-screen: Currently on Time Trial?

(Upon reaching the end.)
On-screen: Finish!

(Upon examining a gray flower in the Climbing Trees area.)
On-screen: This flower is wilted.

(Upon examining one again.)
On-screen: What would make it bloom?

(Upon examining one again.)
On-screen: Hitting it won't make it bloom

(Upon examining one again.)
On-screen: See if it blooms by casting magic on it.

(Upon examining one again.)
On-screen: What will happen if all the flowers bloom?

(Upon examining one again.)
On-screen: When Heartless draw near, the flower grows black.

Blasted Gorillas![]

Donald: (shouts)

Donald: What's the big idea?

Tarzan: Wait, Kerchak. Please!

Clayton: You don't understand. I was only trying to... Ah. A snake slithered by, you see. I saved that poor gorilla's life.

(Upon returning the tent, the cutscene continues.)
Jane: How could you do such a thing!

Clayton: Now, Miss Porter, as I told you, I was not aiming at the gorilla.

Jane: You are not to go near the gorillas again!

Clayton: All because of one mishap? Come, now... (chuckles)

Clayton: What am I doing with these imbeciles? Blasted gorillas! I'll hunt down every last one of them! I'll track them down somehow. I'll stake my life on it.

Deep Jungle (gameplay 4)[]

(Upon talking to Jane.)
Jane (on-screen): Don't mind Mr. Clayton. He's not a bad person—just a bit impetuous.

(Upon exiting the tent.)
Sora: Heartless!

(Upon talking to Jane.)
Jane (on-screen): The gorilla in the tree house may be in danger. Please, protect the gorillas.

(Upon talking to Jane after saving the gorilla in the tree house..)
Jane (on-screen): Oh, I hope the gorillas by the cliff are all right. Please, protect the gorillas.

(Upon talking to Jane after saving the gorilla at the cliff.)
Jane (on-screen): The gorrilas in the bamboo thicket might be in trouble. Please, protect the gorillas.

(Upon talking to Jane after saving the gorilla at the bamboo thicket.)
Jane (on-screen): I'm rather worried about the gorillas around the climbing trees. Please, protect the gorillas.

(Upon talking to Jane after all gorillas are saved.)
Jane (on-screen): I do hope Mr. Clayton is safe...

Save the Gorillas[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: The three friends hear a gunshot and run outside to see a gorillas surrounded by Heartless. They save the poor animal and head into the jungle to help the others.

On-screen: once they manage to save the rest of the gorillas, they return to the campsite where they hear another gunshot.

Sabor Returns[]

Sabor: (growls)

(After the fight the cutscene continues, but contains no dialogue.)

Terrified Terk[]

Jane: (gasps)

Deep Jungle (gameplay 5)[]

(Upon returning to the tent.)
Sora (on-screen): Hey, where's Jane?

Goofy (on-screen): What's wrong, Tarzan?

Tarzan (on-screen): Something coming. Jane, danger. Jane near... Near tree house.

Donald (on-screen): Sounds like trouble. Let's go.

(Upon entering the Climbing Trees area.)
Jane: Tarzan!

On-screen: The big black fruit looks suspicious.

(After the fight.)
Jane (on-screen): Clayton came to the tent, and... That's the last thing I remember.

Sora (on-screen): Clayton?

Tarzan (on-screen): Gorillas trapped. Terk ran.

Jane (on-screen): We must help the gorillas!

(Upon talking to Jane again.)
Jane (on-screen): We must help the gorillas!

Jane's in Danger[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: The three friends return to the tent to find out Jane is gone. Tarzan senses she's in danger, and they begin their search.

On-screen: When they find Jane, she informs them that Clayton had shown up at the tent. They realize the gorillas are in danger and run off to save them.

Clayton's Darkness[]

Kerchak: (roars)

Sora: No!

Sora: Clayton?

Tarzan: Not Clayton! Hee-hoo, hoo-hoo-hah. Not Clayton!

(After the first fight the cutscene continues.)

Stealth Sneak: (growls)

(After the second fight the cutscene continues again.)

Clayton: (screams)

Sora: Huh?

Sora: (yells)

Goofy: Woah.

Tarzan: Tarzan, home.

Deep Jungle (gameplay 6)[]

(During the bossfight.)
(Sometimes when shooting while on foot.)
Clayton: Goodbye!

(Sometimes when shooting while mounted.)

  • Ha!
  • Gotcha!
  • Goodbye!

(When he heals himself.)
Clayton: They're tougher than I expected.

(When he heals the Stealth Sneak.)
Clayton: Here beast, get moving!

(Randomly during combat while mounted.)
Clayton: Let's go!

(Randomly during combat while dismounted.)
Clayton: Pitiful buffoons.

(Upon causing the Stealth Sneak to lose its invisibility.)
Clayton: You can't beat the best!

(Upon stunning the Stealth Sneak.)
Clayton: Let's go, beast!

(When he teleports back onto the Stealth Sneak.)
Clayton: Impudent little monkeys!

Sealing the Keyhole: Deep Jungle[]

Tarzan: Hee-hoo, hoo-hoo-hah.

Sora: This is your home? But that means... Hm?

Goofy: Huh?

Jane: The waterfalls... They're echoing all the way here.

Tarzan: Hee-hoo, hoo-hoo-hah. Friends there. See friends.

Jane: Oh, now I've got it. Hee-hoo, hoo-hoo-hah means heart. Friends in our hearts...

Tarzan: Heart...

Sora: Oh, so that's what it meant.

Tarzan: Friends, same heart. Clayton, lose heart. No heart, no see friends. No heart, no friends.

Sora: Sorry about what I said.

Donald: I'm sorry too.

Goofy: A-hyuck. Yeah. All for one, huh?

Donald: A gummi!

Goofy: But it's sure not the king's.

Jane: I think someone has a new admirer.

Donald: Huh? No, no, no, no! Daisy would kill me!

Sora & Goofy: (laughs)

Figures of Darkness[]

Jafar: What drew the Heartless to that world?

Maleficent: The hunter lured them there. It was his lust for power that was the bait. But it seems the bait was too tasty for his own good.

Oogie Boogie: Yeah, he got chomped instead!

Jafar: A weak-hearted fool like him stood no chance against the Heartless. But the boy is a problem. He found one of the Keyholes.

Maleficent: Fear not. It will take him ages to find the rest. Besides, he remains blissfully unaware of our other plan.

Ursula: Yes, the princesses...

Maleficent: They are falling into our hands, one by one. Speaking of which...

(If Wonderland already has been completed Alice is shown, if not, Snow White appears.)

Deep Jungle (gameplay 7)[]

Sora (on-screen): Well, guess we'd better get going.

Jane (on-screen): Where is your ship, anyway?

Donald (on-screen): Well, uh... Not too far.

Tarzan (on-screen): Sora, Tarzan, friends.

On-screen: Upgrade the Keyblade with key chains.

On-screen: Different key chains willl add different effects to the Keyblade.

On-screen: Access the equipment menu to use a key chain.

(Upon talking to Jane again.)

Jane (on-screen)
  • Hello. Please make yourselves at home.
  • Tarzan took me down the slider. Oh, it was so thrilling! You should try it, too, Sora.

(Upon returning to the Tunnel area.)
On-screen: Jump into the tree hollow to slide down the slider! Pick up all the fruits on your way down to unlock up to four different paths. Clear all of them for a reward.

(Upon starting the Jungle Slider minigame.)
On-screen: Gather the fruits

Another World Awaits[]

On-screen: Sora, Donald, and Goofy say goodbye to their new friends and set off for the next world.

Interspace (gameplay 3)[]

Sora (on-screen): The gummi block that came out of that glowing hole... It's not like the others. Wonder what it's used for.

Donald (on-screen): I dunno.

Goofy (on-screen): Maybe Leon'll know.

Donald (on-screen): Hmm... He might. Back to Traverse Town, then?

Sora (on-screen): I wanna be pilot!

Donald (on-screen): Hey, stop it!

Sora (on-screen): Oh, come on! I'm the Keyblade master.

Donald (on-screen): I don't care who you are! No!

Goofy (on-screen): Here we go again...

Traverse Town (second visit)[]

Traverse Town (gameplay 5)[]

(Upon talking to each person in the First District (only those with new dialogue are included).)
Yuffie (on-screen): Leon's probably at the underground cavern. He trains there often. You know, the channel in the alleyway is connected to the cavern.

Woman (on-screen): They say there's an underground cavern on the outskirts of town.

(Upon talking to the moogle inside the Accessory Shop.)
Moogle (on-screen): A big tournament is being held somewhere, kupo.

(Upon talking to Aerith.)
Aerith (on-screen): This place is so mysterious.

(Upon talking to Leon.)
Leon (on-screen): So, you found the Keyhole.

Sora (on-screen): Yeah. The Keyblade locked it automatically.

Aerith (on-screen): Good.

Leon (on-screen): Every world among the stars has a Keyhole. And each one leads to the heart of that world. There must be one in this town as well.

Sora (on-screen): What do you mean?

Aerith (on-screen): It was in Ansem's report.

Leon (on-screen): The Heartless enter through the Keyhole and do something to the world's core.

Sora (on-screen): What happens to the world?

Aerith (on-screen): In the end, it disappears.

Sora, Donald & Goofy (on-screen): What!

Leon (on-screen): That's why your key is so important.

Aerith (on-screen): Please lock the Keyholes. You're the only one who can.

Sora (on-screen): I don't know...

Leon (on-screen): Seeing other worlds would probably serve you well.

Donald (on-screen): Yeah!

Goofy (on-screen): We gotta find your friends! And King Mickey!

Sora (on-screen): I guess you're right... Okay!

(Upon talking to Aerith again.)
Aerith (on-screen): Please lock the Keyholes.

(Upon talking to Leon again.)
Sora (on-screen): Hey, Leon. This gummi block's different from the others. Do you know what it's for?

Leon (on-screen): .....

Aerith (on-screen): Ask Cid. He should know.

Leon (on-screen): Wait, Sora. Take this with you.

Leon (on-screen): This stone holds some mysterious power. I've been carrying it for luck. I want you to hold onto it.

Sora: How do you use it?

Leon (on-screen): .........

Sora (on-screen): Uh, Leon?

(Upon talking to Leon again.)
Sora (on-screen): Uh, Leon?

Leon (on-screen): .........

The Worlds' Keyholes[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene. Note that it is impossible to have locked three Keyholes at this point.)
On-screen: Sora, Donald, and Goofy return to Traverse Town and inform Leon that they found and locked three of the Keyholes.

On-screen: Leon explains that every world has a Keyhole that leads to the heart of that world. When the Heartless enter through the Keyhole and reach the world's core, the world eventually disappears.

On-screen: Leon and Aerith urge the friends to lock the Keyholes, as they're the only ones who can.

Traverse Town (gameplay 6)[]

Fat man (on-screen)
  • Cid? He's in the accessory shop, where else?
  • I heard a terrible sorceress is in town. I don't know what she wants, but I hope she leaves soon.

(Upon talking to Cid.)
Cid (on-screen): What've you got there? Hey! Well, if it ain't a gummi block.

Donald (on-screen): Yup.

Goofy (on-screen): What's this one for?

Cid (on-screen): You're kiddin' me! You're flyin' a gummi ship and you don't know nothin' about navigation gummis? Bunch of pinheads. Interspace ain't no playground.

Sora (on-screen): There's a lot we don't know. So what! We have to use the gummi ship to go to other worlds. We don't have a choice.

Cid (on-screen): Whoa, easy. I didn't know. No hard feelings, all right? Well, I guess I could lend y'all a hand, then.

Sora (on-screen): Thanks.

(If you have only one of the required gummis, which is only possible if you completed Deep Jungle but not Wonderland, the following conversation occurs.)
Cid (on-screen): Hmmm... Two of these probably make a set. This thing's useless by itself. You need the other gummi. Come back here when you find the other one, all right?

(If you talk to him and reply with "Let's chat.")
Cid (on-screen): Come see me when you find the other one.

(Upon returning with the second gummi.)
Cid (on-screen): Hey. You found the other gummi. Let's see it.

(If you have both gummis this conversation occurs.)
Cid (on-screen): Basically, with navigation gummis, you can go to new places. You want one on your ship, right?

Cid (on-screen): I'll install it for you. But I got this thing I gotta go deliver first.

Sora (on-screen): What do you need to deliver?

Cid (on-screen): Just this book. It's real old. When the guy brought it in, it was practically falling apart. Too beat up to restore it to the way it was. But overall, I did a decent job puttin' it back together. Anyway, you mind deliverin' it for me? It's the old house past the Third District. Look for a big fire sign.

Sora (on-screen): Wh-What was that?

Cid (on-screen): Hmm? The bell at the gizmo shop is ringing. Go check it out if you want, but deliver that book for me first. When you're done, stop by the house in the Third District. I'll be there.

(If you reply with "Let's chat.", while talking to Cid.)
Cid (on-screen) Go check it out if you want, but deliver that book for me first. Go to the old house past the Third District. Look for a big fire sign.

(Upon talking to the clerk replacing Cid.)
Clerk (on-screen): Welcome!

(If you reply with "I'm here to shop.")
Clerk (on-screen): How may I help you?
(If you reply with "I want to buy.")
Clerk (on-screen): Yes, sir.
(If you buy anything.)
Clerk (on-screen): Thanks!
(If you try to buy an item without having enough funds.)
Clerk (on-screen): You don't have enough munny!
(If you try to buy an item with a maxed out inventory.)
Clerk (on-screen): You can't hold anymore!
(If you reply with "I want to sell.")
Clerk (on-screen): As you wish.
(If you sell anything.)
Clerk (on-screen): Thanks!
(Upon entering any of your inventories.)
Clerk (on-screen): What do you want to sell?
(If you try to sell anything in an empty inventory.)
Clerk (on-screen): You don't have any items!
(If you reply with "Never mind.")
Clerk (on-screen): Please come again.
(If you reply with "Let's chat.")
Clerk (on-screen): I'm minding the store for Cid. He's told me about you. Please come again.
(If you reply with "Oh, nothing.", end the conversation.)

Man (on-screen): You're delivering it to whom? Hmm... I think his house is just outside the Third District.


Kairi: There's something about this musty place... It reminds me of the secret place back home, where we used to scribble on the walls. Remember?

Sora: Kairi?

Goofy: Sora?

Traverse Town (gameplay 7)[]

(After the cutscene.)
Merlin (on-screen): Well, well. You've arrived sooner than I expected.

Sora (on-screen): Wha... You knew we were coming?

Merlin (on-screen): Of course.

Sora (on-screen): Are you...a Heartless?

Donald (on-screen): He doesn't look like one.

Merlin (on-screen): Oh, my. No. My name is Merlin. As you can see, I am a sorcerer. I spend much of my time traveling. It's good to be home. Your king has requested my help.

Goofy (on-screen): King Mickey?

Merlin (on-screen): Yes, indeed. Donald, Goofy. And who might you be, young man?

Sora (on-screen): I'm Sora.

Merlin (on-screen): Ah. So, you have found the key.

Donald (on-screen): What did the king ask you to do?

Merlin (on-screen): Just a moment...

Merlin (on-screen): Presto!

Merlin (on-screen): There, now. Ahem.

Merlin (on-screen): Your king asked me to train you in the art of magic. We can start anytime you like. Let me know when you're ready to begin the training. Oh, and one more thing.

Fairy Godmother (on-screen): Hello. I'm the Fairy Godmother. Your king asked me to help, too. I will assist throughout your journey.

Merlin (on-screen): I do not know how much I can be of help, but do stop by anytime.

(Upon talking to the Fairy Godmother.)

Fairy Godmother (on-screen)
  • My world has disappeared too.
  • I'm so worried about Cinderella.

(Upon talking to Merlin with the Old Book in your possession.)
Merlin (on-screen): Oh, that book... So, Cid asked you to bring this. Thank you. You wish to know what kind of book it is? I don't even know, myself. In fact, it's not mine. Somehow it found its way into my bag one day. It was such a curious book, I asked Cid to repair it for me. Well, I guess I'll put it here somewhere, for now. This book holds a great secret. The missing pages will unlock it.

Merlin (on-screen): I'll leave the book over there. Do look at it whenever you like. My best regards to Cid for repairing it for me. Oh, and about that stone of yours... You should ask the Fairy Godmother about that.

Sora (on-screen): Do you know what this is?

Fairy Godmother: Oh, the poor thing! He has turned into a summon gem.

Sora: A summon gem?

Fairy Godmother (on-screen): This little creature lived in a world that was consumed by darkness. When a world vanishes, so do its inhabitants. But this one has such a strong heart, he became a gem instead of vanishing with his world.

Sora (on-screen): Can he regain himself?

Fairy Godmother (on-screen): Yes, but only his spirit. Now, watch! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!

On-screen: To use summon magic, you need three party members in battle.

On-screen: Each summon spell can only be used once per battle.

On-screen: Be careful. You cannot use summon magic while any party member is KO'd.

On-screen: Summoned characters withdraw from battle once they run out of MP.

On-screen: You can also select the Dismiss command to dismiss them.

On-screen: More info on each summoned character is available in Jiminy's journal.

Fairy Godmother (on-screen): Whenever you call, he will help you. If you find any more of these, bring them to me. Don't worry, when their worlds are restored they will return there. Sora, please help save them.

(Upon talking to the Fairy Godmother again.)
Fairy Godmother (on-screen): Sora, please help everyone.

Sora (on-screen): Don't worry, I will.

(Upon stepping onto the save point.)
Merlin: You'd best go see Cid before going anywhere else.

(Upon talking to Merlin again.)
Merlin (on-screen): I'll leave the book here. Look at it whenever you like. Be sure to see Cid first.

(Upon talking to Merlin again.)
Merlin (on-screen): Yes?

(If you reply with "Never mind", end the conversation.)
(If you reply with "To the cavern", move to the underground cavern (this reply is only available later).)
(If you reply with "Practice magic.", move to the practice room.)

(Upon talking to Merlin in the practice room for the first time.)
On-screen: You can practice casting spells here without depleting MP.

On-screen: Merlin's furniture will be your target.

On-screen: You can have it either move around or stay put.

On-screen: When you're ready to call it quits, walk up to Merlin and select "Cancel."

Merlin (on-screen): Yes?

(If you reply with "Practice magic.")
Merlin (on-screen): Which type of target?
(If you reply with "Moving.")
Merlin (on-screen): Off we go!
(If you reply with "Stationary.")
Merlin (on-screen): Off we go!
(If you reply with "Go back.", return to the main room.)
(If you reply with "Never mind", end the conversation.)

Reunited with Riku[]

Riku: There you are. What's going on?

Sora: Riku!

Riku: Hey, hey, cut it out.

Sora: I'm not dreaming this time, right?

Riku: I hope not. Took forever to find you.

Sora: Riku!

Sora: Wait a second, where's Kairi?

Riku: Isn't she with you?

Riku: Well, don't worry. I'm sure she made it off the island, too. We're finally free. Hey, she might even be looking for us now. We'll all be together again soon. Don't worry. Just leave everything to me. I know this—

Sora: Leave it to who?

Riku: Sora, what did you—

Sora: I've been looking for you and Kairi, too, with their help.

Riku: Who are they?

Donald: Ahem. My name is—

Sora: We've visited so many places and worlds, looking for you.

Riku: Really? Well, what do you know? I never would have guessed.

Goofy: Oh, and guess what? Sora's the Keyblade master.

Donald: Who would've thought it?

Sora: What's that mean?

Riku: So, this is called a Keyblade?

Sora: Huh?

Sora: Hey, give it back.

Riku: Catch!

Sora: Whoa!

Sora: Okay, so you're coming with us, right? We've got this awesome rocket. Wait 'til you see it!

Donald: No, he can't come!

Sora: What?

Donald: Forget it!

Sora: Oh, come on! He's my friend!

Donald: I don't care!

Goofy: Huh? He's gone.

Sora: Riku?

Sora: Nice going. Oh, well. At least, he's okay. And who knows? Maybe we'll run into Kairi soon, too.

Traverse Town (gameplay 8)[]

(Upon talking to the clerk in the Accessory Shop.)
Clerk (on-screen): Cid had to go home. He lives in the Third District.

(If you reply with "Let's chat.")
Clerk (on-screen): What? You've seen me before? Perhaps you're thinking of someone else?

(Upon talking to Leon.)
Leon (on-screen): This room will be our secret base. It's nice and snug here.

(Upon talking to Yuffie.)
Yuffie (on-screen): Oh, that's called a navigation gummi?

(Upon talking to Aerith.)
Aerith (on-screen): Don't you have to go see Cid?

(Upon talking to Cid.)
Cid (on-screen): You guys ever hear of Maleficent? I hear she's in town.

Sora (on-screen): Who is she?

Cid (on-screen): A witch, man, she's a witch!

Leon (on-screen): She's the reason this town is full of Heartless. Don't take her lightly.

Aerith (on-screen): She's been using the Heartless for years.

Leon (on-screen): We lost our world, thanks to her.

Cid (on-screen): One day, a swarm of Heartless took over our world!

Leon (on-screen): That was nine years ago.

Cid (on-screen): I got out of that mess and came here with these guys.

Donald (on-screen): That's awful!

Leon (on-screen): Our ruler was a wise man named Ansem. He dedicated his life to studying the Heartless.

Cid (on-screen): His report should tell us how to get rid of the Heartless.

Sora (on-screen): Where's this report?

Leon (on-screen): We don't know. It got scattered when our world was destroyed.

Cid (on-screen): I'm sure Maleficent's got most of the pages.

Maleficent's Ploy[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Cid tells Sora and his friends about Maleficent, an evil fairy who can manipulate the Heartless. She used that power to take over the world that was once the home of Cid and his friends.

On-screen: Their world was once ruled by Ansem the Wise, who dedicated his life to studying the Heartless. If they can find his report, they might be able to figure out how to get rid of the dark creatures.

A Dark Proposal[]

Maleficent: You see? It's just as I told you. While you toiled away trying to find your dear friend, he quite simply replaced you with some new companions. Evidently, now he values them far more than he does you.

Maleficent: You're better off without that wretched boy. Now, think no more of him and come with me. I'll help you find what you're searching for...

Ringing the Bell[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Aerith can't get her mind off of the bell that rang moments ago. Legend has it that something will occur if the bell is rung three times.

On-screen: The three friends do just that, and a Keyhole appears from the mural in the fountain.

Traverse Town (gameplay 9)[]

Cid (on-screen): So, you delivered that book? That navigation gummi's installed and ready to go. You find another one, you bring it to me. I threw in a warp gummi for the heck of it. Now you can jump to worlds you've been to before. Well, better get back to my real job. What's my real job? You'll see. See me at the First District.

Aerith (on-screen): I've been thinking about the bell in the Second District.

Sora (on-screen): That one that rang a bit ago?

Yuffie (on-screen): The one above the gizmo shop. There's a legend about it, you know.

Aerith (on-screen): But it's all boarded up. Nobody can get in there.

Cid (on-screen): Heck, go check it out. Ring it three times to see if anything happens.

(Upon talking to Cid.)
Cid (on-screen): See me at the First District.

(Upon talking to Leon.)
Leon (on-screen): So that was a summon gem... Interesting.

(Upon talking to Aerith.)
Aerith (on-screen): We will try to find out what Maleficent is up to.

(Upon talking to Cid in the First District.)
Cid (on-screen): Hey, now that was quick! Now you know. I'm in the gummi block business. Workin' on your gummi ship sure was great. Come again and I'll give you a big discount.

Cid (on-screen): Go ahead, take it. It's a special giveaway.

(While talking to Cid, if you reply with "Let's chat.")
Cid (on-screen): Come to me for all your gummi needs, got it?

(Upon talking to each person in the First District, only the Moogle has a new line.)
Moogle (on-screen): Don't touch my pom pom, kupo! Why does everybody want to touch it, kupo?

(Upon examining the clock in the Gizmo Shop after restoring the power and pressing the buttons.)
On-screen: The clock is stuck at 6:54.

