Hierdie artikel handel oor Chip van Disney Castle. Jy kan kyk Chip van Beast's Castle. |
Chip en Dale
Kingdom Hearts |
Chip One of the kingdom's specialists. Helps maintain the gummi ship, which can travel to any destination. Chip is more serious and diligent than his easygoing, playful partner, Dale. Chip 'n' Dale's first appearance was in "Private Pluto" (1943). Dale One of the kingdom's specialists. Helps maintain the gummi ship, which can travel to any destination. Compared to the more serious Chip, he takes a happy-go-lucky approach to life. Chip 'n' Dale's first appearance was in "Private Pluto" (1943). |
Kingdom Hearts II |
Chip Private Pluto (1943) One of the kingdom's mechanical specialists. He helps maintain the Gummi Ship, which can travel to any destination. Chip is diligent and follows through on his plans. Chip looks almost exactly like his pal Dale, but you can tell them apart by the color of their noses and the shape of their front teeth. Dale Private Pluto (1943) One of the kingdom's mechanical specialists. He helps maintain the Gummi Ship, which can travel to any destination. Dale's pretty impulsive, but he works slow and steady to finish a job when it's important. Dale looks almost exactly like his pal Chip, but you can tell them apart by the color of their noses and the shape of their front teeth. |
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep |
Chip Private Pluto (1943) One of Disney Castle's engineers. He and his younger brother Dale put a lot of work into building a racetrack for the whole town to enjoy, and now the Unversed and Pete's antics are ruining all the fun. Chip is none too pleased. Dale Private Pluto (1943) One of Disney Castle's engineers. He and his older brother Chip just got through building a racetrack for everyone to enjoy. But now, the Unversed and Pete are messing everything up, and it's really rattling Dale's cage. |
Kingdom Hearts coded |
Chip One of the engineers working at Disney Castle. Dale is his little brother. On Sora's previous journeys, they were in charge of the Gummi Ship, a flying machine which allowed Sora and friends to freely travel between worlds. He and Dale look a lot alike, but you can tell the pair apart by their nose colors and the shape of their front teeth. Dale One of the engineers working at Disney castle. Chip is his older brother. They are superb technicians, and now they have put on their system admin hats to digitize the journal and find out what's happening inside. He and Chip are sometimes hard to tell apart, but their nose colors and the shape of their front teeth are a dead giveaway. |
Kingdom Hearts Union χ |
Chip Private Pluto (1943) One of Disney Castle's engineers. Dale's older brother. Dale Private Pluto (1943) One of Disney Castle's engineers. Chip's younger brother. |
Kingdom Hearts III |
Chip Private Pluto (1943) One of Disney Castle's engineers. Serious and professional, his skills with machinery are top class. He invented the gummi ship and Gummiphone together with his younger brother Dale. Dale Private Pluto (1943) One of Disney Castle's engineers. Despite his laid-back personality, his skills with machinery are top class. He invented the gummi ship and Gummiphone together with his older brother Chip. |
Chip en Dale is twee karakters wat in Kingdom Hearts , Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts coded, Kingdom Hearts χ en Kingdom Hearts III verskyn. Chip en Dale is 'n paar chipmunks. Hulle woon in Disney Castle as operateurs van die Gummi Ship. Hulle is amper identies, maar kan maklik geïdentifiseer word. Chip het 'n swart neus en een gebukte tand, terwyl Dale 'n rooi neus het, twee gebukte tande en skraal hare bo-op sy kop.
Chip en Dale is klein anthropomorphized chipmunks. In Kingdom Hearts II is hulle klein genoeg om deur die "Talk" reaksie opdragprompt gedek te word. duo is soortgelyk in voorkoms, maar met verskeie klein verskille.
Chip het 'n bruin rok oor die meeste van sy lyf, behalwe die bont op sy gesig, nek, voorkant van sy maag en om sy oë, wat geelbruin is. Hy het driehoekige ore bo-op sy kop, 'n wit mond en 'n swart neus. Hy dra rooibruin handskoene, elk met 'n goue horisontale lyn aan die einde. Chip dra ook 'n voorskoot van soorte met rooi skouerbande wat aan swart knoppies bevestig word, terwyl die voorskoot self geel is met 'n buitelyn van dieselfde kleur as sy pels. Die geel afdeling sportgroen stiksel wat die rand aansteek, en die ander gedeelte het bruin stiksel. Daar is 'n skuins blou sak op die voorkant van die voorskoot met 'n rooi Mickey-simbool omring deur 'n geel rat. Hy het ook twee tande, saam in die middel van sy boonste kakebeen.
