Kingdom Hearts wiki

Keeba Tiger
DreamEater Nightmare and Spirit Combination KH3D
Katakana キバタイガー
Romaji Kiba Taigā
Tipe Spirit Dream Eater
Nightmare Dream Eater
Tuis Wêreld The World That Never Was
Speletjies Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory
Aura Lion

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Reports entry
What's there to say about this aura wielding speed demon? It doesn't fire its aura that often, so look for your chance and take it!

Recipe entry
What's there to say about this aura-wielding speed demon? You're striped if you do, and striped if you don't.



EXP Mod Dream Piece
1.22 Brilliant Fantasy
HP Strength Magic Defense
48.9 11.2 10.3 7.7
Fire Blizzard Thunder Water Dark Light
x1.15 x1.15 x1.15 x1.15 x0.55 x1.65
Attribute Style Link Attack
Dark Dark Aura Raid
Conqueror Occasionally uses charged attacks
To Usurper: Rub its head or hind legs and tail
To Cruel Mind: Poke its front legs and body
To Force of Nature: Rub its front legs and body
Usurper Doesn't charge up before attacks
To Conqueror: Poke its front legs and body or hind legs and tail
To Cruel Mind: Poke its head
To Force of Nature: Rub its head
Cruel Mind Uses magic attacks
To Conqueror: Poke its head or front legs and body
To Usurper: Rub its head or front legs and body
To Force of Nature: Rub its hind legs and tail
Force of Nature Only charged attacks
To Conqueror: Poke its hind legs and tail
To Usurper: Rub its hind legs and tail
To Cruel Mind: Poke its head or front legs and body

Location Level HP EXP Strength Magic Defense
Country of the Musketeers (Portal) 26 211 192 45 41 20
28 223 208 48 43 21
30 235 224 50 46 22
32 247 240 53 48 24
The World That Never Was 38 282 288 60 55 27
40 294 304 63 57 28
Resistances Fire Blizzard Thunder Water Dark Light
x1.15 x1.15 x1.15 x1.15 x0.55 x1.65
Status Effects Stun Mini Sleep Blind Stop Freeze
x1.0 x0 x1.0 x0 x1.0 x1.0
Confuse Poison Magnet Slow Ignite Bind
x1.0 x0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Zero Gravity Time Bomb Zantetsuken
x1.0 x1.0 x0
HP Orb x3 (30%), Big Munny x1 (40%), Droplet x3 (30%)
Confetti Candy 3 (3%), Treasure Goggles (1%)
Dulcet Fancy (12%), Intrepid Fantasy (6%)
The World That Never Was
Country of the Musketeers (Portal)

'N Keeba Tiger is 'n droom eter wat verskyn in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Sy Gees-weergawe word verkry via sintese, terwyl sy Nagmerrie-weergawe gevind kan word in The World That Never Was, en in Country of the Musketeers in 'n portaal.

Wanneer die gees weergawe verslaan word, verlaat sy agter die droomfragment Brilliant Fantasy. Sy skakel aanval is Aura Raid.


Die Keeba Tiger blyk te wees gegrond op 'n Smilodon, 'n spesiale soort van sabeltandkat wat bekend staan vir sy lang, groot fangs. Soos sy naamgenoot, is dit ook baie soos 'n tier.

"Kiba" (牙) vertaal na "fang".

In die konteks van vechtkunsten en Asiatiese filosofie is die draak en tier belangrike simbole oor die dualiteit en polariteit van die natuurlike wêreld. Die Tiger is in hierdie geval verteenwoordigend van dié van Yin, wie se aspekte gevind word in terme van materie, duisternis en die Aarde, wat opbrengs, verspreide en ontspanne aspekte bevat. In vechtkunsten word die Tiger gesê om harde en eksterne style te verteenwoordig, met die fokus op fisiese eienskappe, insluitend die gebruik van suiwer fisiese krag, die tempering van sy liggaam vir die doel van uithouvermoë, plofbare spoed en direkte konfrontasie. Dit word verder beklemtoon op sy Raad vir Vermoëskoppeling, wat sterk op Attack Boosts fokus en dit toelaat om op Donkergebaseerde vermoëns, insluitende die pyn vir Sacrifice.



Keeba Tiger se Prys lys
Icon Attack KHBBS
Dark Aura
Icon Attack KHBBS
Dark Splicer
Icon Attack KHBBS
Icon Magic KHBBS
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
HP Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
HP Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
HP Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Sleep Block
Support Ability Icon KH3D
EXP Boost


Naam Element Vlak Ingesteldheid
C[1] U[1] CM[1] FoN[1]
Right Claw Fire 1
Left Claw Fire 1
Right Maul Fire 1
Left Maul Fire 1
Aura Lunge Physical
Powerful Lunge Physical
Aura Dive Physical
Powerful Dive Physical
Dive Warp Physical 1
Dark Firaga Dark 45
Cure 1
Cura 12
Curaga 28
Zero Gravity Neutral 1
Zero Gravira 20
Zero Graviga 30
Blackout Neutral 10
Drain 15

Naam Element Vlak Ingesteldheid
C[1] U[1] CM[1] FoN[1]
Claw Combo Fire 1 30% 20% 26% 20%
Aura Lunge Physical
1 25% 20% 26% 25%
Aura Dive Physical
1 25% 37% 10% 30%
Dark Firaga Dark 45 10% 20% 20% 15%
Cure 1 3% 3%
Cura 12
Curaga 28
Zero Gravity Neutral 1 10% 15% 10%
Zero Gravira 20
Zero Graviga 30
Dark Mist Dark 1 Gevorderde opdrag

Formules vir die sintese[]

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance[]

Riku kan die Keeba Tiger formule van 'n skatkis by die Delusive Beginning in die wêreld wat nooit was nie kry. Die Keeba Tiger kan geskep word deur drie verskillende formules.

  • Die eerste formule is 'n rang D formule.
    • 1 Prickly Fantasy + 2 Savage Fantasy
  • Die tweede formule is 'n rang C formule wat 'n 40% kans op transformasie vanaf Aura Lion het.
    • 2 Brilliant Fantasy + 4 Intrepid Fantasy
  • Die derde formule is 'n rang B formule.
    • 2 Savage Fantasy + 6 Noble Fantasy

Kommentaar en verwysings[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Ingestelheid: C=Conqueror, U=Usurper, CM=Cruel Mind, FoN=Force of Nature

Eksterne skakels[]