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Kingdom Hearts Wiki
Balloon Bounce gameplay

Gameplay of Balloon Bounce.

Balloon Bounce is a minigame featured at Kanga and Roo's House in the 100 Acre Wood in both Kingdom Hearts II and its Final Mix version. It is playable after obtaining the third Torn Page (typically after the battle with the thousand Heartless at Hollow Bastion) and returning it to the book in Merlin's house.

The objective of the minigame is for Sora to bounce on as many balloons as possible, with each balloon granting points. You always start at the bottom, a cloth trampoline, from where you can reach the lowest row of balloons. The balloons move in pairs or threes per row, with each row typically alternating moving left and right. Sora can move left and right as well, and uses either the default jump button or the Reaction Command button to jump from balloon to balloon. If you do not jump then Sora will still reach the same height, but do so much slower. Landing on the bottom after bouncing on at least one balloon will cost you a 'Try', of which you only have three.

Balloon point values
Amount Value
1-6 times 15
7-11 times 25
12-16 times 35
17-21 times 40
22-26 times 50
27-31 times 60
32-36 times 70
37-41 times 75
42-46 times 85
47 times or more 100

There are four kinds of balloons; blue, green, red, and the unique striped yellow-orange one at the very top. At first you will only encounter blues, with a row of greens on-top that serve to launch you into the center area, from where you must go through multiple rows of blue balloons to reach the next set of greens to take you to the striped balloon above. Landing on the striped balloon will change the center area for a time into a large swarm of blue and red balloons (red being much smaller). Eventually they will return to their normal configuration of rows, although the top layer of greens do not respawn, and red balloons will eventually replace all popped blue balloons.

Points gained from balloons is dependent on the amount of balloons bounced on in a row without touching the bottom. The bottom three rows of balloons are also always worth only 1/5ths of their actual worth at that time. Lastly, the top striped balloon does not grant extra points, but does temporarily double the amount of points gained for thirty seconds. There is no true maximum amount of points, although you only need 2,000 to clear Jiminy's Journal's objective.

Lastly, the wide screen resolution inherent to the 1.5 ReMiX version actually makes the minigame somewhat harder by making it so that at the apex of a jump you can no longer see the balloons on the row below you, forcing you to somewhat guess on where it is going to be.

Template:Navbox walkthroughs kh2
