Kingdom Hearts Wiki
Het Symbool van de Onervarenen.
"It happened when you and I were split into two. The negativity took shape as these monsters. They are what I feel—a horde of fledgling emotions under my control."
—Vanitas legt het bestaan van de Onervarenen uit aan Ventus.

De Onervarenen (アンヴァース Anvāsu?, Unversed)[1], betekenis "zij die geen goede ervaring hebben in hun eigen bestaan", zijn de hoofdvijanden van de speletjie Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep en vijanden in Kingdom Hearts III. Ze worden beschouwd als "het tegenovergestelde van het menselijk leven" en groeien vanuit de negatieve emoties die werden geproduceerd toen Vanitas werd gecreeërd uit Ventus. Hierdoor was Vanitas in staat om ze te besturen. Volgens velen zijn de Onervarenen uitbreidingen van Vanitas zelf.

Chronologisch gezien, zijn de Onervarenen oftewel de eerste of tweede vijanden waarnaar verwezen wordt tijdens de Deep Dive, omdat ze het tweede ras zijn die zich vertonen, maar de eerste zijn die het Rijk van Licht aanvallen.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[]

The χ-blade's Forging 02 KHBBS

"Zij zijn hetgene wat ik voel—een bende van niet-ontwikkelde emoties die ik in mijn macht heb". Vanitas legt uit dat de Onervarenen van hem komen.

Rond dezelfde tijd dat Meester Xehanort het Land van Vertrek verlaat, wordt het bestaan van de Onervarenen voor Meester Eraqus aan het licht gebracht door een oude vriend van de Sleutelzwaard Meester, Meester Yen Sid. Meester Eraqus stuurt Terra en Aqua (twee van zijn leerlingen) op pad om Meester Xehanort te vinden en een einde te maken aan de bedreiging voor de Prinsessen van Hart die veroorzaakt wordt door de Onervarenen. Maar wat Eraqus niet van plan was, was om zijn andere leerling, Ventus, op weg te sturen om achter Terra aan te gaan. Het is tijdens Ventus' laatste gevecht met Vanitas (zijn duistere kant) dat de waarheid achter de Onervarenen wordt onthuld.

Vanitas legt uit dat de Onervarenen zijn creaties zijn, en dat ze alleen loyaal zijn aan hem. Omdat hij een wezen is dat werd gecreëerd vanuit de puurste en kwaadaardigste vorm van duisternis, manipuleerde Vanitas de negatieve gedachten en emoties van anderen en zette hij ze om in levende wezens, de Onervarenen. Vanitas bezocht zoveel mogelijk werelden om zijn volgelingen vrij te laten als hij kon, om zowel te helpen met Meester Xehanort's plannen om het χ-zwaard te maken en om zijn eigen verlangen om ellende te veroorzaken voor anderen.

De Onervarenen dienden als de perfecte tegenstanders voor Terra, Ventus, en Aqua. Wanneer ze hen versloegen werden ze alleen maar sterker, zodat ze allemaal deel konden uitmaken van Meester Xehanorts schema om het χ-zwaard te vormen, Terra's lichaam over te nemen, en een nieuwe Sleutelzwaard Oorlog te beginnen. Het enige nadeel aan het verslaan van de Onervarenen is dat elke negativiteit die wordt vrijgelaten als er een Onervarene wordt verslagen weer terecht komt in Vanitas, die ze gewoon weer in de werelden kan oproepen. Het hele Onervarenen-ras verdwijnt nadat hun maker, Vanitas, wordt vernietigd door de handen van Ventus.


Something Very Wrong 01 KHBBS

De ogen van de Cursed Coach.

Er komen verschillende soorten Ondervarenen voor in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Het belangrijkste onderdeel in hun ontwerp en vormgeving was emotie. Daardoor hebben sommigen een glimlachende, boze, en huilende "gezicht", die verwijzen naar de vorm van hun rode ogen, die alle Onervarenen delen. Het embleem dat de meeste Onervarenen hebben is ook bedoeld om een hart uit te beelden dat emotie uitdrukt. [2]

Lijst met Onervarenen[]

