Kingdom Hearts wiki
Green Requiem
Heartless Heartless Emblem
Katakana グリーンレクイエム
Romaji Gurīn Rekuiemu
Tipe Emblem Heartless
Tuis Wêreld Traverse Town
Deep Jungle
Hollow Bastion
Kasteel van drome
Enchanted Dominion
Speletjies Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts coded
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
Red Nocturne
Blue Rhapsody
Yellow Opera
Black Ballade
Silver Rock
Emerald Blues
Crimson Jazz
Spring Metal
Scarlet Tango
Grey Caprice
Striped Aria
Sapphire Elegy
Pink Concerto
Turquoise March
Emerald Serenade
Violet Waltz
Wicked Watermelon
Large Watermelon
Huge Watermelon
Festive Fireworks
Large Fireworks
Huge Fireworks
Jack O' Lantern
Round Rice Cake
Large Rice Cake
Bitter Macaron
Mighty Macaron
Swaying Spook
Wandering Spook
Emerald Sonata
Vermilion Samba
Marine Rumba
Gold Beat
Malachite Bolero

Kingdom Hearts

Spellcasting Heartless. They heal themselves and other Heartless with Cure. They are slow-moving, but hover high in the air and absorb most magic attacks.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - Sora's Story

A magic-wielding Heartless that drifts through the air. It doesn't attack, but it can cast Cure to heal other Heartless.
The Green Requiem is slow, but is healed by basic elemental magic, making it tough to squash.

Kingdom Hearts coded

Spell-slinging Heartless that drift in midair, ready to cast Cure magic if one of their cohorts' HP drifts into the red. They can heal themselves, too, and will try to flee if you attack them. Good thing they don't have much HP.
Before Rescue After
HP 15 60
Attack 14 31
Defense 12 20
MP Recovery 14 48
EXP 4 120
Weapon Fire Bliz. Thndr.
x1.0 Absorb Absorb Absorb
Gravity Stop KO Other
x1.0[1] x1.0[2] x1.0 x1.0
(1) HP Ball x4
(2) MP Ball x1, (15) MP Ball x1
Ether (8%)[KH I], Bright Shard (12%)[KH I], Protera Chain (1%)[KH I][3]
Traverse Town, Agrabah, Monstro, Deep Jungle, Hollow Bastion
Before Rescue After
HP 15 60
Attack 14 31
Defense 12 20
MP Recovery 14 48
EXP 4 120
Weapon Fire Bliz. Thndr.
x1.0 Absorb Absorb Absorb
Gravity Stop KO Other
x1.0[1] x1.0[2] x1.0 x1.0
Phil Cup

Seed 8 (Monkey & Magic): 8x Green Requiem
Seed 3 (Indomitable): 3x Green Requiem

Pegasus Cup

Seed 6 (Pots & Bolts): 6x Green Requiem

Hades Cup

Seed 36 (Mad Fungus): 36x Green Requiem
Seed 34 (Optical Trick): 34x Green Requiem

Floor Basement HP AP EXP
2 11 44 3 8
3 10 48 4 12
4 9 52 4 17
5 8 56 5 21
6 7 60 6 26
12 1 128 9 86
13 136 9 93
Physical Fire Bliz. Thndr. Neutral
x1.0 Absorb Absorb Absorb x1.0
Status Effects Grav. Stun Stop Warp
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Bind Conf. Terr. Mgnt. Frze.
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Cure Boost
Green Requiem (card)
Increases the potency of Cure abilities.
Duration Cost Values Duel Time
1 reload 20 CP 1, 2, 4 3 cards 4 s
Agrabah, Monstro, Castle Oblivion



Die Green Requiem (in Afrikaans: Groen Requiem) is 'n Embleem Hartloos wat in Kingdom Hearts bekendgestel is.


'N Green Requiem het 'n gladde, koniese, groen lyf en het 'n hartlose embleem op sy bors aangeblaas. Die bokant van sy liggaam flikker uitwaarts en vorm 'n gekartelde "kraag" onder die Heartless se bolvormige swart kop. Dit dra ook 'n koniese, oranje hoed met 'n gekneusde rand en 'n dun, gekrulde punt. Net soos baie hartlose, die Green Requiem het helder geel oë. Die oënskynlik nuttelose dun voete het drie klein, dun tone.

Soos ander hartloose van sy familie, verwys die naam van die Green Requiem na 'n kleur—in hierdie geval groen—en 'n musieknaam—in hierdie geval, 'n requiem, 'n stuk musiek saamgestel om 'n dooie persoon te vereer. Dit is gepas, gegewe die Green Requiem se vermoë om ander Heartless te genees.


'N Goeie manier om Green Requiem te verslaan, is om High Jump en Aerial Sweep toe te rus, dan spring en aanval. Dit is ook belangrik om daarop te let dat hulle absorbeer al magie uitspel. In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories en Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, moenie aanval kaarte met passiewe elemente, soos Lionheart en Photon Debugger toerus nie, aangesien die gebruik van hierdie kaarte om 'n Green Requiem aan te val, dit sal genees.

In Kingdom Hearts kan addisionele Tech Points verdien word deur Gravity Magic te gooi.[4][5]

Kommentaar en verwysings[]

  1. x0.8 nadat Kairi gered het.
  2. x0.6 nadat Kairi gered het.
  3. Beloon in die Final Mix weergawe: (1) HP Ball x4
    (2) MP Ball x1, (15) MP Ball x1
    Ether (4%), Bright Shard (10%), Protera Chain (0.5%)
  4. Voordat Kairi se redding, vir die gebruik van Gravity magic, 2 Tech Points verdien kan word in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.
  5. Na Kairi se redding, vir die gebruik van Gravity magic, kan 9 Tech Points verdien word in Kingdom Hearts.

Eksterne skakels[]