Kingdom Hearts III Wiki
Kingdom Hearts III Wiki

Sora on Kingdom Hearts sarjan päähenkilö. Hän Keybladen käyttäjä ja kotoisin Destiny Islandilta, jossa hän ystäviensä Rikun ja Kairin kanssa unelmoivat lähtevänsä tutkimaan, mitä heidän kotinsa ulkopuolella on.

Soran ensisijaiset kumppanit ovat Aku ja Hessu, joiden kanssa hän etsii Kuningas Mikkiä Kingdom Hearts-pelien ajan.


Birth by Sleep[]

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Sora and Riku in Birth by Sleep.

Sora ja Riku esitellään parhaina ystävinä ja kilpakumppaneina heidän kasvaessaan. Heidät nähdään usein ympäri saarta kamppailemassa puumiekoilla, kilpajuoksemassa tai tekemässä muuta kilpailuhenkistä.

Birth by sleepissä, Soran sydän kohtaa Ventuksen haavoittuneen sydämen ja paikkaa sen, tarjoten apua särkyneen sydämen palauttamiseen, kunnes apua ei enää tarvittaisi. Näin heidän välilleen syntyy yhteys, jonka syystä Vanitasin kasvot muistuttavat Soran kasvoja.

Sora on neljävuotias kohdatessaan eri tilanteissa Terran ja Aquan, kaksi Keybladen käyttäjää aiemmasta generaatiosta. Sora ei koskaan puhunut Terran kannsa, mutta he ovat nähneet toisensa Destiny Islandilla. Terra ei osoita mitään mielenkiintoa Soraa kohtaan, koska ei näe tässä potentiaalia vaan kiinnostuu enemmän Rikusta. Aqua havaitsee heidän ystävyytensä muistuttavan hänen, Terran ja Ventuksen ystävyyttä ja pyytää Soraa suojelemaan Rikua, jos tämä olisi vaarassa joutua pimeyteen ja Sora lupaa. Ventus on vieraillut saarella useaan kertaan, mutta ei ole koskaan kohdannut Soraa kasvotusten. Sora kohtaa Ventuksen sydämen.

Birth by Sleeping lopussa Sora ja Riku lepäävät rannalla. Kun he ovat lähdössä kotiin, Sora kokee itsensä yhtäkkiä surulliseksi ja vuodattaa kyyneleen. Riku kertoo hänelle, että ehkä joku häneen yhteydessä oleva  toisessa maailmassa on surullinen ja neuvoo Soraa yrittämään tuntua hänet. Sora sulkee silmänsä ja hän päätyy Awakeningiin, josta hän löytää Ventuksen kadonneen sydämen. Se on menettänyt suuntansa ja joutuisi palaamaan horrokseen, mutta vastahakoisesti se kieltäytyy ja pyytää tulla osaksi Soran sydäntä. Sora hyväksyy sen.

Kingdom Hearts[]

Malline:QuoteOne year after the events of Birth by Sleep, a mysterious little girl named Kairi came to their islands from a different place. She was adopted by the mayor, and Sora and Riku quickly became friends with her. Another day, Sora and Riku found a small, hidden cave on their islands. They search the "Secret Place" while discussing Kairi and the meteor shower that had recently fallen. They find a door with no handle at the back of the cave and, because they couldn't open it, they leave, but not before Riku sees the world's Keyhole.

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Sora and Kairi.

During their childhood, Sora, Riku, and Kairi often wonder about what lay beyond their small world. By the time they reach adolescence, they decide to build a raft, in the hopes of sailing to other worlds. The day when they start construction, Sora dozes off on the shore of the beach and has an odd dream where he travels through an odd, dark realm and battles a massive dark creature. Sora is awakened by Kairi, and he goes to help get the provisions for the raft. However, the night before they set sail, a storm ravages the island along with a strange, dark force. Riku succumbs to the force, claiming he is not afraid of the darkness it so clearly embodied, while Sora tries and fails to save his friend from the darkness.

However, it is during the tempest that Sora first unlocks his potential as a Keyblade wielder, summoning the power of the Kingdom Key to battle the Heartless that now infested his home. He makes his way to the Secret Place where he finds Kairi, who disappears when their bodies meet, forcing Sora to battle the same dark creature from his dream. Sora defeats the monster, but he is swept off the island and thrown into a Corridor of Darkness, which lands him in a world called Traverse Town.

In Traverse Town, Sora meets Donald Duck and Goofy, the respective Royal Court Magician and Captain of the Royal Guard of Disney Castle. Under orders from The King, the pair are searching for two things: a mysterious 'key' and a man called Leon. As the King has disappeared in his own quest, Donald and Goofy accompany Sora and they start searching for their respective friends. In addition to that, Sora finds that his Keyblade might perhaps be the mysterious key the King had asked them to find.

Sora discovers that Riku is also searching for Kairi, though neither of them can find her. Maleficent sees her chance and tells Riku that Sora had replaced him and Kairi for Donald, Goofy, and the Keyblade. With this false knowledge, he sets out to find Kairi on his own as Sora travels to a number of worlds to stop the Heartless. From there, Sora locks the Keyholes out from the reach of the Darkness to protect the worlds' hearts.

His quest allows him to make countless new friends while the power of his heart increases, which also improves his Keyblade's power.

Upon reaching Hollow Bastion, Riku confronts Sora and reveals to him that Riku himself was the true Keyblade master, explaining that Sora "was just the delivery boy". Riku then claims the Keyblade for his own. Despite their guilt at doing so, Donald and Goofy are forced to abandon Sora because of the King's orders: to stay with whoever has the Keyblade. When Beast pulls himself up to continue to the castle, Sora tells him to be careful due to his injuries. However, Beast shrugs off Sora's worries, saying that he would not leave before he completed what he'd come there for; to find Belle. When asked what he came for, Sora realizes that he needs to show the same attitude as the Beast, and continues with him into the entrance hall of the castle.

There Sora meets Riku, Goofy, and Donald once more. Feeling guilty, Donald and Goofy return to Sora's side. Riku then asks Sora, "How do you intend to fight without a weapon?" to which Sora answers, "I don't need the Keyblade. I've got a better weapon. My heart!". Riku taunts Sora, calling his heart pathetic and weak. Sora proceeds to tell him that his friends strengthen his heart. At this, the Keyblade realizes that Riku has turned to darkness, and Sora's heart is far stronger than Riku's, so it returns to Sora. Enraged, Riku fights Sora and loses. Furious at his weakness, he makes the mistake of listening to a mysterious man. Opening his heart fully to darkness, he allows himself to be possessed by this man.

After this, the party encounters Maleficent and defeats her. Using a Keyblade born of six of the Princesses of Hearts' hearts, Riku unlocks the darkness in her heart before stepping away through a Corridor of Darkness. She transforms into a black, fire-breathing dragon from the proliferation of darkness in her heart, but is again defeated and the Heartless swallow her heart. Further into the depths of Hollow Bastion, Sora encounters Riku once more, and he calls himself "Ansem, Seeker of Darkness", who intends to find Kingdom Hearts itself. Although it is difficult to fight his best friend, Sora emerges victorious in the struggle.

