Chapter 1: destiny island
A boy awakes, floating in a strange abyss, the keychain around his neck waving in the current of wind blowing upwards.
????: “I've been having these weird thoughts lately... Like, is any of this for real or not?”
The boy's heart pumps as he falls deeper into the abyss, his eyes closed. The empty nothingness becomes water, and bubbles form in the wake of his descent. He reaches a barrier and his eyes blink open with a flash. He finds himself standing on a sandy beach on a clear sunny day. He looks around and sees another boy in the water. Holding his hand up to block the glare of the sun, he steps toward the boy in the water to get a closer look. Suddenly, the ocean waters recede. He looks up and gasps. The boy in the water, turns his head, the breeze billowing through his silver hair, as a wave forms beyond. He smirks, holding his hand out as the wave reaches its pinnacle behind him. The boy with brown hair runs toward the boy in the water, who isn't moving. Time seems to slow down as a dark wave crashes down on top of them. The first boy spins in the water, gritting his teeth. He rights himself and stares at the other boy, who is unfazed, saying nothing with his arm beckoning. The first boy tries to reach him, but is swept away with the current. He eventually surfaces, gasping for air, the water dripping off of him as the sun hangs low in the sky. He sees a girl on the shore waving to him and calling his name. He waves back and starts padding towards shore as she bounces happily on her feet. The girl stands with her hands behind her back as he arrives. He bends down slightly, catching his breath and smirks up at her. She giggles until something in the sky catches her attention, her face forming a serious look. He stands up and turns around. A meteor shower rains down from the sky, a shadowy figure among them. They stare in awe, and the boy realizes the figure is himself. He gasps and feels himself falling. He becomes the figure in the sky as he falls below the girl, reaching out to her. She reaches out to him until the image of her ripples in water reflecting the sky. The boy falls back, eyes closed, sinking deeper as bubbles trail him. He stirs awake and manages to right himself before settling onto a dark platform. He looks around and takes a step forward. There is a flash of blinding light as a large flock of birds rise from the platform, flying in all directions and scattering feathers everywhere. The boy shields his eyes as the wind whips at him. He watches them leave while the last feathers fall. The platform now depicts a girl taking a bite out of an apple. The boy turns around seeing no one, yet hearing a voice.
Voice: “So much to do, so little time... Take your time. Don't be afraid. The door is still shut. Now, step forward. Can you do it?”
The boy takes a few slow steps forward. A light shines down from above as a large stone pedestal rises from the platform in a shower of light and magic. The boy turns toward it. A red shield blinks into existence, floating above it.
Voice: “Power sleeps within you...”
Another pedestal rises from the platform, a blue staff floating above it.
Voice: “If you give it form...”
A third pedestal appears in front of the boy. A metal sword appears in midair.
Voice: “It will give you strength.”
The boy stares ahead at all three.
Voice: “Choose well.”
The boy runs over to the shield and holds it in his hand.
Voice: “The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all. Is this the power you seek?”
????: “Yes.”
Suddenly, the shield vanished from his hand.
Voice: “Your path is set.”
The boy turned around to face the other two weapons.
Voice: “Now, what will you give up in exchange?”
The boy approaches the sword and holds it up.
Voice: “The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. You give up this power?”
????: “Yes.”
The sword disappeared.
Voice: “You've chosen the power of the guardian. You've given up the power of the warrior. Is this the form you choose?”
????: “Yes.”
The three stones suddenly sink into the floor, knocking the boy back onto the platform. The ground rumbles and he looks around. The edges of the platform crumble off and the platform shatters. The boy falls through darkness and lands on another platform, this time depicting a girl in a beautiful silver ball gown. The shield had appeared in his hand.
Voice: “you’ve gained the power to fight.”
The boy swinged the shield.
Voice: “alright, you’re like a natural. Uses this to defend yourself and others.”
