Kingdom Hearts wiki

Frootz Cat

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Punishably pink and sinister levels of sweet, this Necho Cat snipes opponents with magic and heals buddies with fancy footwork.

EXP Mod Dream Piece
1.30 Charming Fantasy
HP Strength Magic Defense
41.9 9.7 10.3 6.7
Fire Blizzard Thunder Water Dark Light
x0.85 x0.85 x0.85 x0.85 x0.40 x1.35
Attribute Style Link Attack
Dark Dark Paw Groove
Mixed Bag Uses basic set of attacks and recovery
To Pretty Kitty: Rub its face
To Catnipper: Poke its legs
To Sweetheart: Rub its legs
Pretty Kitty Constantly spinning around
To Mixed Bag: Poke its legs
To Catnipper: Poke its face
To Sweetheart: Rub its face
Catnipper Launches attacks from long range; conjures Musical Storm when close
To Mixed Bag: Poke its body
To Pretty Kitty: Rub its tail
To Sweetheart: Rub its face
Sweetheart Uses only music magic
To Mixed Bag: Poke its face
To Pretty Kitty: Rub its face
To Catnipper: Poke its legs

'N Frootz Cat is 'n droom eter wat verskyn in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Sy Gees-weergawe word verkry via sintese en hy kan ontsluit word deur 'n spesiale "Augmented Reality (AR)"-kaart.

Wanneer verslaan word, verlaat sy agter die droomfragment Charming Fantasy. Sy skakel aanval is Paw Groove.


Soos die naam aandui, is die Frootz Cat se ontwerp 'n vruggebaseerde variasie van die Necho Cat. Dit het 'n pienk/rooi kleurskema, die klokkies op die bokant van die ore vervang met aarbeie, en die een om sy nek word met 'n perske vervang. Om haar nek dra sy 'n groen en geel halssnoer met 'n appel. Haar bors is versier met die rooierige simbool van die droometer. Haar swart oë is ovaalvormig en het 'n geel streepvormige pupil. Die musieknoot op haar stert word vervang deur 'n kersie met 'n lang stam en blaar.



Frootz Cat se Prys lys
Icon Attack KHBBS
Icon Magic KHBBS
Icon Magic KHBBS
Triple Plasma
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Thunder Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Reload Boost
Spirits Ability Icon KH3D
Support Boost


Naam Element Vlak Ingesteldheid
MB[1] BK[1] C[1] S[1]
Triplet Spin Donker 1
Musical Storm Donker 1
F Minor Vuur 1
Dozer Mine Donker 1
Musical Bolt Weerlig 1
Healing Dance 1

Naam Element Vlak Ingesteldheid
MB[1] BK[1] C[1] S[1]
Triplet Spin Donker 1 25% 40% 15% 15%
Musical Storm Donker 1 35% 15% 25% 15%
F Minor Vuur 1 10% 25% 25%
Dozer Mine Donker 1 15% 5% 5% 15%
Musical Bolt Weerlig 1 15% 15% 25% 25%
Healing Dance 1 10% 15% 5% 5%
Elixir 1 Gevorderde opdrag

Formules vir die sintese[]

Kingdom 3D: Dream Drop Distance[]

  • Die Frootz Cat kan geskep word deur middel van 'n rang C formules in die NA- en PAL-weergawes.
    • 2 Charming Fantasy + 2 Brilliant Fantasy

Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD[]

Die Frootz Cat formule kan by die Moogle Winkel gekoop word. Die Frootz Cat kan geskep word deur vier verskillende formules.

  • Die eerste formule is 'n rang D formule.
    • 4 Wondrous Fancy + 5 Grim Fantasy
  • Die tweede formule is 'n rang D formule.
    • 2 Rampant Fantasy + 2 Noble Fantasy
  • Die derde formule is 'n rang C formule.
    • 1 Charming Fantasy + 4 Wondrous Fantasy
  • Die vierde formule is 'n rang B formule.
    • 1 Malleable Fantasy + 6 Wondrous Fantasy


Kommentaar en verwysings[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Ingestelheid: MB=Mixed Bag, PK=Pretty Kitty, C=Catnipper, S=Sweetheart

Eksterne skakels[]