Guard Armor's Revenge[]

(This series of three short cutscenes contains no dialogue.)

Sealing the Keyhole: Traverse Town[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue.)

Traverse Town (gameplay 10)[]

(Upon talking to Cid after sealing the Keyhole in Traverse Town.)
Cid (on-screen): Hey, got another navigation gummi there, eh? I'll bet you want it installed.

Sora (on-screen): Yeah, please.

Cid (on-screen): Hmm... Looks like this is another one of those blocks that come in sets. You gotta find the mate to this one.

(While talking to Cid, if you select "Let's chat.")
Cid (on-screen): Come back when you get both navigation gummis.

(Upon talking to Leon.)
Leon (on-screen): So this town had a Keyhole as well... Hurry, Sora. The Heartless are growing strong every minute.

(Upon talking to Yuffie.)
Yuffie (on-screen): Show us how it's done, Keyblade master! I sure envy you for seeing a Keyhole. Well, next time!

(Upon talking to Aerith.)
Aerith (on-screen): Thank you, Sora. You're the only one who can stop the Heartless.

(Upon talking to each person in the First District, only the boy has a new line.)
Boy (on-screen): Weird. I saw a wooden puppet that moved just like a real person.

(If you go back to talk to the moogle in the Accessory Shop after winning the Phil Cup.)
Moogle (on-screen): They say a boy won the tournament, kupo.

Olympus Coliseum[]

Olympus Coliseum (gameplay 6)[]

(Upon talking to Hercules.)
Hercules (on-screen): Are you going to compete? It would be great to face you!

(Upon examining the ruleboard.)
On-screen: 1. In the games, the only thing you can hurt is your pride. Fight hard!

2. You can forfeit at any time. Fight as much as you like!
3. No summoning allowed! Fight with your own strength!

(After winning the Phil Cup.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): I never thought you'd do it. Not bad.

Hercules (on-screen): Phil, you're just as stubborn as ever. Don't pretend you're not happy for them!

Philoctetes (on-screen): Ahem! Now, kid, you've still got a long way to go. The next round's startin' soon. Next time it'll be the real thing.

(Upon talking to Hercules.)

Hercules (on-screen)
  • It's time to go from junior hero to real hero.
  • Are you going to compete? It would be great to face you!


Jafar's Plan[]

Maleficent: And the Keyhole?

Jafar: The Heartless are searching for it now. I'm certain we'll find it soon enough. So that just leaves...

Iago: Jafar! I've looked everywhere for Jasmine. She's disappeared like magic!

Jafar: The girl is more trouble than she's worth.

Maleficent: You said you had things under control.

Jafar: Agrabah is full of holes for rats to hide in. But why worry about Princess Jasmine? With her or without her, surely this world will be ours when we find the Keyhole.

Maleficent: We need all seven princesses of heart to open the final door. Any fewer is useless.

Jafar: Well, if the princess is that important, we'll find her.

Jafar: Find Jasmine and bring her to me at once.

Maleficent: Don't steep yourself in darkness too long. The Heartless consume the careless.

Jafar: Your concern is touching, but hardly necessary.

A Princess in Hiding[]

Jasmine: Who's there? Hello?

Agrabah (gameplay 1)[]

Jasmine (on-screen): I'm Jasmine. My father is the sultan of Agrabah.

Goofy (on-screen): Uh... So that makes you a princess.

Jasmine: (on-screen) But he has been deposed by Jafar, who now controls the city.

Goofy (on-screen): Jafar?

Jasmine (on-screen): You haven't heard of him? He's the royal vizier. He's gained evil powers and seized Agrabah. He's desperately looking for something—something he calls the "Keyhole". Jafar caught me trying to escape, but he helped me.

Sora (on-screen): Who helped you?

Jasmine (on-screen): We were hiding nearby, but he left a while ago to take care of something... Oh, I hope Aladdin's all right.

A Princess in Hiding[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Sora, Donald, and Goofy meet Princess JAsmine, the daughter of the sultan of Agrabah.

On-screen: She explains that the royal vizier, Jafar, has gained evil powers and seized Agrabah, and is now looking for something called the Keyhole.

On-screen: Jafar caught her trying to escape, but a young man named Aladdin saved her. He left to take care of something, and she's worried that he ran into trouble.

Jasmine, Run![]

Jafar: Aladdin? Where might I find this street rat?

Jafar: Jasmine, allow me to find you more suitable company, my dear princess. These little rats won't do, you see.

Sora: Jasmine, run!

Jafar: Ah, the boy who holds the key.

Agrabah (gameplay 2)[]

(After releasing Carpet, prior to finding Jasmine.)
Donald (on-screen): The carpet flew off toward the desert. But let's explore the city more.

(After releasing Carpet, after finding Jasmine.)
Donald (on-screen): The carpet flew off toward the desert. Let's follow it, Sora!

(Upon releasing the lock hidden behind the drawer.)
On-screen: A gate opened somewhere.

(Upon talking to the Peddler, if he is inside the room.)
Peddler (on-screen): We're barely scraping buy.

(If you reply with "I want to buy".)
Peddler (on-screen): What would you like to buy?
(If you buy anything.)
Peddler (on-screen): Thanks!
(If you try to buy an item without having enough funds.)
Peddler (on-screen): You don't have enough munny!
(If you try to buy an item with a maxed out inventory.)
Peddler (on-screen): You can't hold anymore!
(If you reply with "I want to sell".)
(Upon entering any of your inventories.)
Peddler (on-screen): What do you want to sell?
(If you sell anything.)
Peddler (on-screen): Thanks!
(If you try to sell anything in an empty inventory.)
Peddler (on-screen): You don't have any items!
(If you reply with "I don't need anything.", end the conversation.)

(Upon talking to Carpet in the desert.)
On-screen: It wants us to come along?

(If you select "All aboard.", move to the Cave of Wonders.)
(If you select "Forget it.", end the conversation.)

The Magic Carpet[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: While the three friends fight the Heartless, Jasmine disappears.

On-screen: They fly off into the desert on a magic carpet in search of the princess.

Wish Number One[]

(The start of the cutscene contains no dialogue, and continues after the fighting.)

Goofy: Gawrsh, not again!

Aladdin: Genie, get rid of these guys!

Genie: Wish Number One, coming right up!

Genie of the Lamp[]

Aladdin: I see... Thanks, Sora.

Sora: Aladdin, what're you doing out here?

Aladdin: Same old stuff. Hunting legendary treasure. Just paid a visit to the Cave of Wonders. I found that magic carpet, and this lamp. Legend has it that whoever holds the lamp can summon the—

Genie: Please, kid, leave the intros to a professional. The one and only genie of the lamp! Rub-a-dub-dub the lamp and have your dearest wishes granted. Today's winner is... Aladdin! Congratulations!

Donald: Any wish?

Genie: Patience, my fine feathered friend. Any three wishes! A one wish, a two wish, a three wish. Then I make like a banana and split! Our lucky winner made his first wish—And let me tell you, what a doozy that wish was—So he has two left. So, master, what'll you have for Wish Number Two?

Aladdin: Hmm, how about making me a fabulously wealthy prince?

Genie: Whoa! Money! Royalty! Fame! Why didn't I think of that? Okay, you asked for it! A hundred servants and a hundred camels loaded with gold! Just say the word and I'll deliver it in 30 minutes or less, or your meal's free. Hey, I'll even throw in a cappuccino!

Aladdin: No, thanks!

Genie: Okay.

Aladdin: I think I'll put that on hold until we reach Agrabah.

Goofy: Uh, why a prince?

Aladdin: You see, there's this girl in Agrabah named Jasmine. But she's a princess, and I'm... Aww, she could never fall for a guy like me.

Donald: Oh. Princess?

Goofy: Jasmine?

Sora: Oh, that's right! She's in trouble, Aladdin!

Aladdin: What? Well, c'mon, let's get going!

Genie: Ah, fresh air! The great outdoors!

Sora: I guess you don't get out much, huh?

Genie: Comes with the job. Phenomenal cosmic powers. Itty-bitty living space. It's always three wishes, then back to my portable prison. I'm lucky to see the light of day every century or two...

Aladdin: Say, Genie, what if I use my last wish to free you from the lamp? What do you think?

Genie: You'd do that?

Aladdin: Genie, it's a promise. After we help Jasmine.

Agrabah (gameplay 3)[]

Aladdin (on-screen): So, Jafar is after Jasmine and this "Keyhole."

Genie (on-screen): Keyhole, eh? I could swear I've heard about that somewhere before...

Donald (on-screen): Really? Where?

Genie (on-screen): Now, where was it? It's only been 200 years...

Sora (on-screen): Well, anyway, we've got to stop Jafar before it's too late.

Wish Number Two[]

Jafar: Setting your sights a little high, aren't you boy? Back to your hole, street rat. I will not allow you to trouble the princess any more.

Aladdin: Jasmine!

Jasmine: I'm so sorry, Aladdin.

Aladdin: Genie, help Jasmine, please!

Genie: One wish left! You're making this really easy, you know.

Jafar: So sorry, boy. I'm afraid your second wish has been denied.

Genie: I'm sorry, Al.

Jafar: And now, I bid you all farewell. Attack!

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

Aladdin: Jasmine!

Aladdin: To the desert! Come on, let's move!

The Desert Cave[]

Sora: (gasps)

Aladdin: (Gasps)

Agrabah (gameplay 4)[]

(At the start of the Cave of Wonders Guardian fight.)
On-screen: The tiger head is being controlled by the Heartless. Crush the power of darkness!

(Upon examining the blockade in the Treasure Chamber.)
On-screen: Seems it won't budge. keep exploring the ruins.

(Upon attempting to call a gem without aladdin.)
On-screen: Need Aladdin's help.

(Upon calling an already called gem.)
On-screen: No response.

The Keyhole Revealed[]

Jafar: My first wish, Genie! Show me the Keyhole!

The Royal Vizier[]

Maleficent: That boy again?

Jafar: He's more persistent than I expected. Why not explain the situation to that boy Riku? Doing so may actually prove useful to our—

Sora: Wait a second. Are you Maleficent?

Aladdin: Jafar, let Jasmine go!

Jafar: Not a chance.

Jafar: You see, she's a princess—one of seven who somehow hold the key to opening the door.

Goofy: Open...

Donald: ...the door?

Jafar: But you fools won't live to see what lies beyond it. Genie! My second wish. Crush them!

Aladdin: Genie, no!

Genie: Sorry, Al. The one with the lamp calls the shots. I don't have a choice.

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

Jafar: (screams)

Agrabah (gameplay 5)[]

(Sometimes upon attacking.)

  • (shouts) Watch out!
  • Please oh please, let me miss!
  • Excuse me, could you all run!
  • I'm really sorry about this. Run!
  • Quick, quick, get out of the way!
  • Please keep moving, I don't want to hit you!

(Sometimes upon being hit by Jafar.)

  • Ohh, hang in there guys!
  • Oh come on guys, shape up, you can do it!
  • Ohh, I can't look. Wake me when it's over, okay?

(Sometimes upon hitting Jafar.)

  • Ra-ra-ra! (cheers)
  • Yeah, that's the spirit!
  • (yells) Awesome, go go go!

(Sometimes while attacking, either with the melee or ray attack.)
Jafar: Take that!

(Sometimes when he floats away.)
Jafar: Over here!

(Sometimes after hitting someone with a melee attack.)
Jafar: (laughs) Getting warm?

(Sometimes after hitting someone with the ray attack.)
Jafar: That's gotta hurt!

(Sometimes after the ice attack, if someone was hit.)
Jafar: (laughs) You can't win!

(Sometimes after the ice attack, if no one was hit.)
Jafar: Genie, don't hold back!

(Sometimes upon being hit with magic while he is shielded.)
Jafar: (laughs)

(Upon attempting to talk to Jasmine, after the next cutscene starts.)
Sora (on-screen): I think she only passed out. We gotta go after Jafar first.

(At the start of the second fight.)
Aladdin: The lamp! Get Jafar's lamp!

(At the start of the fight, and after every time he rests.)
Iago: Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

(When he lands to rest the first time.)
Iago: Water! Water!

(When he lands to rest afterwards.)
Iago: (groans)

(Upon being healed by Jafar, after resting for the first time.)
Iago: I don't need your help, alright?

(Sometimes when he attacks.)
Genie Jafar: Take this!

Genie Jafar (cutscene)[]

Jafar: Genie! My final wish! I want you to make me and all-powerful genie!

(After jumping down.)
Genie Jafar: (laughs)

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)
Sora: Okay, Jafar! Back to your lamp!

Genie Jafar: (shouts)

Sealing the Keyhole: Agrabah)[]

Jasmine: (gasps)

Aladdin: Jasmine? Jasmine!

Goofy: Whoa, we'd better get out of here!

Aladdin: Jasmine!

Agrabah (gameplay 6)[]

Aladdin (on-screen): So, Jasmine's no longer in Agrabah. Sora, let's go find her.

Sora (on-screen): Sorry. I can't take you with me.

Aladdin (on-screen): Wh-Why not?

Goofy (on-screen): I sure wish we could...

Donald (on-screen): But we can't. If we take him to another world, we would be...

Goofy (on-screen): Muh... Mudd—

Donald (on-screen): Meddling!

Sora (on-screen): Aladdin, we'll find Jasmine. I promise.

Where's Princess Jasmine?[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Sora and his friends return to Agrabah, but have no luck finding Princess Jasmine.

Wish Number Three[]

Genie: Uh, earth to Al. Hello? You still have one wish left. Look, just say the word. Ask me to find Jasmine for you.

Aladdin: I...I wish... For your freedom, Genie.

Genie: Al! (shouts)

Aladdin: A deal's a deal, Genie. Now you can go anywhere you want. You're your own master. But if you can, it'd be great if you could go along with them and help Sora find Jasmine.

Genie: Hmm. Sorry, Al. I'm done taking orders from others.

Genie: But... A favor, now that's entirely different. I guess I could give that a try. After all, we're pals, right, Al?

Aladdin: Genie...

Genie: Just leave it to me!

Riku's Wish[]

Hades: That smarmy vizier could've had 'em—if someone had stuck around to give him a hand.

Riku: Hey, I did my part. I brought the princess, didn't I?

Maleficent: Jafar was beyond help, consumed by his own hatred. One should beware of letting it burn too fiercely.

Hades: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Lighten up. I'm as cool as they come, okay? By the way, kid, have we got something special for you.

Riku: Huh?

Maleficent: We had a deal, yes? You help us, and we grant you your wish...

Riku: Kairi!

Maleficent: Go to her. Your vessel is waiting.

Hook: Just remember, this is no pleasure cruise. It won't be a pleasant voyage.

Riku: Why are you doing all this for me? What's the catch?

Maleficent: Catch? What's the catch?

Maleficent: Silly, boy. You're like a son to me. I only want you to be happy.

Riku: I seriously doubt that.

Maleficent: Believe what you wish. But lest we forget, I kept my end of the bargain.

Agrabah (gameplay 7)[]

Aladdin (on-screen): Here. Take this with you.

Aladdin (on-screen): Sora, please find Jasmine for me.

(Upon talking to the man in the Plaza.)

Man (on-screen)
  • Travelers used to throng Agrabah's streets. But now those shadows have overrun the city.
  • They're everywhere! It's bad for business.
  • I'd leave, but there's nowhere to go.

(Upon talking to the woman in the Alley.)

Woman (on-screen)
  • The streets are practically deserted now. Everyone's hiding from the shadows.
  • I hear the shadows have kidnapped the princess.
  • Will they ever leave?

(Upon talking to the boy at the Palace Gates.)

Boy (on-screen)
  • We can't play outside anymore, thanks to those shadows. Too dangerous.
  • All my friends are hiding at home.
  • If I were bigger, I'd beat those shadows up!

Interspace (gameplay 4)[]

Sora (on-screen): We can revisit some places and unseal more Trinities.

Goofy (on-screen): Wasn't there a Trinity Mark in the accessory shop?

(If you found the Torn Page, the following also plays.)
Sora (on-screen): Could this torn page be from Merlin's book?

Goofy (on-screen): Let's return to town and give it to him.

100 Acre Wood[]

Winnie the Pooh (cutscene)[]

Pooh: Think, think. Think, think.

Sora: Hi there. What's wrong?

Pooh: Nothing. Just thinking.

Sora: Oh.

Pooh: I was thinking of how to say goodbye to Pooh.

Sora: Pooh?

Pooh: Yes?

Sora: Wait a second. You're Pooh?

Pooh: Yes, I'm Winnie the Pooh. Pooh for short. Who are you?

Sora: I'm Sora.

Pooh: Oh. Hello, Sora. Have you come to say goodbye to Pooh, too?

Sora: Well, no. Why would I do that? We've only just met.

Pooh: Because everyone's gone away.

Sora: What do you mean?

Pooh: Well, we all lived here in the Hundred Acre Wood. And we'd take walks together, or play Pooh sticks... And every day, I'd eat some honey. Just one small smackeral would taste very good right now. But now everyone's gone. All my friends, and my favorite Hunny Tree too. Everyone must've gone away while I was napping, I think... So, who knows? Maybe I shall end up going away somewhere as well. But I wonder, how do I say goodbye to myself? Think, think, think.

Pooh: Oh, my tumbly is getting rather rumbly.

Empty Hunny Pot[]

(The cutscene includes the minor scenes of opening and entering Pooh's house.)
Pooh: Oh, bother. There's no more honey left. If only the Hunny Tree would visit... Then I could eat my fill.

100 Acre Wood (gameplay 1)[]

(Upon talking to Owl.)
Owl (on-screen): Have we met before? Welcome to the Hundred Acre Wood!

(Upon exiting Pooh's house.)
Owl (on-screen): Let me guess: You'd like to know what happens next. Unfortunately, some of the pages are missing, so I can't tell you yet. The pages are scattered over many worlds. Would you find them for us?

Piglet (cutscene)[]

Piglet: Hello, i-is anyone there?

Piglet: Wh-Wh-What am I to do? I'm all alone. Pooh? Pooh? Where are you? It's me, Piglet. (gasps)

(Upon talking to Piglet, the cutscene continues.)
Piglet: Oh dear! I was j-just... N-Never mind. I'm sorry!

Sora: Don't be scared. You're looking for Pooh, right?

Piglet: You know Pooh?

Piglet: (sighs) Oh, y-you see, I-I have something for him. I have to take it to Pooh right away!

Piglet: Oh, Pooh!

Pooh: (sniffs) Oh, I believe I smell a delicious something—(sniffs) a something like honey!

Piglet: Pooh!

Pooh: Hello, Piglet. How have you been?

Piglet: Oh, I-I'm so glad to see you. I thought you'd gone away. I brought wh-what you asked for. (chuckles)

Pooh: Thank you, Piglet. Now I can finally have some honey.

Piglet: Really? B-But how?

Pooh: I shall hold on to the balloon, and fly like a bee up the Hunny Tree, see.

Piglet: But if you take their honey, won't the bees be angry?

Pooh: Hmm... Oh!

(The following mini-cutscene is considered part of the main one according to Theater Mode, although the exact scene that plays varies on your score.)
(If you got a score of 100 or higher.)
Pooh: It is rather funny what I will do for honey.

(If you got a score of 50 or higher.)
Pooh: Oh that was yummy in my tummy, but there is room for a bit more.

(If you got a score of 49 or less.)
Pooh: Oh bother. That didn't go too well.

100 Acre Wood (gameplay 2)[]

(Upon talking to Pooh.)
Pooh (on-screen): If you could only chase away those bees, I'm quite certain I could get a small morsel of honey. Would you help me get some honey?

Sora (on-screen): Should I help Pooh get some honey?

(If you reply with "Maybe later.", exit the conversation.)
(If you reply with "Sure!", Owl appears.)

Pooh (on-screen): Oh. Hello there, Owl.

Owl (on-screen): Good day, Pooh. What are you doing? Using a balloon to get some honey? Splendid idea! Allow me to offer a few pointers.

Owl (on-screen): Ahem! Now, Pooh can get honey by floating up this tree with his balloon. The honey is inside the tree hollows, not the beehives you see here.

Owl (on-screen): There's quite a lot of honey in these holes. If Pooh gets too close, the bees will come out to protect their honey. If they get to Pooh, they'll pop his balloon. Lock onto the bees and swat them away. The more time Pooh has at each hollow, the more honey he can eat. There's more honey higher up, too. If jumping from branch to branch proves difficult, try the Rush command. Rush can help you catch up to Pooh quickly. But it isn't fully reliable. Good luck.

(After finishing the minigame for the first time.)
On-screen: The torn page turned into a new item.

(Upon talking to Pooh again at the Hunny Tree.)
Pooh (on-screen): Will you help me get some honey?

(If you reply with "Maybe later.", exit the conversation.)
(If you reply with "Sure!", Owl appears.)

(Upon starting the minigame again.)
On-screen: - Pooh's Hunny Hunt -

Help Pooh get honey by keeping the bees away from his balloon. Lock on to the bees to swat them away more effectively.

(Upon talking to Pooh at his house.)
Pooh (on-screen): I'm rather tired. Time for a short nap.

Traverse Town[]

Traverse Town (gameplay 11)[]

(Upon talking to Aerith after completing Agrabah.)
Aerith (on-screen): Do you remember seeing a man with spiky hair at the coliseum?

Sora (on-screen): Yup.

Aerith (on-screen): I wonder if he's still searching for his friend. Sora. If you see him, please tell him to be careful. He's not that friendly, but we all care about him dearly.

(Upon talking to her again.)

Aerith (on-screen)
  • Do you remember seeing a man with spiky hair at the coliseum? Sora. If you see him, please tell him to be careful.
  • Thank you, Sora. You're the only one who can stop the Heartless.

(The following takes place in the Item Workshop.)
(Upon talking to either of the two moogles not standing on the table.)
Moogle (on-screen): First you have to listen to his explanation, kupo.

(Upon talking to the moogle standing on the table.)
Moogle (on-screen): We can use your items to make unusual new items, kupo! Let us make something for you, kupo. Bring back a bunch of items from your travels, kupo!

(Upon talking to him again.)
Moogle (on-screen): Bring back a bunch of items from your travels, kupo!

(Upon talking to the moogle in the corner.)
Moogle (on-screen): Someday we'll make the ultimate weapon, kupo! So bring us all the items you can, kupo!

(Upon talking to the moogle in the back.)
Moogle (on-screen): Welcome, kupo!

(If you reply with "Let's synthesize!", open the synthesize menu.)
Moogle (on-screen): Select an item to synthesize, kupo! The ingredients list is on the right.
(Upon attempting to synthesize an item without enough ingredients.)
Moogle (on-screen): Not enough ingredients, kupo!
(Upon synthesizing an item.)
Moogle (on-screen): There you go, kupo!
(If you reply with "I'll be back", exit the conversation.)"

(Upon talking to the moogle standing on the table after unlocking a new set of items.)
Moogle (on-screen): Thanks for helping us make so many items, kupo! But, we want to make even more unusual items, kupo. Be sure to look everywhere you go for items, kupo!

(Upon talking to him again.)
Moogle (on-screen): Be sure to look everywhere you go for items, kupo!

(Upon talking to the moogle in the corner after unlocking the second set of items.)
Moogle (on-screen): Our repertoire of new items is growing, kupo!

(Upon talking to the moogle in the corner after unlocking the third set of items.)
Moogle (on-screen): There are also synthesis items you can create to use to make other items, kupo!

(Upon talking to the moogle in the corner after unlocking the fourth set of items.)
Moogle (on-screen): You should make a ribbon as a present to her, kupo!

(Upon talking to the moogle in the corner after unlocking the fourth set of items.)
Moogle (on-screen): We can make items like the ultimate weapon and other great weapons, kupo!

(Upon talking to the synthesis moogle after unlocking the fourth set of items.)
Moogle (on-screen): Hold on, kupo! Here, take this, kupo!

Moogle (on-screen): Equip it to gather items more easily, kupo!