A dark murky shadow appeared on the floor as strange creature rosed from it. One was a small, shadowy creature with yellow eyes and the other was a tall, sliver creature with a zipper for a mouth. The boy fights off the strange creatures when one of them sneak behind the boy.
Voice: “look out! Behind you!”
The boy defeat all of the creatures. A black void appears in the center of the platform and he is sucked into it. He bats the darkness away and wakes up on a multicolored platform with three silhouettes. He sees a door near the platform edge and walks toward it, examining it.
????: “I can't open it...”
A treasure chest appears and he opens it. He turns around and a large crate and barrel appear. He smashes these items and opens the door. Light floods out from it and he walks through, squinting his eyes through the bright light. He arrives on a small island bridge where three kids stand quietly waiting.
Voice: “Hold on. The door won't open just yet. First, tell me more about yourself.”
The boy walks over to a girl leaning against a rope fence.
???????: “What's most important to you?”
????: “Friendship. Friendship and love.”
???????: “Are these such a big deal?”
The boy talks to a boy with a large blue sport ball.
?????: “What do you want outta life?”
????: “To broaden my horizons.”
?????: “To broaden your horizons, huh?”
The boy walks over to a boy with a large red stick in his hand.
?????: “What are you so afraid of?”
????: “B-being indecisive.”
?????: “Being indecisive? Is that really so frightening?”
Voice: “You want friendship. You want to broaden your horizons. You're afraid of being indecisive. Your adventure begins at midday. Keep a steady pace and you'll come through fine.”
????: “Sounds good.”
Voice: “The day you will open the door is both far off and very near.”
There is a flash of light and the boy finds himself on a platform of a sleeping woman clutching a rose. He walks across the platform and is surrounded by Shadows. He defeats them all and a light shines down, producing a stain glass staircase The boy runs up the stairs onto another platform depicting a woman in a yellow dress and a hideous monster. The first voice returned.
Voice 1: “The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.”
The boy turns around and sees his shadow move after he does. The boy starts to back away as the shadow pulls itself from the ground.
Voice 1: “But don't be afraid. And don't forget...”
The shadow takes on the form of a large shadow creature with yellow eyes, as the boy runs to the edge of the platform, nearly falling off. He turns to face Darkside as it rises to its full towering height, gazing at him with eerie glowing eyes. The shield appears in his hand and he stares at his only option. Darkside summons a ball of energy and punches the floor. The boy trembles as a void of darkness appears in the floor, summoning several Shadows. The boy swallows his fear and attacks them, while dodging larger blows from Darkside. As it punches the ground again, the boy seizes the opportunity and strikes at its wrist. Catching its attention, he jumps back and the shield vanishes from his hand. Terror fills his face as he is left weaponless and Darkside slams his fist into the ground, narrowly missing him. Sora falls in defeat and a dark void appears under him, sucking him in.
Voice 1: “---But don't be afraid.”
The darkness engulfs his legs.
Voice 1: “You hold the mightiest weapon of all.”
He starts to swim away as the darkness clenches onto him. His grasping hand is lost to the black abyss.
Voice 1: “So don't forget...”
The boy lies on his back as the darkness wraps its last threads around his frightened eyes.
Voice 1: “You are the one who will open the door.”
On a bright sandy beach, the sun shines warmly on the same spiky-haired boy, who opens his sleepy eyes and sits up. He yawns, starting to lay back down again, when suddenly: a girl’s face.
????: “Whoa!”
The boy jumps back up and turns around, kneeling in the sand. The girl giggles, hovering over him.
????: “Gimme a break, Kairi.”
Kairi: “Sora, you lazy bum. I knew that I'd find you snoozing down here.”
Sora: “No! This huge, black THING swallowed me up! I couldn't breathe! I couldn't—“
She smacks him.
Sora: “Ow!”
Kairi: “Are you still dreaming?”
Sora: “It wasn't a dream! Or was it? I don't know.”
He looks off toward the ocean, seeing the clouds billow in the sky.
