Kingdom Hearts Union χ |
Gearbit This menace of a monster lowers the defense of its enemies. Use special attacks to defeat it before it defeats you! Red Gearbit This mech monster has boosted Power-based strength and defense! Magic-based equipment is a must! Green Gearbit This mech monster has boosted Speed-based strength and defense! Power-based equipment is a must! Blue Gearbit This mech monster has boosted Magic-based strength and defense! Speed-based equipment is a must! |
Die Gearbit is 'n Embleem Heartless wat in Kingdom Hearts Union χ bekendgestel is tydens die Goofy skerm debuut herdenking gebeurtenis in 2017. Bietjie meer gepantserde weergawes bestaan in die kleure rooi, groen en blou, met hul kenmerk.[1][2][3]
Hierdie Hartlose het die voorkoms van 'n baksteenkegel wat deur twee ratte verbind word. 'N Swart kop steek oor die ratte uit. Kleurvolle weergawes (rooi, blou en groen) bestaan. Hulle het 'n sterker wapenrusting as die normale weergawe en hulle dra 'n helm.
Die Gearbit is 'n swak vyand; dit verskyn gewoonlik met die Gear Golem of in gebeurtenis quests om 'n Raid Boss te openbaar. Die gekleurde weergawes het krag en verdediging in hul onderskeie eienskappe verhoog. Om hom maklik te oorkom, is dit nodig om die attribute wat 'n voordeel bo hul s'n het, te gebruik.
Kommentaar en verwysings[]
Eksterne skakels[]
Additional Characters |
Party Members |
Keyblade Wielder |
Pets (Troeteldiere) |
Pupstar - Kitstar - Bunstar - Pigstar - Reinstar - Pupmoon - Hamstar - Monstar - Lambstar - Foxstar - Horstar - Tortoistar - Otterstar - Giraffestar - Flowerkit - Chameleostar - Snowpup - Snowcub - Coonstar - Leostar - Bunmoon - Wolfstar - Squirrelstar - Mummystar - Alpacastar - Hedgestar - Gingerbread - Fenstar |
Non-playable characters |
Anastasia - Aurora - Brain - Calhoun - Carpet - Cave of Wonders Guardian - Cinderella - Cinderella se perde - Cy-Bug - Darkness - Drizella - Elrena - Felix - Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather - Genie - Grand Duke - Iago - Jafar - Jaq - Jasmine - King Candy - Lady Tremaine - Lauriam - Lucifer - Maleficent's goons - Mog - Prince Charming - Prince Phillip - Sour Bill - Ralph - Samson - Sephiroth - Strelitzia - Strelitzia's killer - Sultan - Vanellope - Ventus |
Additional Locations |
Worlds |
Castle of Dreams - Game Central Station - Niceland - Cy-Bug Sector - Candy Kingdom |
Additional Enemies |
Enemy Heartless |
Amber Opera - Barrier Master - Blitz Spear - Blue Gearbit - Blue Gummi Saucer - Bunch O' Balloons - Burrfish - Chill Ripper - Chipper Chef - Dark Wisp - Diver - Emerald Sonata - Flappy Bug - Flappy Rider - Fluttering - Fortuneteller - Gargoyle Wizard - Gearbit - Gold Tricholoma - Gold Hammer Frame - Golden Hook Bat - Green Requiem - Heat Saber - Huge Shenaneggan - Huge Snowman - Luna Bandit - Margoyle - Munny Egg - Ogre - Paralysis Archer - Piercing Knight - Pleasure Dog - Poison Archer - Poison Pot - Polliwog - Pot Scorpion - Pot Spider - Ratty Rat - Red Gearbit - Red Gummi Saucer - Ring-A-Ding - Rush Ghost - Shadow Magician - Shadow Witch - Shred Ghost - Silver Hammer Frame - Sleep Archer - Sleepy Snoozer - Sly Cat - Sparkler - Swing Cactus - Trick Ghost - Warlock Step - Wicked Wick - Wight Knight - Wild Shaman - Wily Cat |
