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This is a list of all collectible gummi ship blueprints in Kingdom Hearts and Final Mix. Blueprints are pre-made gummi ships and can be acquired in only three ways; by talking to Geppetto after eliminating a specific number of Heartless, by acquiring the blueprint as a drop from a defeated enemy ship, or as a reward for completing a level three gummi ship mission (only in Final Mix). The base Kingdom model is acquired by default, and there is also another free model acquired by talking to Pinocchio after entering his and Gepetto's house thirty times.

Several of the enemy ship designs were changed between the original Japanese and the worldwide international versions, and the Final Mix release further altered several of the original and changed enemy designs.

Collecting thirty or more gummi ship blueprints also grants you the bronze trophy and achievement Gummi Ship Collector in the 1.5 ReMIX version. In the original 1.5 ReMIX version you need to collect all blueprints however.


Blueprint How to obtain
Kingdom Defeat Guard Armor.
Geppetto Speak with Geppetto in Traverse Town.
Cid Speak with Geppetto after defeating 500 Heartless.
Yuffie Speak with Geppetto after defeating 1,000 Heartless.
Cactuar Speak with Geppetto after defeating 1,500 Heartless.
Aerith Speak with Geppetto after defeating 3,000 Heartless.
Leon Speak with Geppetto after defeating 4,000 Heartless.
Hyperion Speak with Geppetto after defeating 5,000 Heartless and acquiring all six Summon spells.
Chocobo Speak with Pinocchio after entering his and Geppetto's house thirty times.
Moogles Complete the Traverse Town level 3 gummi mission.
Valefor Complete the Wonderland level 3 gummi mission.
PuPu Complete the Olympus Coliseum level 3 gummi mission.
Cerberus Complete the Deep Jungle level 3 gummi mission.
Tonberry Complete the Agrabah level 3 gummi mission.
Pandaemonium Complete the Atlantica level 3 gummi mission.
Ixion Complete the Halloween Town level 3 gummi mission.
Gilgamesh Complete the Neverland level 3 gummi mission.
Phoenix Complete the Hollow Bastion level 3 gummi mission.
Eden Complete the End of the World level 3 gummi mission.
Bahamut Complete all level 3 gummi missions.

Enemy ships per route[]

Route Available blueprints
Traverse Town ↔ Wonderland Ahriman, Alexander, Goblin, Sylph
Traverse Town ↔ Olympus Coliseum Goblin, Alexander, Ahriman, Shiva, Ramuh
Wonderland ↔ Deep Jungle Cindy, Goblin, Odin, Golem, Sylph
Olympus Coliseum ↔ Deep Jungle Shiva, Ramuh, Goblin, Cindy, Odin
Blue warp Bomb, Stingray, Deathguise, Leviathan
Orange warp Siren, Remora, Imp
Agrabah ↔ Atlantica Adamant, Sylph, Mindy, Carbuncle, Lamia, Deathguise, Diablos
Agrabah ↔ Halloween Town Bomb, Mindy, Typhoon, Golem, Atomos, Sandy, Sylph, Carbuncle, Adamant
Atlantica ↔ Neverland Mindy, Lamia, Deathguise, Diablos, Catoblepas, Stingray, Bomb
Halloween Town ↔ Neverland Catoblepas, Stingray, Diablos, Bomb, Sandy, Mindy, Golem, Atomos
Neverland ↔ Hollow Bastion Deathguise, Shiva, Serpent, Adamant, Leviathan, Stingray, Lamia
Hollow Bastion ↔ End of the World Omega, Deathguise, Stingray, Shiva, Cindy, Alexander, Sylph, Lamia
Purple warp Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Ahriman, Odin, Cindy


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