Pinocchio (cutscene)[]

(This cutscene is available during the second Traverse Town visit, but is placed in the Monstro section in the Theater Mode.)
(Upon talking to Pinocchio inside the Accessory Shop.)
Jiminy Cricket: Well, well, (chuckles) as I live and breathe! If it isn't Pinocchio!

Pinocchio: Oh. Hi, Jiminy.

Jiminy Cricket: What in the world are you doing down here?

Pinocchio: Um... Playing hide-and-seek.

Jiminy Cricket: I just don't believe it. And here I was, up all night, just worried sick about you. Why of all the—Pinocchio!

Traverse Town (gameplay 12)[]

Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Pinocchio! Are you telling me the truth?

Pinocchio (on-screen): Yes!

Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Then tell me, what is this?

Pinocchio (on-screen): It was a present.

Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): No fibbing, now! You know you're not supposed to tell lies. A lie only grows and grows, 'til you get caught! Plain as the nose on your face!

Pinocchio (on-screen): But if you want something, why wait? Why not just take it?

Jiminy Cricket: Oh, my! Who told you that? You need some advice from your conscience!

Pinocchio (on-screen): That's right! You're my conscience, Jiminy! I'll never tell lies as long as you're around.

Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): You need to be good so you can become a real boy. You promised Geppetto you would be, right?

Pinocchio (on-screen): Oh! Do you know where Father is?

Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): He's not with you?

Pinocchio (on-screen): Jiminy, let's go find Father!

Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Now, hold on! There are all sorts of dangers and temptations out there! I'll go find Geppetto, so you just wait here. These fellows here will be helping me.

Sora (on-screen): We will?

Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): Well, shall we go, Sora?

Sora (on-screen): You could've asked us first...

(Upon talking to Pinocchio again.)
Pinocchio (on-screen): I won't lie as long as Jiminy's around.

(Upon talking to Pinocchio again.)
Pinocchio (on-screen): I wonder where father could have gone.

Monstro (cutscene)[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Pinocchio's nose is much longer than it should be, proof of his dishonesty. Jiminy sets him straight, and the boy's nose shrinks as he promises to stop lying.

On-screen: They quickly learn he was separated from his father, Geppetto, and Jiminy promises that they'll bring the two together.

On-screen: As the friends fly around in search of Geppetto, they encounter the "whale of a whale" Monstro, who swallows them up, gummi ship and all.


Interspace (gameplay 5)[]

Donald (on-screen): What is that?

Sora (on-screen): Wow, it's huge!

Goofy (on-screen): It's a giant whale!

Jiminy Cricket (on-screen): It's Monstro! He's a whale of a whale, and vicious besides!

Donald (on-screen): Whoa! Sora, get us out of here!

Sora (on-screen): Too late! He's going to swallow us!


Sora (on-screen): It's true! I saw it with my own eyes!

Riku (on-screen): You sure you didn't just hear it this time?

Sora (on-screen): What difference does it make? There's a huge monster in there, I tell you!

Riku (on-screen): All right. Suppose there really is a monster... Think we can beat it by ourselves, Sora?

Sora (on-screen): No problem. Let's do it! Listen! There! Can you hear it growling?

Riku (on-screen): Shh, quiet. We've gotta be careful.

Riku (on-screen): See that? It was just the wind making that noise.

Sora (on-screen): Aw, man. I wish it was a monster! Hold on! What's that over there?

Riku (on-screen): A window, or maybe a door? It won't open.

Sora (on-screen): Geez, is that really all that's in here?

Riku (on-screen): What do you expect in a boring place like this?

Riku (on-screen): Hey, Sora.

Sora (on-screen): Hm?

Riku (on-screen): When we grow up, let's get off this island. We'll go on real adventures, not this kid stuff!

Sora (on-screen): Sure. But isn't there anything fun to do now? Hey, you know the new girl at the mayor's house? Did you hear?

Inside the Whale[]

Donald: Knock it off!

Goofy: Hey, Sora. Are you okay?

Sora: What are you guys doing? Where are we, anyway?

Sora: Whoa!

Goofy: Uh, ya know, I think that big ol' whale Monstro just swallowed us. And for today's weather: expect showers.

Goofy: Ow. Heavy showers!

Donald: Hey! Who's there?

Pinocchio: It's me.

Donald: Oh, it's just Pinocchio... Pinocchio!?

Jiminy Cricket: Pinocchio? Pinocch, where are you going? Pinocch! Come on, everybody! After him! Quick!

Geppetto (cutscene)[]

Geppetto: What have you got there, Pinocchio?

Pinocchio: With this, we can get out of her, Father.

Geppetto: Really? With this big block? You think so?

Sora: It's true. So, how did you end up here, Pinocchio?

Geppetto: Oh, my. So the whale swallowed all of you, too? My goodness.

Sora: Yeah, looks like it.

Geppetto: My name is Geppetto. I'm Pinocchio's father. When we got separated, I traveled all over, looking for him. Thank goodness we're together again. So, you seem to know Pinocchio quite well. I hope he was a good boy in my absence. Well, we've all had quite a journey. Right, Pinocchio? Pinocchio?

Monstro (gameplay 1)[]

(Upon talking to Geppetto.)
Geppetto (on-screen): I've warned him not to wander off here. He can be a naughty boy. Even so, he's very precious to me.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Geppetto (on-screen): Where in the world has he gone off too? I hate to trouble you, but please bring him back.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Geppetto (on-screen): This thing can really help us get out of here? A most interesting substance. Hmm...

(Upon talking to him again.)
Geppetto (on-screen): It's easy to get lost inside Monstro. It helps to use the crates and barrels as landmarks.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Geppetto (on-screen): Beware of the green monsters floating around. They'll try to drive you deeper into Monstro. I hope that's not what happened to Pinocchio.

Playing Games[]

Sora: What are you doing? Come on, let's go back.

Goofy: You know, Geppetto's awfully worried about you.

Sora: Pinocchio, stop fooling around! This is no time for games!

Riku: But Sora, I thought you liked games. Or are you too cool to play them now that you have the Keyblade?

Sora: Riku! Wh-What are you doing here?

Riku: Just playing with Pinocchio.

Sora: You know what I mean! What about Kairi? Did you find her?

Riku: Maybe. Catch us and maybe I'll tell you what I know.

Sora: Come on!

(If you already completed Neverland, the cutscene changes to the following.)
Sora: What are you doing? Come on, let's go back.

Goofy: You know, Geppetto's awfully worried about you.

Sora: Pinocchio, stop fooling around! This is no time for games!

Riku: But Sora, I thought you liked games. Or are you too cool to play them now that you have the Keyblade?

Sora: Riku!? Is it really you?

A Heart's Darkness[]

Maleficent: Why do you still care about that boy? He has all but deserted you for the Keyblade and his new companions, after all.

Riku: I don't care about him. I was just messing with him a little.

Maleficent: Oh, really? Of course you were. Beware the darkness in your heart. The Heartless prey upon it.

Riku: Mind your own business.

Sora: Riku! What's the matter with you? What are you thinking? Don't you realize what you're doing?

Riku: I was about to ask you the same thing, Sora. You only seem interested in running around and showing off that Keyblade these days. Do you even want to save Kairi?

Sora: I do.

Pinocchio: (shouts)

(If you already completed Neverland, the cutscene changes entirely; Maleficent has no conversation with Riku, nor does he appear himself at all.)

Saving Pinocchio[]

Riku: You up for this?

Sora: No problem. Let's do it!

Riku: Hm.

(After the fight the cutscene continues, but contains no dialogue.)

(If you already completed Neverland, the cutscene changes entirely; featuring no dialogue as Riku does not appear.)

Monstro (gameplay 2)[]

(During the first fight with Parasite Cage.)

  • Help!
  • Get me out of here!
  • It's scary in here!

(During the first fight with Parasite Cage.)

  • Stay with it!
  • Don't give up!

A Puppet[]

Geppetto: Pinocchio! Pinocchio! Please! Give me back my son!

(If you already completed Neverland the cutscene ends here, as Riku does not talk and simply leaves.)
Riku: Sorry, old man. I have some unfinished business with this puppet.

Geppetto: He's no puppet! Pinocchio is my little boy!

Riku: He is unusual. Not many puppets have hearts. I'm not sure, but maybe he can help someone who's lost theirs.

Sora: Wait a minute. Are you talking about Kairi?

Riku: What do you care about her?

Monstro (gameplay 3)[]

(Upon talking to Geppetto.)
Geppetto (on-screen): I meant to save this chest for later, but... Please use it to find Pinocchio.

(After opening the chest containing High Jump.)
On-screen: The party can equip these shared abilities by selecting Shared in the Abilities menu.

(Upon talking to Geppetto again.)
Geppetto (on-screen): Pinocchio means everything to me. I don't know what I'd do without him.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Geppetto (on-screen): I'd look for him myself, but I'm too old. If only I could do more for him.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Geppetto (on-screen): No matter what that boy says, Pinocchio hasn't lost his heart!

(Upon talking to him again.)
Geppetto (on-screen): Above the entrance leading into Monstro's depths, there's another entrance. That second entrance may lead someplace you haven't yet seen. But it's impossible to jump up there. It's much too high. You'd need special powers, I suppose.

Pinocchio's Conscience[]

Sora: Hey, let Pinocchio go, Riku.

Riku: A puppet that's lost its heart to the Heartless... Maybe it holds the key to helping Kairi. How about it, Sora? Let's join forces to save her. We can do it together.

Riku: What? You'd rather fight me? Over a puppet that has no heart?

Sora: Heart or no heart, at least he still has a conscience.

Riku: Conscience?

Sora: You might not hear it, but right now it's loud and clear. And it's telling me you're on the wrong side!

Riku: Then you leave me no choice.

Jiminy Cricket: Pinocchio! Pinocchio!

Pinocchio: Jiminy... I'm not gonna make it.

Jiminy Cricket: (gasps)

Pinocchio: Oh! I guess I'm okay!

Riku: Huh?

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

Donald: Run!

Sora: Riku! Riku, where are you?

(If you already completed Neverland, the cutscene changes to the following.)
Sora: Wait. What are you—

Riku: What? You don't remember your best friend?

Sora: Liar! You're not Riku!

Jiminy Cricket: Pinocchio! Pinocchio!

Pinocchio: Jiminy... I'm not gonna make it.

Jiminy Cricket: (gasps)

Pinocchio: Oh! I guess I'm okay!

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

Donald: Run!

Kairi's Heart[]

(Occurs if you complete Monstro before arriving at Neverland. If you skip Monstro this cutscene takes place upon arriving at Neverland.)
Riku: So, Kairi's like a lifeless puppet now?

Maleficent: Precisely.

Riku: And her heart was...

Maleficent: Taken by the Heartless, no doubt.

Riku: Tell me! What can I do?

Maleficent: There are seven maidens of the purest heart. We call them the princesses of heart. Gather them together, and a door will open to the heart of all worlds. Within lies untold wisdom. There, you will surely find a way to recover Kairi's heart. Now, I'll grant you a marvelous gift. The power to control the Heartless.

Riku: Soon, Kairi. Soon.

Free at Last[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Monstro sneezes, setting Sora and his friends free.

On-screen: Though they're no longer in danger, they worry about whether or not Pinocchio and Geppetto also made it out safely.

Interspace (gameplay 6)[]

Goofy (on-screen): I sure hope Pinocchio and Geppetto are okay.

Donald (on-screen): Yeah, hopefully they landed safely somewhere.

(After acquiring all types of magic spells.)
Sora (on-screen): I think my magic is as good as Donald's now.

Donald (on-screen): No way! Not in a million years.

Goofy (on-screen): Why don't you go see Merlin? Work more on your magic.

(Upon returning to where you encountered Monstro, but only if he is not there.)
Goofy (on-screen): Monstro's gone. Let's go before he comes back.

Traverse Town[]

Traverse Town (gameplay 13)[]

(Upon talking to each person in the First District (only those with new dialogue are included).)
Woman (on-screen): I heard the old man and his son finally came back.

Man (on-screen): A talented clockmaker has opened a shop here. They say he was swallowed whole by a whale and managed to escape.

Moogle (on-screen): Don't touch my pom pom, kupo! Why does everybody want to touch it, kupo? Pinocchio keeps trying to touch it, too, kupo!

(Upon entering the new house in First District.)
Sora (on-screen): Pinocchio?

Pinocchio (on-screen): Hey, it's Sora!

Geppetto (on-screen): Well, hello, Sora!

Sora (on-screen): How did you get here?

Geppetto (on-screen): A man named Leon helped us. He even got us this house to live in. I don't know how I'll ever repay his kindness. Say, I hear you three are fighting the Heartless. I thought I might be able to help you, so I made this.

Sora (on-screen): For us?

Geppetto (on-screen): But of course! Pinocchio and I can't thank you enough! We'll do anything we can to help you.

(Upon talking to Geppetto.)

Geppetto (on-screen)
  • If Pinocchio becomes a real boy, I'm sure'll be just like you.
  • Those gummi blocks are very curious. I'd like to experiment with them a bit.
  • Maybe I can make a better ship for you someday. Please visit any time. Pinocchio would be glad to see you, too.

(Upon talking to Geppetto each time after reaching the requirements to unlock a new blueprint.)
Geppetto (on-screen): Ah, Sora. Look what I've cooked up this time!

Geppetto (on-screen): There you go.

(Upon talking to Geppetto after receiving all his gummi ship blueprints.)

Geppetto (on-screen)
  • If Pinocchio becomes a real boy, I'm sure'll be just like you.
  • Those gummi blocks are very curious. I'd like to experiment with them a bit.

(Upon talking to Pinocchio.)

Pinocchio (on-screen)
  • I'm being good, even without Jiminy's help.
  • Father's really interested in the gummi blocks.
  • I'm studying real hard so I can become a real boy. I'm not fibbing! See? My nose is just the same.

(Upon talking to Pinocchio after entering and exiting his house thirty times.)
Pinocchio (on-screen): Sora, look! This was my idea!

Pinocchio (on-screen): You can have it!

(Upon sending the tenth postcard.)
On-screen: - MAILBOX -

Thanks for sending all 10 postcards!

(Upon examining the mailbox.)
On-screen: - MAILBOX -

Thanks for the postcards! No more presents.

Olympus Coliseum[]

Olympus Coliseum (gameplay 7)[]

(After winning the Pegasus Cup.)
Hercules (on-screen): That was great! Looks like Phil's trained another great hero!

Sora (on-screen): Is strength the most important part of a hero?

Philoctetes (on-screen): Well, what you really need is a strong heart. What makes a strong heart? If you have to ask, you're not a hero yet!

Sora (on-screen): Stop talking in riddles!

Philoctetes (on-screen): It's not a riddle!

100 Acre Wood[]

100 Acre Wood (gameplay 3)[]

(Upon approaching Rabbit's door.)
Rabbit (on-screen): Nobody's home! And I'm out of honey!

(Upon approaching Piglet.)
Piglet (on-screen): Look, Rabbt's house c-came back! But it looks like Rabbit isn't home. Pooh's been calling and calling, but the house says no one's there.

(Upon talking to Pooh.)
Pooh (on-screen): Nobody's home?

Rabbit (on-screen): That's right, Nobody!

(After entering the house.)
Pooh (on-screen): Who is this person named Nobody?

Pooh (on-screen): Nobody, have you seen Rabbit?

Rabbit (on-screen): No! No Rabbit here! There's no one here!

Pooh (on-screen): Hello, Rabbit!

Rabbit (on-screen): Why, P-Pooh. What a pleasant surprise... Nice to see you, too, Piglet. And...

Rabbit (on-screen): Is this a new friend? P-Pooh, I'm sorry, but... I'm all out of honey at the moment.

(Upon talking to Pooh.)
Pooh (on-screen): Sora, do you smell honey?

(Upon talking to Piglet.)
Piglet (on-screen): So, Rabbit came back, too. But someone's still missing... Some places in the Hundred Acre Wood are gone, too! Oh, wh-what to do?

(Upon talking to Rabbit.)
Rabbit (on-screen): I've nothing to give Pooh! Don't waste your time looking around!

(Upon examining the hidden honeypot.)
Rabbit (on-screen): H-Honey? Now, how did that get up there? Would you like some Pooh? Don't feel you have to, of course.

Pooh (on-screen): Oh, thank you, Rabbit. I would like just a small smackeral. I'm quite hungry.

Rabbit (on-screen): Um, Pooh Bear...

Rabbit (on-screen): You're not eating the whole pot, are you?

Rabbit (on-screen): Once you start, there's no stopping you, is there...

(Upon talking to Rabbit.)
Rabbit (on-screen): Ohh... Out of honey again.

(Upon talking to Pooh.)
Pooh (on-screen): I'm so glad to have found both Rabbit and some honey.

(Upon attempting to leave.)
Piglet (on-screen): H-Help! Please help Pooh!

(Upon talking to Pooh inside.)
Pooh (on-screen): Oh, help and bother. I'm stuck again. I came in through this hole, so it must have shrunk.

(Upon talking to Piglet.)
Piglet (on-screen): Oh, wh-what to do?

(Upon talking to Rabbit.)
Rabbit (on-screen): All this because he can't stop liking honey so much! If Pooh doesn't slim down, my house will stay plugged up forever! If only there were something we could do...

(Upon talking to Pooh outside.)
Pooh (on-screen): Oh, how will I eat honey if I'm stuck here? When it's lunch time, perhaps you could bring me a honey jar.

Rabbit (on-screen): No honey 'til you're unstuck! If Pooh doesn't slim down, my house will stay plugged up forever! If only there were something we could do... Wait, I know! A bit of carrot top juice will do the trick! I have a carrot patch on the other side of the stream. Carrot top juice is just the ticket to slimming down a Pooh!

Rabbit (on-screen): Oh, no!

Rabbit (cutscene)[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: After eating too much hunny, Pooh gets stuck in a hole in the wall of Rabbit's house. Rabbit thinks carrot top juice—a slimming concoction—will help.

On-screen: As rabbit looks over at his garden, he sees someone there. He hops over to confront them immediately.

Tigger (cutscene)[]

Tigger: (laughs) Hey, there! Name's Tigger! T-I-double-guh-RR. That spells Tigger! Well, now! I don't think I've ever seen you before!

Pooh: Hello, Tigger. You've just bounced my new friend Sora.

Tigger: Hey, Pooh! Say, you're lookin' mighty uncomfy today. Is that some new exercise? Why, bouncin' around is a lot more fun.

Sora: Wh-Why do you bounce around so much, Tigger?

Tigger: Why? 'Cause bouncin' is what Tiggers do best! Speaking of which, my bouncin' spot has gone and disappeared! So for now, this'll be my new bouncin' ground. (laughs)

My Carrots![]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Tigger's bouncing will ruin Rabbit's vegetables!

On-screen: Rabbit pleads with Sora to protect his carrots.

100 Acre Wood (gameplay 4)[]

Rabbit (on-screen): Tigger's bouncing will ruin my vegetables! And if we don't give Pooh some carrot top juice, he'll be stuck forever. Please help me! Keep Tigger away from my carrots!

Owl (on-screen): This is quite a fix. But I have just the solution. Pay attention, now.

Owl (on-screen): Sora, you'll have to protect this carrot patch. If Tigger bounces on a carrot twice, it'll be buried.

Owl (on-screen): Once... Twice!

Owl (on-screen): Just like that. Protect the carrots from Tigger's bounces and you'll receive points. How you ask? It's elementary! Simply get to the carrots before Tigger lands on them. There are fifteen carrots here. Your score depends on how many you save, and how many times you block Tigger. Oh, and one more thing.

Owl (on-screen): The Rush command is the key to a high score. Select Rush while near a carrot that isn't buried yet. You'll dash to the target area before Tigger lands. Well, good luck!

(Upon starting the minigame.)
On-screen: - Block Tigger -

Beat Tigger to the carrots before he bounces them into the ground!


(This cutscene varies on your score.)
(If you got a score of 150 or higher.)
Tigger: What's goin' on? Nobody keeps up with Tiggers! Maybe there's somethin' wrong with my tail...

(If you got a score of 75 or higher.)
Tigger: Say, you kept up pretty good there, Sora, especially for a non-Tigger! Let's have another go. (laughs)

(If you got a score of 74 or less.)
Tigger: (laughs) How about those bounceroonies? They were good even for a Tigger. (chuckles)

100 Acre Wood (gameplay 5)[]

(After the minigame.)
Rabbit (on-screen): Thank you so much. Now I'd better make that carrot top juice. I'll get the carrots, so please wait inside the house.

(Upon talking to Rabbit.)
Rabbit (on-screen): I'll get the carrots, so please wait inside the house.

(Upon entering the house.)
Rabbit (on-screen): Oh, what a day! I gave Pooh the carrot top juice. All we have to do now is push him out. Just a little push should do.

(Upon talking to Rabbit.)
Rabbit (on-screen): When you're ready to push him out, just talk to him. Just a little push should do.

A Little Push[]

Pooh: Oh, bother. Where am I? It's ever so dark in here. Well, it isn't so bad, I suppose. There is plenty of honey.

100 Acre Wood (gameplay 6)[]

(After pushing Pooh free.)
Rabbit (on-screen): First my vegetable patch and now this...

(Upon talking to Rabbit again.)
Rabbit (on-screen): Thank you so much.

(Upon talking to Tigger.)
Tigger (on-screen): Hey, you look like you're in a bouncin' mood.

(If you reply with "Sure am!", start the minigame.)
(If you reply with "Not now!", exit the conversation.)

100 Acre Wood (gameplay 7)[]

(Upon entering the Hill area.)
Piglet (on-screen): Look, Pooh. Something is floating this way.

Pooh (on-screen): I think you're right, Piglet. What could it be?

Pooh (on-screen): Why, it looks like Eeyore! Hello, Eeyore, if it is you.

Eeyore (on-screen): Hello, Pooh. Yes, it's me. Could you pull me out? That is, if it's not too much trouble. Of course, you don't have to if you don't want to.

(Upon talking to Rabbit.)
Rabbit (on-screen): Oh, hello! Thanks again for your help with my carrots.

(Upon talking to Pooh.)
Pooh (on-screen): I wonder what can we do?

(Upon talking to Piglet.)
Piglet (on-screen): Eeyore's drifting away! Sora, can you swim?

(Upon rescuing Eeyore.)
Eeyore (on-screen): Thank you, Pooh. Thank you, other you. You know, floating along out there, it seemed like something was missing... And something's still missing.

Piglet: Why, Eeyore's tail is gone! Is that what's missing?

Eeyore: Let's see... Yep, lost it again. Wonder where it went this time. It's not much of a tail, though I'm sort of attached to it. But I don't know why anybody'd look for it. Probably won't find it anyway...

Pooh (on-screen): Sora, why don't we all look for Eeyore's tail?

Owl (on-screen): Lost something?

Owl (on-screen): Searching from a high place is the quickest way to find it!

Sora (on-screen): Owl, can you fly up high and help us find Eeyore's tail?

Owl (on-screen): Sorry, but my eyes aren't what they used to be. Too much reading, you know. But I can offer good advice! Of course, you don't have to if you don't want to. See that swing up there? Take Pooh there. You're a bit too big for the swing, but Pooh should fit nicely. I'll tell you more when you get there.

(Upon talking to Piglet.)
Piglet (on-screen): Oh, dear. Where could it be?

(Upon talking to Rabbit.)
Rabbit (on-screen): Let's all look very hard, to help our friend Eeyore.

(Upon talking to Owl.)
Owl (on-screen): Pooh will follow you if you target him with [button prompt].

(Upon reaching the swing with Pooh.)
Owl (on-screen): Here's what to do. First, get ready to push.

Sora (on-screen): How?

Owl (on-screen): Like this.

Sora (on-screen): Like this?

Owl (on-screen): Then press [button prompt] to give Pooh a push.

On-screen: Press [button prompt]

Sora (on-screen): How's this?

