Article Status: In the emergence (In progress) This article is edited by Pain88Discussion work. (Time: 19.tammikuu 2025) |
Pahatar | |
"Pahatar kuin hän ilmestyy Kingdom Hearts III" | |
Tyyppi | Somebody |
Kanji |
マレフィセント |
Romaji |
Marefisento |
Englanti |
Maleficent |
English voice actor |
Susanne Blakeslee |
Japanese voice actor |
Toshiko Sawada |
Home world |
Enchanted Dominion |
Role |
Allies |
Origin | |
Yhtiö |
Disney |
Peli |
Kingdom Hearts |
Muunnelmia |
Kingdom Hearts |
First entry A sorceress of awesome power. She controls the Heartless, and is said to have destroyed many worlds. No one knows what her true intentions are. She first appeared to curse Aurora in "Sleeping Beauty" (1959). Second entry A sorceress of awesome power. She leads the villains who seek to harness the power of the Heartless. She has also tricked Riku into joining her and is using him as part of her evil plans. She first appeared to curse Aurora in "Sleeping Beauty" (1959). Third entry A sorceress of awesome power. She tried to use the Heartless for her own evil ends, but the Heartless were actually using her. She turned into a huge dragon when cornered by Sora and his friends. She first appeared to curse Aurora in "Sleeping Beauty" (1959). |
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories |
Sora's Story A witch who commands the darkness. Sora faced Maleficent and her Heartless once before. She stole Belle's heart to perfect her dark powers, though Belle had seen through her plan. Reverse/Rebirth A witch who commands the darkness. Maleficent's charms won over Riku, and she empowered him with darkness. In Castle Oblivion she stood before Riku again, this time as a token of the indelible darkness in his heart. |
Kingdom Hearts II |
Main entry Sleeping Beauty (1959) A sorceress of frightening power. In the last adventure, she controlled the Heartless and led a group that was trying to harness the power of darkness. As part of her villainous plan, Maleficent tricked Riku into making the choice to dive into the realm of darkness. In the end, Maleficent yielded to the power of darkness herself and was defeated by Sora and his friends. But by using her last bit of evil power, she was able to come back again some time later. Timeless River Sleeping Beauty (1959) A sorceress of frightening power who's behind the strange goings-on at Disney Castle. Maleficent is determined to take over Disney Castle, and she's using the power of darkness in her evil scheme. Halloween Town Sleeping Beauty (1959) A sorceress of frightening power. She's using the Heartless as part of her scheme to bring all the worlds under her control. Lock, Shock, and Barrel are just what Maleficent needs to make trouble for Sora and his friends while they're in Halloween Town. |
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep |
Sleeping Beauty (1959) A terrifying evil fairy with a command of dark magic. She attended the celebration of Aurora's birth, despite not being invited, and prophesied that 16 years later, Aurora would prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die. From Master Xehanort she learned about the existence of other worlds, and that she could rule them all by gathering seven hearts of pure light. Maleficent's gleeful account of Terra's misdeeds has left Ven troubled. |
Kingdom Hearts coded |
A terrifying evil fairy who commands dark magic. On one of Sora's previous adventures, Maleficent led the hordes of darkness in an attempt to conquer all worlds. It was her servant, Pete, who led her to this strange new world; while unaware of its true nature, she can see the potential it holds for steeping other worlds in darkness. |
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance |
"Sleeping Beauty" (1959) An evil fairy who wishes to see all worlds cast into darkness. She has clashed with more than one Keyblade wielder. This time, she tried to use Minnie as a bartering chip and claim the "data" of all worlds. |
Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ |
Maleficent A Sleeping Beauty (1959) A powerful witch rumored to have manipulated the Heartless to destroy numerous worlds. Maleficent B Sleeping Beauty (1959) A powerful witch rumored to have manipulated the Heartless to destroy numerous worlds. |
- "Olet köyhä, yksinkertainen tyhmä! Luuletko, että voitat minut ?! MINÄ, kaiken pahan emäntä !?"