Unversedlogo Naam Journaal Verslag Locatie
Flood (フラッド Furaddo?) Just because these foes like to dart around as they strike doesn't mean you should get antsy yourself. Lock on and let your Keyblade do the talking. Careful, though: your attacks won't hit if the Floods have seeped into the ground. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland, Mysterieuze Toren, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Scrapper (スクラッパー Sukurappā?) These baddies like to wait for an opening. If you start swatting your Keyblade around without paying attention, the Scrappers will have their claws all over you in no time. Stay alert! Of course you could look for an opening yourself...Scrappers do tend to move in straight lines. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Mysterieuze Toren, Mirage Arena
Bruiser (ブルーザー Burūzā?) Need proof that size matters? Wait till one of these juggernauts lays down the hurt with its high-octane attacks. Their shock waves have a lot of range, so be sure to keep your distance. All that extra weight is bound to tucker a Bruiser out. Wait for signs of fatigue, then put the big guy to sleep. Kasteel van Dromen, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Mysterieuze Toren, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof
Red Hot Chili
Red Hot Chili (レッドホットチリ Reddo Hotto Chiri?) Don't expect these spice churls to hold still; you'll need to lock on if you want your blows to connect. Use Blizzard attacks to douse their fires for good. They may try to slam into you while ablaze, so be ready to stop, drop and roll—or at least roll. Dwergenwoud, Olympus Colosseum, Mirage Arena
Monotrucker (モノトラッカー Monotorakkā?) These road warriors zoom around and pick a fight... with pickaxes. It's hard to get a bead on a Monotrucker if it's too far away, so find the right time to move in, then finish it off in one fell swoop. Kasteel van Dromen, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Olympus Colosseum, Mirage Arena
Thornbite (ソーンバイト Sōnbaito?) Make no mistake, a Thornbite by any other name would still smack you around. Those vines lash out further than you might think, sending you flying if you don't watch it. Direct attacks cause these plant pests to start glowing and gain a dangerous burst of speed. Use magic commands to spare yourself the prickly predicament. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Mirage Arena
Shoegazer (シューゲイザー Shū Geizā?) When it comes to these foot soldiers, the more the scarier, they like to team up for a combination attack, so bring them to heel one at a time. They like to tuck their heads in when the going gets rough. Most attacks can't hurt them while they do. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Spiderchest (チェストスパイダー Chesuto Supaidā?) It's a chest...that's a spider. Got it? Good, because opening the wrong treasure chest could cause you an itsy-bitsy bit of trouble—poisonous trouble. These guys are bad news. If you see one burrow, wait to catch it when it comes up for air. Defeating it will net you a ton of prizes. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Nooitgedachtland, Mirage Arena
(アーチレイブン Āchireibun?)
Usually these foes keep to the air, but if you see their bodies glow red, be ready for a quick lunge. Archravens will make off with prizes lying in the field. Why? Becaws they like to. Use jumping or long-range attacks to beat them to the punch. Betoverd Koninkrijk, Stralende Tuin, Nooitgedachtland, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Hareraiser (レイザーバニー Reizā Banī?) Cute? Guess again. Meet the anti-cuddly. What kind of brute hits you with its ears? After one of these auricular assaults, you'll have a chance to show Bunny who's boss. Take it! Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Stralende Tuin, Olympus Colosseum, Nooitgedachtland, Mysterieuze Toren, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
(シェイドジェリー Sheido Jerī?)
These floaters are known to attack in groups, and sometimes even entire colonies. Each color is weak against a different element, making it hard to put the kibosh on their collective jiggle. When in doubt, start smacking them with the Keyblade. Olympus Colosseum, Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland, Mirage Arena
Tank Toppler
Tank Toppler (イリタブルタンク Iritaburu Tanku?) Let's get this out of the way: these foes have gas—as in they're filled with it. Hitting them head-on will cause them to blow up; get caught in the blast and you're talking major damage. Conveniently, all Tank Topplers come fitted with shutoff valves on their backs. Move around behind them and hit the valves to avoid an explosive end. Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Diep in de Ruimte, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Vile Phial
Vile Phial (メディシンボトル Medishin Botoru?) Annoyingly, these Unversed focus on healing their buddies. Hitting them will draw their fire—not a bad thing, really, when the alternative is pumping their comrades full of HP. Fact: Confusing a Vile Phial will cause it to heal you instead. Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Sonic Blaster
Sonic Blaster (ソニックブラスター Sonikku Burasutā?) This troublemaker touts two styles: seek mode and attack mode. It likes to keep its distance. While in seek mode, the Sonic Blaster will shine a searchlight on you and try to lock on multiple times. Steer clear and strike first! Diep in de Ruimte, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Triple Wrecker
