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User Pain88 (Sandra Ws) Porträt


Player (Female) KHX
"Die speler avatar vroulik"

Player (Male) KHX
"Die speler avatar manlik"

Somebody Emblem
Katakana プレイヤ

Romaji Pureiya

Skuilnaam Avatar (アバター Abatā)

Engelse naam Player

Tipe Entelechy

Home Wêreld Daybreak Town

Speletjie Kingdom Hearts χ

Die Speler (in engels Player) is die speelbare protagonis van Kingdom Hearts χ en Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ. 'N Sleutel-swaard draer van Daybreak Town, hulle word gekies om by 'n faksie aan te sluit voor die Sleutel-swaard oorlog om vir Lux te kompeteer.

Die speler aanpassing opsies[]

Op 'n soortgelyke manier aan Kingdom Hearts Mobile en Kingdom Hearts Re:coded se Avatar Menu, die Speler is 'n aanpasbare avatar. Behalwe vir die geslag, kan elke aspek van die Speler se voorkoms te eniger tyd tydens die spel verander word, en in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ kan die geslag ook verander word.

Stuk Naam Hoe om te verkry
Clothes 01 KHX Sporty Blue (コールドポリッシュ
Kōrudo Porisshu
lit. "Cold Polish")
Begin klere
Clothes 02 KHX Sporty Black (ウォームポリッシュ
Wōmu Porisshu
lit. "Warm Polish")
Begin klere
Clothes 03 KHX White Overalls (ホワイトサロペット
Howaito Saropetto)
1ste kristalle van lig
Clothes 04 KHX Khaki Overalls (カーキサロペット
Kāki Saropetto)
Moogle login bingo
Clothes 05 KHX Traditional Prep (オーナートラッド
Ōnā Toraddo
lit. "Owner Trad")
1ste kristalle van lig
Clothes 06 KHX Modern Prep (アーチントラッド
Āchin Toraddo
lit. "Urchin Trad")
Moogle login bingo
Clothes 07 KHX Cool Black (クールブラック
Kūru Burakku)
Begin klere
Clothes 08 KHX Cool Red (クールレッド
Kūru Reddo)
Begin klere
Clothes 09 KHX Casual Gray (アッシュカーゴ
Asshu Kāgo
lit. "Ash Cargo")
Clothes 10 KHX Casual Blue (ブルーカーゴ
Burū Kāgo
lit. "Blue Cargo")
Moogle login bingo
Clothes 21 KHX Arabian Wonder (アラビアン・ワンダー
Arabian Wandā)
Guard Armor
Clothes 22 KHX Arabian Scout (アラビアン・ブレイブス
Arabian Bureibusu
lit. "Arabian Braves")
Guard Armor
Clothes 23 KHX Arabian Prince (アラビアン・プリンス
Arabian Purinsu)
Guard Armor
Clothes 27 KHX White Rabbit (ラビット・コーデ
Rabitto Kōde
lit. "Rabbit Coordinates")
2de kristalle van lig
Clothes 29 KHX Cheshire Cat (チシャ猫コス
Chisha Neko Kosu
lit. "Cheshire Cat Costume")
2de kristalle van lig
Clothes 31 KHX Mad Hatter (マッドハッター・セット
Maddo Hattā Setto
lit. "Mad Hatter Set")
2de kristalle van lig
Clothes 33 KHX Halloween Coordinates (ハロウィーン・コーデ
Harowīn Kōde)
Clothes 35 KHX Santa Claus (サンタクロースコス
Santa Kurōsu Kosu
lit. "Santa Claus Costume")
Clothes 37 KHX Holy Night Costume (ホーリーナイトボア
Hōrī Naito Boa
lit. "Holy Night Boa")
Clothes 39 KHX Reindeer (レインディア
Clothes 41 KHX White Reindeer (ホワイトレインディア
Howaito Reindia)
Clothes 43 KHX Christmas Tree Coordinates (クリスマスツリーコーデ
Kurisumasu Tsurī Kōde)
Clothes 45 KHX Saint Tree Coordinates (セイントツリーコーデ
Seinto Tsurī Kōde)
Clothes 47 KHX Snowman (スノーマン
Clothes 49 KHX Dazzling Snowman (リッチスノーマン
Ritchi Sunōman
lit. "Ritch Snowman")
Clothes 51 KHX Hakama (襷袴) Nuwe jaar
Clothes 53 KHX Lion Dance Coordinates (獅子舞コーデ
Shishimai Kōde)
Nuwe jaar
Clothes 55 KHX Happi (chic) (法被【粋】
Happi [Iki])
Nuwe jaar
Clothes 57 KHX KH Sora (ソラコス
Sora Kosu
lit. "Sora Costume")
Mog Trade
Clothes 59 KHX KH 3D Sora (KH3Dソラコス
KH3D Sora Kosu
lit. "KH3D Sora Costume")
Kingdom Box
File:Clothes 61 KHX.png Baby Chick (たまひよこ
Tama Giyoko)
File:Clothes 63 KHX.png Easter (イースター
File:Clothes 65 KHX.png Spring Bunny (スプリングバニー胴
Supuringu Banī Dō
lit. "Spring Bunny Body")
File:Clothes 67 KHX.png Thumper (とんすけコス胴
Tonsuke Kosu Dō
lit. "Thumper Costume Body")