- —Pahatar että Sora, Aku ja Hessu
Pahatar (engl. Maleficent) on merkittävä antagonisti Kingdom Hearts-sarjassa. Hän on paha keiju, joka teki ensiesiintymisensä Disneyn Prinsessa Ruusunen. Hän pyrkii hallitsemaan kaikkia maailmoja ja levittämään pimeyttä heidän ympärillään. Hänet esittäytyy Kingdom Heartsissa johtajana konna roistot useista maailmoista, jotka pyrkivät valloittamaan valta Kingdom Hearts ja siten hallitsemaan kaikkia maailmoja. Tätä varten he auttavat Sydämetöntä pyydystää seitsemän prinsessoja sydämen ja ravistamaan maailmoja sydäntä. Kuitenkin Sora ja hänen liittolaiset pystyvät estämään suunnitelmansa kukistamalla heidän kohorttinsa ja lopulta noidan.
Kingdom Hearts-sarjan muut pelit kuvaavat hänen ensimmäisen nousunsa valtaan ja hänen myöhemmille yrityksilleen palauttaa sen, ja vaikka muut Disney-antagonistit harvoin ovat merkityksettömiä alkuperäismaailmansa ulkopuolella, Maleficentin vaikutus ulottuu lähes aina koko maailmaan.
Edessä Kingdom Hearts χ[]
Kingdom Hearts χ[]
Kuusitoista vuotta myöhemmin auroraa kiroon jälkeen Pahatar havaitsi, että Aurora asui nimityksellä Ruususen ja asetti hänen kirouksensa voimaan.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[]
Välissä Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep ja Kingdom Hearts[]
Kingdom Hearts[]
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories[]
Kingdom Hearts II[]
Kingdom Hearts coded[]
Välissä Kingdom Hearts coded ja Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance[]
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance[]
Muut esitykset[]
Kingdom Hearts V CAST[]
Pahatar esiintyy ei-kanonisessa Kingdom Hearts V CASTissa. Pahatar on jälleen konna ja toimii pääasiallisena antagonisti, hänen Lair on pelin lopullinen taso ja jossa kovimmat Heartless peliin.
- Tärkeimmät artikkelit: Pahatar (Boss) ja Pahatar (Dragon)
Vaikka hän on mahtavin Disney-roistoista, Pahatar mieluummin käyttää noituutta tai käyttää kätyrinsä, jotka taistelevat suoraan vihollista vastaan. Kuitenkin hänen suuri raivo ja vallanhimo mahdollistaa hänen ottaa muodossa hirviömäisen lohikäärme tarvittaessa. Kuitenkin, jos hänelle annetaan riittävästi vahinkoa, Pahatar palaa alkuperäiseen muotoonsa.
- Tärkeimmät artikkelit: Pahatar (D-Link)
Vuonna Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Pahatar tulee Dimension Link varten Terra. Käyttämällä kykyjään Terra voi käyttää voimakkaita tummia taikashyökkäyksiä. Pahatartin viimeistelyhyökkäykset antavat Terra mahdollisuuden kutsua voimakkaita salamoita ja tulen taikaa tuhoamaan viholliset.
- "Nyt käsittelette minua, o Prinssi ja kaikki helvetin voimat!"
