Kingdom Hearts wiki

Ducky Goose
DreamEater Nightmare and Spirit Combination KH3D
Katakana ハラグチアヒル
Romaji Haraguchi Ahiru
Japanese Haraguchi Ahiru
Tipe Spirit Dream Eater
Nightmare Dream Eater
Tuis Wêreld Country of the Musketeers
Spel Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Drak Quack

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

After a few rounds of Duck Duck Goose with this cracker-packing loon, just about anyone would want to shove him into his own jack-in-the-box.



EXP Mod Dream Piece
0.92 Dulcet Fantasy
HP Strength Magic Defense
34.9 7.9 9.8 6.6
Fire Blizzard Thunder Water Dark Light
x1.45 x0.45 x0.95 x0.85 x0.95 x0.95
Attribute Style Link Attack
Blizzard Physical/Light Tail Groove
Hard Worker Basic attacks
To Wild Card: Rub its belly and wings or back
To Wingman: Poke its head
To Gift-Giver: Rub its head
Wild Card Uses items in a different pattern
To Hard Worker: Poke its head and back
To Wingman: Poke its belly and wings
To Gift-Giver: Rub its belly and wings
Wingman Supports with magic
To Hard Worker: Poke its head or belly and wings
To Wild Card: Rub its head or belly and wings
To Gift-Giver: Rub its bacl
Gift-Giver Actively uses items
To Hard Worker: Poke its belly and wings
To Wild Card: Rub its belly and wings
To Wingman: Poke its head or back

Location Level HP EXP Strength Magic Defense
Traverse Town (Portal) 20 84 72 26 33 14
22 89 80 28 35 15
24 95 88 30 37 16
26 100 96 32 39 17
Country of the Musketeers 26 100 96 32 39 17
28 106 104 33 41 18
30 112 112 35 44 19
32 117 120 37 46 20
Symphony of Sorcery (Portal) 34 123 128 39 48 21
36 128 136 40 50 22
36 128 136 40 50 22
38 134 144 42 52 23
Resistances Fire Blizzard Thunder Water Dark Light
x1.45 x0.45 x0.95 x0.85 x0.95 x0.95
Status Effects Stun Mini Sleep Blind Stop Freeze
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x0
Confuse Poison Magnet Slow Ignite Bind
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Zero Gravity Time Bomb Zantetsuken
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
HP Orb x2 (30%), Munny x2 (40%), Droplet x2 (30%)
Ice Dream Cone 2 (3%), Treasure Goggles (1%)
Dulcet Fancy (12%), Wondrous Fancy (6%)
Country of the Musketeers
Traverse Town (Portal), Symphony of Sorcery (Portal)

Location Level HP EXP Strength Magic Defense
Country of the Musketeers (Portal) 26 151 192 57 71 26
28 159 208 60 74 27
30 168 224 64 78 29
32 176 240 67 82 30
Resistances Fire Blizzard Thunder Water Dark Light
x1.45 x0.45 x0.95 x0.85 x0.95 x0.95
Status Effects Stun Mini Sleep Blind Stop Freeze
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x0
Confuse Poison Magnet Slow Ignite Bind
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
Zero Gravity Time Bomb Zantetsuken
x1.0 x1.0 x1.0
HP Orb x2 (30%), Munny x2 (40%), Droplet x2 (30%)
Ice Dream Cone 2 (3%), Treasure Goggles (1%)
Dulcet Fancy (12%), Dulcet Fantasy (8%)
Country of the Musketeers (Special Portal)

'N Ducky Goose is 'n droom eter wat verskyn in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Sy Gees-weergawe word verkry via sintese, terwyl sy Nagmerrie-weergawe gevind kan word in Country of the Musketeers, en in Traverse Town en Symphony of Sorcery in 'n portaal. Sy skaars weergawe kan gevind word in Country of the Musketeers in 'n spesiale portaal.

Wanneer die gees weergawe verslaan word, verlaat sy agter die droomfragment Dulcet Fantasy. Sy skakel aanval is Tail Groove.



Die Ducky Goose lyk baie soos die Drak Quack. Sy lyf kan halfpad oopmaak om met 'n groot pienk tong aan te val. Sy pienk bene eindig met drie klein geel kloue. Sy vlerke is pienk, pers en geel en daar is drie klein turkooisirkels. Op sy kop is twee blomme. Sy lang bek is geel met lyk tande. Sy oë is spiraalvormig. Sy bors is pers en groen getinte en daar is ook die embleem van die Dream Eater.


Hierdie afdeling van die artikel is 'n Saadjie. Jy kan help deur dit uit te brei..Blue Rhapsody KHCOM



Ducky Goose se Prys lys
Icon Item KHBBS
Icon Item KHBBS
Icon Item KHBBS
Icon Item KHBBS
Dream Candy
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
HP Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Item Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Item Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Item Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Haste
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Magic Boost
Stats Ability Icon KH3D
Blizzard Screen
Support Ability Icon KH3D
Damage Syphon
Support Ability Icon KH3D
Treasure Magnet
Spirits Ability Icon KH3D
Support Boost


Naam Element Vlak Ingesteldheid
HW[1] WC[1] W[1] G[1]
Slobber Water 1
Chomp Physical 1
Cracker Physical 1
Streamer Strike Physical 1
Box o'Shox Fire 1
Megaphone Diss Physical 1
Balloon Neutral 1
Balloonra 12
Balloonga 24
Confuse Neutral 15
Sleep Neutral 1
Sleepra 13
Sleepga 25
Haste 26
Regen 18
Spirit Roar 13

Naam Element Vlak Ingesteldheid
HW[1] WC[1] W[1] G[1]
Slobber Water 1 30% 15% 40% 25%
Chomp Physical 1 10% 35% 15% 20%
Item Toss Physical 1 35% 40% 15% 40%
Balloon Neutral 1 15% 10% 20% 10%
Balloonra 12
Balloonga 24
Sleep Neutral 1 10% 10% 5%
Sleepra 13
Sleepga 25
Elixir 1 Gevorderde opdrag

Formules vir die sintese[]

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance[]

Riku kan die Ducky Goose formule van 'n skatkis in die Land van die Musketiers kry. Die Ducky Goose kan geskep word deur drie verskillende formules.

  • Die eerste formule is 'n rang E formule.
    • 3 Dulcet Fancy + 3 Vibrant Fancy
  • Die tweede formule is 'n rang B formule.
    • 2 Dulcet Fantasy + 5 Vibrant Fancy
  • Die derde formule is 'n rang A formule.
    • 2 Dulcet Fantasy + 1 Prickly Fantasy

Kommentaar en verwysings[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Ingestelheid: HW=Hard Worker, WC=Wild Card, W=Wingman, G=Gift-Giver

Eksterne skakels[]