File:Clothes 69 KHX.png Fire Samurai (鎧兜甲冑【業火】
Yoroi Kabuto Katchū [Gōka])
Children's Day
File:Clothes 71 KHX.png Yoroi Kabuto Kacchu (Water Blade) (鎧兜甲冑【水刃】
Yoroi Kabuto Katchū [Suijin])
Children's Day
Riku (リクコス
Riku Kosu)
Mog Trade
Kingdom Box
Hydrangea Coordinates (ハイドレンジアコーデ
Haidorenjia Kōde)
2nd Guard Armor
King Mickey (王様コス
Ō-sama Kosu
lit. "King Costume")
1ste verjaardag
File:Clothes 85 KHX.png KH Chip (KHチップコス
KH Chippu Kosu
lit. "KH Chip Costume")
1ste verjaardag
File:Clothes 87 KHX.png KH Dale Costume (KHデールコス
KH Dēru Kosu)
1ste verjaardag
File:Clothes 89 KHX.png Nicotto Town Butler Coordinates (ニコッとタウン執事コーデ
Nikotto Taun Shitsuji kōde)
Nicotto Town crossover
File:Clothes 91 KHX.png Vacation Resort (サマーホリデイ
Samā Horidei
lit. "Summer Holiday")
File:Clothes 93 KHX.png Mog Float Ring (モグフロートリング
Mogu Furōto Ringu)
Kingdom Box
Gummi Ship Flier (グミシップスーツ
Gumi Shippu Sūtsu
lit. "Gummi Ship Suit")
1ste verjaardag
Gummi Ship Aviator (グミシップスーツHG
Gumi Shippu Sūtsu HG
lit. "Gummi Ship Suit HG")
1ste verjaardag
File:Clothes 115 KHX.png Neku Sakuraba (すばせかネクコス
SubaSeka Neku Kosu
lit. "TWEWY Neku Costume")
Kingdom Box
File:Clothes 117 KHX.png Mr. Mew (にゃんタン
Kingdom Box
File:Clothes 119 KHX.png Pope Ivybeth (教皇アイヴィーベス
Kyōkō Aivībesu)
Praying Brage crossover
File:Clothes 121 KHX.png Trick or Treat (トリックオアトリート
Torikku oa Torīto)
File:Clothes 123 KHX.png Halloween Sora (ハロウィンソラコス
Harowin Sora Kosu
lit. "Halloween Sora Costume")
File:Clothes 125 KHX.png Halloween Santa Sora (ハロウィンサンタソラコス
Harowin Santa Sora Kosu
lit. "Halloween Santa Sora Costume")
File:Clothes 127 KHX.png Santa Sora Costume (サンタソラコス
Santa Sora Kosu)
File:Clothes 129 KHX.png Chocolate Cake (チョコレートケーキコーデ
Chokorēto Kēki Kōde
lit. "Chocolate Cake Coordinates")
File:Clothes 131 KHX.png Christmas Bear (クリスマスベア
Kurisumasu Bea)
File:Clothes 133 KHX.png White Santa Bear (ホワイトサンタベア
Howaito Santa Bea)
File:Clothes 135 KHX.png Snowy Bear (フォーリンスノーベア
Fōrin Sunō Bea
lit. "Fallen Snow Bear")
File:Clothes 137 KHX.png Jolly Bear (セイントボアベア
Seinto Boa Bea
lit. "Saint Boa Bear")
File:Clothes 139 KHX.png Organization XIII (XIII機関レプリカコート
Jūsan Kikan Repurika Kōto
lit. "Organization XIII Replica Coat")
Kingdom Box
File:Clothes 141 KHX.png New Year's Shimekazari (Good Harvest) (迎春しめ飾り【豊穣】
Geishun Shimekazari [Hōjō])
Nuwe jaar
Stuk Naam Hoe om te verkry
File:Clothes 11 KHX.png Action Pink (アクティブピンク
Akutibu Pinku
lit. "Active Pink")
Begin klere
File:Clothes 12 KHX.png Action Black (アクティブブラック
Akutibu Burakku
lit. "Active Black")
Begin klere
File:Clothes 13 KHX.png Cosmic Sky (ソーダフード
Sōda Fūdo
lit. "Soda Hood")
Begin klere
File:Clothes 14 KHX.png Cosmic Amber (シトラスフード
Shitorasu Fūdo
lit. "Citrus Hood")
Begin klere
File:Clothes 15 KHX.png Victorian Spring (グラッシーバルーン
Gurasshī Barūn
lit. "Grassy Balloon")
1ste kristalle van lig
File:Clothes 16 KHX.png Victorian Autumn (パッションバルーン
Passhon Barūn
lit. "Passion Balloon")
Moogle login bingo
File:Clothes 17 KHX.png Expert Explorer (ハードポップアウト
Hādo Poppuauto
lit. "Hard Pop-out")
File:Clothes 18 KHX.png Novice Explorer (ソフトポップアウト
Sofuto Poppuauto
lit. "Soft Pop-out")
Moogle login bingo
File:Clothes 19 KHX.png Moogle Blue (アシンメトリーモグ
Ashinmetorī Mogu
lit. "Asymmetrical Mog")
1ste kristalle van lig
File:Clothes 20 KHX.png Moogle Green (シンメトリーモグ
Shinmetorī Mogu
lit. "Symmetrical Mog")
Moogle login bingo
File:Clothes 24 KHX.png Arabian Amethyst (アラビアン・アメジスト
Arabian Amejisuto)
Guard Armor
File:Clothes 25 KHX.png Arabian Emerald (アラビアン・エメラルド
Arabian Emerarudo)
Guard Armor
File:Clothes 26 KHX.png Arabian Rose (アラビアン・ローズ
Arabian Rōzu)