- —Pahatar ennen viimeistä taistelua prinssi Phillipin kanssa prinsessa Aurora, "Ruusunen"
Maleficent teki elokuvan debyyttinsä Disneyn vuonna 1959 animoidussa elokuvassa Prinsessa Ruusunen, synkronoitu Hannele Lauri. Esiintyvät odottamatta Prinsessa Auroran syntymän seremonia, hän oli suuresti suututti kun ei saa kutsun yhteydessä. Sitten ilkeä noita kiroaa prinsessan, niin että tämä tulee pistämään sormensa värttinän piikkiin ja kuolemaan ennen kuin aurinko laskee tämän 16. syntymäpäivänä. Pahatar katoaa, jolloin kolmas haltijatar, Ilomieli, käyttää oman lahjansa heikentääkseen Pahattaren kirousta: kuoleman sijaan Aurora tulee ainoastaan nukahtamaan syvään uneen, josta hänet herättää vain todellisen rakkauden suudelma. Vaikka kuningas Stefanus määrää valtakunnan kaikki rukit poltettavaksi, haltijatarkolmikko tietää, ettei Pahattaren kirousta voi voittaa aivan niin helposti. He kehittävät suunnitelman suojellakseen pikkuprinsessaa noidan kiroukselta. Kuningasparin suostumuksella haltijattaret naamioituvat talonpoikaisnaisiksi ja vievät Auroran vaivihkaa linnasta erääseen metsän keskellä sijaitsevaan mökkiin. He aikovat kasvattaa prinsessan siellä, kunnes tämä täyttää 16 vuotta. Keijut onnistuneet pitämään tytön sijainti ja identiteetin salaisuus, ja raivostunut Pahatar lähettää hänen uskollinen Diablo etsimään tyttöä, kun hänen hännystelijät eivät häntä.
Diablo havaitsee Auroran olinpaikaksi, ja sitten Pahatar houkuttelee tyttöä pyörivään pyörään palatessaan kuningas Stefanusin linnaan. Aurora puristaa sormensa, ja sitten Maleficent lähtee vanhalle metsästäjän mökille, jonka tarkoituksena on ottaa kiinni prinsessan vihitty, prinssi Phillip, joka aikoo tavata Aurora-talonpoikaistyttöä. Kaappaaminen prinssi, Pahatar sitten asettaa hänet hänen Dungeon, aikoo pitää hänet siellä 100 vuotta. Haltijattaret löytävät prinssin, hiipivät Pahattaren linnaan ja vapauttavat prinssin. Phillip saa haltijattarilta aseikseen maagisen miekan ja kilven, minkä jälkeen nelikko pakenee yhdessä noidan vankilasta. Phillip yrittää epätoivoisesti ratsastaa Auroran luokse, mutta joutuu kohtaamaan matkalla lohikäärmeeksi muuttuneen Pahattaren. Seuraa pitkä taistelu, jonka aikana Phillipin kilpi tuhoutuu. Lopulta prinssi heittää haltijattarien siunaaman miekan suoraan Pahattaren sydämeen, jolloin noita putoaa kielekkeeltä alas kuolemaansa. Phillip kiipeää Auroran kamariin ja murtaa kirouksen suudelmallaan. Phillip ja Aurora laskeutuvat yhdessä linnan saliin, missä Aurora tapaa vanhempansa jälleen. Phillip ja Aurora alkavat onnellisina tanssia yhdessä tanssisalissa.
Playable Characters |
Sora | Riku | Roxas | Mickey Mouse | Data-Sora | Donald Duck | Goofy | Terra | Ventus | Aqua | Lingering Will Organization XIII Xemnas | Xigbar | Xaldin | Vexen | Lexaeus | Zexion | Saïx | Axel | Demyx | Luxord | Marluxia | Larxene | Roxas | Xion |
Party Members |
Donald Duck | Goofy | Tarzan | Aladdin | Ariel | Jack Skellington | Peter Pan | Beast | Pluto | Mickey Mouse | Mulan | Auron | Jack Sparrow | Simba | Tron | Riku | Hercules | Cloud | Terra | Ventus | Aqua | Stitch | Prince Phillip | Zack Xigbar | Xaldin | Vexen | Lexaeus | Zexion | Axel | Demyx | Luxord | Marluxia | Larxene | Xion |
Assistants |
Riku | Leon | Hercules | Queen Minnie | Captain Pete | Yuffie | Tifa | Cloud | Mickey Mouse | Axel | Claymore |
