Kingdom Hearts wiki


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
The crown says it all. Get this Meow Wow mammoth bouncing, and you've got yourself a battlefield full of royal pancakes.
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
A Meow Wow with a crown. Don't get crushed by its full-body attack!

EXP Mod Dream Piece
1.08 Malleable Fantasy
HP Strength Magic Defense
39.6 8.9 11.7 6.6
Fire Blizzard Thunder Water Dark Light
x1.05 x1.05 x1.05 x1.05 x1.05 x1.05
Attribute Style Link Attack
Physical Physical/Light Meow Wounce
Wild Animal Actively pursues melee attacks with its horn
To Pouncer: Rub its legs
To Magician: Poke its head and body or rear and tail
To Best Friend: Rub its head and body or rear and tail
Pouncer Prefers Horn Bounce
To Wild Animal: Poke its head and body
To Magician: Poke its legs or rear and tail
To Best Friend: Rub its legs or rear and tail
Magician Adds magic attacks
To Wild Animal: Poke its rear and tail
To Pouncer: Rub its rear and tail
To Best Friend: Rub its head and body or legs
Best Friend Attacks regularly but replenishes allies' HP when low
To Wild Animal: Poke its head and body or legs
To Pouncer: Rub its head and body or legs
To Magician: Poke its rear and tail

'N Meowjesty is 'n droom eter wat verskyn in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Sy Gees-weergawe word verkry via sintese en hy kan ontsluit word deur 'n "Augmented Reality (AR)"-kaart.[1]

Wanneer verslaan word, verlaat sy agter die droomfragment Malleable Fantasy. Sy skakel aanval is Meow Wounce.


Die Meowjesty is 'n paletwisseling van die Meow Wow, sy ontwerp is gebaseer op Mickey Mouse en sy status as koning. Swart bo-aan, rooi aan die onderkant, en met twee wit knoppies daarop, lyk dit soos Mickey se oorspronklike kostuum; die goue kroon op sy kop openbaar dit as die "Koning" van die Meow Wow, net soos Mickey die koning van Disney-kasteel is. Verf-wapens beïnvloed die kleur van die Meowjesty aanvanklik swart, bo-helfte van die liggaam.

Sy Japannese naam bevat die woorde "king" en nyan, die Japannese onomatopoeia vir die geluid wat 'n kat maak. Die Engelse naam is 'n woordspeling oor die woord 'majesteit', wat dikwels gebruik word wanneer dit verwys na 'n koninklike monarg.



Meowjesty se Prys lys
Icon Attack KHBBS
Thunder Dash
Icon Magic KHBBS
Icon Magic KHBBS
Icon Magic KHBBS
Icon Magic KHBBS
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Defense Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Defense Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Dark Screen
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Light Screen
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Bind Block
Support Ability Icon KH3D
Second Chance


Naam Element Vlak Ingesteldheid
WA[2] P[2] M[2] BF[2]
Horn Strike Physical 1
Horn Slice Physical 1
Horn Dive Physical 1
Horn Bounce Physical 1
Cure 1
Cura 10
Curaga 20
Balloon Neutral 1
Balloonra 16
Balloonga 25
Slow Neutral 1
Vanish 13
Combo Assist 18

Naam Element Vlak Ingesteldheid
WA[2] P[2] M[2] BF[2]
Horn Combo Physical 1 28% 25% 20% 30%
Horn Dive Physical 1 34% 20% 35% 20%
Horn Bounce Physical 1 25% 35% 15% 20%
Cure 1 10% 5% 5%
Cura 10
Curaga 20
Balloon Neutral 1 5% 5% 15% 5%
Balloonra 16
Balloonga 25
Slow 1 8% 5% 5% 5%
Vanish 13 5% 5%
Dark Mist Dark 1 Gevorderde opdrag

Formules vir die sintese[]

Kingdom 3D: Dream Drop Distance[]

Die Meowjesty formule word in die NA en PAL-weergawes verkry sodra Sora en Riku rang 20 in Flick Rush bereik. Die Meowjesty kan geskep word deur twee verskillende formules.

  • Die eerste formule is 'n rang C formule.
    • 2 Rampant Fantasy + 1 Malleable Fantasy
  • Die tweede formule is 'n rang B formule.
    • 3 Dulcet Fantasy + 2 Malleable Fantasy


Kommentaar en verwysings[]

  1. Met hierdie kaart, wat by die spel aangebied word, kry jy lukraak Meowjesty, Ursa Circus of Sudo Neku, maar nie al drie saam nie.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Ingestelheid: WA=Wild Animal, P=Pouncer, M=Magician, BF=Best Friend

Eksterne skakels[]