Guard Armor
File:Clothes 28 KHX.png Rabbit Coordinates (ラビット・コーデ
Rabitto Kōde)
2de kristalle van lig
File:Clothes 30 KHX.png Cheshire Cat (チシャ猫コス
Chisha Neko Kosu
lit. "Cheshire Cat Costume")
2de kristalle van lig
File:Clothes 32 KHX.png Alice (アリス・エプロンドレス
Arisu Epuron Doresu
lit. "Alice Apron Dress")
2de kristalle van lig
File:Clothes 34 KHX.png Halloween Coordinates (ハロウィーン・コーデ
Harowīn Kōde)
File:Clothes 36 KHX.png Mrs. Claus (サンタクロースコス
Santa Kurōsu Kosu
lit. "Santa Claus Costume")
File:Clothes 38 KHX.png Snow White Outfit (スノーホワイトボア
Sunō Howaito Boa
lit. "Snow White Boa")
File:Clothes 40 KHX.png Reindeer (レインディア
File:Clothes 42 KHX.png White Reindeer (ホワイトレインディア
Howaito Reindia)
File:Clothes 44 KHX.png Christmas Tree Coordinates (クリスマスツリーコーデ
Kurisumasu Tsurī Kōde)
File:Clothes 46 KHX.png Saint Tree Coordinates (セイントツリーコーデ
Seinto Tsurī Kōde)
File:Clothes 48 KHX.png Snowwoman (スノーマン
File:Clothes 50 KHX.png Dazzling Snowwoman (リッチスノーマン
Ritchi Sunōman
lit. "Rich Snowman")
File:Clothes 52 KHX.png Furisode (振り袖) Nuwe jaar
File:Clothes 54 KHX.png Miko Coordinates (白衣緋袴コーデ
Hakui Hibakama Kōde)
Nuwe jaar
File:Clothes 56 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Nuwe jaar
File:Clothes 58 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Mog Trade
File:Clothes 60 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kingdom Box
File:Clothes 62 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Paasfees
File:Clothes 64 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Paasfees
File:Clothes 66 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Paasfees
File:Clothes 68 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Paasfees
File:Clothes 70 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Boys' Day
File:Clothes 72 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Boys' Day
Template:Nihongo Mog Trade
Kingdom Box
Template:Nihongo 2nd Guard Armor
Template:Nihongo 1st Anniversary
File:Clothes 85 KHX.png Template:Nihongo 1ste verjaardag
File:Clothes 87 KHX.png Template:Nihongo 1ste verjaardag
File:Clothes 90 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Nicotto Town crossover
File:Clothes 92 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Somer
File:Clothes 94 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kingdom Box
Template:Nihongo 1ste verjaardag
Template:Nihongo 1ste verjaardag
File:Clothes 116 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kingdom Box
File:Clothes 117 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kingdom Box
File:Clothes 120 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Praying Brage crossover
File:Clothes 122 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Halloween
File:Clothes 123 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Halloween
File:Clothes 125 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Plant
File:Clothes 127 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kersfees
File:Clothes 130 KHX.png Strawberry Shortcake (ストロベリーケーキコーデ
Sutoroberī Kēki Kōde
lit. "Strawberry Cake Coordinates")
File:Clothes 131 KHX.png Christmas Bear (クリスマスベア
Kurisumasu Bea)
File:Clothes 133 KHX.png White Santa Bear (ホワイトサンタベア
Howaito Santa Bea)
File:Clothes 135 KHX.png Snowy Bear (フォーリンスノーベア
Fōrin Sunō Bea
lit. "Fallen Snow Bear")
File:Clothes 137 KHX.png Jolly Bear (セイントボアベア
Seinto Boa Bea
lit. "Saint Boa Bear")
File:Clothes 140 KHX.png Organization XIII (XIII機関レプリカコート
Jūsan Kikan Repurika Kōto
lit. "Organization XIII Replica Coat")
Kingdom Box
File:Clothes 142 KHX.png New Year's Shimekazari (Prosperity) (迎春しめ飾り【繁栄】
