Trust me.
I designed the protaganist for Kingdom Hearts: Islands of Dreamworks, it is a meanwhile story, and Sora was replaced.
Islands of Dreamworks is NOT AN AU, there Dreamworks is a rival isalnd and they have their own seperate Keyblade Wielder
Her name is Violetta.
I didn't draw her with her key blade but she IS Dreamworks's key blade master.
Her allies are Puss and Donkey
She is also one of the 8 Dreamworks Princesses of Heart.
82 Votes in Poll
I loved the Kingdom Hearts series ever since I was a teenager. I still do, but now that I'm older, I've really grown tired of having to start the games over when I put in all those hours of grinding to the next level and getting the best equipment. I wish Square Enix would re-release the games on the PS5 with a new game + feature so that we wouldn't have to lose everything we worked so hard to obtain. I know Kingdom Hearts 3 had that feature, but you only kept the Keyblade upgrades, while we had start over at level 1. It really infuriates me that they never thought of that while they were making the games. Unless Kingdom Hearts 4 has a new game + feature which lets you start a new game with the level you left off on the last game and all abilities and equipment you've worked hard to obtain, then I won't be buying it. I'm sorry, but that's how I feel. If you all want to still buy and play this game, then that's fine. I hope all you other Kingdom Hearts fans understand how I feel. Have a fantastic day everyone!
I have an idea for my retold series but I can’t decide on a name to pick. Basically these keybound or heartbound are creature that act as pet to anyone who has a good heart but only keyblade wielder or those who heart are truly good can summon them. They take the form of any animal though mystical animal are rare and super rare ones are like legendary mystical creature such as dragon or hydras.
What two Keyblades would you wield together like Roxas does? (Any game)
For example, I think it would be cool to wield both Kingdom Key and Kingdom Key D
Comment what Keyblades you think would be best dual wielded together.
(This was the original script idea I had for the series but I put it on the shelf because I was worried it wouldn’t work. But I decided to post it anyway so that you can decide which is better.)
After waking up in a new world. Sora find himself separated from Kairi and Riku who ended up in the same world.
Chapter 2: traverse town 1
Usually, Traverse Town is a quiet village. Lately, though, it started to tremble with visitors. Many of them claim to come from different worlds. The latest visitor were Donald, Goofy and Pluto. Something in the sky catches Goofy’s attention and he stops, gazing upward. Donald turns around as Goofy points upward. Donald follows his gaze and gasps.
Goofy: “Look, a star’s goin’ out!”
A bright star in the night sky twinkles and blinks out of existence. Donald’s face turns serious.
Donald: “Come on. Let’s hurry.”
Goofy nods and they walk through the center of the main district toward a flight of steps. The neon letters of the various shops blink in the night air while a few townsfolk inhabit the picturesque town square. Pluto runs ahead of the two.
Donald: “Where’s that key...”
Goofy: “maybe we should find Leon first.”
They reach the top of the steps in front of an accessory shop. Pluto sniffs around a dark alleyway, while Donald walks off to the right on his own course. Goofy notices Pluto and stops.
Goofy: “Uh, Donald. Ya know, I betcha that...”
Donald: “Aw, what do you know, you big palooka?”
Goofy: “What do I know? Hmm...”
He ponders this for a second before following Donald.
Goofy (calling): “Come on, Pluto.”
Pluto continues his search down the alley, turning a corner at a pile of wooden crates. He comes across a sleeping Sora and licks his face. Sora’s eyes blink open slowly and he peers around sleepily, seeing the dog, who happily wags his tail at the sight of him.
Sora: “What a dream...”
He starts nodding off again and Pluto pounces on him. He gives off a startled yell.
Sora: “This isn’t a dream!”
He squints at the dog, his eyes focusing for a moment, before standing up. He searches his surroundings. Several notices are pinned up on a wall nearby, but even in the dimness of the alleyway, what he sees is not familiar.
Sora: “where am I? Oh, boy. Do you know where we are?”
Pluto hears a voice calling him and runs back the way he came.
Sora went in the main part of town, where he can finally see in the brightness of the streetlights.
Sora: “This is totally weird... I’m in another world!”
Sora walked into the Accessory Shop. A blond man standing behind the counter turns to face him)
???: “Hey there, how can I... Aw, it’s only a kid.”
Sora: “I’m not a kid! And the name’s Sora!”
???: “Okay, okay, simmer down. So why the long face, Sora? You lost or somethin’?”
Sora: “No! Well, maybe. Where are we?”
???: “Huh?”
Sora explained what happened to his world.
Sora: “Traverse Town... So, gramps, is this really another world?”
???: “Don’t call me gramps! The name’s Cid!”
He grits his teeth, nearly breaking the piece of straw in his mouth.
Cid: “Anyway... Not sure what you’re talkin’ about, but this sure ain’t your island.”
Sora: “Hmm... Guess I’d better start looking for Riku and Kairi.”
Cid: “Well, good luck with whatever it is you’re doing. If you ever run into trouble, you come to me.”
Meanwhile in another part of the town, a group of people were standing outside as they look up at the sky. Apparently they also notices that the stars are going out. One of them wasn’t looking up though since he just came out of one of the building holding a shopping bag. The figure seemed to be a machine with a red visor and broad shoulders ending in points.
????: “hey, what everyone looking at? Is their fireworks in the sky?” As he then look up at the sky and saw the stars going out. “What the?!? Stars are going out? But then that means…. Oh dear I need to find Kai or Leon quick.” As he ran down the street before stopping by a alleyway, noticing two children in there, revealing to be Kairi and Riku. “Hey kids, you alright because you don’t look good.”
Meanwhile, Sora leaves the shop and finds the entrance to the Second District. As he enters, a man had stumbled in front of him but before he could help him, he saw his heart float out of him and take the form of a small humanoid shadow wearing armor which then vanished. After that, a group of Shadows appeared and surrounds him.
Sora: “It’s those creatures from the island!”
Sora defeats the creatures and runs inside a nearby Hotel as Donald and Goofy enter the area.
Goofy (looking around): “Doesn’t look like he’s here.”
Donald: “Keep looking!”
After finding no one at the Hotel, Sora returns to town and enters the Gizmo Shop as Donald and Goofy walk out of the Hotel.
Donald: “Hmph. Where is he?”
Goofy (calling): “Oh, leoooon!”
Sora passes through the Gizmo Shop and finds a large ornate door. He enters as Donald and Goofy leave the Gizmo Shop.
Donald: “Not here, either.”
Goofy: “This could take a while...”
Inside the house, Sora finds the Dalmatian couple. Unable to help them, Sora leaves, passing through an alleyway back to the Second District. Finding nothing, he decides to return to the First District. As he enters the double doors, Donald and Goofy exit the Hotel again.
Donald (calling): “leoooon! Mister Leon?”
Goofy (calling): “Where are you?”
Sora battles his way back to the Accessory Shop.
Cid: “Still haven’t found ‘em? Keep your chin up. Take another look around town.”
Sora walks back into town, but…
??????: “They’ll come at you out of nowhere.”
Sora (whirling around): “Who are you?”
??????: “And they’ll keep on coming at you, as long as you continue to wield the Keyblade.”
A tall man enters in a leather outfit, the lion necklace swinging against his chest. He raises a gloved hand and points at the Kingdom Key, his blue eyes gazing at Sora through his long dark hair. There is a large scar above his nose.
??????: “But why? Why would it choose a kid like you?”
Sora: “What’s that supposed to mean?”
??????: “Never mind. Now, let’s see that Keyblade.”
He walks slowly towards Sora, his arm reaching out. Sora takes a defensive stance.
Sora: “What? There’s no way you’re getting this!”
??????: “All right, then have it your way.”
The man takes out his Gunblade, slinging it over his shoulder before holding it firmly in his strong hands. He summons a Fire spell and shoots it at Sora, who dodges and runs toward the man. He gets in a few hits with the Keyblade before taking a large hit from the Gunblade, knocking him backward. He runs further away, but the man leaps over and corners him. He leaps over the wall to the main square and the man shoots another Fire spell at him, which Sora blocks and sends flying back at the man. Sora stops for a second, hearing nothing and runs back over the wall to find the man stunned. He closes in and strikes him so hard that he stumbles backwards before falling on his right knee.
Sora: “now…you’re….gonna….you’re gonna….” Before he fell backwards fainting.
The man stands back up, hearing a voice behind him.
?????: “aw, you’re slipping Leon.”
He turns back to see a smiling young girl with short, black hair, and a woman with shoulder-length hair, with caramel streaks. It was the one with the longer hair, yuffie, who spoke.
Squall: “I went easy on him. Still... It looks like things are worse than we thought. A lot worse.”
Unknown to them, a figure was watching them, he body was designed like a ninja with mask covering his face and his helmet being a orange colour and having a checkerboard pattern. He stand up before opening a portal and entering it.
Meanwhile in another world, a large castle like building surrounded by water with the entrance having rising waterfalls. The entrance to the castle was guarded by dozen of heartless and nobody’s with two large heartless guarding the gates. Their body’s were divided into several pieces — a body, a head, two arms, and two legs — none of which are directly connected to each other. Inside the castle was a large room where two figures were fighting, one was a large brutish figure who had a cannon in his chest and was wielding a large sword in his right hand. On his left shoulder was the heartless emblem while on his right was a rook chess piece emblem. The figure he was fighting was designed more like a samurai with him having a sword in place of his right arm and a blade coming out of his left arm. He had the heartless emblem in the middle of his helmet while he had a knight chess piece emblem in the middle of his chest.
Samurai: “come on tankrook, I thought you weren’t gonna hold back, I’m not.”
Tankrook: “you want my best, bladerage. Then here it comes. Systemic shockwave slash!” As he unleashed a flurry of pink energy wave from his sword knocking bladerage down. “Ha. Once again I prove why I am one of the strongest members of the dark master.”
Watching them both were two more figures. One was designed like a pirate with anchor on his fist and cannon in his shoulder and the heartless emblem his left shoulder and the knight chess piece emblem on the right while the other had waive points coming out of her armour which ended in a red colour points, she had both the heartless emblem and the queen chess piece on her helmet.
Pirate: “arrr, you meant after our leader, tankrook?”
Tankrook: “of course I meant after wiseure, Anchorage. It just slipped my mind that all.” (To the other figure.) “I meant no offence to your husband, pricious.” As he kneeled down.
Pricious: “it is alright Tankrook. I knew what you meant but at least save your power for our enemies.”
????: “what enemies, lady pricious?”
They all turned to see two other figures coming down the nearby stairs. One was designed like the ninja from earlier only his helmet was a green colour instead and had both the heartless and bishop chess piece emblem on it. The other figure was like tankrook only his face was covered by a knight helmet and he had a gatling gun instead of a cannon and the emblems were reversed.
Bishop: “last I checked there was no one who could defeat us since there were no weapons that could truly harms us. Is that not correct guntower?”
Guntower: “udent right. There is no one who could truly harm us. Only delay our assaults by a few minutes until their world is gone.”
????: I’m afraid that no longer true, guntower.” As the group look to where the voice came from revealing it to be wiseure which caused them to bow down in front of him.
Tankrook, guntower, udent, Anchorage and bladerage: “lord wiseure!!!!!!”
Pricious: “darling, are you alright.” As he ran to him.
Wiseure: “I’m afraid not because I just find out something terrible.”
Tankrook: “that if you lick a heartless, they taste like black liquorice but if you lick a nobody, they taste like leather?” Causing everyone to give him strange looks. “Like I’m the only one who wanted to know what they tasted like.”
Wiseure: “no, no. Something more worse then that. I just find not one, not two but three stinking keyblade wielders.”
Everyone: “what!!!! That impossible!!!!”
Wiseure: “I’m afraid so but don’t worry, I sent a darkside to destroy them so that problem gone as quick as it came up.”
????: “I’m afraid not my lord.” As the figure from earlier appeared from the shadows.
Udent: “Sadent, what are you talking about?”
Sadent: “earlier as I was scouting traverse town for weak points, I spotted a young boy wielding a keyblade. It may be the same one as him.”
Wiseure: “if that brat survived then those other brats did, we must deal with them as soon as possible.”
Tankrook: “allow me my lord. It been so long since I had a good fight.”
Wiseure: “very well then but you will not go alone.”
