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Kingdom Hearts Wiki

The Frost Serpent is an Emblem Heartless that appears in Kingdom Hearts III.


It's body resembles a giant skeleton, colored white with ice blue spikes covering most of the body, two curving horns, and blueish-green ice wings and fins near the tail, which has a giant snowflake shaped tail spade at the end. It's eyes are yellow swirls, and the symbol of the heartless is adorned on the forehead. In its other form after taking enough damage, its eyes have become yellow orbs, and will gain large claws that replace its wings from before, and lose the horns.

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For the first form, it will fly around and try harming Sora and friends with twisting snow flurries, or use their tails, or fly low to the ground and ram into Sora. After taking enough damage, it will dive into the ground and emerge in its second form and will commence attacking with its claws and either slash, or spin its claws into drills and charge across the snow.

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Stats & Abilities[]

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