Kingdom Hearts wiki
Red Hot Chili
Die Red Hot Chili Unversed soos dit verskyn in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Unversed Unversedlogo
Katakana レッドホットチリ
Romaji Reddo Hotto Chiri
Tipe Unversed
Tuis Wêreld Castle of Dreams
Disney Town
Dwarf Woodlands
Enchanted Dominion
Keyblade Graveyard
Olympus Coliseum
Radiant Garden
Speletjies Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory
Blue Sea Salt
Yellow Mustard
Prize Pod

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Don't expect these spice churls to hold still; you'll need to lock on if you want your blows to connect. Use Blizzard attacks to douse their fires for good. They may try to slam into you while ablaze, so be ready to stop, drop and roll—or at least roll.
Location HP EXP Str Def
Enchanted Dominion 15 2 7 3
Castle of Dreams 16 3 8 3
Dwarf Woodlands 16 4 11 4
Radiant Garden 18 5 14 6
Disney Town 20 7 16 9
Olympus Coliseum 20 7 16 9
Neverland 27 13 23 14
Keyblade Graveyard 31 24 26 15
Physical Fire Bliz. Thndr. Dark Other
x1.0 x0.5 x1.25 x0.75 x0.75 x1.0
Stun Freeze Mini Blind Ignite Confuse
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Bind Poison Slow Stop Sleep Death
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Zero Gravity Magnet Warp
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Shop LV 1-2
Shimmering Crystal (20%), Potion (40%), Ether (40%)
Shop LV 3-4
Shimmering Crystal (20%), Fire (40%), Ether (40%)/Shimmering Crystal (45%), Ignite (5%), Ether (50%) (Lvl 4 only)
Shop LV 5-6
Shimmering Crystal (25%), Fira (25%), Ether (50%)
Shop LV 7-8
Shimmering Crystal (45%), Firaga (5%), Ether (40%)
Enchanted Dominion, Castle of Dreams, Dwarf Woodlands, Radiant Garden, Disney Town, Olympus Coliseum, Neverland, Keyblade Graveyard, Mirage Arena
Location HP EXP Str Def
Dwarf Woodlands 15 2 7 3
Castle of Dreams 16 3 8 3
Enchanted Dominion 16 4 11 4
Radiant Garden 18 5 14 6
Disney Town 20 7 16 9
Olympus Coliseum 20 7 16 9
Neverland 27 13 23 14
Keyblade Graveyard 31 24 26 15
Physical Fire Bliz. Thndr. Dark Other
x1.0 x0.5 x1.25 x0.75 x0.75 x1.0
Stun Freeze Mini Blind Ignite Confuse
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Bind Poison Slow Stop Sleep Death
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Zero Gravity Magnet Warp
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Shop LV 1-2
Shimmering Crystal (20%), Potion (40%), Ether (40%)
Shop LV 3-4
Shimmering Crystal (20%), Fire (40%), Ether (40%)/Shimmering Crystal (45%), Ignite (5%), Ether (50%) (Lvl 4 only)
Shop LV 5-6
Shimmering Crystal (25%), Fira (25%), Ether (50%)
Shop LV 7-8
Shimmering Crystal (45%), Firaga (5%), Ether (40%)
Dwarf Woodlands, Castle of Dreams, Enchanted Dominion, Radiant Garden, Disney Town, Olympus Coliseum, Neverland, Keyblade Graveyard, Mirage Arena
Location HP EXP Str Def
Castle of Dreams 15 2 7 3
Dwarf Woodlands 16 3 8 3
Enchanted Dominion 16 4 11 4
Radiant Garden 18 5 14 6
Disney Town 20 7 16 9
Olympus Coliseum 23 9 19 12
Deep Space 23 9 19 12
Neverland 27 13 23 14
Keyblade Graveyard 31 24 26 15
Physical Fire Bliz. Thndr. Dark Other
x1.0 x0.5 x1.25 x0.75 x0.75 x1.0
Stun Freeze Mini Blind Ignite Confuse
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Bind Poison Slow Stop Sleep Death
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Zero Gravity Magnet Warp
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Shop LV 1-2
Shimmering Crystal (20%), Potion (40%), Ether (40%)
Shop LV 3-4
Shimmering Crystal (20%), Fire (40%), Ether (40%)/Shimmering Crystal (45%), Ignite (5%), Ether (50%) (Lvl 4 only)
Shop LV 5-6
Shimmering Crystal (25%), Fira (25%), Ether (50%)
Shop LV 7-8
Shimmering Crystal (45%), Firaga (5%), Ether (40%)
Castle of Dreams, Dwarf Woodlands, Enchanted Dominion, Radiant Garden, Disney Town, Olympus Coliseum, Deep Space, Neverland, Keyblade Graveyard, Mirage Arena



'N Red Hot Chili is 'n Unversed wat in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep en Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory voorkom.


Die Red Hot Chili is 'n klein wese wat op 'n rooi pot lyk. Die deksel is swart met 'n klein, keëlvormige, rooi punt daarop. Die bodem van die pot is ook swart met twee kort stekels daarop. Dit het 'n kort, rooi, weerligvormige "vleuel" aan elke weerskante van sy liggaam. Die groot, rooi oë neem die grootste deel van die voorkant van sy liggaam op en is in 'n gelukkige uitdrukking. Die Unversed-embleem is op sy rug.

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix word die hoofliggaam van die Red Hot Chili donkergrys, sy bodem en deksel word oranje, en die rand van sy bokant word kakiekleurig.

Soos die Blue Sea Salt en Yellow Mustard, is die Red Hot Chili vernoem na 'n kleur en 'n kos, maar die naam daarvan kan ook 'n woordspeling wees op die "Red Hot Chili Peppers", 'n Amerikaanse funk-rockband.


Die Red Hot Chili het 'n soortgelyke vegstyl as die Red Nocturne. Dit val spelers aan deur vuurballe te spoeg en hulle te stamp. Hulle het 'n redelik lae HP, en spelers kan lugaanvalle of Blizzard-magie gebruik om hulle te verslaan. Kommandostyle gebaseer op blizzard soos Diamond Dust of Frozen Fortune werk wonders teen hierdie vyand.


  • Jet aanval (ジェットアタック Jetto Atakku): Hy ramme die speler.
  • Spiraal aanval (スパイラルアタック Supairaru Atakku):
  • Vuur (ファイア Faia): Skiet 'n vuurbal op die speler.


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