Tankrook: “of course my lord, I shall take a squadron worth of heartless and nobody’s as well as a guard armor for extra muscle.”
Wiseure: “not what I meant but i like where your head at. In order to deal with this new threat, it time to bring in some special help.” As he clap his hand which caused a book to fly to his hand. It was much like a artist sketch book with the heartless emblem on it. “Let see, I’ll go for something simple to test their skills. Something like a spider.” As he drew a humanoid looking spider with four leg coming down from it head and two of it spider leg for arms.
Voice: “Let me explain quickly. Wiseure has a sketchbook called the heartless grimoir which allows him to draw any monster he can think of. He then is able to tear the page out and infuse it with a dark heart to manifest it as a heartless.”
Wiseure: “Ladies and gentlemen, I like to introduce you to spyder of the web.” As the drawing came to life and jumped out of the sketchbook.
Spyder: “the name spyder of the web, how may I serve you today my lord.”
Wiseure made a evil look on his face. “Go to traverse town. Destroy the keyblade welder so that they cannot interfere in our plans. Oh and take this as well, a little something in case of emergency.” As he handed spyder a red bottle filled with a black bubbling liquid.
Back in Traverse Town, Donald and Goofy walk down the Alleyway in the Second District, having no luck in their search. The dim light complements the empty atmosphere.
Goofy: “Gawrsh, there’s nobody here. Sure is spooky!”
Donald: “Aw, phooey. I’m not scared.”
Almost as if Donald was tempting fate, he feels a tap on his shoulder and screams, leaping into the air and hanging onto Goofy’s back, shivering.
??????: “Excuse me. Did the king send you?”
At the mention of the King, Donald stops shaking and the two of them turn to see a young woman with flowing brown hair tied in a bow. She wears a long pink dress and brown boots. She smiles at the two of them. Soon after, Sora is starting to wake up.
????: “Come on, lazy bum. Wake up.”
Sora shakes his head and opens his eyes. He looks up to see Kairi peering down at him on the bed while Riku was at the table. Leon and yuffie were by the door as well.
Sora: “Kairi? Riku? Is it really you.”
Kairi: “of course it is.
Sora sees the Kingdom Key, way to the dawn and destiny embrace leaning against the wall.
Sora: “The Keyblades...”
Yuffie: “Yeah, we had to get it away from you to shake off those creatures. It turns out that’s how they were tracking you.”
Leon: “It was the only way to conceal your heart from them. But it won’t work for long. Still hard to believe that you of all people are the chosen one.”
Leon picks up the Kingdom Key and swings it in the air. It flashes out of his hand and back into Sora’s. Leon walks over to him.
Leon: “Well, I suppose beggars can’t be choosers.”
Sora: “Why don’t you start making sense! What’s going on here?”
Kairi: “yeah, that what I want to know.”
At this point in time, Aerith has led Donald and Goofy to the adjacent red room.
Aerith: “Okay, you know there are many other worlds out there besides your castle and this town, right?”
Donald: “Yeah.”
Aerith: “Well, When the Heartless came, everything changed.”
(With Squall’s group…)
Sora: “The Heartless?”
Yuffie: “The ones who attacked you, remember?”
Leon: “Creatures of pure darkness.”
Yuffie: “The darkness in people’s hearts—that’s what attracts them.”
????????: “And there is darkness within every heart.”
The robotic figure from earlier entered the room, accompanied by a knight-like figure, who had red eye, paladin like clothing with a mostly white colour scheme. The paladin was the robot master.
Leon: “Huh? Who are you?”
????: “The name Kai, a keyblade knight from old times.”
Robot: “and I am S-4R-7-K-9 but you can me sparks for short.”
Kairi: “they found both me and Riku and they brought us here which is when you arrived.”
Sparks: “yeah, I can’t believe what I’m seeing though, a new generation of keyblade welder right before my optics. Isn’t this crazy Kai?”
Kai: “I have to admit it is pretty crazy.” He said with a cool tone.
Yuffie got struck with a thought.
Yuffie: “Hey, have you heard of someone named Ansem?”
(With Donald’s group…)
Goofy: “Ansem?”
Aerith: “Ansem and his apprentice were studying hearts. They recorded all of their findings in a very detailed report.”
Goofy: “Gawrsh, uh, can we see it?”
Aerith: “It’s pages are scattered everywhere.”
Donald: “Scattered?”
Aerith: “To many worlds.”
Goofy: “Oh, then maybe the king went to find ‘em.”
Aerith: “Yes, those were my thoughts exactly.”
Goofy: “We’ve gotta find him quick!”
Donald: “Wait! First, we need that “key”!”
Aerith: “That’s right. The Keyblade.”
(With Leon’s group…)
Riku: “So...these are the key?”
The destiny island trio all held up their keyblades.
Yuffie (nodding): “Exactly!”
Leon: “The Heartless have great fear of the Keyblade.”
Kai: “That’s why they’ll keep coming after you no matter what.”
Sora: “Well, we didn’t ask for this.”
Sparks: “It was bound for you lot to get your Keyblades, sooner or later. Keyblades are forged by those with strong hearts.”
Kai was silent, but his thought were drifting over one detail: Sora couldn’t have forge the Kingdom Key, for it was one of the two most ancient Keyblades. Rather, the Kingdom Key chooses it’s master.
Sora: “How did all this happen? I remember being in my room...”
However, he had a quick realization.
Sora: “Wait a minute! What happened to my home? My island?”
Riku: “that right, what happened to the island? Our home?”
Kai: “I’m afraid that I don’t know what happened to it. Nobody knows what happened when a world is lost to the darkness.”
Yuffie: “Hey, cheer up! I’ve heard that the Keyblade can open all sorts of locks. Give it a try the next time you find a treasure chest or door lock!”
Kai: “Sooner or later, the Heartless will find you. You all best prepare yourself.”
Sora: “Prepare ourself?”
Leon: “To fight for your life. Are you ready?”
Sora: “I’m ready!”
Leon: “Yuffie, let’s go join Aerith. She should be there now with the other visitors.”
However, much to their shock, a small group of Soldier Heartless appears, clattering awkwardly. Squall runs forward.
Leon: “Yuffie, go!”
Yuffie runs into the Red Room, squashing Donald behind it with a squawk when sparks following her.
Aerith: “Yuffie?”
She runs after Yuffie as Leon takes out his Gunblade, the trio brought out their keyblades and Kai summoned his keyblade which had a sword like appearance and a gold-red colour scheme. This was Kai keyblade, hero of our time. It was then that some nobody’s that was designed like medieval knights appeared.
Leon: “Sora, let’s go!”
Leon slams the Heartless through the window of the room and it flies over the balcony and down to the Alleyway below. Squall and Riku ran after it, Sora, Kairi and Kai following. The Red Room door closes and Goofy stares at Donald flattened against the wall. Down in the Alleyway, more Heartless and nobody’s have appeared around them.
Leon: “don’t mess with the small fry, we need to find the leader! Let’s go!”
Leon and Kai run down the alleyway towards the door to the main district.
Sora, Kairi and Riku fights through the Heartless as they makes their way to the Third District, being separated from Leon and Kai. They run down the stairs into the square as Goofy watches from a high balcony. Goofy turns around as Heartless appear around him and Donald. He takes out his shield.
Goofy: “Gawrsh, are these the Heartless guys?”
Donald swings his wand in front of him.
Donald: “Let’s go get ‘em, Goofy!”
With a loud crash, the two of them are blasted off the balcony. Sora, Kairi and Riku turn, hearing the commotion, and tries to run as Donald and Goofy fall on top of them. Stars appear around their heads before they see the Kingdom Key.
Donald & Goofy: “The key!”
They smile as the destiny island trio winces. The District starts to rumble and they look around, still in a pile on the ground. Large blocks appear from the ground and cover the exits. It was then that Kai appeared walking up the ledge but was stopped by a barrier before dodging a large sword.
Tankrook: “Well, well, well look who it is. The pain in our backside Kai. It been a while.” He said lugging his heavy sword over his back.
Kai: “Tankrook? If wiseure sent you then he must really be afraid of them.” He said smugly.
Tankrook: “They won’t be around for long.” As he turns to the square. “Spyder! Take out those brats!” He yelled as spyder of the web jumped down from roof with a group of soldiers heartless and knight nobody. Spyder appearance caused sora and the other to be freak out by him especially Kairi.
Kairi: “Why did it have to be a spider?” She said under her breath.
The heartless and nobody’s attack the group. They managed to beat the soldiers heartless and knight nobody easily but Spyder was tougher since he was made from wiseure grimoire. It was then that Kai toss sora something.
Kai: “sora, catch.” As sora caught the device which was shape like a gear. “That a drive core, the keyblade knight used them-whoa watch the hair. They used the gear to power up their attack against stronger heartless and nobody’s. Use it quickly, now where were we, tankrook.” As he rushed towards and swung his keyblade.
Sora: “alright, let see how do I use it?” As he place the gear on the keyblade causing it to glow. He turned the core and it emitted light as it spoke.
Core: “unlock! Unlock! Unlock final strike!” When a energy wave came out of the core and stunned spyder as his keyblade charges up and unleash a energy slash that goes right through spyder.
Spyder: “look like this spider is all washed out!” As he falls face first and explodes.
Kai: “look like your spyder got his webs handed to him.”
Tankrook: “you honestly didn’t think that was the only heartless monster I had brought with me.” As he then whistle.
They then hear a clattering sound from above. Sora looks up to see huge pieces of armor falling from the sky. They hit the ground and bounce into the air, spinning wildly. The arms of the Guard Armor form around the torso, which is emblazoned with a red and black symbol. Once the legs attach, the Heartless lands on the ground loudly. It stands there for a moment before the helmet slams down onto the torso with a bright flash.
Tankrook: “Guard armor! Finished those brats off.” As he swings his sword at Kai causing him to be knocked back.
Sora wasn’t afraid of it as he twisted the core once more and…. Nothing happened.
Sora: “hey what going on? It worked well then.”
Kai: “the drive core uses a lot of power and can only be used once, after that they need to recharge for a bit.” Which caused the destiny island trio to fall in a anime style.
Riku: “you couldn’t mention that earlier!”
The Guard Armor spinned its head and arms before walking toward the group. Sora and Riku attacks its arms, but it hardly recoils in its pursuit of him. Kairi, Donald and Goofy do their best to strike the tough armor. It begins spinning its arms wildly around its body. Donald is caught in the twister and is knocked out. Sora strikes at one of the arms and the Guard Armor stomps the ground in anger. It jumps into the air and its pieces clatter to the ground heavily. Sora strikes an arm off while Goofy heals Donald and they tag-team against its thunderous legs. With the appendages destroyed, the torso is left defenseless and it falls to the ground. Sora, Kairi, Riku, Donald, and Goofy approach and it begins spinning out of control, knocking them back. Once they find their footing again, Sora gives the armor a final strike and it starts to explode from the inside, shaking the area around it. Its head wobbles and falls to the ground with a mighty ring. After an explosion of darkness, the Guard Armor disappears.
Kai then strike tankrook so hard that falls down the stairs then as he tries to gain his footing, he notices the kingdom key pointed right at him.
Tankrook: “grrrr, this ain’t over. Not by a long shot, we got dozen of world to darken.” As he teleported away. It was then that spyder reappear covering his chest with one of his arms.
Spyder: “lord tankrook, wait! It doesn’t matter. We beings of darkness have a saying when we close to death: we will have our final roar! Darkness extract!” As he pulls out the bottle that wiseure had given him and begins to drink it. “It working, it working!” As the heartless body begins to grow.
Voice: “darkness extract is a liquid collected from the realm of darkness and by drinking it, heartless and nobody’s can become giants but it risky as it can cause a being of darkness to lose control in rare cases.”
Spyder: “the itty bitty spyder just got a whole lot bigger, gahahahah!”
Kairi: “aaaahhhhhhh! He just went from one size to another just by drinking what was in that bottle?!?”
Sparks: “it must be liquid darkness. When used on people, it causes them to be infected with dark energy but when used on a being made of darkness, it turns them into a giant! We doomed!”
Kai: “no we’re not. The keyblade knights always had something else up their sleeve In case of something like this. Thought I left my one back at the hotel. I do have a blank one that you can use though.” As he handed sora blank white core. When sora held it, it suddenly glowed and became a gear with two emblem. One of was sora keychain and the other was what appeared to be a Tyrannosaurus rex. “Use it like the drive core but this time, the results will be very snappy.”