Escort Characters |
Cogsworth | Lumiere | Mrs. Potts | Megara | Queen Minnie | Abu | Timon | Pumbaa | Winnie the Pooh | Tigger | Roo | Piglet | Eeyore | Rabbit | Cinderella | Jaq | Snow White |
Summons |
Simba | Genie | Dumbo | Bambi | Tinker Bell | Mushu | Cloud | Chicken Little | Stitch | Peter Pan |
D-Links |
Terra | Ventus | Aqua | Experiment 626 | Cinderella | Maleficent | King Mickey | Zack | Donald Duck | Goofy | Peter Pan | Snow White | Pete | Vanitas |
Characters |
Party Members |
Terra - Ventus - Aqua - Lingering Will Prince Phillip - Mickey Mouse - Hercules - Zack - Experiment 626 |
D-Links |
Terra - Ventus - Aqua - Vanitas - Maleficent - Cinderella - Snow White - Experiment 626 - Mickey Mouse - Donald Duck - Goofy - Zack - Peter Pan - Pete |
Main Villains |
Xehanort - Vanitas - Braig - Terra-Xehanort Maleficent - Lady Tremaine - Anastasia - Drizella - Lucifer - The Queen - Magic Mirror - Gantu - Experiment 221 - Hades - Ice Colossus - Captain Hook - Captain Dark |
Non-playable characters |
Aeleus - Ansem the Wise - Aurora - Captain Justice - Chip and Dale - Cinderella - Crocodile - Daisy Duck - Dilan - Donald Duck - Dr. Jumba - Enchanted Brooms - Eraqus - Even - Fairy Godmother - Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather - Goofy - Grand Councilwoman - Grand Duke - Horace Horsecollar - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - Ienzo - Isa - Jaq - Kairi - Kairi's Grandma - Lea - Lost Boys - Maleficent's goons - Maleficent's Raven - Merlin - Minnie Mouse - Moogle - Peter Pan - Philoctetes - Pluto - The Prince - Prince Charming - Rabbit - Riku - Scrooge McDuck - Seven Dwarfs - Mr. Smee - Snow White - Sora - Tigger - Tinker Bell - Vanitas Remnant - Winnie the Pooh - Yen Sid |
Locations |
Worlds |
Land of Departure - Enchanted Dominion - Castle of Dreams - Dwarf Woodlands - Destiny Islands - Radiant Garden - Olympus Coliseum - Disney Town - Deep Space - Mirage Arena - Neverland - Mysterious Tower - Keyblade Graveyard - Castle Oblivion - Realm of Darkness |
Places |
Dive to the Heart - 100 Acre Wood - Chamber of Waking |
Terms |
Keyblade - Bequeathing - Keyblade Armor - Keyblade Glider - Keyblade Master - Keyblade War - Kingdom Hearts - Mark of Mastery exam - Million Dreams Award - Princesses of Heart - Blank Points - Unversed - The End |
Gameplay Terms |
Deck Commands - D-Link - Command Style - Shotlock - Arena Mode - Command Board |
Music |
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack - Simple and Clean |
Archives |
Artwork - Bosses - Enemies - Keyblades |
Characters |
Party Members |
Sora - Donald Duck - Goofy Tarzan - Aladdin - Ariel - Jack Skellington - Peter Pan - Beast |
Summons |
Simba - Genie - Dumbo - Bambi - Tinker Bell - Mushu |
Main Villains |
Ansem - Maleficent - Riku - Hades - Jafar - Captain Hook - Oogie Boogie - Ursula - Clayton |
Non-playable characters |