Sora: “What was that place? So bizarre...”
Kairi: “Yeah, sure.”
She walks past him toward the water.
Sora: “Say, Kairi, what was your hometown like? You know, where you grew up.”
Kairi stares out into the sea, her smile fading.
Kairi: “I've told you before, I only have a gut feeling that something terrible is happening there.”
Sora: “Oh, yeah. That’s why you came with the idea of us and Riku going off to see the outside world.”
Kairi: “Yeah… I want to see if my hometown is alright. And… I can remember my past if I get there.”
Sora: “Well, I want to see your homeworld. Along with any other worlds out there! I wanna see them all!”
Kairi (facing him): “So what're we waiting for?”
????: “Hey!”
Sora and Kairi turn to see a silver-haired boy carrying a log. That was Riku, their best friend who was helping them with their plan to find Kairi’s homeworld.
Riku: “So, I guess I'm the only one working on the raft.”
He tosses the log to Sora, who falls over with a yelp, and walks over to Kairi.
Riku: “And you're just as lazy as he is!”
Kairi (giggling): “So you noticed. Okay, we'll finish it together.”
The three started working on a raft.
Sora: “So, Kairi's home is out there somewhere, right?”
Riku: “Could be. We'll never know by staying here.”
Sora: “But how far could a raft take us?”
Riku: “Who knows? If we have to, we'll think of something else.”
Kairi: “So, suppose you get to another world. (giggle) What would you do there?”
Riku: “Well, I haven't really thought about it. It's just... I've always wondered why we're here on this island. If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one? And suppose there are other worlds... Then ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could've just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?”
Sora: “I don't know.”
Riku: “Exactly. That's why we need to go out there and find out. Just sitting here won't change a thing. It's the same old stuff.”
Kairi: “Heh… So I guess I am the only one with a legitimate reason to look for other worlds?”
Sora: “I guess… You’re the only one of us surrounded by mystery. Riku and I are just some normal guys. (gets an idea) Hey! How about the three of us spar?”
Riku: “Heh, a rather smart idea. Who knows what we’ll face in the other worlds? We have to be prepared.”
The three kids took out their toy swords and started sparring. They had three fights: one between Sora and Kairi, which Kairi won, one between Riku and Kairi, which Riku won, and one between Sora and Riku, which Sora won. The biggest struggle was between Sora and Riku. After the third round, the three went back to their homes, with Kairi leading the way.
Riku: “Sora!”
Sora turns around and catches a star-shaped fruit.
Riku: “You wanted one, didn't you?”
Sora: “A paopu fruit...”
Riku: “If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what. C'mon, I know you want to try it.”
Sora: “What are you talking—“
Riku laughs and Sora tosses the fruit away. They all run back to the dock and head for home.
Meanwhile, in another world, Donald Duck, the court wizard, walks proudly through the Colonnade of Disney Castle, passing a group of brooms carrying buckets. Donald stops in front of two enormous double doors. He clears his throat and knocks on three times. A smaller door just his size opens and he walks through, entering the castle’s throne room. He walks down the long red carpet of the chamber toward a golden throne.
Donald: “Good morning, Your Majesty. It's nice to see you this morn—“
However, to Donald’s shock, the throne was empty.
Donald: “What!”
Pluto walks out from behind the throne, carrying an envelope in his mouth. Donald opens it and reads the letter. He blinks for a second, then suddenly speeds back out into the Colonnade. He races across the courtyard to where Goofy, Captain of the Royal Knights, is sleeping.
Donald: “Wake up, Goofy, wake up! This is serious!!”
Goofy continues to snore and Donald’s temper gets the better of him. He points his finger into the air, yelling, and summons a lightning bolt, which swoops down and strikes Goofy in the side, jolting him awake. He sits up sleepily and looks around.
Goofy: “Hey there, Donald. G'morning.”
Donald: “We've got a problem, Goofy! But don't tell anyone...”