Dale deel die meeste van sy fisiese kenmerke met sy broer, maar hy het twee tande in sy boonste kakebeen, 'n groter rooi neus, 'n helder rok, en in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep dra hy 'n mohawkagtige kruin van pels op die bokant van sy kop. Anders as Chip se ore, wat ruwe vorentoe gerig word, wys Dale se ore in teenoorgestelde rigtings, links en regs. Sy handskoene is ook helder as Chip's, en sy voorskoot het Chip se omgekeerde kleurskema; dit is die geel gedeelte op Dale se voorskoot geelbruin en omgekeerd, dit geld ook vir die twee verskillende gekleurde nate op die voorskoot.
Chip en Chap is twee gelukkige chipmunks met 'n gelukkige natuur. Altyd besig, met nuwe idees vir praktiese grappies. Gedurende die geskiedenis ontdek die twee egter ook hoeveel hulle op hul vriende hang, veral Donald en Goofy en hul geliefde Queen Minnie. Hulle is ook baie tegnies vaardig in die hantering van Gummi-materiale. So help hulle ook Sora om sy Gummi Ship te wysig.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[]
Chip en Dale verskyn in Disney Town en hoor die gesprek tussen Terra en Queen Minnie. Hulle vertel Terra dat Pete onregverdig in die botsing se wedrenne-speletjie speel en hom vra om te help. Nadat Terra gewen en Pete geslaan het, bied hulle albei hul stemme vir Terra aan in die hoop dat hy die Droomfees sal wen.
Kingdom Hearts[]
Chip en Dale verskyn kort aan die begin van die spel om Donald, Goofy en Pluto na Traverse Town te stuur. Die twee help ook om te verduidelik hoe om Gummi Ships te bou en te vlieg. Hulle kondig aan geleenthede soos wanneer 'n nuwe kompetisie by die Olympus Coliseum gehou word.
Kingdom Hearts II[]
Chip and Dale verskyn by Disney Castle waarsku besoekers van die inval van Heartless in die kasteel en hulle is teenwoordig om die redding te sien, nadat Merlin die trio bestaande uit Sora, Donald en Goofy terug na die verlede gestuur het om te verhoed dat die verlede verander. Hulle tree ook in verbinding met die trio wanneer 'n vreemde universele aanduider op hul radar verskyn. Die vertoning op die radar blyk uiteindelik die wêreld wat nooit was nie. Hulle is ook teenwoordig wanneer Mickey Mouse, Donald, Goofy, Scrooge McDuck, Pluto, Jiminy Cricket en Donald se neefs saam na die kasteel terugkeer.
Kingdom Hearts coded[]
Beide Chip and Dale verskyn as die ingenieurs van die rekenaar wanneer Mickey, Donald, Goofy en Jiminy dit gebruik om die inhoud van Jiminy se joernaal te ondersoek. Toe Donald, Mickey, Goofy en Pete in die Data wêreld gesuig word, bly Chip and Dale agter en probeer om hulle te kontak, maar word deur die seine geblokkeer.
Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-[]
Volgens Yen Sid het Chip en Dale die data wat van Ansem the Wise ontvang is, ontleed in leidrade om 'n idee te kry wat kan help met die herwinning Terra's, Aqua's, en Ventus se verlore harte.
Kingdom Hearts III[]
Chip and Dale bedink die Gummiphone met behulp van Gummi Blocks, en gee een vir Sora en Ienzo.
Chip en Dale verskyn eers in 'n geanimeerde spotprent genaamd Private Pluto. Pluto word deur sy opperbevel bestel om 'n bunker te beskerm aangesien daar saboteurs in die omgewing is. Hierdie bunker word deur Chip and Dale gebruik as stoorplek vir hul neute, hulle gebruik die geweervat as 'n neutkraker. Aanvanklik probeer Pluto tevergeefs om die twee chipmunks weg te ry. Wanneer Pluto hul neute steel, skiet hulle hom in die lug en gebruik sy impak om die neute te kraak. Chip en Dale sluit die bunker en laat Pluto kwaad wees. Die twee chipmunks het ook bekend geword vir antagonizing van Donald Duck in ander spotprente vanaf die laat 40's tot die middel van die jare 50. In 1989 het hulle sterre geword in hul eie Spin-Off TV-reeks genaamd Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers, waar hulle 'n speurderspan geword het met nuutgeskepte karakters wat bestaan uit Gadget Hackwrench, Monterey Jack en Rits vergesel.