99 Puppies - Abu - Aerith - Alice - Aurora - Bathtub - Belle - Card Soldiers - Carpet - Cave of Wonders Guardian - Cerberus - Chernabog - Cheshire Cat - Chip and Dale - Cid - Cinderella - Cloud - Crocodile - Daisy Duck - Doorknob - Dr. Finkelstein - Eeyore - Enchanted Brooms - Fairy Godmother - Flotsam and Jetsam - Flounder - Flower - Geppetto - Hercules - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - Iago - Ice Titan - Jane Porter - Jasmine - Jiminy Cricket - Kairi - Kairi's Grandma - Kala - Kerchak - King Triton - Leon - Lock, Shock, and Barrel - Merlin - Mickey Mouse - Minnie Mouse - Moogles - Mr. Smee - Owl - Perdita - Philoctetes - Piglet - Pinocchio - Pluto - Pongo - Queen of Hearts - Rabbit - Rock Titan - Roo - Roxas - Sabor - Sally - Sebastian - Selphie - Sephiroth - Snow White - Sora's mother - Terk - The Mayor - The Peddler - The Shark - Tidus - Tigger - Wakka - Wendy - White Rabbit - Winnie the Pooh - Yuffie - Xemnas - Zero |
Locations |
Worlds |
Destiny Islands - Disney Castle - Traverse Town - Wonderland - Olympus Coliseum - Deep Jungle - 100 Acre Wood - Agrabah - Monstro - Atlantica - Halloween Town - Neverland - Hollow Bastion - End of the World |
Places |
Dive to the Heart - World Terminus |
Terms |
Ansem's Reports - Final Keyhole - Keyblade - Keyhole - Kingdom Hearts - Mickey's Letter - Postcard - Princesses of Heart - Trinity Mark - Door to Darkness - The End |
Music |
Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack - Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete - Simple and Clean |
Archives |
Accessories - Artwork - Bosses - Enemies - Items - Keyblades - Other Weapons |
Merkkiä |
Ryhmän jäsenet |
Sora - Riku - Donald Duck - Goofy - Mickey Mouse Aladdin - Ariel - Jack Skellington - Peter Pan - Beast |
Kutsu |
Simba - Genie - Cloud - Dumbo - Bambi - Tinker Bell - Mushu |
Tärkeimmät roistot |
Marluxia - Lexaeus - Larxene - Vexen - Zexion - Axel - Ansem - Riku Replica Hades - Jafar - Ursula - Oogie Boogie - Captain Hook - Maleficent |
Ei-pelattavissa hahmot |
Aerith - Alice - Belle - Card Soldiers - Cave of Wonders Guardian - Cheshire Cat - Cid - DiZ - Dr. Finkelstein - Eeyore - Flounder - Geppetto - Hercules - Iago - Jasmine - Jiminy Cricket - Kairi - Leon - Moogles - Naminé - Owl - Philoctetes - Piglet - Pinocchio - Pluto - Queen of Hearts - Rabbit - Roo - Sally - Sebastian - Selphie - Tidus - Tigger - Wakka - Wendy - White Rabbit - Winnie the Pooh - Yuffie |
Paikoissa |
Maailman |
Traverse Town - Agrabah - Olympus Coliseum - Wonderland - Monstro - Halloween Town - Atlantica - Neverland - 100 Acre Wood - Hollow Bastion - Twilight Town - Destiny Islands - Castle Oblivion |
Ehdot |
Attack card - Card break - Cards - Enemy card - Friend card - Item card - Keyblade - Wayfinder - Magic card - Map card - Memory - Memory Pod - Premium Cards - Reload Card - Replica - Sleight - Summon card - World Cards - The End |
Musiikki |
Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete - Simple and Clean |
Archives |
Artwork - Bosses - Vihollisia - Keyblades |
Characters |
Party Members |
Roxas - Sora - Donald Duck - Goofy Fa Mulan - Beast - Auron - Jack Sparrow - Aladdin - Jack Skellington - Simba - Tron - Riku |
Summons |
Chicken Little - Genie - Stitch - Peter Pan |
Villains |
Xemnas - Xigbar - Xaldin - Saïx - Axel - Demyx - Luxord - Maleficent - Pete Shan-Yu - Hades - Ursula - Captain Barbossa - Jafar - Oogie Boogie - Scar - MCP - Sark |
Non-playable characters |