Triple Wrecker (バイルフェイス Bairu Feisu?) This is actually three Unversed joined together, each with a different element. Remember that the middle element calls the shots, and you won't run into too much trouble. Fortunately, the Triple Wrecker doesn't know that many ways to wreck. Wait for an opening—like when it's shifting formation, for example. Nooitgedachtland, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Wild Bruiser
Wild Bruiser (ワイルドブルーザー Wairudo Burūzā?) This simple-minded simian still packs quite a punch. Thankfully, its feet don't move much faster than its brain, so once the coast is clear, you can rush in, deal some damage, and escape before the monkey business resumes. Wild Bruisers home in on you when they charge; dodging works better thank blocking if you want to set up counterattack. Nooitgedachtland, Mirage Arena
Blue Sea Salt
Blue Sea Salt (ブルーシーソルト Burū Shī Soruto?) Don't expect these chilly adversaries to hold still; you'll need to lock on if you want your blows to connect. Use Fire attacks to melt them down to size. When in peril, they pull out their most powerful attack, Deep Freeze. Careful you don't get iced. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland, Mysterieuze Toren, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Yellow Mustard
Yellow Mustard (イエローマスタード Ierō Masutādo?) Don't expect these crafty condiments to hold still; you'll need to lock on if you want your blows to connect. Use Blizzard attacks to chill them out. Also, don't be that guy (or gal!) who gets slammed by an electrified Yellow Mustard. It's so difficult to explain to friends. Olympus Colosseum, Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Mandrake (マンドレイク Mandoreiku?) Normally, Mandrakes hide in the ground and attack from afar with their Leaf Cutters—and that's when they're still playing nice. If you get too close, they'll leap out of the ground and try to poison you, or else confuse you with the pollen they spew into the air as they charge. Stralende Tuin, Nooitgedachtland, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Buckle Bruiser
Buckle Bruiser (バックルブルーザー Bakkuru Burūzā?) Buckles! Who knew? Sadly, they serve a purpose: keeping this Bruiser's sturdy armor strapped on. Head-on attacks won't work. You'll need to get behind it to hit its weak spot (try magic!) but don't get careless just because it's slow. Buckle rhymes with knuckle, which rhymes with pain, which you'll be seeing a lot if you're not ready to block. Olympus Colosseum, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Chrono Twister
Chrono Twister (クロノツイスター Kurono Tsuisutā?) Even Unversed need somebody to boss them around. The Chrono Twister is happy to do the job. CTs like to hide inside their hour-glasses, but when the sand runs out and reveals their true form, woe is you! They're going to hit you with Stopga. You don't want that. Use combos to flip that hourglass before the sand runs out. Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Axe Flapper
Axe Flapper (アクスフラッパー Akusu Furappā?) These baddies will launch razor-sharp gusts of wind at you faster than you can say, "Axe Flapper." Keep your distance and give yourself room to dodge! Beware: Just because you've taken one down doesn't mean you've taken it out. Get hasty and wander too close, and it will counter with a Rising Slash. Olympus Colosseum, Mirage Arena
Prize Pod
Prize Pod (プライズポット Puraizu Potto?) You don't see these rare Unversed every day. Attacking or defeating them causes them to drop rare items called "delicious prizes." Mmm! Prize Pods won't attack you, but they will skedaddle the moment they're spotted. You'll have to chase them down if you want dibs on all that deliciousness. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland, Mirage Arena
Blobmob (ジェリーボール Jerī Bōru?) What's translucent, jiggly and boasts a wide variety of attacks? Hint: It's on this page! These pests will divide and multiply if you hit them. Annoying much? Look for an opening so you can take them out in one fell swoop. Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland
Glidewinder (スプリングロウディ Supuringu Rōdi?) These speed demons will slam right into you if you're not careful. Take them out using long-range attacks, or use contraptions in the field against them. Apparently Glidewinders have a thing for racing—at least if sightings in a certain world are to be believed... Diep in de Ruimte, Mirage Arena
Wheel Master
Wheel Master (ホイールマスター Hoīru Masutā?) hey say danger always looms close, and this baddie from Enchanted Dominion took that to a whole new level. To attack, the Wheel Master used... wait for it... its wheel. Also thread. But what cruel timing, tearing up the audience chamber right while Terra was in the midst of his pangs of remorse! Not ever nice at all. Betoverd Koninkrijk, Mirage Arena
Symphony Master
Symphony Master (シンフォニーマスター Shinfonī Masutā?) Unversed come from negativity—this one from Lady Tremaine and her daughters' jealousy as they watched Cinderella quite literally have a ball with the Prince. For a bad guy, the Symphony Master had a pretty okay act: three whole instruments! Sadly, they were instruments of doom, so Terra had to kick this maestro off the podium. Kasteel van Dromen
Cursed Coach
Cursed Coach (カースドキャリッジ Kāsudo Kyarijji?) Unversed come from negativity—in this case, that of Lady Tremaine and her two daughters. This wicked ride had a couple of neat tricks, like using its vines to generate Thornbites. It tried to attack Cinderella, but Aqua quickly but the brakes on that scheme. Kasteel van Dromen, Mirage Arena
Spirit of the Magic Mirror KHBBS
Geest van de Toverspiegel (魔法の鏡 Mahō no Kagami?, Spirit of the magic Mirror) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