Raid Bosses |
Adventurer - Assault Dragon - Cranky Cake - Demon Tide - Enraged Arachnid - Gear Golem - Greedy Grouch - Heartless Tsum - Holiday Sleigh - Jewel Princess - Jewel Sorceress - Loudmouth Parade - Malicious Spider - Merry-Go-Rowdy - Mysterious Sir | Scourge Spider - Wicked Spider |
Heartless Bosses |
Apricot Opera - Blizzard Lord and Volcanic Lord - Flappy Bug Swarm - Flutterings - Ferocious Fins - Ferry Reaper - Gummi Golem - Icy Beast - Ifrit - Iron Giant - Leviathan - Martial Monkey - Mean Maiden - Metal Giant - Nimble Reaper - Pink Agaricus - Pot Centipede - Ramuh - Ratty Rat Trio - Reversed Defender - Ribbitoad - Royal Pretender - Savage Vanguard - Shipwreck Shark - Shiva - Soda Specter - Thorned Snake - Titan - Upright Defender - Vile Reaper - Weapon Master - Werewolf |
Additional weapons |
Sleeping Lion - Counterpoint - Stroke of Midnight - Fenrir - Darkgnaw - Missing Ache - Fairy Stars - Diamond Dust - Bad Guy Breaker |
Exclusive Terms |
Medal - Quests - Rulebook - χ3 |
| |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts | |
Shadow | Soldier | Air Soldier | Large Body | Red Nocturne | Blue Rhapsody | Yellow Opera | Green Requiem | Powerwild | Bouncywild | Bandit | Fat Bandit | Pot Spider | Barrel Spider | Search Ghost | Sheltering Zone | Sea Neon | Screwdiver | Aquatank | Gargoyle | Wight Knight | Shadow Glob | Pirate | Air Pirate | Battleship | Shadow Sora | Darkball | Wyvern | Defender | Wizard | White Mushroom | Black Fungus | Rare Truffle | Invisible | Angel Star | Bit Sniper | |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix | |
Gigas Shadow | Stealth Soldier | Black Ballade | Sniperwild | Grand Ghost | Pot Scorpion | Missile Diver | Jet Balloon | Chimera | Pink Agaricus | Neoshadow | |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories | |
Creeper Plant | Crescendo | Tornado Step | |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts II | |
Silver Rock | Emerald Blues | Crimson Jazz | Trick Ghost | Rabid Dog | Hook Bat | Bookmaster | Minute Bomb | Hammer Frame | Bulky Vendor | Fortuneteller | Cannon Gun | Rapid Thruster | Driller Mole | Lance Soldier | Morning Star | Fiery Globe | Icy Cube | Luna Bandit | Gargoyle Knight | Gargoyle Warrior | Graveyard | Toy Soldier | Aeroplane | Hot Rod | Assault Rider | Nightwalker | Bolt Tower | Magnum Loader | Strafer | Devastator | Living Bone | Shaman | Aerial Knocker | Armored Knight | Surveillance Robot | |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix | |
Spring Metal | Aerial Viking | Magic Phantom | Beffudler | Runemaster | Iron Hammer | Mad Ride | Camo Cannon | Reckless | Lance Warrior | Necromancer | Aerial Champ | |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days | |