Geishun Shimekazari [Han'ei])
Nuwe jaar
Part Name How to obtain
File:Hairstyle 0001 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Starting hairstyle
File:Hairstyle 0002 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Starting hairstyle
File:Hairstyle 0003 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Starting hairstyle
File:Hairstyle 0004 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Card Strengthening
File:Hairstyle 0006 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kingdom Box
File:Hairstyle 0007 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Easter
File:Hairstyle 0008 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Easter
File:Hairstyle 0009 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Mog Trade
File:Hairstyle 0010 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Valentine's Day
File:Hairstyle 0011 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Valentine's Day
File:Hairstyle 0012 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Reach LV300
File:Hairstyle 0013 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kingdom Box
File:Hairstyle 0014 KHX.png Template:Nihongo 1st Anniversary
File:Hairstyle 0015 KHX.png Template:Nihongo 1st Anniversary
Template:Nihongo 1st Anniversary
Template:Nihongo 1st Anniversary
File:Hairstyle 0026 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Summer
File:Hairstyle 0027 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Summer
File:Hairstyle 0028 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Summer
File:Hairstyle 0029 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Summer
File:Hairstyle 0030 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Summer
File:Hairstyle 0031 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Summer
File:Hairstyle 0032 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kingdom Box
File:Hairstyle 0033 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kingdom Box
File:Hairstyle 0034 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Praying Brage crossover
File:Hairstyle 0035 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Halloween
File:Hairstyle 0036 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Halloween
File:Hairstyle 0037 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Christmas
File:Hairstyle 0038 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Christmas
File:Hairstyle 0039 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Christmas
File:Hairstyle 0040 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Christmas
File:Hairstyle 0041 KHX.png Template:Nihongo New Year
Part Name How to obtain
File:Hairstyle 1002 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Starting hairstyle
File:Hairstyle 1003 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Starting hairstyle
File:Hairstyle 1004 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Card Strengthening
File:Hairstyle 1005 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Starting hairstyle
File:Hairstyle 1006 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Valentine's Day
File:Hairstyle 1007 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Mog Trade
File:Hairstyle 1008 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Valentine's Day
File:Hairstyle 1009 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kingdom Box
File:Hairstyle 1010 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Easter
File:Hairstyle 1011 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Easter