Goofy (ignoring Donald): “Queen Minnie?”
Donald: “Not even the queen.”
Goofy: “Daisy?”
Donald (shaking his head furiously): “No, it's top secret!”
Goofy (calling over Donald's shoulder): “G'morning, ladies.”
Donald: “What?”
Donald turns to see a cross Daisy, hands on her hips, and Queen Minnie. Daisy clears her throat and Donald laughs sheepishly. The next day, Sora, Riku and Kairi returned to the island.
Riku: “Hey, Sora. Our raft still needs a name. Let's see... How about Highwind? What would you call it?”
Sora: “Me? Excalibur!”
Riku: “Hey, how about...”
Sora: “The usual?”
Riku: “Let's do it!”
Kairi: “You guys at it again? All right, I'll be the judge.”
The three went into a cove. On the cove’s other side, there was a star shaped tree.
Kairi: “The usual rules apply. Take any route you want... First one to tag the tree and make it back here wins. There will be no bumping, no cheating, no spitting, no biting, no rage, no maiming, no slicking, no pushing, no shoving, no backstabbing, no hogging and no lollygagging.”
Sora: “If I win, I'm captain! And if you win...”
Riku: “I get to share the paopu with Kairi.”
Sora: “Huh?”
Riku: “Deal? The winner gets to share a paopu with Kairi.”
Sora: “Wha... Wait a minute...”
Kairi: “Okay! On my count: Three! Two! One! Go!
She slices through the air with her hand and both Sora and Riku race across the bridge. The two are neck and neck until one of the boards on the bridge collapses, sending Riku into the water. Sora takes this chance to run past the lookout tower and across the bridge. He runs up the hill towards the star tree, seeing Riku catching up to him, by jumping across the tops of the palm trees nearby. Sora quickly tags the tree and races back to the starting line. He throws a fist into the air in success.
Sora: “Oh, yeah! I win!”
Riku: “Man, lighten up. It’s just a name, after all. And the paopu fruit thing? I was just pranking you!”
Sora scowls and the three spent the rest of the day gathering supplies. At one point, Sora entered a Secret Place only he and Kairi knew, and walks through an underground tunnel, with roots lining the walls. He reaches a room made of walled boulders with chalk drawings scrawled on them. The only light is from a small hole in the ceiling. Sora sees a mushroom near a wooden board in the wall and plucks it from the ground. Behind the mushroom is an old drawing of Kairi and Sora that brings memories flooding back to him. He kneels on the ground, placing a hand on the drawing of Kairi with a soft smile. His mind flashes back to the two of them as 5 year olds when they drew each other on the walls. Sora sits, picking up a rock and begins carving. He stops and stares at his work. He is giving Kairi a paopu fruit. Suddenly, he hears a noise behind him and stands up swiftly.
Sora: “Wh-who’s there?”
?????: “don’t mind me, I’ve just came to see the door to this world.”
Sora: “huh? The door to this world?”
?????: “that door. This world has been connected.” As he pointed to the wooden board.
Sora: “wh-what are you talking about?”
?????: “this world will soon be covered in darkness like a never ending eclipse.”
Sora: “well, whoever you are, stop freaking me out like this, huh?”
He notices a completely cloaked figure wielding a cane with a king chess piece on top.
Sora: “where did you come from?”
?????: “you don’t get what lies beyond this door, young one.”
Sora: “so, your from another world then!”
?????: “there is so much for you to learn yet you understand so little.”
Sora: “oh yeah? Well you’ll see. I’m gonna get out and learn what out there.”
?????: “wise word but a pointless effort. A person who knows nothing can learn nothing.”
Sora looks toward the board in the wall. It resembles a door, but with no lock or doorknob. As Sora turns back to the figure in the shadows, he has disappeared. With nothing left to do, he returns to the raft, where Kairi is leaning against the mast fiddling with something jingling in her hands.
Sora: “what are you working on Kairi?”