A spirit who appears within the magic mirror at the queen's behest and answers all questions with the truth.

Mad Treant
Mad Treant (マッドトレント Maddo Torento?) This giant, tree-shaped Unversed tried to get the jump on Ventus in Dwarf Woodlands. It could chuck poisonous fruit, it could launch vicious attacks...But could it defeat Ven? Nope. Dwergenwoud
Trinity Armor
Trinity Armor (トリニティアーマー Toriniti Āmā?) This giant Unversed turned up in Radiant Garden. Its three components had a nasty knack for assembling and disassembling and generally causing Ventus, Terra and Aqua a lot of headaches. Still, look whose teamwork won out in the end! Stralende Tuin, Mirage Arena
Metamorphosis (メタモフォシス Metamofoshisu?) This giant, floating Unversed showed up while Ventus was sailing through the Lanes Between. It then took refuge on a transport ship in Deep Space. Despite its most blubbery efforts to sabotage the ship, the Metamorphosis was simply no match for Ven and Experiment 626's teamwork. Diep in de Ruimte
Mimic Master
Mimic Master (ミミックマスター Mimikku Masutā?) A special Unversed that can only be found in the Mirage Arena. It uses the book it carries to unleash an arsenal of attacks. Worse yet, it can absorb information about opponents and transform identical copies. Mirage Arena
Iron Imprisoner I
Iron Imprisoner I (アイアンプリズナー I Aian Purizunā I?) A special Unversed that can only be found in the Mirage Arena. The chains around its body keep its true power contained. It can, however, use the cage it carries to trap you and deny you freedom. Mirage Arena
Iron Imprisoner II
Iron Imprisoner II (アイアンプリズナー II Aian Purizunā II?) A special Unversed that can only be found in the Mirage Arena. Both its arms have been freed of their chains, allowing the brute to use an enormous hammer to attack. Mirage Arena
Iron Imprisoner III
Iron Imprisoner III (アイアンプリズナー III Aian Purizunā III?) A special unversed that can only be found in the Mirage Arena. Both arms and both legs have been freed of their chains, rendering the Iron Imprisoner more powerful than ever before. Mirage Arena
Iron Imprisoner IV
Iron Imprisoner IV (アイアンプリズナー IV Aian Purizunā IV?) A special Unversed that can only be found in the Mirage Arena. Chains no longer keep this ultimate adversary's power in check. It exists on a higher plane, to which lesser creatures may never aspire. Mirage Arena
Vanitas Remnant
Vanitas Remnant (ヴァニタスの思念 Vanitasu no Shinen?) A physical manifestation of what remained of Vanitas's powerful thoughts and feelings. Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof
Unversedlogo Naam Journaal Verslag Locatie
Flood FM
Flood (フラッド Furaddo?) Just because these foes like to dart around as they strike doesn't mean you should get antsy yourself. Lock on and let your Keyblade do the talking. Careful, though: your attacks won't hit if the Floods have seeped into the ground. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland, Mysterieuze Toren, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Scrapper FM
Scrapper (スクラッパー Sukurappā?) These baddies like to wait for an opening. If you start swatting your Keyblade around without paying attention, the Scrappers will have their claws all over you in no time. Stay alert! Of course you could look for an opening yourself...Scrappers do tend to move in straight lines. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Mysterieuze Toren, Mirage Arena
Bruiser FM
Bruiser (ブルーザー Burūzā?) Need proof that size matters? Wait till one of these juggernauts lays down the hurt with its high-octane attacks. Their shock waves have a lot of range, so be sure to keep your distance. All that extra weight is bound to tucker a Bruiser out. Wait for signs of fatigue, then put the big guy to sleep. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Mysterieuze Toren, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof
Red Hot Chili FM
Red Hot Chili (レッドホットチリ Reddo Hotto Chiri?) Don't expect these spice churls to hold still; you'll need to lock on if you want your blows to connect. Use Blizzard attacks to douse their fires for good. They may try to slam into you while ablaze, so be ready to stop, drop and roll—or at least roll. Dwergenwoud, Olympus Colosseum, Mirage Arena
Monotrucker FM
Monotrucker (モノトラッカー Monotorakkā?) These road warriors zoom around and pick a fight... with pickaxes. It's hard to get a bead on a Monotrucker if it's too far away, so find the right time to move in, then finish it off in one fell swoop. Dwergenwoud, Olympus Colosseum, Mirage Arena
Thornbite FM
Thornbite (ソーンバイト Sōnbaito?) Make no mistake, a Thornbite by any other name would still smack you around. Those vines lash out further than you might think, sending you flying if you don't watch it. Direct attacks cause these plant pests to start glowing and gain a dangerous burst of speed. Use magic commands to spare yourself the prickly predicament. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Mirage Arena
Shoegazer FM
Shoegazer (シューゲイザー Shū Geizā?) When it comes to these foot soldiers, the more the scarier, they like to team up for a combination attack, so bring them to heel one at a time. They like to tuck their heads in when the going gets rough. Most attacks can't hurt them while they do. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Spiderchest FM