File:Hairstyle 1012 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Reach LV300
File:Hairstyle 1013 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kingdom Box
File:Hairstyle 0014 KHX.png Template:Nihongo 1st Anniversary
File:Hairstyle 0015 KHX.png Template:Nihongo 1st Anniversary
Template:Nihongo 1st Anniversary
Template:Nihongo 1st Anniversary
File:Hairstyle 1026 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Summer
File:Hairstyle 1027 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Summer
File:Hairstyle 0028 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Summer
File:Hairstyle 0029 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Summer
File:Hairstyle 0030 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Summer
File:Hairstyle 0031 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Summer
File:Hairstyle 1032 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kingdom Box
File:Hairstyle 0033 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Kingdom Box
File:Hairstyle 1034 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Praying Brage crossover
File:Hairstyle 0035 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Halloween
File:Hairstyle 1036 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Halloween
File:Hairstyle 0037 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Christmas
File:Hairstyle 0038 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Christmas
File:Hairstyle 0039 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Christmas
File:Hairstyle 0040 KHX.png Template:Nihongo Christmas
File:Hairstyle 1041 KHX.png Template:Nihongo New Year
Part Name
File:Hair color 01 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 02 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 03 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 06 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 07 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 08 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 09 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 10 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 11 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 12 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
Part Name
File:Hair color 01 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 02 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 03 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 04 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 05 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 06 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 07 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 08 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 09 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
File:Hair color 12 KHX.png Template:Nihongo
Part Name
File:Expression 01 KHX.png Bravery (ブレイブリー
File:Expression 02 KHX.png Intellect (インテレクト
File:Expression 03 KHX.png Cool (クール
File:Expression 04 KHX.png Active (アクティブ
File:Expression 05 KHX.png Gentle (ジェントル
File:Expression 06 KHX.png Joker (ジョークラー
Part Name
File:Expression 07 KHX.png Bravery (ブレイブリー
File:Expression 08 KHX.png Intellect (インテレクト
File:Expression 09 KHX.png Cool (クール
File:Expression 10 KHX.png Active (アクティブ
File:Expression 11 KHX.png Gentle (ジェントル
File:Expression 12 KHX.png Joker (ジョークラー
Part Name
File:Skin color 01 KHX.png Helder (ライト
File:Skin color 02 KHX.png Natuurlike (ナチュラル
File:Skin color 03 KHX.png Beige (ベージュ
File:Skin color 04 KHX.png Oker (オークル
File:Skin color 05 KHX.png Bruin (ブラウン

Eksterne skakels[]