Kairi: “This? I’m making a necklace of thalassa shells. In the old days, sailors always wore thalassa shells. They were supposed to ensure a safe voyage. See this?”
She holds a star-shaped charm out to him.
Kairi: “It’s a charm to help us find each other if we ever get separated. The three of us will always be together.”
She places the Wayfinder in her pocket and he presents her with the collected provisions. Later during the sunset, Sora and Kairi sit at the edge of the dock.
Kairi: “You know, Riku has changed.”
Sora: “What do you mean?”
Kairi: “Well...”
She grows silent.
Sora: “You okay?”
Kairi: “Yeah… It’s just my gut feeling. (a moment of silence) Sora, let’s take the raft and go—just the two of us!”
Sora: “Huh?”
Kairi (giggling): “Just kidding.”
Sora: “What’s gotten into you?”
Kairi: “I dunno. You know, I was a little afraid at first, but now I’m ready. No matter where I go or what I see, I know I can always come back here, even after I learn the truth about my past.”
She turns to face him.
Kairi: “I mean, I have my best friends here, so I should visit. Right?”
Sora: “Yeah, of course!”
Kairi: “That’s good.”
She pauses.
Kairi: “Sora, don’t ever change.”
Sora: “Huh?”
She stands up and takes a final look over the ocean. He stares up at her.
Kairi: “I just can’t wait. Once we set sail, it’ll be great.”
He follows her gaze as the sun sets.
Meanwhile in the Library of Disney Castle, Donald reads the letter aloud to Daisy and Queen Minnie.
Sorry to rush off without sayin’ goodbye, but there’s big trouble brewin’. Not sure why, but the stars have been blinkin’ out, one by one. And that means disaster can’t be far behind. I hate to leave you all but I’ve gotta go check into it. There’s someone with a “key”—the key to our survival. So I need you and Goofy to find him, and stick with him. Got it? We need that key or we’re doomed! So go to Traverse Town and find Leon. He’ll point you in the right direction.
Would ya apologize to Minnie for me? Thanks, pal.”
The letter is signed with the King’s seal. Pluto sleeps in his bed as the group muses over the King’s words.
Daisy: “Oh, dear! What could this mean?”
Minnie: “It means we’ll just have to trust the king.”
Goofy: “Gawrsh, I sure hope he’s all right.”
Donald: “Your Highness. Don’t worry. We’ll find the king and this “key.””
Minnie: “Thank you, both of you.”
Donald: “Daisy, can you take care of the—“
Daisy: “Of course. You be careful, now, both of you.”
Minnie: “Oh, and to chronicle your travels, he will accompany you.”
She points toward the desk. Donald peers closer, seeing a small bug jumping on the table.
??????: “Over here!”
The cricket stops jumping once he has Donald’s attention.
??????: “Cricket’s the name. Jiminy Cricket, at your service.”
He bows with his top hat in his hand.
Minnie: “We hope for your safe return. Please help the king.”
Donald stands at attention. Joining Minnie and Daisy, Goofy salutes him, before Donald yanks him out the door.
Donald: “You’re coming, too!”
They walk down the stairs under the courtyard to the Gummi Ship Control Room. The mouse-eared lights on the wall are dim in the dark hallway. Donald walks ahead as Jiminy hangs on to Goofy’s helmet.
Goofy: “Gawrsh, Jiminy, your world disappeared, too?”
Jiminy: “It was terrible. We were scattered. And as far as I can see, I’m the only one who made it to this castle.”
They enter the Gummi Ship Control Room, walking across the tiled floor. The whirring of machines fills the air as giant gears spin along the walls. Mechanical arms hang down from the ceiling around a small orange spaceship. The dome of the cockpit reveals three seats. Donald walks toward a large golden tube and puts a hand to his mouth.
Donald: “Hello up there? Donald Duck to launch crew! Anytime you’re ready.”