Sora: “alright let hope this goes well.” As he used the core with the keyblade.
Core: “unlock! Unlock! Unlock! Unlock greattyranno!” As a large circle appeared around sora. It was then a loud roar was heard that shocked the ground, which actually caused a crack in the earth releasing a large red mechanical beast resembling a T-Rex.
Riku: “what the? First a giant spider monster, now a giant robotic T-Rex!”
Kai: “don’t worry. He won’t harm us. He a buddyroid. The crystal I gave you is a special crystal that reacts to keyblade wielders only. It called dream ore and it can make powerful being that will fight the giant heartless.” Which is displayed by tyranno ramming into spyder knocking him on his back. Spyder get back up and launch’s some web to try and ensnared the giant but tyranno uses his tail to cut the webs.
Spyder: “grrrr, impossible! I won’t lose to that thing. I’ll catch you in my web and destroy you.”
However, tyranno once again rammed into Spyder only this time he used Spyder as a springboard and jumped up high then he used his tail and pierced the monster, finishing him off. Spyder cries out in pain as he falls backwards and explodes into dust.
Sora: “no way this is a dream. It too awesome to be imagined.” However the large T-Rex turned to the group, causing them to be a bit unsettled.
Sparks: “hey! What are you waiting for? The bad guy done. Change into your basic form.”
The giant didn’t understand for a moment but then a light appeared as the T-Rex had gotten smaller, reaching around the destiny island trio size. It then began to transform into a humanoid like being with yellow eyes and a face plate, the word jurren was embedded on it left shoulder in bold letters.
???: “I didn’t know I could do that. Or that I can speak. I don’t know my own name though. I don’t know anything except that when I saw that giant heartless, I had to fight it.”
Sparks: “that would your programming. All buddyroids are born to assist their chosen in fighting against the darkness. As for your name, it should be embedded on your body.” As he looks around his body and notices the words on his shoulder. “Jurren. That your name and it sounds like Jurassic which suits your giant form.”
Kairi: “how do you know so much about him?”
Sparks: “well it actually because….” He then twirls and does a pose. “I’m a buddyroid myself.”
Later, Leon and Yuffie join the group.
Sora: “So, you were looking for us?”
Donald & Goofy (nodding): “Uh-huh!”
Leon (arms crossed): “They, too, have been seeking the wielder of the Keyblade.”
Yuffie nod.
Goofy: “Hey, why don’t you come with us? We can go to other worlds on our vessel.”
Sora: “I wonder if we can find our home…”
(Kairi, Riku and Leon close their eyes, understanding what Sora is feeling)
Donald: “Of course.”
Goofy (to Donald): “Are you sure?”
Donald (to Goofy): “Who knows? But we need him to come with us to help us find the king.”
Leon steps forward.
Leon: “Sora, go with them. Especially if you want to find your friends.”
Sora (halfheartedly): “Yeah, I guess.”
Donald: “But you can’t come along looking like that. Understand? No frowning. No sad face. Okay?”
Goofy (interjecting): “Yeah, ya gotta look funny, like us!”
Donald: “This boat runs on happy faces.”
Sora: “Happy?”
Donald and Goofy smile. Sora bends down and reveals a huge cheesy grin. Getting no response from them, he stops awkwardly. The group then burst out laughing.
Goofy (pointing): “That’s one funny face!”
Kairi (laughing): “sora funny face always being smiles to people faces.”
Sora (standing up): “Okay, why not? We’ll go with you guys.”
Donald (holding out a hand): “Donald Duck.”
Goofy (doing the same): “Name’s Goofy.”
Sora (doing the same): “I’m Sora.”
Kairi (doing the same): “mine Kairi.”
Riku (doing the same): “and I’m Riku.”
Goofy: “All for one, one for all.”
They place their hands together. Meanwhile, back at the castle, the dark master were gazing at the group on a round table.
Bladerage: “That little squirt took down that Heartless! Who’d have thought it?”
Udent: “Such is the power of the Keyblade. The child’s strength is not his own.”
Pricious: “Then why don’t we make him succumb to his darkness? (She laughs loudly) That’ll settle things quick enough.”
Anchorage: “Yaaarrr, And the brat’s friends are the king’s lackeys. Swoggle me eyes, they’re all bilge rats by the look of them.”
Sadent: “You’re not exactly a prize yourself, anchorage.”
Anchorage: “Oh, shut up!” As he swing his anchor fist a him.
Wiseure: “That enough.” Which caused the group to turn to him. ““The Keyblade has chosen them. Will they be the one who conquers the darkness? Or will the darkness swallow them? Either way, it time to bring in some help. Air soldiers, fall in.” As a swarm of wing soldiers heartless flew in. “Send a message to the villains of the outlying worlds. Tell them that it time for darkness to finally win after all these years.” As the air soldiers flew out of the castle to the other worlds.
Later, in the First District of Traverse Town, The destiny island trio were talking to Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith.
Leon: “Make sure you’re prepared for the journey ahead of you. We don’t know how far the Darkness has spread.”
Yuffie: “Check out the shops here. They’ve got some pretty neat stuff!”
Aerith: “This is from all of us. (She hands them 500 munny) Spend it as you see fit. And this is from Leon.” (She hands Sora an Elixir)
Yuffie: “Good luck!”
Aerith: “I hope you find your home.”
Leon: “Look out for each other. Keep your spirits up.”
Sora, Kairi and Riku then talks to Donald and Goofy.
Donald: “The gummi ship is outside that gate.”
Sora: “The what?”
Donald: “That’s our ship.”
Goofy: “Wait ‘til you see it!”
Donald: “Hold on. Sora, this is for you. (Donald gives him the Fire spell) Now you can use magic, too.”
It was then that Kai and sparks joined up with them.
Kai: “you won’t be going alone. Me and sparks are coming too.”
Sora: “huh? Why that.”
Kai: “your gonna need some to train you how to use that keyblade and sparks convince me to train you since I am technically a master.”
Sparks: “I can be very convincing at times.”
Sora: “Okay, is that it? Let’s get going!”
Donald: “Not ‘til we’re ready!”
Jiminy (to himself): “Well, I see big adventures coming their way! Looks like it’s up to me to keep track of it all in my journal!”
While gathering supplies around town, Kai was talking to Leon at the cafe.
Leon: “there another reason why your going with them isn’t there?”
Kai: “there is but I can’t let sora know. The least they know, the less they have to worry about.”
Leon: “it about your family isn’t it? And what happened to your wife.”
Leon then noticed Kai was holding tightly to a necklace of his own but it was hard to tell what it was. However they were overheard by jurren, who was curious about what they meant.
Once they are ready, Sora, jurren, Kairi, Riku, Donald, Goofy, Kai and sparks board the Gummi Ship.
Kairi: “wow, never once in my life did I think I could be on a ship like this.”
Riku: “what is it able to do?”
Donald: “We travel to different worlds on the gummi ship.”
Goofy: “The Heartless ships often give us a hard time.”
Donald: “Always be on the lookout during flight.”
Goofy: “Your journey will be documented until you reach your destination.”
Donald: “Seek out the missions each world has to offer!”
Kai: “and save the world from the clutches of the darkness. That is our motto. Let it be known throughout the worlds.”
And the ship left Traverse Town, seeking to save worlds from darkness.
Name: Kirux
Voice: David Lee Gallagher
Singer: David Lee Gallagher
Nicknames: Riku's Nobody
Age: 15 (KH 358/2 Days), 16 (KH2-3), 17 (Currently)
Gender: Male
Species: Nobody (formerly), Replica
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Bluish-Green
Sexuality: Homosexual
Appearance: Height- 5'5", Slim, Slightly built, pale skin, shoulder-length hair
KH 358/2 Days- When in Organization XIII, Maaxi wore the usual Black Coat, boots, and gloves.
KH 3- A blue and white plaid blouse covered with a pink hoodie jacket, white denim pants, and white and black sneakers.
Birthday: June 9
Element: Light
Home World: Radiant Garden
Personality: Kirux is sweet, romantic, and joyful. He is known to be the complete opposite of Riku in every aspect.
History: When Riku's body was consumed with Darkness his Nobody, Kirux, was created. Kirux was a member of Organization XIII. Much like Riku once did, Kirux wields the Keyblade of People's Hearts except its colors are inverted, symbolizing it is now known as "Currents of Love". Like Sora and Roxas and Aima and Maaxi, Riku and Kirux were able to co-exist without any problems. He became close with the other members. On a solo mission, he meets Aaron and falls in love with him instantly. One day, on a mission with Ixd, he wanders away from him when he sees a field full of flowers. He picks some of them in order to make a bouquet for Aaron. Suddenly, strings encircle every part of his body. He looks behind him and sees Ixd with a manic smile and soulless eyes. Once he pulls the strings back, Kirux is destroyed and his newborn heart is placed in a Heart Capsule. In KH 3, Vexen manages to get the Capsule and puts the heart into a Replica with a fragment of Xehanort's heart. Aaron breaks him out of his control and Kirux becomes a part of the Guardians of Light.
Weapon: Currents of Love Keyblade
Abilities and Skills:
Pyrokinesis - The ability to manipulate or create fire. He can blast out balls of fire.
Aerokinesis - Kirux can manipulate the air in any way he wishes.
Hydrokinesis- Kirux can manipulate or create water in any way he wishes.
Cryokinesis- Kirux can manipulate or create ice/snow in any way he wishes.
Electrokinesis- Kirux can manipulate or create electricity. He uses this to give himself some space from enemies and is a long-ranged attack.
Light Manipulation- It is similar to Darkness Manipulation. It allows him to manifest Dream Corridors.
Swimming- He is very quick underwater.
Singing- Enjoys it very much.
Dancing- Is most proficient in ballroom, ballet, and jazz.
Aaron (Boyfriend)
Team Classic (Friends)
Team Days (Lea: Foster Father, Roxas: Foster Brother, Xion: Foster Sister, Xemnas: Foster Brother)
Team BBS (Friends)
Riku (Somebody)
Kairi (Friend)
Isa (Foster Mother)
Namine' (Friend)
Joy (Friend)
Ash (Friend)
Jiminy Cricket (Friend)
Mickey Mouse (Friend)
Organization XIII (Foster Family)
"It's... Kirux. I'm a new member, just like you."
"Those flowers are so pretty! Can I pick some, please?"
Battle Lines:
"Got ya!"
"Here you go!"
Losing in Battle:
"*cries loudly*"
Winning in Battle:
Theme Song:
Vs. 1010 (slowed) by Some Stupid Noodle
Name: Maaxi
Voice: Amanda Lee
Singer: Amanda Lee
Nicknames: Aima's Nobody, The Lady of Dragons, Commander over the Wyverns, Princess (by Lea/Axel), Milady (Luxord), Tigress (Luxu), Kitty (Luxu), One of the New Seven Hearts
Age: 18-19 (KH 358/2 Days-3), 20 (Currently)
Gender: Female
Species: Nobody (formerly), Replica
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Waist-length hair, Height-6'0", Slim, Slightly built, light peach skin, pink heart-shaped tattoo on the left shoulder
In KH3 and onward, she has cut her hair into a bob cut
Clothes: She always wears a white hair bow on the back of her head, pink lipstick, and a gold heart-shaped locket
KH 358/2 Days- When in Organization XIII, Maaxi wore the usual Black Coat, with a number of small differences. Her pants were different, looking more tighter. Maaxi's "boots" more resembled a black version of Aima's, and were not as knee-high as the other members. Maaxi's cloak had a vague resemblance to the ones worn by Marluxia and Saix, with flat shoulders and slightly close-fitting sleeves. She also tied a black ribbon around her waist and had it in a bow around the back, making the cloak look more like a dress.
KH2 to KH 3D- A light grey shirt with cyan sleeves and a white star on the right side of her breast, a black knee-length skirt, black knee-high stockings, dark pink ankle boots, cyan finger-less gloves, purple nail polish with cyan star-shaped nail art, and a yellow beret with pearls on the hemline.
KH 3- A white tank top with red and yellow flowers printed all over it, orange plaid knee-length shorts, garnet heart-shaped hanging earrings, a black leather jacket with a silver heart-shaped zipper that she keeps unzipped, ocean blue combat boots, red finger-less gloves, and nail polish that alternated from orange to yellow, blue, black, and red on both hands.