Spiderchest (チェストスパイダー Chesuto Supaidā?) It's a chest...that's a spider. Got it? Good, because opening the wrong treasure chest could cause you an itsy-bitsy bit of trouble—poisonous trouble. These guys are bad news. If you see one burrow, wait to catch it when it comes up for air. Defeating it will net you a ton of prizes. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Nooitgedachtland, Mirage Arena, Mirage Arena
Archraven FM
Archraven (アーチレイブン Āchireibun?) Usually these foes keep to the air, but if you see their bodies glow red, be ready for a quick lunge. Archravens will make off with prizes lying in the field. Why? Becaws they like to. Use jumping or long-range attacks to beat them to the punch. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Stralende Tuin, Olympus Colosseum, Nooitgedachtland, Mysterieuze Toren, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Hareraiser FM
Hareraiser (レイザーバニー Reizā Banī?) Cute? Guess again. Meet the anti-cuddly. What kind of brute hits you with its ears? After one of these auricular assaults, you'll have a chance to show Bunny who's boss. Take it! Olympus Colosseum, Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland, Mirage Arena
Jellyshade FM
Jellyshade (シェイドジェリー Sheido Jerī?) These floaters are known to attack in groups, and sometimes even entire colonies. Each color is weak against a different element, making it hard to put the kibosh on their collective jiggle. When in doubt, start smacking them with the Keyblade. Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Diep in de Ruimte, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Tank Toppler FM
Tank Toppler (イリタブルタンク Iritaburu Tanku?) Let's get this out of the way: these foes have gas—as in they're filled with it. Hitting them head-on will cause them to blow up; get caught in the blast and you're talking major damage. Conveniently, all Tank Topplers come fitted with shutoff valves on their backs. Move around behind them and hit the valves to avoid an explosive end. Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Diep in de Ruimte, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Vile Phial FM
Vile Phial (メディシンボトル Medishin Botoru?) Annoyingly, these Unversed focus on healing their buddies. Hitting them will draw their fire—not a bad thing, really, when the alternative is pumping their comrades full of HP. Fact: Confusing a Vile Phial will cause it to heal you instead. Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Sonic Blaster FM
Sonic Blaster (ソニックブラスター Sonikku Burasutā?) This troublemaker touts two styles: seek mode and attack mode. It likes to keep its distance. While in seek mode, the Sonic Blaster will shine a searchlight on you and try to lock on multiple times. Steer clear and strike first! Diep in de Ruimte, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Triple Wrecker FM
Triple Wrecker (バイルフェイス Bairu Feisu?) This is actually three Unversed joined together, each with a different element. Remember that the middle element calls the shots, and you won't run into too much trouble. Fortunately, the Triple Wrecker doesn't know that many ways to wreck. Wait for an opening—like when it's shifting formation, for example. Nooitgedachtland, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Wild Bruiser FM
Wild Bruiser (ワイルドブルーザー Wairudo Burūzā?) This simple-minded simian still packs quite a punch. Thankfully, its feet don't move much faster than its brain, so once the coast is clear, you can rush in, deal some damage, and escape before the monkey business resumes. Wild Bruisers home in on you when they charge; dodging works better thank blocking if you want to set up counterattack. Nooitgedachtland, Mirage Arena
Blue Sea Salt FM
Blue Sea Salt (ブルーシーソルト Burū Shī Soruto?) Don't expect these chilly adversaries to hold still; you'll need to lock on if you want your blows to connect. Use Fire attacks to melt them down to size. When in peril, they pull out their most powerful attack, Deep Freeze. Careful you don't get iced. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland, Mysterieuze Toren, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Yellow Mustard FM
Yellow Mustard (イエローマスタード Ierō Masutādo?) Don't expect these crafty condiments to hold still; you'll need to lock on if you want your blows to connect. Use Blizzard attacks to chill them out. Also, don't be that guy (or gal!) who gets slammed by an electrified Yellow Mustard. It's so difficult to explain to friends. Olympus Colosseum, Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Mandrake FM
Mandrake (マンドレイク Mandoreiku?) Normally, Mandrakes hide in the ground and attack from afar with their Leaf Cutters—and that's when they're still playing nice. If you get too close, they'll leap out of the ground and try to poison you, or else confuse you with the pollen they spew into the air as they charge. Stralende Tuin, Nooitgedachtland, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Buckle Bruiser FM
Buckle Bruiser (バックルブルーザー Bakkuru Burūzā?) Buckles! Who knew? Sadly, they serve a purpose: keeping this Bruiser's sturdy armor strapped on. Head-on attacks won't work. You'll need to get behind it to hit its weak spot (try magic!) but don't get careless just because it's slow. Buckle rhymes with knuckle, which rhymes with pain, which you'll be seeing a lot if you're not ready to block. Olympus Colosseum, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Chrono Twister FM
Chrono Twister (クロノツイスター Kurono Tsuisutā?) Even Unversed need somebody to boss them around. The Chrono Twister is happy to do the job. CTs like to hide inside their hour-glasses, but when the sand runs out and reveals their true form, woe is you! They're going to hit you with Stopga. You don't want that. Use combos to flip that hourglass before the sand runs out. Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof, Mirage Arena