Kairi is revealed to be one of the Seven Princesses of Heart who possess the power to open the Final Keyhole that leads to Kingdom Hearts, but because her heart laid within Sora, it cannot open, as explained by "Ansem". In order to return her heart and wake her up, Sora uses the Keyblade of Heart to remove both their hearts, sacrificing his humanity and becoming a Heartless, unknowingly creating Roxas and Naminé, the Nobodies of Sora and Kairi respectively. When he manages to reunite with Kairi after a brief stint as a Heartless, Kairi uses her light to restore his human form.

After regrouping in Traverse Town, Sora decides to return to Hollow Bastion to seal the Final Keyhole while he tries to reclaim Riku from the clutches of "Ansem". Kairi gives Sora her lucky charm since he insists that she should stay behind, even joking that she would be in his way.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy set sail to Hollow Bastion and seal the Final Keyhole after a battle with a powerful Heartless. The six Princesses of Heart then inform him of a new darkness approaching, and the trio travel to End of the World, the "Heartless world" of all the worlds that fell into darkness, where they confront and defeat "Ansem" once and for all. "Ansem", defeated, calls forth to Kingdom Hearts to fill him with the power of darkness, but Sora proclaims that Kingdom Hearts is not darkness, but light, and "Ansem" is destroyed by said light.

However, Heartless begin to swarm inside of the door and Sora, Donald, and Goofy rush forward to close it. As they attempt to close the Door to Darkness, Riku and King Mickey appear on the other side of the door and together, King Mickey and Sora seal it from both sides with Sora's Keyblade from the Realm of light and Mickey's Keyblade from the Realm of Darkness. However, Mickey and Riku become trapped behind the door as it closes shut, but not before Riku instructs Sora to take care of Kairi in his absence.

As the worlds begin to restore themselves, Sora sees Kairi on a platform of sand that is drifting away. Sora promises to return to her as soon as he finds Riku and King Mickey. The two are then separated as Kairi returns to Destiny Island without Sora or Riku.

Chain of Memories[]

After being separated from his friends, Sora wanders down on a long, meandering path with Donald and Goofy searching for a way to find Riku and Mickey, encountering Pluto on the way. When they reach a crossroad and call it a night, a mysterious man in a long black hooded cloak appears and informs Sora, "Along the road ahead lies something you need. However, in order to claim it, you must lose something that is dear to you". The man disappears and only one path remains. The trio follows the path which leads them to a mysterious castle known as Castle Oblivion. They enter the castle hoping to pick up some clues as to the whereabouts of their friends only to discover, as they ascend the floors of the fortress, they are beginning to lose their memories and become more and more uncertain of what they are truly after. Even Jiminy's journal has been erased of its entries.

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Sora receives a card in Traverse Town.

Little do they know, their memories are being manipulated by a mysterious organization that seeks to capture and manipulate Sora. To do this, they use Naminé, a young "witch" who could rearrange the chains of memories in a person's mind and create new links between them. In order to make Sora forget Kairi, Naminé begins to replace his memories of Kairi with herself, partly because she is Kairi's Nobody and so is unable to completely erase her from Sora's memories. Meanwhile, a conflict between the members of the Organization leads to several encounters between Sora and Riku, whose memories of Kairi have also been replaced with ones containing Naminé.

The trio's uncertainty builds up to a point where they end up in Twilight Town, a place that Sora is fairly certain that he has never been in, and thus should not exist in his memory. Organization member IV, Vexen, reveals that it is a place that exists on the other side of Sora's heart, but is eliminated by Axel, another member of the Organization, before he can explain anything.

Axel ends up betraying Marluxia, the lord of Castle Oblivion, revealing that Marluxia and Larxene, the newest members of their group, intend to use Sora to overthrow the Organization. Axel manipulates Naminé into doing what she believes is right. Donald and Goofy try to reason with Sora about the whole situation later, but he is so stubborn that he separates from them to go on his own.

On Destiny Islands, Sora is touched to have finally found Naminé, who tries to make him remember who was truly important to him. After taking one look at the lucky charm, it returns to its original form and Naminé takes the temporary form of Kairi. Sora escapes the memory-based Destiny Islands and confronts Naminé, who reveals that she never existed in Sora's memory and that she has been replacing the person most important to him. Riku appears to them again and is again defeated by Sora. When Sora tries to help the injured Riku, he attacks Sora and gains the upper hand. Having left no choice, Naminé uses her power to break Riku's memories, and it causes him to collapse. Larxene comes forth to eliminate Sora and Riku, who is revealed to actually be a Riku Replica, created by Vexen.

When Larxene is about to eliminate Sora, Donald and Goofy catch up to save him. Although Sora had been a jerk to go on his own, they quickly forgive him and state how they would always stay together. Together, they defeat Larxene and Sora forgives a regretful Naminé for her actions. She promises to restore the memories of the trio once they reach the 13th Floor of Castle Oblivion, where Marluxia is waiting for them. Axel attempts to destroy Marluxia himself, but then Marluxia uses Naminé as a human shield. Sora steps in and defeats Axel. After finally catching up to them, Marluxia orders Naminé to completely erase Sora's memory so he could make Sora his puppet; Naminé refuses, but Sora orders her to do so in order to protect her from Marluxia's wrath. Fortunately, the Riku Replica, its true memories returned after his false ones are broken, arrives and saves Naminé before she was able to do so.

Then Sora, Donald, and Goofy step into the thirteenth floor's dimension where they fight Marluxia in an incredible battle.

Once Marluxia was defeated, Naminé asks that they step into Memory Pods that would rearrange their memories back to the way they were at the cost of breaking the links she created. She also informs him that the process will take some time, during which Sora, Donald, and Goofy would sleep as their memories are slowly restored. While they know that they would forget Naminé, Sora promises her that while she was forgotten, she would remain somewhere in his heart, never lost. And when he wakes up, they would become friends for real.

Right before he goes to sleep, Naminé informs him that some of his memories are unreachable and asks him to remember Kairi, because his memory of her is the light that would bring them all back. Sora then uses most of the power of his memories to remember Kairi before going to sleep for real.

358/2 Days[]

Naminé's powers are unable to do much to fix the problems, however, recovery becomes more apparent as they discover the existence of Roxas, Sora's Nobody, and Xion, a replica of Roxas created from his leaked memories. As Roxas and Sora are connected, and Xion is created from their intertwined memories, Sora's lost memory pieces found their way inside Xion through Roxas. This act causes Sora's memory restoration process to come to a complete stop.

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Xion turns into Sora for the first time during a nightmare.

The Organization intends to have Xion absorb Roxas, forming a "new Sora" under their control, an act that would erase Roxas and make it impossible for the real Sora to ever awaken. When Xion discovers this truth, she is willing to return to Sora, saving him at the cost of her existence.

But before she can, Axel comes to take her back to Organization XIII, starting a fight which Xion loses. During her captivity, she is stored within machine-like devices and given new powers so she may be able to absorb Roxas when the time comes.

Eventually, Roxas and Xion meet at the Clock Tower of Twilight Town, where she removes her hood, revealing that she now completely resembles Sora through the effects of his memory flow. Although she fights with all her strength, Roxas defeats her in the end, and as she disappears and returns to her origin she asks Roxas to free Kingdom Hearts from Xemnas's control.