Abu - Aerith - Ansem the Wise - Ariel - Ariel's Sisters - Auron - Bathtub - Belle - Biggs - Captain Pete - Carpet - Cave of Wonders Guardian - Cerberus - Chien Po, Ling, and Yao - Chip - Chip and Dale - Cid - Clara Cluck - Clarabelle Cow - Cloud - Cogsworth - Daisy Duck - Dr. Finkelstein - Eeyore - Elves - Elizabeth Swann - Enchanted Brooms - Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather - Flotsam and Jetsam - Flounder - Fuu - Gopher - Gullwings - Hayabusa - Hayner - Hercules - Horace Horsecollar - Hostile Program - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - Hydra - Iago - Jasmine - Jessie - Jiminy Cricket - Kairi - Kanga - Kiara - King Triton - Leon - Li Shang - Lock, Shock, and Barrel - Lumiere - Maleficent's Raven - Megara - Merlin - Mickey Mouse - Minnie Mouse - Moogles - Mrs. Potts - Mufasa - Mushu - Nala - Naminé - Olette - Owl - Pain and Panic - Pegasus - Pence - Philoctetes - Piglet - Pluto - Prince Eric - Pumbaa - Rabbit - Rafiki - Rai - Reindeer - Rock Titan - Roo - Sally - Santa Claus - Scrooge McDuck - Sebastian - Seifer - Selphie - Sephiroth - Setzer - Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed - Terra-Xehanort - The Emperor - The Experiment - The Ghost of Scar - The Mayor - The Peddler - Tifa - Tigger - Timon - Tinker Bell - Undead Pirates - Vivi - Wallace - Wantz - Wardrobe - William Turner - Winnie the Pooh - Wedge - Yen Sid - Yuffie - Zero |
Locations |
Worlds |
Twilight Town - Destiny Islands - Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden - The Land of Dragons - Beast's Castle - 100 Acre Wood - Olympus Coliseum - Disney Castle - Timeless River - Atlantica - Port Royal - Agrabah - Halloween Town - Pride Lands - Space Paranoids - The World That Never Was - End of Sea |
Places |
Simulated Twilight Town - Dive to the Heart - Old Mansion - Mysterious Tower - Underworld - Christmas Town - Castle That Never Was - Kingdom Hearts |
Terms |
Cornerstone of Light - Drive Form - Gate - Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee - Kairi's Letter - Keyblade - Kingdom Hearts Encoder - Organization XIII - Princesses of Heart - Reaction Command - Secret Ansem Report - Sidecar Glider - Skateboard - The End |
Music |
Kingdom Hearts II Original Soundtrack - Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete - Sanctuary |
Archives |
Accessories - Artwork - Bosses - Enemies - Items - Keyblades - Other Weapons - Songs |
Characters |
Party Members |
Data-Sora Cloud - Hercules - Donald Duck - Goofy |
Main Villains |
Maleficent - Pete - Sora's Heartless |
Non-playable characters |
Aladdin - Alice - Card Soldier - Cave of Wonders Guardian - Cerberus - Cheshire Cat - Chip and Dale - Cid - Data-Naminé - Data-Riku - Data-Roxas - Hades - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - Iago - Jafar - Jasmine - Jiminy Cricket - Leon - Mickey Mouse - Moogle - Philoctetes - Pluto - Queen of Hearts - Rock Titan - Selphie - The Peddler - Tidus - Wakka - White Rabbit - Yuffie |
Locations |
Worlds |
Disney Castle - Datascape - Dive to the Heart - Destiny Islands - Traverse Town - Wonderland - Olympus Coliseum - Agrabah - Hollow Bastion - Castle Oblivion |
Terms |
Keyblade - Keyhole - Bug Blox - Debug Ability - Hero's License - Mickey's Letters - The End |
Music |
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack - Simple and Clean |
Archives |
Artwork - Bosses - Items |
Characters |
Party Members |
Sora - Riku |
Dream Eater Spirits |
