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User Pain88 (Sandra Ws) Porträt

Pogo Shovel

Kingdom Hearts III
Part shovel, part pogo stick, part drill—and thankfully, all pretty clumsy. Stay calm and sidestep its attacks, especially the pounce; whiffing that one leaves this Heartless flat on its face and wide open.

Most of the time, its shovel will dig up rocks to sling your way, but once in a blue moon it'll hit a mother lode of prizes—all yours for the taking!

Location HP Strength Defense EXP
Monstropolis 68 38 19 62
(6 worlds cleared)
76 42 21 82
(The Final World cleared)
91 50 25 131
San Fransokyo 95 52 26 146
San Fransokyo
(The Final World cleared)
102 55 28 177
Physical Fire Blizzard Thunder Water
×1.0 ×0.7 ×1.5 ×0.7 ×1.0
Aero Dark Neutral Rapid-fire
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0
Freeze Electrify Stun Hunny
0 ×1.1

HP prize (1) ×2, Munny (1) ×3
Pulsing Gem (8%), Wellspring Stone (8%), Wellspring Gem (4%)
Monstropolis, San Fransokyo

'N Pogo Shovel is 'n Emblem hartlose wat in Kingdom Hearts III voorkom. Hy verskyn in die wêrelde Monstropolis en San Fransokyo.


Pogo Shovel lyk soos sy naam voorstel, soos 'n graaf. Die styl van die shovel is 'n lente en in plaas van 'n handvatsel die sferiese kop van die Hartlose. Hy dra 'n geel helm. Sy twee hande is in rooi bokshandskoene aangetrek.

Sy naam bestaan ​​uit die woord Pogo, 'n dansstyl uit die punk-toneel en saam met die woord shovel 'n tool.


Die Pogo Shovel is 'n klein gevaarlike vyand. Hy kan voordelig skatte kuit en klop op sy eie as jy sy aanvalle te ontduik. Pasop net vir die rotsagtige projektiele wat op u skiet.


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