Mega-Shadow | Scarlet Tango | Grey Caprice | Striped Aria | Sapphire Elegy | Pink Concerto | Turquoise March | Emerald Serenade | Dire Plant | Fire Plant | Blizzard Plant | Poison Plant | Massive Possessor | Rare Vendor | Guardian | Destroyer | Skater Bomb | Storm Bomb | Detonator | Deserter | Sergeant | Commander | Flare Note | Bubble Beat | Barrier Master | Large Armor | Clay Armor | Solid Armor | Land Armor | Snapper Dog | Bully Dog | Cymbal Monkey | Tricky Monkey | Novashadow | Air Battler | Aerial Master | Artful Flyer | Sky Grappler | Snowy Crystal | Ice Cannon | Switch Launcher | Jumbo Cannon | Spiked Crawler | Scorching Sphere | Creepworm | Hover Ghost | Carrier Ghost | Living Pod | Zip Slasher | Dual Blade | Heat Saber | Chill Ripper | Blitz Spear | Stalwart Blade | Tailbunker | Avalanche | Wavecrest | Phantomtail | Windstorm | Dustflier | Orcus | |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts coded | |
Blox Bug | Danger Bug | Metal Bug | Prize Bug | Eliminator | Gold Tricholoma | |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] | |
Armed Warrior | Armored Archer | Bag O' Coal | Bag O' Coins | Bag O' Gifts | Bag O' Jewels | Bag O' Points | Bitter Macaron | Candy Apple | Cannoned Camel | Cheery Ape | Chocolate Gargoyle | Chomper Egg | Circus Balloon | Circus Clown | Cloudy Sunrise | Copter Fleet | Creeper Bouquet | Dark Plant | Dual Durandal | Eggcognito | Eggscapade | Eggster Bunny | Festive Fireworks | Flower Rider | Gift Shadow | Gilled Glider | Great Pretender | Growth Egg | Gummi Copter | Gummi Hammer | High Wizard | Huge Fireworks | Huge Watermelon | Jack O' Lantern | King Pretender | Large Fireworks | Large Rice Cake | Large Snowman | Large Watermelon | Lion Dancer | Mighty Macaron | Nimble Bee | Nosy Mole | Pester Jester | Pink Possessor | Poison Apple | Prank Bouquet | Pretender | Prize Egg | Pumpkin Soldier | Rainy Loudmouth | Raging Reindeer | Red Bandit | Red Rose | Ringmaster | Rodeo Rider | Round Rice Cake | Rush Sheep | Shenaneggan | Stinging Bee | Strange Tree | Swaying Spook | Swordsman | Terrible Tomte | Violet Waltz | Wandering Spook | White Chocolate Statue | White Rose | Wibble Wobble | Wicked Watermelon | Wind-Up Leaf Cake | |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ & Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] | |
Amber Opera | Brick Hammer Frame | Burrfish | Bunch O' Balloons | Burst Cherry | Candy Plant | Candy Squad | Chipper Chef | Dark Wisp | Diver | Emerald Sonata | False Master | Flappy Bug | Flappy Rider | Gargoyle Wizard | Gearbit | Golden Hook Bat | Gummi Saucer | Huge Shenaneggan | Margoyle | Munny Egg | Noble Whip Soldier | Paralysis Archer | Piercing Knight | Pleasure Dog | Poison Archer | Poison Pot | Poisonous Pretender | Polliwog | Raccoon Dog Soldier | Ratty Rat | Ring-A-Ding | Rush Ghost | Shadow Magician | Shadow Witch | Shred Ghost | Sleep Archer | Sleepy Snoozer | Sly Cat | Sparkler | Swaying Cactus | Trick Ghost | Warlock Step | Wicked Wick | Wild Shaman | Wily Cat | |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- | |
Fluttering | Flame Core | Water Core | Earth Core | |
Introduced in Kingdom Hearts III | |
Dark Inferno | High Soldier | Helmed Body | Vermilion Samba | Marine Rumba | Gold Beat | Malachite Bolero | Popcat | Vitality Popcat | Magic Popcat | Focus Popcat | Munny Popcat | Bizarre Archer | Rock Troll | Metal Troll | Satyr | Mechanitaur | Toy Trooper | Pole Cannon | Marionette | Pogo Shovel | Parasol Beauty | Chief Puff | Puffball | Chaos Carriage | Winterhorn | Frost Serpent | Vaporfly | Sea Sprite | Spear Lizard | Anchor Raider | Tireblade |