Birthday: October 25
Element: Light
Home World: Twilight Town
Personality: Maaxi, like Roxas, Xion, Ash, Namine', and Joy, is able to feel real emotions, due to her possession of Aima's Princess of Heart powers that stayed with her during Maaxi's creation. Many ranges of feelings come from her depending on his situation. Being Aima's other half, her personality is similar to that of her counterpart, with some differences.
Being born with no memories when taken in by the Organization, Maaxi at first, unlike her other half, had no information on the simplest topics or objects, making her comparable to a newborn who grows to learn them, and coming off slow and naive due to it, leading a few others, including herself, to refer to her as a "blank canvas". However, Vexen's demanding training on learning how to do recon on worlds and her continued appliance of the skill along with her mind advancing naturally as she is exposed to new things seems to have made her the resourceful half of Seto, as she is not as easily fooled by her enemies and is more likely to think her actions through unless angered.
This is why Xigbar fulfills the role of enlightening her about her questions or thoughts, sometimes making Xigbar himself tongue-tied on how to explain them. Maaxi's attitude, nonetheless, was very apparent from the start, telling Xigbar after she accomplished a mission in the beginning that she could have done that with her hands tied behind her back. Unlike the others, she is not annoyed at all when Xigbar calls her names such as "kitty" or "tigress" or "sweetheart".
She is shown to be more friendlier and open than Aima. When she couldn't fight at first, she resorted to helping the other members with any chores needed. She is able to hold a conversation with anyone, even the Superior Xemnas, which allowed her to become friends with him. Like Aima, Xahan has little patience for people who seem to be bending her will or trying to confuse her. Unlike Aima, she has an extreme lust for life, and at first, took everything in with a bright outlook, and she does wish and desire one of her own with fervor. And despite their differences, the traits she and Aima share are shown in how they deeply care for their friends and family as they are extremely protective of them, along with some instances where Xahan is happy, cheerful, kind, at ease, and carefree in good company—even shown laughing.
Instances of Xahan's emotional capacity are as follows:
She is shown to love animals.
She destroys Ansem's computer in the Old Mansion in anger after Roxas recovers his memories.
She looks content whenever she is doing anything involving arts and crafts.
When she sees Hayner, Pence, and Olette hold up the Crystal Orbs Roxas gave them, she looks sad after realizing Roxas had lost his.
Beforehand, she had tried to cheer Roxas up immediately after looking for the Seven Wonders.
She continues to apologize to Hayner for disappointing the gang.
When Sora, Donald, Goofy, Seto, Atem, and Elina depart from Twilight Town upon awakening from their year-long sleep and after Roxas merged with Sora, a tear drops from Maaxi's eyes as they bid goodbye to Hayner, Pence, Chad, Vera, Setzer, and Olette.
She is truly sad when she hears that there were no survivors from Castle Oblivion, and is then greatly relieved when Axel appears to her alive and well.
She is overjoyed when Axel returns from his mission at Castle Oblivion and says that she was very worried about him.
She worries about Xion when she goes to sleep.
She yells in rage at Saïx when she calls Xion a 'creature' or 'it'.
She yells "Stop!" in a horrified tone of voice when Ixd and Xemnas start fighting.
She sheds tears after every member's death.
When Maaxi sees Xemnas and Xigbar in The World That Never Was, she sheds a tear through Aima, indicating that she was happy to see them again.
When Maaxi attempts to stop Xemnas from killing Lea in the Skein of Severance, she sheds a tear. She also says Xemnas' nickname "Xemmy".
She felt pity for Saïx when the defeated member admitted that deep down she was jealous when Lea made friends with her, Roxas, and Xion.
She cried tears of joy upon being reunited with Lea, Isa, Roxas, Ienzo, Even, Aeleus, Dilan, Xemnas, Braig, Lauriam, Elrena, Joy, Ash, Namine', and Xion.
She reveals that she truly cared for Xemnas, even with everything he had done.
She sees the original Organization as her "family".
She falls in love with Seifer and is always willing to defend him.
When she finds Luxord fading away, she is shocked and grows to hate Ixd.
History: According to the Secret Ansem Reports, Maaxi was born when Aima stabbed herself with the Keyblade of People's Hearts forged from the hearts of five of the seven Princesses of Heart in order to mend Aaron's heart at the cost of her own, giving it the light that Melody had granted to Alice that had transferred to her. However, Aima spent little time as a comatose, as Aaron's power had fetched Aima's heart from the darkness, restoring her to her former self shortly after she first lost her heart.
Thus, Aima and Maaxi co-existed, but Maaxi was missing her memories, the memories of Aima, and the two were incomplete without one another. Still, Maaxi's status as Aima's Nobody granted her the ability to use the Keyblade. This, as well as her capacity to experience actual human emotions, something that Nobodies are normally incapable of, makes Maaxi a very unusual Nobody. However, as she wields a Keyblade, which serves as a homing beacon for the Heartless, she is constantly at risk of being attacked by them when not under the protection of other Organization members.
Maaxi and Xemnas talked along the bank of the Dark Realm, the Dark Margin. This is where Xemnas said that he had been to see "her" (referring to Aima). This is referring to Xemnas's appearance as a boss in Kingdom Hearts.
Maaxi also appears to have a psychic link with Aima, as she is able to see Aima's memories and is also able to have visions of the future.
Weapon: Crystal Lotus Keyblade
Abilities and Skills:
Teleportation- Used whenever her wings are damaged.
Flight- Due to being an angel.
Holy Magic- Angel-themed versions of normal KH magic spells.
Calcification- A spell all Angels know. It allows them to turn another person into a crystal statue, halting their aging process.
Singing- Is known by others to have an angelic singing voice.
Dancing- Is most proficient in ballroom, ballet, and jazz.
Nobody Summoning- Can summon her own brand of Nobodies known as "Wyverns".
Sewing- Can make clothes out of any material she can find.
Drawing- Is very good at drawing people.
Crafting- Is very good at making jewelry and charms.
Piano Playing- She is quite talented at it.
Light Manipulation- It is similar to Darkness Manipulation. It allows her to manifest Dream Corridors.
Cassiel (Former Enemy/"Father")
Nafrini (Former Enemy/"Mother")
Team Classic (Friends)
Team Days (Best Friends)
Team BBS (Friends)
Riku (Friend)
Kairi (Friend)
Joy (Best Friend/"Brother")
Ash (Best Friend)
Aima (Somebody/"Sister")
Isa (Former Enemy, Friend)
Namine' (Friend)
Jiminy Cricket (Friend)
Mickey Mouse (Friend)
Organization XIII (Former Enemies/Foster Family)
Maia (Former Pet Cat)
Coco (Pet Golden Retriever)
Seifer (Boyfriend)
Fuu (Friend)
Rai (Friend)
Vivi (Friend)
"My name is... Maaxi."
"*When she sees Luxord fading in the manga timeline* Who did this to you?"
"*When she fights Ixd* Never in my life have I hated anyone more than I hate you!"
"I love them all... Even if they've done so many bad things, I can't hate them... They're my family."
Battle Lines:
"Holy Fire!"
"Holy Water!"
"Holy Air!"
"Holy Thunder!"
"Holy Blizzard!"
Losing in Battle:
"I'm sorry *insert current member partner here*..."
Winning in Battle:
*We won *insert current member partner here*!"
Theme Song:
Fallen Angel by Amalee (feat. Lollia and RichaadEB)
Name: Joy
Voice: Nahum Luna
Singer: Nahum Luna
Nicknames: Aaron's Nobody, The Photographer, Namine's "Brother"
Age: 18 (KH COM), 19 (KH2-3), 20 (Currently)
Gender: Male
Species: Nobody (formerly), Replica
Hair: Teal
Eyes: Celestial Blue
Sexuality: Homosexual
Appearance: Height-6'0", Medium body type, Lightly built, Light peach skin, Hair is shoulder-blade length and his bangs are layered to the right side
Clothes: Always wears an golf star-shaped pendant hung on a thin white chain and a white bag with a long strap that carries all of his belongings.
KH COM- White tank top with thick straps, white knee-length shorts, and light blue sandals with white soles
KH 2- A small white hair scrunchie studded with gold stars,a white short-sleeved shirt, white pants, and white slip-on sneakers with gold stars on them
KH 3- White shirt with frilly cuffs and a pocket on the left side and the collar flipped down, white jeans, a white belt studded with gold stars, white ankle boots, and his white hair scrunchie from KH 2.
Birthday: October 25
Element: Light
Home World: Castle Oblivion
Personality: Joy was born without memories and without the knowledge that he had emotions, due to the unusual nature of his birth. Because of this, he had no basis of any acting upon his birth. He simply followed the orders of whoever was close to him because it was the only obvious guidance he had, effectively making him very quiet, fragile, peaceful, forgiving and generous in personality. This led to his discovery of his ability to feel, as often times he found that blindly following his captors hurt others, something that made Joy feel responsible and guilty.
Joy often rebelled against his captors because of this guilt in favor of trying to redeem himself by helping someone, sometimes leading to him being extremely trustful, faithful and generous. Rebelling and constantly switching sides caused Joy's determination and drive to grow significantly from his first appearance. His more driven personality was put to good use, often going about in a Corridor of Darkness to help the stories' other protagonists.
Like Maaxi, Joy seems to possess true emotions, being a special and unusual Nobody. While most Nobodies pretend to have emotions by acting on the memories of their past lives in order to react to a specific situation, Joy had no memories of his past life, and thus had no basis for any acting.
Examples of Joy's emotional capacity are as follows:
He cares for Namine' as though she was his sister.
He feared for Maaxi's life when she was about to be killed by Xigbar, even going so far as to taking the hit for her.
He willingly threw himself between Maaxi and Xigbar to keep him from killing Maaxi.
He, showed genuine remorse and guilt for what he had done to
He laughed in amusement at Donald and Goofy's teasing comments and jokes about how Sora always acts around girls.
He was surprised and enraged when Marluxia used Namine' as a shield against Axel.
He angrily refused to destroy Maaxi even when threatened with death by Xigbar.
He began to cry after he was struck down by Xigbar.
He was willing to betray DiZ in order to assist Roxas and joined Sora's side.
He happily smiled at Maaxi, through Aaron, when Aima returned to White Rose Pavilion with Nafrini in the ending of Kingdom Hearts II.
He sees Ren as someone he can relate to and ends up falling in love with him.
He is very passionate when it comes to photography.
History: After Aima released her heart by using Ansem's Keyblade on herself to mend Aaron's heart, she inadvertently gave form to Joy at Castle Oblivion, where he, alongside Namine', were found by Organization XIII. In a secret movie known as "Bring Joy To Others...", a man in a black cloak gives a boy a white bag that has a instant camera, a blank photo album, a radio, a pair of white and gold headphones, and a CD. The boy puts the CD into the radio, and his theme song plays. The boy then takes a picture of a yellow rose sitting in a white vase and puts the picture into his album. The cloaked man then says, "Someday, your art will bring joy to everyone..."
In KH COM, Joy is a captive of the Organization. He resides with Namine' in the upper floors of Castle Oblivion. He watches Namine' alter Sora's memories in silent anger. When Marluxia uses Namine' as a human shield, Joy tries to fight her, but she throws him against a wall, causing him to slowly lose consciousness. Axel reappears sometime later, asking if he is alright, and helps him get up. He tells him that Namine' was saved by Sora. Joy, who sighs in relief, asks if there is anything else he can do. Axel says no and opens a Dark Corridor while picking up Joy princess style. It is implied that he himself took Joy to the Abandoned Mansion in Twilight Town.
In KH 358/2 Days, Joy meets Maaxi during the time he was allowed outside. Xahan is amazed at how talented he is at photography. Joy replies that he was practically "born" for it. Over the course of the year, Xahan and Joy interact without the other members noticing and become close friends. This mirrors the relationship that both Aaron and Aima have.
Weapon: Puppet Petals Keyblade
Abilities and Skills:
Teleportation- Used whenever his wings are damaged.
Flight- Due to being an angel.
Holy Magic- Angel-themed versions of normal KH magic spells.
Calcification- A spell all Angels know. It allows them to turn another person into a crystal statue, halting their aging process.