Owl (on-screen): Not bad, not bad! Here's the next step. Press [button prompt] before he swings back to the bottom. If you time it right, Pooh will swing higher and higher. Try it! I'll help you with the timing. Press [button prompt] when I spread my wings. Push too soon, Pooh won't go any higher. Push too late, he'll go too high.

On-screen: - Pooh's Swing -

Press [button prompt] at the right time to send Pooh higher!

(If Pooh goes under 21 meters.)
Pooh (on-screen): Perhaps I'll have to fly farther to find Eeyore's tail.

Pooh (on-screen): Let's try again!

(If you reply with "Okay!", start the minigame again.)
(If you reply with "Maybe later.", exit the conversation.)

(If Pooh goes past 24 meters.)
Pooh (on-screen): I think I flew too far.

Pooh (on-screen): Let's try again!

(If you reply with "Okay!", start the minigame again.)
(If you reply with "Maybe later.", exit the conversation.)

(After the first attempt.)
Owl (on-screen): Careful, now. Eeyore's counting on us to find that tail! Give Pooh honey to pep him up.

(After the second attempt.)
Owl (on-screen): If Pooh gets tired, give him honey

(After getting around 21-24 meters.)
Eeyore (on-screen): Hm? That looks familiar...

Pooh (on-screen): How's it looking?

Sora (on-screen): There we go.

Eeyore (on-screen): It's not much of a tail, but it's mine. Thanks, everyone.

Pooh (on-screen): I wish we could put the Hundred Acre Wood back the way it was, too!

(Upon talking to Eeyore at the Hill.)
Eeyore (on-screen): I think Pooh wants to swing...

(If you reply with "I'll go push him.!", start the minigame.)
(If you reply with "Maybe later.", exit the conversation.)

(Upon talking to Pooh at the Hill.)
Pooh (on-screen): Let's play on the swing!

(If you reply with "Sure!", start the minigame.)
(If you reply with "Maybe later.", exit the conversation.)

(If Pooh lands on Eeyore's house again.)
Eeyore (on-screen): I'd better build my house where Pooh won't land on it...

(Upon talking to Pooh at his home.)
Pooh (on-screen): Brrr! I think I spend too much time on the swing.

(After lighting the campfire.)
Pooh (on-screen): Thank you, Sora. This is nice and warm. You've helped us so much. This is just something to say thank you.

Eeyore's Missing Tail[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: As Pooh and Piglet stand on the bridge overlooking the river, they see Eeyore floating toward them. They pull him out, only to realize his tail is missing.

On-screen: Pooh and Sora decide to search for it from a high place. They climb to the top of the hill, and there Pooh climbs onto the tree swing.

On-screen: As he swings, he flies off and lands on Eeyore's house.

On-screen: Among the remnants of his house, they find Eeyore's tail, making Eeyore very happy.


Interspace (gameplay 7)[]

Donald (on-screen): Okay, guys. Prepare for landing.

Sora (on-screen): Land where? In the sea? We'll drown!

Donald (on-screen): Not with my magic, we won't. Just leave it to me.

Under the Sea[]

Ariel: Come on, Sebastian!

Sebastian: Ariel, wait! Slow down! Don't leave me behind!

Ariel: Relax, Sebastian. They don't look like one of them. Right, Flounder?

Flounder: I don't know. There's something weird about them.

Sora: What do you mean?

Ariel: They do seem... a little different. Where are you from?

Sora: We're from kind of far away. And we're not really used to these waters.

Ariel: Oh, I see. In that case... Sebastian can show you how we swim around here.

Sebastian: Ariel, King Triton will not like this!

Ariel: Oh, don't worry.

Atlantica (gameplay 1)[]

Sebastian (on-screen): Easy for you to say... Okay, it's time you learn how to swim properly.

(On the console version.)
On-screen: Use the left stick to swim around. Press [button prompt] to rise, and [button prompt] to dive. Release them to stop rising or diving.

(On the PC version, without using a controller.)
On-screen: Use [button prompts] to swim around. Press [button prompt] to rise, and [button prompt] to dive. Release them to stop rising or diving.

Sebastian (on-screen): Practice swimming with Flounder. Try to tag him. All right. Begin.

(Upon talking to Sebastian.)
Sebastian (on-screen): Keep at it.

(Upon talking to Ariel.)
Ariel (on-screen): Good luck!

(Upon attempting to leave.)
Sebastian (on-screen): No, not that way!

Under the Sea, cont.[]

(After the tutorial the cutscene continues.)
Sebastian: Good job. Now let's move onto self-defense.

Ariel: Sebastian!

Sebastian: Class is over. Good luck!

Atlantica (gameplay 2)[]

(Upon talking to Ariel.)
Ariel (on-screen): Wow! Nice job.

(Upon attempting to leave.)
Ariel (on-screen): Hey, you can't just leave us!

(Upon examining the, or any, closed clam.)
On-screen: Hitting it might open it.

(After opening the clam.)
Ariel (on-screen): Those creatures chased us here.

Sebastian (on-screen): Oh, no! Those monsters might be heading for the palace, too!

Ariel (on-screen): We'd better head back right away!

Flounder: But, wh-what if we run into more on our way back?

Ariel (on-screen): I'm sorry, but we need your help. Please come to the palace with us. The trident markers on the walls point the way there. We won't get lost as long as we follow them. Okay, let's get going.

(Upon examining a closed colored clam.)
On-screen: Hitting it won't open it. How about magic?

(Upon examining the large treasure chest in the Undersea Gorge.)
On-screen: It's stuck in the hole. How can it be pulled out?

To the Palace[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)

On-screen: Sora, Donald, and Goofy defeat the Heartless that appear. However, they worry there may be more headed to the palace.

On-screen: Together with Ariel and her friends, they head there to make sure everyone's all right.

King Triton (cutscene)[]

Triton: That was too close. As long as I have my trident, I will not tolerate those creatures inside this palace.

Ariel: Daddy!

Triton: Oh, Ariel! When will you listen? It's dangerous out there!

Triton: Strange creatures lurk outside.

Sebastian: Behold. You swim before the ruler of the seas: His Majesty, King Triton.

Triton: And who are they?

Ariel: They helped us fight off those creatures.

Triton: They don't look familiar.

Sora: We're from an ocean very far away.

Goofy: Yup. We came to find the Keyhole.

Triton: The what?

Ariel: What's that?

Goofy: A-hyuck! Well, it's a—

Triton: There's no such thing! Certainly not here!

Ariel: But, Daddy...

Triton: Ariel, not another word! You are not to leave the palace. Is that clear?

Triton: Perhaps I'm being too strict... I'm just concerned for her safety.

Sebastian: Of course, Your Majesty. But I must admit, now I'm quite curious about this Keyhole.

Triton: That need not concern you, Sebastian. Have you anything to report?

Sebastian: Just as you suspected, Your Majesty, they seem to be coming from Ursula's grotto.

Triton: I knew it. That sea witch is up to no good again.

Triton: I see exile from the palace has taught her nothing.

Sebastian: Yes, she poses serious danger.

Triton: And I told you to keep Ariel away from such danger, did I not?

Sebastian: Your Majesty, please, I, uh...

Atlantica (gameplay 3)[]

(Upon talking to Triton.)

Triton (on-screen)
  • You came all this way swimming like that? Hmm.
  • Whoever you are, I want to thank you for helping Ariel.

(Upon talking to Sebastian.)

Sebastian (on-screen)
  • Ariel is a princess of Atlantica. But she's always swimming off from the palace and doing as she pleases. That girl ought to behave more like a princess.
  • King Triton is the ruler of Atlantica. Wielding his mighty trident, he keeps the peace throughout the seas. That Ariel makes him worry so much! But the willful child doesn't even realize it.
  • Once, a fortune-teller named Ursula lived in the palace. Oh, she was talented, but treacherous too. She was good at coaxing others into doing evil. In time, her wicked deeds enraged the king, and he banished her.
  • Strange visitors have come to Atlantica lately. The palace is safe, under His Majesty's protection. But there are dangers outside the palace. And still that girl refuses to listen to me.

(Upon entering the Undersea Gorge.)
Ariel (on-screen): Come to my grotto. I want to show you something. There it is. See?

(Upon entering Ariel's Grotto.)
Ariel (on-screen): Look at all the wonderful things Flounder and I've collected. I think it's all from the outside world. Someday, I'm going to see what's out there. I want to see other worlds. Does that sound strange?

Sora (on-screen): No. Not at all. I used to feel the same way.

Ariel (on-screen): Used to?

Sora (on-screen): I mean... I still do.

Ariel (on-screen): Hey, why don't we try looking for that Keyhole you were talking about?

Sora (on-screen): But your father said—

Ariel (on-screen): Oh, he treats me like a little girl. He never wants to let me do anything. He just... He just doesn't understand.

(Upon talking to Flounder.)
Flounder (on-screen): There's this really big fish who can swim against the current. But he's scared of those weird things swimming around. So if we chase them away, I think the big fish'll play with us. Maybe if you grab onto him, he'll take you somewhere.

A Treasure Trove[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)

On-screen: Ariel invites Sora and his friends to her grotto filled with treasures from the outside world.

On-screen: She's fascinated by the world above, but her father doesn't understand and urges her to stay away from the surface.

Ursulua, the Sea Witch[]

Ursula: (laughs) Those impudent fools will never find the Keyhole. But the girl could prove useful. And I've got the Heartless on my side. Triton, my old friend... Your day is coming. (laughs)

Atlantica (gameplay 4)[]

(Upon examining the hidden object in the Sunken Ship area.)
Sora (on-screen): Huh?

(Upon examining it again.)
Sora (on-screen): What is that thing?

(Upon examining it again.)
Sora (on-screen): If only I could reach it...

(Upon examining the vent in the passage between the Sunken Ship and the Undersea Gorge.)
On-screen: The water is rippling. Try hitting it.

(Upon opening the chest with the Crystal Trident.)
Ariel (on-screen): Hm. Its shape reminds me of something...

(Upon talking to Flounder.)
Flounder (on-screen): There's a shape here that looks just like the crystal you have.

Clashing Heads[]

Triton: Ariel, you've disobeyed me again!

Triton: I told you not to leave the palace!

Ariel: Daddy, no!

Ariel: How could you...

Triton: Young man, you're not from another ocean. You're from another world. Aren't you?

Sora: Huh?

Triton: Then you must be the key bearer.

Sora: How did you know?

Triton: You may fool Ariel, but you can't fool me. You don't know your dorsal fin from your tail.

Sora: Aw...

Triton: As the key bearer, you must already know... One must not meddle in the affairs of other worlds.

Sora: Of course I know that, but...

Triton: You have violated this principle. The key bearer shatters peace and brings ruin.

Goofy: Aw, Sora's not like that.

Triton: I thank you for saving my daughter. But there is no room in my ocean for you or your key.

The Stolen Trident[]

Flotsam: My, my, the poor child suffers such deep sorrow.

Jetsam: What a pity. If only there were something we could do...

Flotsam: Wait. Maybe she can be of some help.

Jetsam: Yes. Maybe she can be of some help to you.

Ariel: Who're you talking about?

Flotsam: Oh, she would surely help you.

Jetsam: She'd make all your dreams come true.

Flotsam & Jetsam: Ursula can help...

Ursula: You called, my dear?

Ariel: You're Ursula? I was just wondering if—

Ursula: It's all right. Helping others is what I live for. Let me guess. You wish to see other worlds. That shouldn't be too hard. After all, your new friends came from another world.

Ariel: What?

Ursula: But they had special help—that mysterious key.

Ursula: Now, now. Cheer up, sweetie. You have something special, too.

Ariel: Huh?

Ursula: Now listen carefully.

Atlantica (gameplay 5)[]

(Upon talking to Flounder.)
Flounder (on-screen): Where did Ariel go? I want to go look for her, but I'm s-sorta scared.

Clashing Heads, cont.[]

(Upon moving to Triton's Palace, the cutscene continues.)
Ursula: I think the Keyhole they seek is somewhere in the palace. Now, my dear, if you can take me there without your daddy knowing... I can help you get to these other worlds you long for.

(Upon moving to Triton's Throne, the cutscene continues.)
Ursula: (laughs) The trident is mine at last! And I couldn't have done it without your help, my dear.

Ariel: Ursula, no! I didn't want this!

Ursula: Why not? Aren't you tired of following your dear daddy's orders?

Ursula: Oh, yes. We had a deal, didn't we? Time for a little journey—to the dark world of the Heartless!

Flotsam: We cannot find the Keyhole.

Jetsam: The Keyhole is not here.

Ursula: What?

Ursula: Why, we have company. I'm afraid you're a little late, handsome!

Ariel: Daddy!

Triton: The trident... We must get it back.

Sora: Come on, let's go!

Ariel: Wait, I'm going with you! My father is hurt and it's all my fault. I have to stop Ursula!

Sebastian: That's right. I'm right behind you, Ariel.

Atlantica (gameplay 6)[]

(After the cutscene.)
Triton (on-screen): Ursula draws power from her cauldron. To defeat Ursula, you must strike her cauldron with magic.

(Upon talking to Triton.)

Triton (on-screen)
  • Ursula seems to come from the direction of the sunken ship. I've heard there's a contraption on the wall behind the shipwreck.
  • Ursula draws power from her cauldron. To defeat Ursula, you must strike her cauldron with magic.

(Upon talking to Flounder.)
Flounder (on-screen): There's this strange boulder by the sunken ship. It has some kind of marking on it.

(Upon examining the button while the shark is present.)
On-screen: Isn't there something else you should be doing?

(Upon examining the button again while the shark is present.)
On-screen: This isn't the time!

(Upon examining the button without the shark present.)
Sebastian (on-screen): Need some help? I'll show you how it's done.

(Upon talking to Triton after moving the boulder.)

Triton (on-screen)
  • I would accompany you myself, but in this condition... It's up to you now. Please keep Ariel safe.
  • Beware. That old sly sea witch is capable of anything. If anything happens to Ariel, I... don't know what I'll do.
  • Ursula draws power from her cauldron. To defeat Ursula, you must strike her cauldron with magic.

(Upon talking to Flounder after moving the boulder.)
Flounder (on-screen): Ursula used to live in the palace, before the king banished her. Maybe King Triton knows how to beat her.

Ursula's Lair[]

Donald: Come out! You can't run!

Sebastian: Your time has come!

Donald & Sebastian: (screams)

(After the fight, the cutscene continues.)
Ursula: (gasps) You'll pay for this!

Atlantica (gameplay 7)[]

(When either use their attack.)
Flotsam: No escape!

Jetsam: Take this!

(When she starts spinning.)
Ursula: (laughs)

(When she is knocked out.)
Ursula: (shouts)

(When she revives the two eels.)
Ursula: Get up and fight!

(When she casts the sea current attack from the cauldron.)
Ursula: Sea and wind, hear my command!

(When she casts the fireball attack from the cauldron.)
Ursula: Relent!

(Upon being defeated.)
Ursula: Impossible!

(After the bossfight.)
Ariel (on-screen): Let's go. We must get the trident back.

On-screen: To swim faster or against currents, equip this and press [button prompt] repeatedly.

(Upon examining Ursulua's seashell.)
Sora (on-screen): It's all clogged up. Let's look for another way.

(Upon examining the giant clam.)
On-screen: It's closed tight. Magic probably won't work.

(Upon examining the hidden sea urchin.)
On-screen: A sea urchin is hiding.

(Upon talking to Flounder.)
Flounder (on-screen): I made a new friend who took me way out, against the current. And I saw this weird cave, but I was too scared to go inside.

(Upon talking to Triton.)

Triton (on-screen)
  • You've all become much better swimmers. You've even learned how to make headway against strong currents.
  • The currents bring signs of darkness. Who knows what lies beyond that grotto...

The New Ruler of the Seas[]

Ursula: You pathetic fools! I rule the seas now!

Ursula: The sea and all its spoils bow to my power!

(After the fight the cutscene continues, but contains no dialogue.)

Atlantica (gameplay 8)[]

(When she uses her bubble attack.)

  • Hey, you. Not so fast! Get ready for this!
  • Get ready for this!

(Upon evading her inhale attack.)
Ursula: Hmph... Slippery little morsel.

(Upon biting someone after using her inhale attack.)
Ursula: Not very tasty.

(Prior to using her ray attack.)

  • Insolent little fool!
  • You dare to strike me!

(Upon losing 50% of her HP.)
Ursula: Now I'm angry, time to teach you some respect!

(Prior to using her lightning storm attack.)
Ursula: This won't be pretty!

(After the bossfight.)
Ariel (on-screen): Daddy, I'm so sorry.

Sora (on-screen): Please don't be angry with her.

Triton (on-screen): It's my fault. You followed Ursula because... I wouldn't let you follow your heart. And when you found that crystal, I lost my temper and destroyed it.

Goofy (on-screen): Oh, yeah, the crystal! Why did you destroy it?

Triton (on-screen): The crystal held the power to reveal the Keyhole. The Keyhole is dangerous. I had to keep you away from it at any cost.

Ariel (on-screen): Daddy...

Triton (on-screen): Key bearer, I have one more request: Seal the Keyhole. My trident also holds the power to reveal the Keyhole. Will you do it?

Sora (on-screen): Of course. That's what we had in mind from the start.

Ariel (on-screen): Where is the Keyhole, Daddy?

Triton (on-screen): You should know better than anyone. It's in your grotto.

Goofy (on-screen): Really... Sora, let's go.

(Upon talking to Triton.)

Triton (on-screen)
  • The time has come to use your key. The Keyhole is in Ariel's grotto. She never knew of its existence. Maybe her longing for other worlds drew it to her.
  • The Keyhole is in Ariel's grotto.

(Upon talking to Sebastian.)
Sebastian (on-screen): Ursula's gone and the trident has been recovered. What a relief. Now if only Ariel would settle down a bit...

Making Amends[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)

On-screen: Ariel apologizes for the trident getting stolen, but King Triton blames himself; he should've let her follow her heart.

On-screen: King Triton explains he had to destroy the crystal because it held the power to reveal the Keyhole, a danger from which he wanted to shield her.

On-screen: He requests Sora to seal it with his Keyblade.

Sealing the Keyhole: Atlantica[]

Ariel: Tell me, Sora. Your world, what's it like?

Sora: Oh, about that... Sorry for lying to you.

Ariel: (giggles) It's okay. Besides, if you can travel to other worlds, maybe I can, too. So many places I want to see... I know I'll get there someday. I'll find a way somehow. I'm sure of it.

Sebastian: Well, if you find it, do me a favor and leave me out of it.

Atlantica (gameplay 9)[]

(After the cutscene.)
Ariel (on-screen): This is from my collection. I want you to have it.

(Upon talking to Flounder.)
Flounder (on-screen): The waters feel calm now—probably because Ursula's gone.

(Upon talking to Triton.)

Triton (on-screen)
  • I seem to have misjudged you all. Ariel is safe and sound, and the trident has been returned, thanks to you. I did not trust you, and for that I apologize.
  • Mark me, key bearer. Use the key with caution. If mishandled, it may bring unspeakable calamity. Just like my trident. Take heed.(Upon talking to Jack.)

(Upon talking to Flounder after leaving the world and coming back.)
Flounder (on-screen): Me and Ariel are gonna go play. But don't tell the king, okay?

(Upon talking to Ariel after leaving the world and coming back.)
Ariel (on-screen): You've been traveling to many different worlds, right? Come back someday and tell me all about it, okay?

(Upon talking to her again after not placing her in your party.)
Ariel (on-screen): Ever since that incident, Daddy's tried to be more understanding. He's not as over-protective as he used to be. But he still doesn't like me going out. Sebastian has kept an eye on me wherever I go.

(Upon talking to her again after not placing her in your party.)
Ariel (on-screen): Just you watch. Someday I'll travel to other worlds, too. I'll keep looking for a door to lead me there. The search for that door is sort of my road to maturity. Sora, have you found your door yet?

(Upon talking to Triton after leaving the world and coming back.)
Triton (on-screen): Guard it well. It must not fall under the sway of darkness.

(Upon talking to Sebastian after leaving the world and coming back.)
Sebastian (on-screen): I want to get back to writing symphonies. Who am I kidding... That girl will keep me busy forever.

100 Acre Wood[]

100 Acre Wood (gameplay 8)[]

(Upon approaching Tigger and Roo.)
Tigger (on-screen): This here is my bouncin spot! We can bounce around here all day!'

Roo (on-screen): Nothing beats bouncin'!

Tigger (on-screen): You wanna bounce too, Sora? It's lotsa of fun!

Roo (on-screen): Lots fun!

(If you reply with "Maybe later.", exit the conversation.)
(If you reply with "Okay!", Owl appears.)

Owl (on-screen): To bounce with the finest, you'll need some pointers from the finest.

Roo (on-screen): But, Owl, you don't bounce around like we do.

Owl (on-screen): I'm afraid you're right. I can't master everything, I suppose.

Tigger (on-screen): Bounce this way, please!

(Upon talking to Roo.)
Roo (on-screen): Nothing beats bouncin'!

(Upon talking to Tigger.)
On-screen: - Tigger's Bounce -

Watch Tigger's bouncing pattern, then follow his lead!

Tigger (on-screen): Here's a little warm-up.

(Upon talking to Tigger again for round two.)
Tigger (on-screen): Now it gets tricky.

(Upon talking to Tigger again for round three.)
Tigger (on-screen): You're doing fantastical! This'll be the last one.

(Upon talking to Tigger after beating 'Tigger's Bounce'.)
Tigger (on-screen): You've gotten mighty good at bouncin', Sora! Right, Roo?

(Upon talking to Roo after beating 'Tigger's Bounce'.)
Roo (on-screen): Hey, Tigger! I think he's ready for the big one!

Tigger (on-screen): Well, there's only one way to find out!

On-screen: - Tigger's Giant Pot -

Whack the nuts back at the pot to shatter it!

(Upon talking to Roo after failing the minigame.)
Roo (on-screen): Aw, you couldn't do it? Try again, okay?

(Upon talking to Tigger after destroying the pot.)
Tigger (on-screen): Let's go try the seesaw!

(Upon talking to Roo after failing the minigame.)
Roo (on-screen): Wow, Sora, you're so good at everything!

(Upon approaching the seesaw.)
On-screen: Who'll be your seesaw partner?

Never mind.

(Upon talking to Owl, without a rare nut in your inventory.)
Owl (on-screen): Rare nuts grow on these trees. I'll trade you things for them.

(Upon finding a rare nut.)
On-screen: Found a rare nut!

(Upon talking to Owl with a Rare Nut in your inventory.)
Owl (on-screen): Ah, splendid. Here's something in return.

(Upon talking to Owl without a Rare Nut in your inventory.)
Owl (on-screen): Would you be so kind as to collect a few more nuts for me?

(Upon bringing the fifth nut to Owl.)
Owl (on-screen): Look at all these nuts! We couldn't have done it without you.

(Upon talking to Owl again.)
Owl (on-screen): What are they for? It's a secret.

(Upon talking to Pooh.)
Pooh (on-screen): This tree doesn't have honey, I see.

(Upon talking to Piglet.)
Piglet (on-screen): I wonder what this is.

Tigger and Roo[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Tigger and Roo bounce.

On-screen: Sora decides to join the fun.

Halloween Town[]

Halloween Town (gameplay 1)[]

Goofy: This sure is a spooky place. I'll bet the people here are scary-lookin' too.

Donald: Don't worry. We look spooky, too. If they scare us, we'll scare them right back!

Goofy: You think so?

The King of Nightmares[]

Mayor: And now, allow me to introduce... The master of terror... the king of nightmares—Jack Skellington!

Mayor: Bravo, Jack! Bravo! Those ghosts will be a big hit at this year's Halloween!

Jack Skellington: Thank you, thank you! But their movement still needs work. It's not scary enough. I want to strike bone-chilling terror. I'm going to consult the doctor.

Mayor: Then I'll go attend to the decorations.