In a hanging control booth, Donald’s voice echoes out of the other end of the tube into the ears of Chip, a black-nosed chipmunk wearing an apron. Chip salutes and a second chipmunk, Dale, who had a red nose, runs toward a control panel. Dale jumps up to turn a blue lever. Steam billows out of pipes in the ceiling as more gears spin on the walls. Dale leaps to the window and the two chipmunks watch a mechanical hand move across the room. The hand picks up Goofy, carrying him upside down with his arms outstretched. Donald, at his annoyance of being lifted the same way, crosses his arms and frowns. As the cockpit opens, Pluto runs into the room and jumps into the Gummi Ship. A light spins on the wall as an interstellar runway opens, lights blinking along the path. A lift moves the rocket ship, aiming it at the tunnel, as Daisy and Queen Minnie enter the room to see their departure. Donald gives Daisy a thumbs-up and a wink as the rockets engines start up with a shower of flames. Donald points forward to the tunnel.
Donald: “Blast off!!”
In the tunnel, a large neon arrow blinks on, pointing downward. The shaft below the Gummi Ship opens, and the ship falls through it, Donald and Goofy screaming. The ship drops out of the world and the engine bursts on, sending them into space.
Meanwhile, Sora sits alone in his bedroom in the Destiny Islands. His window is open slightly, the only light coming from the moon outside and his dim desk lamp. Clothes and books are piled on the floor as he lies on the bed, peering over at a hanging model of a wooden ship with a boy and a girl passenger. Sora’s thoughts drift to his earlier conversation with Kairi on the dock.
Kairi: “I just can’t wait. Once we set sail, it’ll be great.”
Thunder rumbles softly outside, catching Sora’s attention and he gazes outside. In the darkness of the cloudy night sky, lightning flashes, striking near the small island.
Sora: “A storm?”
He sits up suddenly.
Sora: “Oh, no, the raft!”
Later, the wind blows through his open bedroom window, shifting the curtains as a voice enters his room.
Sora’s Mom: “Sora, dinner’s ready. Come on down. Sora?”
The room is empty. Sora arrives at the small island, spotting a large orb of energy hanging low in the sky, wind swirling in it dark depths.
Sora: “What’s that?”
Sora jumps onto the dock, seeing two other boats moored there.
Sora: “Riku’s boat. And Kairi’s!”
He looks around seeing no one. In the dim landscape a pair of eyes emerges from the ground. The eyes illuminated the Shadow’s body, its antennae wriggling as it scans its surroundings. Another appeared and Sora gasps in fear. He backs away slowly when a pair of the sliver creature from his dream appeared blocking the boots. He takes out his wooden sword as one of them leaps at him, but he blocks the strike. He tries to hit them with the sword, but they seem unfazed by it. It feels to Sora as if it goes right through the creatures. Sora realizes his only option is to run and he makes his way to the wooden bridge, dodging strikes from the Shadows. Everywhere he runs, more appear in his wake. He sees Riku and Kairi at the island across the bridge.
Sora: “Riku! Kairi! What going on?
Riku: “I don’t know. These creature appeared around the same time as the storm. What are they?”
Sora: “I don’t know but I think the same creature I saw in my dream.” When a voice was heard from behind him.
????: “they called heartless and the sliver creature are called nobody.” As sora turned around and saw the cloaked figure from earlier.
Sora: “it you. The figure from the cave. Your behind this.”
?????: “correct, gold star for you. I have open the door to this world and now it shall forever be lost to darkness.” As the heartless and nobody slowly appeared.
Kairi: “just who are you and why are you doing this?”
?????: “and a gold star for you for asking a good question.” As he grabbed his cloak and tossed it aside, revealing him to be wearing a style similar to a cross between a wizard and a circus ringleader. The clothes had a mostly blue colour scheme and his shoulders had a chess board pattern, on his left chest was a black heart with a red outline and on his right was a king chess piece emblem. “I am wiseure, a dangerous foe and the last face you shall ever see. Pretty soon this world will be consumed by the darkness and be lost to it forever.”