Singing- Is known by others to have an angelic singing voice.
Dancing- Is most proficient in ballet, ballroom, and jazz.
Painting- Joy is able to paint, as shown when he creates a portrait of Axel staring at the sunset. Axel remarks that Joy has quite the talent for it.
Photography- This is Joy's main talent and passion. He is able to take a clear photo of anyone and anything.
Darkness Manipulation- Joy, being a Nobody, can also access the Corridors of Darkness to his liking, but he only does so three times; once to communicate with Roxas and inform him that he will not cease to exist when he joins with Sora, once to help Aaron, Kairi and Pluto escape from their prison cell, and then to return Sora and co. to Destiny Islands and White Rose Pavilion.
Namine' (Best Friend)
Maaxi (Best Friend)
Aaron (Somebody)
Team Classic (Friends)
Team Days (Friends)
Team BBS (Friends)
Team Daybreak (Friends)
Riku (Friend)
Mia (Friend)
Ri (Friend)
Ren (Boyfriend)
Kairi (Friend)
Aima (Friend)
Isa (Former Enemy, Friend)
Ash (Friend)
Jiminy Cricket (Friend)
Mickey Mouse (Friend)
Ansem the Wise (Former Enemy/Friend)
Organization XIII (Former Enemies)
"*When Joy faces DiZ* You refer to us Nobodies as 'monsters'... But I believe you are the worst monster of all!"
"Joy. My name is Joy."
"I know. It is an odd name. But the person who gave it to me... Well, they said that one day I would bring "joy" to those with my art."
"*When he meets Ren* You wish to continue your father's research? Why?"
"You love Maaxi, don't you? Why would you want to destroy her?!"
"I shall always be with you."
Battle Lines:
"Watch your back!"
"Eyes forward!"
"I shall assist."
Losing in battle:
Winning in battle:
"That was rather difficult."
Theme Song:
Living Ghost by Band of Silver
Another New Kingdom Hearts OC to share with @Yamilix Ortiz @Drake salazer and @EnderWatcherCeris
King Biographis is the Father of Yamilix Oritzan and a wise king who takes up reading as a hobby but is also a keyblade user with unrivaled knowledge. His Signature Keyblade is called Dictionary of Lexicon which can create, shape and manipulate all forms of physical literary objects that are printed, written or drawn (books, comics, magazines, etc.), including their physical forms/materials and anything written, printed, illustrated, or drawn in them to use to combat against heartless.
Name: Aaron
Voice: Tom Holland
Singer: Tom Holland
Nicknames: Aima's Twin Brother, The "Shattered" Boy, Kuro
Age: 08 (BBS), 18 (KH1), 19 (KH 2-3), 20 (Currently)
Gender: Male
Species: Angel
Hair: Coral Pink
Eyes: Celestial Blue
Sexuality: Homosexual
Appearance: Height-6'0", Medium body type, Slightly built, Light peach skin, Hair is neck length and his bangs are layered to the left side
Clothes: Used to wear a blue seashell necklace but he gave it to Aima at the end of KH 1. He replaces it with an aquamarine star-shaped pendant.
BBS- A light red t-shirt, orange jeans, and white sneakers with black soles and laces.
KH 1- A black parka hoodie with orange and white striped rims and panda bear ears and eyes on the hoodie, a red polo shirt with a black collar and a white and black necktie, white pants with a green belt strap and belt chain, and brown boots with black soles.
KH 2- A grey jacket with four pixelized hearts printed on the back, a black, V-neck T-shirt with orange and purple stripes on the hem, an orange, plaid scarf, three white bracelets on the left wrist, brown slacks held with an orange belt, and short, white boots with orange stripes on the hem and purple laces.
KH 3- A long, dark-greenish yellow coat, a choker with a green gem attached on, a scarf, a black shirt underneath the coat, dark-greenish yellow fingerless gloves, dark gray pants, and white shoes.
Birthday: October 25
Element: Light
Home World: White Rose Pavilion
Personality: Aaron is caring, kindhearted, and brave. He is determined and courageous when someone he cares about is in danger, as he always puts himself in harm's way to help others when they are in trouble despite the dangers. Aaron is also very charismatic, quickly befriending Seifer, Rai, Fuu, and Vivi in Twilight Town before being kidnapped by Axel. He's usually always very cheerful and upbeat. In contrast to Aima, who was distraught about the separation, Aaron still tried to be happy. He is loyal, and he can be rather stubborn sometimes. While the bond of friendship between Aima, Aaron, Nafrini, and Cassiel is very strong, Aaron and Ikrux, who is Riku's Nobody, seem to be particularly close to one another. This is evidenced by the fact that Aaron was proven to be the most special person in Ikrux's heart, and that their bond was strong enough for Ikrux to recognize Aaron when he is brainwashed by Ixd.
History: Aaron was born alongside Aima in White Rose Pavilion. However, when the Celestial Council saw that Aima was "infected" with Darkness, they ordered Nafrini and Cassiel to separate the twins. One day, he is chased by a group of Unversed and encounters Viego. Frightened, Aaron touches Viego's Keyblade, unintentionally performing a Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony. As he and Viego are about to be attacked, Nafrini arrives and Viego evacuates Aaron before returning to fight alongside Nafrini. After the Unversed is defeated, Nafrini suggests that they team up, but is called away immediately afterward. Aaron then gives Viego the charm bracelet he made before the Unversed appeared as thanks for helping him. In return, Viego puts a protective charm on Aaron and tells him, "One day when you're in trouble, the light within you will lead you to the light of another, someone to keep you safe". Aaron thanks Viego and then returns to his caretaker Varon, who begins to tell him the story of the light and the darkness, while Viego believes their meeting may not have been a coincidence. After Terranort's defeat, Aaron is seen collecting gemstones in a large orchard of some sort. He looks up to the bright sky, looking as if he sensed something.
In KH 1, Aaron is found out to be missing from White Rose Pavilion, causing the Celestial Council to be on high alert. In response to this, Aima, who went by the name "Shiro", managed to escape White Rose Pavillion in order to search for him. When she does find him, she finds out that Maleficent shattered his heart. As soon as she uses hers to remend it (due to being a Princess of Heart at the time), he is reawakened. In the end, he gives Aima his blue seashell necklace as a good luck charm for her.
Weapon: Diamond of Irene Keyblade
Abilities and Skills:
Teleportation- Used whenever his wings are damaged.
Flight- Due to being an angel.
Holy Magic- Angel-themed versions of normal KH magic spells.
Calcification- A spell all Angels know. It allows them to turn another person into a crystal statue, halting their aging process.
Singing- Is known by others to have an angelic singing voice.
Dancing- Is most proficient in breakdance, ballroom, and tap.
Gemology- Has a high amount of knowledge when it comes to gemstones of any kind.
Nafrini (Mother)
Cassiel (Father)
Aima (Twin Sister)
Team Classic (Friends)
Team Days (Friends)
Team BBS (Friends)
Riku (Friend)
Ikrux (Boyfriend)
Kairi (Friend)
Isa (Former Enemy, Friend)
Namine' (Friend)
Jiminy Cricket (Friend)
Mickey Mouse (Friend)
Organization XIII (Former Enemies)
"My name? It's Aaron. I'm Aima's brother."
"We're not identical twins but we are twins nonetheless."
"The reason she and I were separated was that the Council saw her as a 'disease' that needed to be 'quarantined' because she was 'infected' by darkness."
"*When he meets Ikrux* So you don't remember anything? I'm sorry..."
"Ikrux! Don't do this! I know the real you is still in there!"
Battle Lines:
“Look out!”
Stay back!”
“I'm sorry.”
“I got this!”
Losing in Battle:
"Is this... really it...?"
Winning in Battle:
Theme Song:
Clock Strikes by ONE OK ROCK
Name: Aima
Voice: Candace Parker
Singer: Hayley Kiyoko
Nicknames: Shiro, Aaron's Twin Sister, Maaxi's Somebody, Lady in White and Gold
Age: 08 (BBS), 18 (KH1), 19 (KH2), 20 (Currently)
Gender: Female
Species: Angel
Hair: Pastel Brown
Eyes: Celestial Blue
Sexuality: Lesbian
Appearance: Height-6'0", Slim, Slightly built, hair is hip-length, light peach skin, noticeable scar over her right eye
In KH3 and onward, she has cut her hair to be shoulder-blade length.
Clothes: She is always seen wearing her pink shell necklace.
BBS- A seashell bra that is a light shade of pink with small orange spots and red beads on both sides. She wears a flared skirt that shows her legs. The first layer is a rose pink with frills. The second layer is a lighter pink with slightly more frills. The third layer is a very light pink that almost looks like white. Three rose-red colored bows are attached on top of her skirt. The three layers are pleated and flow down her skirt. She also wears white tights, rose-red high heels, small pink gloves tied with red ribbons, and red bracelets on both of her upper arms.
KH 1 to 358/2 Days- A white and gold version of the female Organization XIII uniform.
KH 2 to 0.2- A pink dress with pearly straps covered with red beads and decorated with flaps. The bodice is light pink with three fuschia colored buttons. Her mini skirt is made up of two layers. The first layer is dark pink and has small frills. The second layer is a lighter pink color and it's pleated. Her boots are white and covered with pink frills just like her gloves. She also wears a pink headpiece.
Dream Eater Form: A long light pink dress that has two layers with two different shades of pink. The Dream Eater symbol is stamped on the back of her dress. Aima also wears a beaded pink pearl headband and a pair of pink evening gloves that extend to her upper arm along with frills. She has a turtle neck with a sash tied into a ribbon on the side that flows down her dress. Her dress also has pink ruffles down each side and she wears pink sandal shoes attached with pink frills.
KH 3: A small dark pink tank-top with thin straps that go around her neck, a matching short skirt with a bluish-black belt along with two armbands, a blue hoodie that she leaves unzipped, purple high-heeled lace-up boots, dark pink fingerless gloves, and purple nail polish.
Birthday: October 25
Element: Light
Home World: White Rose Pavilion
Personality: At first, not much of her real personality is shown. Throughout the story, she seems to only act as an observer known as "Shiro" and steps into conflicts when she feels she is needed. Though her traits, at first, are not akin to those of a protagonist, she becomes more heroic and outspoken over time. During her time spent in Castle Oblivion, Aima begins to help Riku confront the darkness that lingers within her heart. At first, she also rejects it. However, as the story progresses, Aima realizes that it is possible to use the darkness to achieve her goals. She matures immensely during this period and leaves behind some of her more unlikable personality traits.
Aima had been curious about what lay outside of her world ever since her early youth and separation from Aaron. Over time, her curiosity turned to obsession, and she began to think of her world as a prison surrounded by light. This obsession appears to have diminished throughout the year of Sora's slumber, most likely because she had by then traveled to a number of worlds. When she returns to City with Aaron, she still comments that it is a small world, but agrees with Aaron's remark that it is only a part of one that's much bigger. Aima later stated that the real reason she wanted to explore outside of her homeworld was because of Amelia.
A positive personality trait demonstrated by Aima is a strong desire to protect her family and those close to her. Examples of this would be her sacrifice to protect Kairi from Xehanort's attacks during their final battle, and her willingness to accept the darkness in order to save Maaxi from Ixd.
Though Aima matures significantly over the course of the series, she retains some of her more calm personality, particularly her habit of silent observation: When she turns into a Dusk in order to spy on the Organization, she is able to report back to Riku immediately.
History: Aima was an eight-year-old girl who still lived in White Rose Pavillion. She had always trained and pushed herself to make her stronger. When Amelia visits her homeworld, Aima says that Vanitas has already passed by White Rose Pavillion, which worries Amelia. Amelia has a vision of Aima's future self, making her choose Aima as her successor, and submits her to the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony, but asks to keep this conversation as a secret to keep the world's order and not cause the Council to be concerned.
At some point in time, Nafrini finds out about Aima being able to wield the Keyblade and allows her to become a master like her, and Alice's Princess of Heart Powers were passed onto her. She was also chosen to be Riku's Guardian Angel.