Axe Flapper FM
Axe Flapper (アクスフラッパー Akusu Furappā?) These baddies will launch razor-sharp gusts of wind at you faster than you can say, "Axe Flapper." Keep your distance and give yourself room to dodge! Beware: Just because you've taken one down doesn't mean you've taken it out. Get hasty and wander too close, and it will counter with a Rising Slash. Olympus Colosseum, Mirage Arena
Prize Pod FM
Prize Pod (プライズポット Puraizu Potto?) You don't see these rare Unversed every day. Attacking or defeating them causes them to drop rare items called "delicious prizes." Mmm! Prize Pods won't attack you, but they will skedaddle the moment they're spotted. You'll have to chase them down if you want dibs on all that deliciousness. Kasteel van Dromen, Dwergenwoud, Betoverd Koninkrijk, Stralende Tuin, Disney Stad, Olympus Colosseum, Nooitgedachtland, Mirage Arena
Blobmob FM
Blobmob (ジェリーボール Jerī Bōru?) What's translucent, jiggly and boasts a wide variety of attacks? Hint: It's on this page! These pests will divide and multiply if you hit them. Annoying much? Look for an opening so you can take them out in one fell swoop. Diep in de Ruimte, Nooitgedachtland
Glidewinder (Yellow) FM
Glidewinder (スプリングロウディ Supuringu Rōdi?) These speed demons will slam right into you if you're not careful. Take them out using long-range attacks, or use contraptions in the field against them. Apparently Glidewinders have a thing for racing—at least if sightings in a certain world are to be believed... Diep in de Ruimte, Mirage Arena
Flame Box FM
Flame Box (フレイムボックス Fureimu Bokkusu?) It will shoot out meteorites, lock-on and destroy them quickly. It's easy to capture with a shotlock, wide effective commands are also useful as it leads to less of a time loss when it hits the meteorite. Betoverd Koninkrijk
Lost Runner FM
Lost Runner (ロストランナー Rosuto Rannā?) It will run about and try to escape quickly, capture is difficult but it doesn't attack. Knock it down using a shotlock command with a high level and the commands that damage wide areas. Kasteel van Dromen
Survival Bottle FM
Survival Bottle (サバイバルボトル Sabaibaru Botoru?) HP is recovered when the Survival Bottle is attacked. Since smoke is constantly being released, continuously drive in attacks. HP can be maintained if recovery commands are used; it is effective to equip two or more healing commands. Dwergenwoud
Diet Tank FM
Diet Tank (ダイエットタンク Daietto Tanku?) Wait for it to turn around or when it can't turn around easily and attack it, aiming for the valve on its back. Guard and counterattack with a quick dash for the maximum chance for success. Stralende Tuin
Ringer Pot FM
Ringer Pot (リンガーポット Ringā Potto?) Disney Stad
Jelly Glee Tea FM
Jelly Glee Tea (ジェリーゲリーティ Jerī Gurī Tei?) It will attack while approaching and will steal the ball, it will pick it up even if you miss the ball when you attack from a distance. When you attack, there will be a chance of guard counter. Firmly ascertain the attack. Diep in de Ruimte
Element Cluster FM
Element Cluster (エレメントクラスタ Eremento Kurasuta?) First of all, attack the enemy with the same attribute as the enemy in the center of the group, utilize Blizzard, Thunder and Fire in the command system. There is a chance to earn points in a dash when it is the same attribute as your command style which is very effective. Nooitgedachtland
Shade Jelly FM
Shade Jelly
(シェイドジェリー Sheido Jerī?)
These floaters are known to attack in groups, and sometimes even entire colonies. Each color is weak against a different element, making it hard o put the kibosh on their collective jiggle. When in doubt, start smacking them with the Keyblade. Olympus Colosseum
Launching Plant FM
Launching Plant (ランチングプラント Ranchingu Puranto?) Attack it while it's floating in the air, attack more constantly with commands that give large numbers of hits. Keep attacking without taking a rest is key to capture points because it may lead to more time loss when it falls once again on ground. Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof
Wheel Master FM
Wheel Master (ホイールマスター Hoīru Masutā?) hey say danger always looms close, and this baddie from Enchanted Dominion took that to a whole new level. To attack, the Wheel Master used... wait for it... its wheel. Also thread. But what cruel timing, tearing up the audience chamber right while Terra was in the midst of his pangs of remorse! Not ever nice at all. Betoverd Koninkrijk, Mirage Arena
Symphony Master FM
Symphony Master (シンフォニーマスター Shinfonī Masutā?) Unversed come from negativity—this one from Lady Tremaine and her daughters' jealousy as they watched Cinderella quite literally have a ball with the Prince. For a bad guy, the Symphony Master had a pretty okay act: three whole instruments! Sadly, they were instruments of doom, so Terra had to kick this maestro off the podium. Kasteel van Dromen
Cursed Coach FM
Cursed Coach (カースドキャリッジ Kāsudo Kyarijji?) Unversed come from negativity—in this case, that of Lady Tremaine and her two daughters. This wicked ride had a couple of neat tricks, like using its vines to generate Thornbites. It tried to attack Cinderella, but Aqua quickly but the brakes on that scheme. Kasteel van Dromen, Mirage Arena
Spirit of the Magic Mirror KHBBS
Geest van de Toverspiegel (魔法の鏡 Mahō no Kagami?, Spirit of the magic Mirror) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