Eksterne skakels[]
Characters |
Party Members |
Terra - Ventus - Aqua - Lingering Will Prince Phillip - Mickey Mouse - Hercules - Zack - Experiment 626 |
D-Links |
Terra - Ventus - Aqua - Vanitas - Maleficent - Cinderella - Snow White - Experiment 626 - Mickey Mouse - Donald Duck - Goofy - Zack - Peter Pan - Pete |
Main Villains |
Xehanort - Vanitas - Braig - Terra-Xehanort Maleficent - Lady Tremaine - Anastasia - Drizella - Lucifer - The Queen - Magic Mirror - Gantu - Experiment 221 - Hades - Ice Colossus - Captain Hook - Captain Dark |
Non-playable characters |
Aeleus - Ansem the Wise - Aurora - Captain Justice - Chip en Dale - Cinderella - Cinderella se perde - Crocodile - Daisy Duck - Dilan - Donald Duck - Dr. Jumba - Enchanted Brooms - Eraqus - Even - Fairy Godmother - Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather - Goofy - Grand Councilwoman - Grand Duke - Horace Horsecollar - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - Ienzo - Isa - Jaq - Kairi - Kairi's Grandma - Lea - Lost Boys - Maleficent's goons - Maleficent's Raven - Merlin - Minnie Mouse - Moogle - Peter Pan - Philoctetes - Pluto - The Prince - Prince Charming - Rabbit - Riku - Scrooge McDuck - Seven Dwarfs - Mr. Smee - Snow White - Sora - Tigger - Tinker Bell - Vanitas Remnant - Winnie the Pooh - Yen Sid |
Locations |
Worlds |
Land of Departure - Enchanted Dominion - Castle of Dreams - Dwarf Woodlands - Destiny Islands - Radiant Garden - Olympus Coliseum - Disney Town - Deep Space - Mirage Arena - Neverland - Mysterious Tower - Keyblade Graveyard - Castle Oblivion - Realm of Darkness |
Places |
Dive to the Heart - 100 Acre Wood - Chamber of Waking |
Terms |
Keyblade - Bequeathing - Keyblade Armor - Keyblade Glider - Keyblade Master - Keyblade War - Kingdom Hearts - Mark of Mastery exam - Million Dreams Award - Princesses of Heart - Blank Points - Unversed - The End |
Gameplay Terms |
Deck Commands - D-Link - Command Style - Shotlock - Arena Mode - Command Board |
Music |
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack - Simple and Clean |
Archives |
Artwork - Bosses - Enemies - Keyblades |
Characters |
Party Members |
Sora - Donald Duck - Goofy Tarzan - Aladdin - Ariel - Jack Skellington - Peter Pan - Beast |
Summons |
Simba - Genie - Dumbo - Bambi - Tinker Bell - Mushu |
Main Villains |
Ansem - Maleficent - Riku - Hades - Jafar - Captain Hook - Oogie Boogie - Ursula - Clayton |
Non-playable characters |
99 Puppies - Abu - Aerith - Alice - Aurora - Bathtub - Belle - Card Soldiers - Carpet - Cave of Wonders Guardian - Cerberus - Chernabog - Cheshire Cat - Chip en Dale - Cid - Cinderella - Cleo - Cloud - Crocodile - Daisy Duck - Doorknob - Dr. Finkelstein - Eeyore - Enchanted Brooms - Fairy Godmother - Flotsam and Jetsam - Flounder - Flower - Geppetto - Gorilla - Hercules - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - Iago - Ice Titan - Jane Porter - Jasmine - Jiminy Cricket - Kairi - Kairi's Grandma - Kala - Kerchak - King Triton - Leon - Lock, Shock, and Barrel - Merlin - Mickey Mouse - Minnie Mouse - Moogles - Mr. Smee - Owl - Perdita - Philoctetes - Piglet - Pinocchio - Pluto - Pongo - Queen of Hearts - Rabbit - Rock Titan - Roo - Roxas - Sabor - Sally - Sebastian - Selphie - Sephiroth - Snow White Sora's mother - Terk - The Mayor - The Peddler - The Shark - Tidus - Tigger - Wakka - Wendy - White Rabbit - Winnie the Pooh - Yuffie - Xemnas - Zero |
Locations |
Worlds |
Destiny Islands - Disney Castle - Traverse Town - Wonderland - Olympus Coliseum - Deep Jungle - 100 Acre Wood - Agrabah - Monstro - Atlantica - Halloween Town - Neverland - Hollow Bastion - End of the World |
Places |
Dive to the Heart - World Terminus |
Terms |
Ansem's Reports - Final Keyhole - Keyblade - Keyhole - Kingdom Hearts - Mickey's Letter - Postcard - Princesses of Heart - Trinity Mark - Door to Darkness - The End |
