- Abaddon Plasma
- Absent Silhouette
- Abu
- Abyssal Tide
- Aced
- Aced's Keyblade
- Adamant Shield (KH)
- Adamant Shield (KHII)
- Aegis Shield
- Aerial Knocker
- Aerial Slam
- Aerith
- Aero Counter
- Aero Potion
- Aeroplane
- Air Dive
- Air Flair
- Air Pirate
- Air Soldier
- Akashic Record
- Aladdin
- Album (KHDR)
- Alice
- All Critical
- All for One
- Amber Opera
- Ampoule
- Anastasia
- Anchor Raider
- Angelic Amber
- Anna
- Anti-Aqua
- Anti Black Coat
- Apollo
- Aqua
- Aqua/Suite
- Aqua (Baas)
- Aqua (D-Link)
- Archraven
- Arendelle
- Ariel
- Ariel se susters
- Armed Warrior
- Armored Archer
- Armored Knight
- Armored Ventus Nightmare
- Asp's Bite
- Astral Blast
- Astrolabe
- Athena
- Attack Boost
- Attack Deflector
- Attack Upgrade
- Aubade
- Aura Lion
- Auto-Block (KHBBS)
- Auto-Counter
- Auto-Life
- Auto-Reload
- Auto-Remedy
- Auto-Teleport
- Ava
- Ava's Keyblade
- Axe Flapper
- Bad Guy Breaker
- Bag O' Coal
- Bag O' Coins
- Bag O' Gifts
- Bag O' Jewels
- Bag O' Points
- Baldr
- Barrel Roll
- Barrel Spider
- Barrier Master
- Bashful
- Battlefields of War
- Baymax
- Beatalike
- Belly Balloon
- Berserk (ability)
- Biggs
- Binding Strike
- Bitter Macaron
- Bizarre Archer
- Black Guard
- Blackout
- Blitz
- Blitz Spear
- Blizzard Counter
- Blobmob
- Block-Counter
- Blomme
- Blue Fairy
- Blue Rhapsody
- Blue Sea Salt
- Blue Trident Tail
- Boek van Profesieë
- Bond of Flame
- Bone Fist
- Boo
- Bouncy Pets
- Bragi
- Brain
- Braveheart
- Brawlamari
- Break Time
- Brick Hammer Frame
- Brightcrest
- Bruiser
- Buckle Bruiser
- Bunch O' Balloons
- Bunstar
- Buzz Lightyear
- Buzzerfly
- CDA Agent
- Calhoun
- Candy Apple
- Candy Kingdom
- Cannon Gun
- Cannoned Camel
- Carpet
- Catanuki
- Catastrochorus
- Centurion
- Cera Terror
- Chain Gear
- Chaos Carriage
- Chaos Ripper
- Char Clawbster
- Cheer
- Cheery Ape
- Chef Kyroo
- Cheshire kat
- Chief Puff
- Chill Clawbster
- Chill Ripper
- Chip
- Chip en Dale
- Chirithy
- Chiro
- Chocolate Gargoyle
- Chomper Egg
- Chrono Twister
- Cinderella
- Cinderella (D-Link)
- Cinderella se bal toga
- Cinderella se perde
- Circle of Life
- Circus Balloon
- Circus Clown
- Clair de Lune
- Clara Cluck
- Clarabelle Cow
- Classic Tone
- Claude Frollo
- Claws
- Cleo
- Clock Boost
- Clock Saver
- Clockwork Shield
- Cloudy Sunrise
- Combined Keyblade
- Comet Staff
- Command Counter
- Commander
- Commantis
- Confetti
- Confuse
- Confusion Strike
- Copter Fleet
- Cosmic Donald
- Counterpoint
- Crabclaw
- Creeper Bouquet
- Creeper Plant
- Crescendo
- Crescent (ability)
- Crimson Strike
- Croix du Sud
- Crown of Guilt
- Crystal Snow
- Cure Potion
- Cursed Coach
- Cutler Beckett
- Cy-Bug
- Cy-Bug Sector
- Cyber Yog
- Dagger
- Dainty Bellflowers
- Daisukenojo Bito
- Daisy Duck
- Dandelions
- Dark Baymax
- Dark Inferno
- Dark Inferno χ
- Dark Link
- Dark Plant
- Dark Spiral
- Dark Splicer
- Dark Star
- Darkball
- Darker Than Dark
- Darkgnaw
- Darkling
- Darkness (character)
- Darkside
- Darkside Ω
- Darkubes
- Data-Naminé
- Data-Sora
- Datascape
- Davy Jones
- Dawn Till Dusk
- Daybreak Town
- Decisive Pumpkin
- Decussation
- Deep Space
- Defender (shield)
- Demoiselle
- Demon Tide
- Demon Tower
- Destiny's Embrace
- Destroyed Behemoth
- Deurknop
- Diamond Dust
- Die Eksperiment
- Die Koningin
- Die Meester van Meesters
- Die ou vrou van die snoepwinkel
- Diver
- Divewing
- Divine Rose
- Doc
- Donald (D-Link)
- Donald Aero
- Donald Blizzard
- Donald Cure
- Donald Duck
- Donald Duck/Suite
- Donald Firaga
- Donald Fire
- Donald Flare
- Donald Thundaga
- Donald Thunder
- Dopey
- Double CP
- Double EXP
- Double Strike
- Dr. Jumba
- Dragonfire
- Drain
- Drain Counter
- Drak Quack
- Dream Eater
- Dream Rod
- Dream Shield
- Dream Sparkle
- Dream Sword
- Dreamcloud
- Drill Sye
- Drizella
- Dual Blade
- Dual Disc
- Dual Durandal
- Ducky Goose
- Dusk
- Dwarf Woodlands
- Eaglider
- Earth Core
- Earthshaker
- Eggcognito
- Eggscapade
- Eggster Bunny
- Eilande van die lot
- Eksperiment 221
- Electricorn
- Element Cluster
- Elizabeth Swann
- Elrena
- Elsa
- Emerald Sonata
- Enchanted Step
- End of Pain
- Ends of the Earth
- Enraged Arachnid
- Ephemer
- Escarglow
- Esmeralda
- Esuna
- Ever After
- Evolution
- Experiment 626 (D-Link)
- Fairy Harp
- Fairy Stars
- Faithcharge
- Falling Star
- Fantasista
- Fatal Crest
- Favorite Deputy
- Fenrir
- Ferocious Fins
- Ferris Gear
- Festive Fireworks
- Fin Fatale
- Finish (Aqua)
- Finish (Terra)
- Finish (Ventus)
- Fire Counter
- Fire Strike
- Fishboné
- Fix-It Felix, Jr.
- Flame Box
- Flame Core
- Flame Liberator
- Flappy Bug
- Flappy Bug Swarm
- Float
- Floating Flora
- Flood
- Flowbermeow
- Flower Rider
- Flowersnake
- Fluttering
- Flynn Rider
- Focus Barrier
- Focus Block
- Focus Popcat
- Focus Saver
- Follow the Wind
- Foreteller
- Fortress Crab
- Fortress Crab Ω
- Foudre
- Foxstar
- Fred
- Frolic Flame
- Frootz Cat
- Frost Serpent
- Frozen Pride
- Fruit Shot
- Frying Pan
- Fuu
- Gallery:Daisy Duck
- Gambler
- Game:Maleficent
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