A spirit who appears within the magic mirror at the queen's behest and answers all questions with the truth.

Mad Treant FM
Mad Treant (マッドトレント Maddo Torento?) This giant, tree-shaped Unversed tried to get the jump on Ventus in Dwarf Woodlands. It could chuck poisonous fruit, it could launch vicious attacks...But could it defeat Ven? Nope. Dwergenwoud
Trinity Armor FM
Trinity Armor (トリニティアーマー Toriniti Āmā?) This giant Unversed turned up in Radiant Garden. Its three components had a nasty knack for assembling and disassembling and generally causing Ventus, Terra and Aqua a lot of headaches. Still, look whose teamwork won out in the end! Stralende Tuin, Mirage Arena
Metamorphosis FM
Metamorphosis (メタモフォシス Metamofoshisu?) This giant, floating Unversed showed up while Ventus was sailing through the Lanes Between. It then took refuge on a transport ship in Deep Space. Despite its most blubbery efforts to sabotage the ship, the Metamorphosis was simply no match for Ven and Experiment 626's teamwork. Diep in de Ruimte
Mimic Master FM
Mimic Master (ミミックマスター Mimikku Masutā?) A special Unversed that can only be found in the Mirage Arena. It uses the book it carries to unleash an arsenal of attacks. Worse yet, it can absorb information about opponents and transform identical copies. Mirage Arena
Iron Imprisoner I FM
Iron Imprisoner I (アイアンプリズナー I Aian Purizunā I?) A special Unversed that can only be found in the Mirage Arena. The chains around its body keep its true power contained. It can, however, use the cage it carries to trap you and deny you freedom. Mirage Arena
Iron Imprisoner II FM
Iron Imprisoner II (アイアンプリズナー II Aian Purizunā II?) A special Unversed that can only be found in the Mirage Arena. Both its arms have been freed of their chains, allowing the brute to use an enormous hammer to attack. Mirage Arena
Iron Imprisoner III FM
Iron Imprisoner III (アイアンプリズナー III Aian Purizunā III?) A special unversed that can only be found in the Mirage Arena. Both arms and both legs have been freed of their chains, rendering the Iron Imprisoner more powerful than ever before. Mirage Arena
Iron Imprisoner IV FM
Iron Imprisoner IV (アイアンプリズナー IV Aian Purizunā IV?) A special Unversed that can only be found in the Mirage Arena. Chains no longer keep this ultimate adversary's power in check. It exists on a higher plane, to which lesser creatures may never aspire. Mirage Arena
Vanitas Remnant
Vanitas Remnant (ヴァニタスの思念 Vanitasu no Shinen?) A physical manifestation of what remained of Vanitas's powerful thoughts and feelings. Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof


  • In tegenstelling tot de Hartloze- en Niemand-bazen (die in het licht zijn gehuld wanneer ze worden verslagen), worden de Onervarene-bazen opgeslokt in een duistere vlam wanneer ze zijn overwonnen.
  • Deze wezens hebben geen direct verband met het hart, maar beelden wel de emoties uit die zich verschuilen in het hart.
  • Het is mogelijk dat ze in de toekomst weer verschijnen, als Vanitas terugkeert.

Noten en Referenties[]

  1. Ooit stonden de Unversed bekend als "Unbirths" door een verkeerde vertaling door een fan.
  2. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Ultimania Nomura Interview Hun ontwerp kreeg het thema ‘emotie’, en we dachten aan verschillende motieven, zoals een glimlachend, boos en huilend gezicht. Het Onervarene-teken was ook gebaseerd op de emoties van het hart.

Bekijk ook[]

  • Vanitas
  • Hartlozen
  • Niemand
  • Droom Eter
Terra - Ventus - Aqua - Lingering Will
Mickey Mouse - Zack - Experiment 626 - Prins Filip - Hercules - Peter Pan
Terra - Ventus - Aqua - Mickey - Donald - Goofy - Vanitas
Malafide - Assepoester - Sneeuwwitje - Zack - Experiment 626 - Peter Pan - Boris
Belangrijkste schurken
Meester Xehanort - Vanitas - Braig - Terra-Xehanort
Malafide - Mevrouw Tremaine - Anastasia - Drizella - Lucifer - De Koningin - Toverspiegel - Hades - IJs Kolos
Gantu - Experiment 221 - Kapitein Haak - Kapitein Duisternis/Kapitein Gerechtigheid
Niet-speelbare personages
Aeleus - Ansem de Wijze - Assepoester - Aurora - Bezems - Dagobert Duck - Dilan - Donald Duck - Dr. Jumba - Droomprins
Even - Flora, Fauna en Mooiweertje - Goede Fee - Groothertog - Hoge Raadsvrouw - Ienzo - Isa - Kairi
Kairi's Grootmoeder - Karel Paardepoot - Katrien Duck - Knabbel en Babbel - Konijn - Krokodil - Kwik, Kwek en Kwak - Lea
Malafides Hulpjes - Malafides Raaf - Meester Eraqus - Merlijn - Minnie Mouse - Moogle - Onbekende - Philoctetes - Pluto
De Prins - Riku - Sneeuwwitje - Sora - Teigetje - Tinkelbel - Tom - Vanitas Restant - Verloren Jongens - Vetje
Winnie de Poeh - Yen Sid - Zeven Dwergen
Land van Vertrek - Betoverd Koninkrijk - Kasteel van Dromen - Dwergenwoud - Eilanden van het Lot - Stralende Tuin
Olympus Colloseum - Disney Stad - Diep in de Ruimte - Mirage Arena - Nooitgedachtland - Mysterieuze Toren - Sleutelzwaard Kerkhof
Kasteel Vergetelheid
Duik naar het Hart - Honderd Bunderbos - Kingdom Hearts - Kamer van Ontwaken
Miljoen Dromen Prijs - Onervarenen - Prinsessen van Hart - Sleutelzwaard
Sleutelzwaard Erfenis Ceremonie - Sleutelzwaard Glijder - Sleutelzwaard Meester - Sleutelzwaard Oorlog
Sleutelzwaard Pantser - Teken van Meesterschap
Blank Points - Het Einde
Deck Commando - D-Link - Commandostijl - Shotlock - Arena Modus - Commando Bord
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack - Simple and Clean
Accessoires - Bazen - Illustraties - Sleutelzwaarden - Vijanden
Kingdom Hearts (Final MixHD)Chain of Memories (ReHD)Kingdom Hearts II (Final MixHD)
coded (ReMovie)358/2 Days (Movie)Birth by Sleep (Final MixHD)
Dream Drop Distance (HD)χ (UnchainedBack CoverUnion)0.2 Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts III
Remakes en andere titels
HD 1.5 ReMIXHD 2.5 ReMIXHD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Trinity Master PiecesII Final Mix+10th Anniversary BoxHD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX
Spin-off titles
V CASTMobileMagical Puzzle ClashGummiship Studio
Karakters | Hartlozen | Niemanden | Onervarenen | Replicas | Hart | Ziel | Lichaam | Geheugen | Sleutelgat | Poort | Sleutelzwaard | Licht | Duisternis
HP | AP | Munny | Hart Punten | Save Punt | Gummi Schip | Level | Japie's Journaal