Although Sora's lost memories are back where they should be, Roxas, Sora's body and soul, is still on the loose, preventing Sora's complete restoration. Riku hunts Roxas down and finds him just as both arrive at Memory's Skyscraper, Roxas having defected from the Organization. After an intense battle, Riku captures Roxas and brings him back to DiZ and Naminé.

Kingdom Hearts II[]

Malline:QuoteOne year later, Sora, Donald, and Goofy awake in the basement of the Old Mansion located in Twilight Town with their former memories restored, although they cannot remember what happened in Castle Oblivion. But before they awake in Twilight Town, Roxas comes to see Sora and eventually fuses with him. Continuing their journey to find Riku and King Mickey, they set out traveling across new worlds, meeting old friends and enemies from the original Kingdom Hearts game while also making new friends. They continue the battle against the Heartless and now a new threat, the remaining members of the Organization they encountered in Chain of Memories.

Soon after exploring Twilight Town, Sora and company head off to the Mysterious Tower and Sora obtains new attire—on the advice of master sorcerer Yen Sid considering Sora's first game outfit to be "too small"—from Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. The new outfit enables Sora to transform into his Drive Form and attain special powers for each of them. The source of the clothing's magic is linked to Sora's heart, which is connected to everyone Sora had befriended, including Donald and Goofy. Sora was referred to as the "Key that connects everything" by Yen Sid, which is how Naminé's memory manipulation works.

Sora expresses his determination to bring Riku back home with him to Destiny Islands, where Kairi is waiting for them. The quest gets more complicated when Kairi herself gets kidnapped by Axel. Pete (who works for the resurrected Maleficent) and Organization XIII are causing trouble in the other worlds, and King Mickey refuses to give information regarding Riku. Sora must also discover why some of the members of Organization XIII address him as Roxas even after he clearly states his name is Sora. He travels to other worlds to find Riku and the King, help the worlds and stop Organization XIII. His new journey brings him to meet up with some old friends and make new ones.

At one point in the storyline, Donald and Goofy's homeworld becomes infested with Heartless, which is rather unusual considering their world's protection, and Sora visits their castle for the first time. While Donald and Goofy set out to warn the castle's residents about the danger, Sora escorts Queen Minnie to the audience chamber where the Cornerstone of Light is hidden under. He finds out that Pete and Maleficent have found a doorway to Timeless River, a past timeline of their world before the castle was built. With some help from Merlin, Sora, Donald, and Goofy travel through time and manage to stop Pete from destroying the Cornerstone of Light in the past, which also saves the castle for good.

Sora, with the help of the Hayner, Pence, Olette (three friends of Roxas in DiZ's simulated Twilight Town), and Axel (who sacrifices his existence), manages to find the route to the World That Never Was: which is the stronghold of the Organization, where Kingdom Hearts, created by gathering the countless hearts from the Heartless slain by Sora's Keyblade, resides. Soon after entering the world however, in the area of Memory's Skyscraper, Sora's group is ambushed by Samurai Nobodies and Sora is forced into a showdown with an Organization member, who turns out to be Roxas (disguised in his former Organization XIII cloak) on a platform of Awakening.

In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, you can fight Roxas instead of watching the fight between Sora and Roxas as a cutscene. At the start of the fight, Sora asks who Roxas is, and he answers "Someone from the dark.", then asks Sora: "Tell me...Tell me why he picked you!".

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Sora meeting Roxas, physically, in the Awakening.

As Roxas is above and Sora below, he sees the picture of Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy (as the platform's design). Roxas then says, "I see, that's why.", and continues the fight. Roxas knocks the Keyblade out of Sora's grasp, and as he goes to retrieve it, Roxas pins it down with his own Keyblade. Sora then reaches out for his Keyblade, which disappears and reappears in his hands, after which Sora quickly strikes while Roxas stands shocked, not knowing how that happened.

Ultimately, Sora's control over his Keyblade gave him the edge over Roxas, who collapses and reveals his face. As he and the scenery disappear, Roxas says to Sora "You make a good other." Sora reappears next to Donald and Goofy, who tell him that while he disappeared, they had to fight some Nobodies, and they continue towards the massive castle where Kairi awaits them.

Afterwards, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey storm the Castle in search of their friends. They meet Saïx at the Hall of Empty Melodies, who tells them that Kingdom Hearts is near completion, and it only needed "one more dose from the Keyblade Bearer." He summons hordes of Shadows and disappears to go after Maleficent and Pete who were also in the castle. The Heartless overpower Sora, but are destroyed by a rain of laser bullets. Sora then engages in a battle with Xigbar and soon defeats him. He finds Kairi and Riku (with the appearance of Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, which is the price he paid to help Sora wake up).

Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy make it to the Proof of Existence of the Organization, in which there are only two places to go. They enter one of the odd pathways only to encounter Luxord. Although Luxord traps everyone but Sora in cards, he is still defeated by the Keyblade master. Next, they enter Addled Impasse where they find Saïx staring up at the moon. Saïx points out that only Roxas could have made it this far in one piece and Sora gets angry and prepares to attack him. Saïx blows Riku and Kairi away and uses the power of the moon to fight. After one of Sora's most difficult battles, Saïx is finally defeated. Sora then questions who Roxas is and why he was constantly being called by that name when Riku finally reveals to Sora that Roxas is his Nobody.

With the mysteries of Roxas' identity finally solved, they continue on. Fighting their way up the winding paths of the Castle That Never Was, Sora, Riku, and the others encounter King Mickey and DiZ, now revealed to be the former ruler of Radiant Garden, before it was taken over and renamed Hollow Bastion, Ansem the Wise, who was trying to absorb Kingdom Hearts into his machine and encode it as data. Xemnas appears to see who is tampering with Kingdom Hearts and finds his old teacher. Then Xemnas finally tells Sora and the others of his true plan, to make a Kingdom out of hearts. One that he would rule. Unfortunately, Kingdom Hearts proved too strong for Ansem's machine, and with his final words, he tells Sora the rest is up to him and tells Roxas, "Roxas, I doubt you can hear me but, I am sorry", before the machine explodes, taking Ansem with it. The energy released in the explosion destroys a good deal of Kingdom Hearts and reverts Riku's appearance to the way it was.

Near the pinnacle of the castle, Heartless appear in vast hordes. Maleficent and Pete show up and stall them while the party heads toward their final battle. When they reach the Altar of Naught at the pinnacle of the castle, they confront Xemnas, the leader of Organization XIII. After a short conversation with the Nobody, Sora is taken by Xemnas to the front of Memory's Skyscraper for a one-on-one battle. After an intense fight, Sora defeats Xemnas and is transported back to his friends.

However, Xemnas appears again and, despite the protests of the group, enters and absorbs Kingdom Hearts. The party was in luck though, and by the will of the worlds a door to Kingdom Hearts is made. Sora, Riku and the King open the door with their Keyblades, breaking the barrier separating them from Xemnas. The party enters but Sora, Riku, Donald and Goofy become separated from King Mickey and Kairi because of Xemnas.

Inside, they discover that Kingdom Hearts was made by the Superior to look like the World That Never Was. They charge through and quickly get to Xemnas and battle him, with Xemnas in armor using the tactics of the rest of the Organization. After they seemingly defeat the Organization leader and return to the Altar of Naught, Roxas emerges from Sora's body to speak with Naminé before she fuses with Kairi. Before this, Naminé opens a door to lead them out of the World That Never Was. He informs Sora that whenever he and Kairi are together, Roxas and Naminé will be together as well. Naminé then joins with Kairi to complete herself, while Roxas returns to Sora's body making Sora whole.