Music |
Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack - Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete - Simple and Clean |
Archives |
Accessories - Artwork - Bosses - Enemies - Items - Keyblades - Other Weapons |
Characters |
Party Members |
Roxas - Sora - Donald Duck - Goofy Fa Mulan - Beast - Auron - Jack Sparrow - Aladdin - Jack Skellington - Simba - Tron - Riku |
Summons |
Chicken Little - Genie - Stitch - Peter Pan |
Villains |
Xemnas - Xigbar - Xaldin - Saïx - Axel - Demyx - Luxord - Maleficent - Pete Shan-Yu - Hades - Ursula - Captain Barbossa - Jafar - Oogie Boogie - Scar - MCP - Sark |
Non-playable characters |
Abu - Aerith - Ansem the Wise - Ariel - Ariel's Sisters - Auron - Bathtub - Belle - Biggs - Captain Pete - Carpet - Cave of Wonders Guardian - Cerberus - Chien Po, Ling, and Yao - Chip - Chip en Dale - Cid - Chiro - Clara Cluck - Clarabelle Cow - Cloud - Cogsworth - Daisy Duck - Die ou vrou - Dr. Finkelstein - Eeyore - Elves - Elizabeth Swann - Enchanted Brooms - Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather - Flotsam and Jetsam - Flounder - Fuu - Gopher - Gullwings - Hayabusa - Hayner - Hercules - Horace Horsecollar - Hostile Program - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - Hydra - Iago - Jasmine - Jessie - Jiminy Cricket - Kairi - Kanga - Kiara - King Triton - Leon - Li Shang - Lock, Shock, and Barrel - Lumière - Maleficent's Raven - Megara - Merlin - Mickey Mouse - Minnie Mouse - Moogles - Mrs. Potts - Mufasa - Mushu - Nala - Naminé - Olette - Owl - Pain and Panic - Pegasus - Pence - Philoctetes - Piglet - Pluto - Prince Eric - Pumbaa - Rabbit - Rafiki - Rai - Reindeer - Rock Titan - Roo - Sally - Santa Claus - Scrooge McDuck - Sebastian - Seifer - Selphie - Sephiroth - Setzer - Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed - Terra-Xehanort - The Emperor - The Experiment - The Ghost of Scar - The Mayor - The Peddler - Tifa - Tigger - Timon - Tinker Bell - Undead Pirates - Vivi - Wallace - Wantz - Wardrobe - William Turner - Winnie the Pooh - Wedge - Yen Sid - Yuffie - Zero |
Locations |
Worlds |
Twilight Town - Destiny Islands - Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden - The Land of Dragons - Beast's Castle - 100 Acre Wood - Olympus Coliseum - Disney Castle - Timeless River - Atlantica - Port Royal - Agrabah - Halloween Town - Pride Lands - Space Paranoids - The World That Never Was - End of Sea |
Places |
Simulated Twilight Town - Dive to the Heart - Old Mansion - Mysterious Tower - Underworld - Christmas Town - Castle That Never Was - Kingdom Hearts |
Terms |
Cornerstone of Light - Drive Form - Gate - Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee - Kairi's Letter - Keyblade - Kingdom Hearts Encoder - Organization XIII - Princesses of Heart - Reaction Command - Secret Ansem Report - Sidecar Glider - Skateboard - The End |
Music |
Kingdom Hearts II Original Soundtrack - Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete - Sanctuary |
Archives |
Accessories - Artwork - Bosses - Enemies - Items - Keyblades - Other Weapons - Songs |
Characters |
Party Members |
Data-Sora Cloud - Hercules - Donald Duck - Goofy |
Main Villains |
Maleficent - Pete - Sora's Heartless |
Non-playable characters |
Aladdin - Alice - Card Soldier - Cave of Wonders Guardian - Cerberus - Cheshire Cat - Chip en Dale - Cid - Data-Naminé - Data-Riku - Data-Roxas - Hades - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - Iago - Jafar - Jasmine - Jiminy Cricket - Leon - Mickey Mouse - Moogle - Philoctetes - Pluto - Queen of Hearts - Rock Titan - Selphie - The Peddler - Tidus - Wakka - White Rabbit - Yuffie |
Locations |
Worlds |
Disney Castle - Datascape - Dive to the Heart - Destiny Islands - Traverse Town - Wonderland - Olympus Coliseum - Agrabah - Hollow Bastion - Castle Oblivion |