After hearing what he said, Riku rushed at him and swings his sword but wiseure caught it.
Wiseure: “a wooden sword? You might as well have use a wet napkin. Only a weapon of the light could harm us.” As he snap the sword and pushes Riku back.
It was then that a pool of darkness appeared, surrounding them. The pool began to envelop them as sora tried to reach for his friends hands. The darkness proving too much for him, he black out for a second before a light appeared. It start off small but spins grow into a incredible brightness. It fills Sora’s vision and he feels something metallic fall into his hand. He opens his eyes, nearly stumbling forward as the light dissipates. As it vanishes. Sora, Kairi and Riku was seen wielding strange weapons. Sora starred at his one which golden handle and silver blade shines like a sword, but the tip of the blade is pointed like the teeth of a key. A keychain hangs from the pommel of the weapon. He then turns to Kairi and Riku who were stunned by what happened. Kairi one had one side of it hilt is formed in the shape of a breaking ocean wave, while the other is formed into a beige vine of sand that wraps around the shaft, which is colored to resemble a sunset. The vine connects to a bouquet of colorful flowers, which form the teeth of the teeth. A red, silken Keychain connects the hilt to the Paopu fruit token. Riku had a falchion-esque sword, with a red, purple and blue blade shaped like a demonic wing on one side and a angel wing on the other. Its handle bears a blue eye, and the handle itself consists of dark braids with a blue wing sprouting out.
Voice: “the keyblade…. Will protect you.”Wiseure was stumbling backwards in fear.
Wiseure: “im-impossible. Those weapons, those are keyblades but that should be impossible. Heartless’s, nobody’s. Destroy them.” As he ran towards the secret spot.
The heartless and nobody jumped at them but sora swung the keyblade at them and they were knocked backwards in a flurry of stars. As the group swings their keyblades, the heartless’s and nobody’s were driven away but more appeared. They ran back across the bridge and sora see a strange door over the door to the secret place. The door opens and they ran inside to see wiseure in front of the door.
Wiseure: “dark magic, open the door and let the darkness run rampant.”
Sora: “stop that.”
Wiseure turns around when the door flung open knocking wiseure to the side as a great wind blew forth from it.
Kairi: “sora, look out.” As she dove in front of sora but it pointless as they are blown out of the cave. They land on the beach with a grunt. The purple sky stretching around the island. Large chunks of the island had broken off and risen into the orb in the sky.
Sora: “whoa!”
Kairi: “the island.”
They then felt a presence behind him which turns out to be wiseure.
Wiseure: “I don’t know how you brats got keyblades but I’m not letting you escape.” As he used his staff like a sorcerer staff. “Evil spirits, unify and destroy these brats. Heartless fusion.”
Swarms of the small shadow appeared and were fused together to form the same large shadow creature from soras dream.
Wiseure: “darkside, destroy them.” As he vanished in a dark portal.
Sora, Kairi and Riku took out their keyblades as the darkside kneeled down. Energy pulses in the heart-shaped hole in its torso and it releases beams that target them. Sora begins attacking its arm, while dodging the beams of energy. Kairi and Riku went for the darkside as it stands, its hands reach for Sora, and it pauses, peering at him through glowing yellow eyes. Sora waits, watching its every move. It leans forward clenching its hand into a fist, gathering strength, before slamming the fist into the ground, spewing darkness along the sandy floor. Shadows emerge from the dark pool. Sora races through them to the demon’s wrist, running along its black arm. He makes his way to Darkside’s shoulder and slams the blade into the creature’s face. The wind howls louder as the island creeps further toward the orb of energy. The trio drops to the ground as the Darkside vanishes into the orb. The wind whipping at them, they try to hold onto the island but they lose their grip and they are sucked into the orb.
The screen turn to darkness as the title appears saying:
Kingdom hearts