Halloween Town (gameplay 2)[]

(Upon talking to the Mayor.)
Mayor (on-screen): That's quite a costume! Welcome to Halloween Town! To our town, Halloween means everything. Jack and the rest of us are always looking for new ways to scare people.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Mayor (on-screen): These Heartless folks look great, don't they? This year's theme is "The Heartless Halloween!" Luckily, Jack found a book that talks about the Heartless.

To Make a Heart[]

Jack Skellington: I don't understand. Maybe the guidance system was damaged in the explosion.

Finkelstein: Nonsense. My devices are always perfect!

Jack Skellington: Oh, I've got it! Why, of course! The Heartless need a heart! Doctor, do you think we can add a heart to that device?

Finkelstein: Certainly. A heart's not all that complicated. Let's get to work.

Jack Skellington: To make a heart, first take a container with a lock...

Finkelstein: We need the key to this thing first!

Halloween Town (gameplay 3)[]

(After the cutscene.)
Donald (on-screen): You're really gonna unlock it for them?

Sora (on-screen): Why not? If they succeed, we won't have to fight the Heartless, right? Besides, I want to see the Heartless dance, too. Don't you?

Donald (on-screen): Not really.

To Make a Heart, cont.[]

Jack Skellington: My! That was amazing! Uh, and you are...

Sora: Sora.

Jack Skellington: Well done, Sora! I'd like you to be a part of this year's Halloween.

Sora: What's this Heartless doing here?

Jack Skellington: Oh, the Heartless came to town just recently. What's frustrating is I can't get them to dance with me. So the doctor and I are trying to improve the guidance system. He's quite a genius! Okay, Doctor, let's continue. The ingredients for a heart: Pulse. Emotion.

Finkelstein: Terror.

Jack Skellington: Fear. Hope and despair. Mix them all together, and we have a heart!

Finkelstein: It failed! Maybe we're missing some ingredients. Let's try adding memory. Sally! Sally! Good-for-nothing girl! Don't know why I bothered creating her! Sally's got the memory we need. See if you can track her down.

Jack Skellington: No problem. Sora, would you like to come along?

Sora: Sure.

Halloween Town (gameplay 4)[]

(Upon talking to Finkelstein.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): Sally should have the "memory" we need, but she's not here. Where could that girl be?

(Upon talking to him again.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): You might find Sally at her favorite place. You know, where people nap forever. Can you guess where?

(Upon talking to him again.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): I Can't get anything done without Sally! What a nuisance!

Out of Control[]

Mayor: Jack! Jack! We have a major crisis! The Heartless are completely out of control! We can't stop them!

Jack Skellington: Hmm... Maybe our experiment triggered something. Everything will be fine, Mayor. You have nothing to worry about.

Halloween Town (gameplay 5)[]

(Upon talking to the Mayor.)
Mayor (on-screen): The heartless are completely out of control. The festival will be ruined!

(Upon talking to him again.)
Mayor (on-screen): Please get rid of them for us!

(Upon arriving in the Graveyard.)
Sora (on-screen): Let's check this place, too, once the Heartless here are out of our way.

The Memory[]

Jack Skellington: Zero! Have you seen Sally anywhere?

Sally: (gasps) Is something wrong, Jack?

Jack Skellington: No, everything's going great. We're going to have the best Halloween ever. All we need now is your memory.

Sally: "Memory"? You mean this?

Sally: Jack, I have a bad feeling about this. Why don't you try something else? There's still time.

Jack Skellington: Nothing could beat what I've got planned! Once we give the Heartless a heart, they'll dance just as I envision it. Trust me. You're going to love it!

Halloween Town (gameplay 6)[]

(Upon talking to Sally without Jack in your party.)
Sally (on-screen): I have a bad feeling about this. If only Jack would reconsider... I'm happy if he's happy, but I'm just so worried about him. I'm worried about him because I...well, I just am.

(Upon talking to Sally with Jack in your party.)
Sally (on-screen): Jack, why not have these kids star in the festival instead? They both look rather frightful. And funny, too. They'd be better than the Heartless.

The Memory, cont.[]

Lock: Lock!

Shock: Shock!

Barrel: Barrel!

Barrel: Did you hear that?

Lock: Yeah, I sure did! A heart! What should we do?

Shock: Gosh, you really are stupid! Isn't it obvious?

Barrel: Tell Oogie Boogie.

Halloween Town (gameplay 7)[]

(Upon talking to Finkelstein.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): Yes. This is it. Now, just one more ingredient. We need "surprise" to complete the heart. The mayor should know where it is.

Oogie Boogie's plan[]

Oogie Boogie: (laughs) A heart? That bonehead Jack is really making a heart? I'll be jiggered! That works for me! Ohh, when I get my hands on that... Well, I've got no hands, but I'm still gonna nab that heart and control the Heartless. (laughs)

Halloween Town (gameplay 8)[]

(Upon talking to Finkelstein.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): Now all we need is "surprise". I've left that to the mayor.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): All I'll say is that a coffin will lead you to him.

(Upon talking to the Mayor.)
Mayor (on-screen): Ghost rise from those tombstones. Check the tombstones in the order the ghosts appear. If you get it wrong, you're in for a surprise!

(Upon talking to him again.)
Mayor (on-screen): Check the tombstones.

(Upon examining a wrong tombstone.)
On-screen: Ghost rise from those tombstones. Check the tombstones in the order the ghosts appear.

(After getting the order correctly.)
Mayor (on-screen): Splendid! Now go look at the pumpkin.

(After opening the chest.)
Mayor (on-screen): Well? That was some surprise, eh?

(Upon talking to him again.)
Mayor (on-screen): I hope the heart's finished in time for the festival.

(Upon examining the tree-shaped crypt in the Moonlight Hill.)
On-screen: Shut tight.

(Upon examining the floating platform in the Moonlight Hill.)
On-screen: Is this a lantern? Try lighting it.

(Upon talking to Finkelstein.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): Yes. This is it.

The Stolen Heart[]

Finkelstein: There you go. This time it's sure to work.

Barrel: Ya!

Finkelstein: (shouts)

Halloween Town (gameplay 9)[]

(Upon talking to Finkelstein.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): The nerve of those little hooligans, stealing my work!

(Upon talking to him again.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): Those three must be working for Oogie Boogie. They're probably at Oogie Boogie's place right now.

The Stolen Heart, cont.[]

(Upon entering the Guillotine Square.)
Sora: Agh. We lost them!

Jack Skellington: Zero, after them, quick!

(Upon entering the Graveyard and Bridge the cutscene continues, but contains no dialogue.)

(Upon entering the Manor area.)
Jack Skellington: I knew Oogie Boogie was behind this!

Halloween Town (gameplay 10)[]

(Upon examining the green door.)
On-screen: No knob, no keyhole. There must be a device somewhere to open it.

(Randomly during the fight.)
Shock: Mister don't hurt me. (giggles)

(Sometimes after her spin attack.)
Shock: Dizzy, dizzy!

(Sometimes upon being hit.)
Lock: Ow ow ow!

(Each character, upon being defeated.)

  • Okay!
  • I surrender! Sorry.

Barrel: I'll behave, I promise! I was just following orders.

Shock: Have a heart! Oogie Boogie made me do it.

(After the bossfight.)
Shock (on-screen): We were just following orders! Oogie Boogie told us to steal the heart. It's all Barrels fault! It was his idea to tell Oogie Boogie about the heart.

Lock (on-screen): Yeah, that's right!

Barrel (on-screen): B-But you guys said—

Shock (on-screen): You should be ashamed!

(Upon talking to Lock.)
Lock (on-screen): Oogie Boogie made us do it. We had no choice.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Lock (on-screen): There's no way I'm gonna take you to him! If I did that, Oogie Boogie would eat us, too.

(Upon talking to Shock.)
Shock (on-screen): Hey, I was just following Oogie Boogie's orders!

(Upon talking to her again.)
Shock (on-screen): We don't have the heart! Oogie Boogie has it!

(Upon talking to Barrel.)
Barrel (on-screen): Oogie Boogie told us not to give away his hiding place. Oh, and we're not supposed to talk about the lever, either.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Barrel (on-screen): What's he going to do with the heart? Beats me.

(Upon talking to him again after hitting the lever.)
Barrel (on-screen): I'd stay away from Oogie Boogie if I were you.

(Upon talking to Shock again after hitting the lever.)
Shock (on-screen): You'll never find the green door!

(Upon talking to Finkelstein.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): You've got to get my heart back before Oogie Boogie ruins it!

(Upon talking to him again.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): Oogie Boogie must be in his manor. Go quickly and recover the heart!

(After entering the Torture Chamber.)
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Oogie Boogie, give me back the heart!

Come and get it[]

Oogie Boogie: You want it? Well, then come on over and get it!

Oogie Boogie: (laughs) Now, let's see if I can get their attention. Oh, Heartless!

Oogie Boogie: This is it? Nobody disrespects me! Nobody!

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

Oogie Boogie: (screams)

Halloween Town (gameplay 11)[]

(Sometimes when he throws dice.)
Oogie Boogie: C'mon, baby!

(Whenever the dice result in ones.)
Oogie Boogie: One! Buzzsaw!

(Whenever the dice result in twos.)
Oogie Boogie: Two! (laughs)

(Whenever the dice result in threes.)
Oogie Boogie: Three! (laughs)

(Whenever the dice result in fours.)
Oogie Boogie: Four! Fifth wheel!

(Whenever the dice result in fives.)
Oogie Boogie: Five! (laughs)

(Whenever the dice result in sixes.)
Oogie Boogie: Six! Healing machine!

(Upon stepping onto a roulette button without trapping Oogie Boogie.)
Oogie Boogie: Nothing!

(After the fight.)
Jack Skellington (on-screen): So, that heart was a failure after all.

Sealing the Keyhole: Traverse Town[]

Sora: Whoa!

Goofy: (shouts)

Jack Skellington: Huh?

Oogie Boogie: (shouts)

(After the fight the cutscene continues but contains no dialogue.)

Halloween Town (gameplay 12)[]

Sora (on-screen): Whoa! How did he get so big?

Jack Skellington (on-screen): Look! It's brimming with the power of darkness! Oogie Boogie is drawing power from those dark globs!

Sora (on-screen): So we just have to destroy those things, right?

Another Halloween Plan[]

Jack Skellington: Sally, why didn't I listen to you?

Sally: Don't feel bad, Jack. We'll come up with another plan for Halloween. Next time, we'll do it together.

Halloween Town (gameplay 13)[]

Jack Skellington (on-screen): I guess we have no choice. We'll have to cancel the Heartless Halloween festival for now. Here, I want you to have this.

Jack Skellington (on-screen): Visit us any time, Sora. Next year's Halloween will be the scariest ever!

Finkelstein (on-screen): Emotion, memory... We put in all the necessary ingredients. What else do you need to make a heart? What is a heart, anyway? I can't figure it out.

(Upon talking to Jack.)
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Hi, Sora. Care to join me for a stroll around Halloween Town?

(If you reply with "Sure.")
Jack Skellington (on-screen): Great! Let's go, then.

(If you reply with "Maybe next time.", close the conversation.)

(Upon talking to Jack again, after selecting "Maybe next time".)
Jack Skellington (on-screen): What should we do for next year's festival? If you have any good ideas, let me know!

(Upon talking to Jack again.)
Jack Skellington (on-screen): I've got to make next Halloween a big success.

(Upon talking to Sally.)
Sally (on-screen): Jack is still talking about the Heartless Halloween. He still seems set on doing it.

(Upon talking to Sally again.)
Sally (on-screen): The doctor's still researching the heart.

(Upon talking to Sally again.)
Sally (on-screen): Jack's happiest when he's planning the festival. And when he's happy, I'm happy.

(Upon talking to Finkelstein.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): My artificial heart should've been a huge success, but it was a huge failure! I can't figure out what went wrong.

(Upon talking to Finkelstein.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): Maybe I used the wrong ingredient for "terror"? I'll try a skull, or an actual Heartless next time.

(Upon talking to Finkelstein.)
Finkelstein (on-screen): Hmm... Perhaps I need to perfect terror first.

(Upon talking to the Mayor.)
Mayor (on-screen): You'd better keep an eye on those three rascals. They may pull a prank the second you look away.

(Upon talking to the Mayor again.)

Mayor (on-screen)
  • Jack's already planning for next year's festival! Please join us next Halloween.
  • The doctor's still trying to make a heart.

(Upon talking to Lock.)
Lock (on-screen): Halloween Town's quiet with Oogie Boogie gone. So we're gonna shake it up. Quiet is boring!

(Upon talking to him again.)
Lock (on-screen): We promise to be good, at least while you're here. We've learned our lesson. Trust us.

(Upon talking to Shock.)
Shock (on-screen): I'm not doing anything bad... Not now, anyway. I'm keeping an eye on Lock and Barrel.

(Upon talking to Barrel.)
Barrel (on-screen): Actually, I don't like pulling pranks. But I don't wanna be left out, either.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Barrel (on-screen): It's not fair, I get blamed for everything they do.

100 Acre Wood[]

100 Acre Wood (gameplay 9)[]

(Upon approaching Pooh.)
Sora (on-screen): What are you doing, Pooh?

Pooh (on-screen): Shh. Quiet, or they'll get away!

Sora (on-screen): Who?

Pooh (on-screen): The people who took everyone away. See their footprints? We were all sticking together to make sure no one got lost again. But then, I saw some footprints that needed following. So I did. Suddenly, everyone was gone. Bad people must have taken them away!

Sora (on-screen): Actually, Pooh, I think those footprints are... Um... Anyway, I'll help you look for your friends.

(Upon examining the bushes to where Eeyore is.)
Sora (on-screen): Eeyore?

Eeyore (on-screen): Hello.

Sora (on-screen): What are you doing?

Eeyore (on-screen): Lookin' for sticks to build my house...again.

Sora (on-screen): Sticks for your house?

Sora (on-screen): This place already feels like a house... Seems like a great spot to gather everyone once we find them.

On-screen: - Pooh's Muddy Path -

Help Pooh find his lost! Target him with [button prompt] to guide him.

(Upon examining the flowers.)
Sora (on-screen): What pretty flowers... Pooh's got to see this.

(Upon bringing Pooh to Roo.)
Pooh (on-screen): There you are, Roo!

(Upon talking to Roo.)
Roo (on-screen): I tried bouncin' as high as Tigger. I was so busy tryin' to bounce, I forgot to watch where I was bouncin'!

(Upon talking to Rabbit.)
Rabbit (on-screen): Owl looked so intent on something, well, I just had to follow him! But then Owl flew off into the sky, and there I was, all by myself.

(Upon talking to Tigger.)
Tigger (on-screen): I saw Pooh walkin' away, so I bounced after him! Then I bounced a bit too high, and I lost sight of ol' Pooh Bear!

(Upon talking to Owl.)
Owl (on-screen): I thought I'd better have a word with Roo about his bouncing. The next thing I knew, quite to my surprise, I was lost, too!

(Upon finding Piglet.)
Sora (on-screen): Hello, Piglet. So this is where you've been. Maybe I should bring Pooh along.

(Upon bringing Pooh to Piglet.)
Pooh (on-screen): Hello, Piglet.

Piglet (on-screen): Pooh! Where are we?

Pooh (on-screen): I don't know where we are either, Piglet. But if we go back the way we came, we should find home.

(Upon talking to Piglet.)
Piglet (on-screen): I got scared when everyone disappeared, so I hid.

(Upon finding everyone.)
Pooh (on-screen): Everyone's here!

(If you return and talk to Pooh again.)
Pooh (on-screen): I wonder how quickly we can find everyone.

(If you reply with "Let's find out!", start the minigame.)

(If you reply with "No idea.", end the conversation.)

(Upon finding everyone again.)
Pooh (on-screen): That was fun. Let's do it again sometime.

Where Is Everyone?[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: Puzzled, Pooh wanders around with his eyes firmly on the ground.

On-screen: He was following footprints, and when he realized it, everyone was gone. Sora decides to help Pooh find his friends.

On-screen: They find Eeyore in a bramble bush looking for sticks to rebuild his house. Tigger is bouncing on a log, and Roo is standing on a tree root. They find Rabbit, who had gotten lost chasing Owl. Piglet is hiding in a tree, scared because everyone had disappeared.

On-screen: All friends are found, safe and sound.

Sealing the Keyhole: 100 Acre Wood[]

Piglet: I'm so glad we're all together again. (chuckles) I didn't know what to do when I was all alone.

Tigger: Aw, Piglet, you gotta be brave.

Piglet: You weren't lonely at all?

Tigger: Lonely? Are you kiddin'? I'm a Tigger! The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one. But I do admit, friends are awfully fun, too! (chuckles)

Pooh: Think, think, think.

Sora: Hey, Pooh, what are you thinking about now?

Pooh: Oh, well, I'm just thinking about what to think about.

Sora: Well, I'm off.

Piglet: Sora, where are you going?

Sora: I'm gonna go look for my friends. They're waiting for me.

Tigger: Bounce on back again! (laughs)

Piglet: I hope you find your friends!

Pooh: Sora, don't forget... We shall always be here. If you'd like to visit again, that is.


Interspace (gameplay 8)[]

Goofy (on-screen): Uh, a big ship is catching up to us.

Donald (on-screen): Quit gawking! That's a pirate ship!

Sora (on-screen): It's going to ram us! Hold tight!

Aboard the Pirate Ship[]

Riku: I didn't think you'd come, Sora.

Riku: Good to see you again.

Sora: Where are Donald and Goofy?

Riku: Are they that important to you? More important than old friends? Instead of worrying about them, you should be asking...

Riku: ...about her.

Sora: Kairi!

Riku: That's right. While you were off goofing around, I finally found her.

Hook: Not so fast. No shenanigans aboard my vessel, boy.

Sora: Riku, why are you siding with the Heartless?

Riku: The Heartless obey me now, Sora. Now I have nothing to fear.

Sora: You're stupid. Sooner or later they'll swallow your heart.

Riku: Not a chance. My heart's too strong.

Sora: Riku...

Riku: I've picked up a few other tricks as well. Like this, for instance.

Riku: You can go see your friends now.

Riku: Let's get under way, already. And keep Sora away from Kairi until we're ready to land.

Hook: That scurvy brat thinks he can order me around!

Smee: What shall we do, Captain Hook?

Hook: Nothing! The hold is crawling with Heartless.

Hook: Let them keep an eye on the brats.

Smee: But, Captain, you-know-who is also down—

Hook: Shh... Did you hear that, Smee? Oh, that dreadful sound!

Smee: No, Captain.

Hook: Are you quite sure? Did I imagine it? Oh, my poor nerves...

Peter Pan (cutscene)[]

Goofy: You don't say?

Sora: Yeah, it was definitely Kairi. I've finally found her.

Goofy: All right! A-hyuck! Then let's go up and talk to her.

Sora: Yeah!

Donald: Sounds great. Okay, but first... how about getting off!

Sora: Oh (chuckles), sorry.

Peter Pan: (clears throat) How ya doin' there? Looking for a way out?

Goofy: Who are you?

Peter Pan: I'm the answer to your prayers.

Donald: Hmm.

Peter Pan: Okay, then. Fine. Have it your way.

Sora: But you're stuck in here too, aren't you?

Peter Pan: No. I'm just waiting for someone.

Sora: Who?

Peter Pan: Tinker Bell, what took you so long?

Peter Pan: Great job. So you found Wendy?

Peter Pan: Hold on. There was another girl there, too?

Peter Pan: Are you crazy? There's no way I'm gonna leave Wendy there!

Donald: Aha. She must be pretty jealous. (laughs) Ow.

Peter Pan: Come on, Tink! Open up the door!

Sora: Ahem!

Peter Pan: I'm Peter Pan.

Sora: I'm Sora.

Peter Pan: Okay, we're in this together, but only 'til we find Wendy.

Anyone Can Fly[]

Goofy: So, uh, how come you can fly?

Peter Pan: Anyone can fly. You wanna try? (whistles)

Peter Pan: Aw, haven't you cooled off yet, Tink? Just a little bit of pixie dust. There. Now you can fly.

The Seven Chosen Ones[]

Hook: What? So Wendy's not one of the chosen ones?

Riku: There are seven, supposedly, and Maleficent says she's not one of them. Hoist anchor as soon as possible. Leave all the dead weight behind, including her.

Hook: After the trouble of capturing her? And why those seven? What is Maleficent planning, anyway?

Riku: Who knows? As long as it means getting Kairi's heart back, I couldn't care less.

Hook: You're wasting your time! The Heartless have devoured that girl's heart. I'll stake me other hand it's lost forever.

Riku: I will find it no matter what.

Smee: Uh, Captain...

Hook: What?

Smee: The prisoners have escaped. What's more, Peter Pan is with them.

Hook: Blast that Peter Pan! All right, then! Bring the hostage to me cabin, Smee! Hop to it!

The Hostages[]

Peter Pan: What is it, Tink?

Wendy: Peter? Peter Pan?

Peter Pan: Wendy!

Wendy: Please hurry! The pirates are coming!

Peter Pan: What! I'll be right up there! Just hold on!

Sora: Wendy?

Wendy: Yes?

Sora: Is there another girl in there with you?

Wendy: Oh, why, yes. But she seems to be asleep. She hasn't budged an inch.

Sora: Kairi? Kairi!

Wendy: (gasps)

Peter Pan: Wendy! Hey, let's get up there!

Neverland (gameplay 1)[]

(Upon approaching the door to Wendy and Kairi's cabin, prior to activating the Green Trinity.)
Peter Pan: Wendy, are you in there?

Shadow Sora (cutscene)[]

Sora: Riku, wait!

Saving Wendy[]

Peter Pan: Wendy!

Peter Pan: Come on, Tink! Not now! Well, this is as far as I can go. I've gotta help Wendy.

Fly, Sora[]

Hook: Quite a codfish, that Riku—running off with that girl without even saying goodbye.

Sora: Run off where? Tell me, where did he go?

Hook: To the ruins of Hollow Bastion, where Maleficent resides. But you won't be going there.

Sora: (gasps)

Hook: Unless you intend to leave your little pixie friend behind?

Sora: (sighs)

Hook: Hand over the Keyblade and I'll spare your lives. Be glad I'm merciful, unlike the Heartless. So, which will it be? The Keyblade, or the plank?

Hook: It's him! The crocodile that took me hand! Oh, Smee! He's after me other hand! I can't stay here! Go away! Oh, I can't stand the sight of him! Smee, you take care of them!

Peter Pan: Fly, Sora! Just believe, and you can do it!

Sora: Thanks, Peter.

Peter Pan: Hey, don't mention it. You didn't think I'd leave you and Tink behind, did you?

Neverland (gameplay 2)[]

On-screen: In Neverland, Sora and his friends can fly. While jumping, press [button prompt] to fly. Then press [button prompt] to rise and [button prompt] and [button prompt] to descend.

Sora (on-screen): You're all going down!

Battle vs. Captain Hook[]

Hook: Is that you, Smee? Did you finish them off?

Peter Pan: Aye, Captain. They walked the plank, every last one of them.

Hook: P-Peter Pa—blast you!

Peter Pan: Ready to make a splash, you codfish? Now it's your turn to talk the plank!

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

Hook: (screams)

Neverland (gameplay 3)[]

(Sometimes when he does a normal attack.)
Hook: Take that!

(When he throws a bomb.)
Hook: Fire!

(When he taunts for his counter-attack.)
Hook: Come and get me!

(When he jumps back out of the water.)
Hook: You'll not get me other hand!

(When he summons new Battleship Heartless.)
Hook: Heartless! Come out!

(When he has lost sight of you for a while.)
Hook: Where did they go?

If You Believe[]

Goofy: Uh, Kairi couldn't wake up, so maybe she's really lost her—

Donald: (shushes)

Peter Pan: Sora.

Sora: I still can't believe it. I really flew. Wait 'til I tell Kairi. I wonder if she'll believe me. Probably not.

Peter Pan: You can bring her to Neverland sometime. Then she can try it herself.

Sora: If you believe, you can do anything, right? I'll find Kairi. I know I will. There's so much I want to tell her—about flying, the pirates, and everything else that's happened.