Terms |
Keyblade - Keyhole - Bug Blox - Debug Ability - Hero's License - Mickey's Letters - The End |
Music |
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep & 358/2 Days Original Soundtrack - Simple and Clean |
Archives |
Artwork - Bosses - Items |
Characters |
Party Members |
Speler - Hercules - Skuld - Aladdin |
Non-playable characters |
Aced - Alice - Ava - Beast - Belle - Card Soldier - Cerberus - Cheshire Cat - Chip - Chip en Dale - Chirithy - Cloud - Cogsworth - Donald Duck - Doorknob - Ephemer - Gaston - Goofy - Guards - Gula - Hades - Invi - Ira - Lumiere - Luxu - Mad Hatter en March Hare - Magic Mirror - Maleficent - Maleficent's Raven - Maurice - Mickey Mouse - Mrs. Potts - Moana - Moogle - Philoctetes - Queen of Hearts - The Master of Masters - The Prince - The Queen - Seven Dwarfs - Snow White - Wardrobe - White Rabbit |
Locations |
Worlds |
Agrabah - Badlands - Beast's Castle - Daybreak Town - Dwarf Woodlands - Enchanted Dominion - Olympus Coliseum - Wonderland |
Places |
Dive to the Heart - Underworld |
Terms |
Book of Prophecies - Kaarte - Dark Corridor Trials - Dark Footsteps - Heartless - Keyblade War - Keyblade - Lux - Raid Boss - Union |
Archives |
Keyblades |
Characters |
Party Members |
Sora - Donald Duck - Goofy - Riku - Aqua Hercules - Woody - Buzz Lightyear - Rapunzel - Eugene Fitzherbert - Sulley - Mike Wazowski - Marshmallow - Jack Sparrow - Baymax Mickey Mouse - Kairi - Ventus - Lea - Roxas - Xion |
Link system |
Meow Wow - Wreck-It Ralph - Simba - Ariel - Stitch |
Antagonists |
Mother Gothel - Randall - Hans - Davy Jones - Kraken - Cutler Beckett Real Organization XIII (Seekers of Darkness) Master Xehanort - Young Xehanort - Terra-Xehanort - Ansem - Xemnas - Vanitas - Xigbar - Saïx - Luxord - Marluxia - Larxene - Dark Riku - Xion Vexen - Demyx - Replica Xehanort - Dark Baymax - Anti-Aqua Villains Maleficent - Pete - Hades - Rock Titan - Ice Titan - Lava Titan - Tornado Titan |
Non-Playable characters |
Guardians of Light - New Seven Hearts Aced - Aeleus - Air Droids - Angelic Amber - Anna - Ansem the Wise - Apollo - Athena - Beasts & Bugs - Boo - Bouncy Pets - CDA Agent - Chip and Dale - Chirithy - Daisy Duck - Dilan - Elizabeth Swann - Elsa - Ephemer - Eraqus - Fred - Gigas: Gunner Class - Gigas: Power Class - Gigas: Speed Class - Go Go Tomago - Gopher - Green Army Men - Gula - Hector Barbossa - Hermes - Hamm - Hayner - Hiro Hamada - Honey Lemon - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - Ienzo - Invi - Ira - Jiminy Cricket - Kristoff - Lingering Will - Little Chef - Little Green Men - Lumpy - Luxu - Maximus - Megara - Merlin - Minnie Mouse - Moogle - Nameless Star - Naminé - Olaf - Olette - Pascal - Patchwork Animals - Pegasus - Pence - Piglet - Philoctetes - Pluto - Rabbit - Rex - Riku Replica - Roo - Sarge - Scrooge McDuck - Supreme Smasher - Sven - Terra - Tigger - Wasabi - William Turner - Winnie the Pooh - Xehanort's guardian - Yen Sid - Yozora - Zeus |
Locations |
Worlds |
Olympus - Dark World - Mysterious Tower - Disney Castle - Radiant Garden - Twilight Town - Toy Box - Monstropolis - Kingdom of Corona - Arendelle - The Caribbean - San Fransokyo - 100 Acre Wood - Destiny Islands - Castle Oblivion / Land of Departure - Keyblade Graveyard - The Final World - Scala ad Caelum | Shibuya |
Terms |
Ansem's Code - Black Box - Dream Eater - Heartless - Keyblade - Keyblade Master - Keyblade War - Kingdom Hearts - New Seven Hearts - Nobody - Port Royal - Remaking the World - Secret Reports - Subject X - Unversed |
Gameplay Terms |
Attractions - Battlegate - Black Pearl - Classic Kingdom - Flowmotion - Formchange - Gigas - Gummiphone - Gummi Ship - Leviathan - Lucky Emblems - Moogle Shop - Link - Shotlock - Situation Command - Verum Rex - Project Xtrace |
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