Meow Wow - Tama Sheep - Yoggy Ram - Komory Bat - Pricklemane - Hebby Repp - Sir Kyroo - Toximander - Fin Fatale - Tatsu Steed - Necho Cat - Thunderaffe - Kooma Panda - Pegaslick - Iceguin Ace - Peepsta Hoo - Escarglow - KO Kabuto - Wheeflower - Ghostabocky - Zolephant - Juggle Pup - Halbird - Staggerceps - Fishboné - Flowbermeow - Cyber Yog - Chef Kyroo - Lord Kyroo - Tatsu Blaze - Electricorn - Woeflower - Jestabocky - Eaglider - Me Me Bunny - Drill Sye - Tyranto Rex - Majik Lapin - Cera Terror - Skelterwild - Ducky Goose - Aura Lion - Ryu Dragon - Drak Quack - Keeba Tiger - Meowjesty - Sudo Neku - Frootz Cat - Ursa Circus - Kab Kannon - R & R Seal |
Main Villains |
Xehanort - Ansem, Seeker of Darkness - Xemnas - Xigbar - Saïx - Maleficent - Pete |
Ursula - Claude Frollo - CLU |
Non-playable characters |
Aeleus - Ansem the Wise - Anti Black Coat - Aqua - Axel - Beagle Boys - Black Guard - Blue Fairy - Braig - Chernabog - Daisukenojo Bito - Dilan - Donald Duck - Enchanted Brooms - Esmeralda - Even - Geppetto - Goofy - Ienzo - Jiminy Cricket - Joshua - Julius - Kairi - Kevin Flynn - Lea - Maleficent's Raven - Mickey Mouse - Minnie Mouse - Monstro - Moogle - Naminé - Neku Sakuraba - Phoebus - Pinocchio - Pluto - Quasimodo - Quorra - Rhyme - Rinzler - Roxas - Sam Flynn - Shiki - Terra - Terra-Xehanort - Vanitas - Ventus - Victor, Hugo, and Laverne - Xion - Yen Sid |
Locations |
Worlds |
Traverse Town - La Cité des Cloches - The Grid - Prankster's Paradise - Country of the Musketeers - Symphony of Sorcery - The World That Never Was |
Destiny Islands - Mysterious Tower - Disney Castle - Radiant Garden - Dive to the Heart |
Places |
Sleeping Worlds - Castle That Never Was |
Terms |
Dream Eater - Keyhole of Sleep - Keyblade War - Mark of Mastery exam - Real Organization XIII - Another Guardian of Light - The End |
Gameplay Terms |
Ability Link - AR Card - Deck Commands - Disposition - Dive Mode - Drop System - Flick Rush - Flowmotion - Forecast - Link System - Reality Shift |
Music |
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance Original Soundtrack - Simple and Clean - Sanctuary |
Archives |
Artwork - Bosses - Enemies - Keyblades |
Characters |
Party Members |
Player (Avatar) - Hercules - Skuld - Aladdin |
Non-playable characters |
Aced - Alice - Ava - Beast - Belle - Card Soldier - Cerberus - Cheshire Cat - Chip - Chip and Dale - Chirithy - Cloud - Cogsworth - Donald Duck - Doorknob - Ephemer - Gaston - Goofy - Guards - Gula - Hades - Invi - Ira - Lumiere - Luxu - Mad Hatter and March Hare - Magic Mirror - Maleficent - Maleficent's Raven - Maurice - Mickey Mouse - Mrs. Potts - Moana - Moogle - Philoctetes - Queen of Hearts - The Master of Masters - The Prince - The Queen - Seven Dwarfs - Snow White - Wardrobe - White Rabbit |
Locations |
Worlds |
Agrabah - Badlands - Beast's Castle - Daybreak Town - Dwarf Woodlands - Enchanted Dominion - Olympus Coliseum - Wonderland |
Places |
Dive to the Heart - Underworld |
Terms |
Book of Prophecies - Cards - Dark Corridor Trials - Dark Footsteps - Heartless - Keyblade War - Keyblade - Lux - Raid Boss - Union |
Archives |
Keyblades |
Characters |
Party Members |
Sora - Donald Duck - Goofy - Riku - Aqua Hercules - Woody - Buzz Lightyear - Rapunzel - Eugene Fitzherbert - Sulley - Mike Wazowski - Marshmallow - Jack Sparrow - Baymax Mickey Mouse - Kairi - Ventus - Lea - Roxas - Xion |