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Sora and Riku prepare to fight Xemnas.

Unfortunately, before Sora and Riku can enter the Corridor, Xemnas attacks once again on the Captain's Seat of an enormous Dragon Nobody. In an epic air battle they manage to defeat this form of Xemnas as well. Riku is injured by Xemnas, who strikes at both with his Ethereal Blades. Falling through the air on the brink of defeat, Sora grabs Riku's Keyblade and batters Xemnas with both. Returning it to Riku, they use a bolt of light and dark energy to finish off Xemnas. Afterward, Sora must help Riku walk, as he sustained a heavy injury from one of Xemnas' Ethereal Blades. They wander through the eternal abyss and eventually come to a dark beach under a pale moon, the Dark Margin. Resting at the shoreline, they discuss their adventures and friendship, and come to the conclusion that they did what they set out to do, and agreed that "If worlds are made of light and darkness, we'll be the darkness." The Realm of Light was safe, and they could now sit and let peace envelop them.

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Sora, Donald and Goofy are reunited.

As they listen to the waves, a bottle containing a letter that Kairi wrote washes onto the shore. Riku picks it up, and, after reading it, gives it to Sora, believing him to be the proper recipient. The letter reads:

"Thinking of you, wherever you are.
We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.
Now I will step forward to realize this wish.
And who knows:
starting a new journey may not be so hard,
or maybe it has already begun.
There are many worlds, but they share the same sky —
one sky, one destiny."

After Sora reads it, the door to light appears, and both Sora and Riku use it to return to their homeworld: Destiny Islands.

Having brought Riku back home and reunited at last with all his friends in one piece, Sora is finally able to return Kairi's lucky charm to her, saying "We-We're back!" and Kairi corrects him saying "You're home". Kairi extends her arm to Sora, and he grasps her hand while simultaneously returning the charm he kept for her all this time.

Some time later, Sora is walking around in the Secret Cave. He smiles while looking at all the pictures he and Kairi had drawn over the years. He glances down at the picture of Kairi and himself. He sees that Kairi drew the other half of a paopu fruit, and smiles to himself, mimicking Kairi's actions from a year ago.

Much later, Sora asks Riku what he thinks the door to light was. Riku replies that it was Sora's heart; "It's always closer than you think". Kairi runs up to them breathlessly and gives them a bottle she found, containing a letter from King Mickey. The trio reads the letter.



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The message that started it all.

King Mickey digitizes Jiminy's Journal and creates a digital copy of Sora in order to investigate a strange message Jiminy found within it. The digital journal is corrupted by computer bugs in the form of data blocks, and the Data-Sora goes through and eliminates them all, eventually discovering that it was Sora's own Heartless that had been corrupting the journal.

After defeating the Heartless, the Data-Sora goes even deeper and discovers that Naminé and Ansem had hidden data about those who were in suffering (Roxas, Naminé, Xion, Axel, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus) within the real Sora's memories. With this knowledge, King Mickey writes a letter to Sora asking for him to go on a mission to save them. Later, Mickey meets with his old Master, Yen Sid, who reveals that with Ansem and Xemnas' defeat, Xehanort has returned, and that Sora and Riku must undergo the Mark of Mastery exam to properly combat him.

Blank Points[]

In Ansem and Aqua's encounter deep within the realm of darkness, it is revealed by Ansem that he has hidden his research (most likely the one concerning Kingdom Hearts and the realms of Light and Darkness) inside of Sora, during his sleep in-between Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts II. He then proceeds to say that he would like to believe that "this boy" will be the one who will open the "right door" and save all of those whose lives were ruined by his research, including himself and Aqua.

Later, after Sora has received Mickey's newest letter, he sits on the paopu tree while holding the message from King Mickey, staring off into the sunset.

It is revealed that he has now read the contents of the message and must venture out on a new quest to find Terra, Aqua, and Ventus, as well as the others connected to him, and save them from their suffering. As he says goodbye to Kairi, she gives Sora her Wayfinder again, telling him, "See you soon".

Dream Drop Distance[]

Sora and Riku are first seen at Destiny Islands in their Kingdom Hearts outfits, having been sent back by Yen Sid to the time shortly before their world falls to sleep. Sora wonders how far the raft can take them. They soon begin to sail on the ocean, but they end up in a storm and undergo an attack by Ursula, whom Sora recognizes. After the battle, they end up in a whirlpool and get separated. A keyhole opens, allowing Sora and Riku entrance to the Sleeping Worlds.

After this, a conversation between the kids and Yen Sid is shown. Yen Sid tells them about Master Xehanort and that both of them should become Keyblade Masters in order to face this new threat. Sora claims that even without taking the Mark of Mastery exam, no one can beat the two of them. Yen Sid then sends them to the Realm of Sleep.

Sora wakes up in Traverse Town, noticing the change of his outfit, which he presumes is "more of Master Yen Sid's magic". He immediately goes searching for Riku, though he runs into Neku Sakuraba instead. Neku explains the concept of Dream Eaters to Sora and leads him to the Third District, where a hooded figure attacks them. Sora attempts to help Neku but eventually falls asleep.

Sora later wakes up and chooses to find Neku, discovering new areas of Traverse Town that he's never seen before. He meets Rhyme, who helps on his search for Neku; when they find him, Neku apologizes to Sora. Rhyme suddenly disappears and more hooded figures appear, only to summon a giant Dream Eater, which Sora defeats. Sora then sees a transparent Riku, who disappears into Young Xehanort. Joshua then appears with Rhyme and Neku, and Sora realizes that he and Riku are parallel to each other.

Sora travels to La Cité des Cloches, where Judge Claude Frollo stops him. He wonders if Sora is a gypsy, because of his unusual clothes and appearance. When Phoebus comes to tell that there are monsters on the loose, Sora runs to fight them and eventually meets Quasimodo, who saves Esmeralda. Sora and Phoebus follow them to Notre Dame's attics. After some time, Sora meets Phoebus and Quasimodo again and they travel to the Court of Miracles, where Sora gets knocked out by a Dream Eater, while Frollo takes Esmeralda away. Sora wakes up and travels back to the city, where Quasimodo saves Esmeralda. Sora destroys a Dream Eater and sees Frollo fall to his defeat, while Phoebus saves Quasimodo from the same fate. In the cathedral, Sora says farewell to Quasimodo and the others. When he is about to leave, Young Xehanort appears and calls him a hypocrite for freeing one prisoner but keeping another. Vanitas' image also appears besides Young Xehanort, making Sora confused as the villain vanishes into darkness and Keyhole of Sleep appears. Sora unlocks it and wonders what Xehanort meant by saying his heart is a prison.

