Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts
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Type Pureblood Heartless Heartless hires
Kana/Kanji シャドウ
Romaji Shadou
English Shadow
French Ombre
German Schattenlurch
Spanish Sombra
Italian Shadow
Games Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts III
Gigas Shadow
Flower Rider
Gift Shadow
Lion Dancer
Rodeo Rider

Kingdom Hearts

Heartless that emerge from various places. They sneak up to their enemies and strike them with sharp claws. They are extremely tenacious, often chasing their prey to the end.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - Sora's Story

A Heartless that pops up in all kinds of places.
The Shadow ambles around and attacks without warning. It is completely untouchable while hiding within the darkness.

Kingdom Hearts II

It sinks into the ground while moving, so timing is the key to defeating it.
The moment it surfaces, attack away!

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

A Pureblood Heartless that flows across the ground as a shadow, completely immune to attack.
Watch for the moment it emerges, then strike!

Kingdom Hearts coded

Heartless which lurk here, there, and everywhere. They hide themselves beneath their own shadows as they draw close to their prey, then lash out with sharpened claws. Don't want to get caught shadowboxing? Then wait till they surface to strike.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

One of the many forms the heart takes after being swallowed by darkness.
Being that appears along with the darkness. It searches for hearts to attack them.
Before Rescue After
HP 10-54 60
Attack 2-31 35-40
Defense 2-24 27-30
MP Recovery 0-40 45-53
EXP 1-16 30
Weapon Fire Bliz. Thndr.
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Gravity Stop KO Other
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
(1) HP Ball x 1
(1) Munny x 2
Potion (1%), Lucid Shard (6%)
Dive to the Heart, Destiny Islands, Traverse Town, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, Agrabah, Monstro, Halloween Town, Neverland, Hollow Bastion, End of the World
Before Rescue After
HP 10-54 60
Attack 2-31 35-40
Defense 2-24 27-30
MP Recovery 0-40 45-53
EXP 1-16 30
Weapon Fire Bliz. Thndr.
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Gravity Stop KO Other
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Phil Cup

Seed 4 (Hard Hitters): 4x Shadow

Pegasus Cup

Seed 8 (Marauders): 8x Shadow

Hercules Cup

Seed 9 (Dusk Vanguard): 9x Shadow

Hades Cup

Seed 49 (Shadow Brothers): 49x Shadow
Seed 47 (Terrible Feet): 47x Shadow
Seed 32 (Shadow Summoners): 32x Shadow
Seed 26 (Shadow Storm): 26x Shadow
Seed 9 (Night Rave): 9x Shadow
Seed 5 (Black Storm): 5x Shadow

Floor Basement HP AP EXP
1 12 33 3 3
2 11 36 3 7
3 10 39 4 12
4 9 42 5 16
5 8 45 5 21
6 7 49 6 25
7 6 52 7 30
8 5 55 8 32
9 4 58 9 36
10 3 62 10 41
11 2 98 9 75
12 1 105 10 80
13 111 11 91
Physical Fire Bliz. Thndr. Neutral
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Status Effects Grav. Stun Stop Warp
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Bind Conf. Terr. Mgnt. Frze.
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Shadow (card)
Increase the value of all cards by 1.
Duration Cost Values Duel Time
2 reloads 25 CP 1 3 cards 4 s
Traverse Town, Wonderland, Olympus Coliseum, Agrabah, Halloween Town, Monstro, Neverland, Hollow Bastion, Twilight Town, Destiny Islands, Castle Oblivion, Bottomless Darkness
Location Lvl HP EXP Str Def
Twilight Town 7 15 2 10 5
Hollow Bastion 8 16 3 11 5
The Land of Dragons 10 17 4 12 6
Beast's Castle 13 20 5 15 8
Hollow Bastion 15 22 6 17 9
Olympus Coliseum 16 22 7 17 9
Disney Castle 18 24 9 19 10
Timeless River 19 25 9 20 11
Port Royal 20 26 10 21 11
Agrabah 22 27 13 22 12
Halloween Town 24 29 15 24 13
Pride Lands 26 31 18 26 14
Hollow Bastion 28 32 21 27 15
Space Paranoids 28 32 21 27 15
Hollow Bastion 30 34 24 29 16
Space Paranoids 34 38 32 32 18
The World That Never Was 50 50 80 45 26
Weapon Fire Bliz. Thndr. Dark Other
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
(1) HP Ball x 1
(1) Munny x 1
Dark Shard (4%)
Twilight Town, Hollow Bastion, The Land of Dragons, Beast's Castle, Olympus Coliseum, Disney Castle, Timeless River, Port Royal, Agrabah, Halloween Town, Pride Lands, Space Paranoids, The World That Never Was
Location Lvl HP EXP Str Def

Pain and Panic Cup

Match 1: 5x Shadow
Match 4: 4x Shadow

20 26 21 11
Pain and Panic Paradox Cup

Match 1: 5x Shadow
Match 4: 4x Shadow

60 59 54 31
Hades Paradox Cup

Match 1: 3x Shadow
Match 7: 4x Shadow

99 91 87 51
Weapon Fire Bliz. Thndr. Dark Other
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Hearts Lvl
HP EXP Def Stun
0.32 1.00 1.02 O
Mission Lvl Rewards
00 Potion (10%)
02 Potion (10%)
05 Ether (25%)
07 Moonstone (15%)
09 Blazing Gem (7%)
27 Potion (10%)
Fire Bliz. Thndr. Aero
x2.20 x1.60 x0.60 x1.70
Ignt. Frze. Jolt Toss
x1.00 x1.60 x1.00 x1.00
Twilight Town, Agrabah, Beast's Castle, Halloween Town, Olympus Coliseum, Neverland



O Shadow (em Português Sombra) é um Pureblood Heartless introduzido no Kingdom Hearts. Embora a sombra não é o tipo mais fraco de Heartless, é o tipo o mais básico, e ainda é uma ameaça para aqueles sem o Keyblade. Pode ser encontrada em cada mundo em cada jogo, excluindo os mundos do Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep e Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance; Atlantica em Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories e Kingdom Hearts II; e and The World That Never Was in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Em Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, este Heartless apareceu somente no Realm of Darkness durante o episódio de segredo do jogo. Alguns Heartless, tais como o Darkside, a Dark Follower, também podem invocar sombras, e as sombras que gerou pelo Dark Follower são violeta em coloração, ao invés do tradicional preto.


Uma Shadow normal tem uma estrutura de corpo vagamente humanóide. Tem uma cabeça redonda, esférica, com olhos amarelos brilhantes, circulares. Ele também tem duas antenas longas, torcidas, brotando do topo da sua cabeça. Cada uma das suas mãos tem três dedos garras e seus pés são grandes e não têm quaisquer dígitos discerníveis. Com exceção de seus olhos, o corpo desta Heartless é completamente preto (com excepção das sombras convocadas pelo Dark Follower, que são roxo escuro).


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[]

Enquanto Aqua está atravessando o Realm of Darkness, ela encontra a Shadow entre alguns outros Pureblood Heartless.

Kingdom Hearts[]

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days[]

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories[]

Várias Shadow desovam quando Sora e companhia tentam deixar o mundo dos cartões de Monstro, quando Jack Skellington menciona um "problema" na cidade de Halloween, e quando Sora chega em Agrabah encontrar Aladdin sob ataque por Heartless.

Kingdom Hearts II[]

