Kingdom Hearts Wiki

Party members are companions and allies that fight alongside the player character in Kingdom Hearts and its Final Mix version. They have a display on the HUD with their own gauges for HP and MP, and possess their own statistics. The player can customize their behavior through the 'Customize' sub-menu, and also choose to equip them with different items, accessories, and abilities. All party members also gain EXP, even when not in an active party.

Mechanically there is a notable distinction between the two permanent companions (Donald and Goofy) and everyone else. Normally party members are locked to the world on which they live, except for Donald and Goofy who travel alongside Sora to other worlds. They are also the only ones who can equip different weapons, and gain new abilities through leveling (other party members start with a full set). Because they gain new abilities through leveling, when not used their gains are delayed until they level in an active party again.


Only two party members can be active in a party alongside the player character, the 'Party' option in the save point menu letting the player swap them around depending on who is available. Each party member will act independently, their general AI always making them follow the player character closely, and attacking enemies in range. Some enemies like the White Mushroom and Rare Truffle are never targeted by party members. When defeated a party member is knocked unconscious, although they restore themselves automatically after some time (on average around sixty seconds) unless healed beforehand. The Second Wind ability cuts this recovery time in half.

The 'Command' control (the Triangle button, traditionally) allows you to recall party members to your position, or to order them to attack a locked-on target, shifting their focus. Out of combat the command menu also gives the option for party members to aid you in certain actions, such as activating Trinity Marks (only with Donald and Goofy), and interacting with specific objects (gems for Aladdin's pet monkey Abu, walls for Beast). Peter Pan is also required to communicate with Tinkerbell at some point if you wish to move to the Clock Tower in Neverland.

You also need a full party (with no one knocked out) to be able to Summon allies.

Also technically an ally in a single fight is Riku, who joins you against Parasite Cage in Monstro. He does not actually join your party however, and has no visible HP gauge.

Party members[]

Note that Donald and Goofy gain more accessory and item slots as they gain levels.

Party member Homeworld Default Slots
Equipment Items Accessory Item
Donald Disney Castle Mage's Staff Potion (×2) 2 2—6
Goofy Disney Castle Knight's Shield Potion (×3), Ether (×1) 2—4 4—8
Tarzan Deep Jungle Spear Potion (×3) 1 3
Aladdin Agrabah Sword, Protect Chain, Fire Ring Potion (×4), Ether (×2) 2 6
Jack Skellington Halloween Town Protect Chain, Fire Ring Ether (×3) 2 3
Ariel Atlantica Protect Chain (×2), Thunder Ring Potion (×3), Ether (×2) 3 5
Peter Pan Neverland Dagger, Protect Chain (×2) Potion (×3), Ether (×3) 2 6
Beast Hollow Bastion Claws, Blizzard Ring Hi-Potion (×4), Potion (×2), Ether (×2) 1 8

Customize menu[]

The party member AI can be customized somewhat in the pause menu's 'Customize' sub-menu, where each ally's fighting style can be set to your own requirements. Each character has a set of pre-made styles under Personal, with other styles such as Offensive, Defense, Conservative, and Balanced being available as well. Most players will however want to opt for Manual, giving them more fine control over a character's actions.

Each type of action can be set to three orders, either 'Constantly', 'Frequently', or 'Occasionally'. The orders governing HP and MP Items are 'Immediately', 'Frequently', and 'Only in emergency'.

Action Description Notes
Regular Attacks Tells how often to perform melee attacks.
Special Attacks Tells how often to use offensive abilities that consume MP. This does not apply to Donald, and governs the standard MP-consuming abilities listed as 'special attack'.
Defensive Moves Tells how often to use restorative and defensive abilities that consume MP. This only applies to Tarzan, Ariel, and Peter Pan, as only they have defensive special abilities.
Offensive Magic Tells how often to use attack magic that consumes MP. This only applies to Donald and covers Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder.
Defensive Magic Tells how often to use restorative and defensive magic that consumes MP. This only applies to Donald and covers Cure and Aero.
Advanced Magic Tells how often to use special magic that consumes MP. This only applies to Donald and covers Gravity and Stop.
Shield Techniques Tells how often to perform defensive actions with the shield. This only applies to Goofy and specifically covers his eye-covered shield charge.
Support Actions Tells how often to use abilities that support the party and consume MP. This only applies to Goofy and covers MP Gift and Evolution.
HP Items Tells how often to use HP-restoring items. Has no effect if no items are equipped.
MP Items Tells how often to use MP-restoring items.