Peter Pan: What's that, Tink? What about the clock tower? You say there's something there?

Neverland (gameplay 4)[]

(Upon talking to Wendy.)
Wendy (on-screen): You'll find her, Sora. Just don't give up.

(Upon talking her again.)
Wendy (on-screen): Thanks to Big Ben you can tell the time from anywhere in London. But one off the clocks if off. I do hope it doesn't confuse too many people.

(Upon talking her again.)

Wendy (on-screen)
  • Would you try striking the hands? That may fix it.
  • Something is shining on the roof, I wonder what it could be...

Sealing the Keyhole: Neverland[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue.)

The Dark Powers[]

Riku (on-screen): Hey, Sora.

Sora (on-screen): Hm?

Riku (on-screen): When we grow up, let's get off this island. We'll go on real adventures, not this kid stuff!

Sora (on-screen): Sure. But isn't there anything fun to do now? Hey, you know the new girl at the mayor's house? She arrived on the night of the meteor shower!

Riku: (gasps)

Maleficent: It was reckless to bring her here without at least using a vessel. Remember, relying too heavily on the dark powers could cost you your heart.

Beast: (growls)

Maleficent: A castaway. Though his world perished, his heart did not. When we took the princess from his castle, he apparently followed her here through sheer force of will. But fear not. No harm will come to you. He is no match for your power.

Riku: My power?

Maleficent: Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your true potential.

Remember Neverland[]

Wendy: Peter, are you really going back to Neverland?

Peter Pan: Afraid so. But we can see each other any time. As long as you don't forget about Never Land, that is.

Donald: (laughs)

Peter Pan: Oh, boy. She's getting' steamed again. Do me a favor. Look after her for me, will ya?

Sora: What?

Neverland (gameplay 5)[]

(Upon talking to Wendy.)
Wendy (on-screen): Peter remains with me as long as I remember him.

(Upon talking her again.)
Wendy (on-screen): You will find Kairi if she remains in your heart.

Interspace (gameplay 9)[]

Donald (on-screen): Well, we found the Navi-Gummi piece. Let's go back to town.

Sora (on-screen): Cid'll install it on the ship once we bring it to him.

Olympus Coliseum[]

Olympus Coliseum (gameplay 8)[]

(Upon reaching the final round in the Hercules Cup.)
Hercules (on-screen): Show me what you've got!

Sora (on-screen): Hercules, wait. Let's go one-on-one!

Donald (on-screen): Oh, brother. What a show-off.

Goofy (on-screen): What're we gonna do?

Donald (on-screen): Let him go alone, I guess.

Goofy (on-screen): Good luck, Sora!

Hercules (on-screen): I'm not gonna go easy on you!

The Hercules Cup[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)
On-screen: With a tournament win under their belt, Sora asks Phil if strength is what's needed to be a hero. Phil responds that it's not strength, but a strong heart.

On-screen: The three enter the Hercules Cup.

On-screen: When they get to the final match, Sora decides to take on Hercules by himself and wins.

Strength of Heart[]

Hercules: Wow! And I didn't even hold back!

Sora: Now I finally know what you mean about strength of heart. Mine comes from Donald and Goofy.

Philoctetes: Come again?

Sora: If we stick together, we're unbeatable. Not even Hercules stands a chance.

Sora: With these guys beside me, I'm ready for anything!

Philoctetes: But that's not exactly what I—

Hercules: Of course. Your friends give you strength. Isn't that right, Phil? The three of you together make great heroes.

Hercules: And as a team, I'm sure you can overcome anything.

Sealing the Keyhole: Olympus Coliseum[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue.)

Olympus Coliseum (gameplay 9)[]

(Upon talking to Hercules.)

Hercules (on-screen)
  • Phil wasn't happy that I lost to you. Said I was getting soft.
  • You beat me last time, but next time won't be so easy.

Traverse Town[]

Traverse Town (gameplay 14)[]

(Upon talking to the moogle in the Accessory Shop after winning all three Olympus Coliseum cups so far.)
Moogle (on-screen): Kupo? Are you the one winning all the tournaments? We've heard rumors, kupo.

(Upon talking to Cid.)
Cid (on-screen): Looks like you found the other one. Let me see it.

Cid (on-screen): Okay, wait here. I'll get it installed right now.

A Fairy Tale[]

Donald: Sora!

Goofy: Now, just remember what Donald said to ya: no frowning, no sad faces.

Sora: How can you be so cheerful? There's still no sign of your king. Aren't you worried?

Donald: Aw, phooey.

Goofy: The king told us to go out and find the key bearer, and we found you. So as long as we stick together, it'll all work out okay. Ya just gotta believe in yourself, that's all.

Sora: Just believe...

Kairi: I believe in you.

Sora: Where am I?

Kairi's grandmother (on-screen): Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people's hearts. It covered everything, and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It's the world we live in now. But the true light sleeps, deep within the darkness. That's why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to the innermost darkness will open. And the true light will return. So, listen, child. Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you. Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away. Do you understand, Kairi?

Sora: Kairi!?

Sora: Huh?

Goofy: What's the matter?

Sora: Um, nothing. Kairi... Did you call me?

Traverse Town (gameplay 15)[]

Cid (on-screen): I installed that navigation gummi. But, ya know? That place is crawling with Heartless. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Sora (on-screen): ?

Cid (on-screen): Here, take this along.

Interspace (gameplay 10)[]

Donald (on-screen): All right! Let's go to the new world!

Goofy (on-screen): Hold on, Donald. We don't know what's out there. Why don't we revisit other worlds first? I'm sure we'll find some new items.

Hollow Bastion[]

Hollow Bastion (gameplay 1)[]

Goofy (on-screen): Gawrsh, look at that!

Sora (on-screen): I know this place...

Goofy (on-screen): Hmm, that's strange.

Sora (on-screen): I wonder why... I feel this warmth inside, right here.

Donald (on-screen): Aw, you're just hungry.

Sora (on-screen): Hey, I'm serious!

Beast: (growls)

Sora (on-screen): Let's go!

The True Master[]

Riku: No vessel, no help from the Heartless... So tell me, how'd you get here?

Beast: I simply believed. Nothing more to it. When our world fell into darkness, Belle was taken from me. I vowed I would find her again no matter what the cost. I believed I would find her. So, here I am. She must be here. I will have her back!

Riku: Take her, if you can!

Beast: (growls)

Sora: Stop!

Riku: So, you finally made it. About time. I've been waiting for you. We've always been rivals, haven't we? You've always pushed me as I've always pushed you.

Sora: Riku...

Riku: But it all ends here. There can't be two Keyblade masters.

Sora: What are you talking about?

Riku: Let the Keyblade choose... its true master.

Sora & Goofy: Huh?

Donald: What!?

Riku: Maleficent was right. You don't have what it takes to save Kairi. It's up to me. Only the Keyblade master can open the secret door... and change the world.

Sora: But that's impossible. How did this happen? I'm the one who fought my way here with the Keyblade!

Riku: You were just the delivery boy.

Riku: Sorry, your part's over now. Here, go play hero with this.

Donald: Goofy. Let's go. We have to remember our mission.

Goofy: Oh! Well, I know the king told us to follow the key and all... But...

Donald: Sora, Sorry.

Sora: Hey, don't move. You're hurt.

Beast: Why... Why did come here? I came to fight for Belle. And though I am on my own, I will fight. I won't leave without her. That's why I'm here.

Sora: Me too. I'm not gonna give up now. I came here to find someone very important to me.

Hollow Bastion (gameplay 2)[]

(Upon approaching the entry gates.)
On-screen: The gates are shut.

(Upon examining the entry gates.)
On-screen: It cannot be opened yet. Check the base level first.

(Upon examining the activated (red) crystal again.)
On-screen: No response.

(Upon releasing the final switch.)
On-screen: It sounds like a door has opened. Head back to the castle gates.

(Upon releasing the final switch again.)
On-screen: No response.

The Purest of Hearts[]

Maleficent: O purest of hearts! Reveal to me the Keyhole!

My Friends Are My Power[]

Beast: Be on your guard. They're close, I can feel it. Are you ready for them?

Beast: Belle?

Riku: Quit while you can.

Sora: No. Not without Kairi.

Riku: The darkness will destroy you.

Sora: You're wrong, Riku. The darkness may destroy my body, but it can't touch my heart. My heart will stay with my friends. It'll never die!

Riku: Really... Well, we'll just see about that!

Goofy: Sora ain't gonna go anywhere!

Riku: You'd betray your king?

Goofy: Not on your life! But I'm not gonna betray Sora, either, 'cause he's become one of my best buddies after all we've been through together!

Goofy: See ya later, Donald. Could ya tell the king I'm really sorry?

Donald: Hold on, Goofy! We'll tell him together.

Donald: Well, you know... All for one and one for all.

Goofy: I guess you're stuck with us, Sora.

Sora: Thanks a lot... Donald, Goofy.

Riku: How will you fight without a weapon?

Sora: I know now I don't need the Keyblade. I've got a better weapon. My heart.

Riku: Your heart? What good will that weak little thing do for you?

Sora: Although my heart may be weak, it's not alone. It's grown with each new experience, and it's found a home with all the friends I've made. I've become a part of their heart just as they've become a part of mine. And if they think of me now and then...if they don't forget me...then our hearts will be one. I don't need a weapon. My friends are my power!

Riku: (gasps)

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

Beast: So, your heart won this battle.

Hollow Bastion (gameplay 3)[]

(Upon winning the bossfight against Riku.)
Riku: No... Not yet...

(Upon examining the door with the Heartless symbol.)
On-screen: There are four sockets. What goes in them?

(Upon examining a set of book volumes.)
On-screen: The books seem to be arranged alphabetically.

(Upon examining a set of book volumes again, the letter indicates the volume.)
On-screen: This is the K shelf. There is a book missing.

(Upon examining a set of book volumes with the correct book in your inventory.)
On-screen: This is the K shelf. Put Khama Vol. 8 on the shelf.

(Upon approaching the door on the library's second floor.)
On-screen: The door is locked.

(Upon pushing the hidden button.)
On-screen: The door has been unlocked

(Upon examining the marked stone on the second floor.)
On-screen: The stone is etched with a thunderbolt.

(Upon examining an unlit candle on the second floor.)
On-screen: The candle is out.

(Upon examining a lit candle on the second floor.)
On-screen: The candle is burning.

(Upon examining the statue of a tusked creature on the second floor.)
On-screen: O mighty one... Prove your strength by moving me.

(Upon examining the statue of a tusked creature flanked by vases on the second floor.)
On-screen: O mighty one... Show me your crushing power.

(Upon examining the door with the Heartless symbol, after placing one Emblem Piece.)
On-screen: One stone is in place. Three sockets left.

(Upon examining the door with the Heartless symbol, after placing two Emblem Pieces.)
On-screen: Two stones are in place. Two sockets left.

(Upon examining the door with the Heartless symbol, after placing three Emblem Pieces.)
On-screen: Three stones are in place. One socket left.

Becoming Darkness[]

Riku: Why? It was mine.

Ansem: Know this. The heart that is strong and true shall win the Keyblade.

Riku: What? You're saying my heart's weaker than his?

Ansem: For that instant, it was. However, you can become stronger. You showed no fear in stepping through the door to darkness. It held no terror for you. Plunge deeper into the darkness, and your heart will grow even stronger.

Riku: What should I do?

Ansem: It's really quite simple. Open yourself to the darkness. That is all. Let your heart, your being become darkness itself.

Hollow Bastion (gameplay 4)[]

(Upon examining the elevator control crystal.)

  • To lower level.
  • To upper level.

The Dark Keyblade[]

Riku-Ansem: So, I see the path has emerged at last.

Maleficent: Yes. The Keyhole to the darkness.

Riku-Ansem: Unlock it and the Heartless will overrun this world.

Maleficent: What do I care? The darkness holds no power over me. Rather, I will use its power to rule all worlds.

Riku-Ansem: Such confidence.

Maleficent: Oh!

Maleficent: Impossible! The princesses of heart are all here! It must be her.

Riku-Ansem: Without her heart, she will never be able to release her power.

Maleficent: The king's fools are here. I'll deal with them myself. You stay here and guard the princesses.

Mistress of All Evil[]

Maleficent: I'm afraid you're too late. Any moment now, the final Keyhole will be unsealed. This world will be plunged into darkness. It is unstoppable.

Sora: We'll stop it! After coming this far, there's no way we're gonna let that happen!

Maleficent: You poor, simple fools. You think you can defeat me? Me, the mistress of all evil?

Hollow Bastion (gameplay 5)[]

(When she attacks with her staff.)
Maleficent: No!

(When she summons Defenders or Darkballs.)
Maleficent: Come out!

(When she uses her meteor storm attack.)
Maleficent: Meteors of heaven, unleash thy fury!

(Sometimes after her meteor attack.)
Maleficent: Now you'll know the meaning of fear!

(When she uses her lightning attack.)

  • Away!
  • A bolt of lightning to strike them down!

(Upon being defeated.)
Maleficent: No!

Maleficent's Darkness[]

Maleficent: (gasps)

Riku-Ansem: Do you need some help?

Sora: Riku!

Donald: Is that—

Riku-Ansem: Yes. A Keyblade. But unlike yours, this Keyblade holds the power to unlock people's hearts. Allow me to demonstrate... Behold!

Maleficent: (gasps)

Riku-Ansem: Now, open your heart, surrender it to the darkness! Become darkness itself!

Maleficent: This is it! This power! (laughs) Darkness... The true darkness!

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

Riku-Ansem: How ironic. She was just another puppet after all.

Donald: What?

Riku-Ansem: The Heartless were using Maleficent from the beginning. She failed to notice the darkness in her heart eating away at her. A fitting end for such a fool.

The Seeker of Darkness[]

Sora: Kairi!

Sora: Kairi! Kairi! Open your eyes!

Riku-Ansem: It's no use. That girl has lost her heart. She cannot wake up.

Sora: What? You... You're not Riku.

Riku-Ansem: The Keyhole cannot be completed so long as the last princess of heart still sleeps.

Sora: The princess...? Kairi's a princess?

Riku-Ansem: Yes, and without her power, the Keyhole will remain incomplete. It is time she awakened.

Sora: Whoever you are, let Riku go! Give him back his heart!

Riku-Ansem: But first, you must give the princess back her heart.

Donald: Sora!

Sora: What's—

Riku-Ansem: Don't you see yet? The princess's heart is responding. It has been there all along. Kairi's heart rests within you!

Sora: Kairi... Kairi's inside me?

Riku-Ansem: I know all that there is to know.

Sora: Tell me. Who are you?

Riku-Ansem: It is I, Ansem, the seeker of darkness.

Donald: (shouts)

Riku-Ansem: So, I shall release you now, Princess. Complete the Keyhole with your power. Open the door, lead me into everlasting darkness!

Kairi: Sora!

Sora: Forget it! There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart!

Hollow Bastion (gameplay 6)[]

(When he taunts Sora.)
Riku-Ansem: Come.

(When you use a magic attack.)
Riku-Ansem: Foolish boy.

(When he takes a defensive stance.)

  • Well, what now?
  • Show me your power!

(Sometimes when you attack him while defending.)

  • Useless.
  • You're nothing.

(When you don't attack him while defending.)
Riku-Ansem: Very well.

(Wen he uses his quick twisting slash attack.)
Riku-Ansem: Here it comes!

(When he powers up.)

  • Welcome oblivion!
  • Now witness true power!

(When he uses his aerial downward stab attack.)
Riku-Ansem: Heal this!

(After he uses the same attack while powered up.)

  • Huh, is that it?
  • Give up yet, is that it?

(When he begins to use Dark Aura.)

  • Open your heart to darkness!
  • Behold the power of darkness!

(When he performs the final Dark Aura strike.)

  • Surrender!
  • It's over!

(When he is defeated.)
Riku-Ansem: My skills have failed me.

Kairi Awakens[]

Sora: Riku!

Donald: Sora! Sora, look!

Goofy: The... The Keyhole!

Goofy: It won't work! The Keyhole's not finished yet!

Sora: What can we do?

Goofy: Maybe we've gotta go wake Kairi up.

Sora: I think you're right. If we can free her heart... But... But how?

Sora: A Keyblade that unlocks people's hearts... I wonder.

Goofy: Sora?

Goofy: Sora, hold on!

Donald: No, wait!

Donald: Sora... Sora!

Kairi: Sora!

Donald: Sora! Come back, Sora!

Sora: What's... What's happening to me? Falling... falling... into darkness.

Kairi: Sora, are you really—No. He can't be! I won't let him go!

Ansem: So, you have awakened at last, Princess. The Keyhole is now complete. You have served your purpose. But now it's over.

Donald: Don't make another move!

Goofy: Do you think we can stop him all by ourselves?

Donald: I don't know!

Ansem: Impossible...

Riku: No. You won't use me for this!

Kairi: Riku!

Riku: You've got to run! The Heartless are coming!

Donald: (shouts)

Goofy: What about the Keyhole?

Donald: Let's just get out of here!

Hollow Bastion (gameplay 7)[]

Goofy (on-screen): Kairi, hurry!

Kairi (on-screen): I can't leave them behind!

Donald (on-screen): We can't stay here!

Goofy (on-screen): A Heartless is after us!

Donald (on-screen): I'll take care of him!

Sora's Back[]

Donald: Confounded Heartless! Get lost, will ya?

Kairi: Sora? Is that you?

Goofy: Uh-oh!

Kairi: This time, I'll protect you.

Kairi: Sora!

Donald: (yells)

Goofy: Kairi!

Sora: Kairi, thank you.

Kairi: Sora...

Donald & Goofy: Sora!

Beast: (growls) Go! Now!

Sora: Come with us!

Beast: I told you before, I'm not leaving without Belle. Now, go! The Heartless are coming!

Sora: All right. Let's get out of here.

Traverse Town[]

Seal the Keyhole[]

Leon: Tell me what happened.

Leon: So the darkness is flowing out of that Keyhole...

Aerith: No wonder there are more and more Heartless everywhere. The only way to stop them is—

Sora: Seal the Keyhole, right?

Leon: Maybe. But no one knows what will happen once it's sealed.

Sora: Well, we can't just stay here. We have to do something. I've got a friend back there.

Leon: That's right. You have one more friend to worry about. Riku's Keyblade must have been born of the captive princesses' hearts—just like that Keyhole you saw. Of course, without Kairi's heart, it remained incomplete. Once that Keyblade was destroyed, the princesses' hearts should have been freed. Don't worry, Sora. If anyone can save your friend, you can.

Traverse Town (gameplay 16)[]

(Upon talking to Leon.)
Leon (on-screen): It seems the other princesses have been freed as well. Jasmine apparently hasn't returned to Agrabah. I suspect the others are still in the castle, too.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Leon (on-screen): Has the darkness taken them too? Maybe it's hopeless for ordinary people to oppose the darkness.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Leon (on-screen): Why would they stay in the castle?

(Upon talking to Aerith.)
Aerith (on-screen): I thought the Keyhole would strength the darkness. I mean the darkness is strong, but still... It's almost as if someone is holding the darkness back.

(Upon talking to her again.)

Aerith (on-screen)
  • We have to close the Keyhole before the darkness overwhelms us.
  • I think Cid knows a way to get to Hollow Bastion.

(Upon talking to Yuffie.)
Yuffie (on-screen): Not sure why, but the Heartless are getting stronger. New types of Heartless are popping up all over the place! If anything happens to us, I know we can count on you, Sora.

(Upon talking to her again.)

Yuffie (on-screen)
  • I wonder if Ansem is waiting in Hollow Bastion.
  • Super strong heartless are showing up all over. Wipe them out, Sora!

(Upon talking to Kairi.)

Kairi (on-screen)
  • I wonder how Riku's doing...
  • Sora, are you feeling okay now? If you're not, then say so.
  • Even in your Heartless form, I knew it was you.

(Upon talking to the woman in the First District.)

Woman (on-screen)
  • Fewer refugees are arriving these days. Are the shadows weakening? Or are fewer people escaping?
  • Leon and his friends try their best, but the shadows keep coming.

(Upon talking to Cid.)
Sora (on-screen): Cid, I need to go back to Hollow Bastion.

Cid (on-screen): I don't think I can let you do that, kid. The Heartless there are multiplying by the minute. They'd eat your ship up.

Sora (on-screen): Then what can we do?

Cid (on-screen) Simple. Go around 'em instead of through. Install a new navigation gummi and take a new route.

Sora (on-screen): A new gummi? From where?

Cid (on-screen): The secret waterway. When I came here 9 years ago, I stored it there in case I ever needed it. Never thought a kid would be the one to use it!

(Upon talking to Kairi.)
Kairi (on-screen): What a mysterious mural... It's almost hypnotizing.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Kairi (on-screen): There's something about this musty place.

(Upon returning to Kairi after grabbing the Navi-Gummi.)
Sora (on-screen): Let's go back and join the others. We should rest up

Kairi (on-screen): Okay.

The Promise[]

Kairi: A light at the end of the tunnel...

Sora: Oh, your grandma's story, right?

Kairi: That's right. We were together.

Sora: You know what's funny? I looked everywhere for you, but you were with me all along. Finally, we're together, Kairi. Now, it's time to get Riku back.

Kairi: You think it'll ever be the same again between us? Riku's lost his...

Sora: When I turned into a Heartless, you saved me, remember? I was lost in the darkness. I couldn't find my way. As I stumbled through the dark, I started forgetting things—my friends, who I was. The darkness almost swallowed me. But then I heard a voice—your voice. You brought me back.

Kairi: I didn't want to just forget about you, Sora. I couldn't.

Sora: That's it! Our hearts are connected. And the light from our hearts broke through the darkness. I saw that light. I think that's what saved me. No matter how deep the darkness, a light shines within. I guess it's more than just a fairy tale.

Kairi: Well, let's go.

Sora: You can't go.

Kairi: Why not?

Sora: Because it's way too dangerous.

Kairi: Come on, Sora. We made it this far by sticking together. You can't go alone.

Sora: Kairi, even if we're apart, we're not alone anymore. Right?

Kairi: I can't help?

Sora: You'd kind of be in my way.

Kairi: (chuckles) Okay. You win. Take this. It's my lucky charm. Be sure to bring it back to me.

Sora: Don't worry. I will.

Kairi: Promise?

Sora: Promise.

Kairi: Don't ever forget. Wherever you go, I'm always with you.

Within the Darkness[]

Riku (on-screen): Sora... Kairi... I'm sorry... Is this the afterworld?

Riku (on-screen): I'm not ready. Not yet. Not until I see Sora and Kairi one last time...

Mickey (on-screen): Riku, can you hear me? I'll be there soon.

Riku (on-screen): Who is that?

Mickey (on-screen): I have the other Keyblade—the one that belongs to this world.

Riku (on-screen): ?

Mickey (on-screen): I've been trying to get through to you, but the darkness in your heart kept me away.

Riku (on-screen): Who are you? What's happened to me?

Mickey (on-screen): Your heart won the battle against the darkness, but it was too late for your body. That's why you're here—in this place of darkness where hearts are gathered.

Riku (on-screen): So what do I do?

Mickey (on-screen): The Door of Darkness will open soon, but it's a door we can't enter. It has to be closed from both sides. To do this, you need two keys and two hearts. Maybe you're here for the same reason I am. Maybe it was fate.

Riku (on-screen): Fate, huh? You seem to know everything, don't you? Then tell me: Are Sora and Kairi okay?

Mickey (on-screen): Don't you feel the echoes of their hearts? You already know the answer. Look inside your own heart.

Riku (on-screen): Okay.

Traverse Town (gameplay 17)[]

(Upon talking to Kairi.)

Kairi (on-screen)
  • It's my lucky charm. Be sure to bring it back to me.
  • Don't ever forget. Wherever you go, I'm always with you.

(Upon talking to Cid.)
Cid (on-screen): You found it? All right, I'll go fix up your ship.