Aima, going under the alias "Shiro", first appears in Traverse Town, observing as Riku leaves with Maleficent. She looks back at Sora and company before going through the portal herself. Over the course of the story, Aima assists in the Disney boss fights, known as the "Lady in White and Gold". Aima eventually ends up in Hollow Bastion via the Corridors of Dreams. Before long, Aima learns from a conversation between Riku and Maleficent that the Keyblade wielded by Sora was originally meant for him and that Sora had only received it in his absence. Upon Sora's arrival at Hollow Bastion, Riku steals the keyblade and mockingly leaves Sora with a wooden sword to "go play hero" with. Donald and Goofy, having been instructed to follow the keyblade, reluctantly abandon Sora and the girls and follow Riku. Aima appears and temporarily joins the party with Sora, Elina, Nagisa, Aaron, and Kilala. They make their way to the Entrance Hall of Hollow Bastion where they are confronted by Riku. After a long power of friendship speech, Donald and Goofy return to Sora and company, as does the Keyblade. Sora and his companions proceed to defeat Riku, who then runs away in frustration.
When Sora and company find out that Aaron's heart has been shattered by Maleficent, Aima uses her heart to remend his, causing her to fall into a comatose state, and unknowingly creating Maaxi and Joy, the Nobodies of Aima and Aaron. Aaron cries and holds Aima in his arms. She is reawakened when the Keyblade of Heart is destroyed. After regrouping in Traverse Town, Sora and company decide to return to Hollow Bastion to seal the Final Keyhole while they try to reclaim Riku from the clutches of "Ansem". Aaron gives Aima his blue shell necklace since she insists that he should stay behind, even joking that he would be in her way.
Sora and company set sail to Hollow Bastion and seal the Final Keyhole after a battle with a powerful Heartless. The five Princesses of Heart and the former sixth Alice then inform them of new darkness approaching, and the heroes travel to the End of the World, the "Heartless world" of all the worlds that fell into darkness, where they confront and defeat "Ansem" once and for all. "Ansem", defeated, calls forth to Kingdom Hearts to fill him with the power of darkness, but Sora proclaims that Kingdom Hearts is not darkness, but light, and "Ansem" is destroyed by said light.
However, Heartless begins to swarm inside of the door, and Sora and Company rush forward to close it. As they attempt to close the Door to Darkness, Riku, Aima and Aaron's mother Nafrini, and King Mickey appear on the other side of the door, and together, King Mickey and Sora seal it from both sides with Sora's Keyblade from the Realm of light and Mickey's Keyblade from the Realm of Darkness. However, Mickey, Nafrini, and Riku become trapped behind the door as it closes shut, but not before Nafrini instructs Aima to take care of Aaron in her absence.
As the worlds begin to restore themselves, Aima is seen teleporting to the Realm of Darkness and holds Riku in her arms, saying out loud that she is sorry that she couldn't take that command and wishes for Aaron to be safe in her absence. Ever since then, she has become Riku's closest ally, helping both him and herself accept the darkness within themselves.
Weapon: Snow Crown Keyblade
Abilities and Skills:
Teleportation- Used whenever her wings are damaged.
Flight- Due to being an angel.
Holy Magic- Angel-themed versions of normal KH magic spells.
Darkness Manipulation- When in Dark Angel Mode, it amplifies her powers for a short amount of time and causes them to be Dark-themed. It is similar to Demon Magic but it is less destructive.
Calcification- A spell all Angels know. It allows them to turn another person into a crystal statue, halting their aging process.
Singing- Is known by others to have an angelic singing voice.
Dancing- Is most proficient in ballroom, ballet, and jazz.
Dream Eater- A transformation that she gained after 3D. This causes her to exhibit the behavior outside of the Dream Worlds as well.
Nafrini (Mother)
Cassiel (Father)
Aaron (Twin Brother)
Team Classic (Friends)
Team Days (Friends)
Team BBS (Friends)
Riku (Friend)
Kairi (Girlfriend)
Isa (Former Enemy, Friend)
Namine' (Friend)
Jiminy Cricket (Friend)
Mickey Mouse (Friend)
Organization XIII (Former Enemies)
"I am Shiro."
"My true name... is Aima."
"Aaron! Why... Why him?!"
"Are you happy... Brother...?"
"I'm sorry Mother. I can't follow your commands anymore. Aaron... please be safe. And Riku... I will do everything in my power to help you... Because I... and your Guardian Angel."
"*When she meets Kairi* I shall help you in any way I can on the behest of my Master, my Princess."
"*After fighting Ixd* The darkness truly caused him to go mad."
"*When she feels the scar* Heh... So this is the price I paid for this gift... Alright... I'm willing to pay."
"If you truly are my Nobody, then join with my heart. I can keep you safe until I find a way to make you real again."
Battle Lines:
"I shall seal your fate!"
"I shall change my fate!"
"Dark Fire!"
"Dark Water!"
"Dark Air!"
"Dark Thunder!"
"Dark Blizzard!"
"Are you alright, Master Riku?"
Losing in Battle:
"I have failed you, Master..."
"Mother... Forgive me..."
"You really... are my Nobody..."
Winning in Battle:
"We've won, but do not relax just yet."
"I'm sorry..."
Theme Song:
Shattered Heart by Novel Inkling
Basically I had come up with this robotic guide that would help sora, Kairi, Riku and the rest by alerting them when the heartless would appear, when a new pathway has appeared or when a keyblade has been detected.
Inspiration: alpha 5, R2-D2
Chapter 1: destiny island
A boy awakes, floating in a strange abyss, the keychain around his neck waving in the current of wind blowing upwards.
????: “I've been having these weird thoughts lately... Like, is any of this for real or not?”
The boy's heart pumps as he falls deeper into the abyss, his eyes closed. The empty nothingness becomes water, and bubbles form in the wake of his descent. He reaches a barrier and his eyes blink open with a flash. He finds himself standing on a sandy beach on a clear sunny day. He looks around and sees another boy in the water. Holding his hand up to block the glare of the sun, he steps toward the boy in the water to get a closer look. Suddenly, the ocean waters recede. He looks up and gasps. The boy in the water, turns his head, the breeze billowing through his silver hair, as a wave forms beyond. He smirks, holding his hand out as the wave reaches its pinnacle behind him. The boy with brown hair runs toward the boy in the water, who isn't moving. Time seems to slow down as a dark wave crashes down on top of them. The first boy spins in the water, gritting his teeth. He rights himself and stares at the other boy, who is unfazed, saying nothing with his arm beckoning. The first boy tries to reach him, but is swept away with the current. He eventually surfaces, gasping for air, the water dripping off of him as the sun hangs low in the sky. He sees a girl on the shore waving to him and calling his name. He waves back and starts padding towards shore as she bounces happily on her feet. The girl stands with her hands behind her back as he arrives. He bends down slightly, catching his breath and smirks up at her. She giggles until something in the sky catches her attention, her face forming a serious look. He stands up and turns around. A meteor shower rains down from the sky, a shadowy figure among them. They stare in awe, and the boy realizes the figure is himself. He gasps and feels himself falling. He becomes the figure in the sky as he falls below the girl, reaching out to her. She reaches out to him until the image of her ripples in water reflecting the sky. The boy falls back, eyes closed, sinking deeper as bubbles trail him. He stirs awake and manages to right himself before settling onto a dark platform. He looks around and takes a step forward. There is a flash of blinding light as a large flock of birds rise from the platform, flying in all directions and scattering feathers everywhere. The boy shields his eyes as the wind whips at him. He watches them leave while the last feathers fall. The platform now depicts a girl taking a bite out of an apple. The boy turns around seeing no one, yet hearing a voice.
Voice: “So much to do, so little time... Take your time. Don't be afraid. The door is still shut. Now, step forward. Can you do it?”
The boy takes a few slow steps forward. A light shines down from above as a large stone pedestal rises from the platform in a shower of light and magic. The boy turns toward it. A red shield blinks into existence, floating above it.
Voice: “Power sleeps within you...”
Another pedestal rises from the platform, a blue staff floating above it.
Voice: “If you give it form...”
A third pedestal appears in front of the boy. A metal sword appears in midair.
Voice: “It will give you strength.”
The boy stares ahead at all three.
Voice: “Choose well.”
The boy runs over to the shield and holds it in his hand.
Voice: “The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all. Is this the power you seek?”
????: “Yes.”
Suddenly, the shield vanished from his hand.
Voice: “Your path is set.”
The boy turned around to face the other two weapons.
Voice: “Now, what will you give up in exchange?”
The boy approaches the sword and holds it up.
Voice: “The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. You give up this power?”
????: “Yes.”
The sword disappeared.
Voice: “You've chosen the power of the guardian. You've given up the power of the warrior. Is this the form you choose?”
????: “Yes.”
The three stones suddenly sink into the floor, knocking the boy back onto the platform. The ground rumbles and he looks around. The edges of the platform crumble off and the platform shatters. The boy falls through darkness and lands on another platform, this time depicting a girl in a beautiful silver ball gown. The shield had appeared in his hand.
Voice: “you’ve gained the power to fight.”
The boy swinged the shield.
Voice: “alright, you’re like a natural. Uses this to defend yourself and others.”
A dark murky shadow appeared on the floor as strange creature rosed from it. One was a small, shadowy creature with yellow eyes and the other was a tall, sliver creature with a zipper for a mouth. The boy fights off the strange creatures when one of them sneak behind the boy.
Voice: “look out! Behind you!”
The boy defeat all of the creatures. A black void appears in the center of the platform and he is sucked into it. He bats the darkness away and wakes up on a multicolored platform with three silhouettes. He sees a door near the platform edge and walks toward it, examining it.
????: “I can't open it...”
A treasure chest appears and he opens it. He turns around and a large crate and barrel appear. He smashes these items and opens the door. Light floods out from it and he walks through, squinting his eyes through the bright light. He arrives on a small island bridge where three kids stand quietly waiting.
Voice: “Hold on. The door won't open just yet. First, tell me more about yourself.”
The boy walks over to a girl leaning against a rope fence.
???????: “What's most important to you?”
????: “Friendship. Friendship and love.”
???????: “Are these such a big deal?”
The boy talks to a boy with a large blue sport ball.
?????: “What do you want outta life?”
????: “To broaden my horizons.”
?????: “To broaden your horizons, huh?”
The boy walks over to a boy with a large red stick in his hand.
?????: “What are you so afraid of?”
????: “B-being indecisive.”
?????: “Being indecisive? Is that really so frightening?”
Voice: “You want friendship. You want to broaden your horizons. You're afraid of being indecisive. Your adventure begins at midday. Keep a steady pace and you'll come through fine.”
????: “Sounds good.”
Voice: “The day you will open the door is both far off and very near.”
There is a flash of light and the boy finds himself on a platform of a sleeping woman clutching a rose. He walks across the platform and is surrounded by Shadows. He defeats them all and a light shines down, producing a stain glass staircase The boy runs up the stairs onto another platform depicting a woman in a yellow dress and a hideous monster. The first voice returned.
Voice 1: “The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.”
The boy turns around and sees his shadow move after he does. The boy starts to back away as the shadow pulls itself from the ground.
Voice 1: “But don't be afraid. And don't forget...”
The shadow takes on the form of a large shadow creature with yellow eyes, as the boy runs to the edge of the platform, nearly falling off. He turns to face Darkside as it rises to its full towering height, gazing at him with eerie glowing eyes. The shield appears in his hand and he stares at his only option. Darkside summons a ball of energy and punches the floor. The boy trembles as a void of darkness appears in the floor, summoning several Shadows. The boy swallows his fear and attacks them, while dodging larger blows from Darkside. As it punches the ground again, the boy seizes the opportunity and strikes at its wrist. Catching its attention, he jumps back and the shield vanishes from his hand. Terror fills his face as he is left weaponless and Darkside slams his fist into the ground, narrowly missing him. Sora falls in defeat and a dark void appears under him, sucking him in.
Voice 1: “---But don't be afraid.”
The darkness engulfs his legs.
Voice 1: “You hold the mightiest weapon of all.”
He starts to swim away as the darkness clenches onto him. His grasping hand is lost to the black abyss.
Voice 1: “So don't forget...”
The boy lies on his back as the darkness wraps its last threads around his frightened eyes.
Voice 1: “You are the one who will open the door.”
On a bright sandy beach, the sun shines warmly on the same spiky-haired boy, who opens his sleepy eyes and sits up. He yawns, starting to lay back down again, when suddenly: a girl’s face.
????: “Whoa!”
The boy jumps back up and turns around, kneeling in the sand. The girl giggles, hovering over him.
