Kingdom Hearts wiki
Red Nocturne
Heartless Heartless Emblem
Katakana レッドノクターン
Romaji Reddo Nokutān
Tipe Emblem Heartless
Tuis Wêreld Traverse Town
Hollow Bastion
Kasteel van drome
Castle Oblivion
Enchanted Dominion
Beast's Castle
Speletjies Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Dark Road
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory
Blue Rhapsody
Yellow Opera
Green Requiem
Black Ballade
Silver Rock
Emerald Blues
Crimson Jazz
Spring Metal
Scarlet Tango
Grey Caprice
Striped Aria
Sapphire Elegy
Pink Concerto
Turquoise March
Emerald Serenade
Violet Waltz
Wicked Watermelon
Large Watermelon
Huge Watermelon
Festive Fireworks
Large Fireworks
Huge Fireworks
Jack O' Lantern
Round Rice Cake
Large Rice Cake
Bitter Macaron
Mighty Macaron
Swaying Spook
Wandering Spook
Emerald Sonata

Kingdom Hearts

Spellcasting Heartless. While hovering about, they attack by casting Fire. Having low HP, they keep their distance from their opponents, making them difficult to attack. They absorb fire attacks.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - Sora's Story

A magic-wielding Heartless that drifts through the air. It's flighty and hard to hit.
The Red Nocturne attacks with Fire from a distance, and absorbs fire damage.

Kingdom Hearts coded

Spell-slinging Heartless that float on the breeze, but that doesn't mean they're a breeze to take down. Keep your distance and they'll try to toast you with Fire magic; get too close and they'll run away. Good thing they don't have much HP.

Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ

A support-type enemy that boosts the strength of its allies. Defeat it before it has the chance!
Before Rescue After
HP 24 60
Attack 9 35
Defense 9 27
MP Recovery 6 43
EXP 1 60
Weapon Fire Bliz. Thndr.
x1.0 Absorb x1.0 x0.5
Gravity Stop KO Other
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
(2) MP Ball x 4
(1) Munny x 1
Ether (1%), Blaze Shard (6%), Fira Ring (0.5%)
Traverse Town, Wonderland, Agrabah, Hollow Bastion
Before Rescue After
HP 24 60
Attack 9 35
Defense 9 27
MP Recovery 6 43
EXP 1 60
Weapon Fire Bliz. Thndr.
x1.0 Absorb x1.0 x0.5
Gravity Stop KO Other
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Phil Cup

Seed 8 (Monkey & Magic): 8x Red Nocturne
Seed 6 (Magic Alert): 6x Red Nocturne

Hades Cup

Seed 39 (Red Legion): 39x Red Nocturne
Seed 37 (Sorcerous Armor): 37x Red Nocturne
Seed 35 (Spiders & Magic): 35x Red Nocturne
Seed 33 (Magic Force): 33x Red Nocturne
Seed 18 (Blaze Bandits): 18x Red Nocturne
Seed 8 (The Requiem): 8x Red Nocturne

Floor Basement HP AP EXP
1 12 35 3 3
2 11 39 4 8
3 10 42 5 12
4 9 46 7 17
5 8 49 8 21
6 7 53 9 26
7 6 56 10 30
8 5 60 11 35
9 4 63 13 39
12 1 112 13 86
13 119 14 93
Physical Fire Bliz. Thndr. Neutral
x1.0 Absorb Stun x0.5 x1.0
Status Effects Grav. Stun Stop Warp
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Bind Conf. Terr. Mgnt. Frze.
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Fire Boost
Red Nocturne (card)
Increase the strength of Fire abilities.
Duration Cost Values Duel Time
1 reload 20 CP 1, 2, 4 3 cards 4 s
Traverse Town, Wonderland, Castle Oblivion



Die Red Nocturne (in Afrikaans: Rooi Nocturne) is 'n Emblem Heartless wat verskyn in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts coded en Kingdom Hearts χ.


Die Rooi Nocturne het 'n gladde, koniese, rooi lyf met 'n Heartless-embleem wat op sy bors aangeblaas is. Die bokant van sy liggaam flikker uitwaarts en vorm 'n gekartelde "kraag" onder die Heartless se bolvormige swart swart kop. Dit dra ook 'n koniese, geel hoed met 'n getande rand en 'n dun, gekrulde punt. Soos Rooi Nocturne, soos baie Heartless, gloeiende geel oë. Die oënskynlik nuttelose voete sport drie klein, dun tone.

Soos ander Heartless in sy familie, bestaan die Rooi Nocturne se naam uit 'n kleur—in hierdie geval rooi—en 'n musikale term, in hierdie geval 'n nocturne, wat gewoonlik 'n musikale samestelling is wat geïnspireer word deur of aanspraak maak op, die aand.


Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts χ algemene
LV AP HP EXP LUX Munny Kaarte Plek UCX Typ
15 3 ? 70 4 225 3
Magic Gem KHX



  • Die Rooi Nocturne begin 'n vuurbal op sy teiken.
  • Die Rooi Nocturne gehul homself in vlamme en stormloop op sy teiken.


Rooi Nocturnes gebruik vuur magie om teenstanders te beskadig; hulle is swak vir Blizzard Magic, en diegene wat hierdie Heartless daarmee slaan, verdien Tech Points. Rooi Nocturnes absorbeer en word genees deur Fire Magic wanneer dit deur Sora en sy vriende aangewend word.

Sora verdien Tech Points elke keer as hy 'n Rooi Nocturne se aanvalle blokkeer.[1][2][3][4]

Kommentaar en verwysings[]

  1. In Kingdom Hearts, voor Kairi se redding, verdien Sora een Tech Point elke keer as hy 'n Rooi Nocturne se vuurbalaanval blokkeer. Die aantal Tech Points verdien deur dit te doen, word verhoog tot twee in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
  2. Voor Kairi se redding verdien Sora twee Tech Points elke keer as hy Blizzard of Gravity op 'n Rooi Nocturne gooi.
  3. Ná Kairi se redding word 12 Tech Points verdien elke keer as Sora 'n Rooi Nocturne se vuurbalaanval suksesvol blokkeer.
  4. In Kingdom Hearts, na Kairi se redding, verdien Sora nege Tech Points elke keer as hy Blizzard of Gravity op 'n Rooi Nocturne gooi.

Eksterne skakels[]