Game Central Station | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Engels | Game Central Station | |||||||||||||||||||
Speletjie | Kingdom Hearts Union χ
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Oorsprong | Wreck-It Ralph | |||||||||||||||||||
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Game Central Station is 'n wêreld wat in Kingdom Hearts Union χ geïmplementeer word. Dit is gebaseer op die Disney-fliek, Wreck-It Ralph.
Die Game Central Station dien as 'n sentrale stasie en 'n wêreld sentrum wat bestaande met ander van data wêrelde verbind en reis tussen hierdie toelaat. Die Speler en Ephemer ondersoek die Game Central Station om die voorkoms van foute in die Stad Daybreak Town te verstaan.
Instellings en gebiede[]
Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross][]
Na aanleiding van die herhalende en onlangse foute in die Daybreak Town, besluit Ephemer en die Speler en hulle Chirithy om die bron van die probleme op te spoor. Met behulp van 'n portaal volg die groep die Flappy Bugs, wat hulle na Game Central Station lei.
Op die eerste keer verras om in 'n nuwe wêreld te kom, vind die groep vinnig die teenwoordigheid van verskeie "ingange" en "uitgange" na ander plekke. Toe hulle hul teikens identifiseer, besluit die groep vinnig om te separate: Die Speler en Chirithy streef na die Flap Bugs na Niceland, terwyl Ephemer die Darklings in die Cy-Bug Sector najaag.
Gekoppelde wêrelde deur Game Central Station[]
Die lis van wêrelde wat deur Game Central Station gekoppel is:[1]
Kommentaar en verwysings[]
Eksterne skakels[]
Additional Characters |
Party Members |
Keyblade Wielder |
Pets (Troeteldiere) |
Pupstar - Kitstar - Bunstar - Pigstar - Reinstar - Pupmoon - Hamstar - Monstar - Lambstar - Foxstar - Horstar - Tortoistar - Otterstar - Giraffestar - Flowerkit - Chameleostar - Snowpup - Snowcub - Coonstar - Leostar - Bunmoon - Wolfstar - Squirrelstar - Mummystar - Alpacastar - Hedgestar - Gingerbread - Fenstar |
Non-playable characters |
Anastasia - Aurora - Brain - Calhoun - Carpet - Cave of Wonders Guardian - Cinderella - Cinderella se perde - Cy-Bug - Darkness - Drizella - Elrena - Felix - Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather - Genie - Grand Duke - Iago - Jafar - Jaq - Jasmine - King Candy - Lady Tremaine - Lauriam - Lucifer - Maleficent's goons - Mog - Prince Charming - Prince Phillip - Sour Bill - Ralph - Samson - Sephiroth - Strelitzia - Strelitzia's killer - Sultan - Vanellope - Ventus |
Additional Locations |
Worlds |
Castle of Dreams - Game Central Station - Niceland - Cy-Bug Sector - Candy Kingdom |
Additional Enemies |
Enemy Heartless |
Amber Opera - Barrier Master - Blitz Spear - Blue Gearbit - Blue Gummi Saucer - Bunch O' Balloons - Burrfish - Chill Ripper - Chipper Chef - Dark Wisp - Diver - Emerald Sonata - Flappy Bug - Flappy Rider - Fluttering - Fortuneteller - Gargoyle Wizard - Gearbit - Gold Tricholoma - Gold Hammer Frame - Golden Hook Bat - Green Requiem - Heat Saber - Huge Shenaneggan - Huge Snowman - Luna Bandit - Margoyle - Munny Egg - Ogre - Paralysis Archer - Piercing Knight - Pleasure Dog - Poison Archer - Poison Pot - Polliwog - Pot Scorpion - Pot Spider - Ratty Rat - Red Gearbit - Red Gummi Saucer - Ring-A-Ding - Rush Ghost - Shadow Magician - Shadow Witch - Shred Ghost - Silver Hammer Frame - Sleep Archer - Sleepy Snoozer - Sly Cat - Sparkler - Swing Cactus - Trick Ghost - Warlock Step - Wicked Wick - Wight Knight - Wild Shaman - Wily Cat |
Raid Bosses |
Adventurer - Assault Dragon - Cranky Cake - Demon Tide - Enraged Arachnid - Gear Golem - Greedy Grouch - Heartless Tsum - Holiday Sleigh - Jewel Princess - Jewel Sorceress - Loudmouth Parade - Malicious Spider - Merry-Go-Rowdy - Mysterious Sir | Scourge Spider - Wicked Spider |
Heartless Bosses |
Apricot Opera - Blizzard Lord and Volcanic Lord - Flappy Bug Swarm - Flutterings - Ferocious Fins - Ferry Reaper - Gummi Golem - Icy Beast - Ifrit - Iron Giant - Leviathan - Martial Monkey - Mean Maiden - Metal Giant - Nimble Reaper - Pink Agaricus - Pot Centipede - Ramuh - Ratty Rat Trio - Reversed Defender - Ribbitoad - Royal Pretender - Savage Vanguard - Shipwreck Shark - Shiva - Soda Specter - Thorned Snake - Titan - Upright Defender - Vile Reaper - Weapon Master - Werewolf |
Additional weapons |
Sleeping Lion - Counterpoint - Stroke of Midnight - Fenrir - Darkgnaw - Missing Ache - Fairy Stars - Diamond Dust - Bad Guy Breaker |
Exclusive Terms |
Medal - Quests - Rulebook - χ3 |