Cid (on-screen): All set! You can get going any time. Kid, I gotta say, I wish you didn't have to face all this danger.

(While talking to Cid, if you select "Let's chat.")

Cid (on-screen)
  • Don't get cocky just 'cause you've been there before.
  • That castle's probably crawling with 'em now...

Interspace (gameplay 11)[]

Chip (on-screen): There's a new warp hole near Traverse Town.

Dale (on-screen): I wonder where it leads... Hmm. Some weird power is emanating from the worlds.

Chip (on-screen): Might be worth revisiting some places again.


(After rescuing Kairi from Hollow Bastion, the following characters in Wonderland gain new dialogue.)
(Upon talking to the Queen of Hearts.)

Queen of Hearts (on-screen)
  • Trial? I'm far too busy for that now!
  • Hear me, shadows! Someday, you too, will be judged!

(Upon talking to the White Rabbit.)

White Rabbit (on-screen)
  • Oh my, oh my. The shadows have made the queen quite furious.
  • B-but I'm sure she'll have no trouble dealing with them.
  • As long as our queen reigns, we have nothing to fear.

(Upon talking to the Ace of Spades Card Soldier.)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • I must guard the cage, even if it's empty! The queen has ordered it.
  • The darkness appears to be growing in power.
  • I won't leave my post, no matter what.

(Upon talking to the Ace of Hearts Card Soldiers)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • If those shadows return, we will fight them off.
  • Are you in league with the shadows?
  • We can protect the queen, we don't need your help.

(Upon talking to the Two of Hearts Card Soldier.)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • The darkness is nothing to fear.
  • On our honor, we will protect the queen.
  • Stop loitering or you'll be arrested, too.

(Upon talking the Two of Spades Card Soldier.)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • Perhaps those shadows carried Alice off. Then again, they just seem to be mindless beings.
  • Someone controlled by the darkness must be behind this.
  • I don't know what they're after.

(Upon talking to the Ten of Spades Card Soldier.)

Card Soldier (on-screen)
  • Battling darkness has left no time for trials.
  • Beware, for danger lurks beyond these walls.
  • Will the trial resume once the darkness is gone?

Hollow Bastion[]

Hollow Bastion (gameplay 8)[]

Sora (on-screen): Where's Belle?

Beast (on-screen): Still in the castle.

Goofy (on-screen): Against her will?

Beast (on-screen): No, I think she stayed for a reason. The other princesses are inside as well.

Donald (on-screen): I wonder why?

Sora (on-screen): Let's go ask them.

Beast (on-screen): You may need my strength. I'll go with you.

Return to Hollow Bastion[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)

On-screen: Sora and his friends return to Hollow Bastion.

On-screen: They meet up with Beast, and together, they head to the castle. As they make their way through the castle, they encounter a familiar face.

Belle and Beast[]

Beast: Belle!

Hollow Bastion (gameplay 9)[]

(Upon going through the library.)
Belle (on-screen): You've come to seal the Keyhole, right? Please, be careful. The darkness is raging deep inside. We've been holding it back, but we can't hold out much longer.

Sora (on-screen): We'll take care of it.

(Upon talking to Belle.)
Belle (on-screen): This is for you. Use it to face the darkness, as the Beast has.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Belle (on-screen): So many books, but not one on how to banish the darkness. Maybe it's hopeless...

(Upon talking to her again.)
Belle (on-screen): Ansem desires the darkness. He thinks it's the source of all power. What nonsense. Darkness may enshroud light, but it can never extinguish it.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Belle (on-screen): Sora, don't succumb to the darkness. You and the Keyblade can defeat it.

(Upon talking to Cinderella and Aurora.)
Cinderella (on-screen): We've been waiting for you, Keyblade master.

Sora (on-screen): Where's Ansem?

Cinderella (on-screen): Gone.

Aurora (on-screen): When the Keyhole appeared, darkness poured out of it. It swallowed Ansem, and he disappeared.

Cinderella (on-screen): Though Ansem is gone, the flood of darkness hasn't stopped. We're working together to hold it back.

Aurora (on-screen): I cannot forget the look on his face. As the darkness engulfed him, he was smiling.

(Upon talking to Cinderella again.)
Cinderella (on-screen): I don't think Ansem will ever return.

(Upon talking to Aurora again.)
Aurora (on-screen): Ansem has ignored us since the Keyhole appeared.

(Upon talking to Jasmine, Alice, and Snow White.)
Jasmine (on-screen): Sora, please hurry! Darkness is pouring from the Keyhole.

Alice (on-screen): It's all we can do just to hold back the darkness.

Snow White (on-screen): I don't even know how long we can manage even that.

Sora (on-screen): All right, I'm on my way.

Snow White (on-screen): We're counting on you, Keyblade master. In the meantime, we'll do what we can, too.

(Upon talking to Jasmine again.)
Jasmine (on-screen): Can you feel the immense power flowing from that Keyhole?

(Upon talking to Alice again.)
Alice (on-screen): We must close the Keyhole before it's too late.

(Upon talking to Snow White again.)
Snow White (on-screen): Please hurry. Our strength is running out.

The Flood of Darkness[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)

On-screen: The princesses of heart are doing all they can to hold back the darkness. According to their story, a Keyhole had appeared, and the darkness that poured out of it had swallowed Ansem.

On-screen: As darkness continues to spill out from the Keyhole, they ask Sora to seal it before it's too late.

Behemoth (cutscene)[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue until after the fight.)

Goofy: A-hyuck. Now let's go and seal that big Keyhole!

Leon: Sora. You did it.

Hollow Bastion (gameplay 10)[]

Sora (on-screen): What are you guys doing here?

Yuffie (on-screen): We came in Cid's ship.

Aerith (on-screen): This is our childhood home. We wanted to see it again.

Leon (on-screen): It's in worse shape than I feared. It used to be so peaceful...

Aerith (on-screen): Don't worry. If we defeat Ansem, all should be restored. Including your island.

Sora (on-screen): Really?

Yuffie (on-screen): But, it also means goodbye.

Aerith (on-screen): Once the worlds are restored, they'll all be separate again.

Yuffie (on-screen): Everyone will go back to where they came from.

Sora (on-screen): Then I'll visit you guys with the gummi ship.

Leon (on-screen): It's not that simple.

Yuffie (on-screen): Before all this, you didn't know about the other worlds, right?

Aerith (on-screen): Because every world was isolated. Impassable walls divided them.

Yuffie (on-screen): The Heartless destroyed those walls. But if the worlds return, so will the walls.

Leon (on-screen): Which means gummi ships will be useless.

Sora (on-screen): So you're saying we'll never...?

Restoring the Worlds[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)

On-screen: Sora and his friends meet Leon, Aerith, and Yuffie outside the gates.

On-screen: This is their childhood home, a once peaceful world. Aerith states that defeating Ansem will restore all the worlds. However, all the worlds will be separated, and they may never see each other again.

On-screen: Sora is crestfallen as he learns the truth.

Sealing the Keyhole: Hollow Bastion[]

Leon: We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other.

Aerith: No matter where we are, our hearts will bring us together again.

Yuffie: Besides, I couldn't forget you even if I wanted to.

Sora: What's that supposed to mean?

Donald: Sora!

Goofy: Hurry! Come and close the Keyhole!

Leon: Sora, good luck.

(The cutscene continues upon entering Dark Depths, and contains no dialogue.)

Hollow Bastion (gameplay 11)[]

Alice (on-screen): Thank you, Sora. I think the darkness has begun to weaken.

Jasmine (on-screen): But I can feel a powerful darkness growing somewhere far away.

Aurora (on-screen): It's the heart of the darkness. It must be where Ansem went.

Sora (on-screen): Then we'll take the gummi ship and deal with both Ansem and the Heartless.

Cinderella (on-screen): A worthy answer, Keyblade master. We offer this power to aid your battle.

Snow White (on-screen): Sora, your courage can bring back our worlds.

Aurora (on-screen): Once the darkness is gone, all should return to its original state.

Sora (on-screen): Kairi will be back on the island?

Cinderella (on-screen): Most certainly. And you should be, too.

Sora (on-screen): I can't go home 'til I find Riku and the king.

(Upon talking to Cinderella.)
Cinderella (on-screen): I still can't believe we played a part in opening the Keyhole. To think we had such a power... Simply unimaginable!

(Upon talking to her again.)
Cinderella (on-screen): My world is gone, so I suppose I must stay here for the time being.

(Upon talking to Aurora.)
Aurora (on-screen): Maleficent used to live in our world. She used her great powers to control the darkness... But eventually it came to control her.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Aurora (on-screen): I'm so glad the others are here with me.

(Upon talking to Jasmine.)
Jasmine (on-screen): Please don't tell Aladdin about all this. He will worry to death if you do! I will tell him about it, once I return to Agrabah.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Jasmine (on-screen): I hope everything is all right in Agrabah.

(Upon talking to Alice.)
Alice (on-screen): The darkness still lingers, so we'll stay as well. Otherwise, this world will be destroyed, too. We'll do all we can.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Alice (on-screen): You helped me during that silly trial. Now it's my turn to help you.

(Upon talking to Snow White.)
Snow White (on-screen): The darkness took my home. I don't know where to go now. I hope my loved ones are safe somewhere. I'll do whatever I can to keep this world from being taken, too.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Snow White (on-screen): I just want everything back as it was before.

(Upon talking to Leon.)
Leon (on-screen): This was once Ansem's castle. He was widely respected as a wise man. But darkness took him. He began experimenting with people's hearts. Heh, some wise man. So much suffering and ruin, and for what?

(Upon talking to him again.)
Leon (on-screen): We thought this was Maleficent's doing. But she was just another puppet of the darkness. Just like Ansem. This darkness is our real enemy. But how to beat it?

(Upon talking to him again.)
Leon (on-screen): Well, first things first. Let's purge every last Heartless we can find.

(Upon talking to him again.)
Leon (on-screen): I won't use my real name until this world is restored.

(Upon talking to Aerith.)
Aerith (on-screen): Sora, you should read this.

Sora (on-screen): Read what?

Aerith (on-screen): It's the rest of Ansem's report. Maleficent must have collected it.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Aerith (on-screen): Ansem disappeared when this world fell to the darkness. It was believed he died defending people from the Heartless. But Ansem was the one who brought them here.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Aerith (on-screen): Ansem waits in darkness. But here's a little light to protect you, Sora.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Aerith (on-screen): Read that report and you'll understand Ansem's intentions.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Aerith (on-screen): I believe the worlds can be restored. They are still alive.

(Upon talking to Yuffie.)
Yuffie (on-screen): Ansem and Maleficent were both possessed by darkness. You know, I just don't get it. What's so great about the darkness?

(Upon talking to her again.)
Yuffie (on-screen): This is my home, but it just doesn't feel like it. I don't remember much, 'cause I was only a kid.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Yuffie (on-screen): There are no Heartless here, so rest up.

(Upon talking to her again.)
Yuffie (on-screen): We've gotta get rid of the Heartless and rebuild this world.

It's Not Over Yet[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)

On-screen: The princesses thank Sora for sealing the Keyhole.

On-screen: However, they sense a powerful darkness growing, and that's where Ansem must be headed.

On-screen: Defeating Ansem will not only banish the Darkness, but the worlds will be restored to their original state. Everyone will go back to where they were before all of this happened.

On-screen: Though Sora is excited to see Kairi again, he states adamantly that he won't return to his island until he finds Riku and the King.

Olympus Coliseum[]

The Hades Cup[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)

On-screen: Sora and his friends compete in the Hades Cup.

Hades, Lord of the Dead[]

Hades: Yo, hey, how're you doin' everybody, yeah. Got a minute? Hades, Lord of the Dead. Nice to see you. Hey, guess what? I got a place for you down under!

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

Hades: (yells) Oh! Hey, kid, wh-what are you doing? Stop! Hey, guys! G-Get away from me! Come on! Come on!

Rock Titan (cutscene)[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue, and continues after Rock Titan's defeat.)

The Gold Match[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)

On-screen: Sora competes in the Gold Match.

Ice Titan (cutscene)[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue, and continues after Ice Titan's defeat.)

The Platinum Match[]

(Theater Mode non-cutscene.)

On-screen: Sora competes in the Platinum Match.

One-Winged Angel[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue, and continues after Sephiroth's defeat.)

Olympus Coliseum (gameplay 10)[]

(Upon exiting the lobby.)
Cloud (on-screen): I've been looking for you.

Sephiroth (on-screen): As have I.

Cloud (on-screen): As long as you exist, I'll never wake from this nightmare. You're my darkness.

Sephiroth (on-screen): I'm a part of you, am I? Then join me in this eternal nightmare untarnished by light.

The Showdown[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue.)


Agrabah (gameplay 8)[]

(Upon talking to Carpet in Aladdin's house.)
Sora (on-screen): What's the matter? You want to go somewhere?

(If you select "I'll ride on the carpet.", move to the desert to fight Kurt Zisa.)
(If you select "I'll leave him alone.", exit the conversation.)

Kurt Zisa (cutscene)[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue, and continues after Kurt Zisa's defeat.)


Neverland (gameplay 6)[]

(Upon talking to Tinkerbell in the cabin, without Peter in your party.)
Sora (on-screen): I can't understand her.

Goofy (on-screen): I'll bet Peter knows what she's saying.

(Upon talking to Tinkerbell in the cabin, with Peter in your party.)
Peter (on-screen): What is it, Tink? You want to go to the clock tower? It's up to you, Sora.

(If you reply with "Let's go!.", move to the clock tower to fight Phantom.)
Peter (on-screen): Okay! Let's fly together!
(If you reply with "Not right now.")
Peter (on-screen): Don't be mad Tink, Sora's got a lot to do.

Phantom (cutscene)[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue, and continues after Phantom's defeat.)

Hollow Bastion[]

(The following conversations and scene only occur if you at least have viewed the first cutscene at the End of the World.)

Hollow Bastion (gameplay 12)[]

(Upon talking to each person in the Castle Chapel.)
Aurora (on-screen): I sense a presence coming from that gate... But it's not darkness. It's another power altogether. It may be even more dangerous than darkness.

Cinderella (on-screen): Could the appearance of that gate be a bad omen?

Jasmine (on-screen): We could suppress the power if it were darkness. But this is different. It's a force unlike darkness... A force different from both the light and the darkness.

Alice (on-screen): What is this feeling? It's different from darkness... Be careful, Sora!

Snow White (on-screen): There's an ominous presence beyond the gate.

The Unknown[]

(After Xemnas walks through Sora a mass of rapidly appearing sentences display on-screen. Xemnas' own replies are only seen on-screen, but everyone else asks as if he really speaks.)

On-screen: No problem. Let's do it! Hold on! What's that over there? She arrived on the night of the meteor shower! A huge black thing swallowed me up. So, you're from another world? A paopu fruit... What? There's no way you're getting this! I'm so glad that you're okay, Kairi. The Keyblade... The Heartless? I wonder if I could find Riku and Kairi... Anyway, she's not the one you're looking for. That's the power of the Keyblade! Now I finally know what you mean about strength of heart. Right, my friends! Sorry about what I said. Guess you don't get out much, huh? I promise. You're stupid. Sooner or later they'll swallow your heart. I've finally found her. I still can't believe it. I know this place... No. Not without Kairi. I know now I don't need a Keyblade. I don't need a weapon. My friends are my power! Give him back his heart! There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart! A Keyblade that unlocks people's hearts... I wonder. What's... What's happening to me? Falling...falling...into darkness. Kairi, thank you. Now, it's time to get Riku back. Even if we're apart, we're not alone anymore. Don't worry. I will. Promise.

Sora: Who are you?

Xemnas (on-screen): Ah, it seems you are special, too.

Goofy: Ansem?

Xemnas (on-screen): That name rings familiar.

Xemnas (on-screen): You remind me of him.

Sora: What's that supposed to mean? (gasps) (groans)

Xemnas (on-screen): It means you are not whole. You are incomplete. Allow me—to test your strength.

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

Xemnas (on-screen): Impressive.

Sora: Huh?

Xemnas (on-screen): This will be enjoyable.

Sora: What are you talking about?

Xemnas (on-screen): It is beyond your comprehension, for now. Until we meet again.

Sora: Wait, what are you— (gasps)

Xemnas (on-screen): I am—...but a mere shell.

End of the World[]

All That's Left[]

Goofy: Gawrsh, is that all that's left of the worlds taken by the Heartless?

Sora: Those worlds will be restored if we beat Ansem, right?

Donald: You betcha.

Sora: But, if we do beat him and all these worlds become restored and disconnected, what's gonna happen to this place? And to us?

Donald: Well, uh...

Goofy: This is a Heartless world, so maybe it'll just disappear.

Sora & Donald: Huh?!

Goofy: But no worries. Even if this place goes poof, our hearts ain't goin' nowhere. I'm sure we'll find our pals again. Yup, I just know that we will.

Sora: Yeah, you're right.

Sora: I'll return this. I promise.

End of the World (gameplay 1)[]

Goofy (on-screen): I wonder where that Ansem feller went?

Donald (on-screen): Dive into the most dangerous place and we'll find him!

(Upon examining some of the webbing from below.)
Sora (on-screen): Might reach it by jumping.

(Upon examining the computer terminal in the last area in the World Terminus.)
On-screen: Ones born of the heart and darkness, devoid of hearts, ravage all worlds and bring desolation. Seize all hearts and consummate the great heart. All hearts to be one, one heart to encompass all. Realize the destiny: the realm of Kingdom Hearts. The great darkness sealed within the great heart. Progeny of darkness, come back to the eternal darkness. For the heart of light shall unseal the path. Seven hearts, one Keyhole, one key to the door. The door of darkness, tied by two keys. The door of darkness to seal the light. None shall pass but shadows, returning to the darkness. Ones born of the heart and darkness, hunger for every heart until the dark door opens.

Chernabog (cutscene)[]

(This cutscene contains no dialogue at first, and continues after Chernabog's defeat.)

End of the World (gameplay 2)[]

(Upon examining the door in Final Rest.)
Sora (on-screen): Huh?

Donald (on-screen): What's wrong?

Sora (on-screen): Don't you hear something? There!

King Mickey (on-screen): Careful. This is the last haven you'll find here. Beyond, there is no light to protect you. But don't be afraid. Your heart is the mightiest weapon of all. Remember, you are the one who will open the door to the light.

Donald (on-screen): I don't hear anything.

Sora (on-screen): Strange... That voice was so familiar. Maybe it's just my imagination.

Donald (on-screen): Maybe you'd better take a rest!

A Light Within the Darkness[]

Sora: Is this... Is this my island?

Ansem: This world has been connected.

Goofy: What was that?

Ansem: Tied to the darkness... Soon to be completely eclipsed. There is so very much to learn. You understand so little. A meaningless effort. One who knows nothing can understand nothing.

Ansem: Take a look at this tiny place. To the heart seeking freedom this is a prison surrounded by water. And so this boy sought out to escape from his prison. He sought a way to cross over into other worlds. And he opened his heart to darkness.

Sora: Riku!

Ansem: Don't bother. Your voice can no longer reach him where he is. His heart belongs again to darkness. All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, it grows, consumes it. Such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came. You see, darkness is the heart's true essence.

Sora: That's not true! The heart may be weak. And sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out!

Ansem: So, you have come this far and still you understand nothing. Every light must fade, every heart return to darkness!

(After the fight the cutscene continues.)

End of the World (gameplay 3)[]

(When Dark Figure moves to shield him.)
Ansem: Come, guardian!

(Before he uses the possession attack.)
Ansem: Insignificant!

(When he orders the possession attack.)
Ansem: Submit!

(When he uses the energy shield attack.)
Ansem: Come, open your heart.

(When he uses his charge attack in the second bossfight.)
Ansem: Take this!

(When he moves to the center for his strongest attack in the second bossfight.)
Ansem: My strength returns.

(During his strongest attack.)
Ansem: What do you hope to accomplish? Do not deny it.

(When Dark Figure perform the final hit of this attack sequence.)
Ansem: The final darkness is now!

Kingdom Hearts (cutscene)[]

Sora: Wha...?

Ansem: Behold the endless abyss! Within it lies the heart of all worlds: Kingdom Hearts! Look as hard as you are able. You'll not find even the smallest glimmer of light. From those dark depths are all hearts born. Even yours.

Sora: (gasps)

Ansem: Darkness conquers all worlds!

Sora: Woah!

Riku: Giving up already? Come on, Sora. I thought you were stronger than that.

(After the fight the cutscene continues multiple times with minor scenes.)

End of the World (gameplay 4)[]

(When he uses the spinning weapon attack.)
Ansem: Turn to darkness!

(When he summons the laser spheres.)

  • All shall be extinguished.
  • Welcome the darkness into your heart.
  • Still confused? Then perhaps this will enlighten you!

(When he summons Bit Snipers.)
Ansem: Come forth.

(When Goofy rejoins you.)
Goofy: Sora!

(When Donald rejoins you.)
Donald: Sora!

(When he begins to charge his strongest attack.)
Ansem: Darkness!

(When he uses his strongest attack.)
Ansem: Now, you weak-hearted fools, witness real power!

(When he is defeated.)
Ansem: Is this the answer? It can't be...!

Kingdom Hearts (cutscene, cont.)[]

Ansem: It is futile. The Keyblade alone cannot seal the door to darkness. Kingdom Hearts! Fill me with the power of darkness... Supreme darkness...

Sora: You're wrong. I know now, without a doubt, Kingdom Hearts... is light!

Ansem: (gasps) Light... But... Why...

Closing the Door[]

Sora: Come on!

Goofy: Woah!

Donald: Stop staring and keep pushing! Huh?!

Donald & Goofy: The Heartless!?

Donald: Hurry!

Sora: I can't...

Riku: Don't give up!

Riku: Come on, Sora! Together, we can do it!

Sora: Okay!

Donald: It's hopeless!

Donald & Goofy: Huh?

Donald & Goofy: Your Majesty!

Mickey: Now, Sora! Let's close this door for good!

Donald: Close it, quick!

Sora: But...

Mickey: Don't worry. There will always be a door to the light.

Goofy: Sora, you can trust King Mickey.

Riku: Now! They're coming!

Mickey: Donald, Goofy, thank you.

Riku: Take care of her.

Sora: Kairi!

Kairi: Sora! (shouts)

Sora: Kairi, remember what you said before? I'm always with you, too. I'll come back to you. I promise!

Kairi: I know you will!

(After the credits.)

Donald: Well, now what do we do?

Sora: We've gotta find Riku and King Mickey.

Goofy: But, uh, where do we start lookin' for that there door to the light?

Sora, Donald, & Goofy: (sighs)

Sora: Huh?

Donald: Pluto?

Goofy: Hey, Pluto. Where have you been?

Sora: Huh?

Donald: Hey!

Goofy: Gawrsh, that's the king's seal!

Sora: Hey, have you seen King Mickey?

Sora: Guys, let's go!

Goofy: (cheers) A-hyuck.

Donald: Oh, boy!

Sora: (laughs)

King Mickey (on-screen): Remember, Sora. You are the one who will open the door to the light.

Secret endings[]

(The following movies contain no actual dialogue, instead all text is displayed on screen.)

Another side, Another story[]

-Special Secret-
Another side, Another story...

Roxas: Where's Sora?

  • Door of light
  • Behind the darkness
  • This is the world in its true form.
  • His voice... I don't hear it anymore.
  • We have come for you, My Liege.
  • This time... I'll fight.
  • What took you so long, Kairi!?
  • Sora... Why?
  • ...Sora.
  • We must find him.
  • You are not my concern!
  • It's not over yet.
  • Sora.
  • You are the source of all Heartless.
  • What is this place!?
  • Maybe our journey meant nothing after all.
  • Can we do it? Against that?
  • Who is Nobody, you ask? They are the nonexistent ones.
  • Your Highness! But Why!
  • Sora?
  • Is this the answer you've been looking for?
  • We'll go together.

