Kingdom Hearts wiki

DreamEater Nightmare and Spirit Combination KH3D
Katakana エレキユニコーン
Romaji Ereki Yunikōn
Japanese Elec-Unicorn
Tipe Spirit Dream Eater
Nightmare Dream Eater
Tuis Wêreld Symphony of Sorcery
The World That Never Was
Spel Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Reports entry
Do electric unicorns dream of androids? More importantly, can you stop this thunderslinger before it's done gathering juice?

Recipe entry
Do electric unicorns dream of androids? If this thunderslinger finishes gathering juice before someone gets the drop on it, its enemies will be in for a shock.



EXP Mod Dream Piece
1.18 Fleeting Fantasy
HP Strength Magic Defense
46.8 10.2 10.3 7.2
Fire Blizzard Thunder Water Dark Light
x1.10 x1.60 x0.55 x1.10 x1.10 x1.10
Attribute Style Link Attack
Thunder Thunder Equestrian Raid
Shock Therapist Uses Thunder only as it adapts to the situation
To Capacitor: Rub its head
To Tempest: Poke its hind legs
To Lightning Bolt: Rub its tail
Capacitor Charges up Thunder, then takes action
To Shock Therapist: Poke its front legs
To Tempest: Poke its head
To Lightning Bolt: Rub its head
Tempest Mostly magic attacks
To Shock Therapist: Poke its head
To Capacitor: Rub its head
To Lightning Bolt: Rub its legs
Lightning Bolt Attacks quickly; doesn't bother charging up Thunder
To Shock Therapist: Poke its hind legs
To Capacitor: Rub its hind legs
To Tempest: Poke its head

Location Level HP EXP Strength Magic Defense
Traverse Town (Portals) 20 168 108 34 34 16
22 180 120 36 36 17
24 191 132 39 39 18
26 202 144 41 41 19
Symphony of Sorcery 34 247 192 50 50 23
36 258 204 52 52 24
36 258 204 52 52 24
38 269 216 55 55 25
The World That Never Was 38 269 216 55 55 25
40 281 228 57 57 26
Resistances Fire Blizzard Thunder Water Dark Light
x1.10 x1.60 x0.55 x1.10 x1.10 x1.10
Status Effects Stun Mini Sleep Blind Stop Freeze
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x0 x1.0
Confuse Poison Magnet Slow Ignite Bind
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x0
Zero Gravity Time Bomb Zantetsuken
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
HP Orb x3 (30%), Big Munny x1 (40%), Droplet x3 (30%)
Shield Cookie 3 (3%), Hi-Potion (2%)
Fleeting Fancy (12%), Fleeting Figment (6%)
Symphony of Sorcery, The World That Never Was
Traverse Town (Portal)

'N Electricorn is 'n droom eter wat verskyn in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Sy Gees-weergawe word verkry via sintese, terwyl sy Nagmerrie-weergawe gevind kan word in Symphony of Sorcery, The World That Never Was, en in Traverse Town in 'n portaal.

Wanneer die gees weergawe verslaan word, verlaat sy agter die droomfragment Fleeting Fantasy. Sy skakel aanval is Equestrian Raid.


Die Electricorn is gebaseer op 'n eenhoorn, 'n legendariese gehore perd.

Albei van die Electricorn se name is 'n woord kombinasie van 'elektriese', wat die bliksemboute op die Droom Eater se liggaam en 'n eenhoorn ', 'n legendariese gehore perd wat die Droom Eater fisies lyk, verwys.

Die joernaalinskrywing vir die Electricorn verwys na die roman Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? deur Philip K. Dick.



Electricorn se Prys lys
Icon Reprisal KHBBS
Rapid Descent
Icon Attack KHBBS
Spark Raid
Icon Magic KHBBS
Triple Plasma
Icon Magic KHBBS
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Thunder Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Cure Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Attack Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Defense Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Confusion Block
Support Ability Icon KH3D
Leaf Bracer
Spirits Ability Icon KH3D
Support Boost


Naam Element Vlak Ingesteldheid
ST[1] C[1] T[1] L[1]
Lightning Charge Thunder 1
Horn Rush Thunder 1
Ikazuchi Prime 1
Thunder Thunder 1
Thundara 10
Thundaga 20
Esuna 8
Faith Light 37
Regen 12
Auto-Life 32

Naam Element Vlak Ingesteldheid
ST[1] C[1] T[1] L[1]
Lightning Charge Thunder 1 35% 45% 25% 20%
Horn Rush Thunder 1 20% 20% 30% 30%
Ikazuchi Prime Thunder 1 25% 25% 15% 35%
Thunder Thunder 1 20% 10% 30% 15%
Thundara 10
Thundaga 20
Thundaga Thunder 1 Gevorderde opdrag

Formules vir die sintese[]

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance[]

Sora kan die Electricorn formule van 'n skatkis in die veld kry. Die Electricorn kan geskep word deur vier verskillende formules.

  • Die eerste formule is 'n rang D formule.
    • 2 Fleeting Fantasy + 4 Lofty Fancy
  • Die tweede formule is 'n rang C formule.
    • 3 Fleeting Fantasy + 2 Lofty Fantasy
  • Die derde formule is 'n rang C formule wat 'n 30% kans op transformasie vanaf Cera Terror het.
    • 2 Intrepid Fantasy + 5 Grim Fantasy
  • Die vierde formule is 'n rang B formule wat 'n 60% kans op sukses het.
    • 12 Lofty Fancy + 4 Fleeting Fancy

Kommentaar en verwysings[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Ingestelheid: ST=Shock Therapist, C=Capacitor, T=Tempest, L=Lightning Bolt

Eksterne skakels[]