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This is the second visit walkthrough for Hollow Bastion as it is featured in Kingdom Hearts, as well as its Final Mix version. Sora and his friends return to Hollow Bastion in an attempt to seal the Keyhole and stall the increasing appearances of the Heartless.

Completing the world and sealing the Keyhole also grants you the bronze trophy and achievement End of the World in the 1.5 ReMIX version.


When you return you will start all the way back in Rising Falls, where Beast offers to go with you. Note that there is a new bubble at the top, which takes you to a Defense Up. No new Heartless will spawn in Hollow Bastion, but you will encounter all the Heartless from Traverse Town now as well. Visit the Library to have Beast and Belle reunite, then talk to her to receive the Divine Rose Keyblade. In Final Mix it will be the strongest Keyblade for a long time as well, due to a +3 Strength increase over the original version.

You can use the elevator platform behind the secret passage in the Library to grab a Ramuh Belt (only a Thundaga-G in the original), as long as you activated a switch at the moving blocks that rotated a large machine at the Great Crest. Afterwards, take the normal path all the way up to the Castle Chapel, where you can talk to the other Princesses of Heart. Now enter the Grand Hall, where you can open three more chests, the one atop the highest walkway containing the Oblivion (already outclassed by the Divine Rose in the Final Mix version). Enter the portal to the Dark Depths next.

Behemoth bossfight[]

Hollow Bastion from KH1 gameplay 6

The Behemoth bossfight.

A massive Behemoth guards the Final Keyhole here. Its only weakpoint is its horn, which can be difficult to reach normally, were it not for the fact that you can jump onto its hind legs, followed by its back, where hitting the horn is almost trivial. In terms of attacks Behemoth causes small shockwaves with every step, and can also leap towards you. It can charge its horn to cause energy balls to rain from the sky, and will retaliate with a thunder attack that covers a lot of the area.

It is immune to all elements except Gravity, which can be useful due to its high HP. Without the jump tactic you will have to rely on aerial moves whenever Behemoth lowers its horn. After its defeat you receive the Omega Arts accessory, and after a cutscene, you also seal the Final Keyhole. You receive the Firaga spell from the Princesses afterwards. After you leave, quickly re-enter and land at the Library to talk to Aerith for Ansem's Report 2, 4, 6, and 10. Talk to her a few more times until you receive the Curaga spell.

There are a few objectives to do by now. If you have collected all items on all worlds, except the final one, you can receive the final reward from Pongo and Perdita for having collected all puppies, which is a complete set of all gummi blocks. Do not forget to also talk to Geppetto for new blueprints. You can then use the full set of gummi blocks to clear any remaining gummi missions in the Final Mix version (although there is no real benefit to doing so). You will also receive the Aeroga spell from them.

The only non-optional objective is the next location, End of the World, which should be attempted first. Sealing the Final Keyhole also has unlocked the Olympus Coliseum's difficult Hades Cup, followed by the even harder optional bossfights in the Gold and Platinum Matches. Other optional bosses are also available at Agrabah, Neverland, and Hollow Bastion itself.

Optional content[]

The Unknown figure is a new bossfight unique to the Final Mix version of the game. He can be fought by going through the dark portal in the Castle Chapel area, after at least visiting End of the World and viewing the first cutscene. Although available early, it is the hardest bossfight in the game and should not be attempted until a sufficiently high level has been reached. Generally a minimum of 70 is recommended, if not higher depending on your skill level and difficulty. After the fight you receive an EXP Necklace and Ansem's Report 13.

Defeating Unknown also grants you the bronze trophy and achievement He Who Doesn't Exist in the 1.5 ReMIX version.

Unknown bossfight[]

Hollow Bastion from KH1 gameplay 7

The Unknown bossfight.

As with previous optional bossfights the best abilities, accessories, and items are to be taken along. Specifically giving Hi-Potions and Ethers to Donald and Goofy is recommended, while a few Megalixirs in your own inventory can go a long way as well.

Aside from Curaga and Aeroga, the only other effective magic is Graviga. Although it deals minimal damage to Unknown, its gravity element means it will temporarily stagger and stun him, giving you the opportunity to hit it without fear of repercussion. Zantetsuken has the same effect, as does Gravity Break, but it is generally too slow like some of the other combo finishers. At the start of the fight you should also summon Tinkerbell due to her auto-heal and revive abilities.

At first Unknown will open up by throwing out orbs that explode into large spheres of electricity. The spheres last for a time and have to be avoided, which can be difficult as Unknown can throw them out at point-blank range. He will rely on quick melee combos, striking rapidly, and often calling up a large rectangular forcefield that blocks your attack. Dodge around the pane of light as he will quickly lunge through it to hit you. He will also shift into a cloud and move around the battlefield to follow you, during which he is invincible.

After about half of his pink health bar has been depleted he will become faster and shift more around the battlefield, often creating floating lights when he reappears. The lights will turn into lasers that rapidly home in you, forcing you to time a quick Dodge Roll to avoid them. Most importantly he will start to use his curse attack, which is nearly impossible to avoid (Leaf Bracers temporary immunity can bypass it) and changes all your commands to 'Shock', with one of them randomly and very shortly turning into 'Release'. Choosing the latter cancels the effect, whereas the former damages you. You also continuously lose HP while cursed, which is why your allies' items and abilities, plus Tinkerbell's healing, are crucial to avoid dying if you are unable to select the Release command or fail to shake off the Unknown from targeting you. When you are free from the curse ability, immediately recast Aeroga as it will have been dismissed.

When his yellow health bar has been depleted by half he will resort to his final phase, starting with shrouding the area in darkness and creating a shield around himself while floating in the air. The area around him will be filled with rapidly and randomly moving laserbeams, which fill the entire chamber. As he follows you around it is generally easiest to stick close to him to avoid exposure to too-many beams, although you can also try to Superglide away to try to stay as far away as possible.

His other attacks will also deal more damage, and the previously blue lasers now turn bright red, and he also creates far more of them as well. At this point if you lose Tinkerbell you might want to resort to powerful attack abilities like Ars Arcanum, but otherwise you simply have to weather his attacks and slowly whittle down the last bits of his HP. You especially will need to watch our for being cursed two times in a row, and also being immediately struck with the strongest laser attack as you lack Aeroga's defence after freeing yourself from it.

Once Unknown is defeated you will receive an EXP Necklace and Ansem's Report 13.