????: “Gimme a break, Kairi.”
Kairi: “Sora, you lazy bum. I knew that I'd find you snoozing down here.”
Sora: “No! This huge, black THING swallowed me up! I couldn't breathe! I couldn't—“
She smacks him.
Sora: “Ow!”
Kairi: “Are you still dreaming?”
Sora: “It wasn't a dream! Or was it? I don't know.”
He looks off toward the ocean, seeing the clouds billow in the sky.
Sora: “What was that place? So bizarre...”
Kairi: “Yeah, sure.”
She walks past him toward the water.
Sora: “Say, Kairi, what was your hometown like? You know, where you grew up.”
Kairi stares out into the sea, her smile fading.
Kairi: “I've told you before, I only have a gut feeling that something terrible is happening there.”
Sora: “Oh, yeah. That’s why you came with the idea of us and Riku going off to see the outside world.”
Kairi: “Yeah… I want to see if my hometown is alright. And… I can remember my past if I get there.”
Sora: “Well, I want to see your homeworld. Along with any other worlds out there! I wanna see them all!”
Kairi (facing him): “So what're we waiting for?”
????: “Hey!”
Sora and Kairi turn to see a silver-haired boy carrying a log. That was Riku, their best friend who was helping them with their plan to find Kairi’s homeworld.
Riku: “So, I guess I'm the only one working on the raft.”
He tosses the log to Sora, who falls over with a yelp, and walks over to Kairi.
Riku: “And you're just as lazy as he is!”
Kairi (giggling): “So you noticed. Okay, we'll finish it together.”
The three started working on a raft.
Sora: “So, Kairi's home is out there somewhere, right?”
Riku: “Could be. We'll never know by staying here.”
Sora: “But how far could a raft take us?”
Riku: “Who knows? If we have to, we'll think of something else.”
Kairi: “So, suppose you get to another world. (giggle) What would you do there?”
Riku: “Well, I haven't really thought about it. It's just... I've always wondered why we're here on this island. If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one? And suppose there are other worlds... Then ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could've just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?”
Sora: “I don't know.”
Riku: “Exactly. That's why we need to go out there and find out. Just sitting here won't change a thing. It's the same old stuff.”
Kairi: “Heh… So I guess I am the only one with a legitimate reason to look for other worlds?”
Sora: “I guess… You’re the only one of us surrounded by mystery. Riku and I are just some normal guys. (gets an idea) Hey! How about the three of us spar?”
Riku: “Heh, a rather smart idea. Who knows what we’ll face in the other worlds? We have to be prepared.”
The three kids took out their toy swords and started sparring. They had three fights: one between Sora and Kairi, which Kairi won, one between Riku and Kairi, which Riku won, and one between Sora and Riku, which Sora won. The biggest struggle was between Sora and Riku. After the third round, the three went back to their homes, with Kairi leading the way.
Riku: “Sora!”
Sora turns around and catches a star-shaped fruit.
Riku: “You wanted one, didn't you?”
Sora: “A paopu fruit...”
Riku: “If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what. C'mon, I know you want to try it.”
Sora: “What are you talking—“
Riku laughs and Sora tosses the fruit away. They all run back to the dock and head for home.
Meanwhile, in another world, Donald Duck, the court wizard, walks proudly through the Colonnade of Disney Castle, passing a group of brooms carrying buckets. Donald stops in front of two enormous double doors. He clears his throat and knocks on three times. A smaller door just his size opens and he walks through, entering the castle’s throne room. He walks down the long red carpet of the chamber toward a golden throne.
Donald: “Good morning, Your Majesty. It's nice to see you this morn—“
However, to Donald’s shock, the throne was empty.
Donald: “What!”
Pluto walks out from behind the throne, carrying an envelope in his mouth. Donald opens it and reads the letter. He blinks for a second, then suddenly speeds back out into the Colonnade. He races across the courtyard to where Goofy, Captain of the Royal Knights, is sleeping.
Donald: “Wake up, Goofy, wake up! This is serious!!”
Goofy continues to snore and Donald’s temper gets the better of him. He points his finger into the air, yelling, and summons a lightning bolt, which swoops down and strikes Goofy in the side, jolting him awake. He sits up sleepily and looks around.
Goofy: “Hey there, Donald. G'morning.”
Donald: “We've got a problem, Goofy! But don't tell anyone...”
Goofy (ignoring Donald): “Queen Minnie?”
Donald: “Not even the queen.”
Goofy: “Daisy?”
Donald (shaking his head furiously): “No, it's top secret!”
Goofy (calling over Donald's shoulder): “G'morning, ladies.”
Donald: “What?”
Donald turns to see a cross Daisy, hands on her hips, and Queen Minnie. Daisy clears her throat and Donald laughs sheepishly. The next day, Sora, Riku and Kairi returned to the island.
Riku: “Hey, Sora. Our raft still needs a name. Let's see... How about Highwind? What would you call it?”
Sora: “Me? Excalibur!”
Riku: “Hey, how about...”
Sora: “The usual?”
Riku: “Let's do it!”
Kairi: “You guys at it again? All right, I'll be the judge.”
The three went into a cove. On the cove’s other side, there was a star shaped tree.
Kairi: “The usual rules apply. Take any route you want... First one to tag the tree and make it back here wins. There will be no bumping, no cheating, no spitting, no biting, no rage, no maiming, no slicking, no pushing, no shoving, no backstabbing, no hogging and no lollygagging.”
Sora: “If I win, I'm captain! And if you win...”
Riku: “I get to share the paopu with Kairi.”
Sora: “Huh?”
Riku: “Deal? The winner gets to share a paopu with Kairi.”
Sora: “Wha... Wait a minute...”
Kairi: “Okay! On my count: Three! Two! One! Go!
She slices through the air with her hand and both Sora and Riku race across the bridge. The two are neck and neck until one of the boards on the bridge collapses, sending Riku into the water. Sora takes this chance to run past the lookout tower and across the bridge. He runs up the hill towards the star tree, seeing Riku catching up to him, by jumping across the tops of the palm trees nearby. Sora quickly tags the tree and races back to the starting line. He throws a fist into the air in success.
Sora: “Oh, yeah! I win!”
Riku: “Man, lighten up. It’s just a name, after all. And the paopu fruit thing? I was just pranking you!”
Sora scowls and the three spent the rest of the day gathering supplies. At one point, Sora entered a Secret Place only he and Kairi knew, and walks through an underground tunnel, with roots lining the walls. He reaches a room made of walled boulders with chalk drawings scrawled on them. The only light is from a small hole in the ceiling. Sora sees a mushroom near a wooden board in the wall and plucks it from the ground. Behind the mushroom is an old drawing of Kairi and Sora that brings memories flooding back to him. He kneels on the ground, placing a hand on the drawing of Kairi with a soft smile. His mind flashes back to the two of them as 5 year olds when they drew each other on the walls. Sora sits, picking up a rock and begins carving. He stops and stares at his work. He is giving Kairi a paopu fruit. Suddenly, he hears a noise behind him and stands up swiftly.
Sora: “Wh-who’s there?”
?????: “don’t mind me, I’ve just came to see the door to this world.”
Sora: “huh? The door to this world?”
?????: “that door. This world has been connected.” As he pointed to the wooden board.
Sora: “wh-what are you talking about?”
?????: “this world will soon be covered in darkness like a never ending eclipse.”
Sora: “well, whoever you are, stop freaking me out like this, huh?”
He notices a completely cloaked figure wielding a cane with a king chess piece on top.
Sora: “where did you come from?”
?????: “you don’t get what lies beyond this door, young one.”
Sora: “so, your from another world then!”
?????: “there is so much for you to learn yet you understand so little.”
Sora: “oh yeah? Well you’ll see. I’m gonna get out and learn what out there.”
?????: “wise word but a pointless effort. A person who knows nothing can learn nothing.”
Sora looks toward the board in the wall. It resembles a door, but with no lock or doorknob. As Sora turns back to the figure in the shadows, he has disappeared. With nothing left to do, he returns to the raft, where Kairi is leaning against the mast fiddling with something jingling in her hands.
Sora: “what are you working on Kairi?”
Kairi: “This? I’m making a necklace of thalassa shells. In the old days, sailors always wore thalassa shells. They were supposed to ensure a safe voyage. See this?”
She holds a star-shaped charm out to him.
Kairi: “It’s a charm to help us find each other if we ever get separated. The three of us will always be together.”
She places the Wayfinder in her pocket and he presents her with the collected provisions. Later during the sunset, Sora and Kairi sit at the edge of the dock.
Kairi: “You know, Riku has changed.”
Sora: “What do you mean?”
Kairi: “Well...”
She grows silent.
Sora: “You okay?”
Kairi: “Yeah… It’s just my gut feeling. (a moment of silence) Sora, let’s take the raft and go—just the two of us!”
Sora: “Huh?”
Kairi (giggling): “Just kidding.”
Sora: “What’s gotten into you?”
Kairi: “I dunno. You know, I was a little afraid at first, but now I’m ready. No matter where I go or what I see, I know I can always come back here, even after I learn the truth about my past.”
She turns to face him.
Kairi: “I mean, I have my best friends here, so I should visit. Right?”
Sora: “Yeah, of course!”
Kairi: “That’s good.”
She pauses.
Kairi: “Sora, don’t ever change.”
Sora: “Huh?”
She stands up and takes a final look over the ocean. He stares up at her.
Kairi: “I just can’t wait. Once we set sail, it’ll be great.”
He follows her gaze as the sun sets.
Meanwhile in the Library of Disney Castle, Donald reads the letter aloud to Daisy and Queen Minnie.
Sorry to rush off without sayin’ goodbye, but there’s big trouble brewin’. Not sure why, but the stars have been blinkin’ out, one by one. And that means disaster can’t be far behind. I hate to leave you all but I’ve gotta go check into it. There’s someone with a “key”—the key to our survival. So I need you and Goofy to find him, and stick with him. Got it? We need that key or we’re doomed! So go to Traverse Town and find Leon. He’ll point you in the right direction.
Would ya apologize to Minnie for me? Thanks, pal.”
The letter is signed with the King’s seal. Pluto sleeps in his bed as the group muses over the King’s words.
Daisy: “Oh, dear! What could this mean?”
Minnie: “It means we’ll just have to trust the king.”
Goofy: “Gawrsh, I sure hope he’s all right.”
Donald: “Your Highness. Don’t worry. We’ll find the king and this “key.””
Minnie: “Thank you, both of you.”
Donald: “Daisy, can you take care of the—“
Daisy: “Of course. You be careful, now, both of you.”
Minnie: “Oh, and to chronicle your travels, he will accompany you.”
She points toward the desk. Donald peers closer, seeing a small bug jumping on the table.
??????: “Over here!”
The cricket stops jumping once he has Donald’s attention.
??????: “Cricket’s the name. Jiminy Cricket, at your service.”
He bows with his top hat in his hand.
Minnie: “We hope for your safe return. Please help the king.”
Donald stands at attention. Joining Minnie and Daisy, Goofy salutes him, before Donald yanks him out the door.
Donald: “You’re coming, too!”
They walk down the stairs under the courtyard to the Gummi Ship Control Room. The mouse-eared lights on the wall are dim in the dark hallway. Donald walks ahead as Jiminy hangs on to Goofy’s helmet.
Goofy: “Gawrsh, Jiminy, your world disappeared, too?”
Jiminy: “It was terrible. We were scattered. And as far as I can see, I’m the only one who made it to this castle.”
They enter the Gummi Ship Control Room, walking across the tiled floor. The whirring of machines fills the air as giant gears spin along the walls. Mechanical arms hang down from the ceiling around a small orange spaceship. The dome of the cockpit reveals three seats. Donald walks toward a large golden tube and puts a hand to his mouth.
Donald: “Hello up there? Donald Duck to launch crew! Anytime you’re ready.”
In a hanging control booth, Donald’s voice echoes out of the other end of the tube into the ears of Chip, a black-nosed chipmunk wearing an apron. Chip salutes and a second chipmunk, Dale, who had a red nose, runs toward a control panel. Dale jumps up to turn a blue lever. Steam billows out of pipes in the ceiling as more gears spin on the walls. Dale leaps to the window and the two chipmunks watch a mechanical hand move across the room. The hand picks up Goofy, carrying him upside down with his arms outstretched. Donald, at his annoyance of being lifted the same way, crosses his arms and frowns. As the cockpit opens, Pluto runs into the room and jumps into the Gummi Ship. A light spins on the wall as an interstellar runway opens, lights blinking along the path. A lift moves the rocket ship, aiming it at the tunnel, as Daisy and Queen Minnie enter the room to see their departure. Donald gives Daisy a thumbs-up and a wink as the rockets engines start up with a shower of flames. Donald points forward to the tunnel.