Sora then travels to The Grid, where he meets guards. When introducing himself, guards try to take him prisoner, but Sora escapes. He meets Rinzler first, then is introduced as well to Kevin, Sam, and Quorra, who inform him that Rinzler is actually Tron. Believing that Tron remembers him, Sora is determined to meet him. With Quorra's help, Sora finds Rinzler and tells him to try and remember him; however, Rinzler attacks him and Quorra before fleeing. Young Xehanort then reappears, this time with Xemnas. Xemnas tells Sora he has so many memories that can't be his alone. Sora is then sent away by strong winds, while Xemnas and Xehanort disappear. When meeting again with Rinzler and CLU, CLU tells Sora that he will turn Rinzler back to Tron, if Sora hands over his Keyblade. Sora says that he will not give it up since it gives him the "chance to make everyone happy". CLU then sends Rinzler to attack Sora. After a battle, Sora tries to remind Tron again, but CLU throws his identity disc at Sora, causing Rinzler to push Sora to safety before falling out of sight. CLU leaves to retrieve Rinzler, and Sora unlocks The Grid's Keyhole of Sleep.

When Sora arrives at The World That Never Was, where he lands near Memory's Skyscraper and encounters Xigbar. Xigbar explains that Ansem, the brown-robed man, had contact with Sora when he first entered the Sleeping Worlds from Destiny Islands, allowing the Organization to track Sora through his dreams and lead him to this world. Angered, Sora blames Xigbar for what happened and prepares to fight, and Xigbar notes that he is glaring at him like Ventus always did, even calling Sora as "Roxas". He then jumps above Sora and fires twelve arrows around him, eleven of which spawn unknown hooded figures, and the remaining one spawns Young Xehanort, who offers his hand and tells Sora to come with him. Sora then immediately drops.

Sora wakes, realizing he is at Destiny Islands, where Young Xehanort is sitting just next to him. They watch the other Young Xehanort, who meets "Ansem", who grants him abilities to time travel. "Ansem" then approaches Sora, who shouts in fear. In the next scene, Sora and Young Xehanort are still on the islands during nighttime. They see Sora running into the secret cave and they talk a little until Kairi steps out from the cave towards Sora. The next scene shows Sora falling from the air with other Soras. The real Sora lands on his feet and sees the Sora copies moving about Traverse Town. Young Xehanort talks to him about his journeys through Traverse Town.

Sora then wakes up at Dark City back in his Kingdom Hearts II attire. He immediately sees Naminé, who tries to run away from him, but Sora grabs her arm. Namine then turns into Xion. Sora is unaware of her identity, yet unconsciously sheds a tear as she runs off. Sora runs after her, only to meet Roxas. Roxas tells Sora that they should share all memories and emotions, but Sora denies this by saying that Roxas is just Roxas and they are not the same. He also thinks that Roxas should be able to exist by himself. Roxas is surprised, and shares his painful memories with Sora before vanishing. Sora starts to blame Organization XIII for what they have done, but then he hears Riku's voice that warns him about chasing after illusions.

Sora later meets Kairi and Riku who turn into Aqua and Terra. Sora then turns into Ventus and stares at them. Aqua and Terra turn around and walk away and Ventus is trying to reach them, but he slows down and turns back into Sora. Sora then watches as Riku and Kairi vanish, changing into Terra and Aqua for a second. He then remembers his meeting with Aqua, a long time ago.

Sora meets Xigbar and Xemnas again and they have a conversation, where Xemnas reveals that Organization XIII was created in order to form the Thirteen Hearts of Darkness, which Master Xehanort could use in the future. Kingdom Hearts was created in order to move pieces of Xehanort's heart into thirteen vessels. However, Xemnas discovered that Nobodies actually can cultivate new hearts, so he and Xigbar left the others in the dark about this fact to maintain their loyalty to their cause. Xigbar then reveals to Sora that he is chosen to be the final vessel of Xehanort's heart, after which Sora summons his Keyblade, saying "Connected hearts are my power." Then Kairi, Riku, Roxas, Xion, Ventus, Aqua, Terra, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy appear behind him as illusions, stunning Xigbar, who tells Xemnas to take care of Sora. After a fight, Sora is completely tired and lies on the ground with darkness surrounding his body. Young Xehanort then appears, telling him that his clothes, bearing a sneaky Recusant's Sigil, feed the darkness within him, since, unlike Riku, Sora never made any protection against his inner darkness.

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Sora notices for the first time the Recusant's Sigil, placed by the Organization

Sora is then seen sitting at Where Nothing Gathers. Riku and Mickey are attempting to save him when Master Xehanort attempts to split Sora's heart and make him one of his incarnations. Though Xemnas and Ansem subdue them, Lea appears and blocks Master Xehanort's attack. After that, Master Xehanort, along with his new Organization XIII, vanishes. Riku, Lea, and the others return to the Mysterious Tower, where Yen Sid sends Riku into Sora's heart in order to save him from falling into darkness. Whilst there, Riku discovers that Roxas, Ventus, and Xion still reside within Sora's heart, as does a copy of Ansem the Wise.

After that, Sora wakes up and he, Donald, and Goofy have a tea party; Riku wakes up and Sora hugs him, relieved his friend is okay as well. Yen Sid then tells them that only Riku passed the Mark of Mastery. Sora, however, does not appear to be sad at all, and he even congratulates Riku. Lea then reveals that he also has a Keyblade and that he will help them in the near future. Sora then returns to the Realm of Sleep in order to thank all the Spirit Dream Eaters he had become friends with.

-A fragmentary passage-[]

Sometime later, Sora returns to the Mysterious Tower from a secret mission and is dismayed to learn that Riku, Mickey, and Lea have left for their own missions. Yen Sid then tells Sora that he has, once again, lost most of his power after being captured by Master Xehanort. He then goes on to tell him that he must reclaim his lost power by following his heart, and reuniting with his friends, and advises Sora to visit a hero who had lost and then regained his strength.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy depart, but don't get very far because Sora doesn't know where to go. He and Donald begin arguing about this, until Goofy says, "May your heart be your guiding key," an old saying of the ancient Keyblade wielders. Sora repeats it to himself and realizes where they must go. He opens a gateway to Olympus Coliseum, which they then go through to visit Hercules.

Kingdom Hearts III[]

Sora awakens in the Dive to the Heart, after looking through memories of his past he ends up at the edge of The Final World where he encounters and defeats a semi-transparent Darkside.[citation needed]

Per Master Yen Sid's instructions, Sora, Donald, and Goofy travel to Olympus Coliseum to seek training from Hercules. As they reach the world, they encounter Hades, who uses the titans to attack Thebes and claim his place in Olympus. As they form an alliance to save the civilians from the Heartless, Sora asked Hercules how he regains his strength to save the people he loves. Hercules replies that he regains his strength when Megara is in danger. After saving the civilians from the heartless, Megara returns with Pegasus to inform Hercules that Olympus is in danger and he heads back to Olympus to save Zeus and the rest of the Gods. When they reach Olympus, they see Hades and the rest of the Titans, who plan to confine Zeus and the rest of the Gods with ice and lava. After rescuing Zeus and the gods, Hercules punches Hades in the face before he leaves Olympus. As Hercules wanted to answer Sora's question, he realizes that he should figure out his own ways to regain his strength by fighting "with all his heart".