Another side, Another story [deep dive][]

Special Secret Movie
Another Side, Another Story
[deep dive]

  • Utter silence
  • A fragmented tale
  • A world without you
  • The eyes will close
  • Something so natural
  • The memory beyond
  • Something so simple

Where's Sora? We must find him.

[Ansem's other report]
"A creation born of ignorance."

Behind the darkness ≠ Door to the light

The secret place
"His voice... It's left me."
"This time... I'll fight."

A world between = A forgotten world
The gathering

The third enemy = Nobody
"Who is Nobody, you ask? They are the nonexistent ones."

"What took you so long, Kairi?"
"Can we do it? Against that?"

"We have come for you, my liege."
"You are the source of all Heartless."

[The Thirteenth Order]
"Sora... Why?"
"Your Highness! But why?"

The third key

End of the world
"What is this place!?"
"Is this the answer you've been looking for?"
"This is the world in its true form."
"Maybe our journey meant nothing after all."

"We'll go together."


Xemnas (on-screen): "I went to see him."

Xemnas (on-screen): "He looks just like you."

"Everything is coming back to me, the true..."


Traverse Town[]

(Upon talking to the Fairy Godmother with a summon gem in your inventory.)
Fairy Godmother (on-screen): Oh, another summon gem? Let's help this little one. Here we go! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!

Fairy Godmother (on-screen): If you find any more of these stones, bring them to me.

(After returning all summon gems to the Fairy Godmother.)
Fairy Godmother (on-screen): Thank you, Sora. Here's something for you.

Fairy Godmother (on-screen): Take good care of them.

(Upon talking to Merlin with all types of magic learned.)
Merlin (on-screen): You're making excellent progress. Here's something for your effort.

Merlin (on-screen): Keep it up.

(Upon talking to Merlin with seven different Arts items in your inventory.)
Merlin (on-screen): You're becoming a real sorcerer. Here's something for your effort.

Merlin (on-screen): I'd better get busy too.

(Upon talking to Merlin with all tier three spells learned.)
Merlin (on-screen): Well! This is quite impressive. Here's something for your effort.

Merlin (on-screen): It's very special. Take good care of it.


(Upon flying after equipping a radar gummi for the first time.)
Dale (on-screen): Equipped a radar gummi. Note bottom-left corner.

(Upon flying after equipping a haste gummi for the first time.)
Chip (on-screen): Equipped a speed gummi. It enables acceleration.

(Upon flying after equipping a shield gummi for the first time.)
Chip (on-screen): The shield gummi. Protects the ship against attacks.

(Everytime a new cup is available.)
Chip (on-screen): There's a tournament being held at the Coliseum.

Dale (on-screen): I hear there's a great reward for the winner.

(When the Hades Cup becomes available.)
Chip (on-screen): There's a tournament being held at the Coliseum.

Dale (on-screen): The competition's a lot tougher now, so be careful.

(Upon completing all gummi ship missions and entering the mission menu.)

— Mission Completed —

Chip (on-screen): Great job! You've completed all the missions! Here's Bahamut and a Crown-G as a reward.

(The following message depends on your difficulty setting.)
(If you played on a level below Proud.)
Dale (on-screen): Now try the gummi ship missions on FINAL MIX: PROUD!

(If you played on Proud.)
Dale (on-screen): You're a true gummi ship master! Try making your own ships and getting even better scores!

Gummi ship information[]

(Upon viewing the 'Build a Ship' tutorial in the gummi garage, note that platform variations have different controls.)
Dale (on-screen): Let's build a gummi ship by following a blueprint. To build a gummi ship, select Garage. To fly different ships or rename ships, select Gummi Ship. Now, let's take a tour of the gummi garage. First, pick a blueprint from the list. The list contains blueprints you have collected and those you can redesign. The blueprints you collect can't be renamed. Make sure you have enough parts. Select a blueprint to enter the garage.

Chip (on-screen): In select mode, select the block you want to attach. Without a cockpit and an engine, a ship cannot fly. Left or right directional button: Change classes. Up or down directional buttion: Change parts. Found your block? Then press [button prompt] or [button prompt] to go to build mode. In build mode, select where to place the block. Move the block with [button prompt], [button prompt], and directional buttons. [button prompt] rotates blocks, and [button prompt] rotates the assembly area. Press [button prompt] to attach the block. You may not be able to attach big blocks at times. Press [button prompt] to cancel attachment. If you get lost, press [button prompt] to view help. Now, let's switch to inspect mode with [button prompt]. Examine your creation in inspect mode. Check various stats as you build your ship. That's about it. The rest is learning by doing. If you need help, go to the Help menu or press the [button prompt] button.

(Upon viewing the 'The Menus' tutorial in the gummi garage.)
Dale (on-screen): Let's build a gummi ship by following a blueprint. In the Garage menu, you can build gummi ships and study blueprints, etc. I n the Gummi Ship menu, you can rename and select ships to fly. The Inventory menu lists all the blocks you've collected. The Help menu contains lots of information on gummi ships. All right, let's start with the Garage menu. To build a gummi ship in the garage, select a blueprint. Now, I'll explain the Gummi Ship menu. With Change Ships, you can select the ship you want to fly. Be sure to select the ones that can fy, or you'll be stuck in the Gummi Block menu. Basically, if a ship has a misplaced engine or no cockpit, it cannot fly. So inspect your selected ship carefully to make sure all blocks are in place. To rename a ship, select Rename. But names of blueprints that were collected cannot be renamed. With Controls, you can view the ship's controls. I think that's it. Check out the Help menu if you have any more questions.

(Upon viewing the 'Transforming' tutorial in the gummi garage.)
Dale (on-screen): At least two ships must have a Transform Gummi to use the transform feature. In the Transform menu, select two ships to pair them up. At least two ships must have a Transform Gummi attached in order to transform. Only ships with a Transform Gummi appear in the transform menu. Paired-off ships are listed under the Paired-Off Gummi Ships section. Okay, let's try pairing off two ships. First, select a ship. Now, select another ship, and behold, the ships are paired off! The paired-off ships now appeared under Paired-Off Gummi Ships. To cancel a pairing, select it from the paired-off list.

(Upon viewing the 'Gummi Blocks' Help menu entry in the gummi garage.)
On-screen: The nature of gummis still remains a mystery. They're scattered all over interspace and descend into the worlds, like shooting stars, at times. There are many types of gummi blocks—each with a unique power, like scanning, warping, and such. A gummi ship is a byproduct of these various blocks pieced together. For some reason, a natural attractive force exists between gummi blocks. So, putting these blocks together to build gummi ships isn't all that complicated and doesn't require any real special tools. Pretty cool, huh?

(Upon viewing the 'Blueprint' Help menu entry in the gummi garage.)
On-screen: To become good at building gummi ships, study a bunch of models, and experiment with various block combinations. Don't just look at ours. There are plenty of models out there you can obtain. Try to find as many as you can.

(Upon viewing the 'Gummi Garage' Help menu entry in the gummi garage.)
On-screen: The build mode lets you put gummi blocks together to build a gummi ships. To fly, it had better have at least a cockpit and a properly placed engine. Press [button prompt] to switch between build mode and select mode. Press [button prompt] to switch to inspect mode. Press [button prompt] to view the help screen.

On-screen: The select mode lets you select the gummi blocks you want to use for our ship. Press [button prompt] to switch to build mode. Press [button prompt] to view the help screen.

On-screen: The inspect mode lets you check your work in progress. Press [button prompt] to switch to this mode. Equip your ship with various components and inspect it as you build along. Press [button prompt] to view the help screen.

(Upon viewing the 'Specs' Help menu entry in the gummi garage.)
On-screen: A gummi ship's speed, armor strength, and other specifications are listed in the specs window. If there's a ship listed as not flyable, do her a favor and remodel her so she can fly.

(Upon viewing the 'Computer' Help menu entry in the gummi garage.)
On-screen: To add certain components, especially high-end ones, you might have to upgrade the gummi ship's computer. Even if you collect a bunch of blocks, you might not be able to use half of them without a good computer.

(Upon viewing the 'Painting' Help menu entry in the gummi garage.)
On-screen: Change the color of gummi blocks with spray paint. Access the select mode menu in the Garage menu and press [button prompt] to switch to paint mode. Use [button prompt] to change colors. Press [button prompt] or [button prompt] to quit. The spray can palette holds eight different colors. If you want to use other colors, choose them from the color palette by pressing [button prompt].

On-screen: With the color palette, you can add a variety of colors. While in paint mode, press [button prompt] to bring up the color palette. Select the colors you want to paint with.

(Upon viewing the 'Gummi Types' Help menu entry in the gummi garage.)
On-screen: The cockpit gummi contains all the controls for the gummi ship; so without this block, it can't fly. Each ship is limited to one cockpit. Try experimenting with different cockpits.

On-screen: Your gummi ship isn't going anywhere without a properly placed engine gummi. Make sure each thruster is pointing in the right direction when you attach this block. There are many types of engines you can play with.

On-screen: Armor gummis form the body of the ship. More armor provides better protection, but also slows down the ship.

On-screen: Destroy enemy ships and other obstacles with the weapon gummi. Firing certain weapons consumes the ship's power, so don't get too carried away.

On-screen: There's this cool block called Transform Gummi that lets you transform the gummi ship. Access the Transform menu and select two gummi ships with Transform Gummis attached. Now you can switch between these two ships anytime during flight.

On-screen: With a special block called Warp Gummi, the gummi ship can warp to distant worlds in a flash. Just one thing: you can only warp to worlds you have been to.

On-screen: There's a whole world of other gummis out there we don't even know about. Have fun collecting them.

(Upon entering the gummi ship garage after purchasing a COM. LV upgrade.)
Chip (on-screen): You can use more blocks now and build a bigger gummi ship.

100 Acre Wood book interactions[]

(Each 'area' in the book can be 'read', which gives the following prompts.)

(If you reply with "Sure.", enter the area.)
(If you reply with "Maybe later.", exit the menu.)

(Upon reading the empty meadow area on the right page.)
On-screen: An empty meadow. Take a look?

(Upon reading the large tree and house on the left page.)
On-screen: An odd sign hangs above this house's door. Take a look?

(Upon reading the large tree on the right page.)
On-screen: A tall, curious tree buzzing with bees. Take a look?

(Upon reading the large tree on the top-left corner.)
On-screen: A broad expanse of vegetable fields. Take a look?

(Upon reading the large tree on the bottom-right corner.)
On-screen: A swing hangs from a stout tree. Take a look?

(Upon reading the area with the pots in the center of the book.)
On-screen: A clearing crowded with tree stumps. Take a look?

(Upon reading the muddy wooded area in the bottom-left of the book.)
On-screen: A winding, muddy path. Take a look?

(Upon stepping onto the glowing compass.)
On-screen: Return to the outside world?

(If you reply with "Let's go.", exit the book.)
(If you reply with "Not yet.", exit the menu.)

(Upon opening Rabbit's mailbox, after completing specific events.)
On-screen: There's a letter inside.

(After completing the first Torn Page.)
On-screen: I hope we'll be finding more honey together soon! --Pooh

(After completing the second Torn Page.)
On-screen: Mind if I bounce around in Rabbit's garden again? --Tigger

(After completing the third Torn Page.)
On-screen: Swinging is so much fun. I'd like to fly even farther! --Pooh

(After completing the fourth Torn Page.)
On-screen: Let's bounce with Tigger again real soon! --Roo

(After completing the fifth Torn Page.)
On-screen: Please join our next game of hide-and-seek! --Pooh

(After reaching enough highscores to qualify for the Cheer ability.)
On-screen: Everyone had a good time with you. Even Owl! --Pooh

(Upon talking to Owl at Pooh's house without any successfully completed minigames)
Owl (on-screen): You've been a great help, Sora. Thank you! We can't thank you enough. You're always welcome here.

(Upon talking to Owl at Pooh's house, each successfully completed minigame includes an added note within Owl's dialogue. Completion of all five slightly changes the final message.)
Owl (on-screen): You've been a great help, Sora. Thank you! You helped Pooh get honey from the bees. You helped protect Rabbit's carrots. You helped find Eeyore's lost tail. You bounced along with Tigger and Roo. And you found all of us when we were lost. We can't thank you enough. This is from all of us in the Hundred Acre Wood.

Olympus Coliseum[]

(Upon talking to Phil.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): You know the rules, right? Which tournament do you wanna enter?

(Upon selecting a tournament.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): How do you wanna go about it?
Enter together.
Enter alone; just Sora.
Set time limit.
Don't enter.

(If you reply with "Don't enter.", exit the conversation.)
Philoctetes (on-screen): What, you're ducking out? Can't be a hero if you don't even try!

(Upon winning any cup.)
Sora: We're the champs!

(Sometimes upon winning an arena round.)

  • Power!
  • Come on!
  • Oh yeah!
  • Take that!
  • Nothing to it!
  • That's the power of the Keyblade!
  • Oh boy!
  • Take that!
  • For Daisy!
  • We did it!
  • Not bad, huh?

(Sometimes upon losing an arena round.)

  • I give up...
  • I blew it...
  • Aw, phoey.
  • Aw, shucks!
  • We lost...

(The Olympus Coliseum victory talks actually vary depending on which cup is completed first. The general cutscene remains the same, but the first line changes.)
(Upon finishing the Hercules Cup as your first.)
Hercules (on-screen): Wow! And I didn't even hold back!

Philoctetes (on-screen): I never thought you'd do it. Not bad.

Hercules (on-screen): Phil, you're just as stubborn as ever. Don't pretend you're not happy for them!

Philoctetes (on-screen): Ahem! Now, kid, you've still got a long way to go. The next round's startin' soon. Next time it'll be the real thing.

(Upon finishing the Hercules Cup as your second.)
Hercules (on-screen): Wow! And I didn't even hold back! Looks like Phil's trained another great hero!

Sora (on-screen): Is strength the most important part of a hero?

Philoctetes (on-screen): Well, what you really need is a strong heart. What makes a strong heart? If you have to ask, you're not a hero yet!

Sora (on-screen): Stop talking in riddles!

Philoctetes (on-screen): It's not a riddle!

(Upon finishing the Pegasus Cup as your third.)
Hercules: Sora! You've grown strong!

Sora: Now I finally know what you mean about strength of heart. Mine comes from Donald and Goofy.

Philoctetes: Come again?

Sora: If we stick together, we're unbeatable. Not even Hercules stands a chance.

Sora: With these guys beside me, I'm ready for anything!

Philoctetes: But that's not exactly what I—

Hercules: Of course. Your friends give you strength. Isn't that right, Phil? The three of you together make great heroes.

Hercules: And as a team, I'm sure you can overcome anything.

(Upon examining one of the braziers.)
On-screen: Burning brightly. What'll happen if it goes out?

(Upon examining one of the braziers after using Blizzard on them.)
On-screen: Blizzard can't put it out. Try a more powerful spell.

(Upon examining one of the braziers after extinguishing one.)
On-screen: Burned out.

(Upon examining the green sign in front of the purple banners, after specific events.)
(After the preliminaries.)
On-screen: Aspiring heroes, try your strength in the Phil Cup!

(After completing Agrabah.)
On-screen: Spread your wings, future heroes! The Pegasus Cup starts soon!

(After completing either Halloween Town or Neverland, but before both.)
On-screen: Hercules: Zero or Hero? Find out at the Hercules Cup!

(Upon examining the green sign in front of the lobby, after specific events.)
(After completing the preliminaries.)
On-screen: The next event is coming soon! Don't miss it!

(When the Phil Cup becomes available.)
On-screen: Calling all heroes! Sign up now for the games!

(After winning your first cup.)
On-screen: A new hero has appeared in the games! Sora!

(After winning at least two cups.)
On-screen: Can anyone defeat Sora? All challengers, to the Coliseum!

(After completing Hollow Bastion.)
On-screen: Don't miss the Hades Cup! Surprises aplenty!

(After winning all four cups.)
On-screen: Sora dominates the games! A new hero is born!

(Upon examining the various trophies after winning each cup.)

  • Phil Cup Championship Trophy
  • Pegasus Cup Championship Plaque
  • Hercules Cup Championship Trophy
  • Hades Cup Championship Trophy

(Upon examining the purple pot outside the lobby, after the Hades Cup, for the second time.)
On-screen: Empty.


(When he taunts you.)

  • Hey, need a break?
  • You don't stand a chance against me!

(When he uses his horizontal slash attack.)
Leon: Get this!

(When he uses his aerial attack.)
Leon: It's over!

(When he powers up.)

  • Power!
  • Now you got my attention!

(When he is defeated.)
Leon: No way... I can't lose...


(When he taunts you.)
Cloud: That the best you can do?

(When he powers up.)
Cloud: Farewell.

(Sometimes, after his powered up state ends.)
Cloud: Come on, gimme your best shot.

(When he is defeated.)
Cloud: Gotta keep going...


(When she taunts you.)
Yuffie: Just give up, it'll be easier.

(While using a backflip to get away from you.)
Yuffie: Come and get it!

(While using a cartwheel to get away from you, typically after an attack.)
Yuffie: Is that supposed to hurt?

(When she taunts you at low HP.)
Yuffie: Phew, this is great!

(When she backflips or cartwheels away from you at low HP.)
Yuffie: Uh-uh, let's talk this out.

(When she uses her giant shuriken attack.)

  • Ready?
  • This one's gonna hurt!

(When she heals herself or Leon.)
Yuffie: Hey, ease up!

(Sometimes when she is defeated.)
Yuffie: Okay, just give me a second...


(When he poses while invincible.)
Hercules: Hey, give up yet?

(Sometimes when he uses his ground smash attack.)
Hercules: Oh, come on!

(When he uses his energy blast attack.)
Hercules: Try this on for size!


(When he taunts you.)
Hades: Hey, starting to get warmed up here.

(When he uses his flamethrower attack.)
Hades: Take that!

(When he uses his meteor throw attack.)
Hades: That's it!

(When he uses his rotating flame pillar attack.)
Hades: Feel the heat.

(After the aforementioned attack.)
Hades: Hey, having fun yet?

(When he cools down from his red-hot state.)
Hades: That all you've got?

(When he is defeated.)
Hades: This... isn't... happening!


(When he taunts you.)
Sephiroth: Come.

(When he uses his flame pillar attack during the first phase.)
Sephiroth: Out of my way.

(When he uses Heartless Angel.)
Sephiroth: Descend, Heartless Angel!

(When he uses his flame pillar attack during the second phase.)
Sephiroth: Time to end this.

(When he starts his Wild Dance attack.)

  • Come, power!
  • Prepare yourself!

(When he finishes Wild Dance with the final attack, before the last strike.)
Sephiroth: No more games.

(When he finishes Wild Dance with the final attack, after the last strike.)
Sephiroth: Show me what you've got!

(When he powers up for his third phase.)
Sephiroth: I am the chosen one!

(When he uses his spin attack in the third phase.)
Sephiroth: Dodge this!

(When he uses his quick step attack in the third phase.)
Sephiroth: Meet your fate!

(When he uses Heartless Angel in the third phase.)
Sephiroth: Time to end your misery.

(When he uses Supernova.)

  • The planet and I... to be one!
  • I shall lead you to the Promised Land!

(After finishing Supernova.)
Sephiroth: That was true power!

(When he is defeated.)
Sephiroth: The Planet... it's fading!

Party members[]

(Note that the lines for each party member saying the name of the person when they support them are not listed. The following lines are also not guaranteed every time.)


(Upon casting Fire.)
Sora: Fire!

(Upon casting Blizzard.)
Sora: Deep Freeze!

(Upon casting Thunder.)
Sora: Thunder!

(Upon casting Cure.)

  • Heal!
  • This should help!

(Upon casting Gravity.)
Sora: Force!

(Upon casting Aero.)

  • Wind!
  • Defense!

(Upon casting Stop.)
Sora: Stop!

(Upon casting Fire, Blizzard, or Gravity.)
Sora: See ya!

(Upon casting Thunder, Stop, or healing self with items.)
Sora: Here!

(Upon casting a summon.)
Sora: Courage!

(Upon using some summon's attacks.)
Sora: Gotcha!

(Upon casting a Summon spell, Proud Roar, or Trinity Limit.)
Sora: Give me strength!

(Upon using a special attack.)
Sora: Power!

(Upon performing a finisher or by using a special attack.)

  • Come on!
  • Let's go!
  • Take that!
  • This is it!


(When told to attack, or when he casts Fire or Stop.)
Donald: Get at 'em!

(When he casts Blizzard.)
Donald: Conduct!

(When told to retreat.)

  • Sora!
  • Don't give up!

(When he is healed.)
Donald: Thank you!

(When he is low on HP.)
Donald: Help!


(When he uses Rocket.)
Goofy: Take that!

(When he uses any special attack.)
Goofy: Come on!

(When told to attack.)
Goofy: Come on!

(When told to retreat.)

  • Sora!
  • Don't give up!

(When he is healed.)
Goofy: Thanks, pal!

(When he heals himself with an item.)
Goofy: Yeah!

(When he is low on HP.)
Goofy: Help!

(When he is knocked out.)
Goofy: I've had it, fellers.

(When he is revived.)
Goofy: Thanks, pal!


(When told to attack.)
Tarzan: Hey!

(When told to retreat.)

  • No fear.
  • Tarzan help.

(When he is healed.)
Tarzan: Thank you.

(When he is low on HP.)
Tarzan: Danger!

(When he is knocked out.)
Tarzan: Tarzan tired.

(When he is revived.)
Tarzan: (shouts)


(When he uses Sandstorm.)
Aladdin: Here I come!

(When he uses Crescent.)
Aladdin: Here!

(When told to attack.)
Aladdin: Hang on!

(When told to retreat.)

  • Sora!
  • Hang on!

(When he is healed.)
Aladdin: Thanks!

(When he is knocked out.)
Aladdin: Sorry, guys...

(When he is revived.)

  • Thanks!
  • It's not over yet!


(When she uses a special attack or an item.)
Ariel: There!

(When told to attack.)
Ariel: Come on!

(When told to retreat.)
Ariel: Don't give up!

(When she is healed.)
Ariel: Thanks!

(When she is low on HP.)
Ariel: Someone, please!

(When she is knocked out.)
Ariel: No...

(When she is revived.)
Ariel: Thanks!

Jack Skellington[]

(When he uses Applause!.)
Jack Skellington: C'mon fellows, let's go!

(When he uses Blazing Fury, Ghostly Scream, or an item.)
Jack Skellington: Here!

(When he uses Icy Terror.)
Jack Skellington: Take that!

(When he uses Bolts of Sorrow.)
Jack Skellington: Power!

(When told to attack.)
Jack Skellington: Here I come!

(When told to retreat.)

Jack Skellington
  • Sora!
  • C'mon fellows, let's go!

(When he is healed.)

Jack Skellington
  • Thank you!
  • How thoughtful!

(When he is low on HP.)
Jack Skellington: This does not look good!

(When he is knocked out.)
Jack Skellington: It's no use...

(When he is revived.)
Jack Skellington: You can do it!

Peter Pan[]

(When he attacks or uses an item on himself.)
Peter Pan: Take that!

(When he uses Time Out.)
Peter Pan: Yeah!

(When told to attack.)
Peter Pan: Don't give up!

(When told to retreat.)

Peter Pan
  • Sora!
  • Don't give up!

(When he is healed.)
Peter Pan: Thanks!

(When he is low on HP.)
Peter Pan: No fair!

(When he is knocked out.)
Peter Pan: No fair!

(When he is revived.)
Peter Pan: Aw rats...


(When he uses Ferocious Lunge.)
Beast: Step aside!

(When told to retreat.)

  • Sora!
  • Keep fighting.

(When he is knocked out.)
Beast: This can't be...

(When he is revived.)
Beast: I'm not finished yet!


(At the end of the Showtime attack.)
Genie: This may leave a mark!

(When Genie disappears.)
Genie: Toodleloo!

(When Mushu is summoned.)
Mushu: I am Mushu!

(When Mushu disappears.)
Mushu: Bye bye, see ya!
