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User Pain88 (Sandra Ws) Porträt


Kingdom Hearts Union χ
The number above this winged wonder gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it’ll unleash a powerful attack.

[The Challenge of Poison]
Be prepared to face oodles of foes that can poison you!

This winged wonder has an attack that can poison you!

This winged wonder poisons you and unleashes a powerful counterattack when its attack counter hits 0!
Kingdom Hearts III
Your best bet against these feather-flinging dive-bombers is a blast of magic to keep them still just long enough to lay down some hits.

If they drop to the floor, get ready for a nasty spinning charge attack. Jump over it and watch them go sailing past.

Keep an eye on the sky when you're out and about; they like to perch on tree branches and other high spots to get the drop on prey.

Location HP Strength Defense EXP
Kingdom of Corona 49 29 14 25
Kingdom of Corona
(4 worlds cleared)
57 33 16 37
Kingdom of Corona
(6 worlds cleared)
72 40 20 71
Kingdom of Corona
(The Final World cleared)
87 48 24 118
Monstropolis 68 38 19 62
(6 worlds cleared)
76 42 21 82
(The Final World cleared)
91 50 25 131
Arendelle 72 40 20 71
(6 worlds cleared)
80 44 22 93
(The Final World cleared)
95 52 26 146
Keyblade Graveyard 34 55 28 35
Keyblade Graveyard
(Battlegate 0)
118 63 32 247
The Final World 102 55 28 177
Physical Fire Blizzard Thunder Water
×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.5 ×1.0 ×1.0
Aero Dark Neutral Rapid-fire
×1.0 ×0.7 ×1.0 ×1.0
Freeze Electrify Stun Hunny
0 ×1.1

MP prize (3) ×3, Focus prize (5) ×1[1]
Writhing Shard (8%), Writhing Stone (4%), Writhing Gem (4%)
Kingdom of Corona, Monstropolis, Arendelle, Keyblade Graveyard, The Final World

Die Fluttering is 'n Pureblood hartelose wat in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-, Kingdom Hearts Union χ[2][3], Kingdom Hearts III en Kingdom Hearts Dark Road voorkom.


'N Fluttering is 'n soort prehistoriese pterosaurus vanweë sy skedel, wat andersins geïnspireer word deur die ontwerp van 'n vlermuis. Hy het 'n donker rooi tot donker pers vel en geel oë. In plaas van arms het dit twee membraanvlerke wat sy liggaam van agter omring en 'n soort valskerm vorm. Dit kan vlieg deur sy vlerke op en af ​​te klap. Daar is 'n ring spikes om sy nek. In die Kingdom Hearts Union χ en die Kingdom Hearts III-weergawe het dit nog twee dun bene, terwyl daar in al drie weergawes 'n stert is. Flutterings is is geneig om onderstebo te hang in plaas van om soos ander Heartless te materialiseer.


Kingdom Hearts: 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-[]

Hy kan projektiele afvuur en op die grond draai om sy vyande aan te val.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[]

Flutterings kan verskillende aanvalspatrone hê, afhangende van die Quests waarna hulle verskyn, maar oor die algemeen kan hulle óf teenaanval hê nadat die speler 'n sekere aantal medaljes gebruik het, haar teiken vergiftig of albei.

Kingdom Hearts III[]

Dit is kwesbaar vir alle magiese en melee skade. Wanneer dit genoeg benadeel word, begin Flutterings soos 'n karrousel te draai. Om hulle te terug te veg, is onmoontlik, tensy Guard gebruik word.


Kommentaar en verwysings[]

  1. Flutterings laat Munny (5) × 3 val toe hy in 'n Battlegate verslaan word.
  2. Tydens Quest 680: Fluttering Away, verskyn hy as 'n teenstander in die Korridor van die Duisternis.
  3. Hy verskyn ook as 'n teenstander tydens Coliseum Quests/Februarie 2018, Colosseum Quests/Maart 2018, Coliseum Quests/April 2018 en Coliseum Quests/Mei 2018.

Eksterne skakels[]