At the Mysterious Tower, Sora reported to Yen Sid that he might not be able to regain his strength at the time being. Despite the worries of acquiring the power of waking, he remains optimistic and believes that he can relearn his powers and skills. They are greeted by Riku and Mickey, who are assigned to find Aqua in the Dark World but to no avail. As they suspect that Aqua might have fallen into the great abyss of darkness, Sora volunteers to save Aqua from the Dark World. After receiving his new garments from Yen Sid and the fairies, he receives a heartbinder as a good luck charm before traveling to another world. In the Gummi Ship, Chip and Dale report to Sora, Donald, and Goofy, via Gummiphone, with new instructions on using the Gummiphone and a brief conversation with Ienzo. As Donald and Goofy learn that Sora has another heart resided inside of him, who Sora believes it belongs to Roxas', Ienzo decides to further study Sora's physical condition and the other heart that's resided in him since he was very young.

Sora proceeds to Twilight Town to initially create data and a vessel for Roxas. As they are walking around the town, they recollect old memories of encountering Maleficent, Xigbar, and Pete as well as Sora's encounter with Roxas in the data Sleeping Worlds. Goofy explains that the data Sleeping Worlds are part of the test to see whether Sora is able to face his fears and past hurts. Sora further explains that losing friends and "having no one to turn to was the worst kind of hurt" but it is a process to appreciate his friendships with Riku and Kairi.

As Sora is determined to find Roxas, his conversation is cut short by Nobodies and hordes of Heartless. After saving Hayner, Pence, and Olette, they ask for Roxas' whereabouts but they can't remember him until Goofy shows a photo of them with Roxas together. They told them that that was the other digital version of Twilight Town, where their data version of themselves befriended Roxas. As Sora and the rest of the friends enter the Old Mansion, Pence enters the Door of Darkness system to activate the transporter to access the virtual Twilight Town. Ienzo helps the rest of them to enter into the system to allow Sora to enter into the virtual world. Inside the virtual world, he plans to rebuild Roxas by decoding Ansem's Code. After being pressured by both Xemnas and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, Sora chooses to restore Roxas into the real Twilight Town. As he converses with Riku regarding the replica program, Sora learns that Roxas can only be resurrected by making a vessel for him to live. Without Even's help, Sora's plan to revive Roxas might not happen. Eventually, the trio proceeds to Destiny Islands where Sora finds the Master's Defender lying abandoned in the sand. Sora proceeds to the Dark World via the Secret Place, only to see Riku and Mickey battle with Anti-Aqua, who has succumbed to the Darkness. He helps both Riku and Mickey to save Aqua and bring her back to the Destiny Islands. Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Aqua then venture out to Castle Oblivion where Sora, Donald, and Goofy have lost their memories. Aqua summons the Master Defender Keyblade and unlocks Castle Oblivion, transforming it to its original form, the Land of Departure.

Together, they enter the main hall to find Ventus, still sleeping due to his heart residing inside Sora. Vanitas soon arrives to complement Aqua on her "neat trick" as no one was able to find Ventus in over ten years. Aqua takes it upon herself to battle Vanitas while ensuring Sora, Donald and Goofy remain out of the battle. After the fight, Vanitas attempts to break the barrier surrounding them both with Aqua intervening just before it breaks. Sora, in a desperate attempt to help Aqua, manages to unlock Ventus' heart from within himself and wakes Ventus from his comatose state, saving Aqua and forcing Vanitas to retreat. The group returns to the Mysterious Tower to rendezvous with Riku, Mickey, Kairi and Lea. Aqua reminisces over Sora, Riku, and Kairi having met them when they were children. Lea and Ventus also have a reunion, with Ventus learning that Lea is now a Keyblade Wielder. Sora mentions to the group that he wishes that Terra, Roxas, and Naminé could be there with them while Aqua, Ventus, Lea, and Kairi take responsibility for each missing person. Yen Sid tells the group to prepare for the final battle to come. Sora, Riku, and Kairi return to the Destiny Islands for one last moment of peace where Kairi asks Sora to exchange paopu fruit. They hope to keep each other safe in the battle.

The seven Guardians of Light along with Donald and Goofy arrive at the Keyblade Graveyard, ready to clash with the thirteen seekers of darkness. They are greeted by Master Xehanort. Gradually, Xemnas, Ansem, Vanitas and Young Xehanort also arrive to taunt the seven guardians of their impending failure. The seekers of darkness then unleash a massive swarm of Heartless, Nobodies and Unversed for the Guardians to fight.

After defeating the swarm of enemies, Sora, Donald, and Goofy catch up to the other guardians of light. The guardians come across Terra still under Xehanort's control but before they have time to act, Terra overpowers the guardians and proceeds to kill Sora and Kairi only to be stopped by Donald and Goofy. After the attack and seeing Donald, Ventus, and Axel injured, Sora begins to doubt himself but then suddenly a massive swarm of Heartless forms a huge tornado that sucks up all the guardians except for Sora and Riku. After seeing this, Sora breaks down in tears and says that his friends gave him strength and he's useless on his own. Riku tells Sora that he doesn't believe any of that before he takes a stand and blocks the swarm of Heartless to defend Sora. This ultimately ends in Riku getting consumed by the Heartless and then the Heartless proceed to attack Sora. Sora wakes up in The Final World. He encounters the Nameless Star as well as a bodiless Naminé. Sora is guided back to the realm of light with the help of Kairi and Chirithy and uses the power of waking to revive his friends. However, Young Xehanort warns that abusing this power will result in him losing his own heart again. Returning moments before their defeat, the guardians of light eliminate most of the Organization's members; in the process, Terra, his heart revealed to be inside Xehanort's guardian, regains control of his body and reunites with Aqua and Ventus, while Lea reunites with Xion, whom Vexen restored for the Organization, and Roxas, who regains his own heart to protect Lea and Xion.

When only Xehanort remains, he provokes Sora into attacking him by destroying Kairi's body, allowing Xehanort to acquire the χ-blade and summon Kingdom Hearts. Using Xehanort's power of time travel against him, Sora, Donald, and Goofy transport him to his boyhood training grounds of Scala ad Caelum, where they defeat him. After the other Keyblade wielders rejoin the trio, Eraqus' spirit emerges from Terra's body and convinces Xehanort to surrender. Xehanort and Eraqus depart together to Kingdom Hearts, while Sora and his friends use the χ-blade to close Kingdom Hearts and return to their own time. Trying to save Kairi, Sora uses the power of waking again to revive her; despite the risk of becoming lost forever, Sora promises to return.

Sora appears in The Final World and explains his situation to Chirithy under the belief that using the Power of Waking to save Kairi shouldn't be that hard, considering he had already saved six hearts before. Chirithy explains to Sora what will happen if he saves Kairi; he will lose the power of waking and will vanish from the world and be unable to return. Sora throws caution to the wind and expresses his desire to save Kairi. Chirithy then explains what Sora must do. He must travel back in time and connect with the hearts of the Seven Guardians of Light during the final showdown at the Keyblade Graveyard.

Sora then proceeds to connect with Ventus, Aqua, Terra, Roxas, and himself. Needing only two more connections, Sora was forced to witness Xehanort slaying Kairi again but proceeds to Scala ad Caelum before his past self arrives with Donald and Goofy. Sora then chases an image of Kairi and collects five fragments of her heart. After collecting them Xehanort arrives and tells him he is too late while turning his attention to his past self who has just arrived in Scala. Sora quickly connects with himself again and traces his connection between himself and Riku while the latter was fighting off the Replica Xehanorts with the other guardians. Sora then connects with Mickey and aids him in finishing the battle. With seven connections, Sora finally re-completes Kairi to her original form.

