Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts
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Type Pureblood Heartless Heartless hires
Kana/Kanji ネオシャドウ
Romaji Neo Shadou
Japanese Neo Shadow
English Neoshadow
French Crypto Ombre
German Schattenschalk
Spanish Neosombra
Italian Neoshadow
Games Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-
Kingdom Hearts III

Kingdom Hearts

A Heartless that travels in packs.
Combining their powers allows them to attack Sora while also healing themselves. Leaving even just one alive will result in a never-ending battle.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - Sora's Story

A nimble Heartless that swims through the shadows.

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories

An extremely agile Heartless.
It dives into shadows before it pops up in front of its enemy and delivers a rolling attack. The Neoshadow moves in the shadows, making it a difficult opponent to fight.

Kingdom Hearts II

It produces a shadow on the ground before attacking. Catch it off guard right after it attacks.
Once it tries to jump and attack, use the reaction command Aerial Dance for a flurry of attacks!

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

A Pureblood Heartless that flows across the ground as a shadow, completely immune to attack.
It may unleash a shockwave as it emerges, so stay on guard.
Block when it charges you to earn a few precious seconds during which you can deal double damage.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

One of the many forms the heart takes after being swallowed by darkness.
They look like Shadows, but their movements are more quick-witted.
Before Rescue After
HP 150
Attack N/A 40
Defense 30
MP Recovery 55
EXP 400[1]
Weapon Fire Bliz. Thndr.
x1.0 x0.49 x0.5 x0.5
Gravity Stop KO Other
x0 x0.2 x0.5 x0.5
First to sixth Neoshadows:
(15) MP ball x 5
Seventh Neoshadow:
(1) HP Ball x 20, (5) HP Ball x 5
Stormy Stone (35%)
End of the World
Floor Basement HP AP EXP
12 1 237 13 285
13 252 14 310
Physical Fire Bliz. Thndr. Neutral
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Status Effects Grav. Stun Stop Warp
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Bind Conf. Terr. Mgnt. Frze.
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Neoshadow (card)
Causes enemies HP to gradually drop.
Duration Cost Values Duel Time
1 reload 25 CP 2, 6, 8 5 cards 6 s
Castle Oblivion
Location Lvl HP EXP Str Def
Hollow Bastion 34 75 159 32 18
The Land of Dragons 35 76 170 34 19
Beast's Castle 36 77 182 34 19
Port Royal 37 79 194 35 20
Olympus Coliseum 39 82 220 37 21
Agrabah 40 84 234 37 21
Halloween Town 41 86 248 39 22
Pride Land 43 89 278 40 23
Hollow Bastion 45 92 310 42 24
The World That Never Was 50 100 400 45 26
Weapon Fire Bliz. Thndr. Dark Other
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
(1) MP Ball x 2
(5) Munny x2
Lucid Crystal (8%), Bright Crystal (4%)
Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden, The Land of Dragons, Beast's Castle, Port Royal, Olympus Coliseum, Agrabah, Halloween Town, Pride Land, The World That Never Was
Location Lvl HP EXP Str Def

Titan Cup

Match 5: 3x Neoshadow

61 86 39 22
Titan Paradox Cup

Match 5: 3x Neoshadow

80 150 70 41
Hades Paradox Cup

Match 17: 4x Neoshadow
Match 26: 2x Neoshadow

99 181 87 51
Weapon Fire Bliz. Thndr. Dark Other
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Hearts Lvl
HP EXP Def Stun
3.20 2.63 1.37 X
Mission Lvl Rewards
29 17
38 17 Combo Tech (30%)
44 17 Lightning Shard (80%)
93 17
Fire Bliz. Thndr. Aero
x1.35 x1.60 x0.60 x1.70
Ignt. Frze. Jolt Toss
x0.40 x1.60 x0.40 x0.40
Beast's Castle, Twilight Town, The World That Never Was



O Neoshadow é um Pureblood Heartless introduzido no Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.


Um Neoshadow tem uma estrutura de corpo humanóide mais do que uma Shadow normal, mas compartilha a mesma pele de breu e esféricos, e brilhantes olhos amarelos. Suas antenas tortas são bastante longas e recuem para trás o Heartless. Parece ser bastante musculoso e suas mãos são muito grandes, cada uma ostentando cinco garras dedos. Seus pés, como os de uma Shadow normal, são longos e faltam de dígitos, mas os pés de um Neoshadow mais se assemelham a botas. Seu corpo também é revestido por várias veias fracos, azuis da cor.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[]

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days[]


Outros jogos[]

Notas e referências[]

  1. The player receives 400 EXP from the last Neoshadow defeated.