Link system |
Meow Wow - Wreck-It Ralph - Simba - Ariel - Stitch |
Antagonists |
Mother Gothel - Randall - Hans - Davy Jones - Kraken - Cutler Beckett Real Organization XIII (Seekers of Darkness) Master Xehanort - Young Xehanort - Terra-Xehanort - Ansem - Xemnas - Vanitas - Xigbar - Saïx - Luxord - Marluxia - Larxene - Dark Riku - Xion Vexen - Demyx - Replica Xehanort - Dark Baymax - Anti-Aqua Villains Maleficent - Pete - Hades - Rock Titan - Ice Titan - Lava Titan - Tornado Titan |
Non-Playable characters |
Seven Guardians of Light - New Seven Hearts Aced - Aeleus - Air Droids - Angelic Amber - Anna - Ansem the Wise - Apollo - Athena - Beasts & Bugs - Boo - Bouncy Pets - CDA Agent - Chip and Dale - Chirithy - Daisy Duck - Dilan - Elizabeth Swann - Elsa - Ephemer - Eraqus - Even - Fred - Gigas - Go Go Tomago - Gopher - Green Army Men - Gula - Hamm - Hayner - Hector Barbossa - Hermes - Hiro Hamada - Honey Lemon - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - Ienzo - Invi - Ira - Isa - Jiminy Cricket - Kristoff - Lingering Will - Little Chef - Little Green Men - Lumpy - Luxu - The Master of Masters - Maximus - Megara - Merlin - Minnie Mouse - Moogle - Nameless Star - Naminé - Olaf - Olette - Pascal - Patchwork Animals - Pegasus - Pence - Piglet - Philoctetes - Pluto - Rabbit - Rex - Riku Replica - Roo - Sarge - Scrooge McDuck - Supreme Smasher - Sven - Terra - Tigger - Wasabi - William Turner - Winnie the Pooh - Xehanort's guardian - Yen Sid - Yozora - Zeus |
Locations |
Worlds |
Olympus - Dark World - Mysterious Tower - Disney Castle - Radiant Garden - Twilight Town - Toy Box - Monstropolis - Kingdom of Corona - Arendelle - The Caribbean - San Fransokyo - 100 Acre Wood - Destiny Islands - Castle Oblivion / Land of Departure - Keyblade Graveyard - The Final World - Scala ad Caelum |
Terms |
Ansem's Code - Black Box - Dream Eater - Heartless - Keyblade - Keyblade Master - Keyblade War - Kingdom Hearts - New Seven Hearts - Nobody - Port Royal - Remaking the World - Secret Reports - Subject X - Unversed |
Gameplay Terms |
Attractions - Battlegate - Black Pearl - Classic Kingdom - Flowmotion - Formchange - Gigas - Gummiphone - Gummi Ship - Malline:C - Lucky Emblems - Moogle Shop - Link - Shotlock - Situation Command - Verum Rex - χ3 |
Disney Antagonists
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts |
Maleficent | Queen of Hearts | Card Soldier | Hades | Cerberus | Rock Titan | Ice Titan | Clayton | Sabor | Jafar | Iago Oogie Boogie | Lock, Shock, and Barrel | Monstro | Ursula | Flotsam and Jetsam | The Shark | Captain Hook | Mr. Smee | Chernabog |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts II |
Maleficent's Raven | Pete | Shan-Yu | Hayabusa | Pain and Panic | Hydra | Captain Barbossa | Undead Pirates | Scar | Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed | MCP | Sark |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep |
Maleficent's goons | The Queen | Lady Tremaine | Anastasia | Drizella | Lucifer | Gantu |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance |
Beagle Boys | Claude Frollo | CLU | Rinzler | Black Guards | Julius |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ |
Gaston |