The two quickly embrace, but their reunion is cut short with the arrival of Master Xehanort. Kairi and Sora then proceed to battle Master Xehanort and succeed. After the two assist the other guardians in closing Kingdom Hearts, they then leave for their own time. Sora takes Kairi to the final world and introduces her to Chrithy. He states he wants to bring Chrithy home to his friend, as waiting while you can do something is pointless. Sora and Kairi proceed to visit the various locations the other guardians left after Sora's initial departure, even releasing Naminé's heart from Kairi.

Sora's friends gather at the Destiny Islands, where Kairi stays beside Sora and the latter says something to Kairi before he fades away.

Sora awakens in an unfamiliar city. Disoriented, he walks the streets observing where he is, eventually finding himself at a crosswalk staring at a building with the number "104" displayed.

Sora then wakes up in a nighttime version of The Final World. He then calls out to anyone who can hear him. He soon hears a voice and runs towards it. When finding the source of the voice he recognizes the mysterious person as Yozora. Yozora asks Sora how he knows who he is while also making it clear Yozora knows who he is. Yozora states that he doesn't normally look the way he does now and tells Sora that they aren't in the real world right now. Yozora summons his weapons and the two youths soon teleport over to Quadratum on top of the 104 building. Yozora states after accidentally stumbling there and going through some trials he was asked to "save" Sora. Sora questions why he would summon his weapons. Yozora doesn't answer and the two proceed to fight.

After Yozora is defeated, he states that his powers must not be needed yet. Sora asks him what he meant by that, but Yozora shrugs off the question and disappears while smiling. A flash of light appears and Sora then appears in The Final World. Sora then wonders if any of this is real and states nothing makes sense to him.

Kingdom Hearts IV[]

A year later, Sora awakens in Quadratum and meets Strelitzia, who explains to him that this world works as an "afterlife" for them. At some point while in this world, Sora fights a giant Heartless, who appears in the middle of the city.

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Sora wakes up at Quadratum



Like most typical heroes, Sora is brave and heroic, impulsively risking his own life for people he doesn't know and is loyal to a fault. Despite everything that he has endured throughout his journey, Sora retains his upbeat and optimistic attitude. He shows little tolerance for cowardice and selfishness but is ultimately forgiving of those that are sorry for their actions.

Sora has a remarkable capacity to forgive, even to those who have harmed him and his friends. He shows concern over Maleficent's safety when she is overwhelmed by Dusks and forgives Naminé for rewriting his memory which caused him to forget his friends. He is quick to show gratitude to Ansem, Seeker of Darkness for saving Kairi's life, though he was unaware that this was actually Riku in disguise. He stays by Axel's side as he fades from existence despite knowing that Axel had kidnapped Kairi prior to this, and quickly forgives Neku who had intended to hand him over to Young Xehanort.

Even after losing his friends and his Keyblade to Riku in Kingdom Hearts, Sora's depression was short-lived. He quickly regained his will to fight after being inspired by Beast's ambition to save his beloved Belle.

A new side of Sora was shown in Chain of Memories when he became angry at Donald for saying that everything that's happening, including the story of his and Naminé's childhood, doesn't make sense. After Goofy suggests that they should slow down and think things through, Sora becomes even more angry and abandons them in Castle Oblivion. Donald and Goofy quickly find Sora and they all forgive each other.

Despite everything that had happened between them, Sora's main goal in Kingdom Hearts II is to find Riku. After reuniting, Sora again shows his capacity to forgive and holds no resentment towards Riku. Likewise, in Dream Drop Distance, instead of holding resentment, Sora is proud of Riku for having passed the Mark of Mastery exam despite having failed himself.

In Kingdom Hearts III, Sora again shows a new side when he is disheartened that he is weaker due to the events of Dream Drop Distance and that his strength shows no signs of returning. This lasts for some time until Hercules gives him some words of encouragement. Sora quickly becomes more determined than ever to get his strength back and continue on with his quest.

However, Sora's personality may be affected by the presence of Ventus' heart of pure light having resided inside of him for most of his life. After Sora returns Ventus' heart, he becomes noticeably more serious. Despite being more serious than ever about his quest, Sora quickly gives up in the midst of battle believing that he is worthless without his friends.

Unlike in previous installments, Sora is quite snooty and has remarkably little patience for his foes' shenanigans.

However, Sora himself is quite competitive and childish. He often competes with Riku over numerous things, like racing across the islands, and is the first to jump when there's a contest. He is obsessed with pirates and thrilled to get his own ship in Kingdom Hearts III, and was eager to meet Santa Claus in Kingdom Hearts II. Although unintentional, Sora initially does not know how to act towards people of higher authority than him and is very discourteous to both Yen Sid and Queen Minnie.


Birth by Sleep[]

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In Birth by Sleep, Sora wears a white v-neck t-shirt with blue hemming around the neck, arms, and waist, red cargo shorts with maroon pockets, and orange sandals. His spiky hair is shorter and lays flat on top. Sora is 4-years-old during Birth by Sleep.

Kingdom Hearts[]

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In Kingdom Hearts and Chain of Memories, Sora wears a Mickey Mouse style outfit containing a red jumpsuit with puffy shorts and a zipper that runs down the entire front. He wears a black and white jacket over top, large yellow shoes, white fingerless gloves with yellow and blue straps holding on a silver circle plate, a blue belt with chains hanging off, and his signature silver crown necklace. His brown hair is longer, and slightly more spiky up top and on the sides. Sora is 14-years-old during Kingdom Hearts and Chain of Memories.

Kingdom Hearts II[]

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In Kingdom Hearts II, Sora wears a navy blue v-neck t-shirt with white hemming and a red front pocket, and black chap-style shorts with yellow belts holding on two red pockets on either leg. He has a black hooded jacket with white hemming and pauldron-like additions on the shoulder with yellow belts hanging off the front. His fingerless gloves are black with white hemming, a yellow wrist strap, and white straps making an x across the back of the hand. His shoes are black and yellow with blue straps and a zipper running the length of each shoe, and he wears his signature silver crown necklace. His hair retains its spiky nature but is slightly shorter.

Sora is 15-years-old during Kingdom Hearts II.

Dream Drop Distance[]

Sora KH3D

In Dream Drop Distance, Sora's appearance in the Sleeping Worlds is a combination of his previous outfits in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. He wears a black v-neck t-shirt with a white x across the stomach, red shorts that are black below the knee with both built-in pockets and external pockets, and a blue belt. His shoes are the same as Kingdom Hearts, but the straps are white, the soles are blue, and the ankle of the shoe is black. Similar to his shoes, Sora's fingerless gloves are the same as Kingdom Hearts except they're black in color and have a single yellow strap-like Kingdom Hearts II. He retains his signature crown necklace and his hair is the same as it was in Kingdom Hearts.

Sora is 15-years-old during Dream Drop Distance.