Donald: “Blast off!!”
In the tunnel, a large neon arrow blinks on, pointing downward. The shaft below the Gummi Ship opens, and the ship falls through it, Donald and Goofy screaming. The ship drops out of the world and the engine bursts on, sending them into space.
Meanwhile, Sora sits alone in his bedroom in the Destiny Islands. His window is open slightly, the only light coming from the moon outside and his dim desk lamp. Clothes and books are piled on the floor as he lies on the bed, peering over at a hanging model of a wooden ship with a boy and a girl passenger. Sora’s thoughts drift to his earlier conversation with Kairi on the dock.
Kairi: “I just can’t wait. Once we set sail, it’ll be great.”
Thunder rumbles softly outside, catching Sora’s attention and he gazes outside. In the darkness of the cloudy night sky, lightning flashes, striking near the small island.
Sora: “A storm?”
He sits up suddenly.
Sora: “Oh, no, the raft!”
Later, the wind blows through his open bedroom window, shifting the curtains as a voice enters his room.
Sora’s Mom: “Sora, dinner’s ready. Come on down. Sora?”
The room is empty. Sora arrives at the small island, spotting a large orb of energy hanging low in the sky, wind swirling in it dark depths.
Sora: “What’s that?”
Sora jumps onto the dock, seeing two other boats moored there.
Sora: “Riku’s boat. And Kairi’s!”
He looks around seeing no one. In the dim landscape a pair of eyes emerges from the ground. The eyes illuminated the Shadow’s body, its antennae wriggling as it scans its surroundings. Another appeared and Sora gasps in fear. He backs away slowly when a pair of the sliver creature from his dream appeared blocking the boots. He takes out his wooden sword as one of them leaps at him, but he blocks the strike. He tries to hit them with the sword, but they seem unfazed by it. It feels to Sora as if it goes right through the creatures. Sora realizes his only option is to run and he makes his way to the wooden bridge, dodging strikes from the Shadows. Everywhere he runs, more appear in his wake. He sees Riku and Kairi at the island across the bridge.
Sora: “Riku! Kairi! What going on?
Riku: “I don’t know. These creature appeared around the same time as the storm. What are they?”
Sora: “I don’t know but I think the same creature I saw in my dream.” When a voice was heard from behind him.
????: “they called heartless and the sliver creature are called nobody.” As sora turned around and saw the cloaked figure from earlier.
Sora: “it you. The figure from the cave. Your behind this.”
?????: “correct, gold star for you. I have open the door to this world and now it shall forever be lost to darkness.” As the heartless and nobody slowly appeared.
Kairi: “just who are you and why are you doing this?”
?????: “and a gold star for you for asking a good question.” As he grabbed his cloak and tossed it aside, revealing him to be wearing a style similar to a cross between a wizard and a circus ringleader. The clothes had a mostly blue colour scheme and his shoulders had a chess board pattern, on his left chest was a black heart with a red outline and on his right was a king chess piece emblem. “I am wiseure, a dangerous foe and the last face you shall ever see. Pretty soon this world will be consumed by the darkness and be lost to it forever.”
After hearing what he said, Riku rushed at him and swings his sword but wiseure caught it.
Wiseure: “a wooden sword? You might as well have use a wet napkin. Only a weapon of the light could harm us.” As he snap the sword and pushes Riku back.
It was then that a pool of darkness appeared, surrounding them. The pool began to envelop them as sora tried to reach for his friends hands. The darkness proving too much for him, he black out for a second before a light appeared. It start off small but spins grow into a incredible brightness. It fills Sora’s vision and he feels something metallic fall into his hand. He opens his eyes, nearly stumbling forward as the light dissipates. As it vanishes. Sora, Kairi and Riku was seen wielding strange weapons. Sora starred at his one which golden handle and silver blade shines like a sword, but the tip of the blade is pointed like the teeth of a key. A keychain hangs from the pommel of the weapon. He then turns to Kairi and Riku who were stunned by what happened. Kairi one had one side of it hilt is formed in the shape of a breaking ocean wave, while the other is formed into a beige vine of sand that wraps around the shaft, which is colored to resemble a sunset. The vine connects to a bouquet of colorful flowers, which form the teeth of the teeth. A red, silken Keychain connects the hilt to the Paopu fruit token. Riku had a falchion-esque sword, with a red, purple and blue blade shaped like a demonic wing on one side and a angel wing on the other. Its handle bears a blue eye, and the handle itself consists of dark braids with a blue wing sprouting out.
Voice: “the keyblade…. Will protect you.”Wiseure was stumbling backwards in fear.
Wiseure: “im-impossible. Those weapons, those are keyblades but that should be impossible. Heartless’s, nobody’s. Destroy them.” As he ran towards the secret spot.
The heartless and nobody jumped at them but sora swung the keyblade at them and they were knocked backwards in a flurry of stars. As the group swings their keyblades, the heartless’s and nobody’s were driven away but more appeared. They ran back across the bridge and sora see a strange door over the door to the secret place. The door opens and they ran inside to see wiseure in front of the door.
Wiseure: “dark magic, open the door and let the darkness run rampant.”
Sora: “stop that.”
Wiseure turns around when the door flung open knocking wiseure to the side as a great wind blew forth from it.
Kairi: “sora, look out.” As she dove in front of sora but it pointless as they are blown out of the cave. They land on the beach with a grunt. The purple sky stretching around the island. Large chunks of the island had broken off and risen into the orb in the sky.
Sora: “whoa!”
Kairi: “the island.”
They then felt a presence behind him which turns out to be wiseure.
Wiseure: “I don’t know how you brats got keyblades but I’m not letting you escape.” As he used his staff like a sorcerer staff. “Evil spirits, unify and destroy these brats. Heartless fusion.”
Swarms of the small shadow appeared and were fused together to form the same large shadow creature from soras dream.
Wiseure: “darkside, destroy them.” As he vanished in a dark portal.
Sora, Kairi and Riku took out their keyblades as the darkside kneeled down. Energy pulses in the heart-shaped hole in its torso and it releases beams that target them. Sora begins attacking its arm, while dodging the beams of energy. Kairi and Riku went for the darkside as it stands, its hands reach for Sora, and it pauses, peering at him through glowing yellow eyes. Sora waits, watching its every move. It leans forward clenching its hand into a fist, gathering strength, before slamming the fist into the ground, spewing darkness along the sandy floor. Shadows emerge from the dark pool. Sora races through them to the demon’s wrist, running along its black arm. He makes his way to Darkside’s shoulder and slams the blade into the creature’s face. The wind howls louder as the island creeps further toward the orb of energy. The trio drops to the ground as the Darkside vanishes into the orb. The wind whipping at them, they try to hold onto the island but they lose their grip and they are sucked into the orb.
The screen turn to darkness as the title appears saying:
Kingdom hearts
A idea I had for my kingdom heart retold series: drive cores are booster That are used by keyblade wielder to aid them in their fights (much like the sentai gear from zenkaiger)
Whats your thoughts on the Void gear keyblade I think it looks cool
Everyone, boys and girls, meet...Alinta!
Voice - Isabela Moner
Identity: Alinta - Fire
Nicknames: Lit, Child, Sweetheart
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair: Light Blonde
Eyes: Aqua Blue
Skin: Light Peach
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Average height to a 16-year-old, slim, slightly built, blonde, chest-length hair tied by the bottom.
Clothes: Red T-Shirt, light brown jean shorts with a dark belt around it, silver locket shaped like a heart holding a picture of a woman inside, which can be assumed to be her biological mother, and white boots with slim clashes to light blue and gold colors and rings encased around near the bottom.
Birthday: August 13th
Element: Fire
HomeWorld: Keyblade Graveyard
History: Alinta was born in the Keyblade graveyard, but had been raised by a mysterious man in the dark cloak, who found her as a baby and took her in out of pity for the orphaned child. She had been trained and raised by the cloaked man in the graveyard and had been told many stories of the past and how light and darkness worked in life, and of how her ancestors had possibly been part of the first Keyblade War. He had helped Alinta gain her own keyblade through her life training with the environment and how to recognize herself within to unleash her keyblade. This had been successful, and her keyblade; Redeeming Hope, had been created from her loyal faith in the world and staying true to herself and her strong desires. Ever since then, she had been training under her guardian's care, and oftentimes, wondered the possibilities of traveling to other worlds she had been told of from stories her guardian shared, and who was part of her family tree that she could possibly meet out there in those worlds. To try resolving these cases, she had tried only a few times using corridors to run off to other worlds but had been caught doing so by her guardian without his consent. The reason to prevent her from going off to see worlds is rather unknown to her and remains that way, and leaving Alinta to wonder again and again to find the answers she's been looking for...
Personality: Alinta is a noble, competitive, cool and collected, and clever warrior. She is also a serious and toughened individual, and stubborn in some sorts, which is much often in sparring with her master/guardian, much more or less leading to her competitive nature. She is very direct on whatever she sees fit, doing anything she can to finish her goals. However, while this may be part of her motivation, this could endanger others or herself if her cards aren’t played right. Take this as a sign of her stubborn pride and intentions.
While she may be like this, she is open-minded, playful, and a free spirit, which all connects to her peaceful behavior out of battle or even hanging with friends. Also adding to Alinta as mainly a bright dreamer, born with a craving to see new things and travel the world as far as the eye can see. Due to her isolation from her guardian, she was bored, impatient, which leads to her sneaking out from the home to stay and watch the sunrise and sunset alone to ponder through her thoughts and drown away any problems plaguing her.
Weapon - Redeeming Hope (Keyblade)
Abilities and Skills: Thanks to her keyblade, Alinta is able to master elements or magical aspects, but only certain of those elements did she master.
Pyrokinesis - The ability to manipulate or create fire out from her keyblade, which would sometimes travel the energy through her hands. She can blast out balls of fire, even create heated waves, or light herself into flames without any injury. This is probably the most powerful element she had mastered over her training years.
Aerokinesis - Alinta can also manipulate the air in any way she wishes. This also being her secondary mastered element. With this being able to knock her enemies away when often too close.
Speed - Alinta has proven that her speed is much more advanced than an average human. Being able to quickly dash at her opponents and a quick side part for her agility. This makes her much of a difficult target to catch up against.
4. Heart’s Hope - Alinta’s special light magic. Her gift was created out from the light in her heart to bring hope to those weak to darkness. Given born with this gifted trait, this only happens when she cries. But this can’t be forced, if ever was, this wouldn’t work.
Relationships: ???
Casual Lines -
“My name’s Alinta, but I'm used to Lit anyway.”
“*Giggles* Okay, okay, I’m catching up!”
“There’s always this annoying nagging feeling in my head, and it’s slowly grown over time. I...”
“It’s fake. None of this! That ‘family’ relationship? The need to be the best? All of that training... It’s like something else telling me what to do! This power…”
“There’s this storm inside of a bomb. I’m confused. There’s so much… I don’t like my fake purpose! It’s cruel. I shouldn’t...I shouldn’t even care about it now! ...Right?”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,”
“It’s so beautiful. The sky, how it lights up with different colors that makes you wanna just sit there and relax, breathing in fresh air cleansing and so...well, fresh! And the bright it is that when you catch a glimpse of that light...your problems fade away…”
“Save me? How is keeping me in the dark saving me!?”
“Please, don’t!”
Battle Lines -
“Then how about...I show them a real keyblader burning.”
“Heartless Toast! Who wants some?”
“Leave my friends alone!’
“No. I’m ending this fight. Besides, I have a bit of personal business to let out.”
“Catch me if you can!”
“Pardon me!”
“It’s over!”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
“Watch out!”
“Are you okay?”
“You’re better than this!”
“I won’t let you near them!”
“Just watch me try,”
Losing In Battle -
“Can’t lose…not to you...”
"I'm so s-sorry...I couldn't save you..."
Theme - The Edge of Dawn - Nicki Gee