Kingdom Hearts III[]

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In Kingdom Hearts III, Sora's appearance is a combination of all previous outfits. He wears a black v-neck t-shirt with white hemming, black shorts with gray pockets like Dream Drop Distance held on by red straps similar to Kingdom Hearts II. Unlike previous outfits, his shorts are tight around his calves. He wears a longer black hooded jacket with red hemming, gray pockets with white hemming, and red flannel flaps that are held down by a series of yellow buttons. His shoes have the opposite color scheme of Dream Drop Distance with the ankle and tongue of the shoe folded down, and a single black strap. His gray fingerless gloves come to a v on his hands and are just short of his elbow. The gloves have red hemming, a yellow strap around the wrist, and a silver circle plate on the back of the hand like in Kingdom Hearts. His hair is significantly shorter and less spiky, and he continues to wear his signature crown necklace.

Sora is 15-years-old during Kingdom Hearts III.


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Kingdom Key

Sora gained the ability to wield a Keyblade after his heart reached out to Ventus's shattered heart, and in doing so also gained the ability to dual wield Ventus' Keyblade. Sora's Keyblade is from the Realm of Light which appears before him while the Destiny Islands are in the midst of being consumed by Heartless. His Keyblade's true form is the Kingdom Key with a Hidden Mickey Keychain. Each Keychain grants a new look, abilities, and sometimes forms to a Keyblade.

While in his Drive Forms, Sora is given Ventus' Synch Blade ability to wield multiple Keyblades at once. In addition to wielding his own and Ventus' Keyblades, Sora has wielded both the Oathkeeper & Oblivion and the Way to the Dawn.

Although Sora has proven over the course of the series that he has all the same abilities that a Keyblade Master does, he still failed the Mark of Mastery exam (in part due to losing his powers thanks to Xehanort's interference) and therefore does not hold that title.

Sora is skilled in basic spells, such as Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder, allowing him to destroy enemies that are vulnerable against the elements or resistant to physical attacks, as well as Cure which allows him to heal himself and his allies. Additional spells that Sora learns are Aero, Gravity, Stop, Magnet, Reflect, and Water.


Through the use of a summon gem, card or charm, Sora can summon friends to temporarily aid him in battle, each with their own special abilities. Sora gains the ability to summon after finding Simba's summon gem and taking it to the Fairy Godmother who restores their spirits. However, not all summons start out as gems, cards, or charms. Some are simply friends Sora has met along his journey that chose to give him the ability to summon them. Sora loses the ability to summon those found as gems once their worlds are restored.

In Kingdom Hearts III, Yen Sid gives Sora a Heartbinder which strengthens his gift for connecting with others. The Heartbinder gives Sora the ability to summon some previous friends and new ones.


Malline:Main In addition to Sora's other abilities, he demonstrates what can be considered as superhuman abilities, such as durability, extreme speed and strength, gliding, jumping and leaping great distances, and cutting through solid concrete, among other things. Although Sora has proved to be a powerful adversary, having taken down Titans and Gods, he is nearly helpless without his Keyblade. Even the weakest Heartless takes countless blows to take down without it.

Sora's gift for connecting to others also includes feeling pain when the heart of another is injured, as seen when Anna's heart is struck by Elsa's magic while Sora stands outside Elsa's ice palace. Sora is also a skilled singer and talented on a skateboard.

Other Appearances[]

World of Final Fantasy[]

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Sora as he appears in World of Final Fantasy.

Sora appeared as a limited-time downloadable summon in the Playstation 4 game, World of Final Fantasy. He was added to commemorate the release of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue,[1] and wears his outfit from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. When summoned, Sora fires a Blizzard spell before shattering the crystal and unleashing a Ragnarok fusillade. Sora's downloadable content was only available from January 12 to March 31 of 2017, and was the only DLC not included in the expanded rerelease World of Final Fantasy Maxima.

Disney Emoji Blitz[]

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Sora appeared as a limited-time emoji during the Clear the Darkness event from January 17-20th, 2019 on the smartphone game Disney Emoji Blitz to commemorate the release of Kingdom Hearts III. When his Skill is triggered, Sora, Donald, and Goofy appear on-screen, prompting the player to click on one of them. Each of them can clear 1/3 of the board: Donald can clear the top, Sora can clear the middle, and Goofy can clear the bottom.

Disney Tsum Tsum[]


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]

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Sora in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Sora appears as a playable character as well as the final DLC character of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. His default appearance is based on the first game with his alternate costumes featuring his main outfits from all of his appearances, those being Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, and Kingdom Hearts III, and as well as the Valor, Wisdom and Ultimate Drive forms and an appearance based on his Timeless River form.

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His gameplay is recreated faithfully from the original games by making him an aerial-based fighter who can perform continuous midair combos. His Standard Special moves are the elemental spells Firaga, Thundaga and Blizzaga. His Side Special is Sonic Blade, his Up Special, Aerial Sweep and his Down Special, Counterattack. His Final Smash is Sealing the Keyhole, where he tosses his opponents into a door with the Smash logo emblazoned on it and seals it with his Keyblade, causing it to explode.

Similar to Joker, Sora has a unique way of ending a Stamina match, causing everything to slow down and fade to white, referencing the end of boss fights. Unlike his fellow Square Enix counterparts, Cloud, Sephiroth and Hero (although being a Silent Protagonist it makes sense), Sora has both Japanese and English voiceovers, reusing pre-existing voice clips of Miyu Irino and Haley Joel Osment respectively.


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Sora's early design.

Although Square Enix originally wanted Mickey Mouse to be the main protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series, and Disney wanted Donald Duck as the protagonist, the role was ultimately given to Sora because Tetsuya Nomura wanted a human protagonist.

Early on, Sora was designed as a young lion/human hybrid, wielding a chainsaw-like weapon with a lion's head keychain. The merging of Sora's design with elements from Square's proposal is referenced by his original costume, which shares many elements with Mickey's.


  • Although none of the parents of the characters on the Destiny Islands are shown on screen, Sora's mother can be heard calling him for dinner during the calamity in the first game. Also, in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Sora mentions both his mother and father while reminiscing about Naminé, and Riku mentions Sora's father to Terra in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.
    • It's never brought up how Sora being forgotten and missing for a year was handled. Obviously his parents would have evidence he existed, and would be upset he went missing for so long.
  • In Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Heart 3D: Dream Drop Distance, during every cutscene involving Sora's Keyblade, the Keyblade assumes the appearance of whatever Keychain the player has equipped. The only cutscenes where this doesn't apply are the scenes when Sora meets up with Riku during the 2nd visit to Traverse Town, Sora and King Mickey seal away Kingdom Hearts when Riku temporarily takes the Keyblade from Sora in Hollow Bastion, and before the Battle of 1000 Heartless in which he has the Kingdom Key. In the scenes with Riku, the Keyblade retains Sora's Keychain while in Sora's possession but reverts to the Kingdom Key while in Riku's hands.
  • Though the player can have Sora pick any of the Dream Weapons in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 3D confirms that Sora canonically picked the Dream Sword, as he is seen wielding it in a memory. The sword also appears as his Zero Gear weapon in 358/2 Days.
  • In the Olympus Coliseum level of Kingdom Hearts, Sora's victory poses are based off of Cloud and Leon's victory poses in Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII respectively.
  • Other than Sora himself, Roxas, Riku, and Naminé are the only characters who have appeared in Sora's Station of Awakening.
  • Ironically if you count Roxas' and Xion's hearts inside of Sora along with his own, Ventus' and Kairi's hearts, he holds the record for having the most hearts in a single body with a total of five.



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